Issue 3 Term IV, 2010

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Headmaster’s Message Wellbeing Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Issue 3 Term IV, 2010

Academic • Christian • Caring


Wellbeing People often use sayings to describe an approach to life worthy of their aspiration. “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” and the Three Wise Monkeys that illustrate this worthy advice provides an easy way to remember that it is best not to engage in gossip. “A stitch in time saves nine” warns us of the consequence of procrastination. Describing a glass as “half full or half empty” succinctly describes the difference in mindset that people can have when viewing the same situation. The response of the observer can range from gloom to glee depending on their mental predisposition and the link to personal wellbeing is not hard to make. Seligman et al (2005) have written extensively on how minds can be trained to be ‘glass half full’ in disposition and the impact a positive mindset can have on mental health and wellbeing. In research published in 2005 they describe two exercises that led to a measurable improvement in happiness and a decline in depression. These two exercises were: • ‘Three good things in life’. Participants were asked to write down three things that went well each day and their causes every night for a week. In addition, they were asked to explain the causes of each good thing. • ‘Using signature strengths in a new way’. Participants were asked to identify their top five character strengths. They were then asked to use one of these ‘signature’ strengths in a new and different way every day for a week.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

The study tested a number of strategies that demonstrated varying degrees of success in increasing wellbeing and reducing depression. These two simple exercises resulted in a clear improvement in measured happiness and a decline in measured feelings of depression in the participants. These benefits were maintained over the 6 month period of the study. Depression is a serious problem in our society and the debilitating effects of depression on individuals and families often go unrecognised or treated. Beyond Blue, an organisation that creates awareness about depression and is the promoter of the current Movember campaign, reports that 1 in 5 people experience depression at some point in their life. In any month in Australia, half a million working days are lost due to depression. The implications of the research by Seligman is significant for schools and parents managing children, particularly through the teenage years. Researchers are now indentifying strategies that can train the minds of our children to have a ‘half full’ disposition and therefore be more resilient to depression. Their research also identifies 6 virtues and 24 character strengths that contribute to the development of wellbeing. These are universal to “almost every culture in the world” and provide interesting reading: Virtue Underlying Character Strength 1. Wisdom Creativity, Curiosity, Open-mindedness, Love of Learning, Perspective 2. Courage Authenticity, Bravery, Persistence, Zest 3. Humanity Kindness, Love, Social Intelligence 4. Justice Fairness, Leadership, Teamwork 5. Temperance Forgiveness, Modesty, Prudence, Self-regulation 6. Transcendence Appreciation of beauty and excellence, Gratitude, Hope, Humour, Religiousness I am encouraged that these character strengths, to varying degrees, are all found in the programs at TIGS. The research by Seligman is providing a framework for the School to review its programs. We see it as a high priority that we continue to critically evaluate and modify our programs so that the interests of our students and their families are best served. The research paper by Seligman et al can be found at aspx There are times when the lesson of the Three Wise Monkeys should not apply. Identifying and countering the depression epidemic is one of those times. Parents concerned about the wellbeing of their children should not hesitate to contact the School. It is in partnership that we are best able to promote the health and resilience of our students. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Connection I have the utmost admiration for long-distance athletes such as marathon runners and triathletes. Not only do they have to demonstrate great endurance; but they have to do it alone. I grew up in the highlands of Kenya, where a steady stream of the world’s greatest middle-distance runners come from. Names such as Kip Keino and Henry Rono were the heroes of my youth, rather than footballers or cricketers. Running was the sport we were all introduced to and expected to participate in from an early age. And I enjoyed it – to a point. That point being the moment when you are out there pounding down a back road or bush track on your own and the fatigue and the pain begin to take their toll. It’s hard to find the motivation to keep going when you’re alone like that. That’s why I always enjoyed team sports better. It’s easier to find that motivation and extra burst of determination when you have team mates alongside you, encouraging you and expecting you to deliver for them. Additional encouragement and support can also come, of course, from the spectators on the sideline cheering you on. These thoughts come to mind as I read the Bible’s description of the Christian life. It is often described as a race (Acts 20:24; 1 Corinthians 9:24; Galatians 2:2; Galatians 5:7; 2 Timothy 4:7). And it is a race that can and will have its moments where one is feeling tired and unmotivated; when one needs the encouragement of others. That is why the Christian race is not supposed to be a solo event. We run it with others, encouraged on by others. The writer to the Hebrews puts it this way: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25). Our relationship with God might be personal and individual – but we are not alone, we are part of a team, or a family. That’s what church (or chapel) is: it’s like a team meeting for training and encouragement.

John Reed Chaplain

The writer to the Hebrews goes on to list some of the great men and women of faith: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Samuel, David ... the list goes on. And then he writes: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us ...” (Hebrews 12:1). Not only are we part of a team, but we have on the sidelines cheering us on the greats of the game!

The School Blazer

Senior School Senior School Parents, for your information and to enlist your support the following is an important message. In the Summer Terms (Terms 1 and 4) the School blazer is an essential part of the School uniform. All students are required to have a School blazer and it is compulsory to wear the blazer to Assembly, when representing the School and at Formal Events, such as Presentation Day. The IGC hall, where formal events take place, is air-conditioned. If the weather is extremely hot, or the air conditioning system is not working then there will be an announcement made at the event about appropriate dress. When the weather is cool students can wear the School jumper as their outer garment in class and around the School but when travelling to and from school and extra warmth is needed the outer garment must be the blazer, not the jumper. Students are always required to wear their uniforms neatly, correctly and with dignity. They are encouraged to apply for a Personal Presentation Award through their Mentor teacher in acknowledgement of their commitment to being the best that they can be. Personal Presentation Awards are prerequisites to holding leadership positions in the student body and we would encourage each and every student to strive to achieve this award.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Junior School Last week Year 6 tried to poison me! Actually that is not quite fair but what a headline! In fact I was demonstrating being a Risk Taker by judging their science experiments and the children were demonstrating being Principled and Caring by not giving me anything too revolting to taste. I will let you determine by looking at the photo evidence (right hand side) how well they succeeded in doing this! Just to clarify, the aim of the experiment was to make sherbet and I must say that they were certainly big on fizz! Why am I telling you this? Well activities like this highlight our inquiry based approach to learning, our collaborative and creative approach to problem solving and our whole school commitment to demonstrating the Learner Profile in our Junior School community, students, teachers, administrators, parents… everyone. This is important, the engagement and excitement about learning that is displayed each day in the Junior School is a direct result of the PYP framework. This week we will send representative students from Year 5 to participate in the Rise Above fundraising walk. These students have volunteered to participate in this event because they see the importance of action. Again, this is a powerful aspect of our PYP framework, we want to encourage and empower our children to take action that is appropriate to their age and situation in life for the benefit of others. Alongside of this, the rest of our school community sponsored our Year 5 children in their action by donating a gold coin to our “Rise Above” coin line. Thank you very much for supporting the children in this way.

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School The weather is unpredictable at the moment which means lots of layers. This means the lost property box quickly fills up as the layers come off! Can I remind you all to ensure that all articles of clothes are labelled clearly so we can return them to the correct owner. Also as we are a “No Hat No Play” school the children all need to have the correct school hat each day so that they can enjoy their play breaks. Please remind them to bring them to school.

Junior School Speciality Photos

Photographs for the school magazine for students involved in representing TIGS sporting teams (eg NASSA and CIS) also Music Groups and any other representative teams (eg. Chess, TOM) will be taken on Tuesday 9 November. Students are required to wear full summer school uniform including blazers. Emails sent home: Upcoming events: • Speciality photo day for magazine • Sports Presentation Evening – • Whooping Cough alert Wednesday 10 November • Year 5 and Year 6 Progression Dinner • Year 3 Excursion – Bike Education Friday 12 November

Weekly A ward 6M


Merit Certificates Aydin Arapali y-Mastalir Piper Kimberle s Sophia Santo r Joshua Kinnea h Thi Hung Trin her Niamh Cristop to Kai Middle n on Tessa Ferguss ill Simon M d Kristopher Saa Che Stubbs Zane Dema Holly Kiteley

Merit Certificates Sarah Hanlon Zoe Kelman Georgia Webb Jett Norris Racquel Burgess Joshua Jansen Harrison Kiteley Alexis Belsito Lina Lee Victoria Summerill Faith El Homsi Kiarna McIlwraith

Mika Treverrow

5/6W 5S

Tessa Ferguss

Kai Middleto

on, Simon M



Zoe Morrell, Jin Won Kim Rebecca Adams,

Che Stubbs,

Jesse Pupova c Byron Leitch , B en o n Harris, Caitlin Kolosk i 4R Alexis Cecco li 4M Celeste Bonac corso, Darcy Scrine 3Y Annalise Chad Michael Kyria rawy, koudes, Geo rgia Webb 2A Mark McAla ry 2Y Farrah Al-Sal Sophia Santoih, Jett Norris, s, Aanya Rak heja 1W Aria Bacic-Jo hnston 1D Tenaysha Th omasson, Hu Lina Lee go Parrish, 1S Dylan Barnea Alexis Belsito ude, Olivia Barber, Zara Zatman , Harrison Kiteley, KM Emily Choi KH Faith El Hom si, Temira Co wie KP Andrew Brow n 4B

‘Meet the Headmaster’ is on again. New parents to the School, existing parents, prospective parents and all members of the community are welcome to join our special gathering in the Goodhew Research Centre (Library) at 6.00pm Tuesday 16 November 2011. The purpose of this event is to provide you with an opportunity to meet with the Headmaster and members of the TIGS staff informally. The TIGS P & F AGM will follow at 7.30pm. As canapés and refreshments will be provided an RSVP is essential. RSVP: Friday 12 November, 2010 Phone: 4220 0233 or Email: Please Note: This is an event where students are free to stay at home and study

TIGS EXTENDED After School Care 3.00pm - 6.00pm

Enrolments are now being taken for the school year of 2011. Places are limited, so don’t delay, secure your place now for 2011. Is your child safe after school? Does your child have fun with other children after school? Wouldn’t it be great to come home from work knowing your child has already done their homework, had play, and afternoon tea? All this in a caring environment here at TIGS. TIGS Extended After School care service is a registered accredited childcare service. This means some families can claim the Child Care Benefits All families can claim the Child Care Rebate, which means you are all eligible for the 50% of out of pocket child care fees. This makes it more viable for all families to be able to access high quality childcare, where the children can socialise with all ages of TIGS children, as the service caters for Kindergarten through to Year 6 and is exclusively for TIGS children. They have the opportunity to do lots of free choice activities including arts, crafts, drama, cooking, even homework supervision, indoor and outdoor free play as well as relaxing after a hard day at school. Enrolment forms and the parent handbook can now be easily accessed on the TIGS Website.

A Message from P & F TIGS P & F Recycled Uniform Service

Another year is coming to an end and possibly families will need to purchase a different School Uniform. Jacey Dema is our Recycled Uniform Shop Coordinator and is available by calling 0417467035. On behalf of the TIGS P & F I would like to thank Jacey who works on a voluntary basis.

Attention parents of students finishing Year 6, 10 or 12

If you have uniforms you no longer require please send them into student reception to be included in the recycled uniform stock. This can be done on any School day. There are many parents who could use the assistance in reducing costs by purchasing a good quality used uniform. All proceeds from the Uniform Shop go into the takings from the Great Fete in May. This money helped to fund the installation of the new Public Address system throughout the whole School. Please note that in order to maintain our high standard of dress, only the current uniforms will be accepted.


Tuesday 16 November from 7.30pm in the Goodhew Research Centre (Library), following Meet the Headmaster. All parents are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the TIGS Parents and Friends Association. Leanne Windsor, the Goodhew Research Centre Director, will speak about how the library is evolving to support 21st century learning and introduce some of the new initiatives that the library is currently undertaking. All positions will be declared vacant and elections held on the night. Many existing Executive and Committee members will not be renominating. We would like to invite anyone interested in finding out more about what is involved to contact Barb Mandelson 0409 969044 for Orana (Senior School) positions or Tracey Jansen 0402 007446 for Karobran (Junior School) positions. If you would like to nominate for a committee position or to be a Class or Year representative please download a nomination form by clicking here, fill it in and return to the School by Monday November 15. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Class and Year representatives for their time and energy in 2010.

TIGS P & F Projects Update

The School is proposing to provide shelters for students near the Princess Highway car park. The p & F had decided to support this project which is scheduled to start in 2011. The funds raised at the September Auction and Dinner will be allocated to this project. The new Public Address System, funded by the 2009 and 2010 Great Fetes, is well on the way to being fully functional

A Christmas Celebration – 8 December 2010

The P & F will again organise some catering for families attending. We need some volunteers to organise hampers and supplies before the event and some ‘sausage chefs’ and sales staff on the evening. If you are available to be involved please contact Barb on 0409 969044 or via email .

TIGS P&F Preloved Textbook Sale Who: Date: Time: Place: P&F Contact:

All Students and Parents in Years 7-11 2011 Thursday 25 November 2010 3.15pm to 4.30pm Goodhew Research Centre (Library) Kim Hapgood email:

Please click here to view the information flyer.

Week 5, Term IV Monday 8 November Leilani Donovan Lauretta Bussoletti

Tuesday 26 November Jan Scott Help Needed!

Wednesday 27 November

Canteen News

The new Term IV menu can be found through the School website under the School community tab on the canteen page. Please check this out for updates and new daily specials. Volunteer Thank You Morning Tea will be held at 9.45am Wednesday 17 November in Rees Hall. The canteen is seeking NEW Volunteers for 2011. If you would like to join our friendly team please phone Meagan in the Canteen on 4220 0241 or email

Heather Rugg Nichole Anastas Pam Parkinson

Thursday 28 November Vanessa Cross Assunta Disibio

Friday 29 November Kerryn Mura Help Needed!

Creative Arts News The highlight of the week has been the Creative Show held on Friday night in the IGC. It showcased the senior students work at TIGS – visual arts, photo media, textile and design and the performing arts. Here is a snapshot of this enjoyable evening.

M.C. James Yan

Shona Conacher Hoops Expert

Year 11 art and sculpture examples

A bevvy of talented songsters

Year 11 sculpture

Year 12 show stoppers

Tapping on tip-toes James Belcher

2010 HSC Olivia Yeatman inspired designer

Art and photographic/video competitions are still being offered to school students this year. Make sure to click on this link to access the latest competitions. Please click here to view the updated Creative Arts Competitions timetable.

Senior School Sports NSWCIS U/15 Tennis

Congratulations to Fred Newman (Yr 9) who was selected in the NSWCIS U/15’s Tennis Team for 2010. Both Dominic Riordan (Yr 8) and Adrian Haise (Yr 8) also attended these trials gaining much experience as they will have another opportunity next year to trial for this team.


Triathlon is an event which involves swimming, cycling and running. These events can be done as a team or an individual. To prepare for the NSW All School Triathlon in February next year students need to practice and participate in events prior to these championships. If you are interested in Triathlon there is an upcoming “Trithegong multisport triathlon festival” in Wollongong Harbour on the 4 and 5 December. Information is available at . All interested students are encouraged to participate.

Year 9/10 Sports - Reminder

These Summer Sports for Years 9/10 for Term IV are as follows: Badminton - Monday - IGC - 3.30 - 4.30pm - CLASS FULL Basketball - Wednesday - IGC 3.30 - 4.30pm Boardriders - Monday - North Beach - 6.30am - CLASS FULL Golf – Tuesday - TIGS Oval - 3.30 - 4.30pm Rock Climbing - Wednesday – 3.30 - 4.30pm Swimming - Wednesday & Friday - University Pool – 7.00am Table Tennis - Monday - IGC – 3.30 - 4.30pm - CLASS FULL Swimming training is available to all students. Please collect a permission note from Student Reception.

TIGS Sports Presentation Evening

Invitations have now gone out to all Award recipients from K - 12 for the TIGS Sports Presentation Evening on Wednesday 10 November 6.30pm for 7.00pm in the IGC. All parents and staff are welcome to attend. This is an important occasion in the school calendar as we recognise sporting achievements by TIGS students in 2010. All students are to wear full school uniform. If you have any questions please contact Mrs Sharpe at school on 42 200 200.

Port Kembla Sailing Club - Try Sailing Day

The Try Sailing Day is organised by Port Kembla Sailing Club, Northcliffe Drive, Berkeley and proudly sponsored by Sailing Indurstry Association of NSW, the Boating Industry Association of NSW and Yachting NSW. We invite all students and their families along between 10.00am – 3.00pm on Sunday 7 November. All Try Sailors should wear comfortable clothes, joggers or beach shoes, hat and sunscreen. An adult or guardian must accompany any person under the age of 18. For more information please contact BIA on 94382077 or log onto or Port Kembla Sailing Club website

To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: and sign up on the home page.

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