Issue 4 Term I 2012

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NEWSLETTER Year 8 camp

Year 6 Progression Dinner

Year 6 Canberra Excursion

Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Issue 4 Term I, 2012

Academic • Christian • Caring

Head of Junior School

Our Broadened Understanding In last week’s newsletter I wrote about the developmental differences between girls and boys and the distinct advantages for social development in a ‘co-ed’ environment. Gender is the easiest and most obvious characteristic by which to group students as they learn. Single sex schools claim advantages for their students by grouping students on this basis. This practice does not sit well with our current understanding of how students learn. Educators no longer consider intelligence to be of a single dimension confined to a student’s intellectual ability in language and mathematics. Howard Gardner, an educational researcher, has broadened our understanding of intelligence by identifying eight distinct forms of intelligence: Linguistic intelligence: the use of language Logical-mathematical intelligence: logical analysis usually associated with maths and science Musical intelligence: performance, composition and appreciation of musical patterns Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence: skill in the use of the body to solve problems Spatial intelligence: ability to recognise and use patterns Interpersonal intelligence: understanding the intentions, motivations and desires of others Intrapersonal intelligence: understanding of self Naturalist intelligence: recognise, categorise and draw upon features of the environment

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Students are best served when learning is organised in a way that allows them to engage through the particular intelligences they possess; described as their learning style. Learning styles are not gender specific. Grouping students by gender makes little sense in a world of multiple intelligences. Best practice in teaching now demands the organisation of learning to engage all students, recognising different learning styles. This allows all students to access learning in ways that suit their needs. It also exposes students to the other dimensions of learning and to benefit from students gifted in learning in other ways. It is a holistic approach built on student collaboration and recognises what we know to be true: each child is different and deserves a chance to succeed in learning and to learn from others. It reflects the reality of life in the adult world. The policy at TIGS is to not group students except for specific learning purposes, such as the level of mastery of a subject, and to ensure this is balanced with other learning experiences where students benefit from interacting with students with different learning styles. This commitment is captured in our Statement of Mission and Values which says: “It is recognised that students learn in different ways and at different rates and that the gifts each child possesses are unique in their extent and combination. Student learning is organised so that each child is given the opportunity to identify and develop their gifts and talents to the fullest extent.” (1.5) It is an interesting exercise for parents to apply Gardner’s list of intelligence to their children. It may change how you define success in learning for your child. Classifying and grouping students by gender or by a narrow definition of intelligence belongs to a different era. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Did you know that 17 students from Year 12, 2011 have gone on to study in the field of Science/Engineering? • • • • • • • • •

1 Marine Science 6 Science 1 Environmental Science 1 Art/Science 1 Science/Commerce 1 Mechatronic Engineering 4 Engineering 1 Civil Engineering 1 Aviation

Chaplain’s Message Witnessing to the Witnesses It’s good to see Mike Willesee back on TV working as a reporter after a lengthy period of “retirement”. Mike is a colourful character who I think has a fairly empathetic style of popular journalism. Seeing Mike interviewing Victoria Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith the other night brought to mind for me an occasion when Mike himself was being interviewed about his own personal life by Andrew Denton. On that occasion Willesee spoke at length about his conversion from skepticism about God to faith in God. The catalyst for this conversion was a couple of experiences he had. The first experience involved a premonition that an aircraft he was about to board was going to crash. The premonition was so strong it moved Willesee to pray for the first time in years. The plane fell from the sky and Willesee survived. The second experience involved being in the presence of a woman who had stigmata. Willesee claimed that these experiences he had were a proof to God’s existence; Denton wasn’t so sure. They agreed to disagree. While I admired Willesee’s courage and determination to stand by his commitment to God on national television I remember being a little disappointed that he focused so much on his own personal experiences to commend the existence of God. Without wanting to deny the reality or impact of these experiences I believe the Bible would have us focus elsewhere when it comes to us commending the reality of God to others.

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

In the Bible we have the testimony of those who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus. The apostles understood that their main task following Jesus’ ascension was to proclaim what they saw to every creature under heaven (Acts 1.21-22). Our primary task is to bear witness to their witness of the resurrection, not so much to our own personal experiences of God. Again, I was pleased that Mike Willesee spoke positively of God and testified to how God had enriched his life. This is all too rare on national television. I would just have liked him to refer more to the testimony of those who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus. After all, this is the experience that God has authorised to be proclaimed to all people and it is upon the basis of this experience that men and women are called to repent and believe the gospel. Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Senior School

This week the School Council acknowledged the successful implementation of students bringing their own IT devices. Students, teachers and IT staff have worked diligently to ensure a smooth transition and we appreciate the good will and patience of parents in this process. We are now working to provide seamless access to the tools necessary for our community to continue to actively engage in learning with technology. Our new TIGS Portal is designed to allow students, teachers and parents to readily access a variety of resources and tools. The URL address for the hub is You can also access the portal via the TIGS Website by visiting the student and parent tabs. Alternatively, search for ‘TIGS portal’ in Google. Please visit the TIGS Portal and explore for yourself. There are two buttons worth highlighting here: Blogging is a valuable way of sharing and reflecting on learning. Our new blogging site, The Hub is a central place for members of the TIGS community to actively engage in learning together through exchange of ideas, collaboration and reflection. The Hub uses blogs as a way of communicating and sharing information. All students and staff have a blog and we are now exploring the use of blogs in our teaching and learning. Choose the Tech Portal button for help with technology. Included in the Tech Portal are guides and self-help documents to assist you with using technology at TIGS. The Tech Portal is accessible to all students, teachers and parents. During Term 2, we are introducing new monthly parent workshops to provide parents with opportunity to learn about and share technology. Further details are to follow. If you have any questions or concerns regarding technology please contact the Director of Information Services, Leanne Windsor by phone 4220 0226, or via email on Mrs Monica Watt Deputy Head and Head of Senior School

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Junior School

Effective Parent/Teacher Partnership

Our students are best served when the relationships between the teacher and the parent, between the School and home are reciprocal and supportive. The role of a Primary Years Program (PYP) teacher is to facilitate connections between the students’ prior knowledge and the knowledge available through new experiences. This is best done with the support of parents. Parents are seen as genuine partners in our PYP School and in order to support your child’s learning, a sound understanding of the IB mission and philosophy, essential elements/ features and aspects of the PYP is required. Positive support from parents not only benefits the child, but also acts as a catalyst for the program to be implemented more successfully at school. The following aspects of the PYP assist parents and the School in achieving this positive partnership. Learner Profile - When parents are informed of the IB PYP perspective on international mindedness, it is easier for them to identify, promote and encourage the development of the learner profile attributes at home. These attributes are displayed in our school as you walk down the main driveway and are present in all classrooms. It is a great idea to discuss them with your children.

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School

Curriculum Framework of Essential Elements - Parents in the Junior School recognise that it is not knowledge alone that makes a learner successful, but also the skills and attitudes he/she develops along the way. In addition to knowledge, the following elements are important in our PYP curriculum; concepts, skills, attitudes and action.

Inquiry Based Learning - Parents who have been educated in traditional schools themselves, might not easily comprehend inquiry based learning and the benefits of the same. They need to know the importance and benefits of the students’ efforts to derive and construct meaning from the world around them as compared to rote learning or mere memorization of facts. When parents are aware of the units of inquiry and their role in supporting their child, they are more equipped to assist the child in his/her learning and progress. I encourage our parents to be informed about the current unit of inquiry and how they might contribute to it for their own son or daughter but also for the rest of the class. Differentiation - Teachers in the Junior School work hard to present lesson content and skill development to the appropriate level for each child. Our aim is to assess so that we know what the children now know or can do and then to meet each of them at this point and take them further. We are aiming for manageable challenge and personal excellence for every student in our learning community. Assessment - Assessment is to track progress but also to formulate the next step. It tells us information about each child and also about our program as a whole. Assessment is very carefully designed and administered in the Junior School. Academic Honesty - It is a serious obligation that we are honest with the children and with each other as we plan for their optimal learning. This means we need to tell them when they have made an error, we need to assist them to correct their work and to strive for their personal best. Near enough is not good enough when we are striving for our best. Research now points to the reduction of the importance of high self-esteem with a shift towards high self efficacy and the ability to delay gratification as being indicators of academic and further success. In the Junior School we believe all three are interrelated. The ability to delay gratification, to persevere and not give up allows children to achieve what they set their minds to. This helps them to feel effective and develops real self-esteem. This is our aim. Mother-tongue Support - Research has shown that children who come to school with a solid foundation in their mother tongue develop stronger literacy abilities in the school language. When parents are aware of the advantages of development of mother tongue, they would surely provide opportunities to their children for conversations or tell them stories in their mother tongue. Our LEAP program offered every school morning from 8.00 am aims to strengthen both the child’s value of mother tongue as well as their language acquisition.

Dates for your diary: • • •

Friday 9 March - Prep - Year 2 Twilight Picnic Parents Understanding Asia Literacy Project Southern Sydney Wednesday 7 March, Friday 9 March or Monday 12 March Information and registrations are available at: Monday 26 March Cybersafety parent training and information session with Susan McLean

Sport Rugby If you are in Years 1-4 and still want to play rugby in 2012 for University of Wollongong Junior Rugby Club, please come along to training this Friday, 2 March at the Wollongong University, Oval 3 (bottom oval closest to freeway). Training starts at 4.30pm. Competition begins on Sunday 25 March. All games are played on Sunday mornings which means you can play one sport on Saturdays and rugby on Sundays. For more information please contact Canio Fierravanti on 0411 244 491.

Junior School Awards Class Awards KB KD 1C 1M 1W 2A 2P 3M 5N 5R 6T 6W

Alby Ferguson, Ella Smith Luke Jansen, Hamish Dutch Connor Burrows Oberon Bridge, Lili Petreski Jacobus Newhouse, Jessica Bradley Lachlan Boardman Elizabeth Michelmore Declan Saad Joanne Karakousis, Daniel Tubman Francesca Lambert, Breanna Saad Mackenzie Smith, Stephanie Moustoukis Grace Summerill

Merit Certificates Mackenzie Smith Jamilla Perri Nicholas Sutherland Payton Leitch

Disability Trust Curry Drive

During 2012, TIGS Year 12 is supporting the work of the Friends of the Disability Trust in the Illawarra. The Friends of the Disability Trust is committed to providing care and services for people with disabilities and their families. We hope to raise funds for this very worthy charity by running a Curry Drive. Orders can be made by: •

Ordering online through Log into your account or if you do not have an account, register for an account by following the prompts then place your order under your child’s name. The order will be emailed to the School on completion.

Completing the Order and Payment Slip and returning it in an envelope marked The Disability Trust Curry Drive. Payment by way of cash, cheque or credit card (direct debit) will be accepted. Please ensure you complete the Payment Slip. Payments by cheque are to be made out to The Illawarra Grammar School.

Due Date: Order and Payment Slips can be returned to Senior School Student Reception, Junior School Reception or the Finance Office by 13 March 2012. Delivery Date: Available for collection on Thursday 5 April 2012. Collection Point: Collected from the School Canteen either: •

Before school between 8.00am and 9.00am, or

After school between 3.10pm and 4.00pm.

Thank you for your support.

Prep to Year 2 Twilight Picnic

Prep - Year 2 students and their families are invited to a fun filled night to be held on our Junior School Oval. Date: Friday 9 March 2012 Time: 5.00pm - 8.00pm Location: Rees Hall Our Senior School Leaders will organise lots of games and races for parents and their children to enjoy. We are looking forward to seeing your skills at races such as the Egg and Spoon Race. A jumping castle will be provided for the children’s enjoyment. An email will be send out if the weather does not permit.

Performing Arts Guitar Ensemble

In the Performing Arts Department of TIGS we have a great Guitar Ensemble running on a Wednesday Lunchtime in the Music block! Students that are learning to play guitar with a private tutor, through the school or outside the school, feel free to come up and join us in the Guitar Ensemble! Also, If you want to start learning guitar we have great Tutors! If you are interested in taking up guitar, come see one of the Performing Arts teachers for more information.

Sydney Youth Orchestra

Sydney Youth Orchestras 2012 is delighted to offer three positions to our very own TIGS students. Congratulations to Georgia Roberts, Jessica Hort and Adrian Whitehall.

Visual Arts News

After School Visual Arts and Creative Writing Classes

Artspace Studio is a not for profit local resource brought to you by Illawarra Children’s Services which offers visual arts and creative writing classes for students aged 12 - 16 years after school. For more information and to have a look at the term timetable please click here.

Student Success Lions Club Youth of the Year

Congratulations to James Early for his fine representation in the Lions Club Youth of the Year Regional Finals at Ulladulla on Sunday. James represented The Illawarra Grammar School in a field of eight South Coast finalists after winning the Kiama District Youth of the Year earlier this year. With exemplary public speaking manner, James addressed the audience with one prepared and two impromptu speeches. Well done James - an excellent achievement.

Parking Around the School Drop Off Zone in Western Avenue

Parents are reminded that parking in the drop off/no standing zone in Western Avenue is strictly prohibited. Parking in these allocated spots compromises the safety of all our students as parents struggle find a place to safely drop their children.

Senior Sport Student Success

Congratulations to Payton Leitch (Year 2) who has been selected in the International Development Program for Gymnastics. Only 40 girls from elite training centres around NSW were selected and they will participate in training clinics throughout the year with Australia’s top Master Coaches.

NSWCIS Awards Evening 2011

The NSWCIS Awards Evening recognised the outstanding achievements of both Primary and Secondary students in a wide variety of State and National sporting activities held during the last year. Two TIGS students were invited to the awards evening recognising their outstanding achievements in 2011. Congratulations to: Ashley Dribbus (Year 6) NSWCIS Primary Red Award for Athletics Tegan Richard (Year 12) NSWCIS Blue Award for Hockey NSWCIS also recognised other students excellent performances in 2011 with medallions forwarded to: James Belcher (Year 12) NSWCIS Medallion for Athletics Kieran Ackhurst (Year 10) NSWCIS Medallion for Volleyball

The Kembla Joggers Fitness 5

A 5km Fun Run and Fitness Walk on Sunday 1 April starts 8.30am if you are interested please visit the website www.

TritheGong We wish Payton all the best in her calendar of events and will keep an eye on her development.

RMB Lawyers TritheGong at Wollongong Harbour on 10 and 11 March all entries are via www.eliteenergy.coml. au or contact Katherine Young on

Year 8 Camp

Last week Year 8 students ventured to Crosslands for their annual Outdoor Education experience. They persevered through the rain gaining valuable skills in learning how to manage themselves in adverse conditions. Base camp activities included abseiling, flying fox, the worm, low ropes and mini Olympics. For some students the camp was extremely challenging but the growth of the year was evident when they could see what they accomplished at the end of the week. They now know when a difficult situation presents itself how to work through it and help others. Camp was a great success and a positive lead up to the Year 9 Bungonia program.

Canteen News Please check the TIGS Website for our menu. We would welcome any new volunteers at the Canteen. Forms are available on the School Website Online ordering - How does it work? Go to and click “Register Now” in the Login Box. Then enter your student’s name, school and class, and add funds (say $50) into a pre-paid account. You can log into the website at any time to place orders, up until 9.00am on the day of the order. As purchases are made, the funds are taken from your pre-paid account. The account can be topped up again in the same way, or set to automatically top-up via credit card when the balance falls below a pre-set minimum. Each order is sent automatically to the kitchen, where an easy-to-read label is produced with the student’s name, class and order details.

Canteen Roster Week 6 Term I 2012 Monday 5 March Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 6 March Anne Jones Snezana Bujaroska


Thursday 8 March Vanessa Cross Assunta Disibio

Friday 9 March Kylie Mill Megan Armstrong

Connect with TIGS on the Web TIGS has joined the world of social media and is communicating via Twitter and Facebook.

Please follow us on Twitter:

Please like us on Facebook:

TIGS Expo Open Day Are your friends considering a TIGS education for their child? If so The Illawarra Grammar School invites members of the community to visit the School and explore the Preparatory, Junior and Senior Schools at the annual TIGS Expo Day Saturday 17 March 2012. This will be a great time to talk to your family and friends about our School and what we have to offer. With Tours, Open Classrooms, Scholarship Information, Performance, Art Displays and the opportunity to meet with teachers and students, discover the advantages of a TIGS education. Light refreshments will also be available on the day. The School community of The Illawarra Grammar School looks forward to welcoming you.

Uniform Shop - Online Ordering Uniforms can be ordered online at a time and place convenient to you. Go to or through the School Uniform icon on the School’s website If you have an existing canteen account with FlexiSchools, you have immediate access to ordering uniforms. If not you will need to register by following the prompts. As with the Canteen, select the day you wish your order to be ready for collection, your delivery option and proceed to order. Your order is emailed to the Uniform Shop at the end of each day, processed during the next Uniform Shop opening time then delivered to your nominated delivery pickup point. Online orders can be collected from: • Uniform Shop (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.30am – 3.30pm) For orders to be collected from the Uniform Shop please use the Tuesday or Thursday ORDER Button. Or delivered to: • •

Senior School Reception for collection between(8.00am – 4.30pm) Junior School Classroom

Please allow up to five school days for orders to be ready for collection at your designated delivery point.

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