Issue 4 Term II, 2010

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Headmaster’s Message Helping children to manage their time Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Chaplain Issue 4 Term II, 2010

Academic • Christian • Caring


Helping children to manage their time When most people think of TIGS Great Fete their mind is filled with thoughts of fantastic food, great bargains and a host of fun things to do. It is a great family day, one that shows the TIGS community at its best. This year’s event is shaping up to be the best ever and I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday, rain, hail or shine. TIGS Great Fete is also a sign that we are in reporting season. Over the course of the next few weeks I will sign over 1,000 School Reports for Semester 1. Students in Year 11 received their reports last Friday and it is my usual practice to interview each Year 11 student at this time of year and discuss how they have settled into their final years of schooling (Year 11 will face HSC examinations in just 17 months time). I expect that this year will be no different to other years with the issue of time management being a big challenge for many. This is not surprising given the number of assessment tasks required by the HSC. The Board of Studies regularly visits independent schools to ensure that the curriculum and assessment requirements of the Board are being met. They have advised the School that our current level of formal student assessments is within their guidelines. This is little comfort for a student that finds they have multiple assessment tasks due in a week. Usually, a student struggling with the workload in Year 11 and 12 has one of three problems: •

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Not devoting sufficient time to revision and study. My advice to students is to keep a diary of the time they actually spend in study (not the time they think they spend in study). Many are surprised to find that the amount of time they devote to study is far less than they imagined. Each student is different but a good bench mark for a senior student is 15 hours of private study per week, whether assessment tasks are due or not.

• Not planning the use of time so that all subjects are receiving the time they require. A great trap for students is to devote too much time to the subjects they are good at or like at the expense of subjects they find difficult. A diary is also useful in monitoring how time is distributed amongst the subjects.

Not using a diary/calendar to plan their preparation for assessment tasks and examinations. Students are rarely successful in completing multiple assessment tasks due at around the same time if they have not planned their preparation earlier than the night before.

The development of good planning skills is something that parents can assist their children to learn even from a very young age. All TIGS students (K-12) receive a diary which can be used by parents for this purpose. However, it is not owning a diary that is important, it is using it that counts. Parents can help their children to use a diary regularly and develop planning skills. Children should use their diary every day to record important events and deadlines, such as: • • • • •

Special events (birthdays, family outings, TIGS Great Fete) To do lists (bring ball to school, return library book) Regular events (music lessons, training for sports teams) Personal activities (events initiated by the child such as hobbies, craft and interests) Homework and assignments

By using a diary with young children every day, they will develop organisational and time management skills that are essential for success when they reach the last years of schooling. These skills are best learned well before Years 11 and 12. An ideal entry in the diary might be: Saturday 22 May, 10.00am - 3.00pm TIGS Great Fete Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Connection

“Advance Australia Where?”

As a (no longer practicing) mathematician, I know what they say about statistics and their reliability. But some of the statistics I have read recently, about life in Australian homes tells a story that ought to at least make us think. Since 1993 sales of luxury cars in Australia have doubled and since the 1950s Australian homes have doubled in size, while the average Australian family has decreased by one third. And yet, thirty percent of us take some form of mood-enhancing substance (antidepressants, sleeping tablets, drugs, or alcohol) to get us through the day. It seems that we must at least consider the possibility that we have been investing in things that have not actually delivered lasting or meaningful satisfaction. Jesus said: “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? ... Your heavenly Father knows that you need [these things]. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:24-33). We should invest our time and energy – and our hope – not in the material kingdom of this world, but in the kingdom of God. Isaiah foresaw this as a kingdom where swords would be beaten into plough shares, justice would prevail, the blind would see, the deaf hear, and the lame leap for joy (Isaiah 35:5-6). 800 years later Jesus came, healing the blind and the deaf and the lame, and announcing that the kingdom of God had arrived (Matthew 12:28). But the kingdom of God is not yet complete. Whenever we resist God, we deny his kingdom in our hearts. And so Jesus taught us to pray “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

John Reed Chaplain

Furthermore, the apostle John saw a future where Jesus will return and bring in the kingdom of God in all its glory: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away ... And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’” (Revelation 21:1-4). That sounds like a future worth investing in.

Senior School

Caring through Service

As you all know one of our central tenets as a School is to ensure that our students care for others in the wider community not only by raising money for charity but also by modelling servant leadership. We structure programs and provide support and encouragement so that our students can be active participants in fundraising activities that are more than just donating money but that demand physical involvement in planning, organising and supporting a group or community activity which will assist others who have not been blessed with the great gifts with which we have been so richly blessed. Through our Community Service Programs we also engage students in community outreach that is real, age appropriate and often life-changing. Each year group has its own charity which it promotes and supports at selected times throughout the year. Year 7 support the Anglicare’s Christmas Appeal; Year 8 Canteen’s Bandanna Day; Year 9 KidzWish and Jeans for Genes Day; Year 10 40 Hour Famine and Legacy Collection; Year 11 The Red Shield Appeal and The Emu Point Community and Year 12’s Charity Project for 2010 is Triple Care Farm as well as their ongoing support for Emu Point. Various other groups of students are involved in charity activities throughout the year as well as being involved in community support both within and outside the school community.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster

This week the School Captains have been promoting their support of the Year 12 Charity for this year - Triple Care Farm - through various school-based fund-raising activities but most importantly their TRIVIA NIGHT which will be held on Friday 4 June at 6.30 pm in the IGC. Could I encourage you to support this worthy enterprise and support the Captains in their endeavours.

Junior School

Car Park Blues........ Greens, Reds and Yellows!

Our car line underwent a transformation at the end of Term I and early into Term II with us not being outside the gate and blocking the Princes Highway at all. Unfortunately this is not the current afternoon experience and I must ask for your assistance again.

How can parents help?

Come at the correct time – please do not arrive before 3:15 if you have children in Years 1 – 6. Children are not dismissed to walk to car line until after the 3:10pm bell. Cars arriving before 3:15pm for children in Years 1 – 6 block the queue. The only cars arriving before 3:15pm should be Prep families and Kinder families. Please use the correct car label (colour coded) on the visor of your car. Many parents are holding it up once for the teacher to read. However when we are looking to confirm that the children are ready, the name tag is no longer visible. The colour coding is also important as the children sit in House groups to assist us in finding them if they do not hear their name being called. If you need a replacement label please call the Junior School office and “order” one. We will send it home as soon as possible with your child/ren. Please do not get out of your car. It may feel like it speeds things up for you but in fact it makes the circuit slower and dangerous. TIGS staff are very happy to assist the children with their bags and their safe entry into their car. Consider car pooling to reduce the number of cars in our afternoon circle.

How can children help?

Judi Nealy

Listening carefully for their name the first time it is called really makes the car line work well. This Term the children can earn House points when they hear their name the first time. The House which is crowned ‘King of the Car Park’ will enjoy a sausage sizzle at the end of the term. Mr Drummond and I are looking forward to manning the BBQ to reward those children who listen well and follow instructions of an afternoon. Our community is fantastic at working together to solve a problem. Thank you in advance for helping us to solve this one!

Head of Junior School

Acrostic Poem by Ajay

I look forward to seeing you all at the Great Fete!

Rindani - 1S

ecially elders R Relatives – esp love you and se, wi e ar – they

teach you things do not litter, E Environmentwn– tre es do not cut do th and eat S Self – brush your tee healthy food ey love you and P Parents – thyo u they care for Everyone – friends and E animals ople from C Cultures –unpe different co tries

Junior School Sports

ns io t r s la tu be cate r a a r tifi B ng iam it Cer o l r l C Wi l Me the o 3A hoo iving nt t

TIGS Netball Club Results Week 4 TIGS Under 8 Pearls vs Northern Suburbs Dolphins - WON 12-1 TIGS Under 9 Sapphires vs Wests All Stars - LOST 27-1 TIGS Under 10 Sparkles vs Berkeley Bumble B’s - WON 18-0 TIGS Under 11 Diamonds vs Shellharbour Cyclones - WON 28-14 TIGS Under 11 Crystals vs Corrimal Cheetahs - WON 13-2 TIGS Under 12 Eliminators vs SS Geckos LOST 31-9




e e e rec mitm adg B m Co rning a Le


you Teachers – they teach


Daniel Aghmesheh, Michael Marzano


Nadia Nagaratnam


Ella Vartazarian, Jessica Hall, Cambell Cleary



r nio

Mark McAlary


Robert McGrath


Zaynab Panju


Hallam Roberts


Daniel Cannon


Lucy Chester-Crowe, Cooper Mawbey


Grace Summerill


Emilia Bujaroska


Meena Jasim

5/6W Hailey Van Vreumingen, Jackson Dekker, Peter Kyriakoudes 6M

Stephanie Sahlala


Its’s On!!! This Saturday May 22, 2010. 10am - 3pm

Senior School Sports Pine’s Team Surfing Contest – North Beach 30 April

TIGS entered three teams (18 surfers) in this annual event. On a rising swell, from the South East, and a strengthening on-shore wind throughout the morning, conditions were “testing” and deteriorated quickly. Two of the teams progressed to the semi-final stage however, with the other knocked out in round one. Both Samuel and Joshua Chapple showed good form on the day, catching longer rides amongst the general “slop” on offer. Harrison Reid displayed a high level of skill. Backing up his performance at the South Coast Secondary Schools Competition. Angus Cochrane gave a good account of himself, with limited opportunity. As usual, Kiama produced a strong contingent and remain the benchmark. The day was enjoyed by all and proved a good opportunity to allow other senior surfers at the school to show their skills in a competitive environment and to provide experience for some of our keen youngsters.

Team: Kye Adams, Jake Broers, Joshua Chapple, Samuel Chapple, Stella Crick, Tiara Dobbs, Hannah Dove, Bryce Etheredge, Samuel Gibbs, Jackson Gosling, Caroline Hamilton-Smith, Michael Hoynes, Zoe Issard, Georgia Matts, Joel Moore, Hannah Muirhead, Mark Perri, Harrison Steele.

Camden Equestrian Carnival

Any students wishing to enter the Camden Equestrian Carnival, Bicentennial Park on Saturday 4 September can collect information from Senior School student reception.

Rugby Union

NSWCIS Rugby League

Mixed results for TIGS-UNI during Rd 3 of the competition

NASSA Cross Country

Under 8s – Bye Under 9s: TIGS Uni 12 vs Vikings 24 Under 10s: TIGS Uni 32 vs Vikings 17 Under 11s: TIGS Uni 22 vs Shamrocks 20 Under 12s: TIGS Uni 63 vs Bowral 5 Under 14s: TIGS Uni 0 vs Vikings 104 Under 16s: TIGS Uni/Vikings 12 vs TechWaratahs 46 All age groups except the under 16’s play at University this Sunday starting with the under 8’s and 9’s at 9am and concluding with the Under 14’s at 12:40

Congratulations to Ryan O’Connor (Yr 12) and Benjamin Toussis (Yr 12) for their selection in the NSWCIS Rugby League Squad. They will participate in a training camp where the State team will be selected. We wish them the best of luck for the camp. We have a team of 84 students competing at the NASSA Cross Country at Macarthur Anglican School on Monday 24 May. Buses will leave at 7.15am from Western Avenue. All students are to wear full sports uniform and best of luck to all students.

Arrive Alive Wheelchair Sports Roadshow As part of Year 10’s Driver Education unit in PD/H/PE we had a visit from Wheelchair Sports NSW on Monday 17 May. All students attended a session of approx. 1.5 hrs in their House groups during the day. The presenters spoke about their experiences as people in wheelchairs and the importance of healthy decision making, especially around the issue of driving. The program aimed to raise awareness of wheelchair sport, encourage safer driving habits and create a greater understanding of people with disabilities.

Careers Event The Illawarra Grammar School Tertiary Information Evening Students of Years 10, 11 and 12 and their parents/guardians are cordially invited to attend this evening, designed to provide detailed information on tertiary study. This event will be held at the School on Tuesday, 1 June from 6.00 – 8.30pm. It combines a market stall format with more specific information seminars. Students and parents will be invited to attend the market from 6.00 – 7.00pm, followed by three 25 minute seminars of their choice. Representatives from universities, TAFE and private tertiary institutions have been selected to cater to our student audience and will provide detailed information during the seminars including: • • • • •

new career options and newly introduced courses appropriate tertiary institutions for a chosen career scholarships, university schemes including Early Entry, Access, Bonus Points and accommodation cadetships, traineeships, apprenticeships appropriate subject selection for Years 10 & 11

Registration for this event is essential. An information booklet and registration form will be sent to parents shortly.

Child Safety and Parking Around Schools Please be warned Wollongong City Council together with New South Wales Police and the RTA will be patrolling all schools in the area and will be responding to complaints of irresponsible or dangerous parking by drivers around schools. To avoid confrontations at schools, Rangers will situate themselves very obviously to photograph offending vehicles and post fines rather than confronting drivers at the time of the offence in front of their children. Please click here to view ‘A practical guide from the RTA for road safety around schools’.


School Captains 2010 Date: Location: Cost: Theme:

Friday 4 June (Week 8 Term 2), 6.30pm – 10pm The Illawarra Grammar Centre (IGC) $10pp (Tables of 8) “All good things start with T”

Please bring your own food and drink, however if you wish to pre order an Antipasto Platter for the evening the cost will be $25 per platter and they will be distributed on the night.

No student or persons under the age of 18 are permitted to attend this event.


Date: Tuesday 25 May, 2010 Time: 9.00am – 11.00am


As part of their fundraising efforts for the TIGS 2010 Year 12 charity Triple Care Farm, the School Captains invite you to attend a Trivia Night. Triple Care Farm is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre, which provides an ideal environment of peace and healing for emotionally hurt and troubled young people, aged 16 to 24.


TIGS Charity Trivia Night 2010

o r M n ing t s eg

Venue: Piato Grand (47/22 Market Street, Wollongong) Cost: $15pp - Includes tea/coffee and a delicious buffet of sweets and savouries RSVP: 20 May, 2010 RSVP Contact: Text Mary Shalala on 0423190560 or email RSVP Essential for catering purposes Come along and support a great cause with the opportunity to catch up with family and friends. All welcome.

Click here to download your Trivia night order form.

2011 ENROLMENTS Please be aware that Pre-Prep to Year 11 Placements for 2011 are limited and are filling fast. Please ensure that enrolments for siblings are completed as soon as possible so that we know how many places we have available to new families. Please visit our website: or contact Ms Nicci Fripp on 4220 0216 if you require Application Forms.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Gluten Free Meat Pies are no longer available.

Monday 24 May

Sonja Forte Julie Chiaverini

The new menu for Terms II and III can be found on the Schools web site, please check for

Tuesday 25 May

Jolanda Noel-Gough Roslyn Saddi

new specials and price changes. We are seeking new volunteers for this year. If

Wednesday 26 May

you would like to join our friendly team please click here to download a canteen volunteer request

Pat Calchi Pene Mortimer

form and return it to the school, attention the

Thursday 27 May Susan Cooper Toni Bolte

canteen. Alternatively you can ring the canteen directly

Friday 28 May

on 4220 0241 7am – 2pm or email

Kylie Mill Christine Flint Chris Bridger

University of Sydney Merit and Entry Scholarships The Headmaster was pleased to attend a prestigious function at the University of Sydney recently to acknowledge the achievements of three of our 2009 school leavers. The University of Sydney awards Scholarships for school leavers was based on a combination of school examination results, Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (students with a minimum ATAR of 95), and other achievements (leadership, creativity, self-motivation, communication skills etc). The University of Sydney aims to find the amazing young people of today who will be the leaders for tomorrow. There are two levels of University of Sydney Scholarships for school leavers: The University of Sydney Merit Scholarship (yearly funding for the normal length of undergraduate degree plus an optional honours year) was awarded to Ben Morrell. The University of Sydney Entry Scholarship (funding for one year only) was awarded to Danielle Chiaverini and Josephine Stewart. Warmest congratulations from all in the TIGS community to Ben, Josephine and Danielle!

School Production

TIGS Foundation

Jesus Christ Superstar - Tickets Now On Sale

Annual General Meeting

Performance Times: • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday • Saturday • Saturday

16 June 2010 17 June 2010 18 June 2010 19 June 2010 19 June 2010

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 2.00pm 7.30pm

Adults $20 - Students/Concessions $10 Tickets available from TIGS reception phone 4220 0200

The TIGS Foundation will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday June 15, 2010. Venue: School Board Room Time: 6pm Parents & interested members of the school community are invited to attend.

TIGS Extended Vacation Care

Winter Holiday Study Blitz

TIGS Extended Vacation Care will be operating during the next School holidays. This is only 5 weeks away so do not forget to book your place.

Study courses are being held at the School during the winter school holidays for any student from Years 7 to 12.

Week 1 (28 June 2010 – 2 July 2010), 8.00am – 5.00pm Monday 28 June - Wicked Wheels and Outdoor Sports Tuesday 29 June - Tiger Putt Putt and Play Gym with KFC Lunch Wednesday 30 June - UFO and Flying Creations Day Thursday 1 July - Laser Skirmish and So You Think You Can Dance, Disco Friday 2 July - Slumber Party/Scooter Wheels Day Places are filling fast. Please see the TIGS website for further information, booking sheet and permission forms

The courses being run are: Study Skills & Strategies - Years 7 - 9 Senior Study Skills & Strategies - Years 10 - 12 Essay Skills - Years 10 - 12 Advanced Reading Skills - Years 10 - 12 Please click here for more information and to download your enrolment form.

To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: and sign up on the home page.


20 22 May e t at Fe l Grounds e r G S G • TI am - 3.00pm Schoo 10.00


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15 June


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