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Year 6 Canberra Excursion Headmaster’s Message
Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Issue 5 Term II, 2012
Academic • Christian • Caring
New Initiatives Early this week we welcomed Ms Di Fisk and Mr Andrew Bradke to our school. Ms Fisk is a retired Head of School in Hong Kong and Mr Bradke is an experienced PYP Coordinator who has worked in Indonesia and South Australia. The purpose of their visit was to appraise the School against the rigorous standards of the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) in readiness for TIGS to become an IB World School. Accreditation will authorise the School to deliver the Primary Years Program (PYP) and allow it to join 3,410 other schools world-wide that have met the standards set by the IBO. The visitors reviewed the School’s curriculum and the actual teaching and learning taking place in each classroom and how these compared to the IBO’s standards which represent world best practice. They consulted with students, all teachers, the School Executive, parents and members of the School Council in preparing their report for the IBO. We look forward to receiving advice from the IBO on the outcome of the authorisation visit. Congratulations to all staff, especially Mrs Bryant who coordinated the process, and students from the Piper Centre and the Junior School on the effort made in preparing for the visit of Ms Fisk and Mr Bradke. The decision to adopt the PYP was made because of the excellence of the program in engaging students in enquiry-based learning appropriate for the 21st Century. The School has an excellent and hard-earned reputation for achieving excellent academic outcomes for students across the whole school. Last year, the NSW Board of Studies (BOS) completed an assessment of the School’s programs and the inspectors commented in glowing terms on the strength of our programs when they renewed BOS Registration and Accreditation for the maximum period of 5 years. Mrs Bryant, the Junior School Curriculum Coordinator was even invited to join a BOS team writing documents for the Australian Curriculum in the subject of English. The BOS provides the curriculum for the subjects taught at TIGS.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
However, as a school we are not satisfied with compliance with BOS curriculum requirements alone. The PYP provides the framework for teaching and learning in which the BOS curriculum is taught. The strengths of both the BOS and the PYP meld to provide an exciting learning environment, unique to the Illawarra, which stimulates and engages students in student-centred learning. The Director of Teaching and Learning, Ms Melina Sangster, is currently leading a team of Senior School Teachers and Faculty Heads in a review of the curriculum for Years 7 to 10. The purpose of the review is not to evaluate our performance in implementing the Board of Studies Curriculum – the BOS inspectors and the continued excellence of our results in NAPLAN, the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate confirm that we do BOS compliance and preparation for examinations very well. The review will evaluate the efficacy of our programs for Years 7 to 10 against our own standards – set out in our Statement of Mission and Values (Refer to the Academic core value). In short, are we engaging students in learning that is appropriate for the 21st Century within the framework of the core values that define us as a school? This is a much more challenging task than just reviewing compliance with the expectations of the BOS and the HSC examiners. The elective subjects offered in the Senior School have also been reviewed with several new subjects on offer for 2013: Year 9 • Philosophy (catering for students that participated in the ‘Honours Program’ in Years 7 and 8) Year 11 • Society and Culture • Engineering Science • VET – Community Services (Early Childhood), taught through our own Piper Centre It should be noted that the actual subjects taught are determined by the number of students that select the subject. The School Council gave approval at their last meeting for the construction of two new Science Laboratories on the land immediately behind ‘Delbridge’. Planning has commenced and construction will take place largely in 2013. These laboratories will replace our two oldest laboratories (downstairs next to the Canteen) which will then be refurbished into facilities for the teaching of hospitality subjects. We look forward to even better outcomes for our students as a result of these initiatives.
The Great Fete was a success in many ways, including raising funds for the School. The P & F have advised that the net return from this year’s Fete was $56,500. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to such a successful day. This allows the P&F to fulfil its commitment over several years to contributing to the air conditioning of classrooms: $60,000 for H Block (Senior School English Classrooms) and $80,000 for the Junior School. This is a wonderful gift to the School and appreciated by all students and staff.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Chaplain’s Message
The Heart of Worship
Following is a quote from Tullian Tchividjian’s book, Surprised by Grace: God’s relentless pursuit of rebels. I thought his grasp of the nature of worship was so insightful it was worth repeating. ‘All of us are worshipers - of something. It’s that simple. We’re created, designed, and wired for worship. Being human is to be a worshiper. The English word worship derives from the idea of “worthship,” meaning that we all serve those things to which we attribute ultimate worth. Worship is a posture of the heart. It’s an attitude of loyalty and trust toward something - someone - in your life that you believe makes life worth living. Thus, we all worship something or someone. Typically, whatever we worship is our ‘non-negotiable’. It’s that one thing, should we lose it or part with it, which would bring both devastation and hopelessness. What you choose to attribute ultimate worth to - what you choose to worship - depends on what you fear the most. If you fear loneliness, you worship relationships. You depend on them to save you from a meaningless life. If you fear not being accepted or esteemed, you worship your social network, the way you look, the car you drive, or the amount of money you make. You depend on these things to validate your existence. If you fear insignificance, you end up worshiping your career or your accomplishments.’
Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Tchividjian’s point is clear as he concludes his assessment - we are all worshippers. His corrective is to remind us that God is the only reliable object of worship because he alone has the ability to provide all we truly need and long for as human beings - justification, love, mercy, grace, cleansing, a new beginning, eternal approval, acceptance, righteousness, rescue… The question then is: who or what will we worship? Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Senior School
Learning Environments
When ex-students visit the School, often to enrol their children, they comment so positively on the changes that have been made to the School. The most recent being the renovations to our fabulous library and learning centre. We have a beautiful campus and every change that has been made over the years has not only been from a functional and utilitarian perspective but has also taken account of the importance of aesthetics in creating a positive learning environment. The look, the feel, the functionality all go to making our students learn best because the environment makes them feel safe, loved, cared for and valued.
Another significant change to our learning environment has been the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative, which is now being developed in a number of other Independent schools. This initiative has changed our learning environment almost overnight to allow us to embrace 21st Century teaching and learning and the new learning communities which develop from these changes. As an example of this go to the Parent Portal, and then through The Hub to and look at the TIGS Literary Magazine - an online school community seeking to engage staff, students and parents in a cooperative endeavour. It’s very exciting. Become involved!
Monica Watt
And so to another change that can be seen on our campus and it is not what the digital troglodytes, the nay-sayers, the Luddites had predicted. In a snapshot of one period I saw the library full of Deputy Headmaster and students from Prep to Year 12 in various groupings working and learning in the multi-media library Head of Senior School and outside in the winter sun at the table and chairs around the Library Lawn there were BYOD students working and learning together. I watched an Art class fashioning representations of trees, some artistically-challenged students accessing sites for visual inspiration. There was a Geography class doing research on the environment and on the oval PE students exercising and recording data, both linked to limitless resources of informative and comparative data via their laptops. It was a hive of activity both inside and outside and all were totally engaged in learning. What a new and exciting world of learning – what a beautiful environment for learners. Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Junior School We are often beguiled into thinking that education is a serious and scientific task and in many ways this is true. However, this week we have been reminded of the importance of simplicity, of engaging in the moment and enjoying the wonder and excitement of learning. We have been reminded of this because the children are finding lots of potential in the Autumn leaves. This caused us to reconsider our perspective that we needed to always design activities for our children. Rather, we have been reminded that the children can confidently utilise what is happening in their environment to design learning opportunities for themselves. It reminds me of the story of a child receiving a ‘whizz bang’ toy, unwrapping it and happily playing with the box. Sometimes we need to let our children play with the box!
Judi Nealy
Head of Junior School
This week at school, the leaves have been our box. Year 4 students have gathered up an enormous pile of autumn leaves in their lunch time eating area. Some primary children have had a great deal of enjoyment collecting and watching the leaves on the oval as they flutter and fly about. Infants children have created collages and crayon rubbings of the autumn leaves, they have talked about the “veins” and the shapes and have used language as well as their creativity to explore the world and find wonder and fun in doing so and, all this happened at play time! It’s a good reminder to us as teachers and as parents that play is important in the learning process, perhaps this weekend you might find a time to head down to the park and play in the leaves.
Dates for your diary:
• Wednesday 13 June 10.30am-11.30am – IT Coffee and Chat Day Session • Thursday 14 June 3.30pm-4.00pm – Parent Training Session • Thursday 14 June 4.00pm-5.00pm – IT Coffee and Chat Afternoon Session • Thursday 14 June 5.00pm-6.00pm – Karobran Term II Meeting Please note: All of the above events will be held in the Library
Class Awards KM KD 1M 1C 1W 2P 3M 3Y 4R 4W 5S 5N 6Y
Merit Certificates
Ali Matar, Zane Al-Salih Maya Middleton Bhaavya Gupta, Luke Jansen Thomas Peden Emily Sutherland Jessy Harman Molly Buikstra, Kaeden Hamdan James Burgess Pippi Fuller, Terrance Tsakiridis Pippi Fuller Kiarna McIlwraith Kaeden Hamdan Olivia Barber, Alexandria Gunther Soraya McCann Robert McGrath Josh Agarwal, Sarah Van Vreumingen, Maya Middleton Riley Hanlon Ella Green, Sophie Correa Hannah Scott, Aika Hammond, Darcy Scrine, Aaron Bell, Christopher Kiddall Park, Daniel Cannon, Rubey Williams, Celeste Bonaccorso
2013 Enrolments We would like to remind existing families that Enrolments for 2013 and beyond are now being taken, with limited positions in several Year groups available. All new students interested in attending The Illawarra Grammar School are required to complete an Application for Enrolment form. For further information please visit the our website and click on ENROLMENTS or contact Ms Nicci Fripp on 4220 0216 or email:
TIGS P&F TIGS P&F would like to thank all the parents, teachers and students of TIGS who made donations and gave up their time to help make this years TIGS Great Fete a fantastic day. Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you also to the following businesses who generously donated prizes for our raffle: My Dental Team Shellharbour, Radisson Blu Sydney, Centro CBD, My Pantry, The Anchorage Restaurant, Windjammers Restaurant, Relish on Addison, Lacuna Cafe, Bombora Seafood, Diggies Cafe, Habourside Brighton Kiama, Face It Skin Therapy, IBAH Day Spa.
Canteen News Canteen Capers
Thank you to all the families that have joined Flexi Schools. This is a wonderful system for both Families and the Canteen, if you have not already joined please go to www.flexischools. and have a look. This system allows parents, students and staff to place orders from home, work or school at any time up until 9.00am in the morning. The payment is also done online, so you no longer need to have cash to purchase from the Canteen. As well as being convenient for you, the online orders are much faster and easier for the canteen to process - so it makes everyone’s life a little easier. The system is now available, so we look forward to seeing your order online! This app has been created for FlexiSchools by “Iron Tortoise” and can be bought from the iTunes store for $1.99, by searching for “FlexiSchools” or by clicking here. Always update your app, as new functions are always becoming available.
Roster Week 7 Monday 4 June Catherine Kirby
Tuesday 5 June Anne Jones Snezana Bujaroska
Wednesday 6 June Help Needed
Thursday 7 June Help Needed
Friday 8 June Pupil Free Day
Holiday Study Blitz Study courses are being held at the School during the Winter school holidays for any student from Years 7 - 12. The courses being run are: Study Skills and Strategies - Years 7 - 9 Senior Study Skills and Strategies - Years 10 - 12 Essay Skills - Years 10 - 12 Advanced Reading Skills - Years 10 - 12 Please click here for more information and to download your enrolment form.
Senior School Sport U/15 Bill Turner Cup Football 3rd Round The boys played at Illawarra Sports High and got off to a flying start with three very good goals in the first half. Sports High hit back just before half time to bring the score to 3-1, and followed up in the second half with two more goals but TIGS held their nerve to take out the match 5-3. The team consisted of Cameron Barrett, Kyle Del, Matthew Galanti, Adam Galanti, Thomas Goodhew, Nicholas Grozdanov, Jeremy Harrison, Jonathan Kollaras, Zac McLaren, Joel Moore, Damon Pupovac, Tomas Saponja, Lachlan Scott, Harrison Taranto. Congratulations to the boys as they progress to round 4. NASSA and AICES Rugby Union Trials On Monday of Week 3, 25 students in the Senior School trialled for the NASSA Rugby Union representative teams.
Congratulations to the following boys on their selection in the NASSA Rugby Teams and their attendance at the AICES Championships. Opens James Needham Year 12 Under 16’s Andrew Barker Year 10 Bailey White Year 9 Manarr Jasim Year 10 At the AICES Championships James Needham and Bailey White were selected in the AICES Rugby Teams. They will now be involved in a number of trial matches. We wish them the best. 14’s Rugby League On Tuesday of Week 6, 17 Year 8 students represented the School at the All Schools U14’s Rugby League Carnival. In the first game the team came up against a very good Bulli High team and lost 30 to 6. In the second game, the team was down
14-0 to Dapto High School at half time however through some inspiring play by the team captain, George Miller, TIGS clawed back when Matthew Galanti scored a length of the field try. The game was won 18-14. Other outstanding players on the day were Dylan Lees and Louis Parsons-O’Malley. The team: Noah Gibbs, Angus Pryde, George Miller, Adam Galanti, Mathew Galanti, Kia Middleton, Dylan Lees, Dylan Myles, Jonty Negus, Christopher Reader, Christian Kyriacou, Louis Parsons O’Malley, Brandon Grainger, Nick Rogers, Brayden Stead and Tom King. Student Success Jarrod Poort (Year 12) competed this week at the Oceania Swimming Championships. He has been involved in a heavy training schedule and was successful in winning the 1500m event. Congratulations to Jarrod on this outstanding result!
The Illawarra Grammar School proudly presents
Show Times 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 2.00pm 7.30pm
Wednesday June Thursday June Friday June Saturday June Saturday June
13 14 15 16 16
School Aged Students
$20 Adult
Tickets available for purchase online via the TIGS Website
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