Issue 6 Term IV 2012

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NEWSLETTER Thomas Bolt and Will Holmes at Figtree Lions Youth of the Year Quest

Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Issue 6 Term IV, 2012

Academic • Christian • Caring

Middle Years Programme Last week I wrote about concept-based learning and how it is an integral part of both the Primary Years Programme (PYP) for Years Prep to 6, and the Middle Years Programme (MYP) for Years 7 to 10. At TIGS we reject the notion that students ‘naturally’ become disengaged over the years of high school. We expect students to be actively engaged in our extensive co-curricular program that covers Sport, the Performing Arts and a host of other stimulating and engaging activities. This equips our young men and women with the skills and attributes necessary to perform well in Years 11 and 12 and beyond. We apply the same expectation to academic study in Years 7 to 10. The programs of the International Baccalaureate Organisation are internationally recognised as being best practice. ACARA also accepts the PYP and the MYP as representing best practice and satisfying the requirements of the Australian Curriculum. The framework that underpins the PYP and the MYP, with a focus on inquiry-based, student learning that is concept-based, makes learning exciting and engaging. The focus has shifted from learning content to learning for understanding. The following is a useful summary of how learning is different at TIGS to other schools that have not embraced the PYP and the MYP.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Traditional instruction:

Concept-based instruction (PYP, MYP):

Knowing (factually) and doing (skillfully)

Knowing (factually), learning (conceptually) and doing (skillfully)

The goal is increased factual knowledge and skill development.

The goal is increased conceptual understanding supported by factual knowledge and skills, and the transfer of understanding across global contexts.

skill Teacher facilitates student inquiry into important interdisciplinary and disciplinary topics and issues using one or two key concepts as the conceptual draw. Teacher relies heavily on lecture to disseminate factual knowledge. The goal is increased development.




Instruction and learning experiences focus on factual Instruction and learning experiences utilise concepts along examples and definitions of concepts with assumed with factual content to ensure synergistic thinking. Teacher conceptual understanding. deliberately uses concepts to help students transcend the facts. Teacher posts objectives for each lesson as required.

Teacher posts questions of different kinds (factual, conceptual, debatable) to engage interest and to facilitate synergistic thinking.

Students face the teacher in straight rows to ensure order Students often work in groups to facilitate shared social and attention to the teacher’s instruction. inquiry, collaboration, synergistic thinking and problemsolving. Students may work independently, in pairs or groups, or across global contexts using the internet or other communication tools. Teacher verbally summarises the learning related to the Teacher uses inductive teaching to draw the statement objectives at the close of the lesson. of conceptual understanding from students near the end of a lesson and posts the central or suggested supporting ideas for later connections to future topics in the curriculum. Students support their understanding with accurate facts as evidence of quality synergistic thinking. Assessments measure factual knowledge and skills.

Assessments of conceptual understanding tie back to a central (or supporting idea) by incorporating specific language from the idea in the task expectations.

Teacher focuses on covering the required curriculum.

Teacher focuses on student thinking and understanding. He/she is cognizant of each student’s ability to think synergistically.

Reference: In adopting the MYP over the course of the next few years the School will not be compromising its already effective programs. Students will still study subjects following the curriculum of the NSW Board of Studies (and the Australian Curriculum); students will still study the same subjects and choose electives in Years 9 and 10; students will still receive a School Certificate from the BOS; and students will still be in an excellent position to commence their study for the HSC in Years 11 and 12. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Michael Carr-Gregg to visit TIGS Noted psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg has been invited by the School to conduct a session specifically for parents about raising adolescent children. This is a must-attend event and will be held in the form of a quiz on the evening of Monday 4 March 2013. The Quiz has been designed to provide an entertaining “adult-learning” evening where tables of parents can interact in a light-hearted competition to answer a set of questions presented by a quiz-leader, leading psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg. The Quiz questions have been carefully selected to encourage parents to reflect on some of the major issues in adolescent health. Questions are grouped into modules tackling issues such as: • the greatest challenges for parents in the new millennium • communicating with adolescents • building resilience • handling conflict • cybersafety • monitoring adolescent health issues including sleep, diet, anxiety, self-harm, drugs and alcohol Please mark this event in your diary.

Chaplain’s Message

The Pros and Cons of the Internet

I was at a conference recently where one of the speakers asked a question about the internet. It was a “raise your hand” type of question. We were asked to indicate if we were glad the internet was invented. About 50% of the 70 people present raised their hands. The other 50% reckoned that the internet was responsible for far too much ill in the world and that a return to a pre-internet-age would be in the best interests of us all. I voted in favour of the internet. What would you have done? I believe the internet is one of greatest inventions of the 20th Century. The internet has truly revolutionized life. A recent example is Monday night’s game-changing retail experiment (despite it being a bit of a flop in the end). Sure, like any human device the internet can be used for ill. And in many respects it is being used for great ill. But that’s not a problem with the internet; that’s a problem with the human heart. As Jesus sees it, from the heart come “evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.” (Mark 7.21-22). The internet in the hands of one whose heart is crooked will inevitably assist them to indulge in evil. But, again, this is not the fault of the internet. It is the fault of the human heart. The internet simply becomes one of the many tools available to express or indulge what is already lurking deep within. It needs to be acknowledged, however, that the internet is one of those instruments which has the potential to cause even the best intentioned among us to stumble. As parents and educators we carry the burden each day of nurturing young people toward a responsible use of technology. But the truth is: many well-meaning and Chaplain respectful adults admit having problems disciplining themselves on the internet. Many have stumbled; some have wandered seriously into sin; still others have become trapped in sinful behaviour. Some have bravely put up their hand and admitted a problem. Others are secretly indulging sins which they know are tearing themselves and others apart, too ashamed to seek the help they know they so desperately need.

Rev James Rogers

How is it for you? As a user of the internet could you honestly say you are mastering your use? Or are you being mastered? Is sin finding an opportunity in this particular medium to express or even indulge itself in behavior that is displeasing to God? If so, don’t deny that you have a problem. Seek now a solution before it is too late. Speak to someone you trust immediately and put plans in place to regain your control. And speak also to God. Remember, internet sin is not an unforgivable sin. Nevertheless, as with any sin, it needs to be repented of before it devours us.

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Senior School Last weekend I attended the ‘Celebration of the Life of Terrie Baxter’ held at Gleniffer Brae. Terrie had been a SCEGGS Gleniffer Brae student and later a teacher. Her family were founding members of the first Anglican Schools in the Illawarra - TIGS and SCEGGS. Terrie’s father, Ron Baxter, was one of those founding fathers who literally built the first TIGS classrooms in which his son Scott was educated. Terrie was a dynamic force in the local community involved in many good causes and in recent years she had been a passionate volunteer for the Cancer Council, speaking eloquently just this year at the City Beach JC’s International’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. She will be sadly missed. Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Public Notice A case of head lice has recently been reported at the School. Parents are encouraged to check their children immediately and deal with this any outbreaks swiftly.

Junior School Finishing Well!

With only just over three weeks remaining in the academic year it is important that we encourage every boy and girl to finish well. The learning programs in the Junior School are very full and we need to keep working right up until the last day. Combine the learning agenda with preparations for end of year concerts and celebrations and we really need to all work together to ensure that our last few weeks are collaborative, positive and productive.

Parents, you can help!

Making sure the children are on time for school each day is a great way to set the “school is important right up until the last day” agenda. Attending scheduled events with your children and communicating to them that you value the achievements and efforts of others, sets a great example for our young learners in the last few hectic weeks of school. Uniforms can also be problematic as children, teachers and parents get tired and busy at the end of the academic year. Can I ask that parents play an especially supportive role in maintaining our standard of uniforms for the remaining weeks of term? I note with some concern that earrings, hair and shoes are appearing at school that do not comply with our uniform code. I will be Head of Junior School asking children to remove any jewellery etc that does not comply with our school rules and minding them in the Office until the end of the term. Please take a moment to read through the uniform code in the diary and then to encourage your children to wear their uniform correctly and with pride.

Judi Nealy

As I walk around our School I mostly see children who are working hard with their teachers and their friends. They look good and are using every minute of term time to advantage. Judi Nealy Head of Junior School

Dates for your Diary: • • • •

Thursday 29 November – Prize Giving Assembly Wednesday 5 December – A Christmas Celebration Saturday 8 December – Infants Pageant Monday 10 December – Years 3-6 Presentation Evening

Junior School continued ... Merit Certificates

Commitment to Learning Badge

Morgan Jackson – Academic Cody Nugara – Academic Sarah Van Vreumingen – Academic Thomas Hobeika – Academic Nicile Mau – Academic William Dolan – Academic Ryder Langton – Academic Samuel Stevenson – Academic Alysha De Ruyter – Service

Lachlan Phillpott Ella Green Benae Kuiper Joanne Karakousis Payton Leitch Cody Nugara Sarah Van Vreumingen Ben Giason Jack Worthington Isabella Atkinson

Weekly Awards KB KD KM 1C 1M 2H 3Y 4R 4W 5R 6Y

Alby Ferguson, Ryder Langton Bhaavya Gupta, Jessica Llewellin William Dolan, James Brewer Lauren Ayers India Strangman Ryan Jinks, Angkit Jeyachandran Hugo Parrish, Lauren O’Hanlon Ruby Tilden Dylan Koster, Sarah Van Vreumingen, Toria Tsakiridis, Sarah Tubman, Maya Middleton Jarod Tuckwood, Nhi Thu Trinh, Andrea Avenido Anish Abey, Harry Borbilas, Joshua Fullerton-Harvey, Byron Leitch, Ashleigh Mill, Dylan Sormus, Nathan Thompson, Christopher Kidall Park

P & F News Year 8 Mum’s Lunch

All Year 8 Mum’s are invited to attend our last get together for 2012 Friday 30 November 12.30pm Bombora Seafood Restaurant - Wollongong Harbour Please contact Toni McMillan or Kim Gibbs for more information.

TIGS Recycled Uniform Service

The TIGS Recycled Uniform Service is in need of good quality recyclable uniforms and volunteers for next year. Donations can be dropped to either Senior School or Junior School reception clearly marked ‘TIGS Recycled Uniform Service’. This service is open Tuesday and Thursday 8.30am – 10.00am and 2.30pm – 4.00pm until the end of Term IV and will re-open when school starts back next year. Volunteers can do as little or as many shifts as they like. Please contact Tania on 0418 448 814 or via email

Jesus Light of the World

A Christmas Celebration

Wednesday 5 December 2012 Please join us at 5.30pm for a picnic on the main oval then at 7.00pm in the IGC

Years 7 - 11 Resource Lists Years 7 - 11 Resource Lists Are Now Available Online Access is available by visiting (1) (2) Select Place your Booklist Orders (a new window will open) (3) Select the section The Illawarra Grammar School, West Wollongong in NSW/ACT. (4) Select Get Resource List (5) Select Year Wednesday 28 November for Year 7, and Monday 10 December for Years 8 – 11 are the latest dates for ordering to ensure home delivery during the week ending Friday 18 January 2013.

Max Potential Leadership Program Emma Hatton Year 10 has been participating in the Max Potential Leadership Program for students in our community and has persuaded some of our Year 9 students to join her in volunteering at Parameadows school this term. This local school provides an education for children with a broad range of disabilities, those which are classed as higher needs. All of our students have been exemplary ambassadors for the School. The Parameadows children have loved having them there to sing and dance and play games with, and I know our students do not want the program of visits to end. The Parameadows staff have welcomed our students and are keen for this to be an ongoing initiative starting from early next year. It would be a good chance for some of the current Year 9 students to return and train some of the Year 9 2013 students to take over the voluntary program.

Uniform Shop Year 7 2013

Would all existing Year 6 students who are entering Year 7 in 2013 please visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and purchased by 15 November 2012.

Year 10 2012

Would all existing Year 10 students who are entering Year 11 in 2013 visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and Senior Blazers ordered by the 24 November 2012.

Prep 2012

Would all existing Prep students entering Kindergarten in 2013 please visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and purchased by the 15 November 2012. To make an appointment please call the Uniform Shop on 4220 0230

Youth of the Year Quest TIGS had two entrants into the Figtree Lions YOY Quest. It was held last night at the Kembla Grange Golf Club and there were four other entrants. I am thrilled to say that both Thomas Bolt and Will Holmes did us proud, especially in the difficult impromptu speeches. They had two impromptu speeches and a prepared speech. Thomas came first in the prepared speech. This speech was worth 20% of the total mark. The impromptu speech and an interview (held earlier in the day) was worth 80% of the total mark. Thanks to Margaret Dubowski who helped prepare the boys for this event.

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The Illawarra Grammar School Parent quiz night WITH

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg Australia's highest profile child and adolescent psychologist

SAVE THE DATE 4 March 2013

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