Issue 7, Term III 2012

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NEWSLETTER Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Royal National Park

Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Junior School

Issue 7 Term III, 2012

Academic • Christian • Caring

God is Already Present One of my favourite authors is Philip Yancey. In his book Finding God in Unexpected Places he tells the story of Joanne, a young woman of mixed race who lived in South Africa as the era of Apartheid ended. She took on the seemingly impossible task of reforming “the most violent prison in South Africa. Tattoo-covered gang members controlled the prison, strictly enforcing a rule that required new members to earn their admittance to the gang by assaulting undesirable prisoners. Prison authorities looked the other way, letting these ‘animals’ beat and even kill each other.” She visited the prison each day, bringing the Christian message of forgiveness and reconciliation. “The year before she began her visits, the prison recorded 279 acts of violence; the next year there were two.” When asked by Philip Yancey what had happened to transform the prison she answered “Well of course, Philip, God was already present in the prison. I just had to make him visible.” (pp 5-6) I like this story because the belief that “God is already present” is similar to the TIGS philosophy to Christian education that underpins our teaching. The TIGS Statement of Mission and Values says (2.3): “The School is committed to developing and implementing curriculum that reflects a Christian world view. This is achieved through the public celebration of the Christian faith and through the embedding of a Christian world view in all that we do.”

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

It would be difficult to find a Christian or faith based school that does not publicly celebrate their beliefs. Chapel, Christian Studies, Chaplain’s reflections, public praying, mission statements are found in most schools and are accepted as part of the school routines. It is also common to find beliefs and behaviours consistent with the Christian faith embedded in co-curricular programs of schools. For example, at TIGS there is a well-planned sequence of experiences across the whole school that teaches students about ‘service’ to others. There is an intrinsic ‘good’ about serving others that is recognised by psychologists but at TIGS we see it as an expression of the beliefs and behaviours of the Christian faith. So by the end of Year 12 a student has had the experience of serving others, understands through personal experience the worth of serving, and understands that the Christian faith includes the call of Jesus for his followers to serve others. Service activities, environmental responsibility, the role of leaders, approaches to discipline and the myriad of activities, programs and procedures found in schools can sometimes appear to be very similar. At TIGS we see them as an extension of what we believe as a Christian school and intend that they form a part of a student’s understanding of what people of the Christian faith believe and do. The comment made by ‘Joanne’ that “God was already present” and that she “just had to make him visible” captures an additional dimension to learning about the Christian faith happening in classrooms at TIGS. The Apostle Paul had a similar perspective when he wrote: “For in Jesus all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:16-17) Teachers, under the direction of the Chaplain, are looking for opportunities to consider Christian beliefs in the course of their teaching and learning activities. Our intention is that, amongst the many different and often conflicting world views that permeate textbooks, video presentations and teaching resources, our students will also reflect on the teachings of the Christian faith. This provides an interesting challenge for teachers. Is there a Christian perspective on learning spelling words? Probably not: at least I can’t think of one. When there is no clear relationship between the learning and the Christian faith TIGS teachers do not try and invent a connection. It may be there in theory but to artificially create a connection lacks credibility and does nothing to enhance an understanding of the Christian faith in students. Is there a Christian perspective to be considered when learning about pollution, or relationships, or the distribution of wealth, or the beauty of a flower? The Christian faith does provide a perspective on so much of what students learn. At TIGS we are not interested in telling our students what to think. As an IB World School we plan for our students to develop the characteristics of the Learner Profile: to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective. This requires students to develop the ability to consider a range of perspectives while learning, including a Christian worldview. To paraphrase Joanne: “God is already present; we just have to make him visible” or as Philip Yancey’s book title suggests, we should look for God in unexpected places, even in the classroom.

Chaplain’s Message

Dismantling the Dividing Wall

I love how the TIGS community is comprised of a multitude of ethnicities. I enjoy the diversity this brings in appearance, culture and creativity. Of course, the coming together of diverse ethnicities can have its problems. There is always the potential that we can be fearful of what we do not know or understand about a culture other than our own. This can breed suspicion toward the other. Trust can become a rare commodity. But it doesn’t need to be this way. And I’m pleased to say from what I observe at TIGS that it is not this way among us. That’s not to say we are a perfect community. But I do observe a pleasing unity amongst us – and this is pleasing to God. The Bible makes it clear that God is the creator of all people groups (Acts 17.26). He is a God who loves diversity. He is also the savior of all people (1Timothy 4.10). God’s gracious invitation goes out to all people; he invites all to be reconciled to himself through his Son Jesus. That this will be an effectual call is evidenced by the fact that on the last day “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language” will be present before the throne of God praising his name for his mercy toward them in the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 7.9-10). We sometimes think this will be a sight to behold only in heaven; I don’t believe this is God’s will at all.

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

There was a great division in the days of the early Church. It was a division between Jew and Gentile (Gentile meaning non-Jew). One of the great mysteries revealed in the New Testament was that this division was done away with by the gospel. As both Jew and Gentile put their trust in Jesus they became one – united in Him. The gospel dismantled the dividing wall that separated the two groups (Ephesians 3.4-6). As this reality began to be lived out in the 1st Century many wondered what brought about this profound unity. The stage was set for God’s people to declare how the gospel has power to break down all barriers. It follows that if the gospel has dissolved the barrier between Jew and Gentile, any other obstacle separating people ought to be a cinch to remove – especially our own ethnic differences. That’s the logic of the New Testament. I am emboldened by this. It means that here at TIGS as we build our community upon the teaching and example of Jesus we can expect a profound unity. We don’t have to settle for cold suspicion between people of different ethnic backgrounds. As we strive to be this community not only will we be enriched as a community but we will become living testimonies of the power of the gospel. Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Junior School IB Attitudes

This week let’s take a closer look at the attitudes of curiosity and empathy. Curiosity is easily observed in our youngest students. Ask any parent of a toddler the most frequent question they are asked and the answer you will probably get is “why?” Young children want to know why, their curiosity knows no bounds. Unfortunately a product of formal education and growing up can be the end of curiosity. When children learn that there is a “right” answer their interest in possibilities can decrease. High school and tertiary students often want to know if “this will be in the test” - the polar opposite of curiosity in education. It is vitally important that we foster and encourage curiosity in our children. The person who asks and answers the question “why?” will solve some of the most pressing problems experienced around the world. Empathy is the last attitude that we will explore this term. To possess empathy means that a person can understand another person’s experience or point of view. It is not the same as feeling sympathy as there is a real sense of walking in someone else’s shoes. Empathy is a highly regarded 21st Century attitude and one to be encouraged in our children and in each other as we learn and grow together. Ask your children to identify when they observe others demonstrating these attitudes and when they demonstrate them themselves.

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School

As I write this weeks newsletter I am feeling a little weary and red in the face. I have spent the day at the NASSA sports carnival out in the sun judging the track events. It was an absolute pleasure to interact with our TIGS students but also with the students from the other NASSA schools. They all showed remarkable sportsmanship and enthusiasm for the competition and it was a pleasure to spend a day in the company of such fine young people. As I was working with one of the officials, I was informed that the photo finish official was the top ranked photo finish person in Australia. My fellow judge had worked at the Commonwealth and Olympic games in an official capacity. What a wonderful opportunity for our children to benefit from this level of expertise. Congratulations to Mrs Martin for her role in organising such an excellent athletics carnival. Judi Nealy Head of Junior School

Junior School Weekly Awards KB KD KM 1C 2A

Teerth Khanna Daniel Peden, Anika Rindani Brandon Nugara Sunday Windsor Zane Taylor, Darcy Cross

2H 2P 3Y 4R

Samuel Murrie Jade Hyde, Nicholas Chiaverini Bodhi Hemsley-Oades, Emma Black, Daniel Michelmore Annie McLearie

Fathers Day

5N 5S 6W 6Y

Kye Gosling, Sophie Correa Nicole Russo, Nicholas Sutherland Lara Conti, Talitha Cannon Daniel Cannon, Caitlin De Santis, Zane Dema


TIGS Foundation

P & F News

Not So Secret Men’s Business – A Major TIGS Foundation Fundraising Event

Year 7 Family Beach Afternoon

A gourmet three course dinner will be served accompanied by fine wines and beer, and entertainment will be provided by well-known Australian musician, Ross Wilson and Band. Ross was part of iconic Australian group, Daddy Cool and Mondo Rock. Funds will be raised during the evening to benefit TIGS Foundation.

Save the date!

All gentlemen from the TIGS Community are invited to join the original students of TIGS in a dinner to re-unite and connect with friends old and new.


Friday 12 October 2012, 6.30pm

WHERE: Centro CBD, 28 Stewart Street, Wollongong WHO:



3 Course Dinner, Beverages and Entertainment




Friday 21 September 2012

Visit our website or click here. For more information phone Foundation Coordinator, Lisa Wilson on 4220 0264.

Year 7 families are invited to get together and enjoy an afternoon in the sun on Friday 23 November at North Beach.

For more information please contact your Year 7 Representatives: Zina Ainsworth Mobile 0438 284 106 Email Alice Martin Mobile 0438 120 899 Email

28-30 SEPTEMBER 2012 WHERE The Illawarra Grammar School (TIGS) OPENING NIGHT 7pm, Friday 28th September VISIT

artfor refugees

Canteen News Order Online Don’t forget to order your lunch with Flexi Schools, to ensure you don’t miss out on your favourite items.

Roster Week 9 Term III Monday 10 September Jan Osbourne

Tuesday 11 September Kim Main

Wednesday 12 September Thursday 13 September Heather Rugg Assunta Disibio Nicole Anastas Pam Parkinson

Friday 14 September HELP NEEDED

Duke of Edinburgh

Uniform Shop

Upcoming Dates

Holiday Opening Hours

• Silver Test Expedition: 26 – 28 October 2012

• Thursday 4 October 9.00am - 2.00pm

Please note these upcoming Duke of Edinburgh dates: • Silver Practise Expedition: 13 – 15 October 2012

Please note that our opening hours for the school holidays are:

• Friday 5 October 9.00am - 2.00pm

TIGS Great Race

• Saturday 6 October 9.00am - 2.00pm

The Great Race will be held at Jamberoo Recreation Park on Thursday 20 September. The Great Race is a compulsory school event promoting participation in novelty events for all students. On this day points are awarded for a number of novelty events and the well known House “Haka” to go towards the famous Shell Shield. Students this year are not to be driven to or from Jamberoo Recreation Park but are to come to school at the normal time, using the usual modes of transport. Shuttle buses have been organised to transport all students to and from the Park. Students are not allowed to remain at the park to wait for parents. Students must wear their House Shirts and school sports shorts to this event. They are expected to wear appropriate swimwear/rash shirts, hats and sunscreen. The water will be cold so students may like to wear their wetsuits. Students are encouraged to bring plenty of food and water for the day as there may be limited food outlets open. While at the Park strict safety regulations will be enforced by the attendants and TIGS staff. Students will be required to obey all safety instructions, follow safety signage and not engage in anything considered reckless behaviour. Due to changes in risk management by the Park all students must wear colour-coded wrist bands to identify their level of swimming proficiency. Students are also advised to operate a buddy system within the park, not going alone to rides, shops, cafes or toilets. A reminder to all students to return their permission slips for the Great Race to their Mentor Teacher as soon as possible. If your note is not returned you will not be able to attend this event. We are looking forward to a great day! If you have any questions please ring Mrs Sharpe at school.

Senior School Sport Student Success

Congratulations to Kieran Ackhurst (Year 10) who competed in the School Sport Australia Volleyball Championships in Bendigo last week. The NSW Team came fifth and Kieran was one of 12 boys selected in the Under 16 Australian Schoolboys Volleyball Team. This is a fantastic achievement and a great stepping stone for a future with great potential.

ACT Schools XC Championships

533 mountain bike riders entered the ACT Schools XC Championships with school teams from across ACT and NSW aiming to do as many laps as possible within the time limit of four hours (with only one rider from each team on course at a time). TIGS entered a Senior Girls High Team of Lucinda Paine (Year 7), Emily I’ons (Year 9) and Sarah I’ons (Year 7) with Hamish Paine (Year 10) joining a mixed senior team with Kiera High. The weather was freezing, the track was challenging and the competition was fast and furious. Our senior girls showed exceptional toughness and came 1st against determined opposition. Hamish flew around the course with skill and grit bringing his team home in 4th place. A superb effort! If you would like a physical challenge, thrills and spills and a chance to ride some of the best tracks in Australia, come to the champs next year! Congratulations to these four students on great results. Thank you to Mr Ions for managing the team.

AICES Athletics Carnival

NASSA Volleyball Gala Day

On Friday 31 August two teams of Year 8 and 9 students participated in the NASSA Volleyball Gala Day at Macarthur Anglican School. The students battled against strong winds on the day but still managed to win a number of their games. The girl’s team played well to place fourth while the boys placed 5th overall. Mrs Burton and I were very impressed with the good spirit and camaraderie not only between our players but also with students from other teams. Congratulations goes to these students on the way they represented The Illawarra Grammar School last week. Boys Team: Thomas Chadrawy, Jacob Ellevsen, Mitchell Ferguson, Adam Galanti, Jeremy Harrison, Evan Jenkins, Christian Kyriakou, Zachary Martignago, Dominic Mortimer, Mikhail Nathoo, Jonty Negus, Angus Pryde Girls Team: Jacqueline Connor, Zoe Correa, Kelsey Cresswell, Ashleigh Doherty, Grace Hennessy, Chloe Kuiper, Alexander Lavalle, Olivia Porcheddu, Sarah Scott, Stephanie Shalala, Gabrielle Whitefield

Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

Spring arrived in a spectacular way when 27 of our Duke of Edinburgh participants completed their Bronze “test” expedition. The weather was just one of the things that added to a very successful weekend. The students started their trip at Audley (in the Royal National Park) and walked to Bonnie Vale campsite via Winifred Falls, 11km of a variety of tracks, flora and fauna. The students were really appreciative of the scenery, especially the views of Sydney heading into Bundeena. The second day took us a further 10km along the Northern part of the coast walk through to Wattamolla and the ocean views and weather were exceptional. All parents of the students who attended need to be so proud, they represented Duke of Ed, TIGS and themselves in a very mature fashion. Members of the public were very complementary to the teachers as the students wished Dad’s passing by a happy father’s day.

Holiday Clinics On Monday 3 September, 34 TIGS students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park to compete in the AICES Athletics Championships. The day was a tremendous success for TIGS and there were many outstanding individual performances, some of these included: • Caleb Stamper breaking the record for the 15B 1500m with a time of 4:28.22 • Alexander Seal breaking the record for the 16B 800m with a time of 1:59.58 • James Belcher being named Male Athlete of the Meet after placing top three in all 8 of his events However, the day was not just about individual performances. The 14 Girls relay team won their race, qualifying to compete at the NSWCIS Championships. The most outstanding result was that TIGS was named as the winning school on the overall medal count, with 19 gold, 11 silver and 8 bronze. A fantastic result that sees 21 TIGS students qualify to compete at the NSWCIS Athletics Championships, to be held on Wednesday 19 September.

Coerver Coaching Football Clinics for Girls and Boys aged 5 - 15 years PCYC Exeter Street North Wollongong 9.00am -12.00pm on 25, 26, and 27 September Keith Bond Oval, Fisher Street, Oak Flats 9.00am-12.00pm on 2, 3 and 4 September Cost $80.00 For more information see Parker’s Holiday Tennis Clinic Wests Illawarra 9.00am – 12.00pm from 24 to 26 September Cost: $60.00 (Ages 4-14 years) Bookings are Essential For more information call: Andrew on 0407 029 731 or email:

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Friday 12 October 2012, 6.30pm Centro CBD, 28 Stewart Street, Wollongong Men 3 Course Dinner, Beverages & Entertainment $120pp Friday 21 September 2012

Featuring Entertainment By ross Wilson & Band


TIGSFOUNDATION To RSVP and book online visit Go to the Events and Bookings page or phone 4220 0264

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