Headmaster’s Message Unique Gifts Head of Senior School Issue 7 Term IV, 2010
Academic • Christian • Caring
Head of Junior School Chaplain
Unique Gifts One of the TIGS core values is our commitment to the achievement of academic excellence. We define excellence as “neither elitist nor exclusive and is accessible to all who aspire to be the best they can be.” (Statement of Mission and Values 1.6) By making academic excellence inclusive we commit ourselves to knowing each child and shaping their learning experiences to suit their needs. This is not an easy task given the way schools are structured with students grouped into cohorts that progress through the years of schooling together. We recognise the unique nature and requirements of each student when we say that “students learn in different ways and at different rates and that the gifts each child possesses are unique in their extent and combination. Student learning is organised so that each child is given the opportunity to identify and develop their gifts and talents to the fullest extent.” (Statement of Mission and Values 1.5) This commitment to differentiated learning is a dynamic commitment, one that we continually revisit and respond to as better ways of organising teaching and learning are identified. An example of this commitment is the design of the Stage 1 classrooms in the new Junior School building. Learning in these classrooms does not occur in isolation and students have access to other learning spaces and classrooms enabling the boundaries that normally constrain learning in a single classroom to be broken down. A visit to our Stage 1 classes will see students using the many break-out spaces to engage in individual and group learning and moving between other various other Stage 1 classes as their individual learning needs require. The focus of our building design has shifted from the efficiency of one teaching space for each class to catering for the great variation in the learning needs of children.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
A similar example is the restructuring of the services available for students with special learning needs in Years 5 to 10. The School already has a wonderful resource in Mrs Margaret Dubowski, our Coordinator of Gifted Education. Parents that attended the ‘Honours Program’ exhibition on Wednesday night will have been excited by the quality of this program and the enthusiasm the students demonstrated for learning - the result of recognising and catering for their unique learning requirements. A new position, Coordinator of Special Education, has been established and Ms Melina Sangster has been appointed to commence in 2011. Her role is to strengthen the teaching and learning experiences of students with special learning needs. While she will be working individually with some students, she will also provide advice to teachers so that the needs of these students can be better catered for in the classroom. Mrs Dubowski and Ms Sangster will be working closely together and we look forward to seeing the benefits for our students with special learning needs. Short term support will continue to be provided to students with specific needs that can be overcome with targeted assistance.
The completion of the academic year brings many rituals and traditions and there is a risk that what we say can become clichéd. Nevertheless, I sincerely thank and acknowledge all members of our TIGS community for their contribution to another successful and memorable year. Thank you to: •
Parents and families for allowing us the privilege of working with your children every day. We value your support and look forward to continuing our partnership in 2011;
Members of the School Council for their wisdom and guidance as they chart the course for our School;
Teaching and non-teaching staff for their expertise and dedication to the School and its mission and traditions;
Our students, for their hard work and willingness to accept the challenges and responsibilities that go with a TIGS education. You make our School a great place to be.
To all members of the TIGS family, I wish you a happy Christmas and best wishes for 2011.
“The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2: 10 – 11)
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Chaplain’s Connection
For me, the most important event at the end of our School year is our Christmas Celebration. That is not to say that the various other events which mark the end of the year are not important. They are. It is important that we recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students in a variety of fields, by handing out prizes and awards. But, as a Christian School, it is even more important that we recognise and celebrate what God has done for us in Jesus. That is why I think the Christmas Celebration is even more important than all our other events: it focuses our thoughts on Jesus. The theme for our Christmas Celebration this year is “Peace”. Christmas is often a time of extra busyness and stress, of more noise and activity. We need to hear again, and to discover for ourselves, that the true heart of Christmas is peace. The message that the angels announced to the shepherds that first Christmas on the hillside outside Bethlehem, was a message of peace: “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly hosts appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.” (Luke 2:10-14) This peace was not to be an end to conflict between neighbours and nations, but an end to the conflict between mankind and God. It was not to be a peace of politics or social action, but a peace of heart. And it was not to be a peace brought about by negotiation and compromise, through committees and delegations, street marches and protests. It was to be brought by the child who was born in a stable in Bethlehem that night, who was destined to die and to be a Saviour for his people.
John Reed Chaplain
True peace, God’s peace, is available to all who embrace the Christ-child of Christmas: “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1) We invite you to come along next Wednesday night to discover with us the peace of God that lies at the heart of Christmas. We also ask you to bring gifts to donate to the needy in our community through Anglicare. Please give some thought to what might be helpful and appropriate gifts for children like yours to receive, should life’s circumstances have treated them differently. There will be opportunity during the evening to bring your gifts forward and present them. As we celebrate the blessings of Christmas, let us also remember that the Christ of Christmas taught that ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35).
It is contagious! Senior School It’s impressive seeing students take the initiative to support others both at home and abroad. Last week on ABC radio, in Chapel and at a Public Meeting in Kiama, Dominic Mortimer from Year 7 described his commitment to help and support children in an orphanage in Africa. It was a clear, straightforward and unsentimental account of his visit to the orphanage, his ongoing help and support for the children and his vision to encourage others to be involved. The students were engaged and challenged by his presentation. This week at Assembly the School Captains outlined their chosen charity “Express Yourself.” It is a Salvation Army initiative in Wollongong to help and support adolescents who have a loved one with an addiction or a mental health issue. It engages young people in small supportive peer environments where they can build positive relationships and explore their creativity and potential. The project runs on a fortnightly basis, using art, drumming, drama, cooking and problem solving to help build positive social connections. The Captains followed their presentation with a fund-raising sausage sizzle and cake drive which was really appreciated on a wet and miserable Tuesday. There are many other students in the School similarly engaged in service both locally, nationally and internationally. During Assembly the Captains highlighted the community service activities of a Year 12 student, Emily Sotiris. She is a patrol member for Surf Life Saving; she coaches and supports Midnight Basketball; she is a regular blood donor; has worked on the Sony Foundation Camp and at the Special Olympics and in her spare time she coached a TIGS Netball team!
Monica Watt
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
What marvellous models we have of servant leadership and community service within our School. When giving of themselves to help and support others is practised, demonstrated and celebrated by the students themselves it is the most potent and powerful means of promoting active engagement by other students within the School. It is contagious.
Junior School
Year 5 Working Together
I am watching the Christmas decorations going up in various places around our School and realising that the year is quickly drawing to a close. For Year 6 this week has been very exciting with ‘The Exhibition’ being held on Tuesday afternoon and evening. ‘The Exhibition’ is the culminating event of the PYP journey. All grades from Pre-Prep upwards are building their skills and understandings towards this exciting event. For this reason all the children across the Junior School have been to view ‘The Exhibition’ and have been very impressed with the learning that has occurred as well as looking forward to their turn at sharing their own growth and understanding of the PYP. Last week Year 5 held their Market Day as part of their ‘Unit of Inquiry’. I am thrilled to announce that this event raised over $2600 for various charities around the Illawarra. What is really impressive about this outcome is that the event was student driven from choosing their various charities, designing a fund raising activity, implementing the design and actually running the event. Congratulations to Year 5 and their teachers on a wonderful learning experience and a fabulous outcome. We have a busy next few weeks with the Christmas Pageant on Saturday 4 December commencing at 11.00am, the Years 3 - 6 Presentation evening on Monday 6 December commencing at 6.00pm and the Christmas celebration on Wednesday 8 December commencing at 5.30pm. These events are important markers of the year’s learning and also an opportunity for us to celebrate together as a community the progress of the children and our shared values. I look forward to seeing all of our extended community at one or several of these events.
Judi Nealy
Last newsletter I wrote about the Heritage Language Program and the Mandarin Programme. I am delighted to request expressions of interest from parents to expand Head of Junior School our Heritage Language Programme to include another language. Please email Mrs Tregonning at to register your interest and the language which you would be interested in. If there is sufficient interest from our student body, the School will investigate staffing and the option of a second Extra Curricular Language course out of school hours. I look forward to hearing from many families on this matter. Finally as we move towards the end of the year I would like to thank all families for their assistance in establishing updated communication methods in the Junior School. Over the holidays you will receive communication from us in several ways, via email, via post and on occasions via text message. Please keep an eye out for these as you enjoy your holidays. In the spirit of our heritage language expansion can I wish all of our community: • • • • • • •
上帝的祝福,最富有的圣诞假期 Gottes reichsten Segen für die Weihnachtsfeiertage les plus riches bénédictions de Dieu pour les fêtes de Noël Dio più ricche benedizioni per le vacanze di Natale クリスマス休暇のために神の豊かな恵み Noel Tatili için Tanrı’nın zengin bereket God’s richest blessings for the Christmas Holidays
And I look forward to hearing of all of the children’s adventures after their holidays when they return to School in 2011.
Year 6 Progression Dinner Photos
Photo discs of the Year 5/6 Progression Dinner and Farewell that have been pre-ordered will be ready to pick up on Monday 6 December until Wednesday 8 December from the Junior School office. If anyone else would like to order a disc and did not pre-order prior to the event please contact Lisa De Ruyter at Lisa De Photos Direct on 0438684014. Email sent out: Whooping Cough alert Upcoming Events: • Infants Pageant - Saturday 4 December Commencing at 11.00am to be held in the IGC •
Years 3-6 Presentation Evening - Monday 6 December Commencing at 6.30pm to be held in the IGC
Christmas Celebration - Wednesday 8 December Commencing at 5.30pm to be held in the IGC
1D 1W 2A 2Y 3A 4B 4R 6C 6M
Weekly Award Amy Lendru
James Kirby Sarah Tubman
, Joseph Dru
Toria Tsakirid
Zaynab Panju Anastassia Z Sarah Bradle
y Andrew Dicks on Mackenzie R ober
Senior School Sport South Coast Region All School Indoor Hockey Tournament
Last Wednesday TIGS boy’s and a girl’s hockey teams competed in the Annual Indoor Schools Hockey Tournament. Both teams finished fourth, the girls won 4 of their games and lost 3; and the boys only lost 2 of their games. What is promising for the girls is that we had a very young team who performed extremely well against some more experienced players. We look forward to seeing them perform even better next year. Special mention to Tegan Richards (Year 10) whose selfless play allowed our younger girls to contribute to the team’s success in a meaningful way. The boys played in a very tough close fought competition; it was nice to see them enjoying themselves at the same time being so competitive. The girl’s teams consisted of: Toni Dekker, Lilli Bennett, Tegan Richards, Rachel Craft, Teagan Johnston, Maudie Skyring, Margo Allison, Sally Sharpe. The boy’s teams consisted of: Mungo Skyring, Jacques Le Serve, Ross Sharpe, Cohen Caruana, Harrison Lindsay, Robert Brodie, Anthony Keating, Adrian Whitehall.
Uniform Shop Please note the below Uniform Shop opening times during the December/January School Holidays. Monday 24 January Tuesday 25 January Wednesday 26 January Thursday 27 January Friday 28 January Monday 31 January Tuesday 1 February Wednesday 2 February Thursday 3 February Friday 4 February
9.00am - 3.00pm 9.00am - 3.00pm CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAY 9.00am - 3.00pm 9.00am - 3.00pm 8.30am - 4-00pm 8.30am - 4-00pm 8.30am - 4-00pm 8.30am - 4-00pm 8.30am - 4-00pm
No Appointments Necessary
Summer Holiday Study Blitz Study courses are being held at the School during the Summer School holidays for any student from Years 7 to 12. The courses being run are: Study Skills & Strategies - Years 7 - 9 Senior Study Skills & Strategies - Years 10 - 12 Essay Skills - Years 10 - 12 Advanced Reading Skills - Years 10 - 12 Please click here for more information and to download your enrolment form.
Last Day of Term IV - Friday 10 December 2010 School will finish for ALL students at 12.30pm on the last day of Term IV, Friday 10 December 2010. Directly after Senior School Presentation Day. Buses will be running as usual but at this new time.
Christmas Office Hours During the Christmas School holidays the office will be open from 9.00am untill 3.00pm from Monday 13 December untill Friday 17 December. On Wednesday 15 December the office will be closed from 11.00am and only contactable for emergencies. The office will re-open for business on 4 January 2011.
School Contact Details Have you changed contact details recently? Current details of all students including names, addresses, emergency contact information, medical conditions and parent contact details including mobile phone numbers and email addresses need to be kept on file and accurate at all times. Please ensure that any change of any details during the year are noted on a Notification of Change in Contact Details form and returned to the School office for recording.
Creative Arts News Next year will mark the centenary of International Women’s Day and this week Year 9 Photography Media students entered the 2011 poster design competition. Students were asked to create a poster that reflects the theme of next year’s celebration. James Crowther and Darshan Sitharthan show their dynamic designs here. For those students who are directing their talents towards HSC Art, there is an HSC Art Work exhibition Art Rules at the Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre at Gymea from Saturday 11 December – 16 January 2011. It is showing a selection of 2010 HSC artworks by students from the St George and Sutherland Shire districts. Opening nights are always fun and the artists are there to talk to. This happens on Saturday 11 December at 2.00pm. RSVP by 8 December via email or phone 02 8536 5700. For all art minded students, Wollongong City Gallery is offering a basket full of workshop activities in the school holidays including animal totems, printmaking, wearable art, sculpture, hand puppets, t-shirt graphics, painting, calligraphy and much more for ages 5 to 14. Check out their website Janary%202011%20workshops.pdf
Canteen News
Week 9, Term IV Monday 6 December Janene Sunderland
Tuesday 7 December Snezana Bujaroska Anne Jones
Wednesday 8 December Nichole Anastas A Christmas Celebration
Students please remember that you can place lunch orders online at au OR alternatively you are still able to leave your order at the far Canteen window before School starts. The canteen is seeking NEW Volunteers for 2011. If you would like to join our friendly team please phone Meagan in the Canteen on 4220 0241 or email
Thursday 9 December Class Parties
Friday 10 December LAST DAY Canteen open for RECESS only
To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: and sign up on the home page.
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