NEWSLETTER Music, Year Dance 6 Progression and Drama Dinner 2012
Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Head of Junior School
Issue 8 Term I, 2012
Academic • Christian • Caring
Year 6 Canberra Excursion
Easter On Monday of this week, over 200 parents attended a presentation by Susan McLean, an expert in cyber safety. She spoke about the risks faced by our children and young adults every day as they use information technology which has become such an integral part of everyday life. The School’s approach to cyber safety is to equip students with the skills necessary to be safe, rather than cocoon them from the cyber world. The School uses filtering systems which have varying levels of protection linked to the age of the students but no level of filtering can ensure that a student is safe from unwanted and inappropriate material. This is why we equip our students with the skills necessary to be safe. Susan McLean provided excellent advice on the role parents should play in equipping their children to be safe. Parents that were unable to attend the meeting on Monday are urged to look at the following sites: • (a video clip about the danger for young children using social media, produced by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre in the UK.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
• (Susan McLean’s own site with links to many resources) • Internet Safety Tips for Teachers, Parents and Carers distributed by Susan McLean during her presentation at TIGS. This advice includes: • Internet devices such as PCs, iPads, iPhones, Xbox should be used in common areas of the home not in bedrooms; • Parents should always monitor their children’s use of the internet; • Install filters and other monitoring/blocking software to minimise dangers; • Never exchange personal information on the internet; • Children under 13 are not allowed on Facebook. Do not support your child to break the rules; • Social Networking Profiles such as Facebook must be set to ‘private’; • For the full advice from Susan McLean click here. Term I has two significant events in the Christian calendar at each end. During the Christmas vacation we celebrated the birth of Jesus and in the coming vacation we remember His death and resurrection at Easter. The TIGS Statement of Faith, found in our Statement of Mission and Values, captures the significance of the events: “Because of His unfailing love for His people, God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to reconcile all things to himself. In His life he taught us the ways of God, demonstrating His authority as well as His love and compassion for people. In His death and resurrection He bore the punishment for our sin and offers eternal life to all who accept His authority and trust in His loving kindness”. It is my hope that during the coming vacation we all take the time to reflect on this great moment in history and what it means for each of us. I wish all members of our TIGS community a restful holiday break and the peace, made possible by the events of Easter, which comes from being reconciled to God. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
John 10:10 records Jesus as saying – “I have come that they (we) may have life, and have it to the full.”
Chaplain’s Message All Seasons in one Day The death and resurrection of Jesus is without question the centerpiece of the Christian faith. Jesus died to bring us to God and he lives to ever secure our place with God. Furthermore, the death and resurrection of Jesus is a template for Christian living: in reliance upon Jesus we are privileged to die daily to sin and self so that the otherperson-centred life of God might flow through us. Little wonder the Bible demands that a contemplation of Jesus’ death and resurrection be our daily diet (see Matthew 16.24-25; Romans 6.1-14; Colossians 3.1-11 etc). All this begs the question whether it is appropriate to celebrate special seasons like Easter. If the Christian’s daily business is to reflect upon and respond to the events of Easter then why bother with Easter itself? Some have said that we shouldn’t. And they are not without biblical support. The apostle Paul had a go at the Christians in Galatia for the way they were in the habit of observing special days, months, seasons, and years (see Galatians 4.8 - 11). Paul saw this as a step backwards. Could the same criticism be leveled at us as we celebrate special seasons like Easter? I think it depends.
Rev James Rogers Chaplain
If our relationship with God is founded upon and expressed solely through the observance of special days then, yes, we are rightly chastised by the word of God for still being in slavery to the basic principles of the world (Galatians 4.3). This is what the Galatians were in danger of doing. If, however, our relationship with God is founded upon a daily reliance on Jesus’ death and resurrection alone then I believe the heightened observance of that in a season such as Easter is sanctioned. Such a person is simply making more for a season of what they make much of every day. So the question really is what Jesus’ death and resurrection will mean to us on Easter Monday. Will we still be celebrating Easter, albeit with a lower case ‘e’, or will we be waiting for Easter 2013 to engage again with God? The answer to this question will determine whether or not our celebration of Easter 2012 is pleasing in God’s sight. As Chaplain to the school community I want to wish you a meaningful and blessed Easter reflection that spills over into every day of your life. Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Senior School
As the Term draws to a close it is very inspiring to see the number of students engaged in giving their time and their talents to the community. In the last two weeks, we have seen the School Captains organising and promoting their curry drive in aid of the Year 12 chosen charity, the Disability Trust. Next week will see any spare moments for Year 12 given to assisting in the preparation and cooking of many kilos of curry. Thanks go to the many TIGS parents who are stepping up to help with this initiative. The wonderful hard work and talent on display on the Music, Dance and Drama Showcase will benefit the Nganambala School community at Emu Point in the Northern Territory through entry donation and canteen sales. Year 9 have Kidzwish as their chosen charity and many of them volunteered their own time at Breakfast on the Beach and Bollywood in the Mall helping with hospitality and discovered the joy of Bollywood dancing at both events.
Monica Watt
A multicultural event at the Portofino celebrating Deputy Headmaster and ‘Women in Harmony’ was graced by the LOTE Head of Senior School students and staff demonstrating a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony. More than 100 ladies also heard a passionate description by Lisa Fernandez, TIGS School Captain, on how important her Indian heritage is to her and how her mother is an inspirational role model. Lisa then led the whole assembled company in Bollywood dancing, a precursor to the fabulous Bollygong film festival held at the Uni over the weekend, which many of our TIGS families were involved in. The diversity of our community and willingness to share adds so much to TIGS as a school - thank you! Mrs Monica Watt Deputy Head and Head of Senior School
Junior School A Busy and Productive Term
It always comes as a bit of a surprise to me when we get to the end of a School Term. They seem to creep up on us quickly and before we know it we are sending the children off for a break and beginning our planning for the Term to follow. Term I has been a very positive and productive one for our children and for the School in general. Children and their teachers have written a brief snap shot of their term’s learning. The Cooinda children have enjoyed settling into The Piper Centre and making lots of new friends. We began the term by making our classroom a safe and happy place to be by developing our Essential Agreement. Our central idea ‘I am unique but still the same’ has seen the children look at what makes them who they are as a person. Our daily provocations have encouraged the children to think about their feelings, their family, their body, and the differences and similarities that they share with their friends.
Judi Nealy
Elanora has had a great start to Term I. We have been looking at our PYP topic of ‘Let’s Be Friends’ and how we can encourage good friendships within our classroom. We have also been investigating a provocation called ‘Pitter-Patter Rain Drops’, this came about due to all the rain that we have had over the last few weeks. The children have been talking about where does rain come from and how does the water get to our houses. To enhance this provocation the children have created a mural out of materials that represents under water sea creatures. We have also completed science experiments encouraging their learning.
Head of Junior School
Kindergarten wondered what their teachers were thinking as they arrived for school wearing beach clothes today! The situation became even more confusing as beach clothes were swapped for snow clothes after recess and rain gear after lunch! We are discovering that weather impacts our choices including the clothes we wear and the activities we enjoy. We all love school and the new discoveries we are making every day! Year 1 has been learning all about air. Many experiments were undertaken to discover the properties of air, such as experimenting with balloons and bubbles. We then explored how people use air, for example, scuba divers taking air underwater and air going into tyres. This linked in nicely with the PYP concepts of form ‘What is air like’ and function ‘How do we use it’. On top of this we were all ‘Inquirers’ (finding out about air) and ‘communicators’ (sharing what we had learned). Year 2 has been investigating ways that they can find information about their family and about what is special about Wollongong. They have established their Essential Agreement to make sure that their classrooms are happy and safe learning environments. Year 3 has been finishing off its unit on ‘Sharing the Planet – National Parks’. We’re producing brochures for the first time ever. ‘Charlotte’s Web’, both the book and the video, has provided insight into how people and animals co-exist. Our excursion to the Royal National Park was special and we found a variety of creatures in the leaf litter, as well as a better understanding of the types of jobs people in National Parks have. Our guide, an Aboriginal man, knew everything about how to use plants and trees for survival. Even the sting of Selene’s ant bite was cured by rubbing a plant leaf on it. We loved the Oz Opera performance of Hansel and Gretel! We are, of course, into our Cross Country training and we’re very excited because it’s the first time we have been big enough to compete. We’ve practiced TSP prayers and we’re really happy that we’ve had some sunny days. Year 4’s Unit of Inquiry for most of Term I has been ‘How we Organise’ ourselves. We have looked into local council and their role in Wollongong. We had an excursion to the Wollongong Art Gallery and the Council Chambers. 4W were very lucky to meet the Lord Mayor, Gordon Bradbury, who talked about his role and his need to be a principled and caring leader. He even invited 4W into his office and let them look around. We have also learned about ways that our families and community groups are organised and used tools such as flow charts to organise our information. We have now moved onto the transdisciplinary theme ‘Who We Are’ and have started inquiring into the art religious groups with Mrs Richards. We are all planning an artistic masterpiece using a medium of our choice and are very enthusiastic about this project. Year 5 has been thinking about ‘Who We Are’. We have considered our roles and responsibilities, looking particularly at the choices we make. We have been studying community issues, such as healthy eating, peer pressure and sun safety. We read an unusual novel called ‘Staying Alive in Year 5’ where teachers perform mysterious acts that would surprise your wildest dreams. In this unit many students (and teachers) have been challenged by drama, IT presentations and caring for our Kindy buddies to the “horrifying” persuasive text. We had a busy term of learning and we worked hard, but we all came out smiling! In Year 6 the students have been learning all about government systems and how they promote or deny human rights. After an enjoyable trip to Canberra, students used their knowledge to persuade others that human rights are strongest under a democratic system, like Australia. As part of this Unit of Inquiry, students also conducted science experiments that related to the concept of Function - how does it work? There were soap powered boats, floating eggs and quicksand, just to name a few! In the playground soccer and handball have been popular activities and the chill zone has seen lots of action. The Infants children have enjoyed using the bottom playground and Year 1 have really taken advantage of their Monday time on the oval to develop their soccer skills. Kindergarten are confidently getting to and from the play lawn and having a lovely time in the sand pit and on the equipment. I am sure all the parents of Kindergarten are well aware of this by the amount of sand that comes home in the school shoes each day! This week we held our first ICT and coffee parent session in the Junior School. It was a great success and we plan to hold several off these per Term. At this session we explored the Junior School Web World and the amazing resources available to our children using this resource. We also discussed safe web searches and some of our “students” built their first ever Power Point. It was great to see our parents demonstrating the learner profile attributes, Inquirers, Risk Takers, Thinkers, Communicators, Knowledgeable and Open Minded. I look forward to the next session.
Junior School Sport NSWCIS Swimming
Swimming Squad - before school activity
Daniel Cannon broke two CIS records - 50m MC breaststroke and 50m backstroke 52.84 (a PB). He will now represent CIS at the NSW PSSA carnival next week in the 50m freestyle, 50m breaststroke and 50m backstroke.
Athletics/Speed Training - After School Activity
At the CIS swimming carnival last week TIGS students achieved some excellent results.
Justus Bacic-Johnston qualified for three finals and placed 5th in the 12 years butterfly and 6th in the backstroke swimming his best times in a very strong field. Aria Bacic-Johnston qualified for the final of the 9 years girls 50m backstroke.
NSWCIS Girls Football
Congratulations to Ashley Dribbus who was selected in the CIS Primary Girls football team last week. She will now compete at the NSW PSSA carnival next term.
Cross Country
The Junior School cross country commences at 10.00am next Wednesday 4 April at Kembla Joggers, West Dapto. All Year 3 to 6 students will participate and spectators are welcome. Training for interested students will continue on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 8.00am on the Junior School oval.
Coerver Football – after school activity
Interested soccer players who would like to participate in the Term II Coerver clinic on Monday afternoons can obtain information and permission slips from the Junior School Office. It is open to boys and girls from Years 2 to 6.
Tuesday and Thursday swim squads for Year 3 - 6 students will recommence week 1 of Term II. New swimmers are very welcome.
Sprint training sessions for Athletics and Ball Sports have been organised after school on Wednesday afternoons, commencing Week 2 Term II, 2 May at the Kerryn McCann Athletics Centre, Beaton Park from 3.40pm to 4.40pm. We have been fortunate to acquire the services of Lucas Chodat, a highly motivating Sprint and Personal Training expert. A reduced fee will be charged to cover part of the overall associated costs. Lucas will offer a range of sprint moves to benefit those participating in ball sports and athletics events. The coaching session will include sprints, running drills and agility exercises that aim to increase speed over 5 to 60 metres and also athletic distances of 100 and 200 metres. He will do a range of activities in the coaching sessions to ensure improvement in technique, speed, agility, flexibility and core strength Alternatively Mrs Dribbus will be conducting coaching sessions for Long Jump, Discus and Shot Put Field events. Limited places are open to all interested Year 3 – 6 students. If interested please collect a permission note from the junior School Office and return with payment by the end of Term 1.
Class Awards KD KM 1C 1M 2P 2R 3M 3Y 4R 4W 5N 5R 6T 6W
Adil Qureshi, Bhargav Jagarlamudi Mia Taylor, Samuel Stevenson Jai Ellevsen Emily Sutherland, Ava Baxa Mathilda Hoy Samuel Murrie, Mia Mitchell, Liam Harvey, Clara Swainson Anthony Damcevski Harrison Kiteley Shay Harper Aaron Avenido, Niamh Christopher, Jayden Grieve, Maximilian Sanzone Kasee Dennis, Ethan Brunskill Nickita Peros Domenic Esposito Mithchell Main, Lucy Chester-Crowe
Merit Certificates Mitchell Main Kyah Dema
Commitment to Learning Badges Hannah Scott Izac Saad Nathan Bridge Niamh Christopher Aika Hammond
2012 TIGS Great Fete Time is flying as we prepare for the 2012 Great Fete. There is much still to do and many small jobs both before and during the Fete still requiring volunteers. The container that is used to store fete donations will be on site in the Powell Street car park in Term II. Donations for all stalls will be accepted from this time onwards and we would appreciate as much support as possible. Please mark your donation clearly with the name of the intended stall. At the beginning of Term II all families will receive a Fete newsletter and a book of raffle tickets. As you can see from the list attached there are some great prizes. We would encourage the whole school community to get behind the raffle and do their best to sell the tickets and return to Student Receptions by Friday May 11. There will be many fabulous stalls and activities on Fete day to entertain visitors of all ages. There will be taste sensations from all parts of the globe. Our TIGS students will play their part in stall participation, on-stage performances and as student hosts. For the 2012 TIGS Great Fete to be a success we need everybody to do what they can to be involved. If you can help in anyway above, or in another way not listed please feel free to contact the Fete Committee via pandf@tigs. or call Sheridon on 0409 822273. Sheridon Tregonning for the Fete Committee
Connect with TIGS on the Web TIGS has joined the world of social media and is communicating via Twitter and Facebook.
Please follow us on Twitter:
Please like us on Facebook:
2013 Enrolments We would like to remind existing families that Enrolments for 2013 and beyond are now being taken, with limited positions in several Year groups available. All students interested in attending The Illawarra Grammar School are required to complete an Application for Enrolment form. For further information please visit the website – – ENROLMENTS or contact Ms Nicci Fripp on 4220 0216 or email:
Careers News
Tertiary Information Evening
Tuesday 1 May 2012 Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 along with their parents/guardians are cordially invited to attend this evening to be held at The Illawarra Grammar School. It is designed to cater solely for the interests and needs of our students. The evening format comprises: • • •
6.00pm – 6.50pm, an Expo in the IGC 6.50pm – 7.10pm, an ex-student panel session in the IGC 7.15pm – 8.45pm, three information seminars that students and parents register to attend. The information sessions will be in allocated rooms and provide an opportunity to gain more detailed information on specific tertiary institutions.
Representatives from universities, TAFE and private tertiary institutions will provide information in the seminars including: • • • • • •
new career options and newly introduced courses appropriate tertiary institutions for a chosen career scholarships, accommodation and university schemes including Early Entry, Access and Bonus Points cadetships, traineeships, apprenticeships gap year options appropriate subject selection for Years 10 and 11
Registration for this event is essential. An information booklet and registration form will be sent to parents in the coming weeks.
Year 10 Parent Information Evening Hong Kong Crossroads Trip When: 3 May 2012 Time: 7.00pm Where: IGC What is Crossroads? Crossroads Global Distribution is a non-profit corporation which takes Hong Kong’s quality superseded goods and redistributes them to people in need, locally and internationally. We seek to be a crossroads; a place where need and resource intersect. What do we have to do with Crossroads? As well as sending a team of teachers and Year 10 students over to Hong Kong to donate time, Year 10 will be working to donate money. The aim is to raise $5000 to send a shipping container (with items needed inside). So, even if a student is not going to Hong Kong they can support the trip by assisting with fundraising events. How can I get involved? It’s not too late for Year 10 students to express interest, hand in the yellow slip to Ms Sandland. To find out more about crossroads visit:
Canteen News Canteen Corner Online Lunch Orders
As of Term II we are asking parents to go online to order children’s lunch orders. We would like the online ordering system to supersede the brown paper bag form of ordering and will be asking parents to order lunches online from the start of Term II. We will of course accept the old style lunch order if you are not connected to the internet or if time does not allow you to make your order online for any reason. Please see the information below regarding the online ordering system:
FlexiSchools Online Ordering
Our School has introduced a great new online ordering system for the canteen called FlexiSchools. This system allows parents, students and staff to place orders from home, work or school at any time up until 9.00am in the morning. The payment is also done online, so you no longer need to have cash to purchase from the Canteen. As well as being convenient for you, the online orders are much faster and easier for the canteen to process - so it makes everyone’s life a little easier. FlexiSchools is well established and tested, operating in hundreds of schools across Australia. Getting online is easy and only takes a second to register. Simply go to and click “Register Now”. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website. There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit), Bank Transfer and Pay Click. The system operates via a pre-paid account, so you don’t need to scrounge for coins in the morning and can easily budget for your canteen spending throughout the term. The system is now available, so we look forward to seeing your next order online!
New Menu coming soon for Term II 2012
Thank you to all our valued volunteers for their time this year.
Canteen Roster Week 10 Term I 2012 Monday 2 April Catherine Kirby
Tuesday 3 April Anne Jones
Wednesday 4 April Jnr Sch Cross Country Snr Sch Cross Country
Thursday 5 April Help Needed Last Day Of Term
Friday 6 April N/A
Thursday 26 April Help Needed
Friday 27 April Melanie Smith
Canteen Roster Week 1 Term II 2012 Monday 23 April Sonja Forte Julie Chiaverini
Tuesday 24 April Rose Dragutinovich Lauren Cunio
Wednesday 25 April Public Holiday Anzac Day
NAPLAN Dates NAPLAN for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take place from 15 to 17 May 2012. For more information on NAPLAN please visit
Congratulations Lions Youth of the Year
Congratulations to Daniel McNamara for his outstanding representation in the District Final of the Lions Youth of the Year competition on Saturday, 24 March. This event followed his recent success in the Local and Regional Finals. While Daniel did not receive first place last Saturday, he was highly commended for his Public Speaking ability, his Academic/Co-curricular record and his contributions to Community Service. Well done Daniel - an excellent achievement!
Senior School Sport Student Success:
(Year 12), Kirsty McRae (Year 11), Lily Tuivaga (Year 9) and Hannah Kim (Year 9). Special mention must be made to Maria Kyriakoudes and Olivia Poate both in Year 9 who stepped up to play in the NASSA Schools Tennis Cup to get the team through to the AICES level. The girls will now play in the CIS playoffs for Champion CIS Tennis School.
AICES U/16 Hockey Championships Australian Swimming Championships (Olympic Trials) - what a fantastic event with three TIGS students and two alumni students competing for an Olympic position in London. Aaron Cannon (Year 11) swam in a number of multi class events producing personal best times. Emma McKeon (Year 12) swam personal best times making finals and displaying enormous potential for the future just missing the team by a whisker. Jarrod Poort (Year 12) came 2nd in the 800m and joins the ranks of Australian Olympic legends Kieran Perkins and Grant Hackett to win the 1500m. Jarrod is just outside the qualifying time for the 1500m and he will continue his strenuous training to gain his position in the Olympic Team. David McKeon (Alumnus 2010) has swum out of his skin to win the 400m and 800m freestyle and make the Olympic Games team. He also won a bronze medal in the 200m freestyle and achieved a spot on the 4x200m relay team. Robert Hurley (Alumnus 2006) swam in a number of events successfully making finals. Congratulations to Ron McKeon this week’s success comes on the back of years of tireless effort with his swimmers.
Last weekend seven TIGS students travelled to Bathurst for the U/16 Girls AICES Hockey Championships. Teagan Johnston (Year 9), Chloe Johnston (Year 8), Lilli Bennett (Year 10), Mauide Skyring (Year 9), Brittony Smallhorne (Year 7), Margot Allison (Year 9) and Rachel Craft (Year 9). Congratulations to Lilli Bennett and Maudie Skyring for being selected in the AICES 16 Girls Hockey Team.
Tigs Touch Football Years 9 and 10 All Schools and NASSA 2012
Students are to wear full sports uniform and house shirt all day.
Great tennis was exhibited throughout the day. Congratulations to Stella Crick
Parker’s School Holiday Tennis Clinic At Wests Illawarra, Unanderra
School Holiday Rugby Camps
Camp Wallaby is a skills coaching clinic catering for new and current players wishing to improve their game. Camp Wallaby is a non-residential camp held at St. Ignatius College Riverview, Lane Cove in Sydney in Easter holidays (17/18/19/20 April 2012). More information contact the Sports Department.
Senior School Cross Country
The Senior School Cross Country will be held on Wednesday 4 April at Kembla Joggers purpose built cross country facility at Darkes Road West, Dapto.
In this competition the team play singles, doubles and reverse doubles. TIGS defeated Arndell College and St Marks to win their pool. The final was played against Kinross Wolaroi from Orange. The girls didn’t need to play the reverse doubles as they managed to win with their singles and doubles matches.
If the weather looks inclement please listen to 96.5 Wave FM for cancellation details. We look forward to another exciting House competition day.
Bookings are Essential For more information call: Andrew on 0407 029 731 Email:
State Little Athletics - Alexander Seal (Year 10) performed well at State Little Athletics last weekend. He won the 1500m and 3000m and came 2nd in the 800m. He broke the state record in the 3000m. Ashley Dribbus (Year 6) won the 200m and came 4th in the 100m and Long Jump.
The TIGS girls tennis team won the NASSA schools event and progressed to compete in the AICES Cup at Cintra Park in Concord.
raised from this will go to support the Future and Community Problem Solving Team going to the USA.
All students are expected to attend this compulsory whole school event to support their Houses.
Students will attend their first two lessons of the day and buses will leave at recess to shuttle all students to the new venue. Buses will leave from Western Avenue from 10.30am. No students are to drive to or be picked up from the venue. The carnival events will run in age divisions. At the completion of the carnival buses will bring students back to school for their normal leaving procedures. Students are asked to wear sunscreen and bring plenty of fluid and food for the day. There will be a BBQ and drinks for sale on the day and all money
Uniform Shop Holiday Opening Times Summer To Winter
The Uniform Shop will be open during school holidays on the following days: 9.00am - 2.00pm Thursday 19 April 9.00am - 2.00pm Friday 20 April 9.00am - 2.00pm Saturday 21 April No appointments are necessary
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Senior School Production 2012
The Boyfriend Tickets available online from 9.00am Monday 23 April 2012 Please visit the Schools website