TIGS Issue 8 Term III 2012

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Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Junior School

Issue 8 Term III, 2012

Academic • Christian • Caring

When is a promise not a promise? The O’Farrell Government and the media certainly took us on an emotional rollercoaster this week. Headlines announcing that NSW Government funding of Non-government Schools (Independent and Catholic) would be cut by $67m from the beginning of 2013 leading to huge fee increases and the loss of many teaching positions proved false. It is a shame that families (and Headmasters) had to go through a weekend of worry about budgets while the political process played itself out. The situation as I now understand it is that NSW Government funding to independent schools will not be reduced in dollar terms. The current pool of funds for independent schools will be ‘frozen’ from July 2013 for four years. In the short term this is a relief for families and the School as there will be no need for fee increases in 2013 beyond the normal increases related to education costs. However, in the longer term there are significant implications for independent schools, including TIGS: •

There will be a funding decrease in real terms for independent schools. Normally, NSW Government funding increases each year in line with the increase in education costs. Over the four year period TIGS will lose funding equivalent to the annual salary of two teachers.

The freezing of the ‘pool of funds’ means there will be no funds from the NSW Government for additional students. Student enrolments from natural growth and transfers from the government sector will not attract NSW government funding which currently is paid on a per capita basis. This is in effect capping at current levels the size of the independent schools sector.

Funding from the Australian Government is on a per capita basis, based on the Average Government School Recurrent Cost (AGSRC). If cost savings are achieved in the government school sector through a reduction in bureaucracy this may reduce the level of Australian Government funding to independent schools because AGSRC will fall.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

This decision imposes a direct threat to TIGS, our students and our families. The Association of Independent Schools (AIS) describes this decision as “not only a breach of the trust non-government school parents had in the Coalition Government but it breaks an election commitment to continue the existing NSW statefunded support for non-government schools.” When is a promise not a promise? The Gonski Report recommended that there be a significant ($6.5b) increase in funding for schools. There has been crosssector support for the Gonski recommendations and, as a result of the Prime Minister’s statements, an expectation that the Australian and State Governments will deliver more funding for schools, particularly in areas of need. The Prime Minister has guaranteed that no school will be worse off. The decision of the O’Farrell Government is an attack on independent schools and families that are exercising their right of choice in sending their children to schools like TIGS. We should not be relieved that NSW Government funding of independent schools will only be ‘frozen’ instead of decreased as initially planned. A cynical person could say that this was how the announcement was planned to gain community acceptance of the decision. Please contact, as a matter of urgency, the Premier, the Minister and your Local Members of State Parliament, no matter which political party they represent, and express opposition to any reduction in funding in real terms to independent schools. Your comments may include: •

The election commitment of the O’Farrell Government to continue the existing NSW state-funded support for independent schools. This decision is a broken promise and a breach of trust.

Independent schools do not have ‘large bureaucracies’ that can bear the brunt of funding cuts like government schools. Less funding to independent schools will result in less teachers, services and/or higher fees. It will have a greater impact on students in independent schools compared to the impact on students attending government schools

It is unfair that families of students at independent schools have to bear directly the cost of the budgetary failing of governments while families of government schools will not have to pay anything or directly lose services.

The decision of families to send their children to an independent school saves the government money. Most families make significant financial sacrifices to send their children to an independent school. Any fee increase caused by the decision to decrease funding in real terms by the O’Farrell Government will cause some families to move their children to government schools which will cost the NSW Government more money. This is not a rational decision.

A list of contact information for the Premier, the Minister and Local members is provided on the TIGS website. Thank you for your support in holding the O’Farrell Government to account for this unfair, unprincipled decision. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Message

The Brothers Karamazov

On a recent holiday I set myself the task of reading a book I had long wanted to read: ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ by the 19th Century Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ is considered to be a literary masterpiece and Dostoevsky’s magnum opus. I often come across quotes from it in other books and articles that I read. I’m glad I finally got around to reading it for myself – all 250,000 words of it! One of the lines often lifted from ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ is a quote voiced in the book by one of the brothers, Ivan Karamazov, who observes that “if there is no God then anything’s possible”. This quote has almost assumed a life of its own outside the pages of the book. I was reminded of this even as I was reading the book - my wife Michelle was beside me one morning reading an article from the Sydney Morning Herald which featured this very phrase. What surprised me as I read the novel was how this worldview is completely refuted in the story. It is refuted in the person and experience of Ivan himself who completely falls apart as he tries to live out this worldview. He just can’t. In fact, the more he tries to live in accordance with this philosophy the less stable he becomes until in the end he is just a shell of a man. Isn’t it strange that this is rarely, if ever, mentioned by those who delight to quote this phrase? No, not really! It’s just another reminder that too often our world is satisfied with half-truths.

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

The whole truth according to Fyodor Dostoevsky in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ is that if we fail to acknowledge God and live as he intends we will inevitably fall to pieces. Instead of being an advertisement for atheism and hedonism ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ works to commend the Christian worldview which says that we were created by God to live a certain way and the less we live in agreement with God’s will the more we run the risk of destroying ourselves and others. Just ask Ivan Karamazov! Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Junior School IB Attitudes

This term we have taken a look at each attitude. We have looked for them to be displayed at school and hopefully at home. At our Big Day In celebration next week we will explore these attitudes with our visitors in the classrooms and demonstrate them in our assembly. We are really looking forward to sharing our school and our learning with our special family and friends and hope that many of our community can come along. The format for the day this year will be slightly different as we will begin with an assembly in the IGC at 10.30am. This will be followed by classroom activities from 11.30am and then our much anticipated picnic lunch at 12.30pm. Karobran has again organised picnic hampers that can be purchased online through Flexischools and picked up on the day or you can bring a hamper of your favourite food to enjoy together. The Senior School is away at the Great Race, so this means we can spread out across the Senior Oval and Senior Square for our picnic lunch before we move on to the afternoon activities. The children (and some teachers!) have been practicing their skipping ready for the ‘Jump Off’ that will occur after lunch from 1.30pm for Kinder – Year 4. Years 5 and 6 have been participating in the lunch time soccer comp with their grand finals to be held on the Junior School oval at 1.30pm.

Judi Nealy

Our TIGS netball club has just come to the end of a very successful and happy season with seven teams participating overall. Two of these teams went through to the semi-finals. Congratulations Head of Junior School go to our TIGS Sapphires team who made it through to the finals with a third place result. This team has played together for three years and it was the first time they had made the final series. It was a very close match going down by just one goal 15-16. All of the girls, their coaches and parents have demonstrated the attitudes of commitment, cooperation, enthusiasm, confidence, respect and appreciation. It is these attitudes in action that have made their season so successful and beneficial for each person involved. I congratulate the girls for their wonderful season and thank their parents, coaches and managers for the hard work they do in supporting the TIGS netball club. Our Tournament of Minds team were also out of the School putting the attitudes into action at the State Finals in Sydney last weekend. We had two teams go through to the finals which is an outstanding result. The Maths Engineering team did the School proud with their making of an excellent device for their presentation. The Language and Literature team won their category, and are now NSW State Champions and are off to Perth to compete in the National Finals in October. A wonderful achievement! Judi Nealy Acting Deputy Headmaster and Head of Junior School

Junior School continued ... Dates for your Diary: • • •

Thursday 20 September – Big Day In Friday 21 September – Last day of Term III Monday 8 October – Term IV commences – Summer Uniform

Weekly Awards

KB KM 1C 1M 1W 2A 2P 3M 3Y 6Y

Ella Fennell, Ella Smith, Lachlan Neal Georgia Dolan, Gabriella Thornton Mayson Russell Artan Karwarz, Lin Yu Ma Mackayla Hutchinson, Jai Hemsley-Oades Sophie McGuire Nadia Nagaratnam, Jack Worthington Alexis Belsito Soraya McCann, Harrison Kiteley Caitlin De Santis, Taylah Pather

Uniform Shop Holiday Opening Hours

Please note that our opening hours for the school holidays are: • Thursday 4 October 9.00am - 2.00pm • Friday 5 October 9.00am - 2.00pm • Saturday 6 October 9.00am - 2.00pm

Merit Certificates James Brewer – Academic Ella McIlwraith – Academic Teerth Khanna – Academic Holly Jenner – Academic Daniel Cannon – Academic Sophie Correa – Academic Caitlin De Santis – Academic Jayden Grieve – Academic Lara Conti – Academic Sufyaan Ul-Haq – Service Aydin Arapali – Personal Presentation Connor Harvey – Personal Presentation Josh Agarwal – Personal Presentation Emma Back – Personal Presentation & Academic Racquel Burgess – Academic Georgia Dolan – Academic Gabriella Thornton – Academic Nicholas Chiaverini – Service Ethan Jackson – Service

Canteen News New menu available for Term IV. Please check changes of specials and some prices.

Roster Week 10 Term III Monday 17 Sep HELP NEEDED

Roster Week 1 Term IV Monday 8 Oct Jan Osbourne HELP NEEDED

Roster Week 2 Term IV Monday 15 Oct HELP NEEDED

Tuesday 18 Sep Barb Mandelson Alice Martin

Wednesday 19 Sep Marie Mc Corquadale HELP NEEDED

Thursday 20 Sep CANTEEN CLOSED

Friday 21 Sep Joanne Elliott HELP NEEDED

Tuesday 9 Oct HELP NEEDED Kim Main

Wednesday 10 Oct Nicole Anastas Pam Parkinson

Thursday 11 Oct Vanessa Cross HELP NEEDED

Friday 12 Oct HELP NEEDED

Tuesday 16 Oct Barb Mandelson Alice Martin

Wednesday 17 Oct Marie Mc Corquadale HELP NEEDED

Thursday 18 Oct Nicole Anastas Kelly White

Friday 21 Sep Joanne Elliott Bronwyn Marvell

Farewell Friend! Our wonderful volunteer and Grandmother, Heather Rugg retired this week after an amazing 13 years of volunteering in the School Canteen. Heathers’ kind support and extreame generosity over these years has ensured that thousands of TIGS students left the Canteen not only full, but happy! An absolute delight to have in the Canteen - Heather will be truly missed by all!

28-30 SEPTEMBER 2012 WHERE The Illawarra Grammar School (TIGS) OPENING NIGHT 7pm, Friday 28th September VISIT www.art4refugees.org.au

artfor refugees

TIGS Foundation Not So Secret Men’s Business – A Major TIGS Foundation Fundraising Event

All gentlemen from the TIGS Community are invited to join the original students of TIGS in a dinner to re-unite and connect with friends old and new. A gourmet three course dinner will be served accompanied by fine wines and beer, and entertainment will be provided by well-known Australian musician, Ross Wilson and Band. Ross was part of iconic Australian group, Daddy Cool and Mondo Rock. Funds will be raised during the evening to benefit TIGS Foundation. WHEN: WHERE: WHO: WHAT: COST: RSVP:

Friday 12 October 2012, 6.30pm Centro CBD, 28 Stewart Street, Wollongong Men 3 Course Dinner, Beverages and Entertainment $120pp Friday 21 September 2012

Visit our website www.tigs.nsw.edu.au or click here. For more information phone Foundation Coordinator, Lisa Wilson on 4220 0264.

Tournament of Minds 2012 Senior School Congratulations to all the Tournament of Minds teams who represented TIGS on Sunday 26 August. While we were unsuccessful in making it through to the State Final this year, all teams performed exceptionally creative solutions to highly challenging problems on the day. A high standard of script writing, acting, singing, costume design and lateral thinking was evident throughout. It was a testament to their team work over a six week period. Well done to all. A special mention must go to our Year 10 participants for their exemplary contributions to their final Tournament - thank you Stephanie Varcoe, Elise Morton, Kate Martin, Henry Hulme, Blake Cunio, Jessica Kuit and Aveenash Rajpal. Margaret Dubowski Junior School Congratulations AGAIN! to all the Tournament of Minds teams who represented TIGS on Sunday 9 September. This week Karen Wallace and Sally Tresidder took two amazing young Tournament of Minds teams to the compete at the NSW State Final at UNSW. Both teams performed to the best of their ability and were proud of their presentations. It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Language Literature team consisting of Samuel Goodhew, Zara Winter, Lucy Chester-Crowe, Francesca Lambert, Evelyn Parrish and Aria Bacic-Johnston were awarded First Place and will represent NSW in Perth next month. Karen Wallace

P & F News Year 9 Parents Lunch All parents of Year 9 students are invited to an informal lunch from 12.30pm at Wollongong Golf Course Saltwater Grill Bistro on Wednesday 19 September. You will need to come down Corrimal Street from the north to enter the carpark in Banks Sreet. This is the last Wednesday of Term. It is a great opportunity to meet and catch up before the end of year madness is upon us. RSVP due Tuesday 18 September. Please contact either Vanessa Goodhew on 0418897234 or via email goodhew6@bigpond. net.au or Tonia Jackson on 0408678448. Hope you can make it!

Year 7 Family Beach Afternoon

Year 7 families are invited to get together and enjoy an afternoon in the sun on Friday 23 November at North Beach. Save the date! For more information please contact your Year 7 Representatives: Zina Ainsworth Mobile 0438 284 106 Email zina.m.ainsworth@bhpbilliton.com Alice Martin Mobile 0438 120 899 Email martin.ahmm@bigpond.com

Senior School Sport Student Success:

The TIGS Netball Club presentation night is on Tuesday 18 September, 6.00pm in the IGC where we will celebrate the outstanding performances of all of our seven teams and thank them, their coaches and managers for being such great ambassadors for the School.

Under 14 and 15’s Illawarra Rugby League 10-a-side Gala Day

Cycling - Bridget Mullany (Year 10) and Natasha Mullany (Year 7) had outstanding results at the Australian Junior Road Cycling Championships last weekend. Bridget (JW17): Time Trial -10th, Road Race - 3rd, Criterium - 3rd Natasha (JW15): Time Trial - 5th, Road Race - 7th, Criterium - 2nd Congratulations to both girls.

Australian Snowsport Championships

On Tuesday September 11 TIGS competed in the under 14 and 15’s Illawarra Rugby League 10-a-side gala day. The under 14 team of George Miller, Louis Parsons-O’Malley, Evan Jenkins, Mitchell Ferguson, Christian Kyriacou, Nick Rogers, Brayden Stead, Cameron McMillian, Dylan Myles, Dylan Lees, Brandon Grainger, Thomas Chadrawy, Noah Gibbs, Kai Middleton and Matthew Galanti won all of their three games (against Nowra Christian School, Nowra Anglican School and Corpus Christi) convincingly. The under 15’s team of Dominic Mortimer, Raman Wadhwa, Beppe Fierravanti, Simon Mill, Kyle Del, Lachlan Scott, Manarr Jasim, Sameer Mohammed, Bryce Prior, Jacob Shalala, Isaac Brown and Alex Marzano had a draw against Wollongong High, a win against Bomaderry High and a loss against Woonona High. Congratulations to all the boys on being fantastic sporting ambassadors of the School.

Great Race

The Great Race will be held at Jamberoo Recreation Park on Thursday 20 September. The Great Race is a compulsory school event promoting participation in novelty events for all students. On this day points are awarded for a number of novelty events and the well known House “Haka” to go towards the famous Shell Shield. Over the weekend Jack Millar (Year 12) and Tahlia Jackson (Year 9) competed at the Australian Snowsports Championships.

Students this year are not to be driven to or from Jamberoo Recreation Park but are to come to school at the normal time, using the usual modes of transport.

Tahlia finished 2nd in the Division 2 (Year 9 & 10) female Alpine race. An excellent achievement considering she was competing against Year 10 students.

Shuttle buses have been organised to transport all students to and from the Park. Students are not allowed to remain at the park to wait for parents.

Jack finished 8th in a modified Skier X course and finished 2nd in the Alpine race. Outstanding results at a National Championships.

Students must wear their House Shirts and school sports shorts to this event. They are expected to wear appropriate swimwear/rash shirts, hats and sunscreen. The water will be cold so students may like to wear their wetsuits. Students are encouraged to bring plenty of food and water for the day as there may be limited food outlets open.

TIGS Netball Club

While at the Park strict safety regulations will be enforced by the attendants and TIGS staff. Students will be required to obey all safety instructions, follow safety signage and not engage in anything considered reckless behaviour. Due to changes in risk management by the Park all students must wear colour-coded wrist bands to identify their level of swimming proficiency. Students are also advised to operate a buddy system within the park, not going alone to rides, shops, cafes or toilets. What an amazing season. Last weekend TIGS Diamonds played in the Intermediate A2 Grand Final against Southern Suburbs. After being minor premiers it was going to be a tough match as Southern Suburbs were pushing all the boundaries to beat TIGS. The game did not disappoint with the TIGS girls going into the fourth quarter six goals down and then coming through with sheer determination and great play to win by one goal. Congratulations to all of the girls for their commitment and success in the 2012 season. Kristen Chadrawy, Jacqueline Connor, Miriam Birt , Emelia Bujaroska, Stephanie Shalala, Natasha Shalala, Alexandra Lavalle, Ruby Pallone and Brenda Tekkol.

A reminder to all students to return their permission slips for the Great Race to their Mentor Teacher as soon as possible. If your note is not returned you will not be able to attend this event. We are looking forward to a GREAT DAY. If you have any questions please ring Mrs Sharpe at school.

Year 9/10 Sports for Term IV 2012

The Summer Sports for Years 9/10 will begin in Week 2 Term IV. Badminton - Monday - IGC - 3.30pm - 4.30pm Basketball - Wednesday - IGC - 3.30pm - 4.30pm Rock Climbing - Wednesday - Hangdog Auburn Street Wollongong - 3.30pm - 4.30pm

HICES Debating Swimming - Wednesday and Friday - University Pool 7.00am 8.00am (TIGS bus to school) Table Tennis - Monday - IGC - 3.30pm - 4.30pm Tennis - Wednesday - Beaton Park - 3.30pm - 4.30pm Swimming training is available to all students. Please collect a permission note from Student Reception.

Holiday Football Clinics

Coerver Coaching Sept/Oct Holiday Football Clinics for Girls and Boys aged 5 - 15 years. Holiday Clinic Venue: PCYC Exeter Street North Wollongong 9.00am - 12.00pm - 25, 26, and 27 September or Keith Bond Oval, Fisher Street, Oak Flats 9.00am - 12.00pm 2, 3 and 4 September. Cost $80.00 For more information see www.coerverillawarra.com.au


2012 has been a very successful year for TIGS in the HICES Debating Competition for the Chapman Cup. All teams are to be congratulated for representing the School with skill and enthusiasm.

If you are interested in Rowing and are between the ages 15 and 25 years.

The following students received HICES recognition for outstanding their performance in the Southern Regional Rounds:

We will be testing on Saturday 3 November at Oak Flats Rowing Club.

Erynne Stone – Overall Winner Best Debater for Junior Division, Southern Region

For more details and to register for testing contact:

Zara Winter – Runner Up Best Speaker for Junior Division, Southern Region

Adi Fawcett, High Performance Development Co-ordinator, NSW Mobile: 0417 475 179 Email: adi.fawcett@rowing.ausportnet.com

Parker’s School Holiday

Tennis Clinic At Wests Illawarra, Unanderra UNANDERRA CLINIC DATE: Mon 24/09/12 to Wed 26/09/12 TIME: 9.00am – 12.00pm COST: $60.00 (Ages 4-14 years) Bookings are essential. For more information call Andrew on 0407 029 731 Email: arparker@bigpond.net.au

Robert Martin – Runner Up Best Debater for Middle Division, Southern Region Emily I’Ons – Equal Overall Winner of Best Debater for Senior Division, Southern Region Kate Martin, Stephanie Varcoe and Peter Rekouniotis – Equal Runners Up Best Debater for Senior Division, Southern Region Lisa Fernandez, Mungo Skyring and Penelope Drastik – Equal Runners Up Best Debater for Yr 11/12 Division Southern Region. Daniel McNamara – Overall Winner Best Debater Year 11/12 Division Southern Region, Runner Up Best Speaker all Regions and Best Speaker of the Grand Final Lisa Fernandez, Mungo Skyring and Penelope Drastik – Equal Runners Up Best Debater for Yr 11/12 Division Southern Region. In an outstanding achievement, our Open Division team won the NSW HICES Grand Final Debate at the Grace Hotel in Sydney on 6 September. Team members, Daniel McNamara, Lisa Fernandez, Mungo Skyring, Penelope Drastik and James Belcher were presented with the Chapman Cup following a unanimous adjudication by a panel of three independent adjudicators. The team remained undefeated for the duration of the competition and were commended for their exemplary debating skills throughout. Congratulations on a very special result for 2012.

Canteen Manager Term Time

To apply please visit www.tigs.nsw.edu.au Applications Close 28 September 2012 PO BOX 225 Figtree NSW 2525 Tel: 02 4220 0200 - Fax: 02 4220 0202

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Friday 12 October 2012, 6.30pm Centro CBD, 28 Stewart Street, Wollongong Men 3 Course Dinner, Beverages & Entertainment $120pp Friday 21 September 2012

Featuring Entertainment By ross Wilson & Band


TIGSFOUNDATION To RSVP and book online visit www.tigs.nsw.edu.au Go to the Events and Bookings page or phone 4220 0264

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