Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Issue 1 Term IV, 2012
Academic • Christian • Caring
Junior School Big Day In - Term III
NAPLAN Parents of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 should have all received a results letter for the NAPLAN test conducted earlier in the year. NAPLAN (The Australian National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) is a test administered to all students in each of the four age groups. It is a diagnostic test that gives feedback to schools, teachers, students and parents that assist in the improvement in teaching and learning. It is not meant to comment on the overall performance of a student at school and it is not meant to be a means to compare and rank student performance. NAPLAN has a narrow focus: Literacy and Numeracy If NAPLAN is meant to diagnose and inform about the teaching and learning needs of students then it is hard to imagine why a whole industry has emerged that prepare students for NAPLAN testing in the hope of students gaining ‘top’ results. Next time you are in Dymocks have a look at all the unnecessary resources available to prepare students for NAPLAN. I recently attended a presentation by Professor Gordon Stanley, formerly the President of the NSW Board of Studies. Professor Stanley is Honorary Professor of Education at Sydney University and Senior Research Fellow in Education at The University of Oxford. He had some interesting insights into NAPLAN which may help parents tempted to place too much significance on their child’s results:
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
The most effective way to prepare for NAPLAN tests is to ensure that literacy and numeracy skills embedded in the normal curriculum are taught (this is certainly the case at TIGS).
Teachers and parents need to be aware that a student’s score on a test can fluctuate by about +/- 12%. The margin of error for a student between two tests can be greater that one year’s improvement. This alone should cause parents to proceed cautiously when reading NAPLAN results.
NAPLAN tests are most effective in determining whether or not a student has achieved the benchmark. The tests are less effective in differentiating student performance at the top end of the scale.
The class average score can vary by as much as 10% from year to year due to random fluctuations on student performance and inaccuracies in test scores.
At the level of individual students, NAPLAN provides important information to teachers and parents on the learning needs of the student. Trends that emerge for a class or a cohort also inform modifications to teaching strategies and programs. Professor Stanley said “there can be minor fluctuations in the average NAPLAN test results from year to year when, in reality, the level of student achievement has remained essentially the same. It is only when there is a meaningful change in the results from one year to the next, or when there is a consistent trend over several years, that the statements about improvement or decline in levels of achievement can be made confidently.” Politicians and bureaucrats publish aggregated NAPLAN results each year hoping for measured improvements in literacy and numeracy that justify the increased expenditure on education by governments. Claims made about the improvement or decline of literacy or numeracy that “have remained essentially the same” and are subject to a margin of error of “+/- 12 %” should not be given much credence. Similarly, league tables and lists of top schools constructed by the media may be a cause for some curiosity but should not be the basis for passing judgement on individual teachers or schools. How then will NAPLAN results improve for schools and more broadly, nationally? Mark Treadwell, an internationally recognised educational thinker and writer, recently spoke to TIGS teachers. In reflecting on the traditional approach to learning he said that “since the early 1960s the education system has not really improved its overall performance or efficiency… it has reached its upper limit of possible performance… it does not matter how much money or effort is put into improving the system, the system simply cannot improve.” The context of the 21st Century is markedly different to that in which parents grew up and attended school. It is sobering to think that all the ‘knowledge’ an adult learnt at school is available to their children at their desk at the click of a search button. Mark Treadwell says “this is a critical time in education – this is the most exciting time ever to be an educator. It is only the second paradigm shift in education ever seen” (the first was the invention of the printing press). At TIGS we are tackling this paradigm shift head on. Learning in the Junior School has been restructured under the framework provided by the Primary Years Program (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO). In the Senior School, staff are reviewing and reorganising how students learn in Years 7 to 10 in a way that extends the approach taken in the PYP. NAPLAN should be viewed by parents as a diagnostic tool that helps teachers and parents identify the learning needs of students. If we elevate NAPLAN results to become a goal of schooling then we are at risk of compromising the development of the full suite of 21st Century learning competencies. Parents wishing to understand the NAPLAN results of their children should not hesitate to contact Mrs Bryant in the Junior School and Ms Sangster in the Senior School. Mark Treadwell’s work is available at: Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Chaplain’s Message
Cleaning out the Closet
As I’m sure you are aware, God calls us to forgive others just as in Christ He has forgiven us (Colossians 3.13). This is a basic demand of the gospel. It’s not something that we can take or leave as we wish. How are you going with that? I’m sure that at some point recently someone has offended you. What did you do with that? Did you add it to your storehouse of unforgiven offences or did you do as God has commanded - did you forgive? The process of forgiveness is varied in the Bible. Some offences will be able to be forgiven by us without the need to address the matter with the offender. Like Jesus, we simply bear the weight of the offence ourselves. Other offences, however, are more serious and for our good and the good of the other we need to address the matter with them. The procedure for this is clearly set out in Matthew 18.15-20. The principle is that we address the offence personally and privately with the aim of winning a friend. If reconciliation is not our aim then we need to quietly wait on God until it is and only then meet up with the one who has caused us offence.
Rev James Rogers Chaplain
The way to test whether we have truly forgiven someone who has sinned against us is to ask ourselves whether we are in the habit of promoting the honour of that person. Those who have forgiven another will resist defaming them. On the contrary, they will actively pursue ways and means of exalting them. This is what God does for us in Christ and this is what he requires of those who are in Christ.
Sadly, there are times when our attempts at reconciliation are not received. The possibility of this is admitted in Romans 12.18: “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” What are we to do when our attempts at reconciliation are rejected? Again Romans is instructive: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil” and “Do not take revenge” (Romans 12.17, 19). We still have significant responsibilities towards those who may have offended us even when our attempts at reconciliation are shunned. No one said any of this was easy – just necessary. The result of forgiveness is a community of warmth, honour and love which is alive to the fullness of the blessing of God. Let’s be that community! Let’s forgive! Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Senior School
Leadership in the Senior School
At the end of last Term the Head of Junior School and I attended a Conference entitled “Creating Parent-School Communities” which had been devised and hosted by Michael Grose, Australia’s top Parenting Educator. The first day, focussing on schools and our processes, was an inspiring and energising event from which we gained great insights into better communication – ideas that we will be putting into practice in the near future. But it was on the second day, the Saturday, when we stayed for the parent event that I really learned more about Parenting in the 21st Century with the unique issues and concerns that timestrapped parents confront in this day and age. I was impressed by the message that Michael was promoting which, at heart, sounded very much like common sense.
Monica Watt
His principal message was that the aim of all parents should be to become redundant; to empower and upskill their children so that they are “happy, confident and resilient”. He stressed that this often required some hard work initially, in teaching children these skills, but at the end of the day the input would reap rewards.
Another of his messages was the importance of ensuring that children experience and live through the consequences of choices that they have made and actions that they have taken. He stated “Don’t rescue kids when they leave that school lunch at home; when they are late for school or when they are less than pleasant to another child. Allow consequences to teach your child the important lessons of life. That is: you mess up sometimes but you can make up and/or move on but you must learn from the experience”.
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Check out his website. I think you will find it useful especially his September update. September-2012/Give-your-parenting-spring-clean If you would like to borrow his ‘Parenting Essentials’ DVD pack please contact the library. Not only do they have this resource but they have a number of other titles in their Parents’ Collection which you might find of assistance and support. Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Junior School Term III was a very busy and successful term in sport. Here is an update from Mrs Martin and Mr Robinson. Sports Update: NASSA Athletics The 58 member TIGS team travelled to Campbelltown for the annual NASSA carnival in Week 8. There were some excellent results by our team and we finished second overall to Penrith Anglican School. 18 students placed in the top three of their event and two relay teams which qualified them to participate in the CIS carnival in Week 9. Congratulations to Annie McLearie who was named 9 year girl Age Champion and Taylor Pather the 11 year Age Champion. Team members: Samuel Goodhew, Taylor Pather, Rubey Williams, Ashley Dribbus, Zoe Dribbus, Isabella Sandy, Zara Winter, Sarah Hanlon, Anastassia Zafiriou, James Gorham, Rory Hanrahan, Isobel Kinnear, Thomas Main, Annie McLearie, Aaron Ylias, Ethan Hennessy, Austin Pallone, Luca Fierravanti.
Judi Nealy
Head of Junior School
CIS Athletics Congratulations to Ashley Dribbus who was named CIS girls athlete of the meet. She won the 11 years girls 100m/200m and long jump, was placed second in the high jump and 3rd in the shot put.
Jump Rope for Heart All junior school students from Kinder to Year 6 have been busy working on their skipping skills over the last six weeks to promote fitness and heart health while raising money for the Heart Foundation. Lunch times and PE lessons have seen the students create some wonderful routines and master many difficult skills. The Big Day In provided the stage for the culmination of the skipping sessions with a jump off being held. Well done to all our students on their enthusiasm and commitment. I look forward to seeing our final fundraising tally. TIGS Trophy The 12th TIGS Trophy was held on 30 August at Judy Masters Park (Balgownie Rangers F.C.). The standard of football was excellent and all participants enjoyed the day. Schools represented were Shellharbour AC, Nowra AC, Tudor House (Moss Vale), Cedars Christian College, Thomas Hassall, SCEGGS Redlands, Emmanuel and of course TIGS. TIGS were the defending champions and were once again successful. The boys final TIGS 0 (7 pen) defeated SCEGGS Redlands 0 (6 pens). The girls final TIGS 2 defeated Shellharbour Anglican College 1 Thanks to Balgownie Rangers Football Club, St John’s Ambulance, Wollongong City Council and TIGS Senior School (referees) Chess Late in Term III, TIGS hosted the Illawarra One Day Chess Tournament in Rees Hall. 160 students from various schools, playing chess all day.
The day brought together approximately
TIGS was proudly represented by the following students: A Team: Daniel Dragutinovic, Sam Okeley, Vincent Qiang who missed the top three placing by half a point. Special mention to Daniel who lost only one of his seven games while playing off Board 1 which means the opponents are always strong. Annabel Malouf, Mila Lancaster, Zoe Dribbus, Megan Ashford, Molly Parrish, Krish Gupta, Josh Agarwal, Aaron Avenido, Francis Mau, Jermaine Issa, Chad Jenkins, Evan Glover, Hugo Parrish, Sufyaan Ul-Huq, Ajay Rindani and Dean Borbilas also participated and were exemplary in their sportsmanship and participation. Swim Squad Swim squad at McKeon’s Swim Centre has recommenced for Term IV. Time: 7.00am Cost: $3.00 entry Transport: Return to school by TIGS bus at 8.20am Eligibility: Open to any Year 2 to 6 student who is a competent squad level swimmer LEGO ROUND UP!! Do you have unwanted LEGO clogging up your storage? We have a home for it in the Junior School! Junior School children are participating in the Lego Robotics First Lego League for the first time. First Lego League is a robotics program for 9 to 16 year olds, which is designed to get children excited about science and technology and teach them valuable employment and life skills. The School has purchased two basic technic kits but our students would love to have more options for their Lego robots. If you have unused Lego hidden in a cupboard somewhere at your house, would you please donate this to our FLL team. Any Lego donations can be sent in to School with the children and handed in to the Junior School Office. Judi Nealy Head of Junior School
Dates for your Diary: • • • • •
Merit Certificates
Thursday 15 November – Thank You Morning Tea Thursday 22 November – Year 6 Progression Dinner Wednesday 5 December – A Christmas Celebration Saturday 8 December – Infants Pageant Monday 10 December – Years 3-6 Presentation Evening
Weekly Awards KD KM 1C 2A 2P 3M 4R 5R 5S 5N
Bhargav Jagarlamudi, Bhaavya Gupta Xavier Druett, Daniel Radojicic Harry Jenner Isabella Atkinson Jack Burrows Elliot Winn Kye Driffits Izac Saad, Francesca Lambert, William Barber Lola Bond, Nicole Russo, Lana Atkinson, Michael Kyriakoudes, Archita Sitharthan Sarah Jane Kingsman, Ella Green, Gianluca Fierravanti, Taj Quaken, Evelyn Parrish
Georgie Lancaster – Academic Ali Matar – Academic Glory Obinwanor – Academic Min Seo Kang – Academic Artan Karwarz – Academic Jack Worthington – Academic Soraya McCann – Academic Jade Hyde – Service Gorgia Webb – Personal Presentation Harry Jenner – Academic Alex Varmedja – Academic Georgia Kettle – Academic Hamish Dutch – Academic Jamilla Perri – Academic Victoria Summerill – Academic Cody Maynes-Rutty – Academic Bhaavya Gupta – Academic Lachlan Neal – Academic Inaaya Kermali – Academic Lachlan Phillpott – Academic
Thank You Morning Tea On Thursday 15 November 2012 TIGS will be hosting a ‘Thank You Morning Tea’ from 10.30am in Rees Hall for the many parents and members of our community who volunteer their time and expertise to benefit the students in our school. We would like to extend a warm invitation to all parents in the Junior and Senior School who assist in the classrooms, on excursions, through Karobran, Orana, the canteen and in other ways. We look forward to thanking you in person on the Thursday 17 November. For catering purposes, please RSVP on 4220 0200
Uniform Shop Year 7 2012
Would all existing Year 6 students who are entering Year 7 in 2013 please visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and purchased by 15 November 2012.
P & F News P&F Annual General Meeting 21 November 2012 7.00pm Goodhew Research Centre - Library All Committee positions are open and nominations for the Committee are welcomed for the following positions : • • • • • •
President Treasurer Secretary Committee members x 3 Karobran President Karobran Committee members x 3
Senior School Sport Student Success:
Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised and awarded an AICES Rising Star Award for 2012. Emma McKeon (Year 12), Kieran Ackhurst (Year 10), Jarrod Poort (Year 12). They all received a small grant with this award. Lily Tuivaga (Year 9) – Congratulations to Lily who was selected in the U15 AICES tennis Team. Aydin Serefli (Year 7) – Well done in his State Gymnastics results. 1st overall in Level 5
Game 3 v Illawarra Sports High – Mathew Galanti try, Mitchell Ferguson 1 goal (7-0)
NSW All Schools Decathlon
At the end of September, James Belcher competed in the NSW All Schools Decathlon held in Newcastle. This grueling two day event was held the day after James graduated from Year 12. After completing all ten events, (100m, Long Jump, Shot Put, High Jump, 400m, 110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin, and 1500m). James was declared the U20 NSW Decathlon Title for 2013. Brilliant achievement, well done!
NSW All Schools Athletics
Alumni Success:
William Miller (alumni 2011) - Member of the Australian 7’s Rugby Team that played in the recent Gold Coast 7’s which is part of the Rugby World 7’s series. Joshua Minogue (alumni 2005) - 3rd place in the Coolangatta Gold Ironman event on the weekend finishing the 45 km event (Ski, Board, Swim, Run) in 03:54:33
Wollongong University Rugby Challenge
On Thursday 13 September, 17 boys from Year 8 and one from Year 7 represented the School at the 2nd Annual Wollongong University Rugby Challenge. They played three games, winning all of them and scoring a total of 8 tries with no tries scored against. All the boys played brilliantly and were great ambassadors of the School. Stand out players on the day were Evan Jenkins, Simon Mill and Mathew Galanti and the team was lead exceptionally by George Miller and Mitchell Ferguson. The other integral members of the team comprised of: Jasper Greenwood (Year 7), Cameron McMillan, Noah Gibbs, Thomas Chadrawy, Brandon Grainger, Adam Galanti, Christian Kyriacou, Dylan Lees, Louis Parsons-O’Malley, Brayden Stead, Dylan Myles, Nick Rogers & Kai Middleton. Game 1 v Edmund Rice – Louis ParsonsO’Malley, Mitchell Ferguson, Noah Gibbs and Mathew Galanti Tries, Dylan Lees 1 goal (22-0) Game 2 v Holy Spirit – Louis ParsonsO’Malley, Simon Mill and Mitchell Ferguson Tries, Mitchell Ferguson 2 goals (19-0)
Basketball – Wednesday – IGC 3.30pm – 4.30pm Rock Climbing – Wednesday Hangdog Auburn Street Wollongong – 3.30pm – 4.30pm Swimming – Monday and Friday – University Pool 7.00am – 8.00am (TIGS bus to school) Table Tennis – Monday – IGC – 3.30pm – 4.30pm All Sport buses for Year 9/10 Sports will leave from Western Avenue.
Swimming training for this Term is now Monday and Friday mornings 7.00am – 8.00am. Once students complete the session a bus will bring them to school. This is a great opportunity for students to begin preparing for the upcoming swim season. All students in the school swim team are expected to attend if they are not already committed to other squad training. What a positive way to start the day! Please contact Mrs Sharpe at school with any questions regarding this program.
The NSW All Schools Athletics Championships were held at Homebush on 11-14 October. TIGS was represented by 11 students and there were a number of outstanding results. The competitors and their results were as follows: • Alexander Seal (16B) - 1500m 1st , 3000m 1st • James Belcher (19B) - Pole Vault 1st, Hammer Throw 1st, Shot Put 2nd, 400m Hurdles 2nd, Triple Jump 4th • Alexandra Lavalle (14G) - 200m Hurdles 3rd, 90m Hurdles 8th • Angus Pryde (14B) - 800m 5th, 1500m 11th • Denali Hutt (13G) - 200m 6th, 100m 10th, Long Jump 17th • Caleb Stamper (14B) - 1500m 7th • Cameron Barrett (15B) - Javelin 7th • Michael Ledwidge (16B) - Triple Jump 8th, Long Jump 11th, Javelin 13th, 200m 29th • Maudie Skyring (15G) - 800m 9th • Elizabeth Martin (13G) - 3000m 11th • Katherine Read (14G) - 100m 13th, 200m 17th Congratulations to Alexander Seal and James Belcher who have been selected to compete at the Australian All Schools Championships held in Hobart in December.
Year 9/10 Sport
The Summer Sports for Years 9/10 have started for Term IV. Badminton – Monday – IGC – 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Try Sailing Day – 4 November 2012
This free event will be held on Sunday 4 November between 10.00am and 4.00pm at a number of sailing clubs throughout NSW and ACT. Registration can be completed before the day via our website or on arrival at the club. A parent must accompany children under the age of18.
Science News 2012 Australian National Chemistry Quiz
More than 115 000 students from 1607 schools from across Australasia competed in the 2012 Australian National Chemistry Quiz. Some students from Years 7 – 10 Science classes and the Years 11 and 12 Chemistry students from TIGS took part in the Quiz and achieved highly commendable results. Nine students were placed in the top 10% of the state and have earned High Distinction awards. 16 students were ranked in the top 10–25%, and twelve in the top 25–40%, earning Distinction and Credit awards respectively. Students who received High Distinction Awards were: Year 7 Zac Ashby Year 9 Emily I’Ons, Teagan Johnston, James Sutherland, and Aislinn Turner Year 11 Thomas Bolt Year 12 Hugh Allison, Nicholas Marzano, and Kishan Wijesinghe Students who received Distinction Awards were: Year 7 Jinwon Kim and Benjamin Woodard Year 10 Kieran Ackhurst and Emma Hatton Year 11 Kieran Devitt, Penelope Drastik, Ben Goodhew, Timothy Johnson, Keven Ly, Thomas Oyston, and Talia Yerbury Year 12 Aaron Avramopoulos, Evan Browne, Rhys Campbell, James Early, and Alice McCosker Students who received Credit Awards were: Year 7 Matthew O’Hanlon Year 8 Abraham Rose Year 9 Liam Bridges, Stephanie McEwan, and Georgina Reed Year 10 Isaac Brown, Ethan Butson, Jaiden Fullerton-Harvey, and Harrison Heycott Year 11 Harry Kane Year 12 Rosemary Davis and Callum McNeilly Congratulations to all who participated, and I would like to thank Mr Stutchbury for co-ordinating the competition. Martin Sormus Head of Science
Creative Arts News
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