Issue 2 Term IV 2017
NEWSLETTER 21st Century Learning an edge for TIGS Students at FPS National Competition
An International Baccalaureate World School
Academic • Christian • Caring
Mr Stephen Kinsella Headmaster TIGS21 The School Council presented its vision and plans for TIGS Campus at the launch of TIGS21 on Thursday evening.
TIGS21 does not include the design of any specific buildings. However, Mrs Judi Nealy discussed some of the preliminary planning that is taking place for the first of the TIGS21 projects. These include:
It is an exciting plan that will see the refurbishment and renewal of the campus. It was prepared in consultation with PMDL, a leading firm of architects specialising in architectural support for schools.
January 2018 Senior School Reception Small Gym, Science/Maths staffroom January 2019 M Block refurbishment (current HSIE/Languages building) including larger meeting/exhibition/Chapel space January 2020 Junior School A Block refurbishment (the oldest building with the long corridor) to make better use of the space and to connect with the new Centre for Innovation 2021 Centre for Innovation (CFI) (Located where H Block [Maths] is presently sited, incorporating the STEM faculties)
TIGS21 includes the construction of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing buildings flexible enough to adapt to the needs of a 21st Century school. As we currently benefit from the vision and sacrifices of past generations of TIGS families, so TIGS21 will benefit our current students and provide a legacy for the benefit of TIGS students of the future.
TIGS21 will require patience, enthusiasm and commitment from our TIGS community. In his speech at the launch the Chair of School Council, Mr Roger Summerill, said that this multi-million dollar vision for TIGS will be funded by philanthropic gifts, organised fundraising, sponsorship by corporate and university partners, loans and government grants.
In preparing TIGS21 some guiding principles were established, which included: • The primacy of the School’s Core Values. • The importance of community. • Capitalising on the School’s natural assets and view of the escarpment. • The imperative that TIGS21 contributes directly or indirectly to maintaining and enhancing excellent academic outcomes for students.
TIGS21 has my full support. One of the things that I have had to come to terms with in my decision to retire as Headmaster is that the School will last much longer than I will - that in 21 years I will be 83 years old. It is my privilege to hand the batten on to the yet to be appointed 8th Headmaster of TIGS. However, I do expect to be given a front seat at the opening of the buildings and refurbishments that will flow from TIGS21.
TIGS21 has been chosen as the name for the School’s Building Master Plan for two reasons: • It reflects the commitment of the School to equip our staff and students with 21st Century resources enabling excellent teaching and learning outcomes. • It sets a 21 year time frame for the implementation of the plan which will coincide with the celebration of TIGS 80th Anniversary in 2039.
PMDL were also asked to address some longstanding issues with the current configuration of the campus, including: • Issues of security related to having multiple School reception points. • The lack of informal meeting spaces for parents to gather. • Inadequate vehicular access such as on-site parking, traffic flow and student pick-up.
Mr Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
The School’s Masterplan, was officially launched on Thursday 26 October. Thank you to School Council, TIGS Foundation, P&F, parents and staff who came along to discover and support the exciting plans for TIGS campus over the next 21 years.
Rev. James Rogers Chaplain Share the Joy Last week I may have unsettled you a little by reminding you that Christmas was fast approaching. Sometimes one needs to be cruel to be kind!
7.30am - 8.20am Friday 10 November In the Goodhew Research Centre (Library)
Parents, staff and friends are invited to gather to pray for our School community. Breakfast and supervision is available for children
RSVP online by Wednesday 8 November Visit http:
A longstanding Christmas tradition at TIGS is our Or contact Mrs Douglas on email or phone 4220 0200 partnership with ANGLICARE’s Toys ‘n Tucker campaign. ANGLICARE is the social welfare arm of the Anglican Church in Australia. It seeks to bring the kindness and compassion of God to bear in responsibility to love our neighbour with the love the lives of Australians who may be doing it tough. of God revealed in Jesus Christ. The genius of TIGS (And if the research is accurate the number of statement of Mission and Values is that it couples Australians who need a helping hand is growing Christian belief with Christian behaviour. The two by the day.) belong together. Our beliefs inform our behaviour and give direction and shape to our practice. Christmas is a time when one’s inability to provide Conversely, our behaviour unmasks our beliefs. is sorely felt. Sometimes the demands of Christmas We are in good shape when there is a strong can be what pushes people over the line. This is correspondence between belief and behaviour. where the Toys ‘n Tucker initiative comes in. It can The Toys ‘n Tucker campaign allows us to make ease the burden and bring richness to many. It our beliefs as a Christian School visible. can be the sole factor which keeps families afloat. I would like to encourage you to be generous This week we have started to bring the Toys ‘n towards those in need this Christmas. We really do Tucker campaign to the attention of all students. fulfil the supreme law of Christ when we do what Year 7 will again lead us as a part of their we can (however small) to ease the burdens of community service commitments. Each student others (see Galatians 6.2). But don’t just act on in the School will be given a postcard which behalf of your children. Use this as an opportunity details appropriate donations. Food items include to inform them of the needs of others so that Christmas cakes and puddings, dried pasta, jams, they can start to feel in their bones what it might lollies, packets of biscuits, tinned fruits and foods be like to go without. One way you can do this etc. Gift ideas include age-appropriate toys, is to take your children shopping with you when books, outdoor games, sporting equipment, gift you purchase goods to donate. Include your cards and vouchers etc. children in the decisions about what to buy. This will demand a deeper understanding from them Students can begin to bring in donations and foster compassion. immediately. Donations can be given to students’ classroom teachers or mentors. All donations I look forward to sharing this great opportunity with will be placed under our Christmas tree and be you this Christmas. May God work in us a rich spirit presented to an ANGLICARE representative at our of generosity. Christmas Celebration on 6 December. It is always a highlight of the celebration. Rev. James Rogers The work of ANGLICARE is an expression of the core beliefs of the Christian faith – our
ACADEMIC SUCCESS Future Problem Solving
On Friday 20 October, in torrential rain, 16 students made their way to Knox Grammar School to participate in the three day Future Problem Solving National Competition. They had submitted a 12 page report and addendum on their projects previously and over the weekend presented a five minute video, scrapbook, display and a 30 minute interview about their project. They also took part in the CmPS Fair which requires interacting with the public about their projects. On Sunday our Year 8 team and one of our Year 12 teams were named Champions in the Middle and Senior Divisions respectively which means they have been invited to attend the International Competition in the United States next year. The Year 12 team finished fourth and the Year 7 team finished fifth nationally. Congratulations all round. Year 7 Team - ‘GAME’ Gender Attributes Made Equal: Nicholas Chiaverini, Katie Gorham, Beth Michelmore, Alexandra Wall Year 8 Team - Dementia Care: Aria Bacic-Johnston, Lucy Koder, Daniel Michelmore, Nicholas Seal, Macinley Zecevic Year 12 Team - ‘BASE’ Building Adolescent Self-Esteem: Samuel Hobson, Stanley Tyrrell and Rubey Williams Year 12 Team - ‘EARTH’ Environmental Activists Ready to Help: Nikhil Balaji, Alexander Grozdanov, Sotiris Haris and Noah Koder
Farewell MR STEPHEN KINSELLA Please join us to farewell the 7th Headmaster of the Illawarra Grammar School
5.30pm Thursday 23 November
Academic • Christian • Caring
An International Baccalaureate World School
To be held on Library Lawn. Canapés and refreshments provided. RSVP online or phone the Headmaster’s Office on 4220 0287. RSVP by Friday 17 November 2017
Mrs Judi Nealy Deputy Headmaster, Head of Junior School Leadership in the Junior School
It’s that time of the year when we begin the process to elect our Student Leaders for 2018. Our Year 5 students eagerly await the uploading of the application forms and role descriptions on OLLE. They need support encouragement and affirmation from their teachers, specialist teachers and parents at this time. The positions available are School Captains, School Vice Captains, House, Technology, Creativity, Community and Environmental Captains. We believe that each Year 6 student has something to add to leadership in our School and therefore, all Year 6 students are seen as Student Leaders in their final year of Junior School. We recognise that the development of leadership in all students is a part of that student’s spiritual, intellectual, social, physical and psychological wellbeing. All students have the capacity to lead. Leaders are expected to display the highest standards of conduct, behaviour and dress and to uphold and support the values of the School. The key value of Student Leadership at TIGS is ‘service to others’. We encourage all Year 5 students to participate in the Leadership process and wish all candidates the very best of luck as they begin their leadership and service journey at TIGS.
NSW PSSA Athletics
Six Junior School students competed in the State Primary Schools Carnival at Homebush last week as members of the NSW CIS Team. To reach this level of competition is an outstanding achievement. Well done to all our athletes. Molly Buikstra – 11th Place 12 Year Girls High Jump Ella Fennell – 11th Place 10 Years Girls High Jump Allegra Fock – 30th Place 11 Year Girls High jump Jamaya Wayne – 4th Place 11 Years Girls Discus, 12th Place 11 Years Girls Shot Put Chelsy Wayne – 7th Place 10 Year Girls Discus, 5th Place 10 Year Girls Shot Put Samuel Lowe – 6th Place 10 Year Boys 100m
Outside of School Sport
Cody Maynes-Rutty has been in Italy at South Garda Karting for three weeks racing. He participated in the first event the TROFEO D’AUTUNNO (Autumn Cup) which ran over two weekends. Cody has never driven on these tyres nor used this type of engine in his short career. After the two weekends, Cody finished overall in third place, which was an outstanding achievement. Cody was the only Australian participating in this race meet. The following weekend Cody raced at the Rok International Cup, which was held at the same venue, unfortunately Cody didn’t make it to the final as he was driven over by another kart during one heat, but drove exceptionally well during this race, there were 165 entries in the class from all over the world. Scuderia PCR Factory and Moriciani the engine builder for the Autumn Cup have asked Cody to return to Italy so that he can race their karts and engines. Well done Cody!!!
Victor Tang Class: KM
Who are your friends and what do you like to play? Sam, Lachlan, Freddie and Malic. We like to play Pacman in the playground, and Tip. What are you really good at? Listening. What do you need to work hard at? Reading Books. How do you Improve? Read more Books. What do you want to be when you grow up? Video Game Designer.
5C will be hosting next week’s Chapel in Rees Hall from 12.10pm.
Daniel Ushindi
Maddison Tonkin Harrison Stone Lucia Rubio Campos
Keerthi Mahesh, Daniel Ushindi
Keiran Reveley
Ben Garvin, Boyu Hu
Alexander Mumford
Sophie Deck, Arya Patil
Jannah Kermali
Sophia Johnson, Thomas Tarrant
Zachary Hilton
Tyler Little, Akilan Kumaresan, Chelsea Bessell, Jonathan Mountifield
Darby Parrish, Lucia Rubio Campos, Roscoe Kambouris
Neel Shetty
Leonardo Attorre, Jemima Bigirindavyi, Elizabeth Hoskins
Isaac Turner, Alexander Mumford
Cate Giason, Zachary Hilton
Harley Adams, Saxon Parrish
Alannah Carmody, Alex Rix
Alexander Gallagher, Ainslie Goodman, Megan Adams, Mayank Aurangabadkar
Cameron Adams, Grace Hilton
Mena Tsaganas, Nykita McIlwraith
Leonardo Attorre Cameron Adams
Tayla Weeks Spencer Newhouse
Mrs Taesha Duley-Smith Director of the Piper Centre
The Piper Centre values sensory exploration in the belief that “there is nothing in the mind that was not first in the senses” (John Locke). In a Reggio-inspired environment, as educators we acknowledge that the children are intuitive and skilful people who are actively engaging in their own research. This term in Cooinda the children have been engrossed in many sensory play-learning experiences, which have encouraged them to be innovators in their own learning.
How We Express Ourselves
During Term IV Cooinda’s Transdisciplinary theme is ‘How we express ourselves’ and the Central Idea is ‘We represent our idea’s, feelings and understandings through play.’ We began our inquiry by reading a variety of literature incorporating different types of play. These stories included play by using our gross motor skills, sensory skills, imaginative skills, creative skills and puppet play. At the end of each story we asked the children individually their thoughts and ideas on how they like to play. From this information, we programmed accordingly to the children’s interests. A particular interest for the children was being able to use their five senses during play. We read stories incorporating senses and then encouraged the children to play by using these senses. A variety of activities were placed out during play and engagement to encourage the children to play whilst using their senses. These activities included shaving crème, play dough with bubble gum and peppermint essence, finger painting and a sensory table for the children to explore lavender and rosemary. The children appeared to really enjoy these experiences especially being able to explore with shaving crème. Mrs Jodie-lee Leitch Cooinda Educator
Mrs Naomi Sullivan Acting Head of Senior School Service and Connection I recently had a conversation with parents who were considering a TIGS education for their children. When asked to elaborate on what sets us apart from other schools, I spoke proudly of a range of different qualities that TIGS encompasses including: •
Being able to provide students with an IB education, producing creative, critical and reflective thinkers.
Delivering an extensive Co-curricular Programme catering for the wide and varied interests of our students.
The incorporation of a sequential Outdoor Education Programme which challenges students appropriately building self-esteem and resilience.
The care and support provided to students through a structured Wellbeing Programme and pastoral care framework.
The various opportunities available for students to serve others though our Community Service Programme.
While all of these areas were certainly of interest to these prospective TIGS parents, the vast majority of our conversation centred around the Community Service Programme and the types of activities our students were currently involved in. These parents, like so many, clearly valued the importance and relevance of such opportunities and acknowledged the way in which these experiences could potentially shape a young person. Development of character, values and communication skills, improved cultural understanding and respect, along with an increased sense of social awareness and responsibility, are among the many attributes gained through service learning. Another vital aspect of the Community Service Programme is a strong sense of social connectedness that is fostered through working with others toward a common cause and building positive relationships through meaningful interactions. Although community service opportunities are available throughout the year, our students have recently been involved in two major service commitments; Crossroads and the Nganambala trip which took place during the school holidays. Crossroads - During the first week of the school holidays, a group of 22 Year 10 students travelled to Hong Kong to perform community service with the Crossroads Mission. The Crossroads Foundation
is a non-profit organisation set up in Hong Kong helping those in need by distributing donated goods to suffering communities both within Hong Kong and beyond. The Foundation receives various goods from contributing businesses which are then packed into storage containers to be delivered to communities affected by poverty and/or natural disasters. The types of goods they distribute can vary greatly including toys, furniture, medical equipment, literature, stationery and electrical appliances. Our students worked incredibly hard in packing and preparing the containers so that they were ready for distribution and even made some personal deliveries to some local residents. Students commented that although it was physically challenging, it was extremely rewarding and relished the opportunity to help and make a difference in this way. Many thanks to Mr Edgerton, Mr Deck and Mrs Cassidy for organising and supervising this trip. Nganambala - The second week of the school holidays saw 21 Year 11 students visit the remote indigenous community of Nganambala in the Northern Territory. The 11 year long relationship between TIGS and the Nganambala community provides opportunities for our students to experience a week long cultural exchange, learning about Aboriginal traditions and way of life. Each year, our students also raise money for the Ngnanambala community to purchase important resources. Some of the many activities our students participated in included: attending an Aboriginal Art Exhibition, going on a Crocodile cruise, preparing meals, visiting the War Memorial, playing games and forging friendships with the local children, viewing sacred rock paintings, swimming in waterholes ‘Mulyung’ and ‘Arthykirim’, collecting bush honey in the ‘Minmunmunba’ tree and participating in a traditional corroboree. Many thanks to Mrs Neal, Mr Gollan and Mrs Burton for organising, attending and supervising this trip. These experiences have certainly afforded out students a wonderful opportunity to not only serve others but to also make some extraordinary connections. Mrs Naomi Sullivan Acting Head of Senior School
SENIOR SCHOOL SPORT NASSA VOLLEYBALL GALA DAY On 19 October the following Year 7 and Year 8 students attended the NASSA Volleyball Gala day held at Minto Indoor Sports Stadium. Boys Team: George Barbas Joshua Field Ben Giason Daniel Jiang Benjamin Jones Harrison Kiteley Ryan Osadczuk Harrison Webb Hugo Parrish Craig Standen Harrison Webb Girls Team: Aria Bacic-Johnston Olivia Barber Katherine Bodey Iluka Budai Ilaria Di Noro Carys Jenkins Amy Lendrum Zoe McGovern Charlotte Tregonning Kathryn Westwood With minimal previous volleyball experience, and playing against Year 9 students from other schools, every student developed their proficiencies impressively. The games were close and well fought and the skills and passion of the students improved dramatically with each game. Congratulations to the boys team for winning their finals play-off matches for fifth and sixth place. An outstanding game demonstrating all their new skills. Watch this space for future volleyball development opportunities, to see TIGS volleyball become a force to be reckoned with. Mrs Cassidy and Mr Gardiner
AFL GALA DAY TIGS Boys Team The NASSA AFL Gala Day was held on Wednesday 18 October at Eschol Park Sporting Complex. The boys team, made up entirely of Year 10 students, competed with great spirit throughout the day. Playing against a number of welldrilled teams who regularly participate in their Macarthur area school sports competition, TIGS Boys remained competitive and determined through every game but were not able to tally a win for their first four games. Our final game was against Penrith Anglican College (PAC), who also had no wins. After scoring an early goal, TIGS then went behind mid-way through the first half. The game remained fairly even throughout, but with two minutes left on the clock, PAC was 10 points in front, with TIGS needing two goals to win.
After some great build-up work from Riley Hanlon and Austin Pallone, Brendan Hardie was able to score a goal, leaving TIGS four points behind with one minute remaining on the clock. The boys team lifted, winning the ball-up and working as a team, Logan Davis was able to give Hunter Powell a mark, who then passed on to Michael Stanton to take the mark 15m out from the goal. As the full-time hooter bellowed, Michael remained composed and put the ball right between the uprights, giving TIGS the win! It was a wonderful moment that ended an enjoyable day of AFL Football. Boys Team: Logan Davis, Kirby Golding, Riley Hanlon, Brendan Hardie, Trent Ledwidge, Jonathon Michalopoulos, Austin Pallone, James Pegler, Hunter Powell, Alexander Saddi, Michael Stanton, William Young. Mr Deck
TIGS Girls Team With sun shining and boots polished 14 girls from Year 10 and Year 11 travelled to Campbelltown to the NASSA AFL Gala Day. There was plenty of enthusiasm and excitement as we prepared for the day. Leading up to the carnival we worked on our tackling, kicking and handball skills as many of the girls were not AFL ‘natives’ but very skilled in other sports. We played five games over the carnival against some very strong opposition. In our first game Emmanuela Franco was our only goal scorer in a toughly fought game and against some strong tackling and accurate scoring from our competition. Charlotte Gaynor was another excellent goal scorer for our team. We saw consistently strong running and tackling from Alanieta Kennedy who played hard all day and saved many goals from our opposition. It was a great day where we developed our knowledge of the game and as a team we continued to improve. Every girl contributed as a team player, running hard and never giving up, our tackling and marking were impressive and again continued to improve. Girls Team: Mary Bul, Emmanuela Franco, Charlotte Gaynor, Amy Gibbons, Alanieta Kennedy, Kyra King, Sarah Jane Kingsman, Benae Kuiper, Kayla McNamara, Madeline McRae, Claire Nguyen, Eva Peacock, Heidi Rogers, Georgia Webb. Mrs McKenzie
Up and Coming Sport Events NASSA Junior Basketball Gala Day Monday 23 October NASSA Senior Cricket Gala Day Thursday 26 October NASSA Junior Cricket Gala Day Friday 27 October NASSA Senior Basketball Gala Day Monday 6 November Sports Presentation Evening Wednesday 8 November
NASSA Basketball Gala Day On Tuesday 23 October, 30 students from Year 7 to Year 9 entered the NASSA Basketball Gala Day at Narrabeen Basketball Stadium. Unfortunately we didn’t have enough girls to enter a Junior (Year 7 only) team so we had an Intermediate (Years 8 and Year 9) Girls team. For the Boys, we had both a Junior and an Intermediate team. All students represented the school admirably. The teams were as follows: Intermediate Girls: Keani Anastasovski Aria Bacic-Johnston Esther Bigirindavyi Katherine Bodey Iluka Budai Ruby D’Rozario Anastasia Grozdanov Tegan King Lucy Koder Victoria Summerill Intermediate Boys: Archee Banks Jiaqui Bi Jiapei Chen Daniel Jiang Isaiah Kennedy Jinbo Li Chengcheng Li Hugo Parrish John Taiwo Shuohan Yang Junior Boys: Daniel Grieve Benjamin Jones Nathan Molnar Ethan Morgan James Pilkington Charlie Taylor Alec Varmedja Taylan Arapali Joshua Franco
The Intermediate boys were very competitive in their pool with wins against Georges River Grammar School and Penrith Anglican College but a loss to Thomas Hassall Anglican College. They finished second in the pool and had a playoff game against St Luke’s Grammar School which they lost. This placed them in a third place playoff game against Macarthur Anglican School which they won to finish third overall for the day. Mr Rodgers, Mr Stutchbury and Mr Keating
PERFORMING ARTS NEWS Term IV Instrumental Concerts Strings Concert
4.00pm and 6.30pm Wednesday 1 November in the Recital Room
Brass and Woodwind Concert
6.30pm Tuesday 7 November in the Recital Room
Guitar and Drums Concert
6.30pm Tuesday 14 November in the Recital Room
Singing Concert
6.30pm Monday 20 November in the Recital Room
Piano Concert
4.00pm and 6.30pm Wednesday 29 November in the Recital Room
The Intermediate girls had a competitive pool and had a draw against Penrith Anglican College, a loss to St Luke’s Grammar School and then a victory against Wollondilly Anglican College. This earned them 2nd place in the pool and a semi-final against Georges River Grammar which they lost. Finally there was a 3rd place playoff against Macarthur Anglican which they also lost resulting in 4th place for the day. The Junior boys started off with a win against Broughton Anglican College, a loss to Thomas Hassall Anglican College and then another loss to St Luke’s Grammar School. They finished up in 3rd place in the pool and had a final game against Penrith Anglican College which they won to result in a 5th placing for the day.
FOR APPLICATIONS CLICK HERE TO SEE BUSINESSES IN THE DIRECTORY CLICK HERE Thinking of promoting your business by advertising through our School Community? Applications for 2018 will close on Wednesday 15 November 2017 for inclusion of the business in the directory for the ensuing year. There is an annual fee of $300 per business each calendar year for advertising in the Directory. A TIGS Foundation fundraising initiative, the Business Directory will provide an opportunity to strengthen and tighten the bonds between the School, parents and the businesses contained within the School Community with funds raised from the Business Directory assisting to drive forward the fantastic educational opportunities children receive here at TIGS. TIGS Foundation would like to acknowledge and thank the businesses from our TIGS community for their support of the Business Directory in 2017 and invite new businesses to the Directory for 2018.
For inquiries please contact Lisa Wilson in the Foundation Office on 4220 0264 or email lwilson@ TIGS reserves the right to decline any advertisement or request changes before accepting any submissions. To read terms and conditions, please click here.
EXTEND @ TIGS Last week was another busy week at Extend with Year 12 students doing their HSC in Rees Hall so we relocated up to the IGC. We appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation during this time. Due to this change our regular programme was shuffled around to accommodate the move. Nonetheless we have had Basketball games in the IGC, played Spud, Rugby, Soccer and Rob the Nest on the ever so green field, as well as played with our new Wheel of Fortune board game, Connect 4, Charades, Mix and Match and made colourful Extend signs to make our space more warm and welcoming. To keep ourselves energised and nourished the children have devoured a variety of fruit platters, sandwiches, crumpets with various spreads, healthy pizza, popcorn and veggies with dips… to name a few. This week we are back to our normal room and routines. Thank you again everyone! Jovica, Team Leader
Our Extend Superstars are:
Cohen Sawyer… for being a role model of fantastic behaviour.
31 Oct
Pupil Free Day 2018 Kindergarten Orientation 9.30am Outside Junior School Office
2018 Year 7 Parent Information Evening 6.00pm in the IGC
Strings Concert Wednesday
Nov Thursday
Nov Friday
Nov Monday
Nov Friday
Find us on Facebook
Professional Learning Day
10 Nov
4.00pm and 6.30pm in the Recital Room
Year 6 Exhibition - Opening Ceremony 4.00pm in the IGC followed by exhibition in the Goodhew Research Centre
Year 6 Exhibition 9.00am - 11.00am in the Goodhew Research Centre
2018 Year 7 Orientation 8.30am in the IGC
P&F Fete Meeting 6.30pm in the Goodhew Research Centre
TIGS Prayer Breakfast 7.30am in the Goodhew Research Centre