TIGS Newsletter Issue 4 Term I 2017

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Issue 3 Term I 2017


Junior School Swimming Carnival An International Baccalaureate World School

Academic • Christian • Caring


Mr Stephen Kinsella Headmaster Congratulations to Wolgal House in the Junior School and Aranda House in the Senior School for their success in winning their Swimming Carnivals held over the last week.

Aranda (yellow) 9 times winner, the last time in 2013

I was able to spend some time at both carnivals and was impressed by the level of participation and enthusiasm by students. Many personal best times were achieved by our committed and very talented swimmers while other ‘parttime’ swimmers were just as enthusiastic in entering many events to win points for their House.

Kogara (red) 9 times winner, the last time in 2016

It was also impressive to see the number of enthusiastic parents and grandparents attending, cheering, photographing and videoing the performance of our athletes. Attendance by family members always adds a nice dimension to our swimming carnivals and your support is appreciated (the students also appreciate the access to funds for their excursions to the canteen - are hot chips and sauce really the food of champions?). The House System has been an important part of the traditions at TIGS. Many former students who are now parents remain passionate supporters of their House and are insistent that their children also be placed in their House. The history of the House System dates back to 1959, our foundation year. Our records indicate that when the School commenced with students in Kindergarten through to Year 5 they were placed in three Houses: Kingsley, Wilberforce and Shaftesbury. What happened between 1959 and 1968 is not clear. The Shell Shield is the much sought after prize that our Senior School Houses hope to win each year. The Shield records that the winning House in the period 1968 to 1971 was Farrer. An ex-student from that time remembers that in 1966 the Houses were Shaftesbury (green), Wilberforce (yellow), Kingsley (maroon) and Hammond (light blue). He remembers further that in 1968 the House names changed to Farrer (gold), Mawson (light blue) and Wentworth (green). Two new Houses, Sturt House (yellow) and Hume House (green), were also created in the Junior School. In 1973 the current Houses were created and named after Aboriginal tribes: Aranda (yellow - NT), Coligan (blue- Vic), Kogara (red-WA) and Wolgal (green-NSW). Since competition between the current Houses began, the Shell Shield has been won by all four Houses:

Coligan (blue) 9 times winner, the last time in 2009

Wolgal (green) 18 times winner, the last time in 2015 The scope of the competition for the Shell Shield is broad and reflects the breadth of opportunities available for students at TIGS. In 2017, Senior School students will represent their Houses in competition for the Shell Shield in the following areas: •

Swimming Carnival

Cross-country Carnival

Athletics Carnival


The Great Race

House Quiz Competition

Houses in the Junior School compete for individual trophies at the following events: •

Swimming Carnival

Cross-country Carnival

Athletics Carnival

Well done to our students for competing in the swimming carnivals and for maintaining an important tradition in our School.


Rev. James Rogers Chaplain Meet the Teacher

Last week I was involved in two ‘Meet the Teacher’ evenings. The first was for parents of students in Year 3 to Year 6 and the second was for parents of students in Year 7. As a teacher of Biblical Studies, I enjoyed speaking with parents about the course and what their children will encounter in the classroom. I also spoke about our broader aims for our students in Biblical Studies. I thought I would share something of that with you in this week’s newsletter. One of the reasons our School was founded was to give our students an opportunity to be informed of the Christian faith. There are two reasons I believe this is still crucial today. First, our world has been so shaped by the Christian faith that to go out into our world ignorant of the Bible is to be at a serious disadvantage. To be culturally literate one must know the Bible. Second, the claims of the Bible are so extraordinary they demand our attention. Our students come from a range of different backgrounds. We have families who identify with other faith traditions and worldviews. I think this is wonderful. It enriches our learning in the classroom and the culture of our School. We are not on about upsetting family beliefs at TIGS. We respect the family unit and support families as they raise their children.

Even so, we do say to families and students of other faith and belief traditions to take the opportunity while they are at TIGS to be informed of the Christian faith. I believe one of the most pressing needs in our world today is for people to be able to treat with dignity and respect those with whom they might disagree. One of my tasks as a teacher at TIGS is to model how it is quite possible to have firm beliefs and deep respect for and engagement with those who think and believe differently. I identify as a Christian. For me the Christian worldview best answers the big questions of life. They are not the only answers available. Not at all. But for me they are sound, even reasonable. I would hate to think, however, that this means I cannot have deep friendships with those who believe another religion or worldview has better answers to the big questions of life. On the contrary, I hope to be able to have respectful and engaging dialogue with those with whom I disagree such that our friendship deepens even as we may come to appreciate more how our beliefs differ. I believe if we send young adults like this out into our community we will do a great service for our world.

Long Service Leave

On another note, I am about to embark on a period of Long Service Leave. I will be away for the rest of Term I. Rev. Mark Grieve will be Acting Chaplain in my absence and Mrs Nada Appleby will be teaching my Biblical Studies classes. I wish you God’s blessing for the duration of this term and look forward to seeing you when I return in Term II.

Rev James Rogers


Mrs Judi Nealy Deputy Headmaster, Head of Junior School Swimming Carnival Highlights

Year 3 to Year 6 students put their swimmers, coloured zinc and ribbons on and headed off to Unanderra pool for our annual Swimming Carnival this week. We were blessed with a gorgeous day and as usual it was wonderful to see the levels of participation and encouragement by our whole community. Mums and dads dressed in house colours along with their kids, great House cheering, lots of swimmers in the water as well as high levels of competition from our talented swimmers. A special thanks to our Year 10 PDHPE elective students and their teachers who performed many roles during this event. Some of our less confident swimmers really benefitted from having the support of older students and the smiles at the end of the pool were an absolute delight.

Michael Grose writes fabulous articles for parents and schools. Today I am pleased to share with you some of his recent thinking about competence and confidence (you will remember me speaking about this at Meet the Teacher evenings last week). You can access the full article here. Practical ideas for parents to encourage real independence in children. Your goal as a parent should be for your child to be completely self managing by the end of primary school. That is, he can get himself and others up each morning; make his own breakfast; prepare his own school bag; collect his own school uniform; put any notes under your nose to be signed and returned to school; and so it goes on. Now, that doesn’t mean that kids will do all this all the time, because other factors come into play such as busy schedules and early starts; children will need some assistance at times. However, it’s good to keep in mind that children, when left to their own devices, generally do remarkably well at organising their daily tasks. Sometimes they just need the opportunity. Michael Grose

JUNIOR SCHOOL AWARDS MERIT CERTIFICATES Academic Terrance Tsakiridis Jamilla Perri Serena Nasr Tania Kalsi Sophie Deck Riley Cook Ashley Brewer Alexandra Birch


Do you know anyone interested in sending their children to TIGS? Word-of-mouth is a key factor in selecting a school so please encourage other interested families to join us at TIGS Information Evening to discover for themselves the great benefits of a TIGS Education.


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LINE u N O BOOK w.edu.a .ns tigs

Andrew Neal Class: 3C

Who are your friends and what do you like to play? Leo, Max, Daniel and Lachlan. We like to play soccer, AFL, and gymnastics

What do you like to do best in the classroom? Doing things in my Learning Journal

What are you really good at? Solving Maths problems

WEEKLY AWARDS KP Felicity De La Fuente, Xavier Knight 1Y

Chelsea Bessell, Ryan Haghparast

2M 2S 2T 3C 4R

Ashley Parker, Zainab Zafar Riley Cook, Lucia Rubio Campos, Johanna Hernandez, Serena Nasr Isabella Nicholson, Neel Shetty Daniel Cox Ashley Brewer, Alexandra Birch

4S Saxon Parrish, Ellie Stokes 5A Ethan Bywater, Christian Vujic 5M 6C 6Y

Alexander Gallagher, Michael Murray Cameron Adams Sarah Partland, Jessy Harman

What do you need to work hard at? How do you do this? I need to work on my spelling so I will practise it in my own time

What extra curricular activities are you involved in inside and outside of school? Drama and Soccer


NASSA Basketball

Our first NASSA Gala Day for the year kicked off with a long journey to the Northern Beaches Stadium for our TIGS Girls and Boys basketball teams. Both teams enjoyed a day of challenges and success and showed improvement as the day progressed placing them 5th overall in the competition. Special congratulations to Year 5 student Alexander Vartazarian on his selection to trial for the CIS next Friday.

Junior School Swimming Carnival House Results 1.



2. Coligan 462 3. Aranda 405 4.



Age Champions 8 Years Boys 1. Oliver Johnson

Tearm Members



Alexander Vartazarian

Molly Buikstra

Lachlan Neal

Pia D’Rozario

1. Hamish Lepp

1. Cate Giason

Xavier Druett

Mena Tsaganas

2. Tom I’Ons

2. Alexandra Da Deppo

Oliver Alexander

Sarah Partland

Brandon Nugara

Alissa Tonkin

Connor Burrows

Rebecca Winn

Jacobus Newhouse

Charlotte Palmisano

Ethan Bywater

Jessy Harman

9 Years Boys


10 Years Boys


1. William MacKay

1. Charlotte I’Ons

2. Samuel Lowe

2. Ella Fennell

11 Years Boys


1. Christian Vujic

1. Ella McIlwraith

2. Michael Murray

2. Mackayla Hutchinson

12 Years Boys


1. Connor Burrows

1. Jessy Harman

2. Oliver Alexander

2. Rebecca Winn

New records Congratulations to William Mackay who set three new records in the 10 years 100m reestyle, 50m backstroke and 50m butterfly and to Samuel Lowe who set a new record in the 10 years 50m freestyle.



Youthworks are delighted to welcome TIGS high school aged students to the Performing Arts Camp during the next holiday period. The camp helps students to collaborate with likeminded creative people and is run by experienced teachers, running classes in various dance styles, singing, visual arts and digital media, as well as providing the opportunity for students to play music with their own instruments. During the week students will be working towards a performance on the final day for parents and guests, as well as learning about Jesus and discussing what he means to us. Performing Arts Camp is one of Youthworks longest running holiday camps and is led by a committed team of Christian leaders who love the arts.

Scholarships are available for students entering Years 5, 6, 7 and Year 11. Applications close on Wednesday 15 March 2017. All Applicants sit the ACER Examination on Saturday 25 March 2017. Further information is available on TIGS website

Dates: 18 to 23 April 2017 Who: Year 7 to Year 12 Boys and Girls Where: Blue Gum Lodge, Springwood NSW Click here for more information

EXTEND@TIGS Last week we had a ball creating some cool crafts to take home! We made a board game to challenge our friends with, created some wonderful pieces out of recycled items. We even tested our skills in an aeroplane competition! This week was all about creative flare and what better way to express ourselves than a relaxing session of Yoga! The children loved the funny poses so it has become a weekly addition to extend! Are you a Proud Parent? Post your proud parent moment on Extend’s Facebook page with a short caption and hashtag #ProudParent to win a GoPro Hero5 plus more prizes worth over $1000.

Monday 27 February: Plastic Cup Towers and Captain of the Ship Tuesday 28 February: Abstract Art and Capture the Flag Wednesday 1 March: Sleeping Lions and Handball Thursday 2 March: Woven Craft and Stuck in the Mud Friday 3 March: Yarn Wrapped Shapes, Dodgeball and team building games!

Winner announced on Facebook on Monday 27 February. For terms visit extend.com.au/proudparents. Our Extend Superstar is: Sophia Windsor ‌ for showing us all a really cool science experiment with balloons and helping others to complete the experiment step by step!

ONLINE BOOKINGS: extend.com.au CALL OUR OFFICE 1300 366 437



Mr Greg Lanyon Head of Senior School One of the important developments in educational research is a recognition that the shape and focus of education needs to adjust as work and the workplace in the 21st century will look and feel significantly different from the past. The Education Council, in its report on a National STEM School Education Strategy, identified a need for schools to support these inevitable changes through the “development of skills in cross-disciplinary, critical and creative thinking, problem solving and digital technologies, which are essential in all 21st century occupations”. STEM is a curriculum, based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines, science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. This concept has been taken further in some educational circles to include creative thinking associated traditionally with the Arts and has morphed into STEAM to incorporate this thinking. One of the findings presented in the Education Council report, was that young women were underrepresented as a group in these areas of study and in related workplaces. Many institutions are working to redress this imbalance by offering opportunities for girls and young women to consider study and careers related to STEM. Three of our students have had the opportunity to be involved in initiatives provided by several universities. Andrea Avenido (Year 10) and Rebecca Adams (Year 12) attended separate camps during the summer break, which were designed to provide a stimulating learning experience with other like-minded students over several days. Andrea attended the STEM Camp for Girls hosted by the University of Wollongong and


Rebecca, the UNSW Women in Engineering Camp. The camps provided the opportunity for handson design and engineering challenges and to be mentored by women already working in related businesses such as Atlassian and Google. Another student excelling in the STEM area is Macinley Butson (Year 11), who will be receiving an award at the UOW, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences’ NSW, Junior High Schools STEM and iSTEM Competitions Presentation Evening. Macinley has been developing several projects over the last few years, the latest being a flexible shield to be used by patients during radiation therapy. More about her award next week. Last week Year 11 Creative Arts students studying Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Drama, Entertainment and the IB Diploma had the unique opportunity to study more about collaborative learning, creativity and theories of knowledge at the Creative Arts Camp at Bundanon and Riversdale on the Shoalhaven River. Students explored the theme of ‘Ignite’ through multimedia performances and artworks that were performed on the final night of the camp and experienced a range of workshops that challenged them to think laterally. Students have been continuing to explore the themes and new approaches to learning from camp on their return and will be presenting performances and artworks inspired by this experience at the Beyond Bundanon Exhibition, Friday 17 March at 6.30pm in the IGC. All are welcome to this event. National STEM school education strategy 2016 – 2026, 2015, Education Council, Pdf, accessed 22 February 2017


NASSA Basketball Gala Day

Senior School Swimming Carnival

Benae Kuiper Year 10. Benae will represent NASSA on Wednesday 8 March.

Students who would like to nominate for the 200m IM or 200m freestyle events can complete the online expression of interest on the Swimming Carnival Page on OLLE. Photos from the day can also be accessed

Congratulations to the following students who were selected in the NASSA Open Basketball Team to compete at the AICES Carnival:

Vincent Chauvet Year 12 and Blake McDougall Year 11 will represent NASSA on Thursday 2 March. We wish our basketballers all the best in their quest to be selected in the AICES team to play at NSW CIS.

AICES Gold Coast Netball Trials

Congratulations to Cartia Taranto who was selected to represent AICES in the Gold Coast Netball Tour from 8 July 16 July. Cartia will compete against a variety of national and international teams for a week of competitive netball, beach games and sightseeing. We wish Cartia all the best in her training in the lead up to the competition.

1st and 2nd place in 50m freestyle and 1st place in all other events will progress to NASSA Swimming Carnival on the evening of Wednesday 1 March 2017.

Students are also asked to check their events on the Swimming Carnival page on OLLE . All events should be finalised by 9.00am Monday 27 February 2017.

Talented Athletes Programme

TAP is now well and truly underway. This week our students attended their regular Cross Fit session with Karlo and Abbey from Cross Fit JAK on Tuesday morning and their Swimming Carnival Training session with Joshua King on Thursday morning. In Week 5 the programme will only run on Tuesday morning due to the NASSA Swimming Carnival and in Week 6 our Athletics Development Training will replace swimming and will be held at TIGS. All students participating in TAP are listed on the TAP Page accessible from the OLLE Sport Page. Please check your days and the detailed timetable and contact Mrs Lane or Mrs Hinch if there is a problem.

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education is now bigger than ever at TIGS and our internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is no exception. In 2016 TIGS had 60 Bronze, 39 Silver and 32 Gold participants registered to undertake the Award equating to 131 students from Year 9 to Year 12, ranking us 19th in Australia in participant registrations. We also had 41 students complete their Bronze Award, 38 students completed their Silver Award and four students complete their Gold Award. This gave TIGS students a total of 83 awards and a national ranking of 15th in Australia. This is an exciting accomplishment considering that the Award Scheme is adopted by more than 140 countries, with over 8 million young people having participated world-wide. In Australia alone, over 700,000 young people have completed an Award and on average over 40,000 young people are working towards achieving the award annually. Congratulations to Mr Edgerton, to our Outdoor Education Prefects and Leaders and all our 83 Duke of Edinburgh Awardees in 2016. We look forward to achieving even more success in 2017.

Up and Coming Sport Events Monday 27 February – TIGS Opens Touch Football Trials at lunch for NASSA Gala Day Tuesday 28 February – TIGS U/15 Touch Football Trials at lunch for NASSA Gala Day Wednesday 1 March Swimming Carnival


Thursday 2 March – TIGS Year 7 and U/15 Netball Trials at lunch for NASSA Gala Day Friday 3 March – NASSA Tennis Gala Day Thursday 9 March – TIGS Open Netball Trials at lunch for NASSA Gala Day Monday 20 March – NASSA Touch Football Gala Day (U/15’s and Opens) Friday 24 March – NASSA Netball Gala Day (Year 7, U/15’s and Opens)


TIGS FOUNDATION Taj Mahal Dinner 6.00pm Saturday 25 March Join us to experience the sights, sounds and tastes of India as Bollywood comes to Wollongong! Step through the doors and be transported to another world with gourmet Indian food, entertainment, dancing and exciting prizes all for a great cause. The Taj Mahal event raises money for two worthwhile causes: The Disability Trust where funds are used for a long-weekend of respite care for local Disability Trust clients, supported by Year 12 students from TIGS who volunteer their time as carers, and TIGS Foundation, raising funds for initiatives such as scholarships for a local child/children whose circumstances would not otherwise allow them to access the opportunities afforded by an education at TIGS.

Taj Mahal Dinner 6.00pm Saturday 25 March UniHall - The University of Wollongong

Tickets w! o on sale n


Enquiries: Sharad and Lata Tamhane 0439852497, Cedric and Usha Fernandez 0409854882, Helen Bugg 4220 0288 Lisa Wilson 4220 0264 For bookings visit TIGS website

TIGS Foundation Annual General Meeting

TIGS Foundation members and others who are interested are invited to attend TIGS Foundation AGM When: Wednesday 15 March 2017 Where: Goodhew Research Centre (Library - Entrance via Powell Street) Time: 6.00pm - 7.00pm Welcome drinks 7.00pm - 8.00pm AGM RSVP: 13 March 2017 Contact: Lisa Wilson 4220 0264 or email foundation@tigs.nsw.edu.au

Visit www.tigs.nsw.edu.au Online ticket sales close Friday 17 March Proudly brought to you by The Illawarra Indian Community, TIGS and The Disability Trust


P&F Message from the President

Welcome all returning and new parents to the 2017 school year! Wow, it only feels like yesterday we were saying goodbye to 2016 and here we are, already in 2017 and the month of February. The New Year brings new teachers, new subjects, new aspirations for our children and a list of wonderful activities to fill our calendars. As the President of the Parents and Friends (P&F) Association, I would love to extend an opportunity for parents to meet each other, create new friendships and renew old ones, so that a strong P&F association is established over 2017. I encourage both Junior and Senior parents to participate in our friendly casual catch ups as they occur over the coming year.

The structure

TIGS P&F Association has two standing Committees: Karobran (an aboriginal work meaning “Together”) in the Junior School, and Orana (an aboriginal work meaning “Welcome”) in the Senior school. Our aim is to welcome and foster the feeling of belonging to parents and guardians of TIGS students in a friendly atmosphere, offering avenues of communication to the mutual benefit of all TIGS families. We encourage interaction through participation in various activities, both social and informative. An important part of the P&F is the Year/Class Representative programme in both Orana and Karobran which encourages communication and helps to support individuals and specific needs of different year groups. To date we have compiled a list of the Karobran (Junior School) Representatives for each year and the details are below: Pre-prep/ Vacant Prep Kindy Jenna Bottele 0406892346 Jacqui McKay - jac37noble@gmail.com Year 1 Andrea Binks - 0432856021 Year 2 Paula Knight - 0402851822 Libby Warren - 0409830001 Year 3 Danielle Attorre - 0423637580 Year 4 Rowena Harris - 0412159270 Year 5 Jessica Gnata - 0408281255 Karen Fock - karen.j.fock@det.nsw.edu.au Year 6 Tanya Edgerton - 0400472872

We are trying to reinvigorate the Senior School parent’s involvement in the school and help with the lines of communication between parents and the School. The Orana (Senior School) Year Representatives positions for 2017 need to be filled and it would be great if any of the Senior School parents could consider being involved. If you are interested in being a Representative for Year 7 Vacant Year 8 Vacant Year 9 Vacant Year 10 Vacant Year 11 Vacant Year 12 Vacant

your child’s year and fill a vacant positions please contact Melanie Silburn on 0437 419 462 or myself on 0426 264 771. As the new President for the P&F Association and in conjunction with the Year Representatives we welcome everyone. We hope you will find many opportunities to enjoy the friendships available when participating in the school activities and as the year progresses, we look forward to a few nights/or events, full of fun and camaraderie. Joanne Danckwardt President TIGS Parents and Friends Association Email: pandf@tigs.com.au


Does your child have a passion for problem solving? Are they a gifted mathematician? Maybe they excel in science? Or would like a head-start in the study of Shakespeare? Itag@TIGS might be just what they need. These workshops are designed to provide gifted and talented students with opportunities to explore their interests with like-minded peers. Workshop places are open to both TIGS students and students from other schools. Workshops will be held from 9.30am - 3.00pm on Saturday 11 March at a cost of $75. This event is suitable for students from Year 3 to Year 10.

Academic • Christian • Caring

An International Baccalaureate World School

Colourful Chemistry Year 4 to Year 8 Discover the world of acids and bases in a series of chemical experiments. Use household substances to make indicators, neutralise common acids with bases, and investigate the colours of fireworks. Students will need an inquiring mind, the ability to collaborate in mixed age groups and think outside the test-tube to succeed in this hands-on workshop.

The Curious and Magical Mathematics of Polygons! Year 4 to Year 10 Q. What object has 6 edges and 5 flat faces that appear and disappear with a flex of the fingers? Investigate and design patterns to construct a variety of magical flexagons and curious compound polyhedra. Learn techniques for constructing objects from paper and be challenged to identify the mathematical patterns that give rise to the surprising properties of these objects. A. Pentahexaflexagon!

Become a Problem-Solving Champion! Year 3 to Year 10 Are you a great thinker? Do you thrive on solving challenging problems? To be a great problem solver, you need to be able to work as part of a team, both at school and in the workforce. This workshop teaches students essential skills such as team dynamics and time management so they are equipped to be champion problem-solvers in a range of situations, from group assignments to academic competitions such as Tournament of Minds or Da Vinci Decathlon.

Simply Shakespeare Year 5 to Year 7 Learn about Shakespeare, the man and his works – both plays and sonnets. Discover how much of our common language has come from The Bard after 450 years!

Imagine – Express - Create Year 3 to Year 10 Calling all young artists. All activities require the individual to explore and experiment with different techniques, styles or aspects from the elements of design. Artworks will be created based on their artistic exploration and experimentation. The young artist is therefore asked to make choices based on a broader knowledge of art, artists and the process of art making. Ultimately each person will develop an individual artistic style and complete a work they can take away with them.






Mar Monday


Mar Wednesday


Mar Saturday

11 Mar


15 Mar


18 Mar

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2018 Year 7 Try TIGS Day 8.30am to 3.10pm Book NOW!

Pupil Free Day Professional Learning Day All Day TIGS Information Evening 6.00pm to 7.00pm - School Tour 7.00pm to 8.00pm - Information Session In the Goodhew Research Centre (Library) Book NOW! iTag@TIGS 9.30am at The Illawarra Grammar School Book NOW!

TIGS Foundation AGM 6.00pm Wednesday 15 March in the Goodhew Research Centre (Library) RSVP HERE Parent Information Session Barbara Arrowsmith-Young 2.00pm in the Illawarra Grammar Centre (IGC) Book NOW!

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