TIGS Review Issue 2 2011

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Issue 2 2011


The Illawarra Grammar School

From the Headmaster At a Senior School Assembly this term I spoke about leadership and the process by which students are appointed to leadership positions in the School. Year 11 are soon to be appointed as our student leaders for 2012. Leadership at TIGS, in both the Junior and Senior Schools, is not a popularity contest. The appointment of students to positions of leadership is made, on the advice of staff and students, by the Headmaster. The School’s philosophy is that all students should have the opportunity to experience the challenges of leadership. It is not uncommon for as many as 90 students to be appointed to leadership positions in Year 12. We believe that if a student is willing to take on the responsibility of leadership they should be given the opportunity. We also believe that leaders should take Christ’s example as their model for leadership – leaders have their position so they can serve others. There is no place for ego or self-aggrandisement in leadership at TIGS. To be appointed as a student leader, a student is expected to have demonstrated an on-going commitment to the School, its values and its programs. I reminded students that their commitment to the School is monitored right from their first moments at TIGS. A long-term and consistent commitment to Academic Excellence, Christian Beliefs and Behaviours and our Caring Community (our TIGS core values) is the starting point when evaluating applications for leadership positions. It is noticed when uniforms are not worn correctly or when participation in House events is not wholehearted. In a similar way, the performance of students in leadership training and service activities is also noted. It is exciting to observe latent leadership qualities being revealed during the leadership-training program that spans Years 7 to 11 – it is surprising how often the most popular students are not the best leaders. The opinions of the students are also considered. Voting takes place by students in Years 10, 11 and 12 for the position of School Captain and School Vice-Captain. All students in each House vote for their leaders, and some current student leaders in areas of responsibility are consulted about suitable candidates to replace them. There are a number of opportunities to serve as a student leader: •

School Captains and Vice-Captains are appointed after an interview with the Headmaster and the Head of Senior School

House Captains and Vice-Captains are appointed in consultation with House Patrons

Prefects and Senior Leaders are appointed in consultation with the teachers responsible for each portfolio and the Senior Dean

The decision to appoint a student as a Prefect or a Senior Leader is made after considering their demonstrated leadership skills and their degree of commitment to the School and its values. Not everyone can be School Captain – the idea of 90 School Captains is scary as well as absurd. It is our intention to find each student, willing to take on the responsibility of leadership, the position that matches their ability and commitment. We hope that the next round of student leaders will be as good as those that have preceded them. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

‘The Works’ 2011 Exhibition 26 – 27 August 2011 Please join us to celebrate art and design and continue the tradition at The Illawarra Grammar School with ‘The Works’ 2011. The exhibition will feature Artworks, Film, Design, Furniture, Photography, Ceramics and Textiles from HSC 2011 and from past and present students, teachers, parents and friends of The Illawarra Grammar School. Due to the interest and excitement surrounding previous Works Exhibitions, The Illawarra Grammar School will again be running an Acquisitive Art Award. We are very happy to announce that our generous sponsors, Westpac, are able to support us again with a prize of $2,000 which will be awarded to the winning artist on opening night. If you are an artist, designer or photographer or are in contact with artists who are friends of TIGS and would like to be involved with the exhibition please contact the Development Office on 4220 0233. Official Opening Friday 26 August, 2011 7.30pm - 9.00pm in the IGC Announcement of the $2,000 Acquisitive Prize donated by Westpac. Launch of The Works People’s Choice Award sponsored by TIGS Foundation. Saturday 27 August, 2011 10.00am - 4.00pm in the IGC

TIGS 2011 Trivia Night Earlier this term our School Captains and a large number of Year 12’s worked very hard to support their chosen charity ‘Express Yourself’ - the Salvation Army’s program of art, music and drama developed in consultation with ‘Headspace Illawarra’ for children whose families are affected by addiction. It’s a fabulous program and our students are committed to both financial support and handson support. The night was a wonderful celebration of leadership by the Captains, service by Year 12’s and support from the extended TIGS Community. There were tables of ex-students from last year, the year before and on various tables ex-students from all years up to and including the first years of TIGS, there were staff from ‘Headspace Illawarra’ (who are also ex-students) and the Salvation Army. There were tables of Junior School parents, Senior School parents, of Academic and Support Staff and a number of ex-members of staff. It really was a celebration of the TIGS Community in its widest sense. First Place went to a formidable team of teachers, closely followed in second place by a team (which seemed larger than average to me!!) of ex-students, but in such an environment everyone was a winner. Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

School Captains Laura Sunderland, Xavier Hollis

School Vice Captains Carna Feldtmann, Patrick Costabile

TIGS Foundation - “Building Their Future” This quarter we got down to the business of running the TIGS Foundation. We had success with the launch of our Annual Giving Appeal and our bank balance is looking decidedly healthier as a result. This appeal allows us to support a range of programs such as the Rev. Richard Bosanquet Scholarship which we awarded to a new student at the School. As a Chairman, there is nothing more rewarding than bestowing the gift of a TIGS education on a student who under normal circumstances would not have such an opportunity. At TIGS Foundation we want to develop a culture of philanthropy and grow our school community. I want to sincerely thank those people that have supported our appeal both large and small and encourage others to do so. I want to particularly thank the Board of Directors for their ongoing support of Foundation. Our Board resolved to support the School’s library program as part of our Capital Appeal. This will be undertaken in association with our friends at P&F and together we believe we can achieve our target sooner. Next term we look forward to promoting TIGS ‘The Works‘ Exhibition. We will sponsor the Peoples Choice art prize and will use our network of supporters and alumni to support this great event. I look forward to your ongoing support of TIGS Foundation and the many exciting projects and programs we have planned in 2011. David Laing Foundation Chairman TIGS Review 2

Year 6 Guitar Ensemble The all conquering Year 6 Guitar Ensemble (Hugo, Logan, Jackson, Daniel and Andre) received rave reviews for their spirited performance of ‘The Shadows’ Guitar Tango (Arranged by Paul Grainger, guitar tutor) leaving listeners with no doubt as to why the guitar is the most popular instrument in the world.

Staff profile Mrs Linda Lill

What is your role in the Junior School? As a Teachers Aide my primary function is to assist students in their learning. I have several roles in the Junior School, as a Literacy Support Aide and as an Assistant in TIGS Extended and Vacation Care.

How long have you been part of TIGS community?

3 TIGS Review

da Lile l Mrs cLhin ers Aid Tea

I started with TIGS in June 2006 as a Trainee Teachers Aide in the Year 2 classroom.

Junior School Athletics Carnival

Ready, Steady, Go!!

Total Ball Control

Limbering Up!

hat we are people through other people. We cannot be fully human alone. We are made for interdependence, we are made for family. When you have ubuntu, you embrace others. You are generous, compassionate. It embraces hospitality, caring for others, being able to go the extra Great participation by all our primary students was the highlight of the day - jumping, running and throwing their best mile for the sake of others… A as they competed together and cheered each other on. person is a person through another person, that my humanity caught The champion House ofisthe day was Kogara led by Captains Ruby Pallone and Hugo Mackenzie-Wood. up, bound up, inextricably, with yours. When I dehumanise you, by our best athletes occurred throughout the day with new records being set by Strong and notable performances I Oscar inexorably dehumanise myself. Malouf in the 11 years boys Turbo Javelin and Ashley Dribbus in the 10 years High Jump and 100m. The solitary human being is a contradiction in terms”.

What training have you completed? I came to the Junior School in June 2006 as a trainee Teachers Aide and completed my training on the job. I am fortunate enough to have been kept on and am now a skilled specialist who fits within our TIGS community.

What do you love most about working at TIGS? What I love most about working at TIGS is the caring and friendly

environment, TIGS Community is like a second family. I really love helping children learn and interacting with them each day.

What did some students have to say about Mrs Lill?

What does Mrs Worthington, Literacy Support Teacher, have to say about Mrs Lill?

Andrew (Year 1): “Mrs Lill is fair, she helps us to take turns on the computers!”

Mrs Lill really loves working with children, this shows in the way she relates to them. She is a great team member and she really cares about our school.

Kaeden (Kindergarten): “Mrs Lill is helpful, she helps us here.”

James (Kindergarten): “I like that she is nice and friendly.”

TIGS Review 4

Junior School Art


The children of the Piper Centre have been inquiring into movement, sound, light and colour, and this concept will continue throughout the year. The lines of inquiry have encompassed design, construction, architecture, landscapes, cities and buildings, leading us to expand this investigation into unique and child centred explorations. This allows the artelierista and class teacher to collaboratively drive the inquiry. Our excursion to Sydney was the inspiration for our artwork. The children worked on several drawings of buildings, bridges, churches, boats and cars. We collated all our information to produce a mixed media panel of a City. In the artwork we have also integrated light and we spoke about how it can change the artwork. We cut out several windows in buildings throughout the city and replaced it with coloured see through paper, so we can shine light through. We noted the difference light can make to the city and discussed what would happen if there was no light.

Year 1

The children in Year 1 continue to gain practical and theoretical skill in creative arts. They express themselves confidently through artistic medium and have been introduced to new artists and artworks. They reflect together on their art making processes and this builds their confidence as art producers and consumers. Year 1 students explored the central idea of water, looking at how artists have represented water aesthetically through time.

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Stage 3 Excursion to Chinese Gardens Jett points out something interesting to friends

Prep Excursion to Sydney Tower Can you see what I can? Stage 2 Incursion Mrs Mammone helps with the incursion

Excursions More than just a fun day out! Excursions are employed by teachers in the teaching and learning cycle for two purposes, as provocations and as authentications for learning. In fact whenever an excursion is planned it serves the purpose of both provoking our students and authenticating existing knowledge, a good excursion will both provoke and authenticate learning. An excursion that does not achieve these purposes is merely a fun day out and not a part of our program of inquiry at TIGS.

Year 3 Excursion Mark, Micha, Chad and Lincoln enjoying Yum Cha

Sometimes excursions are used as a provocation to the Unit of Inquiry, their purpose is to put the children in the position of wanting to know more, to provoke them to question and inquire into the learning. This is a powerful use of the excursion experience and in this instance the excursion experience is drawn upon for the entire Unit of Inquiry. At other times the excursions are used as a culminating activity, to provide an opportunity for the students to see their classroom learning in a practical and real life situation. This can assist in making theoretical and conceptual understanding relevant to the children as they apply their knowledge to the real world. Some “excursions” do not even require our children to leave the classroom and with advances in 21st century technology we are seeing an increase in virtual excursions and Skype links. On these occasions children in our classrooms can speak to researchers in Antarctica, fellow students in other countries or participate in a virtual learning experience. This is an exciting development in teaching and learning.

Year 1 Excursion to Botanic Gardens Nathan and Lachlan working with Captain Compost

Our children and their teachers enjoy excursions. They enjoy them because they make learning authentic and powerful, they enrich the classroom experience and empower children to own their learning and see the relevance for it in their real and experienced world. Prep Excursion to St Mary’s Cathedral A well earned rest! Year 4 Excursion to Nan Tien Temple Practicing Tai Chi

Year 5 Excursion to the Rainforest

TIGS Review 6

TIGS Great Fete I hope you have all put your feet up after a magnificent effort on Saturday 21 May. We don’t yet have a final figure for the funds raised because we are still receiving invoices from various suppliers. The final amounts will be communicated to you as soon as possible.

We can safely say that the weather was incredible and the atmosphere was amazing. We have had some very positive feedback about the new rides company and the three new stalls. The Reptile Show, African and Korean food stalls were all very well patronised. If you would like to give any feedback, either positive or constructive please feel free to contact us.


The NEW Attraction ‘Bucking Bull’ was a success!

The P&F would like to thank everyone who played a part in the success of the day. This includes volunteers before, during and after the Fete, the visitors and families who attended, the School Development Office who promoted the event, our generous sponsors and the staff who facilitated our activities.

Matilda’s pony rides

Senior School students enjo yed voluntee ring

7 TIGS Review


10 years... The Sausage Sizzle Stall


2008 The Reptile Show from Nowra Animal Park go t the attention from young and old alike

Junior School staff painte d some pretty Happy faces

The work undertaken by volunteers at the TIGS Great Fete does not go unnoticed and the team that have supported The Sausage Sizzle Stall (nee The TIGS Great BBQ) typify the key qualities that underpin this fabulous event: friendship, cooperation and involvement. For approximately 10 years, Kirsten Hort has been actively involved in the co-ordination of the stall with good friend Tracey Needham, past and present families as well as Illawarra Small Goods. Kirsten has thrived off the hustle and bustle of the Fete and laughs at the fact that when she makes the ‘call for assistance’, her current team of supporters (Needhams, Conachers, Hendersons, McKeons, Scrines and Mealeys) generally respond with ‘It’s obviously that time of the year again, I shall bring my own apron’. However, after the successful sale of 500 kilos of sausages, 2250 steaks and 730 loaves of bread a new team of volunteers will be needed as Kristen will hang up her apron in 2013. TIGS would like to thank Kirsten and her team for their many years of dedicated service and call upon anyone else that can help ensure this ‘iconic’ stall continues to be a success for another 10 years. If you are able to help please contact the P&F via email on pandf@tigs.nsw.edu.au .

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Senior School Athletics 9 TIGS Review

A wonderful day was enjoyed by staff and students with great participation and School spirit. Numerous records were broken which indicates that the TIGS athletics team will be ready for the challenges at the NASSA carnival in Term III. House Results: 1st Aranda 2nd Wolgal 3rd Kogara 4th Coligan

TIGS at AICES Tiara Dobbs, Emma Ramsey, Tegan Richards

TIGS at NASSA Alexander Seal, Hamish Paine, Angus Cochrane

TIGS at AICES Jackson Gray, William Harrison

Senior School Cross Country

TIGS Cross Country Fabian Benitez

Senior School House Results: 1st Wolgal 2nd Aranda 3rd Kogara 4th Coligan NASSA Cross Country Results: TIGS Overall Champion School once again won Junior, Intermediate and Senior Shields. AICES Cross Country Results: TIGS – 1st Medal Tally 1st Boys Pointscore 3rd Girls Pointscore 2nd Overall Pointscore Excellent results with competition from over 65 schools in AICES. NSWCIS results: One of the most successful TIGS Cross Country teams yet. There were six students that went through to NSW All Schools Cross Country and both the 13 year boys TIGS team and the 15 year boys TIGS team won the school team events in the respective age groups. We wish all the students running at NSW All Schools Cross Country the best of luck from the TIGS Community.

Outdoor Education Four Ingredients and a Blunt Knife

Kitchen Challenge 1. Prepare dinner for four with a blunt knife, a spoon and two small saucepans 2. Cook in the dark 3. Sit on the ground whilst doing all of the above This is extreme Master Chef! Such is the nature of outdoor food preparation on the Year 9 camp! Needless to say, everyone rose to the challenges presented and prepared hot and delicious dinners enjoyed with the Shoalhaven River as a back drop. This was just one of the many rewarding and challenging experiences that the outdoor education program here at TIGS provides students. The week away at Bungonia State Conservation Area gave students the opportunity to push their own boundaries and develop confidence in a safe and controlled environment. Enjoying abseiling, caving, hiking and group challenges, students learnt to manage the physical world and as a result, develop stronger friendships. For many it was their qualifying journey for the Bronze Award. The sunny weather was a bonus but nothing could prepare students for the very cold nights and early mornings where frost laid heavy outside the tent and the sleeping bag is the only source of warmth! A ‘big thankyou’ to Boomerang Adventures and TIGS staff who braved all of the above conditions to have a great time away with Year 9. Numerous Year 10 students earlier this term also completed a 29km hike through Ku-ring-gai and Brisbane Waters National Park. The Outdoor Education experiences at TIGS just keep coming. TIGS Review 10

West Side

West Side Story has recently completed its season of five shows and is the 10th musical performed by the Performing Arts staff and students over the last decade. The process of bringing a show like West Side Story from the initial idea to opening night is truly a rewarding experience for all concerned. The Orchestra, Cast and Crew were stretched beyond their usual comfort zones to rehearse repertoire that many


The TIGStech students have been kept very busy over the past weeks in preparation for the School Production of West Side Story. The combined skill of these students is enormous and their growing ability to share and mentor with younger students is worthy of praise. Currently there are eight students preparing for Certificate lll in Entertainment and 11 junior students beginning their training in audio, lighting and staging. Joey Morris and Steven Skeparoski lead the group and are involved in most of the practical training of these students. Over the past weeks the team has been involved in the development of the West Side Story set. Students have been helping to transport, measure, install, paint and decorate this magnificent set. This process has involved many problems and has required many solutions all of which have been solved by the team. This group’s ability to work as a team is truly tested during an activity such as this and I could not find a more real environment for our students to learn these skills. 11 TIGS Review

TIGS Theatre has nothing but praise for this group of young men and women who continue to inspire me each year with their industry, grace and problem solving abilities. Congratulations TIGStech!

ide Story

less brave adults would baulk at. We learned not only technical lessons but life lessons that stretch across the entire curriculum putting students in control of their learning and encouraging dramatic expression. Congratulations should go to the entire TIGS community for taking this musical step and producing an excellent show that we can all be proud of.

TIGS Orchestra West Side Story is a much loved, vibrant musical which has excited all our musicians and players alike. To say that the journey to date has been simple, however, would not be entirely true! The long hours of rehearsal, private practice and learning difficult scores are crucial preparation to the next stage of piecing it all together. When the orchestra met with the cast and started to run through the scenes, those complicated rhythms and impossible phrases started to take on meaning. It’s this synergy between these elements of the production - the music, the drama and the dance - that is the most exciting. The musical skills of the orchestra players have been enriched beyond measure through the process of learning such challenging repertoire in such a supportive and fun environment. They also have had the privilege of working beside professional musicians who were brought in to assist the students with the repertoire. What an exhilarating production it was. Well Done!

TIGS Review 12

TIGS in the


Illawarra Women’s Conference

The Illawarra Grammar School was heavily involved in the second annual women’s conference held at the Villa D’Oro on Friday 27 May. The guest speakers included two proud TIGS parents, Prof Julie Steele, who heads up the University of Wollongong Biomechanics Research Lab and Miranda Bond, CEO of Inika, a multi national cosmetics company. The day was further complimented by the moving story of Ingrid Poulson, who survived a harrowing tragedy to ‘rise’ once more and concluded on a very entertaining note with an engaging talk from social commentator and media star, Mia Freedman.

Laura Sunderland, Margaret Bowen and Carna Feldtmann

Hosted by Regional Development Australia Illawarra and sponsored by the NSW Government, the conference was organised by a small volunteer committee including TIGS mum, Deborah De Santis from De Santis Public Relations who promoted the event and Virginia Wren from Illawarra ITEC, who worked tirelessly with the business community gathering prizes to be auctioned off in aid of TIGS community partner, the Disability Trust in Fairy Meadow. All funds raised will go to the Disability Trust to enable more children with disabilities to attend this year’s TIGS Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp. TIGS School Captains Laura Sunderland and Carna Feldtmann presented to the audience of 230 on how their lives had changed since volunteering at the camp in Berry last year. Margaret Bowen, CEO of the Disability Trust thanked everyone for their support of the fundraiser, which raised over $5500 and in particular thanked the students for their commitment and offered a personal thank you to TIGS, noting “Your young people are a real credit to their community and are very impressive”.

Mia Freedman and Prof Julie Steele

There is much anticipation in both communities for the camp this year - should you wish to sponsor a disabled child to attend the camp, by making a tax deductible donation to the Disability Trust, please contact Margaret Biggs on mbiggs@tigs.nsw.edu.au.

Prof Julie Steele

TIGS Biggest Morning Tea It certainly was TIGS Biggest Morning Tea! Mary Shalala held a Biggest Morning Tea at Piato Grand Wollongong on Thursday 26 May which raised over $2,900 in aid of the Cancer Council, $1,000 more than last year’s huge effort. The lovely morning was enjoyed by almost 100 family and friends and the guest speaker, fellow TIGS parent and Cancer Council Southern Regional Manager Merewyn Partland highlighted the importance of supporting such a great cause and how cancer affects so many people in our community. A big thank you to everyone involved and a special thank you to Mary Shalala who worked diligently around the clock to make the morning run as smoothly as it did. We look forward to TIGS Biggest Morning Tea next year and its continued success. 13 TIGS Review

Alumni Richard Allen Beilby (1932 - 2011) We were sad to hear that Mr Richard Allen Beilby passed away. Several teachers represented the School at the funeral of this long serving Head of Junior School. The 50th anniversary book ‘From Strength to Strength’ describes Mr Beilby in this way: In 1989 Allen Beilby closed his office door after 23 years of service to the School. He was appointed to the School by Jock Mackinnon in 1966, and in 1967 became the first official Head of the Junior School. He was responsible for the development of the Junior School into a vigorous and innovative department within the School. As well as promoting programs to encourage and assist the children in their quest for excellence in academic areas, he also contributed to their development in many other ways: through music and drama, for example, creative writing (through the publication of The Courier), student leadership and, of course, sport and physical activities. During the early 1970s, he was responsible for the planning and design of a new Primary Department, with specially sized rooms and creative space. He was also instrumental in establishing and nurturing the organisation Karobran, created to provide a closer relationship between staff and parents of the Junior School.

1991 Reunion TIGS alumni of 1991 are being sought for the reunion planned for later this year by Stewart White. Stewart has gathered 40 of his classmates onto a facebook page where they are throwing around ideas on how they wish to reunite after 20 years. Photos have been found and there is much banter about fashionable perms and shiny dresses not making a come back. The cohort undertook all kinds of endeavours during their time at school including excelling in rugby, debating, and appearing in My Fair Lady, The Insect Play and something described as Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations! Anyone interested in being involved in a reunion at TIGS is encouraged to email grammarians@tigs.nsw.edu.au

1991 School Prefects

TIGS Review 14

The Illawarra Grammar School invites you and your guests to

‘THE WORKS’ 2011 EXHIBITION 26 August 2011 – 27 August 2011

Please join us to celebrate art and design and continue the tradition at The Illawarra Grammar School with ‘The Works’ 2011. The exhibition will feature Artworks, Film, Design, Furniture, Photography, Ceramics and Textiles from the HSC 2011 and from past and present students, teachers, parents and friends of The Illawarra Grammar School.

Official Opening Friday 26 August, 2011

Saturday 27 August, 2011

7.00pm - 9.00pm in the IGC

10.00am - 4.00pm in the IGC

Announcement of the $2,000 Acquisitive Prize donated by Westpac Launch of The Works People’s Choice Award sponsored by TIGS Foundation.

Back to TIGS Alumni Picnic Day Saturday 1 October 2011

11.00am onwards including School tour at 12 noon Please join TIGS community for the annual day of reunion at TIGS. You and your family are invited to come to ‘Back to TIGS’ day – we welcome our students, our alumni and their extended families and the community to join in the celebrations in the school grounds and participate in a Rotary charity BBQ in aid of one of our community partners - SCARF (Strategic and Community Assistance for Refugee Families). Please take the chance to browse the art sale in the IGC. ART4refugees is a charity art show being held at TIGS from 30 September - 2 October 2011 to raise money for SCARF. After spending many years in refugee camps, SCARF is committed to helping these refugees become successful new Australians, through education, training and mentoring. Artists have donated paintings, sculpture, photographs, prints and jewellery to help fund programs provided by SCARF. For more information visit www.art4refugees.org.au

TIGSFOUNDATIONLIMITED WHAT IS THE TIGS FOUNDATION? The Illawarra Grammar School Foundation Limited is a corporate body limited by guarantee established in 1966.

WHAT IS THE MISSION OF THE FOUNDATION? To provide support that will allow the School to preserve, improve and develop its property and facilities.

HOW WILL THE FOUNDATION ACHIEVE ITS MISSION? By inviting past students, parents and friends of TIGS to become members and supporters of TIGS Foundation Ltd.



The IGC, Junior School, Goodhew Centre, Design and Technology Centre, Princes Highway entrance gates.

Members make fully tax deductible donations to TIGS Foundation to maintain the School as an outstanding education facility.

To contact Foundation phone: 4220 0200 fax: 4220 0201 email: foundation@tigs.nsw.edu.au or post: The Illawarra Grammar Foundation Limited

PO Box 225 Figtree NSW 2525 Australia.


The Illawarra Grammar School

The Illawarra Grammar School ABN 88 023 426 543. PO Box 225 Figtree NSW 2525 Australia phone: 02 4220 0200 fax: 02 422 0201 www.tigs.nsw.edu.au CRICOS No. 02300E

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