Issue 2 2012
The Illawarra Grammar School
FROM THE HEADMASTER This term we welcomed Ms Di Fisk and Mr Andrew Bradke to our school. Ms Fisk is a retired Head of school in Hong Kong and Mr Bradke is an experienced PYP Coordinator who has worked in Indonesia and South Australia. The purpose of their visit was to appraise the School against the rigorous standards of the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) in readiness for TIGS to become an IB World School. Accreditation will authorise the School to deliver the Primary Years Program (PYP) and allow it to join 3,410 other schools world-wide that have met the standards set by the IBO. The visitors reviewed the School’s curriculum and the actual teaching and learning taking place in each classroom and how they compared to the IBO’s standards which represent world best practice. They consulted with students, all teachers, the School Executive, parents and members of the School Council in preparing their report for the IBO. It is with great pride and pleasure that I announce that the Junior School has now been accorded full IB Authorisation for the PYP. Congratulations to all staff, especially Mrs Bryant who coordinated the process, and students from the Piper Centre and the Junior School. This is an outstanding achievement! The decision to adopt the PYP was made because of the excellence of the program in engaging students in enquiry-based learning appropriate for the 21st Century. The School has an excellent and hard-earned reputation for achieving excellent academic outcomes for students across the whole school. Last year, the NSW Board of Studies (BOS) completed an assessment of the School’s programs and the inspectors commented in glowing terms on the strength of our programs when they renewed BOS Registration and Accreditation for the maximum period of 5 years. Mrs Bryant, the Junior School Curriculum Coordinator was even invited to join a BOS team writing documents for the Australian Curriculum in the subject of English. The BOS provides the curriculum for the subjects taught at TIGS. However, as a school we are not satisfied with compliance with BOS curriculum requirements alone. The PYP provides the framework for teaching and learning in which the BOS curriculum is taught. The strengths of both the BOS and the PYP meld to provide an exciting learning environment, unique to the Illawarra, which stimulates and engages students in student-centred learning. The Director of Teaching and Learning, Ms Melina Sangster, is currently leading a team of Senior School Teachers and Faculty Heads in a review of the curriculum for Years 7 to 10. The purpose of the review is not to evaluate our performance in implementing the Board of Studies Curriculum – the BOS inspectors and the continued excellence of our results in NAPLAN, the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate confirm that we do BOS compliance and preparation for examinations very well. The review will evaluate the efficacy of our programs for Years 7 to 10 against our own standards – set out in our Statement of Mission and Values specifically the Academic core value. In short, are we engaging students in learning that is appropriate for the 21st Century within the framework of the core values that define us as a school? This is a much more challenging task than just reviewing compliance with the expectations of the BOS and the HSC examiners. We look forward to even better outcomes for our students as a result of these initiatives. Mr Stephen Kinsella - Headmaster
Starting something special Congratulations Junior School The Illawarra Grammar School is now an International Baccalaureate World School. In 2009 the Junior School undertook a curriculum review. We did this as part of ongoing excellent practice. Our aim was to identify areas of strength and also areas that could be improved upon as we worked towards excellence in 21st century education. As a result of this review, it was decided to implement the Primary Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate (IB). This framework for delivering curriculum allowed us to rethink our approaches, evaluate whether they were still considered best practice in our current situation and change as needed. We applied for candidacy status in the IB and went through a process of pre authorisation and most recently authorisation. This process was very rigorous. The IB considers the philosophical background of the school, the quality and expertise of the teachers, the programmes being presented and the results being achieved. When our authorisation visit occurred, it took two days and included documentation review, interviews with students, parents, members of council, leadership and all teaching staff. We were very pleased to be informed in the last week of term that the Junior School had satisfied the criteria to be confirmed as an IB World School offering the Primary Years Programme. We now have our evaluation visit to work towards in four years’ time and we will continue to seek to deliver best practise and excellent learning opportunities for the children in the Junior School. Mrs Judi Nealy - Head of Junior School
THE Library
The newly transformed Goodhew Library was officially reopened by the Most Rev R.H. Goodhew at the TIGS Great Fete on Saturday 19 May 2012. Rev Goodhew highlighted the need for students to develop skills that allow them to access and use information wisely and effectively. He emphasised the words from the New Testament that “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” and utilising this facility will allow students to access the wisdom and knowledge that will enrich their lives. Ms Leanne Windsor - Director of Information Services TIGS Review 2
Attitudes for success PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAM
Attitudes are important. Our attitude is an expression of fundamental values, beliefs and feelings about learning, the environment and people. In delivering the Primary Years Program in the Junior School we have a shared set of attitudes that we seek to promote with our children, our staff and our community. We do this because we believe that these attitudes promote success. 3 TIGS Review
In this review we will unpack each attitude, investigate what it looks like in action and then see how they all come together to equip our children and in fact our wider community to be successful and have positive interactions with each other and the world. As Winston Churchill stated, ‘Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.’ Across Junior School classrooms, students focus on specific attitudes as part of their PYP unit of inquiry. Year 6 students have discovered that having the right attitude can make an enormous difference. During inquiry into ‘Many factors contribute to a nation’s identity’, the attitude of COMMITMENT proved essential. This involved being committed to their own learning, persevering and showing self discipline and responsibility. The major task revolved around collaborative inquiry and culminated with students sharing their learning with parents and members of the school community.
The attitudes of EMPATHY and TOLERANCE have proven fundamental to the success of the PYP unit, ‘Diversity underpins what it means to be human’. Students have been challenged to imagine themselves in another’s situation as they investigate human similarities and differences and the perceptions that are placed on them. They know that being sensitive about differences and diversity in the world helps them be responsive to the needs of others. Samuel Goodhew about EMPATHY: So far I think I showed empathy when I was inquiring about schizophrenia and discovered the extent to which schizophrenia can affect people. I felt challenged to imagine what they were going through. Grace Summerill about Commitment: I showed commitment when unpacking new learning about Cuba, by getting on with the job and persevering to make sure all factors had been included.
Dianne Bryant IN PROFILE Dianne Bryant is a woman of wisdom who brings outstanding qualities to the professional and personal qualities of our school. She contributes:
Appreciation Appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people.
I notice the beauty of people and the world
Commitment Being committed to their own learning, persevering and showing self- discipline and responsibility
I stick to the job
Confidence Feeling confident in their ability as learners, having the courage to take risks, applying what they have learned and making appropriate decisions and choices
I believe in myself
Cooperation Cooperating, collaborating, and leading or following as the situation demands
I work with others
Creativity Being creative and imaginative in their thinking and in their approach to problems and dilemmas
I use my imagination
Curiosity Being curious about the nature of learning, about the world, its people and cultures
I wonder about the world
Empathy Imagining themselves in another’s situation in order to understand his or her reasoning and emotions, so as to be openminded and reflective about the perspectives of other
I understand how other people feel
Enthusiasm Enjoying learning and willingly putting the effort into the process
I enjoy learning and life
Independence Thinking and acting independently, making their own judgments based on reasoned argument, and being able to defend their judgments
I can think and work on my own
Integrity Being honest and demonstrating a considered sense of fairness
I tell the truth
Working with the Board of Studies in the area of English Member of the Anglican Edcuation Commission.
Respect Respecting themselves, others and the world around them
I treat others the way I want to be treated
What do you like most about working at TIGS?
Tolerance Being sensitive about differences and diversity in the world and being responsive to the needs of others
I know there are many kinds of people
W - wondrous wealth of knowledge I - insightful perception of curriculum and the world in which we grow and learn S - sensitivity to personal needs of others D - devotion to improved pedagogy and student learning O - outstanding leadership M - meticulously thorough attention to detail in curriculum development
What is your role in the Junior School? I am the Director of Teaching and Learning and the PYP Coordinator in the Junior School at The Illawarra Grammar School.
How long have you been part of TIGS community? I am in my fourteenth year at The Illawarra Grammar School.
What are some of the other roles in education that you hold outside of TIGS?
Being with an educational community that cares about the children in our care. With this as a starting point everything I do is worthwhile and exciting. TIGS Review 4
Senior School Production The Boyfriend
The Cast and Crew have danced their way through two terms of fun, dipping themselves into the 1920’s and all of the ideas and fashions that were so stunning in this era. 5 TIGS Review
It has been a wonderful journey for many of our students who previously had no knowledge of this rich and colourful period. The musical “The Boyfriend” explores and exploits the attitudes of men and women at this time. Many a query has been fielded from staff questioning these attitudes over the terms. I do hope we have managed to restore their 21st Century perspectives and that our daughters do not feel
the pressure to marry for fortune and position. This year we have been lucky enough to have Ms Kate Armstrong (Alumni 2006 ) as the Production Designer. She has worked hard to make our journey authentic in terms of design and I thank her for her enormous contribution to this learning experience. There have been many musicals produced by
TIGS School musicals would not be possible without the enormous involvement and dedication to excellence from the student body. Over the years we have seen many students grow and develop as performers via the musical, going on to study music, theatre, television and film-making at a university level. Many students take full advantage of the musical by being involved from Years 7 to 12. Here is what some Year 12 students had to say about their experiences:
ORCHESTRA FOCUS Name: Jessica Hort Came to TIGS: 2000, Kindergarten How many TIGS Musicals have you been involved in? Six Favourite Role: Clarinet Solo – West Side Story The best thing about being in the musical: Great experience. Challenged by the technicalities of the music. Love being in an ensemble setting surrounded by people with similar interests. The worst thing about being in the musical: Waiting for actors to learn their parts.
CAST FOCUS Name: Kees Grenyer Came to TIGS: 2007, Year 7 How many TIGS Musicals have you been involved in? Five Favourite Role: My favourite role was Caiaphas the High Priest, where I was able to demonstrate my bass singing voice. This was a major role, and it had taken time and effort to build up my performing skills from previous musicals to receive this role. The best thing about being in the musical: As well as gaining performance skills in singing, acting and dancing, the performing arts community is friendly, welcoming and supportive. You make new friendships with people that you wouldn’t normally get to cross paths with, that last beyond your school days. The worst thing about being in the musical: It’s all enjoyable, but if there had to be one, it would be the amount of time all the rehearsals take.
the Performing Arts Faculty thus far. These musicals have required many hours of man power and commitment from the TIGS community over the years. I would like to acknowledge the work of the late Mr Dave Drummond who built the original set for ‘The Boyfriend’ no. 1. This set was lovingly dismantled by the Entertainment students this year to create the set for “The Boyfriend” no. 2. Mrs Carolyn Brown - Director of Performing Arts
Name: Tom Dragutinovich Came to TIGS: 2000, Kindergarten How many TIGS Musicals have you been involved in? Six Favourite Role: Lighting is my passion. I love stretching the boundaries when using light in the theatre. I have been lucky enough to work on many different settings at TIGS. The best thing about being in the musical: The designing process is the part I like best. I get excited about new lighting ideas and techniques with all the different shows. It is great to see the ideas on paper become a major part of a live show. The worst thing about being in the musical: The amount of stress everybody has and the tension just before the first show. Being a part of the tech team has helped me learn to be humble. Bump-out is also not high on my list of things I like. TIGS Review 6
Olympic Fever
Representing your country at the Olympic Games is the highest accolade an athlete can achieve. This anxious wait is over for TIGS Year 12 student Jarrod Poort after receiving the exciting news that he will compete in the 1500 m freestyle event in London.
London Olympic Games 2012 Good luck Jarrod Poort!
We need to pinch ourselves as the fairytale and journey for Jarrod unfolds.
Joined by David McKeon (TIGS alumni 2010) swimming in the 400m freestyle and 4 x 200m freestyle relay and coach Ron McKeon (TIGS parent and ex Commonwealth and Olympic team member). Jarrod flies overseas with HSC 2012 study books in hand.
TIGS community congratulates Jarrod, David and Ron on these exceptional achievements and wishes them all the best at the Olympics in London.
Ethan Butson - Top six in the world! Intel International Science and Engineering Fair - USA Ethan Butson won second place in the bioengineering and materials section at the world Intel International Science and Engineering Fair held earlier this Term. This places Ethan in the top six in the world and has won him the right to have a minor planet named after him. The Intel ISEF is the world’s largest international school age science competition and is held in Pittsburgh, USA. Each year more than 1,500 high school students from grades 9 to12 and across 70 countries display their independent research and compete for over $3 million in awards. Ethan was eligible to attend Intel ISEF because he was named Australian Young Scientist of the Year. What a fantastic achievement! Well done! 7 TIGS Review
Year 10 Science students win Illawarra and South East Science and Engineering Challenge 2012 Congratulations to our Year 10 Science students who won the Illawarra and South East Science and Engineering Challenge at the University of Wollongong last week. A TIGS team will now go on to represent the region in the State finals in Sydney next term.
TIGS Years 7 and 8 Da Vinci teams were once again successful at the Decathlon Our Year 7 team was awarded second place in the Creative Producers category and our Year 8 team was placed First in the Science Engineering category in a field of 44 private NSW schools. Congratulations!
The students on our team were: Blake Cunio, Kuer Bul, Elise Morton, Kieran Ackhurst, Eric Bell, Peter Rekouniotis, Fondas Haris, Sameer Mohammed, Harrison Heycott, Max Fletcher, Hamish Paine, Alexander Marzano, Nikhil Verma, Jordan Turnbull, Jaiden Fullerton-Harvey, Georgia Roberts, Stephanie Varcoe, Sarah Long, Henry Hulme, Bridget Mullany, Angus Cochrane, Alexander Seal, Josh Chapple, Oliver Sekulic, Harrison Steele, Kate Martin, Emma Hatton, Jessica Kuit and Elizabeth Dominis.
Senior School English students embracing 21st Century learning with the launch of the TIGS Literary Magazine
Royal Easter Show 2012 – Major Award for Young Artist Alana Newhouse (2R) entered in the Arts and Craft section at the Royal Easter Show 2012 in the painting, pottery and ceramic divisions and had outstanding success by winning first prize in each of these classes. Alana also received a special award, the WH Davies Memorial Perpetual Trophy for the most meritorious Exhibit in the under 17 years section.
In response to the onward march of 21st Century learning and the increasing availability of Web 2 technology all aspects of the School have had to re-examine what it is we are doing and how we are doing it. The School Magazine is no exception. I am sure that we all remember the old school magazines with the grainy photographs and poems about kittens or “My Holiday” by Nigel Molesworth, 3C. In our context that is no longer an option. The TIGS Literary Magazine is now online, in colour, interactive and exploring all sorts of marvellous ideas from the whole TIGS learning community. It can be accessed through The Hub on the School Portal to follow the path to the Magazine. Please go there and read what students and staff are writing… and think about whether you too could be a contributor. We would welcome parents as authors!
Junior School Futsal teams qualify for the State Championships The Junior School Futsal teams (boys u/10, u/12, girls u/10,u/12) have all qualified for the State Championships at Penrith in August due to their success at the regionals. The commitment the teams have shown to training and each other has been impressive. Players developed confidence in themselves due to risk-taking and understanding the importance of cooperation on the court. The enthusiasm displayed by all the children has been noticed by coaches and parents. The TIGS teams are a credit to our school due to the respect they always show referees, teams, coaches, parents and each other.
Leisure Coast Quota International Student of the Year Competition This term, Year 11 students Thomas Bolt and William Holmes represented TIGS in the Leisure Coast Quota International Student of the Year Competition. Students were required to attend a personal interview about their political, economic and community service knowledge, followed by a prepared five minute speech and an impromptu speech. Congratulations to Thomas Bolt who won this competition from a field of nine local high Schools. Thomas will now go to the Regional Finals in September. TIGS Review 8
Diversity in our programs
International Future Problem Solving Three Future Problem Solving teams from TIGS represented Australia in the International Competition. Year 8: Alexandra Lavalle, Samantha Schiodtz, Heather Varcoe and Ishara Wijesinghe Year 10: Inez Playford and Piper Stewart were competing in Community Problem Solving Year 11: Kieran Devitt, Benjamin Goodhew, Christian Tsiamis and Thomas Oyston were competing in Global Issues Booklet Problem Solving.
9 TIGS Review
Held over the five days at the University
of Bloomington, this year’s competition included a theatric Opening and Closing Ceremonies, CmPS Project set-up, Memento Exchange, the CmPS Fair, the booklet competition, the Action Plan Presentation, CmPS interviews, the disco and the Variety Show in which all our students performed. The Sunday Awards Ceremony saw TIGS once again recognised as world quality performers. In a field of 50, Piper and Inez came Third in the Senior division with their project against primary school bullying called Kids Count. Their video, which is a module of the competition, was awarded the only ‘outstanding’ across all of CmPS. The Year 8 team came a highly commendable Fourth in the Middle Division with Tone it Down, their aim to decrease noise-induced hearing loss particularly in teenagers.
The boys’ booklet team, competing in a component of the competition with 282 teams, finished an admirable 14th. This is a tremendous culmination for a team which has competed since Year 7, reaching Nationals every year but one. TIGS has another trophy but more than that we have exceptional ambassadors for our school: students who were universally praised for their maturity and thoughtfulness and who themselves have gained immeasurable confidence, new international friendships and long-lasting memories of a terrific trip. Congratulations to a super group of young people and a big thank you to all the parents and the School for your support. Mrs Jean Burton – 2012 Future Problem Solving Coach
Year 10 Girls Night In An opportunity for the girls to bond, learn and have some fun together. Year 10 girls enjoyed a ‘Girls Night In’ sleepover in the Library on Friday 1 June. Held after school, the sleepover provided an opportunity for the girls to bond, learn and have some fun together. The new Library provided lots of nooks and crannies for giggling and talking into the night! Following an afternoon tea of cakes and pink lemonade, the girls engaged in a series of workshops delivered by local professionals who kindly volunteered to share their wisdom and talents. There was some earnest discussion in the sessions on friendship and body image, and lots of activity in the hands-on skin care, make-up, and hair care workshops. After a ‘make-your-own’ Mexican dinner the girls settled in for a chick flick followed by a mug of hot chocolate for supper before retiring to all corners for a giggly night of broken sleep! Sleepy heads awoke to a session of pyjama yoga to begin the day in a healthy way. The sleepover culminated in a pancake breakfast shared with mothers and after goodbyes, everyone was off home for a busy weekend of sports, outings, homework and catch up sleep! Thanks to all those who made this a successful event. Rachael Yerbury, Tara Skipp, Dianne Goodman, Heidi Yi, Laani Evans, Amy O’Dwyer, Chau Nguyen and Suellen Sandland. Ms Leanne Windsor - Director of Information Services
sushi Making Cross-Cultural prefects cook up a storm for the International students this term. The Cross-Cultural prefects are keen to help the International students who come to study at TIGS. Last week the Cross-Cultural prefects ran a sushi making session to teach the International students how to make a healthy and delicious snack. The prefects Da Eun You, Lee Yin and Katherine Marvell made sure there was a choice of fish, meat and vegetarian sushi. We all had a lot of fun and enjoyed learning how to make this nutritious snack! Mrs Helen McCall - Dean of International Students TIGS Review 10
TIGS in the
TIGS Great Fete 11 TIGS Review
Congratulations to everyone involved in the TIGS Great Fete in May. It was a great day because so many people pitched in to make it a success.
As the School community was able to sit back and enjoy the Butter Chicken and Sticky Date Puddings or one of the preserves from the Country Fare, we sent our thanks to Sheridon Tregonning and her volunteer team for putting on such a great day. The Great Fete was again a success in so many ways, including raising funds for the School. The P&F have advised that the net return from this year’s Fete was $56,500 a result of many hours of
FOUNDATION INNOVATIVE Technologies appeal The TIGS Library has been transformed into a facility that supports learning appropriate for the 21st Century. Our community is currently enjoying the new surrounds and we are thrilled by the “buzz� of excitement as both students and teachers are motivated to utilise this new space and all it has to offer. TIGS Foundation is raising funds to enable the introduction of emerging and innovative 21st Century technology that will enhance teaching and learning throughout the School. TIGS Foundation ensures that all of our students are given every opportunity to experience a remarkable education. TIGS has a tradition of over 50 years of excellence in education. Many generous families and individuals have supported our School and their contribution to our community has proved invaluable. A donation to TIGS Foundation Limited ensures this tradition continues. The aim of TIGS Foundation is to support and assist the School Council by encouraging and fostering the interest and the financial support of TIGS community. effort by everyone in our community who contributed so much to ensure such a successful day. This allows the P&F to fulfil its commitment over several years to contributing to the air conditioning of classrooms: $60,000 for H Block (Senior School English Classrooms) and $80,000 for the Junior School. This is a wonderful gift to the School and appreciated by all students and staff. Mrs Margaret Biggs - Manager Development and Community Engagement
If you would like to learn more about TIGS Foundation and how your tax deductible donation could help, please contact us at grammarians@tigs.nsw.edu.au Or be encouraged to approach any member of the Foundation Board: Chairman David Laing Senior-Vice Chairman Craig Peden Junior-Vice Chairman Olga Early Secretary Craig Osborne Treasurer Sandra Newhouse
Member Member Member Member Member Member
Kevin Donald Benita Andrews Simon Kersten Usha Fernandez Carmen Rudd Michael Devitt
Mrs Allison Collins - Foundation Assistant TIGS Review 12
Local and Global engagement TIGS Tertiary Information Evening
An eventful evening of knowledge and key information for Years 10, 11 and 12 students which helps guide and enlighten them onto a career path of their choice. The Illawarra Grammar School’s Tertiary Information Evening was held on Tuesday 1 May for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 and their parents and guardians. The evening began with an Expo in the IGC where representatives from universities, TAFE and private tertiary institutions provided information and answered questions from students and family members.
13 TIGS Review
The Expo was followed by the official opening address by our Headmaster, Mr Stephen Kinsella. Seven members
of TIGS Alumni, recounted their post secondary school experiences via a student panel interview. Our past students included: Gayani Gunasekara, Zach Kitschke, Georgia Kollaras, Pippa McMaugh, Sophie McPhate, Cassie Switaj and Chris Wenzel. Information seminars by each of the Expo exhibitors were then held throughout the School each
lasting 25 minutes. These seminars provided detailed information on courses, scholarships, entry schemes, accommodation etc. Students and their family members attended three sessions of their choice. While we welcomed local based exhibitors, many exhibitors travelled from Sydney and interstate. Mrs Glenis Murphy - Careers Adviser
Rev Grieve
This year we have been privileged at TIGS to be joined by the Rev Mark Grieve. Mark has been with us now for two terms. I thought it might be good for us to get to know him a little better and see how he has settled in to his new role at TIGS. You were born and bred in the Western suburbs of Sydney but in more recent times have been living and working in Johannesburg. Could you tell us what your job in Johannesburg involved and how you found living there? I worked at the church predominately as a youth worker and started a student ministry at the Wits University Campus in Johannesburg. As a single man I found living in Johannesburg very exciting - there was wonderful diversity, freedom to initiate new projects and a sense that something new was happening. I did find it more difficult as a family man and had concerns at times for the safety of my family. Can you tell us about your family? I met my wife Carol within a few months of being in Johannesburg. We got married in South Africa twenty months later. We then came back to Australia and had two boys: Jayden and Daniel. We went back to South Africa in 2005 and last year adopted a little girl from South Africa called Zoe.
Year 12 Charity Trivia Night
Parents, teachers, past students and other friends of the School congregated in the IGC. Every year, the Year 12 Student Body at TIGS chooses a Charity for which they perform a variety of fundraising efforts throughout the year. The Year 12 Charity for 2012 is the Friends of the Disability Trust, a locally based organisation which aims to provide essential services and benefits to people in our community with disabilities. As part of this program, The Illawarra Grammar Centre became the venue for the
Charity Trivia Night on Friday 25 May. Parents, teachers, past students and other friends of the School congregated in the hall, dressed according to the theme of the letter ‘D’, for an epic battle of wits. Doctors, Dentists, Disco Stars and Drivers alike competed fiercely for a range of spectacular prizes, with a narrow verdict giving the top award of dinner for 8 at the Lagoon Restaurant to the team “Doctors 1.”
The team finishing in last place with a score of negative 2, a penalty for a failed attempt at changing the scoreboard while our backs were turned, was awarded a candle-lit seafood dinner for two, consisting of a can of tuna, two plastic forks and a small
candle. Their team name has been omitted so as to refrain from damaging their dignity. A raffle and silent auction were also held on the night to raise further funds, and we would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to all those who donated prizes, to all of the teachers who put up with our meticulous organisation and still attended, and to all of the other staff who aided in the promotion and smooth running of the event. Your support was invaluable in making the night an uncharted success! Isaac (Young Dae) Kim, Lisa Fernandez, Rosemary Davis and Hugh Allison - Year 12 2012 School Captains
What does your role consist of at TIGS? My title is Assistant Chaplain. This involves ministering primarily to the student body, teaching Christian Studies and helping with Chapel. I also teach PE and Health as well as being involved in the Outdoor Education program. What have been your first impressions of TIGS? I have found it a very friendly community. We received a lot of support and assistance in settling back into Australia. It has been quite a contrast though to teach Aussie children again after the time spent with the youth in Africa. How would you describe the difference? Black South Africans are very concerned not to offend people. As a result, they will often say what they think you want to hear instead of what they truly believe. At TIGS, our students are a little more willing to speak their mind. How do you like to relax? Surfing is my very favourite form of relaxation, but anywhere near the water and I’m happy. I also love sport, particularly cricket and soccer. If you see Rev Grieve around the campus make sure you say ‘hello’ to him. He is a tremendous asset to our School and is already making an enormous contribution. Rev James Rogers - School Chaplain
TIGS Review 14
TIGSFOUNDATIONLIMITED WHAT IS THE TIGS FOUNDATION? The Illawarra Grammar School Foundation Limited is a corporate body limited by guarantee established in 1966.
WHAT IS THE MISSION OF THE FOUNDATION? To provide support that will allow the School to preserve, improve and develop its property and facilities.
HOW WILL THE FOUNDATION ACHIEVE ITS MISSION? By inviting past students, parents and friends of TIGS to become members and supporters of TIGS Foundation Ltd.
The IGC, Junior School, Goodhew Centre, Design and Technology Centre, Princes Highway entrance gates.
Members make fully tax deductible donations to TIGS Foundation to maintain the School as an outstanding education facility.
To contact Foundation phone: 4220 0200 fax: 4220 0201 email: foundation@tigs.nsw.edu.au or post: The Illawarra Grammar Foundation Limited
The Illawarra Grammar School
The Illawarra Grammar School ABN 88 023 426 543. PO Box 225 Figtree NSW 2525 Australia phone: 02 4220 0200 fax: 02 422 0201 www.tigs.nsw.edu.au CRICOS No. 02300E