Winter 2019 Illesthetic Magazine

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his is the eighth issue of ILLESTHETIC Magazine (pronounced ill-aesthetic), an ArtByLuna

Collection publication, founded by page editor and art director, Calah Jones. The first issue of this magazine was published in February of 2017 with the intention to give young writers and journalists an opportunity to write for their own magazine and to feature local visual artists. With our success, we have been able to feature several visual artists in the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia areas. Visual artists include, but are not limited to, sculptors, graphic designers, painters, photographers, illustrators, culinary artists, fashion designers, tattoo artists, and more.

The vision for ILLESTHETIC Magazine is to give these

artists the voice and audience they may not have. Visual arts are often overlooked. Knowing this, ILLESTHETIC Magazine's goal is to help change this perspective and give visual artists the audience they may not have had in the past. This magazine is quarterly, meaning there are four issues each year. Each magazine can be purchased as a hard copy by emailing us through our website at

— Calah Jones


Meet the







shae jade



dion jordan

written by Ali Pham


ion Jordan, whose full name is

thing he has to deal with is Virginia’s

Dion Gosset Jordan Jr. is from

weather and how unpredictable it is.

Suffolk, VA but now resides in Norfolk,

Jordan receives a ton of help when

VA as a photographer. He started his

he makes his artwork. He thinks

photography career around the same

photography is all collaboration

time he started taking pictures of his

between the photographer and the

friends back in high school. He was 17

model and whoever helps with the

then, 20 now, and Jordan always saw

shoot. Jordan sees himself more

himself creating something but was not

creative with a ton of more resources

really sure what. He learned all of his

in the future and says he does not

skills when he was shooting a bunch of

regret anything because everything

pictures and shooting on YouTube.

was meant. His advice to his younger

self was to “shoot a lot.” His advice to

Other than photography,

Jordan found himself into clothing.

new artists is to “define your own vision

He said his inspirations are Robert

and project exactly that. Likes and

Mapplethorpe and Jonathan Mannion.

comments don’t define how good your

When asked if photography was a

work is. Create at your own pace.”

hobby or career to him, he said, “I see

this both as a career and a hobby. It’s

time off to get re-inspired when he is

a career because I do commissioned

going through a creative block. He

work, but also a hobby because I do a

practices his artwork every day and

lot of personal projects as well.”

he describes his artwork as “LiveDie.”

Jordan wants people to see his artwork

Some of his proudest moments

were when he first published his

At times, Jordan likes to take

from their own perspective.

artwork. He said the most frustrating


black and the photograph seems to be very mysterious and has very hot

focusing on doing something too big, as


of right now. He gives back to whoever

accepts his artwork and said his

“Breeze Park.” It is of him taking a photo

mentors and motivators are the people

of another photograph of four people

around him. Jordan also said that he

standing up next to each other standing

wants his artwork to be groundbreaking

next to a car. The photograph is in a

one day.

grassland and the photo is in a picture


His biggest goal right now is

to enjoy being a photographer and not

One of Jordan’s pieces is a

Another artwork of Jordan’s is

frame. The whole thing is placed in the

photo of a red circle looking like the

grassland where the photo was taken.

planet Mars but extremely red with

It seems to bring back memories for

a yellow circumference. Jordan Jr.

Jordan Jr. of the four men and the place

calls this the “Faces of Pain.” It’s an

seems very memorable to all of them.

image of two people wearing a mask,

or alien-like figures. It also looks like

photographers who likes to take

it can suck people in. A little bit below

pictures of other people and turning

the diameter of the photo, there is a

them into a star. Jordan’s family and

line across that looks like lines on a

friends have impacted him the most

hospital monitor. There is a red and

which has lead him to do so well in his

yellow circle a little bit below that

craft. With all the photos he has, Jordan

and there is no known reason of what

can blow out the world with all the

the circle is for, according to the

clothing his models have to get people’s

photograph. The background is in


Jordan is like many other

photos by Jade Brown


simone freeman

written by Elizabeth Bolaji



wenty two year-old Simone

Freeman is more than

the time who were musicians,” said

“I had a lot of friends at

just “the kid with the camera.” The

Freeman. “Every weekend we would

mostly self-taught photographer

go to Baltimore for shows, and I

has an entrepreneurial spirit, and a

started bringing my camera. And

determined attitude that keeps her

then I got good. Somebody asked

moving forward. Growing up in a

me, ‘Do you want to do a shoot? I’ll

military family, Freeman spent part of

pay you.’ And that launched it.” Her

her childhood traveling and moving

first shoot was the behind-the-scenes

to different places, eventually settling

of a music video for a client. After

down in Maryland when she was eight.

realizing that other people could see

the talent within her, she decided to

When Freeman graduated

high school, she knew the next step of

give more of her time and attention to

her life didn’t involve college. Instead,


her vision was to pursue her passion:

making music. She played piano and

about how to use cameras when she

guitar, and later became a music

was in high school, most of the skills

teacher for all sorts of instruments.

she’s gained are ones she’s learned

She even started her own business to

while on the job. The classes sparked

teach music to students of different

an interest, but she fell in love with the

ages.Surprisingly, photography didn’t

“rollercoaster” that comes with every

enter the picture until she was twenty.


Though she’d taken classes


photos by Elizabeth Bolaji


This new career path opened

made meeting new people more than

doors for Freeman. As an entrepreneur,

just part of the job – it became one of

she focused on the bigger picture. To

the highlights of her work. Her attitude

her, success was all about doing what

has influenced her photography in other

she loved. And she, without a doubt,

ways as well, most notably inspiring her

loved photography. Although she was

to always be ready for a picture, “I think

willing to put in the work to see her

everyone has said at least once, ‘I wish

dream flourish, she did find that getting

I could close my eyes and just snap a

her career in motion was tough. “But

picture of this moment.’ I know I’ve had

once I got it going, I was able to do

those moments and I just wish I had

even more than just enjoy the ride.” At

my camera. But you don’t get to rewind

the end of the day, passion for music,

those moments. So, I have my camera

photography and the arts is “in her

on me twenty-four-seven.” But keeping


her camera with her all the time isn’t just

Her mother is one of her

so she can snap the perfect picture.

biggest inspirations, an artistic hard-

worker who taught her the importance

I didn’t have any friends, I used to walk

of being a self-starter from a young

with my head down a lot. I used to

age. “She truly believes in me. Not just

look at my feet,” said Freeman. "Then I

because I’m her daughter, but because

realized that I was missing out on a lot.

she sees my work and says, ‘Wow, that

And the camera is my way of reminding

is awesome,’” said Freeman.

myself to look up.” Freeman specializes

in still and portrait photography, and her

Because she spent so much of

“When I was younger, because

her life moving around, Freeman has no

portfolio contains shoots of all types,

fear of traveling, and would like to travel

from clothing models to sports to babies

more in the future, especially for shoots.

and everything in between. She can

Alongside her sociable personality,

be found at @rugratphotography on

her willingness to try something new



Chris cuffee

written by Ali Pham


hris Cuffee is a 19-year-old

once he is finished, he wants to own his

photographer out of Norfolk, VA.

own studio to shoot in and try to work for

He first started getting into photography

a big name clothing brand. The hardest

when he was kid. He was just playing

part of his work that he has to deal with

around with his mother’s cameras and

is struggling to show how different he is

discovered that he found an interest in

with his photography. Cuffee’s ability to

photography after some time. Although he

do photography changes over time by his

has not been in any art exhibitions yet, he

style and quality of work. He wants to give

hopes to show his work in shows to come.

future photographers, and anyone who

Cuffee posts his work on social media

had the same dream as him, the aspiration

to boost his audience and get people to

to “never give up.”

know his artwork. Outside of photography,

his passion revolves around fashion,

of inspirations from the 1990s and the

technology, and cooking.

model’s interest. Explaining how he edits

The young photographer is inspired by

his photos, Cuffee said, “I’ll try to draw the

other artist’s such as Gunner Stahl, a

natural tones of the skin and environment

young photographer who has made a

around the model as much as possible.”

name for himself for capturing candid

As shown in his artwork, there is always

images of rap's biggest artists, and

reflection or lighting on the model’s skin.


Most of it is on the face to capture’s the

photographer who captures celebrity

audience attention to the model.


Many photographers use special

Cuffee has a bunch of photos

he wants to show the world. To build

equipment and have different cameras;

his portfolio up, he’s after any modeling

Cuffee uses a different camera to get the

companies that wants their model’s

pictures he takes now. His favorite is his

photos to be published. He is also looking

Sony Alpha 200 DSLR. “Versatility is very

to cosmetology seeking individuals to

important to me,” he expressed. He is

model for his work because of his love for

able to make low lighting photos with this

candid’s and portraits. With a future studio

camera, which he believes, makes his

in progress, Cuffee is pushing to learn new

work stand out.

photography skills and techniques.

Cuffee is currently in the military and


Majority of his artwork consists

photos by Jade Brown


alex tucker written by Calah Jones


esigner and Virginia-based

believes that everyone has their own

entrepreneur, Alexander

talents or their own skills that just come

Edward Tucker, also known as Alex

easy to them. “For me, it’s clothing,”

Tucker, created his own clothing line

he explained. “I have an eye for, what I

called InsertName in March 2016. The

think, is nice or cool clothing, especially

young designer enjoys thrifting and

when I go out to thrift stores. I pick out

repurposing clothing to make outfits,

a really good selection and resell that.”

which is partly how he started his

When it comes to designing clothes,

brand. Tucker was born and raised in

Tucker forms ideas in his head naturally

Richmond, Virginia, one of the known

of what to do with them. “I just kind

artistic cities in Virginia. He attended

of flip it and make it into my own and

school in northern Virginia at George

make it apart of my brand,” he said.

Mason University. After graduating, he

Tucker believes that there is always a

stayed around Fairfax, Virginia because

way to enjoy what we’re doing and still

he got a job right out of school. After

monetize off of it.

about a year, he realized his passion

was more focused with clothing. Tucker

college that Tucker started designing

decided to stop working for someone

clothes. His favorite brand at the time

else full-time and, instead, build his

was Supreme, a really popular clothing

brand and work on his clothing full-time.

brand that would normally sell out.

Not many people can quit their jobs and

Because clothing brands that were

focus on their craft, but Tucker took that

popular would normally be harder to

chance an, little did he know, make one

buy, Tucker took it upon himself to

of the best decisions for his business.

make his own clothes. The first design

Currently, he resides in Lorton, Virginia.

he ever made was influenced by an old

anime called Dragon Ball Z.

Tucker picked his craft

because it was most natural to him. He


It was his junior year of


“There’s a character named Vegeta

in the show and he wore this pink shirt that

me know that it’s definitely possible,” he

said ‘BadMan’ on the back in a bubbly font,

expressed. One of Tucker’s most proudest

and when I saw it, I thought it was really

moments as a creator, so far, was when

cool,” He explained. He used the idea for

American rapper Saweetie appeared on a

himself and made his own shirt, but still

Buzzfeed video styling someone in the young

making it more personal to himself without

designer’s clothes. “Saweetie got to pick

completely stealing the design. Tucker

out different outfits for everyday of the week

flipped the wording to say ‘BlackMan’ instead

and on one of the days of the week, my Allen

of ‘BadMan’. When he made the shirts, he

Iverson bootleg shirt was on the rack and she

wanted to find out how to get them printed

picked it out,” he expressed. “It was really

and sell them. “I found a place where you

cool to see a celebrity pick up something

had to get twenty-four shirts made for about

that they had no idea who the designer was,

$6 per shirt. I figured I may as well have

but liking it more because of the design.

just did that instead of making just one

That was always my goal; whatever I create,

shirt which would cost me about $30 from

people aren’t buying it because of the

somewhere else,” he said, “then I made

brand name but more because they like the

that first design and made a profit off that.”

concept, the design, or because it speaks to

Reconnecting with some old friends from high

them.” Another proud moment of Tucker’s

school, Tucker had help producing his first

was when he went to speak to teenagers at

clothing piece. “I did a photoshoot (of the

a high school about his journey being an

clothes) with a friend from high school and

entrepreneur. “It was just a proud moment

also, another friend of mine helped me with

for me to be able to openly express to other

the design,” he explained.

people about what I was doing and to be

confident and happy saying that this is what

Tucker didn’t always see himself as

a clothing designer. He claims that he used

I’m doing and I’m happy that I’m doing it

to always go to thrift stores here and there

and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Also,

for himself because it was an easier way to

to inspire possibly – even if it’s just one

style himself and have new clothes without

person in the room – that they have a certain

having to hurt his pockets or ask his parents

skill that’s special to them that they should

for money. That it inspired him, but he never

take full advantage of it,” Tucker said. He

thought he would have his own clothing

encourages young entrepreneurs to find ways


to capitalize off of your talents and passions

Studying and following other

designers that inspire him, Tucker pushes every day to perfect his craft. “Seeing


someone else do [what I aspire to do] let’s

and to put as much time as possible into it as early as they can.


photos by Wanyeh Hill


Tucker’s clothing brand InsertName

now is selling to his peers and people across

has been pretty successful for the past few

the country. He wanted to make a brand that

years. He comes up with his own designs and

everyone could have access to. “I want my

sends them to his graphic designer of choice

brand to start a conversation. I want someone

at the time. He pays for the designs himself

to see it and say ‘Why does your hoodie say

and any additional services that go into hand

InsertName?’” he explained. Tucker named

with the production process. “Everything is

his brand InsertName because it means

on me,” he explained. “I handle this stuff by

that you, the buyer, the model, the viewer,

myself, so when I sell out, I can only afford to

are just as much apart of the brand as he

do but so much.” Tucker wishes he could sell

is. “You can tell them whatever you feel and

hundreds of merchandise at a time to restock

why it says InsertName or you can say what

for happy customers, but he has to move

you might have heard me say about it. I want

on to the next design once he finishes up

people to see my brand and feel connected. I

with one. “It’s frustrating,” he explained, “not

want them to feel confident in what they wear

being able to do as big of amounts as I would

and that it’s something that is a complement

like to do.” Aside from financially supporting

to their personal style,” he expressed.

his own business, Tucker does have a group

of creative friends that help support his vision

of his clothes online. In the future, Tucker

and work with him to build his brand. “One is

sees himself continuing with his clothing

a graphic designer, one has a podcast, one

brand and possibly even opening a clothing

is a videographer,” he said, “and we all help

store. His biggest goal is to just be known

each other out with whatever we’re doing to

worldwide. “I would be happy with traveling

give open and honest feedback, so they help

and doing pop up shops in different cities,”

me a lot.”

he said. Tucker advises anyone who wishes

to start their own brand is to get a mentor or

No matter what, Tucker is always

Currently, the designer sells most

thinking about his brand and ways to make

find someone that you know that’s doing what

his brand better. “I always write stuff down

you aspire to achieve and reach out to them.

and I am always continuing to be vigilant

“They can point you into the right direction,”

of my surroundings,” he said. “I’m always

he explained. Tucker wants his clothes to

thinking of how this could be apart of my

have an impact on those who and wear it. A

brand.” Tucker believes his work is “for

quote he often goes by (by author C. JoyBell

the people by the people”, meaning it is

C.) is “I’m never the same person twice, but

something that he wants people to see his

one thing you can be sure of about me is I

work and be intrigued with InsertName. He

will always do exactly what I want to do.”

originally started the brand for himself and


photos by Jade Brown


alliannah hamilton

written by Corrine Harris


lliannah Hamilton is a local artist

and photography until her sophomore

from Suffolk, Virginia who has

year. Unfortunately, the technical and

dreams of being known world-wide.

educational aspect of the craft wasn’t as

Hamilton, also known on social media as

fulfilling as she expected. Hamilton found

Perla Woods, creates art using various

herself discouraged and unmotivated

mediums which include photography,

during her time studying graphic design.

graphic design, and directing. As a child,

“The classes took the fun out of it” she

the artist showed interest in photography.

states. It wasn’t long before the artist

She was able to express this interest using

switched her major to photography with a

cameras given to her by her mother as

minor in film.

birthday and Christmas gifts. Her journey

For Perla, photography always came

as a photographer began with a polaroid

naturally. A seed that was planted during

camera. Although this camera was the

her childhood has now blossomed into a

spark of her passion, her camera collection

full-blown passion. Currently, the artist is

has evolved along with her skillset.

working on multiple series and projects

Regarding her artwork, Hamilton refers

that she hopes to release to the world one

to photography as her passion and first

day. One of her biggest projects is her

love while graphic design is a source of

self-portrait series which she has been

income. The decision to study graphic

working on for years. “I like photographing

design came from her younger years.

myself even though it’s harder” says the

The artist dabbled in graphic art as a

photographer. The artist explains that it is

teenager, enjoyed using it as a creative

easy for her to photograph herself because

outlet, and decided to pursue a degree in

she knows exactly what she wants in terms

the artform. To accomplish this, Hamilton

of posing. However, photographing herself

attended Old Dominion University. With big

takes more time which can make more

hopes, the artist studied graphic design

difficult than photographing other models.



In effort of one day seeing

graphic art to create fascinating

her work in museums and galleries,

and compelling art. The artist’s

Hamilton creates every day. The

individualistic style is one that allows

artist likes to refer to her photography

her work to speak for itself. With a

as conceptual. Every photograph

go-getter attitude and a strong will to

she creates has a deeper meaning.

succeed, it’s no wonder that the artist

Hamilton prides herself on creating art

is able to set herself apart so easily.

that speaks to people. She has a desire

Hamilton posted a short video on

to help others seek greater meaning

Instagram with a caption where she

and purpose through her artwork.

states “I’ve broken in a few houses,

Despite the model, location, tone, or

fallen through a few floors, set myself

photo itself, there is always a symbolic

on fire, and almost suffocated myself.

purpose of each photograph.

You know what they say…greater risk,

greater reward.”

A third passion is directing

and film. With dreams of filming movies,

As her audience, our greatest reward

the artist currently works on smaller

is the privilege to watch her grow

projects such as music videos for

as an artist and create undeniably

local musicians. For Hamilton, this

mesmerizing art. With social media

is a step in the right direction. While

platforms, Hamilton uses her art

directing videos, the artist uses her

to reach out and inspire others.

skills for creative directing. Like most

Her Instagram page (alliart_757) is

artists, Hamilton enjoys this because

filled with breathtaking photographs

it allows her to have creative control

which give followers a snapshot of a

over a project. Her first big project was

fantasy world. In addition, Hamilton

working with local musician, Scuzi,

is the founder of her own company

on his music video for “Veronica’s

known as Alliannah Artistry. With an

Apartment”. Working on this project,

enormous amount of passion and a

the artist used her skills to create a

drive to achieve, this artist is going

treatment and set design.

after everything she’s every dreamed of

The most unique factor of Hamilton’s

taking bigger risks and capturing more

work is her use of photography and

eyes along the way!

photos by Alliannah Hamilton


photos by Nadia Ford & Elizabeth Bolaji 25

nadia ford

written by Elizabeth Bolaji


here’s more than one way to

into bringing 3D photography to life. She

be a photographer, and for

was already “one step ahead,” and used

Nadia Ford, a picture is more than

her head start to fuel her passion. “To

just a still frame. Born and raised in

this day it blows my mind,” Ford said.

Maryland, the now 24-year-old got her

“It’s a small market that many people

first camera when she was a freshman

have never explored. But that’s part of

in college,where she learned the basics

what makes it so special.” In the fall of

of photography and took an interest

2016, she moved to New York City for

in taking photos for fashion shows.

two months, but came back to Maryland

Unfortunately, after just 18 months

after dealing with personal hardships.

she was forced to leave school due to

Despite the setback in New York, Ford

financial reasons. Later on, she took to

didn’t give up on her dreams. “I’m not

videography and shot a music video for

gonna let this hold me back anymore,”

her sister’s boyfriend, which led to her

she said. “I’m gonna focus more on

getting hired for more videos. Today,

myself and do what I want to do.”

Ford specializes in 3D film photography

– a medium that layers multiple

Ford once again focused on her career.

perspectives of the same image to create

She began freelancing and taught herself

a moving picture that pops off the page.

software engineering on the side, as a

way of making extra money, but also

“During my time [out of school]

After her return to Maryland,

I stumbled upon 3D photography,”

as a means of pursuing new and useful

Ford said. It didn’t take long for her to

skills. Her open-minded approach to

embrace a future in 3D. Fortunately,

life allowed her to keep everything in

the lessons and skills she learned from

perspective and move forward despite

filming and editing videos translated well




“I have so many ideas...I

kept arising; she didn’t have a car

daydream a lot. It was so bad that my

for a long period, which limited her

dad used to tell me ‘get out of la-la

flexibility and prevented her from

land’ and ‘pay attention.’ But I dream

going to shoots. “It was a way of

a lot. I get inspired by so many

God telling me to slow down,” she

things.” One of her inspirations was

said, again rejecting the idea of

her family. Ford’s relationship with

letting obstacles prevent her from

her parents was not only a key part

pursuing her dream. Fortunately,

of her art, but an integral part of her

she got her car back, and seized

personality as well. She got her first

the opportunity to move forward

camera from her mother, who would

in her career. “Now’s my chance!

drive her to shoots and take her

I’m ready. I’m so ready.” Ford has

to get her film developed, and her

bigger dreams beyond freelancing.

father and sisters provided a stable

She wants to do more than just take

support system. For Ford, home was

photos. Her goal is to one day be

wherever her family was.

self-employed, and create a business

that assists the photography/film

“We deserve better than

where we are now,” Ford said. “I

community. She hopes to give back

know that if I take my photography

and build up artists who started out

as far as I know I can, my family can

just like she did – with a camera

live a well-off life.” But even back at

and a dream. She can be found on

home, it seemed that more troubles

Instagram and Twitter at @theillnada.


ILLESTHETIC Visual Arts Magazine was published by ArtByLuna Collections.

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