2011 Catalogue t r a n s p o r t a n d M i l i ta r y p u b l i s H i n g at i t s b e s t
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As Europe’s premier military and transport publisher, Crécy Publishing is delighted to announce its 2011 book range featuring over 400 titles.
With the acquisition of the Nostalgia Road list and the addition of Leandoer & Ekholm to our stable of distributed publishers, we now have our widest ever offering covering not just our traditional aviation subject area but also cars and other road transport, railways and military history. Our exciting new books for 2011 include many titles from established and well-respected authors as well as new names sure to make their mark with our dedicated and knowledgeable readers.
New Titles
All the books in this catalogue are available through our website as well as through our world-wide network of distributors, agents and stockists including many leading bookshops, specialist retailers, museums and collections. Above all, our aim remains as it was when we published our first title – to produce quality books of distinction that will be indispensible to the enthusiast, historian and modeller and which will also appeal to anyone seeking an insight into the people, machinery and eras of military and transport history.
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New Titles
New Titles
A Complete History
The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Peter C Smith
• A detailed and comprehensive account of the most famous dive-bomber of World War II • From first design to final modifications • Prototypes and loss tables, diagrams and first-hand accounts • Includes Stukas used by the Luftwaffe, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia,Yugoslavia and Japan A full history of the Ju.87 Stuka from its origins and development to accounts of active operations in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa. Used throughout World War II, the story of all the Ju.87’s roles as dive-bomber, close support aircraft, ship-buster, tank-smasher to night attack bomber are covered including all variants, details of Stuka units, battle orders and losses. ISBN: 9 780859 791564 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 246mm x 189mm Pages: 432 Photos/Illustrations: over 320 b+w/colour photos, and 20 colour profiles Price: £29.95 Publication Date: May 2011
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2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
New Titles
New Titles In the Skies of Nomonhan
Echoes in the Air
A chronicle of aeronautical ghost stories Jack Currie
Japan versus Russia May – September 1939 Dimitar Nedialkov • One of the first large scale aerial battles • Detailed account from both Russian and Japanese perspective • Includes loss lists and colour profiles • Over 50 photographs A full description of one of the first large aerial battles of modern times where Japanese pilots in their Ki-27 Nate fighters clashed with Soviet I-15 and I-153 biplanes. Using this pre-cursor to World War II, the pilots practiced and refined new fighting tactics and sharpened up their missions learning to place emphasis on reconnaissance, fighter sweeps, bomber escort and infantry support. 01Nomonhan_1 23/02/2011 13:23 Page 24
Japan Against Russia in the Sky of Nomanhan Pre-flight checks on a Ki-27 fighter. (MoD Archives, Bulgaria)
ISBN: 9 780859 791526 Binding: Softcover Dimensions: 234mm x 145mm Pages: 208 Photos/Illustrations: over 50 b+w photographs and 20 colour profiles Price: £10.95 Publication Date: April 2011 01Nomonhan_1
Chapter Three – The
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Chapter Three – The conflict begins
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conflict begins
Commanders from the 24th Sentai: (l-r) Lt C Kojiro Matsumura, Capt Saiji Kani Lieutenant Hyoe Dainaga. and (MoD Archives, Bulgaria)
A training group flight of Ki-27's. (MoD Archives, Bulgaria)
A principal characteristic of the Type 97 was the engine reductor. Although this lowered the top speed to an extent, it allowed a larger propeller to be fitted, increasing low-speed thrust and hence giving faster acceleration and climb. This, combined with easy handling even for inexperienced pilots, made the Ki-27 an exceptionally dangerous adversary, combining biplane manoeuvrability with monoplane speed.28 Japanese pilots rapidly took to the machine, not least because of its phenomenal take-off and landing ability. Where a Type 97 landed at 90kmph, rolled to a stop in 120 metres and needed
01Nomonhan_1 23/02/2011 13:23 Page 174
The escalation of the conflictJapan Against in the Sky of Nomanhan and the startRussia of Soviet eastward the Japanese 23rd relocation Infantry Division and former military commander, Red Army attaché to Moscow specialist Lt Gen Michitaro Komats to throw his division into battle east of the ubara, decide river. His subordinate, Takemitsu, set up a detachment of a little Col Yamagata over 2,000 troops, and light artillery ten Type 94 tanks . Close air suppor t was also provide offensive was planned d. The detachment’s for 21 May. Forwar reached the Khalkh d Japanese units moved in-Gol River in three west and days. Their objectiv the ground betwee n the border and the es river (a front of 70km were to take 20km), transfer forces and a depth of from the interior, and in the Nomonhan ‘destroy Outer Mongo area’. The People’ lian forces s Republic of Mongo forces to repel the lia had insufficient attack, and Soviet forces began to relocate area alongside Mongo to the conflict lian cavalry units. By the close of the clash was being played month, a frontal out, the ferocity of (Svetoslav Spirov collection) which grew with each The same period saw serious passing day.43 Soviet diplomatic growing crisis. On efforts to defuse 19 May the People’ the s Commi Moscow urgentl of 1938 Despite this, update efforts continued apace,ssariat and late sawAffairs the service y summo Foreign ned Japanes in e Ambas Vyache sador Molotov version. entry slav of a modified The main change in Sigeno this, the Ki.15-II, was the ri Togo, personally to whom handed a Soviet unamb iguous warnin fourteen-cylinder twin-row radial Ha.26-I engine developing 900hp. The new declaration g that Soviet with the packag e was at itsbut e made engine not only top speedpatienc of 510kmph/275kt, alsoThe haddocum significantly end. its allowed way to aTokyo ent the same evening, but the improved forward visibility due to the smaller diameter of the forward fuselage. Japanes e did not One chutai fielding Ki.15-Is saw action in the Nomonhan conflict. The machines were highly effective, being difficult targets even for I-16 tip 10 fighters. All the same, the Japanese admitted seven losses, a relatively high share of the total. Ki.15-Is and IIs continued to see action until late 1942. Until 1944 they served as trainers, with kamikaze raids being the ultimate chapter in the history of this remarkable aircraft. 174 made
Order of battle at the end of May 1939
Amid these preparations for action on the ground, the situation in the air was becoming tenser, too. On 25 May alone, Soviet fighters flew some sixty combat sorties. Patrols from the 24th Sentai reported encounters with enemy fighters and recce aircraft. Aviapolk CO Major Vyacheslav Zabaluev personally led a mixed biplane and monoplane support group, yet the enemy still had the initiative and reaped all successes. The tally was three downed I-15bis and an I-16, and one damaged R-5.57 The 11th Sentai pilots had time to overfly the theatre. The new Nakajima Ki-27, the aggression and skill of the Japanese pilots, and their ability to coordinate their actions using radio came as unpleasant surprises to the young and inexperienced Soviet commander and his subordinates. The following two days made matters worse. On 27 May eight 1st IAE (22nd IAP) I-16 tip 10s departed from their Tamsag-Bulak base to Hamar-Daba (height 752m) near the Khalkhin-Gol River and lay in wait there. Should enemy aircraft appear, their job was to scramble into the air and destroy them. The leader was the acting 23rd SABR Palk Timofey Kutsevalov. Before departure he warned his subordinates not to cross the border even in hot pursuit of enemy aircraft. The ferry was successful and did not involve unexpected encounters or incidents. For some time the group flew along the emerging front line, before turning west and landing by a dry lake bed some 30km from the forward enemy units. A fuel bowser and engine starter awaited them on site. The same day saw three group sorties in pursuit of enemy invaders, none leading to any
Ki-15 data
Span Length Height Wing area Empty weight Gross weight Engine type Engine output Dash speed Cruise speed Range Rate of climb Ceiling Crew Armament
12m/39ft 5in 8.7m/28ft 6in 3.24m/10ft 7in 20.36m2/219sq ft 1,592kg/3,500lb 2,481kg/5,470lb Nakajima Ha-26 900hp 510kmph/275kt 380kmph/205kt 2,300km/2,175 miles 745m per min/2,445ft per min 11,500m/37,700ft Two One 7.7mm Type 89 machine gun
• Fully researched ghost stories with historical substance • Well-known and respected aviation author • Specially commissioned photographs and drawings Some of the stories here have entered flying folklore – the haunting of Eastern 401, the spectral Captain Black at Liverpool airport, the phantom Polish airman repeatedly encountered in Lincolnshire. Other stories have been uncovered by the author’s personal research and are bought to a wider audience for the first time. ISBN: 9 780859 791632 Binding: Softcover Dimensions: 234mm x 145mm Pages: 196 Photos/Illustrations: over 50 b+w photographs and drawings Price: £10.95 Publication Date: October 2011
Airborne Neil Williams
• A classic work, re-published for the first time • Vivid descriptions of extraordinary flying experiences • Puts the reader into the cockpit of many famous, and infamous, aircraft The legendary Neil Williams was undoubtly the most talented aerobatic film and air display pilot of his era, who flew a huge variety of rare and vintage aircraft. Moreover, he was a gifted writer with the ability to take the reader into the cockpit with him - whether lost over the Indian Ocean at night running out of fuel, flying a Spitfire for the first time, or trapped without a parachute when the wing of his aircraft failed in-flight.
ISBN: 9 781906 559212 Binding: Softcover Dimensions: 234mm x 145mm Pages: 240 Photos/Illustrations: over 50 photographs and drawings Price: £10.95 Publication Date: October 2011
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
New Titles
New Titles Scooter!
The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story Tommy Thomason • The first book to chronicle, in detail, the complete history of the iconic A-4 Skyhawk • Interviews with pilots and engineers yield new insights into US naval aviation and aerospace industry • Contains numerous previously unpublished photographs Few modern military aircraft can claim the longevity and success of the legendary Douglas A-4 Skyhawk. First flown in the mid1950s the A-4 Skyhawk achieved combat fame in the Falkland and Vietnam wars and saw service with the air arms of seven foreign countries including Israel and New Zealand. It is still in use today in South America. ISBN: 9 780859 791601 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 290mm x 216mm Pages: 276pp Photos/Illustrations: Over 250 b+w and 100 colour photographs Price: £27.95 Publication Date: June 2011
Lost Aviation Collections of Britain Ken Ellis
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Lost Aviation Collections
of Britain
Miles One That Got Away:
Marathon CF-NUH
at Wymeswold,
March 1963. Roy
Colerne: Consolidated
One That Got Away:
Aviation Traders
One That Got Away:
Boeing 707-436
Carvair G-AOFW
at Southend, July
G-APFJ at Cosford,
Lost Aviation Collections of Britain
Liberator VI HE807
/ KN751 at Colerne,
Wilts, July 1974.
Historic Aircraft Museum: Avro Lincoln B.2 RF342 at Southend, Essex, June 1970.
1978. John Uncles
Shropshire, April
1985. Alan Curry
Colerne: Gloster F9/40
Meteor DG202/G
Colerne: Gloster Meteor
at Colerne, Wilts,
NF.14 WS838 at Colerne,
Wilts, June 1975.
Historic Aircraft Museum: Blackburn Beverley C.1 XB261 at Southend, Essex, October 1971. Historic Aircraft Museum: CASA 2-111B G-AWHB at Southend, Essex, June 1976.
• Latest book in the best-selling Wrecks and Relics series • Details iconic museums and collectors including Colerne and Southend; Spencer Flack and Mike Carlton • The story of ‘extinct’ types including: the ATEL Carvair, Miles Marathon and Westland Whirlwind A detailed history of Britain’s pioneering aircraft museums and collections such as Torbay and Skyfame, and warbird collector pioneers including Richard Nash and Charles Church. This special edition in the best-selling Wrecks & Relics series commemorates the origins and growth of Britain’s aircraft preservation movement. ISBN: 9 780859 791595 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 234mm x 156mm Pages: 224pp Photos/Illustrations: Over 100 b+w and 96 colour photographs Price: £16.95 Publication Date: May 2011
Action Stations Revisited Volume 5 Wales and the Midlands Tim McLelland
• New addition to the best-selling Action Stations Revisited series • Comprehensive histories of Britain’s military airfields • Strong local history interest in now disused airfields Details the often over-looked aviation heritage of Wales and the Midlands, including former RAF, Navy and American airbases and the history of sites such as Castle Donington, better known today as East Midlands Airport, the famous seaplane base at Pembroke Dock and the current military airfields at RAF Valley on Anglesey and RAF Shawbury in Shropshire. ISBN: 9 780859 791113 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 234mm x 156mm Pages: 384pp Photos/Illustrations: Over 200 b+w photographs Price: £24.95 Publication Date: July 2011
Action Stations Revisited Volume 6 Northern England Tim McLelland
• Latest in the best-selling Action Stations Revisited series • Comprehensive histories of Britain’s military airfields • Strong local history interest in now disused airfields Includes coverage of the famous ‘Bomber Command’ airfields of Lincolnshire, for example RAF Scampton - known not just as base of the ‘Dambusters’ but also as the iconic Cold War V-Bomber base. Many less well-known but equally fascinating histories are also uncovered for the first time including the ‘THOR’ ICBM nuclear missile launch sites.
ISBN: 9 780859 791120 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 234mm x 156mm Pages: 296pp Photos/Illustrations: Over 200 b+w photographs Price: £24.95 Publication Date: October 2011
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New Titles
New Titles US Guided Missiles:
An Illustrated History from Cold War to Present Day Bill Yenne • The first definitive reference to every US guided missile • Describes every US guided missile ever flown • Shows the evolution of the deadliest weapons ever devised An encyclopaedic directory of every US guided missile system ever built including the exotic winged cruise missiles of the Cold War, the air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons used in Vietnam and Desert Storm, all ICBMs, plus secret projects and little-known types. Illustrated throughout with excellent archival and contemporary photography, there is special coverage of the famous jet-powered winged missiles of the 1950s. ISBN: 9 780859 791625 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 290mm x 216mm Pages: 160pp Photos/Illustrations: Over 250 b+w and 50 colour photographs Price: £19.95 Publication Date: October 2011
Secret US Proposals of the Cold War:
Radical Concepts in Factory Models and Engineering Drawings Jim Keeshen
• Depicts radical US Cold War aircraft design proposals • Features never-before seen original archival photos • Includes technical information and historical documentation At the peak of the Cold War, countless proposals for radical and unorthodox US military aircraft were developed. Rare and historic models of these proposals bear witness to that bygone era and are given new recognition through the use of original and archival photography. This book also explains the background story and mission requirements for these radical aircraft. ISBN: 9 780859 791618 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 290mm x 216mm Pages: 160pp Photos/Illustrations: Over 200 b+w and 100 colour photographs Price: £19.95 Publication Date: October 2011
Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-1945 Barry Ketley
• Almost 900 unit badges in full colour • Origins and history of Luftwaffe unit heraldry • Over 120 detailed photographs of unit badges • Highly detailed captions • Unusual aircraft camouflage schemes A compilation of all known Luftwaffe unit badges and emblems in full colour, covering all types of aircraft and function, ranging from famous fighter and bomber units, through to little-known maritime squadrons, humble training or communication flights. Grouped by squadron type and function the emblems provide an invaluable aid to both modellers and historians and those interested in WWII Luftwaffe aircraft. ISBN: 9 780955 426834 Binding: Softcover Dimensions: 268mm x 198mm Pages: Estimated 112 Photos/Illustrations: over 850 colour artworks and 150 b+w photographs Price: £12.95 Publication Date: July 2011
Propliners of the World Parts 1 and 2
Gerry Manning
Gerry Manning
Part 1 Covers 75 years of the Douglas DC-3, float planes and pleasure flights. Part 2 Includes water bombers, cargo and South American operations. ISBN: Part 1 9 780955 426841 ISBN: Part 2 9 780955 426858 Each book Binding: Softcover Dimensions: 268mm x 198mm Pages: Estimated 112 pages Photos/Illustrations: over xxxxx colour b+w photographs Price: £12.95 Publication Date: September 2011
Propliners of the World Part 1
Dakota DC-3, Floa t Planes and Pleasure Flig hts
Propliners of the World Part 2
Water Bombers, Cargo and South American Operations
Gerry Manning
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
New Titles
New Titles Mosquito Pathfinder Navigating 90 WWII operations Albert and Ian Smith
• First hand description of early use of OBOE target marking system • Autobiography of a Mosquito and Wellington navigator • Graphic personal account of 2 tours of operations Albert Smith’s first tour of 38 operations as a Wellington navigator over Germany and North Africa was followed by another with Pathfinder Mosquitoes. As one of only two infant Oboe squadrons, Smith was soon in the air illuminating bombing targets and relives triumphs and disappointments and all the fears entailed in being the first aircraft over a heavily defended target. ISBN: 9 780907 579786 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 268mm x 198mm Pages: Estimated 240 pages Photos/Illustrations: 8 page b&w photograph section Price: £7.99 Publication Date: July 2011
Sky Tiger
The story of Sailor Malan Norman Franks
• Biography of a WWII South African Spitfire pilot • Exceptional tactician and Battle of Britain pilot • Participant at Dunkirk, and escorted Horsa Gliders during D-Day landings • Station Commander at Britain’s premier fighter base – Biggin Hill In less than 15 months ‘Sailor Malan’ rose to be Britain’s premier WWII fighter pilot. A born leader, superb shot and exceptional tactician Malan tested his skills over Dunkirk and later in his Spitfire during the Battle of Britain. Developing fighter tactics he rose to Station Commander at Biggin Hill and finished the war as a permanent figure in the gallery of great flyers. ISBN: 9 780907 579830 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 268mm x 198mm Pages: Estimated 216 pages Photos/Illustrations: 12 page b&w photograph section Price: £7.99 Publication Date: July 2011
Soviet and Russian Testbed Aircraft
Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov • 1930’s to the present day • Includes engine, radar, aerodynamics, helicopter and civil airliner testbeds • Extensive list of test and research aircraft • Over 700 photographs, drawings and profiles The development of ramjet boosters and air-launched cruise missiles, combine with details of engine, radar, electronic warfare system and aerodynamics testbeds and more than 100 new colour profiles. ISBN: 9 781902 109183 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 297mm x 210mm Pages: 416pp Photos/Illus: 700 b&w and colour photographs, line drawings, over 100 colour profiles Price: £34.95 Publication Date: May 2011
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control surfaces were operated by irreversible hydraulic actuators. The pitch control circuit incorporated a device allowing the pilot to select the stick-toelevons gearing ratio between 0.735 and 1.59. The roll control circuit featured a non-linear ratio between stick travel and elevon travel, just like on the MiG-21S. Spring-loaded
The MiG-8 experimental aircraft in early configuration with wingtip-mounted vertical tails
artificial-feel devices were provided to emulate the aileron/elevator forces on the stick. The control system included a three-channel (pitch/roll/yaw) damper which could be selected on or off in flight. With the damper in operation, the elevon and rudder deflection limits were ±0º30’ in the pitch channel, ±1º12’ in the roll channel and ±4º in the yaw channel.
Page 104
v M-50’s
Front and upper views of the MiG-21I/2 with the definitive LERXes. The lower, rear and side views depict the MiG-21I/1.
Tupolev Tu-134A landing gear testbed
As compared with the standard MiG-21S, the fuselage of the wing tanks held MiG-21I was 0.75 a total of 3,270 m (2 ft Imp gal); 517⁄32 in) shorter; in litres (719.4 the aircraft was also contrast, the wing span able to carry the 60% greater. The Analogue was powered was MiG-21’s standard 490-litre (107.8 Imp gal) Tumanskiy R13F-300 by a drop tank on a centreline pylon. turbojet delivering kgp (14,310 lbst) 6,490 Three examples of in full afterburner. the MiG-21I (two The six types and bladder tanks in protothe fuselage and the integral interestingly,a static test airframe) were built; the prototypes were completed
The logo of SibNIA which undertook tests with a modified Tu-134A.
A three-view drawing of the MiG-8 as originally flown with wingtip-mounted vertical tails.
The MiG-8 in revised form with the vertical tails at mid-span
The UT-2N (alias SEN) was a testbed for an experimental air cushion landing gear developed by Yefremov and Nadiradze. The fan forcing air into the cushion was driven by 25-hp motor a the housing in top of the on skirt.
The Tu-16 used for testing nose gear design concept the Myasishche
Two views of CCCP A-144 as it taxies out for take-off.
62 Q6 final.qxd
SOVIET AND R USSIAN TESTB ED AIRCRAFT MiG-21I CCCP A-144 is prepared for a flight, with Su-11 and Su-15 interceptors in the background.
Yakovlev In the early UT-2N (SEN) Tu-134A airliner,1970s the ninth testbed landing gear production CCCP-6565 was outfitted 3 (c/n 0351009), A production by the Tupolev Siberian Aviation was converted Yakovlev UT-2 primary OKB and Research into a testbed, trainer the nology Sibeerskiy Institute demonstrat or rather naoochnotechor, in toot aviahtsiï) issledovate (SibNIA – air cushion l’skiy instilanding gear experiments with an the structural in Novosibirsk for I. Yefremov designed measuring by Nikolay and Aleksandr on different loads applied to the TsAGI and D. Nadiradze landing runways. LII in 1939-41. aircraft made This instrumente gear nated UT-2N, at The aircraft, a round of was also known d test desigwhich the as SEN (or, Tu-134 could all Soviet airports into exactly, SYeN, more samolyot these tests operate. As Nadiradze Yefremova the main – Yefremov’s gear bogies a result of craft). forced and i and Nadiradze’s Nadiradze were reinreplaced by the original KT-81/3 aircushion vehicles had previously worked lighter wheels on air (ACVs) at fatigue cracking KT-153 wheels a different to preclude headed by V. I. Levkov. of the OKB encountere The air cushion d on the first bogies – a problem undercarria Tu-134As. ed to replace ge was intendcarriage and the normal wheel or ski underenable the from any surface along aircraft to take off next to no a downhill take-off run. path with aircraft on Mounted a under the N-struts was rear centreline pylon and lateral a big annular skirt resembling rubber balloon an inflatable or upside down. dinghy turned lated to ensureThe size of the skirt was event of sidewaysthe aircraft’s stability calcuin the movement off. A fan during the driven by takea cowled cle engine 25-hp motorcymounted on a skirt supplied the pressure platform atop the During the for the air cushion. tests, which 1940 by LII were conducted test pilots in Igor’ I. Shelest, Mikhail The Yakovlev
Vulcan’s Hammer
V-Force Aircraft and Weapons Projects since 1945 Chris Gibson • Development of Cold War weapons, including Vulcan phase 6 and HP 114 Victor. • Examines V-bomber alternatives including TSR.2,VC10, English Electric P.10 and Vickers SP.4 • Insight into Avro’s Weapons Research Division • Specially commissioned artwork showing ‘might-have-been’ variants The development of Britain’s nuclear advanced weapons continued through the Cold War with projects like the Blue Steel stand-off missile and the development of the Handley Page HP.114 Victor. Projects on supporting types such as the Avro unmanned vehicle are described for the first time as Vulcan’s Hammer examines advanced weapons and the aircraft that were intended to carry them in post-war Britain.
Vulcan’s Hammer Layout 60 Q6
ISBN: 9 781902 109176 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 297mm x 210mm Pages: 176pp Photos/Illus: over 80 b&w/colour photos, over 140 b&w line drawings and 9 colour artworks Price: £29.95 Publication Date: May 2011
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VULCAN’S HAMMER Vulcan’s Hammer Layout 60 Q6
07:18 Page confused velocity discriminators and forced the 46 Soviets to change their interception methods. Vulcan’s Hammer Layout 60 Q6 8/2/11 07:18 Page 11 IR countermeasures on an aircraft that would have become very hot from kinetic heating could have been problematic. The OR.330 aircraft of whatever type would have been an VULCAN’S HAMMER airborne infrared beacon that would have T H E A LT E R N AT I V E V- F O R C E drawn the attention of any heat-seeking missile or sensor for miles around. The main sources of Vickers Valiant IR radiation would be the hot metal around the B(PR).1 WP223 jet pipes and the skin of the airframe, particudrops an inert Blue mass attacks on German cities, but power a pilotless bomber. The basic requirelarly the leadinglaunching edges and nosecone. Danube during theturbojet, Air Ministry notmuch sanction such bar- ment was for a range of 150nm In a 1950s era therewould was not ballistic(278km) trials at at barousabout activity Hoop-Laapart fell by the wayside. 5,000ft (1,524m) with an the all-up-weight A&AEE. The of that could be done theand signature size of Blue ramjet a year and afterwhat the devastating raid on 8,000 lb. The studies looked at turbojet, from switchingWithin it off. That is precisely was 45 wasthat 07:18 Page due all the Air Ministryon adopted observed on the cards asCoventry, an IR countermeasure the the doctrine and liquid rocket power andDanube 60 Q6 8/2/11 to the size of the Hammer Layout areacalculated bombing that of cities. three would require catapult Hurricane-de launch with rocket Type 730. It hadofbeen the ‘cessarived While Miles were investigating 5,000ft (1,524m). tion of thrust by judicious cutting of the engines’ Hoop-La, the boost motors for the climb tophysics package Royal Establishment with a weapons within. was the best way to Aircraft reduce the IR signature(RAE) of turned their The jet showed most promise, Via at Terry attentionthe to effect a smallonaircraft powered by a novel load of 4,000 lb (1,814kg) a Panopalis speed of skin and jet No computer A full suite of infrared (IR) and radar counter- the aircraft. By studying graphics in 1955, invention of ancalled abrupta turbojet cessationthat of could carry a 400mph (644km/h), the ramjet could carry measures were planned for the aircraft, no pipe temperature only coloured 250 lb (113.4kg) that frombomb a cruiseload at for 300nm 3,000 lb (1,360.5kg) at 500mph (805km/h) doubt derived from those being developed for thrust it was discovered pencils. This Avro (556km) at 400mph (644km/h). dropped to Mach 2.22 in This aircraft, while the liquid rocket, in the early stages of the V-Force aircraft. Against air defence surveil- Mach 2.5 the speed diagram shows the 10ft (3.05m) wingspan after acutting the engines and would have development at the Rocket Propulsion Establance and interception systems ‘radar camou- thirty seconds with variety of materials weighed at 680 lb (308kg) could only manage seconds.inThere would also be amaking it very lishment (RPE) at Westcott,Bomb flage’, what is now called stealth or Mach 1.96 in 60 used on the Type delivery cheap to produce if a suitable turbojet had been 900 lb (408kg) at 400mph (644km/h), with a doors of 250-300°C (482730. Note the low-observable technology, was desired: ‘The reduction in temperature methods evolved Early Blue Moon and released relatively minor a bomb. As ever 1940 notemperature such engine was available, launch weight of 9,500 lbfrom (4,308kg). jet pipe, Inworking development of a lightweight radio-absorbent 572°F) at the available. the original tionconfigurations. was not that simple. the situa- Sun use of titanium at high-altitude so the RAEand dropped work.on The study concluded that the jet engine 100°Cthe (212°F) while Canberra material able to withstand the high skin temper- around 680°C (1,256°F), Initially, that was ramjet variants drop was the The British bombers used key points. how this manner. atomic weapons a varietysix Red Beard in year 1943 saw another 160-200°C (320-392°F) over bout of RAE best but most expensive.to Within of months ered. were non-starters atures encountered in supersonic flight would the skin, normally The were to BAE Systems/ methods to A V-bomber while the turbojetflew towards the be delivair superiority over altitude interest in thedepended unmanned bomber, possibly Allied air forces had attained As the Fifties This method heavily be most valuable in this context’. Such radar- that 60 seconds. Avro Heritage including toss/loft, became the Sixties, target at an of around powered versions,50,000ft prompted by the increasingly again the expendable using of an incoming missile as thealarming intelli- Western Europe, so yet dive Soviet air absorbent materials called DX1 and DS2 had on early warning (15,240m) and, defences had improved to toss and over its H2S with a payload Mk.9 of such an extent that the V-Force and NBS to aim vine. gencethat that was becoming would be receivedavailable from on German bomber withered on thethe been tested on a Radar Research Establishment 20 seconds warning shoulder toss. released was required to the weapon, 5 x 1,000 lb bombs The aircraft to a low-level change tactics In this The expendable bomber haddiagram been examined rate wereit. developments in provide the field. The RAE carried out would not enough Boulton Paul Balliol between 1951 and 56 and the onboard systems incapable of then performed a highenvironment. turn away delivery This would have reduced in manpower a series or of parametric studies the target area engine to cool to to an investigate the as a solution to the high costs of WE.177 andthe carrying thefrom an English Electric Canberra flew with DX3 in time for the airframe British blast. This was to escape escape the amount of time for the by TSR.2 is shown. offensive operationsdelivering possibilities of its using bomber to employed by missile lost lock.alternative The Air engines to material that accompanied atomic bomb. atomic 1959. While these not heat-resistant to the extent where the the blast, so a thewere using V-bombers different delivery intended Blue Danube, was required. Command Staff suggested that some means of extending honed extent required for OR.330, they did demonmethod Red Beard and had Bomber Yellow cities, a skill it attack got to have a The first, used the warning period be obtained and if not, the strate that radar camouflage with high- was possible. bomb to Soviet have it and it’s attacks mainly by the massed ‘We’ve got to deliver Yellow Ernest Bevin, Window (now calleddifchaff) would be used technique was a waste of time. in the war through Sun and also widelyV-bombers to Jack on it.’ – bombs. The only bloody Union incendiary berras used andand the Americans A more profitable practice would have been against surveillance radars by Canto deliver Red 1947 Germany explosive and 5600lb Weapon an attack on Avro’s Type 734 Foreign Secretary, delivery. This involved Beard, was the pop-up its useand by supersonic aircraft; the ejection of ‘alternative sources of radiation’ ferences between had demonstrated with‘free-running’ were the distances the aircraft approaching Scheme 1 Scheme 2 the target at low the Soviet Union it could be ejected the aircraft by small rock- into the airstream to draw away the incoming deterrence began weapons onwould one Nuclearfrom level, followed drone that weapon nited Kingdom involved. large by a rapid climb to 12,500ft (3,810m) orsuggested that the missile – what are now called flares. Unfortuof aircraftets or cartridges. It was also bomb, a Hamburg havenumber accompanied Dive Toss where the weapon the atomic on the scale of flying over a released. devastation ‘window cloud could be by illuminated to provide nately unless the ‘distracting radiation’ was ‘sufa large aircraft the 730 into or Kiev was allowed a Type dropped from on Leningrad developed Soviet The third method, to be visited Airspace. false Doppler information’. and as in thein the hope that it ficiently far removed from the aircraft to ensure US help, the UK Dresden low-altitude bombing a target. Denied bombs, some more successwith a single bomb system (LABS), bomb. that the latter would be well outside the range of single aircraft came in two have been a free-fallV-Force variants used number of nuclear quest for a weapon that strike aircraft to the warhead’ this would also be fruitless. Conwar that would by The deliver Red Beard fact about the entered a last ful than others. The ‘long toss’ and WE.177. cern was also voiced about the method’s utility The rather surprising weapons figured in its before the aircraft involved the released be the aircraft approachto reduce could ing the target against SAMs with nuclear warheads. that free-fall nuclear life and continued in at low led to glide bombs its systems. was defended area by the LABS bomb level and when indicated 727s The above techniques could be combined to enemy anti-aircraft made armoury throughout long after the last Vulcan A pair of Avro force’s exposure 0 Ft 5 a 45° climb. The aiming computer, entering Ft 10 in the V-Force The0 free-fall service on Tornados with P35Z glidewith evasive manoeuvres including zoom aiming system retired in 1982. The massive investment of its vulnerability to to the weapon at would release air0 Mtr 3 bombs return climbs to 87,000ft (26,517m) to evade missiles bomber had been a point in the very aware e of any ‘bomber’ 0 Mtr1 the Air Staff was the answer climb, followed by the aircraft is the stock-in-trad le after release relies base after an and fighters. This of course led to a reduction performing a ground. Dispersal facil- bomb half loop to depart attack on the the area on 14000lb Weapon operational in speed, fortunately much of the loss could runways and airfieldin the craft and being uncontrollab for accuracy. long a reciprocal on lay bearing at 7,000ft exercise. but still relied aiming systems (2,134m). The be regained in the return to the 65,000ft an aircraft to these problems on the aircraft bomb continued suggests that Adrian Mann ities. The answers under the force upward until, weapon and verti(19,812m) cruise altitude. The term free-fall of gravity, it tipped of a stand-off opened its bomb Scheme 3 Scheme 4 development onto the target. not need runways, merely flew over a target, over and fell did Towed decoys have become fairly common that The ‘over the shoulder’ Over-the-shoulder cal take-off aircraft was similar to delivery on modern aircraft, with the first use of the V-Force. the toss method effectively a VTOL apart from the aircraft overflying before entering the target at 200ft (61m) Laydown the weapon was released loop manoeuvre. The 28 near the top of and the aircraft continued through the loop until pulling out Toss / Loft the loop at low altitude target area. to egress the Again, the bomb continued upwards before falling The last method to land on the target. was laydown, nique employed the techwith aircraft approached the WE.177 bomb. The released the weaponthe target at low level and when almost on top of the
bs 3 Gravity Bom
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New Titles
New Titles The Seaplane Years
A history of the Marine & Armament Experimental Establishment, 1920-1924 and the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, 1924-1956 Tim Mason The merits and failures of many types of water based aircraft from the US Navy’s Catalina and the Shorts Sunderland, to the Supermarine Air Yacht and Parnall Peto including coverage of the MAEE’s work in evaluating captured military seaplanes and post-war testing of, amongst others, the ill-fated Saunders-Roe Princess. ISBN: 9 781902 109138 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 297mm x 210mm Pages: 240pp Photos/Illus: 300 b&w photographs and 20 colour profiles Price: £34.95 Publication Date: June 2011
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Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov
22 12
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Nostalgia Road NE W TITLES
Citroën Cars Malcolm Bobbitt
• The post war history of one of the most innovative marques in motoring history • Exposes the story of the British-built Citroëns • Contains an evocative collection of images and publicity material • Discusses what made Citroën so daringly different 40 years of Citroën’s innovative car models between the 1930s and 1970s cover the entire range from the unconventional frontwheel drive Traction Avant, the eccentric but economic 2CV to the 1955 luxury DS which was to revolutionise car design. Introduction ISBN: 9 781908 347008 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 210mm x 148mm Pages: 64pp Photos/Illus: Over 80 b&w photographs and 20 images Price: £7.95 Publication Date: July 2011
Citroën Cars 1945-1964
car manufacturers have made such an impact on society as that that demonstrated by Citroën. Bearing the famous Double Chevron insignia Avant has been synonymous with the Marque since 1919, Citroën’s Traction in 1934. significantly influenced automobile technology when it was introduced Not only did the revolutionary design feature front-wheel drive, it incorporated all-round hydraulic braking, torsion bar suspension and chassis-less construction. for an Renowned for innovative engineering, Citroën also addressed the need inexpensive means of transportation during post-war austerity. With its unbelievable With level of frugality, their 2CV sold in huge numbers despite its fragile looks. of which minimal power derived from a two-cylinder air-cooled engine, the capacity to cope would not have been out of place on a lawn mower, the 2CV had the ability with the roughest terrain, courtesy of the most enduring suspension. the Citroën innovation really came under the spotlight in 1955 when that extraordinary DS was launched. Adventurous use of technology meant a means hydraulics assisted gear selection, steering and braking as well as providing else. of suspension that more than 50-years later is still superior to anything commercial of range wide a In addition to building cars, Citroën also made Gauloise vehicles, including the H van, which was as Gallic as baguettes and motor Britain’s to cigarettes. Less appreciated is Citroën’s significant contribution industry, when it assembled cars at Slough over a period of 40-years. EW
Malcolm Bobbitt Cockermouth, December 2008
which, for the 1954 model year, was widened to include a new version of the Familiale, in both four- and six-cylinder derivations. A Commerciale derivative was additionally re-introduced, exclusively on the four-cylinder cars, the split tailgate giving way to a top-hinged one-piece affair. The extra-length wheelbase cars found willing customers, especially as the Familiale anticipated the emergence of the modern multi-purpose vehicle. The Commerciale’s specification comprised removable rear seats and a height adjustable floor to offer business users and farmers unequalled carrying capacity, and can be claimed as being the precursor to the modern estate car.
example of the Traction Avant Two generations of Citroën are seen here, the vehicle in the background being a 1955 was introduced to huge that entered production in 1934. Near the camera is an early example of the DS, which acclaim in the autumn of 1955. Both vehicles were assembled in Britain.
Despite its utilitarian appearance, the 2CV won many friends who appreciated its economy, comfort and reliability. On the right can be seen an Ami 6, an up-market version of the Deux Chevaux that shared its sibling’s simple technology. Malcolm Bobbitt
The shape of the Traction Avant changed relatively little during production. The earliest cars were without external boot access, the drop-down cover being introduced in 1935. The styling depicted here remained until 1952, when a larger boot arrangement was devised.
Running boards never featured on the Traction Avant owing to the car’s integral construction (though kits could be obtained), as the vehicle’s low profile allowed for easy entry and exit into and out of the cabin.
In the post-war years both the Légère (light) and Normale models were powered by the tough if not slightly agricultural 1911cc engine and were noted for their keen performance. Both models (shown here is a Normale) were given a modified boot arrangement in 1952, the liftup trunk revealing the spare wheel, which had to be removed when loading bulky items.
Flaminio Bertoni’s styling of the Traction Avant stood the test of time. It looked raffish with its raked radiator, windscreen and flowing front wings, and the shape still looked modern when post-war production commenced in 1946. The low profile of the car meant that instead of climbing aboard, as was usually the case, one lowered oneself into the cabin. Compared to most other cars of the period, the Traction’s road holding was a revelation. Note the bottom-hinged boot lid; a modified top-hinged boot arrangement (whereby the spare wheel was located inside the trunk) was introduced in 1952.
Left-hand page: With its characteristic styling and corrugated body panels, the front-wheel drive H-van was a familiar sight throughout Europe. It was the choice of farmers, market traders and business users wanting a commodious vehicle. Malcolm Bobbitt
Hillman Cars Malcolm Bobbitt
• Chronicles the fortunes and misfortunes of the Rootes empire • Captures a largely forgotten episode in British motoring • Covers all post war models from the Minx, Super Minx and Husky to the Imp and Arrow series cars • Unique collection of images and publicity material From 1907 beginnings through inter-war ownership by the Rootes brothers, Hillman established itself as a manufacturer of popular, well-engineered and carefully priced family cars. Sales of the reliable 1932 Minx continued post-war and new models such as the Husky, Super Minx and Imp made their appearance. Later collaborating with Chrysler, the New Minx, Hunter and Avenger were eventually badged as Chryslers before disappearing from the motoring scene.
ISBN: 9 781908 347015 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 210mm x 148mm Pages: 64pp Photos/Illus: Over 80 b&w photographs and 20 images Price: £7.95 Publication Date: July 2011
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New Titles The Reliant Motor Co 1935-2002 Stuart Cyphus and Elvis Payne
• Detailed history of Reliant’s full range of vehicles • Incorporates 3 and 4 wheelers • Includes Regent, Regal, Bond Bug, Rogue, Kitten, Robin and Rialto From its 1935 Raleigh roots through the utility Reliant seven cwt and Greek bound TW9 vans, 1962 Reliant Royal 3/25, 1969 Bond Bug, 70s and 80s Robin and Rialto to the millennium BN-2 and eventual demise, the Reliant Motor Co has made its mark on Britain’s automotive industry with its economical and reliable vehicles. This is its story. ISBN: 9 781908 347022 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 210mm x 148mm Pages: 64pp Photos/Illus: Over 80 b&w photographs and 20 images Price: £7.95 Publication Date: July 2011
The Tonibell story Steve Tillyear
• First book on one of Britain’s iconic ice cream brands • Brand leader between 1950s and 1990s • Details of current bespoke ice cream van construction Brand leaders of their day Tonibell dominated the mobile soft ice cream industry for several decades from the early 1950s. Alongside Mister Softee and Mister Whippy, Tonibell patrolled Britain’s streets until fading away in the 1990s when other household names such as Lyons Maid were also casualties of economic reality. Details of the building of current bespoke ice cream vans bring the story of the ‘mobiling’ industry up to date. ISBN: 9 781908 347039 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 210mm x 148mm Pages: 64pp Photos/Illus: Over 80 b&w photographs and 20 images Price: £7.95 Publication Date: July 2011
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Ordnungspolizei vol 1
Second book in a successful trilogy 90 aircraft types Covers Gotha Go 145 to Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Over 1300 photographs and 200 colour profiles Developed from William Green’s seminal work and completely updated, this 2nd of 3 volumes covers over 90 aircraft types from the Gotha Go 242/Go 244 assault glider to the Junkers F.13 and G.38 interwar airliners. Significant captured and impressed aircraft include the Fokker D.XXI fighter and Ilyushin Il-2 Shturmovik Soviet close-support aircraft.
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Volume 2 William Green • • • •
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The Rise of RAF Precision Bombing March 1943 – May 1944 Sam Olsen
• Comprehensive description of all 617 Squadron missions • Covers armament, electronic devices and aircraft • Detailed account of all flying personnel, targets, awards and losses Following the famous ‘Dambuster’ raid in May 1943, 617 Squadron were involved in many of the most daring and devastating air attacks of the war; sinking the Tirpitz: demolishing U-boat pens and smashing V-weapon sites. Pioneering new methods of attack and target marking they erased forever the RAF’s reputation for inaccuracy. ISBN: 9 789185 657049 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 255mm x 195mm Pages 400 Photos/Illus: 200 photographs and 48 pages of colour profiles Price: £59.99 Publication Date: August 2011
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Design, Production and Operations Chris Meadows • The only complete technical and operational history of the Jagdtiger • Complete coverage of Jagdtiger units • Many previously unseen photographs Cumbersome but invulnerable to frontal fire, this largest and heaviest WWII tank destroyer also had the mightiest gun with the greatest calibre. So why wasn’t it successful? Why didn’t they build more of them? How did it ‘tick? These questions and many more are answered in this first release of the new Tech series. ISBN: 9 789185 657018 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 255mm x 195mm Pages 336 Photos/Illus: 300 photographs, 60 colour profiles and 12 maps Price: £49.99 Publication Date: September 2011
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Design, Production and Operations Tim Dinan • Comprehensive technical and production details • Full operational history of the units using the He 177 • Detailed technical and operational appendices • 48 colour profiles Nicknamed the ‘Flaming Coffin’ the Heinkel He 177 Greif (Griffin) was Germany’s only purpose-built heavy long-range bomber that made it into series production. Dinan tells the story of the design, development, production and operational use of one of WWII’s most advanced yet mysterious aircraft. ISBN: 9 789185 657971 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 255mm x 195mm Pages 336 Photos/Illus: 200 photographs and 48 colour profiles Price: £49.99 Publication Date: November 2011
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A Civilian Affair
International Air Power Review V12
Mechanical Horses
Pilot’s Notes Fairey Firefly
Carlisle’s Crane Makers: The Cowans Sheldon Story 36
Fire Bombers
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Ford Motor Cars 1945 - 1964
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Chris Goss
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Wrecks and Relics
Wrecks and Relics
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Ken Ellis
Ken Ellis
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The indispensible guide to Britain’s aviation heritage, limited stock available.
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216mm x 152mm 300 pages, hardback photographic sections
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Includes a history of every aircraft built.
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Clean Sweep
Tony Spooner DSO, DFC
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History of East Ridings airfields in WWI.
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96 pages, paperback 268mm x 198mm 150 colour photographs and 4 x four-view drawings
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9 780954 560508
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Highly detailed colour artwork and captions of over 850 Luftwaffe unit badges.
112 pages, softcover 268mm x 198mm Over 850 colour artworks and 150 b+w photographs
9 780955 426810
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Propliners of the World Part 1
A story of escape and evasion behind enemy lines.
Gerry Manning
240 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm b&w photograph section
112 pages, softcover 268mm x 198mm Over 175 colour and b&w photographs
Water Bombers, Cargo and South American Operations
Gerry Manning
9 780955 426858
Publication date September 2011
Propliners of the World Part 2
Water Bombers, Cargo and South American Operations
Gerry Manning
9 780907 579489
9 780955 426841
Publication date September 2011
Propliners of the World Part 1
Dakota DC-3, Float Planes and Pleasure Flights
The Long Drag
Duncan Curtis
A short history of British target towing.
Includes full list of USAF aircraft based at Manston.
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192 pages, hardback 290mm x 210mm b&w and colour photographs throughout plus 16 page colour section
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Rise and Defend
The USAF at Manston 1950-1958
Denys Teare
Dakota DC-3, Float Planes and Pleasure Flights
Publication date July 2011
Propliners of the World Part 2
Barry and Ann Money
Volume 1: The 4th, 20th and 55th Fighter Groups. 160 pages, paperback 290mm x 210mm Over 500 colour profiles 9 780954 560515
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Flights into the Night
Don Evans
Story of a World War II RAF Wellington Pilot L Anthony Leicester
9 780954 560546
9 780954 560553
John A Kington and Franz Selinger
Faith, Hope and Charity
Faith, Hope and Malta GC
The Defence of Malta Kenneth Poolman The three Gloster Gladiators based on Malta, fighting alone in a desperate bid to save the island. 160 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm 8 page b&w photo section
Tony Spooner
9 780907 579632
Personal stories from those who were there. 208 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm 8 page b&w photograph section 9 780907 579588
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The sacrifice of HMS Jervis Bay Gerald L Duskin and Ralph Segman
Keeping Watch Pip Beck
A WWII RAF Bomber Command R/T operator who talked down the crews on their return from operations, met them off duty and so often within days, mourned their loss.
Mosquito Pathfinder
Sky Tiger
Navigating 90 WWII operations
Norman Franks
Albert and Ian Smith
The biography of South Africa’s most famous Spitfire pilot.
9 780907 579281
192 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm b&w photograph section 9 780907 579380
Pioneering the OBOE target marking system.
9 780907 579786
The story of Sailor Malan
216 pages, paperback 268mm x 198mm 12 page b&w photograph section
240 pages, paperback 268mm x 198mm Estimated 240 pages 8 page b&w photograph section
Publication date July 2011
Ground and Air Heroes of the George Cross Island
Lancaster Target
9 780907 579625
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192 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm 8 page b&w photograph section
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256 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm b&w photograph section
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The story of an RAF Lancaster bomber pilot in World War II and his crew’s fight to survive a full tour of operations in the night skies of wartime Europe.
256 pages, hardback 290mm x 210mm b&w and colour photographs throughout
The inside story of life in Bomber Command, including the Dambuster raid which he himself led.
In 1940 the crew sacrificed themselves to secure the safe passage of the ships in their charge. 240 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm 8 pages b&w photographs
Jack Currie
Luftwaffe meteorlogical reconnaissance units and operations 1938-1945.
Wing Commander Guy Gibson
A crew severely tested by inexperience and unreliable aircraft. 248 pages, paperback 198mm x 128mm 8 page b&w photograph section
Enemy Coast Ahead
9 780907 579533
Gerry Manning
The Warlords
Eagles War
9 780907 579830
Publication date July 2011
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Mosquito Victory Jack Currie DFC
The sequel to Lancaster Target graphically and humorously describes life as a WWII RAF bomber pilot on ‘rest’. 176 pages, ‘B’ format paperback b&w photograph section 9 780907 579335
Night Flyer
The success story of RAF 100 Group Mosquitoes Lewis Brandon DSO, DFC & Bar The story one of the most successful night fighter teams of WWII. 208 pages, ‘B’ format paperback 8 page b&w photograph section
Nine Lives
Chinese Aircraft
Alan C Deere
China’s Aviation Industry since 1951
New Zealand’s Battle of Britain Ace.
Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov
288 pages, ‘B’ format paperback 8 page b&w photograph section
312 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 650 photographs (colour & b&w) Over 110 colour profiles & 100 drawings
9 780907 579823
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9 780907 579779
No Moon Tonight Don Charlwood
A tour of operations as a Bomber Command navigator. 224 pages, ‘B’ format paperback 8 page b&w photograph section 9 780907 579977
Air Vice-Marshal Donald Bennett CB, CBE, DSO One of the most outstanding figures of WWII and the creator and leader of the legendary Pathfinder Force of 8 Group. 272 pages, ‘B’ format paperback 8 page b&w photograph section 9 780907 579571
Rear Gunner Pathfinders Ron Smith
A Lancaster ‘Tail-end Charlie’. 160 pages, ‘B’ format paperback b&w photograph section 9 780907 579274
The convoy that saved Malta Peter C Smith
Uncommon Valour
Warburton’s War
A comprehensive account of Bomber Command’s part in the Second World War.
Tony Spooner
A.G. Goulding DFM
192 pages, ‘B’ format paperback b&w photograph section 9 780859 790956
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Wings Aflame
The thrilling story of the top scoring Allied fighter pilot of the 2nd World War.
The acclaimed biography of Victor Beamish, the legendary Irish RCAF aerobatic ace and RAF station commander during the Battle of Britain.
Air Vice-Marshal Johnnie Johnson
320 pages, ‘B’ format paperback 16 page b&w photograph section 9 780907 579878
Doug Stokes
224 pages, ‘B’ format paperback 8 page b&w photograph section 9 780907 579724
240 pages, hardback 300mm x 213 mm Over 450 b&w photographs & 100 colour illustrations 9 781902 109107
Geoffrey J. Thomas & Barry Ketley
192 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm 200 b&w photographs & 16 page colour section 9 781902 109336
Luftwaffe Colours
Luftwaffe Eagle
Walter Schuck
Michael Ullmann
A unique picture of life in the Luftwaffe during the times of the Third Reich.
Aircraft camouflage and markings of the Luftwaffe. 360 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 300 b&w photographs & colour aircraft profiles
From the Me109 to the Me262
224 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 174 b&w photographs, drawings and maps 5 colour aircraft profiles 9 781902 109060
9 780907 579434
9 781902 109077
Wings Over Georgia
Mission 376
Platypus Papers
Follows the battle over the Reich on 28 May1944 and the first combat use of remotely controlled glide bombs.
256 pages, hardback 210mm x 297mm 250 b&w photographs & 16 page colour section
160 pages hardback 297mm x 210mm Illustrated throughout
9 781902 109039
Wing Leader
Often derided, the Italian Airforce were no less skilled than their opponents. 320 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 240 b&w & colour photographs Over 100 colour aircraft profiles & 17 colour maps
The Luftwaffe’s Most Secret Unit delivering spies and flying captured Allied aircraft.
Chris Dunning
The story of the men, machines and units which formed the Legion Condor.
Allied Aerial Photo-Reconnaissance Operations in South-East Asia 1942-1945.
9 7809519 89944
9 780907 579199
Patrick Laureau
KG 200
272 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm 200 b&w photographs & 16 page colour section
224 pages, ‘B’ format paperback 24 page b&w photograph section
Courage Alone
The Luftwaffe in Spain 1936-1939
Eyes for the Phoenix Geoffrey J Thomas
In 1942 Operation Pedestal was launched as a last attempt to try to relieve the siege of Malta.
Ivo de Jong
Jack Currie
The story of Currie’s entry into the RAF, his early UK training and his initial training with the US Army Air Corps. 178mm x 111mm 156 pages b&w photograph section
9 780907 579113
Fifty Years of Powerless Pilotage The very best anecdotes from Sailplane & Gliding magazine’s star writer.
0 953817709
The Italian Airforce 1940-1943
9 781902 109091
Latin American Air Wars & Aircraft Dan Hagedorn
Aircraft in the skies of Central and South America from 1912 to 1969. 192 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 400 b&w & colour photographs 9 781902 109442
MiGs over North Vietnam The Vietnamese People’s Air Force in Combat 1965-1975 Roger Boniface A new insight into the aerial war from the Vietnamese side. 176 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 150 b&w & colour photographs 9 781902 109053
Russian Strategic Aviation Today Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov
A unique and comprehensive description of Russian strategic aircraft since 1991. 272 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 500 colour photographs & profiles 9 781902 109121
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
The Seaplane Years
A history of the Marine & Armament Experimental Establishment, 1920-1924 and the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, 1924-1956 Tim Mason 240 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm 300 b&w photographs and 20 colour profiles
9 781902 109138
The Secret Years
Tim Mason
The massive airlift of food and arms in Biafra and Nigeria 1967-1970.
Flight Testing at Boscombe Down 1939-1945 Over 1,500 British, American and German aircraft were tested here. 320 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 500 colour photographs & 90 colour profiles 9 781902 109145
Soviet Strategic Aviation in the Cold War
Soviet Tactical Aviation
272 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 500 b&w & colour photographs & over 60 colour profiles 9 781902 109084
Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov Post-war Soviet tactical aviation - aircraft, regiments and overseas combat. 356 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm 600 b&w photographs and 50 colour profiles
Publication date May 2011
Vulcan’s Hammer
V-Force Projects and Weapons since 1945 Chris Gibson
176 pages, hardback Over 300 b&w photographs & colour artwork section
Cold War weapons and V-bombers including ‘might-have-been’ projects. 176 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 80 b&w/colour photos and 140 b&w line drawings
9 781902 109435
9 781902 109176
Wings of the Weird & Wonderful Eric Brown
Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown reveals some of the more unusual types in his unique experience. Estimated 208 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 120 b&w photographs & 20 colour drawings 9 781902 109169
Soviet and Russian military aircraft, helicopter and civil airliner testbeds since the 1930s. 416 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm 700 b&w and colour photographs and over 100 colour profiles
Publication date October 2011
Spitfires and Yellow Tail Mustangs
Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov
9 781902 109183
A history of the USAAF 52nd Fighter Group in World War II.
Soviet and Russian Testbed Aircraft
9 781902 109237
Tom Ivie and Paul Ludwig
288 pages, hardback 300mm x 213mm b&w photographs throughout & 32 colour pages
Publication date June 2011
A comprehensive description of Soviet strategic aircraft.
Pilot’s Notes Facsimile reproductions of the original RAF publication, the Pilots Notes form a unique record of some of the world’s most famous military aircraft. Each approximately 60 pages, paper cover, with header card featuring euro hook cutout for display.
9 781902 109633
Yefim Gordon
Michael I Draper
Publication date May 2011
190mm x 123mm, illustrated
9780859790048 A/W Albermarle 9780859790055 Avro Anson I 9780859790000 Auster Mk 6,T7 and T10 9780859790864 Auster AOP 9 9780859790994 Grumman Avenger 9780859790154 Bristol Beaufighter II 9780859790734 Bristol Beaufighter TFX 9780859790130 Bristol Blenheim V 9780859791298 Bristol Blenheim IV 9780859790895 Dougalas Boston 4 9780859790949 English Electric Canberra 9780859790604 Consolidated Catalina 9780859790239 de Havilland Chipmunk 9780859790710 Chance Vought Corsair 9780859790642 Douglas Dakota IV 9780859790727 Blackburn Firebrand TFV 9780859790277 Fairey Firefly 9780859790598 Boeing Flying Fortress 9780859791243 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 9780859790314 Handley Page Halifax 9780859790697 North American Harvard 9780859790222 de Havilland Hornet FIII 9780859790024 Airspeed Horsa 9780859791045 Lockheed Hudson VI 9780859790321 Hawker Hurricane II 9780859790062 Avro Lancaster I, III & X 9780859790079 Avro Lancaster II 9780859790086 Avro Lincoln I & II 9780859790611 Consolidated Liberator 9780859790550 Westland Lysander III 9780859791199 Messerschmitt Me 109
Wings of the Luftwaffe Eric Brown
A first hand account of flying German aircraft of World War II. Estimated 288 pages, hardback 297mm x 210mm Over 200 b&w photographs, 15 sectional drawings & 20 colour drawings 9 781902 109152
X Planes of Europe
Secret Research Aircraft from the Golden Age 1947 – 1974 Tony Buttler with Jean-Louis Delezenne The first book about these rare and exotic European research aircraft with many previously unpublished photographs. 240 pages hardback 297mm x 210mm Illustrated throughout 9 781902 109213
Pilot’s Notes
9780859790291 Gloster Meteor III 9780859790741 North American Mitchell 9780859790208 de Hav. Mosquito FB6 9780859790871 de Hav. Mosquito PR34 9780859790758 de Havilland Mosquito 38 9780859790680 North American Mustang 9780859790017 Airspeed Oxford I & II 9780859790505 Seafire 17 9780859790772 Seafire 45 & 46 9780859790352 Hawker Sea Fury Mk X 9780859790437 Spitfire II 9780859790444 Spitfire V 9780859790451 Spitfire VI 9780859790802 Spitfire F7, F8 & PRX 9780859790468 Spitfire IX, XI & XVI 9780859790826 Spitfire XII 9780859790475 Spitfire 14 & 19 9780859790482 Spitfire 18 9780859790819 Spitfire 21 9780859790499 Spitfire 22 & 24 9780859790413 Shorts Sunderland III 9780859790833 Shorts Sunderland V 9780859790420 Shorts Stirling I,III & IV 9780859790178 Bristol Sycamore 9780859790345 Hawker Tempest II 9780859790840 Hawker Tempest V 9780859790888 de Hav.Tiger Moth 9780859790338 Hawker Typhoon IA & IB 9780859790215 de Havilland Vampire F1 9780859790857 de Havilland Vampire T2 9780859790543 Warwick II & V 9780859790536 Wellington 9780859790567 Westland Whirlwind I
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Pilot’s Notes
Pilot’s Notes packages
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
Battle of Britain
all £12.95
Spitfire II, Hurricane, Lancaster I
9 780859 791328
Spitfire II, Hurricane, Me109
Light Bombers
Spitfire MkII, Spitfire Mk V, Seafire 45
Tiger Moth, Oxford, Chipmunk
Wellington, Blenheim, Boston
9 780859 791335
9 780859 791373
Heavy Bombers
Early Jets
Halifax, Lancaster I, Stirling
Seafire, Seafury, Firefly
Meteor, Vampire, Canberra
9 780859 791380
9 780859 791465
9 780859 791427
9 780859 791250
Nostalgia Road
9 780859 791410
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
Carlisle’s Crane Makers:The Cowans Sheldon Story Alan Earnshaw
This company became the world’s foremost manufacturer of railway and dock cranes, traversers and coal hoists. 52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 4 colour & 120 b&w photographs
Celebrating Rail – The Story of Railfest Bob Gwynne
Celebrating 200 years of steam railway, Railfest 2004 was the most prestigious event yet to be hosted by the National Railway Museum since its inception in 1975. 60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 115 colour photographs
The Class 40’s
The Deltics
The full story of the EE Type 4 DieselElectric from their service lives to their final withdrawal.
Used mainly on the East Coast Line, English Electric introduced its stunning 3,300 bhp prototype Deltic in 1955.
60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 73 colour photographs
60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 78 colour photographs
9 781903 016435
9 781903 016428
Kevin Derrick
From Steam To The Scrapyard
Kevin Derrick
Alan Earnshaw
Features every single member of a class built by the English Electric Company along with livery variation over the years.
Complementing Steam for Sale, many favourite locomotive types are seen here in a dismembered state.
60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 79 colour photographs
60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 78 colour photographs
9 781903 016404
9 781903 016497
9 781903 016565
9 781903 016046
The Class 50’s
Kevin Derrick
The Eastern Region
Alan Earnshaw & Kevin Derrick The racehorses of the East Coast Main Line were the epitome of British steam. 60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 71 colour photographs
The Holmfirth (Summerwine) Branch Line
The Isle of Wight Railway
The London Midland Region
Alan Earnshaw
Dave Walker & Terry Hastings
Once the mills had closed the small branch line went with them that is until the first Last of the Summer Wine programme.
A microcosm of the way railways had once looked in the Victorian and Edwardian eras.
Spans the length and breadth of the largest of the BR regions.
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 3 colour & 101 b&w photographs
9 781903 016329
40 Years of Preservation
72 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 135 colour & 23 b&w photographs
The North-Eastern Region
The Peaks
Alan Earnshaw & Kevin Derrick One of the most fascinating parts of the network with industrialised areas and rural branch lines. 60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 81 colour photographs 9 781903 016343
Steam For Sale Alan Earnshaw
How British rail disposed of their fleet of 20,000 steam locomotives. 60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 73 colour photographs 9 781903 016480
Kevin Derrick
Named after famous mountains, the Type 4 Diesel-Electric Locomotives were a revolution in motive power. 60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 77 colour photographs 9 781903 016411
9 781903 016299
The Scottish Region
Alan Earnshaw & Kevin Derrick The Scottish Region was a fusion of main line, suburban and rural branches. 60 page, paperback 210mm x 202mm 81 colour photographs
9 781903 016336
Two Centuries of Railways
The Western Region
For anyone wanting to understand the progressive changes of railway operations.
With its heritage of independence and superiority here everything was ship shape.
72 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 3 colour & 116 b&w photographs
60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 75 colour photographs
9 781903 016640
Alan Earnshaw
60 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 70 colour photographs
9 781903 016701
9 781903 016633
Alan Earnshaw & Kevin Derrick
Alan Earnshaw & Kevin Derrick
9 781903 016305
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
After The War Was Over - The Pearsons of Liverpool Story Alan Earnshaw & David Hayward
How a vast fleet of military vehicles were built in secret in Wavertree and Edge Hill. 148 pages, hardback A4 landscape 214 b&w photographs
Airport Crash Tenders
The Auxiliary Fire Service
In and Around Huddersfield
Looking at the use of the vehicles operating solely within the confines of airports.
One of the most famous ever established and a necessity during WWII.
History of buses in Huddersfield.
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 11 colour & 92 b&w photographs
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 11 colour & 90 b&w photographs
9 781903 016183
9 781903 016176
Ron Henderson
Ron Henderson
Robert Berry
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 79 colour photographs 9 781903 016626
Chevrolet & British Built Chevrolet Buses
Citroën Cars
How the Chevrolet brand developed in Britain.
64 pages paperback 210mm x 148mm Over 80 b&w photographs
David Hayward 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 3 colour and 116 b&w photographs 9 781903 016657
Malcolm Bobbitt
The post war history of one of the most innovative marques in motoring history including the story of the British-built Citroëns.
9 781908 347008
Publication date July 2011
9 781903 016282
Bedford Buses of the 1930s & 40s
Bedford Buses of the 1970s & 80s
By the end of the 1940’s Bedford coaches were the predominant PSVs in Britain.
Concludes the firm’s history from 1970 to its demise in 1986.
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 9 colour & 96 b&w photographs
52 pages 210 x 202mm 11 colour & 96 b&w photographs
9 781903 016220
9 781903 016237
Alan Earnshaw
Alan Earnshaw & Mike Berry
Bedford Commercial Vehicles of the 1930s
David Brown Tractors 1936 – 1964 Alan Earnshaw
The story of the David Brown company.
Robert Berry
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 9 colour and 95 b&w photographs
A faithful reproduction of an intended publication by the company in 1939.
9 781903 016022
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 3 colour & 116 b&w photographs
Alan Earnshaw & Robert Berry Officially endorsed this covers models like the CA and HA vans and the J-type truck. 52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 11 colour & 114 b&w photographs
The Bedford VAL Robert Berry
One of the most iconic British motor coach chassis of all time. 52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 11 colour & 85 b&w photographs 9 781903 016732
Bentley Motors 1945-1964
Ford Cars 1945-64
Malcolm Bobbitt
Covers models from 1945 to 1964.
Recalls Bentley development, which led to the introduction of the Mark VI in 1946.
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 106 b&w photographs
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 11 colour & 93 b&w photographs
British Fire Engines of the 1950s & 60s
British Police Cars of the 50s & 60s Alan D Johnson & Robert W Berry
The transition from train usage to motorised transport in the 60’s.
A superb overview starting with nationalisation in 1948.
The ways in which various forces took to motorised transport.
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 88 colour photographs
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 10 colour & 102 b&w photographs
52 pages, paperback 210 x 202mm 11 colour & 91 b&w photographs
9 780952 107071
9 781903 016145
9 781903 016695
Explores fire engines and appliances of the last 50 years.
Looks at the counties where development of the fire engine led the world.
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 98 b&w photographs
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 101 b&w photographs
9 781903 016671
9 781903 016381
Forty Years of the Ford Transit
Great Western Railway Road Vehicles
Rob Henderson
Robert Berry
The story of this most illustrious of light commercial vehicles. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 93 b&w photographs 9 781903 016619
Simon Rowley
Robert Berry
9 781903 016602
9 781903 016015
Fire Engines of North West England
9 781903 016367
Bedford Light Commercials of the 1950s and 60s
Fire Engines of North East England
Eastern Counties Malcolm Gee
9 781903 016510
Bill Aldridge and Alan Earnshaw
Complete history of the GWR road vehicles. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 2 colour and 87 b&w photographs
Hillman Cars
A more in-depth look at the GWR road fleet. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 90 b&w
64 pages paperback 210mm x 148mm Over 80 b&w photographs
9 781903 16664
9 781908 347015
9 780952 107057
Great Western Railway Road Vehicles Part II Alan Earnshaw
Robert Bonner
Malcolm Bobbitt
Covers all post war models from the Minx, Super Minx and Husky to the Imp and Arrow series cars.
The Leyland National Paul Chancellor
History of the iconic marquee. 60 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 168 colour photographs 9 781903 016725
Publication date July 2011
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing LMS Railway Road Vehicles Alan Earnshaw and Bill Aldridge
The story of the LMS road vehicle fleet. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 2 colour and 112 b&w photographs 9 781903 016114
The London Brick Company
Mechanical Horses
Covers the fleet, brick making and beyond.
The story of Britain’s the first articulated lorry.
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 87 b&w photographs
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 88 b&w photographs
9 781903 016374
9 781903 016053
The Mister Softee Story
Mobile Libraries
Bill Aldridge
Bill Alridge
Midland Red Les Simpson
The transitional years.
Steve Tillyer
52 pages, paperback 83 colour photographs
Charts the history Mister Softee brand and it’s vehicles.
9 781903 016749
52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 103 b&w photographs
Ian Stringer
A lively and amusing account of the mobile library. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 115 b&w photographs 9 781903 016152
9 781903 016138
Municipal Refuse Collection Vehicles
Barrie C Woods
The history of these tough vehicles.
Their often derided cars left their mark on Britain’s automotive history.
48 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 3 colour and 92 b&w photographs 9 780952 107040
Volkswagen Cars 1948-68 Richard Copping
The story of the Beetle along with the other air cooled variants. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 79 b&w photographs 9 781903 016503
64 pages, paperback 210mm x 148mm illustrated throughout
The first book on the iconic ice cream brand of the 1950s and 60s. 64 pages, paperback 210mm x 148mm illustrated throughout 9 781908 347039
9 781908 347022
The Volkswagen Transporter 19571990 Richard Copping
The history of Volkswagen’s ubiquitous commercial vehicle. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 79 b&w photographs 9 781903 016596
NEW Wall’s Ice Cream
Alan Earnshaw, David Hayward and Chris Stevens The story of the leading ice cream manufacturer. 52 pages, paperback 210mm x 202mm 11 colour and 106 b&w photographs 9 781903 016213
Distributed Titles
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing Aircraft of the Third Reich is, by far, the largest reference work ever created on the entire range of aircraft flown by Hitler’s Third Reich from 1933 to the end of World War II. Over 400 different types are covered in unprecedented detail, from Dornier J flying-boats and Zeppelins of Lufthansa’s early days, to Condor Legion Bf 109 fighters and He 111 bombers of the Spanish Civil War. There are exhaustive sections on Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers and Do 17 bombers of the European Blitzkrieg through to the advanced Messerschmitt and Arado jet and rocket warplanes that fought to the death at Germany’s defeat. This incredible 3-volume series builds on the definitive works of the late William Green, especially Warplanes of the Third Reich, and his writings in Air International and Air Enthusiast magazines. The massively enlarged and revised work contains many additional new aircraft – especially foreign, impressed and captured aircraft such as the Czech Avia B.534 fighter and the American B-17 and B-24 heavy bombers operated by KG 200. Published in three alphabetical volumes, each more than 500 pages, the entire work contains more than half a million words and is spectacularly illustrated with 3,000 contemporary photographs, and 1,000 colour drawings and technical illustrations depicting colour schemes, cutaways, cockpit layouts and variant-by-variant details.
Aircraft of the Third Reich Volume 1 – Arado to Focke-Wulf William Green 512 pages, hardback 287mm x 220mm 1,100 b&w and colour photographs 200 colour profiles and 24 3-view and 3/4-view drawings 9 781900 732062
Aircraft of the Third Reich Volume 2 - Gotha to Junkers William Green Covers 90 aircraft types from the Gotha Go 145 to the Junkers Ju 87 Stuka. 512 pages, hardback 287mm x 220mm Over 1300 photographs and 200 colour profiles 9 781900 732079
Publication date September 2011
Aircraft of the Third Reich Volume 3
William Green 512 pages, hardback 287mm x 220mm 1,100 b&w and colour photographs 200 colour profiles and 24 3-view and 3/4-view drawings 9 781900 732086
Publication date to be announced
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
Air Law for Microlight Pilots
Beyond the PPL
Geoff Weighell
Putting the fun and skill into flying.
110 pages, paperback 210mm x 148mm Illustrated throughout
176 pages, paperback 234mm x 156mm Illustrated throughout
9 781874 783794
9 781874 783299
Nigel Everett
Cessna 150 Pilot’s Guide
PA-38 Tomahawk Jeremy M Pratt
Jeremy M Pratt
The standard reference for the Pa-38 Tomahawk.
The standard reference for the Cessna 150.
Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout
Approx 100 pages, paperback 245mm x 170mm Illustrated throughout
9 781874 783633
9 781874 783381
Cessna 152 Pilot’s Guide
Cessna 172 Pilot’s Guide
The standard reference for the Cessna 152.
The standard reference for the Cessna 172.
Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout
Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout
Jeremy M Pratt
9 781874 783435
Jeremy M Pratt
9 781874 783480
Private Pilot’s Licence Course Volume 1
Private Pilot’s Licence Course Volume 2
Flying Training.
Air Law, Operational Procedures and Communications.
Jeremy M Pratt
Over 300 pages, paperback, 246mm x 189mm Illustrated throughout 9 781874 783084
Clearer Horizons James Allan
How pilots can enjoy flying and gain confidence in developing new skills.
9 781874 783138
Private Pilot’s Licence Course Volume 3
Private Pilot’s Licence Course Volume 4
Private Pilot’s Licence Course Volume 5
Navigation and Meteorology.
Principles of Flight Aircraft General Knowledge Flight Performance and Planning.
Human Factors and Flight Safety.
Over 300 pages, paperback, 246mm x 189mm Illustrated throughout
9 781906 559083
Over 300 pages, paperback, 246mm x 189mm Illustrated throughout
Jeremy M Pratt
192 pages, paperback 170mm x 245mm
Jeremy M Pratt
9 781874 783183
Jeremy M Pratt
Over 300 pages, paperback, 246mm x 189mm Illustrated throughout 9 781874 783237
Jeremy M Pratt
Over 300 pages, paperback, 246mm x 189mm Illustrated throughout 9 781874 783282
Diamond Katana Ed Helmick
The standard reference for any pilot. Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout 9 781874 783213
The Introductory Flying Lesson
The Introductory Helicopter
PPL Question and Answer Simplifier
Robinson R22
Robinson R44
Jeremy M Pratt
The standard reference for the R22 helicopter.
The standard reference for the R44 helicopter.
An explanation of what to expect from a first flying lesson.
Jeremy M Pratt
Practice questions for the PPL course exams.
A description of what is involved in a first helicopter flying lesson.
304 pages, paperback 246mm x 189mm Illustrated throughout
Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout
Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout
9 781874 783312
Jeremy M Pratt
64 pages, paperback 210mm x 148mm b&w photographs throughout 9 78190655 9120
Flying Lesson
64 pages, paperback 210mm x 148mm b&w photographs throughout
9 781906 559168
9 78190655 9175
Microlight Flyers Handbook Guy Gratton
Basic technical details of 80 different microlights including the core information required for flight. 176 pages, spiral bound 225mm x 148mm
PA-28 Warrior
The standard reference for the PA-28 Cherokee.
The standard reference for the PA-28 Warrior.
Over 500 airfields including email addresses and websites.
Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout
Available in 3 different formats, 225mm x 152mm
9 781874 783534
9 781906 559199 Perfect Bound
Approx 100 pages, paperback Illustrated throughout 9 781874 783589
9 781874 783879
VFR Flight Guide 2011
Jeremy M Pratt
9 781906 559182 Spiral
9 781906 559014
9 781906 559205 Loose Leaf
John Swan
PA-28 Cherokee Jeremy M Pratt
John Swan
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
The whole world of military aviation in one magnificent quarterly journal!
International Air Power Review V19
International Air Power Review V18
International Air Power Review V17
Focus Aircraft: Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey Warplane Classic: Junkers Ju 88
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305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588895 Hardback
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Warplane Classic: Fairey Swordfish
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305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588864 Hardback
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305mm x 228mm
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305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588642 Hardback
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305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588758 Hardback
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International Air Power Review V25
International Air Power Review V24
International Air Power Review V23
International Air Power Review V13
International Air Power Review V12
International Air Power Review V11
Focus Aircraft: Xian JH-7 ‘Flounder’ Warbird Classic: Handley Page Victor
Focus Aircraft: JAS 39 Gripen Warplane Classic: Republic F-84 Thunderjet
Focus Aircraft: Boeing C-17A Globemaster II Warplane Classic: Messerschmitt Me 262
Focus Aircraft: Panavia Tornado Warplane Classic: Convair B-36 Peacemaker
Focus Aircraft: Bell AH-1 Cobra Warplane Classic: Avro Lancaster
Focus Aircraft: Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Warplane Classic: N.A. F-100 Super Sabre
305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588116 Hardback
305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588277 Hardback
9 7818805 88178 Paperback
305mm x 228mm
International Air Power Review V22
International Air Power Review V21
International Air Power Review V20
Focus Aircraft: Chengdu J-10 Warplane Classic: Boeing B-29 and B-50 Superfortress
Focus Aircraft: Mil Mi-8/17 Warplane Classic: Junkers Ju 87 Stuka
305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
9 7818805 88932 Hardback
9 781880 588062 Paperback
9 781880 588918 Hardback
Out of print
9 781880 588932 Paperback
9 781880 588802 Hardback
9 781880 588413 Hardback 9 781880 588994 Paperback
9 781880 588093 Paperback
305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588840 Paperback
305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588789 Hardback
9 781880 588772 Paperback
305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588611 Hardback
9 781880 588604 Paperback
International Air Power Review V10
International Air Power Review V9
International Air Power Review V8
Focus Aircraft: Boeing C-135 family Warplane Classic: Vought A-7 Corsair II (Navy)
Focus Aircraft: Dassault Mirage 2000 Warplane Classic:Tupolev Tu-16 ‘Badger’
305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588598 Hardback
Out of print
9 781880 588574 Hardback
Focus Aircraft: Sukhoi Su-27/30 family Warplane Classic: de Havilland Mosquito night fighters and fighter-bombers
9 781880 588550 Hbk
9 781880 588925 Paperback
9 781880 588581 Paperback
9 781880 588567 Paperback
9 781880 588543 Pbk
Focus Aircraft: Eurofighter Typhoon Warplane Classic: Boeing C/KC97 Stratofreighter 305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
£18.95 £14.95
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
International Air Power Review V7
International Air Power Review V6
International Air Power Review V5
Focus Aircraft: Boeing F-15 Eagle Warplane Classic: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Pt. 2
Focus Aircraft:Tupolev Tu-95/142 ‘Bear’ Warplane Classic: Republic F-105 Thunderchief
Focus Aircraft: Lockheed Martin F/A-22 Raptor Warplane Classic: Saab 35 Draken
305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588475 Hardback
9 781880 588451 Hardback
9 781880 588468 Paperback
9 781880 588444 Paperback
305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588499 Hardback
9 781880 588482 Paperback
£18.95 £14.95
£18.95 £14.95
International Air Power Review V4
International Air Power Review V3
International Air Power Review V2
Focus Aircraft: Dassault Rafale Warplane Classic: Consolidated B-24 Liberator Pt.1
Focus Aircraft: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Warplane Classic: Focke Wulf Fw 190
Focus Aircraft:Tupolev Tu-160 ‘Blackjack’ Warplane Classic: Convair B-58 Hustler
305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588376 Hardback
9 781880 588352 Hardback
9 781880 588369 Paperback
9 781880 588345 Paperback
Covers world carrier aviation since the 1950s, includes details of each aircraft carrier.
Covers world carrier aviation since the 1950s, includes details of each aircraft carrier.
200 pages, softcover 305mm x 228mm
200 pages, hardcover 305mm x 228mm
305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588390 Hardback
9 781880 588383 Paperback
International Air Power Review V1 Focus Aircraft: Boeing and Lockheed Martin JSF contenders Warplane Classic: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt 305mm x 228mm 9 781880 588338 Hbk
£18.95 £14.95
9 781880 588420
The International Air Power Review compendiums are bindups of the contents of four issues of IAPR. Each compendium has a hardcover binding and features a ribbon marker and speciality designed gloss dust jacket. Each over 700 pages cased £49.95
Complete directory of all the world’s air arms.
The organisation and assets of the US air arms.
320 pages, hardcover 305mm x 228mm
256 pages, hardcover 305mm x 228mm
9 781880 588307
9 781880588291
International Air Power Review
Compendium 1
Compendium 2
Compendium 3
Includes vols 1 thru 4.
Includes vols 5 thru 8.
Includes vols 9 thru 12.
Technical Briefing: Mirage F1 - Armee de l’Air Eurofighter EF2000 round-up
Technical Briefing: F-111 in RAAF service Su-25 ‘Frogfoot’ modernisation
Technical Briefing: Upgrading Greece’s fighter force Erieye: Sweden’s eyes on the world
Photo Features: Turkish Training, Argentina’s Fighter School Croatian Air Force Academy
Photo Featrues: Republic of Singapore Air Force Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya
Photo Featrues: Austria’s Drakens: Last of the dragons Swiss Air Force
9 781880 588505
9 781880 588697
9 781880 588888
International Air Power Review
International Air Power Review
Compendium 4
Compendium 5
Includes vols 13 thru 16.
Includes vols 17 thru 20.
Technical Briefing: Upgrading the Mi-24/35 ‘Hind’ Sikorsky HH/MH/SH-60 Seahawk
Technical Briefing: Boeing 737 AEW&C wedgtail
£18.95 £14.95
9 781880 588437
US Military Aviation Directory
International Air Power Review
9 781880 588529 Pbk
Encyclopaedia of World Air Forces
International Air Power Review
Photo Featrues: AMI Training Cruzex 2004 9 781880 588086
Photo Featrues: Garibaldi at sea Nevada air power 9 781880 588055
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Air Research
Complete Listing 1941 The Turning Point Part 1
1941 The Turning Point Part 2
Battle of Britain
John Foreman
John Foreman
The Battle of Britain to the Blitz.
The Blitz to the Non-Stop Offensive.
358 pages, paperback 234mm x 156mm
360 pages, paperback 234mm x 156mm
November and December, 1940.
9 78187 187229
9 78187 187250
John Foreman
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Air Research
Complete Listing
The Forgotten Months
Intruders over Britain
Knights of the Skies
Low Level from Swanton
Simon W Parry
The development of armour for British fighting aircraft.
The story of Swanton Morley during its 55 years as a RAF station.
The Luftwaffe’s Night Fighter Offensive
221 pages, hardback 228mm x 154mm
First-hand accounts from those who flew with the Allies and the Luftwaffe.
9 781871 187021
208 pages, paperback 232mm x 150mm Illustrated throughout
Michael C Fox
304 pages, paperback 234mm x 156mm 9 781871 187502
Martin Bowman
260 pages, paperback 210mm x 140mm
9 781871 187182
The Messerschmitt Combat Diary Me 262
Palace at War
9 781871 187168
Blenheim Strike Theo Boiten
Blenheim Operations Over Holland in World War II. 400 pages, hardback 216mm x 142mm 9 781871 187311
The Charterhall Story
Jack Thompson
Paul McCue
The history of a small Borders airfield from 1942 including lists of aircraft and accidents.
Told through declassified records and through the eyes of many who worked on the airfield.
208 pages, paperback 210mm x 140mm 9 781871 187281
Making for Sweden Part 2
Surrey’s Most Secret Airfield
The United States Army Air 2 Force Wegman and Widfelt A record of airmen seeking shelter in Sweden.
296 pages, paperback, 210mm x 140mm
350 pages, hardback 210mm x 140mm
9 781871 187120
John Foreman and Sid Harvey The only jet fighter to be operational in WW2. 406 pages, paperback 225mm x 134mm 190 Black & White illustrations
The Fighter Command War Diaries Volume 1
The Fighter Command War Diaries Volume 2
The Fighter Command War Diaries Volume 3
Raiders Overhead
Rolling Thunder
John Foreman
Stephen Flower
History of the Vietnam air campaign from both the airmen and the politician’s point of view.
September 1939 to September 1940.
September 1940 to December 1941.
January 1942 to June 1943.
360 pages, paperback 212mm x 142mm
226 pages, paperback 210mm x 140mm
326 pages, hardback 210mm x 140mm
396 pages, paperback 210mm x 140mm
Memories of Walton and Weybridge during wartime.
9 781871 187441
9 781871 187359
9 781871 187465
176 pages, paperback 212mm x 142mm Over 50 b&w photographs and drawings
John Foreman
John Foreman
The bombing of Walton and Weybridge
History of Hampton Court Palace. 156 pages, paperback 235mm x 156mm 9 781871 187526
9 781871 187519
9 781871 187373
Stephen Flower
John T Smith
9 781871 187205
Selected for Aircrew James Hampton
A hard hitting and thought provoking book about life in Bomber Command. 376 pages, paperback, 210mm x 140mm 9 781871 187175
9 781871 1871842
The Fighter Command War Diaries Volume 4
The Fighter Command War Diaries Volume 5
July 1943 to June 1944.
July 1944 to May 1945.
480 pages, paperback 210mm x 140mm
396 pages, hardback 210mm x 140mm
9 781871 187489
9 781871 187458
John Foreman
John Foreman
Flying Boffin
Tirpitz – The Halifax Raids
Freddy Stringer
Nigel Smith
A first hand account of testing aircraft radar and post war military aircraft at RAF Farnborough.
Daring attempts to sink the battleship Tirpitz.
208 pages, paperback 234mm x 156mm
331 pages, paperback, 210mm x 140mm
9 781871 187496
9 781871 187274
The Whitley Boys
Winged Odyssey
A graphic account 4 Group Bomber Operations 1939-1940 flying Armstrong. Whitworth Whitley aircraft.
The biography of Mary, Duchess of Bedford.
GL “Larry” Donnelly DFM
245 pages, hardback, 210mm x 140mm 9 781871 187366
Lettice Curtis
260 pages, paperback, 210mm x 140mm 60 b&w illustrations 9 781871 187199
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing Blue Skies and Dark Nights
Laurels For Prinz Wittgestein
The fascinating autobiography of Group Captain Bill Randle RAF in WWII and the ‘Cold War’ period.
Biography of ‘Major’ Wittgestein.
352 pages, hardback 234mm x156mm Over 90 b&w photographs
9 781872 836065
Bill Randle
Werner Roell 234mm x156mm 192 pages, hardback
Independent Books
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
My War
The Dambusters vol1
HE 177 ‘Greif’
Harry Verlander
Complete technical, production and operational history of the aircraft.
A complete technical and operational history of the Jagdtiger.
The Rise of RAF Precision Bombing March 1943 – May 1944
Behind Enemy Lines with SOE in Europe and the Far East
A detailed record of 617 Squadron operations, equipment, armament and personnel.
368 pages, hardback 240mm x 160 mm Over 80 b&w photographs and illustrations 9 781872 836850
9 781872 836409
336 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm 200 photographs and 48 colour profiles
9 789185 657049
9 789185 657971
Spitfire on my Tail
Murderous Elite
Oberleutnant Ulrich Steinhilper flew over 150 missions before his fighter was shot down over Kent during the Battle of Britain. Ulrich is uncompromising in his views of the conduct of the battle both by the Luftwaffe High Command and the RAF and provides a unique insight into how young Germans fell for the charms of Adolf Hitler.
Publication date August 2011
Ulrich Steinhilper and Peter Osborne
The Waffen-SS and its record of atrocities 480 pages, hardback 305mm x 212mm 100 b&w photographs
368 pages, 234mm x 156mm 84 illustrations
9 789185 657025
9 781872 836799 £10.95 (paperback) 9 781872 836003 £19.95 (hardback)
336 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm 300 photographs and 60 colour profiles 9 789185 657018
Publication date September 2011
Publication date November 2011
Operation Freshman
The Hunt for Hitler’s Heavy Water JOSTEIN BERGLYD
Ordnungspolizei vol 1
Encyclopaedia of the German Police Battalions September 1939 - July 1942 MASSIMO ARICO
190 pages, hardback 240mm x 170mm 80 b&w illustrations
560 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm Around 90 b&w photographs
9 789197 589598
9 789185 657995 Publication date April 2011
Target Dresden
Bert Horden
The story behind the Dresden raids.
A graphic account of the realities of air war in the Western Desert with 112 ‘Shark’ Squadron.
256 pages, paperback 234mm x 156mm 43 b&w photographs and illustrations
193 pages, hardback 234mm x 156mm Over 80 b&w photographs
9 781872 836607
Alan Cooper
Ten Minutes To Buffalo
SS-Panzer- Aufklarungsabteilung 11
The sequel to Spitfire On My Tail
The Swedish SS-Platoon in the Battles for the Baltics, Pomerania and Berlin 1943-45
Ulrich Steinhilper Experiences as a German POW in Canada and the USA and his 3 escape attempts.
431 pages, hardback 234mm x 156mm 45 illustrations
384 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm Fully illustrated throughout
9 781872 836010
9 789197 589550
SS-Schijäger Batallion ‘Norge’
Norwegian Ski Infantry on the East Front 1941-44 GEIR BENDEN, HAAKON THOMASSEN 256 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm 300 b&w illustrations
The Uniformed Police Forces of the Third Reich, 1933 - 1945
A treatise on test flying from the very earliest days to the jet. Wolfgang Spate
The experiences of predominantly German test pilots.
A detailed look at the organisation and its senior officers.
288 pages, paperback 235mm x 155mm
380 pages, hardback 305mm x 212mm 192 b&w illustrations
9 781872 836208
9 789197 589437
Tanks in the Winter War, 1939 - 1940 MAXIM KOLOMYETS Operations in Scandinavia during 1939. 160 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm Fully illustrated throughout
9 789185 657063
9 789197 589529
Publication date June 2011
Test Pilots
Design, Production and Operations
Shark Squadron Pilot
Design, Production and Operations
400 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm Over 200 photographs and 48 colour profiles
9 781872 836454
Leandoer & Ekholm
Warsaw 1
Warsaw II
Full details of armoured operations, vehicles and weapons systems in the Warsaw Uprising.
272 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm Fully illustrated
304 pages, hardback 255mm x 195mm 200 b&w illustrations and 60 colour profiles
9 789197 589543
Tanks in the Uprising August 1944 - October 1944
9 789185 657988
Publication date May 2011
The Tank Battle at Praga, July to December 1944
NEW 53
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
America’s Military Aircraft Boneyard – A Photo Scrapbook Nick Veronico and Ron Strong The United States largest military aircraft storage centre.
Air Racing Over Reno Philip Handleman
The National Championship Air Races at Reno, Nevada, including cockpits, nose art, and static display aircraft.
144 pages, hardback 216 x 290mm 350 colour and 50 b&w photographs
128 pages, paperback 216mm x 280mm 135 colour photographs
9 781580 071390
9 781580 071123
American Helicopter Gunships
Experimental and Prototype U.S. Air Force Jet Fighters
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth
Fire Bombers in Action Videobook
Dennis Jenkins & Tony Landis
Tony Landis & Yancy Mailes
Wayne Mutza
The development of fighter airframes and engines since the end of World War II.
A photographic history of Lockheed’s aircraft.
From primitive aerial operations in the 1920s to the use of converted World War II bombers in the 1950s.
Deadly Combat Weapon Systems The most unique element of rotary-wing aviation, redefining the term ‘close air support.’ 208 pages, hardback 290mm x 216mm 20 illustrations
260 pages, hardback 254mm x 254mm 250 b&w & 100 colour photographs 9 781580 071116
Fighter Photo Scrapbook
108 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm 250 colour & 100 b&w photographs 9 781580 070997
Frederick A Johnsen
160 pages, paperback 290mm x 216mm 150 b&w and 150 colour photographs
9 781580 071475
Grumman F9F Panther/Cougar
Brad Elward
Wayne Mutza
The F9F Panther from initial concept to combat operations in Korea.
204 pages, hardback 230 x 230mm 101 b&w and 245 colour photographs with 7 illustrations
9 781580 071543
American Secret Pusher Fighters Of World War II Gerald Balzer
This book analyzes the state of military aircraft procurement just prior to the start of World War II. 192 pages, hardback 254mm x 254mm 250 b&w & 40 colour photographs
B-24 Nose Art Name Directory Wallace R Forman
Includes group, squadron and aircraft serial numbers. 192 pages, paperback 278mm x 215mm over 50 b&w photographs 9 781580 070034
9 781580 071253
Building the P-51 Mustang in Original Factory Photos The Manufacturing Story of North American’s Legendary WWII Fighter Michael O’Leary 240 pages, hardback 290mm x 216mm 300 b&w photographs & 50 illustrations 9 781580 071529
Convair Advanced Designs Secret Projects from San Diego, 1923-1962 Robert Bradley Convair built some of the world’s greatest aircraft. 176 pages, hardback 290mm x 216mm 325 b&w photographs and illustrations 9 781580 071338
Clear the deck!
Aircraft Carrier Accidents of World War II
Birds of Prey
Commercial Aviation’s Transition to the Jet Age 1952-1962
Bill Yenne
Jon Proctor, Mike Machat and Craig Kodera
UAVs are re-writing the rules on modern aerial surveillance and close air support.
From luxurious pistonpowered airliners to the first jets. 160 pages, hardback 290mm x 216mm 120 b&w and 60 colour photographs with 20 illustrations
160 pages, paperback 290mm x 216mm 200 colour and 100 b&w photographs 9 781580 071536
9 781580 071468
Cold War Peacemaker
How to Build and Modify Resin Model Aircraft Kits
Cory Graff
The Story of Cowtown and the Convair’s B-36
An examination of the amazing Naval aviation actions that took place during WWII.
Dennis R Jenkins and Don Pyeatt
132 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm 207 b&w photographs
The iconic “Magnesium Cloud”.
9 781580 071192
From Props to Jets
America’s Newest Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Combat
Richard Marmo
Detailed information on tools & airbrushes, scale jumping and displaying finished models.
228 pages, hardback 255 x 255mm 300 b&w photographs and 20 illustrations
132 pages, paperback 216mm x 280mm 275 colour photographs
9 781580 071277
9 781580 070485
Convair Deltas
Corky Meyer’s Flight Journal
Laird Airplanes
Corky Meyer
Edward H Phillips
First hand account of testing more than 125 different types of military and commercial jet and piston-engine aircraft.
The career of E M ‘Matty’ Laird, who turned his mechanical abilities & fascination with flight into a career that put him at the top of aviation’s pioneers.
From SeaDart to Hustler Bill Yenne
Tells the compelling story of America’s aerospace industry in its heyday. 228pages, hardback 230 x 230mm 200 b&w and 130 colour photographs with 44 illustrations 9 781580 071185
First Jet of the Grumman Cats
160 pages, hardback 290mm x 216mm 250 b&w and 50 colour photographs and profiles 9 781580 071451
144 pages, hardback 230mm x 230mm 190 b&w photographs
252 pages, paperback 178mm x 254mm approx 100 b&w & 50 colour photographs
9 781580 070706
9 781580 070935
9 781580 071239
Killer Rays
The Story of the North American X-15.
Mark Frankel
276 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm, 500 b&w & 50 colour photographs, 100 drawings
The definitive work on the history of the U.S. Navy’s only operational delta-wing aircraft.
Dennis R Jenkins & Tony R Landis
9 781580 071314
Story of the Douglas F4D Skyray & F5D Skylancer
240 pages, hardback 290mm x 216mm 50 colour and 350 b&w photographs 9 781580 071550
A Legacy of Speed
The Story of Spooky, Shadow, Stinger and Spectre
Lockheed Blackbird Family
A-12, YF-12, D-21/M-21 & SR-71 Photo Scrapbook Tony Landis The Lockheed family of A-12,YF-12, D-21/M-21, and SR-71 Blackbirds. 108 pages, paperback 255 x 255mm 120 b&w and 265 colour photographs 40 illustrations
Magnesium Overcast Dennis R Jenkins
The Story of the Convair B-36. 230 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm 300 b&w & 50 colour photographs 9 781580 071291
9 781580 071512
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
MiG Killers
Donald J McCarthy, Jr A Chronology of U.S. Air Victories in Vietnam 1965-1973. 160 pages, hardback 280mm x 225mm 178 colour and 67 b&w photographs with 8 illustrations 9 781580 071369
Radical Wings & Wind Tunnels Joseph R Chambers & Mark A Chambers
A behind-the-scenes look at how NASA Langley uses wind tunnels and flight testing to advance aeronautical science.
A definitive history of the world’s most famous trainer DAN HAGEDORN 240 pages, hardback 230mm x 230mm 360 colour and b&w photographs 9 781580 071246
Jeff Kolln
U.S. Air Force Prototype Jet Fighters Photo Scrapbook
U.S. Experimental & Prototype Aircraft Projects Fighters 1939-1945
Including combat operations, training exercises and aircraft & weapons testing.
The evolution of US post war jets and an ideal companion to Experimental and Prototype U.S. Air Force Jet Fighters. 108 pages, paperback 228mm x 228mm 190 b&w & 126 colour photographs
Those American fighter projects of WWII that never reached combat forces.
Dennis R Jenkins
The offensive and defensive systems, operations, and the unique uses of the P-61. 264 pages, hardback 254mm x 254mm 50 colour & 350 b&w photographs
120 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm 346 colour photographs
9 781580 071222
9 781580 071130
Dennis R Jenkins & Tony R Landis
U.S. Naval Air Superiority
U.S. Naval Aviation A Military Photo Logbook,Volume 1
Development of U.S. Shipborne Jet Fighters 1943-1962
Dennis R. Jenkins and Jorge Frank
Scott Libis
Covers U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships and submarines, combat operations, humanitarian missions, training exercises, weapons testing, etc.
The design and development of the carrierbased jet fighter program.
The final Shuttle servicing mission to Hubble.
9 781580 071161
9 781580 071383
Douglas High- Speed X Planes Exploring the aeronautical history of these Douglas aircraft. 184 pages, hardback 230mm x 230mm More than 300 photographs and illustrations
120 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm Over 300 colour photographs 9781580071154
Stearman Aircraft
Dennis R Jenkins
Edward H Phillips
Covers the 80+-year history of developing reusable lifting-reentry spacecraft.
The career of Lloyd Carlton Stearman.
A Detailed History
192 pages, hardback 254mm x 254mm 100 colour and 385 b&w photographs 9 781580 070874
Cory Graff
North American’s Mach 3 Superbomber.
Covers the air war and aircraft in the fight for Iwo Jima, offering insiders’ perspectives and many rare photographs.
246 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm 500 b&w & 100 colour photographs
World’s Fastest Four-Engine Piston-Powered Aircraft
Dennis R Jenkins & Tony R Landis
160 pages, hardback 216mm x 280mm 350 b&w and 25 colour photographs
9 781580 071307
120 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm 350 colour photographs
The Story of the Republic XR-12 Rainbow Mike Machat
The Wrong Stuff John Moore
The personal story of John Moore’s ‘cat with nine lives’ life surviving two Korean combat tours, Navy test operations and years as test pilot for North American Aviation. 192 pages, hardback 152mm x 228mm 100 b&w photographs
144 pages, hardback 280mm x 216mm Over 220 b&w and 15 colour photographs 9 781580 071635
A stunning, behind-the-scenes look at naval aviation operations.
American Air Power and the Fight for Iwo Jima
Dennis R Jenkins
9 781580 071147
Strike & Return
9 781580 070928
9 780963 397454
276 pages, hardback, 254mm x 254mm 100 colour & 200 b&w photographs plus 50 technical drawings
Space Shuttle 3rd Edition
Tommy H Thomason
9 781580 071109
9 781580 070843
264 pages, hardback 254mm x 254mm 390 b&w & 30 colour photographs
Shuttle Atlantis – 2009
William Norton
9 781580 071093
9 781580 071376
Skystreak, Skyrocket & Stiletto
184 pages, hardback 230mm x 230mm Illustrated throughout
216mm x 280mm, hardback 514 pages 1000+ b&w photographs and illustrations
The P-61 Black Widow
U.S. Air Force Aviation A Military Photo Logbook, Volume 1
160 pages, hardback 216mm x 280mm 50 colour & 175 b&w photographs
Northrop’s Night Hunter
9 781883 809102
Publication date July 2011
Strike from the Sea U.S. Navy Attack Aircraft from Skyraider to Super Hornet since 1948 Tommy H. Thomason 264 pages, hardback 255mm x 255mm 134 b&w and 125 colour photos with 40 illustrations 9 781580 071321
A Technical and Operational History of the Liberty Engine Robert J Neal
Tanks, Ships and Aircraft 1917-1960. 616 pages, hardback 280mm x 225mm 1058 photos, drawings, charts, and diagrams 9 781580 071499
USAF Interceptors
X-plane crashes
Marty Isham and David McLaren
The ‘X-Hunters’ examine more than 100 crash sites of exotic aircraft from Edwards air Force Base and Area 51.
Peter Merlin & Tony Moore
A Military Photo Logbook 19461979 An excellent photo compilation of all the great USAF Air Defense Command interceptors.
160 pages, hardback 216mm x 280mm 50 colour & 225 b&w photographs
120 pages, paperback 255mm x 255mm 150 b&w and 150 colour photographs
9 781580 071215
9 781580 071505
X-Planes Photo Scrapbook Dennis R Jenkins
Covering the formal X-series and experimental aircraft used by the US military & NASA. 180 pages, paperback 230mm x 230mm 50 colour and 450 b&w photographs 9 781580 070768
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G U E
Complete Listing
Complete Listing
WardbirdTech Series
AirlinerTech Series
The WarbirdTech series is one of the best sources of information for modellers and aviation enthusiasts. Each volume is crammed full of excerpts, drawings, exploded views, cutaways, assembly line and repair depot photographs from original tech manuals. All new & revised titles have 104 pages, including 8 pages of colour photographs.
The Airliner Tech series provides the enthusiast with an under-the-skin look at structure, design, systems, and operation of these high-tech wonders. Each title 100 pages, paperback 280mm x 216mm, Approx 160 photographs and line art + 4 pages of colour photographs.
Vol 3: Airbus A340 9 781580 070027
Vol 5: Lockheed 188 Electra 100-104 pages, paperback 280mm x 215mm, Approx 160 photographs and line art with 4 pages of colour
9 781580 070256
Vol 8: Lockheed L-1011 Tristar
9 781580 070379
Vol 1: Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Vol 11: Vickers Viscount 9 781580 070652
9 781580 070546
Vol 2: P-38 Lightning 9 780933 424654
Vol 3: F-86 Sabrejet 9 780933 424661
Vol 10: Lockheed Blackbirds (Revised Edition) 9 781580 070867
Vol 14: Boeing B-29
Vol 12: Convair Twins
Vol 34: North American XB-70A Valkyrie
9 781580 070737
9 781580 070508
Vol 39: Lockheed C-141 Starlifter 9 781580 070805
Musclecar Tech Series
Vol 40: Mikoyan MiG-15 Fagot
Chevrolet CamAro 196
9 781580 070812
9 781580 071000
Vol 20: A-10 Warthog
Vol 41: Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum
9 781580 071017
9 781580 070133
9 781580 070850
Vol 27: Lockheed AH-56A Cheyenne
Vol 42: Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker
9 781580 070270
9 781580 070911
Vol 32: GriffonPowered Spitfires
Vol 43:Tupolev Tu-95 Bear
9 781580 070454
9 781580 071024
Vol 33: Grumman A-6 Intruder
Vol 44: Northrop F-5/F-20/T-38
9 781580 070508
9 781580 070942
9 780933 424791
Chevrolet Corvette