1 minute read

Parent & Family Programs Office


Mental Health Tips


• Remember to stay in touch with family and friends back home.

• In addition to academics, it’s good to balance your study time with hobbies and attending campus events.

• Create a beneficial routine that includes good sleeping and eating patterns. Avoid all-nighters.

• Take advantage of campus resource centers such as the Counseling Center or Student Assistance Center for stress management, working with anxiety, or other challenges that many students experience.

• Check out campus academic resources, such as the Writers Workshop, and attend faculty office hours when you need academic assistance or have questions relating to your schedule or workload.

• Check out wellness.illinois. edu for information about campus mental health and wellness support.

PFPO website: go.illinois.edu/PFPO

Parent & Family Programs Office

ADVICE FOR YOUR STUDENT: Prepare resume for summer jobs

• Talk to staff at The Career Center! careercenter .illinois.edu

• Don’t go overboard –try to limit your resume to one to two pages.

• Make sure you include any volunteer and student leadership experiences.

• Don’t forget to clean up your social networking sites. Employers use Facebook, too!

PFPO on Facebook: /IlliniPFPO

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