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Civic Engagement & Global Living
This award recognizes youth that have focused on 4-H work in service to or for others.
Andrea Schaffnit Adams County
Ursa Willing Workers 4-H Club Adams County 4-H Federation Illinois State 4-H Youth Leadership Team
Andrea was the location coordinator for a national program called Wreaths Across America. She fundraised over $10,000 to purchase 800 wreaths, which were placed on veterans’ graves. Andrea has held every single office in her club and is currently the president. She loves going the extra mile within her 4-H club by helping other members and always being a great role model for younger kids to look up to.
Andrea plans to attend a four year university, then medical school to become an endocrinologist.
What does 4-H mean to you?
When I think of 4-H, I think of a world full of possibilities. I love how 4-H has so much to offer in so many different areas that prepares members for reallife situations.
Sophia Stierwalt Champaign County
Sadorus 4-H All Stars, Teen Teachers, Speaking for Illinois 4-H
Some of Sophia’s favorite community service projects have included leading a book drive to collect donations for schools, doing activities with local nursing homes, and volunteering at the County Fair. She loves mentoring younger 4-H’ers. Sophia is president of her 4-H club and enjoys showing projects at the fair, including Family Heritage, Leadership, and Build Your Future. Sophia participated virtually in the 4-H Legislative Connection to share her 4-H story.
Sophia plans to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to pursue a degree in statistics.
What does 4-H mean to you?
I am very grateful for the opportunities that 4-H has given me to explore new projects, become engaged in my community through service, and develop leadership skills. 4-H has also given me an amazing community of inspiring people who are always there to support and guide me.
Jeremiah Todd Champaign County
Fantastic 4-Hers of Fisher Champaign County 4-H Federation
Jeremiah’s civic engagement starts with community service, both as an individual and as part of 4-H. In addition to his club’s service work, he organized supplying birthday bags to a local food pantry. This year, he was a state fair delegate with his Passport to the World project, which held personal importance because his aunt, a native of Costa Rica, who was his inspiration for the project.
Jeremiah plans to draw on his passion for civic engagement, knowledge of government, and being a good citizen to become a lawyer.
What does 4-H mean to you?
My life would be different without the knowledge and skills, such as leadership and public speaking, that I have gained from 4-H. 4-H has shown me the value of group participation, cooperation, and how teamwork makes a difference.
Molly Warner Knox County
Knox County 4-H Federation
Williamsfield Town & Country 4-H Illinois State Youth Leadership Team
Molly is very involved in her community and strives to have a positive impact. She has been a mentor for younger kids and led many community service activities. Over her time in 4-H, Molly has been a member of the Illinois Youth Leadership Team, president of Knox County Federation, and an officer in Williamsfield Town & Country 4-H Club for 5 years.
Molly attends the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign and majors in Agribusiness, Markets, and Management. She hopes to graduate in December 2024 and work in marketing at an agriculture-related company.
What does 4-H mean to you?
4-H has helped me develop leadership skills throughout the various activities and positions I have held. It has been the most impactful organization in my life thus far.
Gracie Prose Ogle County
Illinois State 4-H Youth Leadership Team, Ogle County 4-H Ambassador, Ogle County 4-H Federation, and Ogle County Carefree 4-H Club
Gracie has volunteered over 785 community service hours, all while advocating for disability awareness. She has raised money, created t-shirts and comforting letters, and has formulated lessons for youth to educate people on Type 1 Diabetes. As a 10 year 4-H’er, Gracie is the current Vice-Chair of the State 4-H Youth Leadership Team, as well as the President of her county 4-H and Federation clubs. She has served as an Ogle County 4-H Ambassador for the past 2 years. She also loves mentoring youth during the annual Junior Leadership Conference.
Gracie plans to attend a 4 year university to study Agriculture Communications with aspirations of becoming a director or future educator.
What does 4-H mean to you?
4-H has encouraged me to embrace who I am, and has helped me find my spark. 4-H is truly a place of acceptance and belonging.