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We want to stay conected to you!
Illinois 4-H Alumni Association
We want to create a lifelong connection to our 4-H alumni! Were you a member of the 4-H program? If so, you are one of 25 million Americans who share a unique bond. The Illinois 4-H Alumni Association was established in 2016 and is seeking to identify 4-H alumni to build a network of 4-H alumni throughout Illinois and beyond.
The mission of the Illinois 4-H Alumni Association is to create a lifelong, statewide community of 4-H alumni and provide increased opportunities for meaningful engagement to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteerism and philanthropic commitment to Illlinois 4-H.
We each have our own 4-H story. 4-H may have helped you launch a career path or gave you the skills to succeed in life. 4-H may have taught skills from science to leadership or prepared you for career and college readiness.
4-H continues to build responsible and caring adults who are more likely to give back to their communities. The Illinois 4-H program has a strong history of making an impact on youth, building leaders and preparing them for success.
We want to learn about your 4-H story!
Register go.illinois.edu/4halum
• Receive quarterly newsletters go.illinois.edu/4halumnistory go.illinois.edu/4HAlumniNews
• Invitations to alumni events and networking and opportunities to engage.
LinkedIn: go.illinois.edu/LinkedIn4HAlumni
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/IL4ha1umni
Twitter: twitter.com/IL4halumni lnstagram: instagram.com/IL4halumni
Email: il4halumni@illinois.edu
In 4-H,
your child will build skills they’ll need to be successful—at home, school, and in their community while they explore amazing careers opportunities. 4-H mentors empower young people to set goals and achieve big dreams. Your child will feel safe and welcomed while they pursue personal interests and build confidence in their skills. 4-H serves all youth from age 5 to 18.
Opportunity For All
Our first priority is to create a safe, inclusive space for learning, sharing and collaboration that is welcoming to people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Diversity includes, but is not limited to: race, color, religion, political beliefs, national or ethnic origin, immigration or citizenship status, sex, gender identity and expression, transgender status, sexual orientation, age, marital or family status, educational level, learning style, pregnancy, physical appearance, body size, and individuals with disabilities.
Membership Guidelines
801 N. Country Fair Drive, Suite E, Champaign, IL 61821
PHONE: (217) 333-0910
EMAIL: illinois4H@illinois.edu
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Local Extension Councils Cooperating. ©2023 University of Illinois Board of Trustees. For permission to reprint, revise, or otherwise use, contact extension@ illinois.edu. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Shelly Nickols-Richardson, Director, University of Illinois Extension. University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. The 4-H Name and Emblem Are Protected Under 18 U.S.C. 707.
Youth who are at least 8 years of age and have not reached their 19th birthday on the start date of the program year may enroll as a member in 4-H clubs or participate as an independent member. Youth who are 5 to 7 years of age on the start date of the program year (September 1) may enroll as a 4-H Cloverbud. All 4-H club members pay an annual $20 program fee. Financial assistance is available for families who cannot afford this fee.
A youth who enrolls in a 4-H club must attend at least one meeting to be called a 4-H member. 4-H members must be enrolled in at least one project.
A member may add or delete projects at any time during the 4-H year. County 4-H programs may add requirements and deadlines.
Let’s Get Social!
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We’ll share program highlights, event pictures, registration openings and more!