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Alumni Engagement
Illinois 4-H Alumni Association
We want to create a lifelong connection to our 4-H alumni! Were you a member of the 4-H program? If so, you are one of 25 million Americans who share a unique bond. The Illinois 4-H Alumni Association was established in 2016 and is seeking to identify 4-H alumni to build a network throughout Illinois and beyond.
The mission of the Illinois 4-H Alumni Association is to create a lifelong, statewide community of 4-H alumni and provide increased opportunities for meaningful engagement to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteerism and philanthropic commitment to Illinois 4-H.
We each have our own 4-H story. 4-H may have helped you launch a career path, or given you the skills to succeed in life. 4-H may have taught skills from science to leadership or prepared you for career and college readiness.
4-H continues to build responsible and caring adults who are more likely to give back to their communities. The Illinois 4-H program has a strong history of making an impact on youth, building leaders and preparing them for success.
We want to learn about your 4-H story!
Former Illinois 4-H Director Dr. Janice Seitz of Springfield has been selected as an elite inductee to the National 4-H Hall of Fame in October 2021.
"Seitz held 4-H leadership roles across the country and is known for her passion, dedication, enthusiasm, and love of empowering youth", says Lisa Diaz, University of Illinois Extension 4-H program leader.
Jan holds an endowment with the Illinois 4-H Foundation supporting character education.
National Hall of Fame New 4-H Alumni Apparel
Illinois 4-H Alumni Association has launched a new 4-H alumni apparel line.
We look forward to seeing your 4-H pride!
https://go.illinois. edu/4halumnistore
Stay Connected
LINKEDIN: go.illinois.edu/LinkedIn4HAlumni FACEBOOK: facebook.com/groups/il4halumni/ TWITTER: twitter.com/IL4halumni INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/il4halumni/