2012 buyers’ & resource
Illinois Association of School Business Officials
2012 buyers’ & resource
guide The Mission of the Association: To provide members and stakeholders a comprehensive range of professional development activities and services.
This publication is one of many resources provided to members in our on-going quest to be an indispensible resource to school business officials and their districts.
Volume 1 Number 1
2012 Volume 1 Number 1
buyers’ & resource
guide CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
GOOD HABITS MAKE GOOD PURCHASING . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 •
. . . . . .33
LEGAL SERVICES Advertiser: Franczek Radelet P.C. . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Advertiser: Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton & Taylor, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 MANAGEMENT SERVICES Advertiser: Aires Consulting Group, Inc. . . . . . .35 PORTABLE & RELOCATABLE SYSTEMS
ILLINOIS ASBO PURCHASING MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR SCHOOL BUSINESS OFFICIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
SPONSORED PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Advertiser: Security Benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
MEMBER COMPANY LISTINGS BY CATEGORY ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
FACILITY MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
ADMINISTRATION/ FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT . . . . . . SYSTEMS AND SERVICES Advertiser: William Blair & Company, LLC . . . . .22
BANKS & FINANCIAL SERVICE INSTITUTIONS Advertiser: Charter One Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Advertiser: Stifel Nicolaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Advertiser: Wintrust Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES Advertiser: ARCON Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .41 Advertiser: DLR Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Advertiser: Fanning Howey Associates, Inc. . . . .42 Advertiser: INSPEC, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Advertiser: Larson Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .44
BUILDING AUTOMATION CONTROLS Advertiser: Precision Control Systems, Inc.
ENERGY SOLUTIONS Advertiser: Constellation Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Advertiser: New Edison Energy, LLC . . . . . . . . . .48
CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 •
. . . .45
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Advertiser: Lamp Incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Advertiser: McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. . .27 Advertiser: S. M. Wilson & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
FLOORING CARPETING & FLOOR COVERINGS Advertiser: Tandus Flooring, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
FOOD SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
FURNITURE AND PARTITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 •
CLASSROOM FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT Advertiser: Folding Partition Services, Inc. . . . . .55
OFFICE EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 •
SEATING/AUDITORIUM & BLEACHERS Advertiser: The Larson Equipment & Furniture Co.56
RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
INSTRUCTIONAL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES . . . . . . . . . . . .57 •
INVESTMENT ADVISORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 •
DISASTER PLANNING/RESTORATIONS Advertiser: Universal Restoration Services . . . . . 72
TRANSPORTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES & SYSTEMS Advertiser: New World Systems . . . . . .Back Cover
2012 Volume 1 Number 1
buyers’ & resource
guide Illinois Association of School Business Officials Northern Illinois University, 1A-103 108 Carroll Avenue DeKalb, IL 60115-2829 P: 815.753.1276/ F: 815.753.9367 www.iasbo.org
Illinois ASBO Board of Directors Richard A. Lesniak, President Mark E. Staehlin, President-Elect Hillarie J. Siena, Treasurer Garrick C. Grizaffi, Immediate Past President 2009-12 Board Directors Dennis Burnett, Nelson W. Gray, Raymond Negrete 2010-13 Board Directors Susan L. Harkin, Beth L. Millard, Curtis J. Saindon 2011-14 Board Directors David Bein, Jennifer J. Hermes, Glayn C. Worrell
Illinois ASBO Board Liaisons Dwain A. Lutzow, AIA, Service Associate Advisory Committee Chairperson Aimee L. Briles, Service Associate Advisory Committee Vice Chair Terrie S. Simmons, ASBO International Liaison Gil Morrison, Regional Office Of Education Liaison Debby I. Vespa, ISBE Board Liaison Dean M. Langdon, IASB Board Liaison
Staff Members
Debbie Budz Schaumburg Community Consolidated School District 54 Purchasing Supervisor Steve East Township High School District 211 Director of Purchasing & Facilities Kari Fair Township High School District 214 Purchasing Supervisor Jan Fisher Community Consolidated School District 59 Purchasing and Food Services Supervisor Tim Keeley Oak Park & River Forest School District 200 Purchasing and Transportation Coordinator Kevin Nohelty, Ed.D. Lincolnwood School District 74 Assistant Superintendent for Business Amy McPartlin Arlington Heights School District 25 Purchasing and Accounts Payable Supervisor Lorie Pilster Downers Grove School District 58 Director of Business Services Darlene Russo Schaumburg Community Consolidated School District 54 Director of Business Services
Michael Jacoby, Executive Director 815.753.9371, mjacoby@iasbo.org Susan P. Bertrand, Assistant Executive Director 815.753.9371, sbertrand@iasbo.org
Barb Stephani Business Manager Emeritus
Privacy Policy
Mary Werling, SFO Glenview School District 34 Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
All materials contained within this publication are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, displayed or published without the prior written permission of the Illinois Association of School Business Officials. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. References, authorship or information provided by parties other than that which is owned by the Illinois Association of School Business Officials are offered as a service to readers. The editorial staff of the Illinois Association of School Business Officials was not involved in their production and is not responsible for their content.
We have the following dedicated committee members to thank for the most recent update to the Purchasing Manual and for their permission to include the excerpt within the Illinois ASBO Buyers’ & Resource Guide:
Patricia Volling Lake Villa Community Consolidated School District 41 Director of Business
Sharlyne Williams Community Consolidated School District 168 Business Manager Past Contributors included: Maureen Bentley, Joanne Connell, Betty Dickson, Michael Gallis, Bonnie Kent, Thea Keshavarizi, Sophie Klopp, Walter Korpan, Ron Magnussen, Joyce McNealy, Michael O’Brien, Robert Piekarski, Pat Rundio, Kathleen Sawickim, and Donna Virgilio. Special thanks to Sam Cavnar, Ken Florey, Eugene Hanses, Howard Metz, and Lorence Slutzky, of Robbins, Swartz, Nicholas, Lifton and Taylor, Ltd., for their review
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
The First Published Illinois ASBO Buyers’ & Resource Guide Never has the need for understanding the economics, planning, and purpose of purchasing been so great in education. In virtually all our conversations, we hear school district administrators talk about how they must “do more, with less” as they come face-toface with a wide range of tough issues in their communities. Educational performance and operational responsibility are under the watchful eyes of Board members, parents, community activists, education lobbyists – and yes, even students. We live in a world of growing transparency – which is a good thing when done correctly and with purpose. So where can a school business administrator, purchasing and facility director turn? As a member of Illinois ASBO, we believe our members first should turn to their fellow Service Associate members as their best resource for professionalism and expertise. At Illinois ASBO, you’ll find over 300 companies and nearly 600 individuals who represent businesses, service organizations, and products that are focused on our industry. They are listed in this Guide by Category, and I encourage you to not hesitate to call any one of them for advice and counsel. Secondly, we hope that our members will turn to their fellow Association peers through the wide variety of professional development seminars, regional meetings, special events we offer, as well as our Annual Conference. The Purchasing Manual excerpt provided in our new Buyers’ & Resource Guide is one example of the fine thought and work that goes on behind the scenes at Illinois ASBO. It’s a content-rich tool that addresses questions that arise in every school business office every day. How do we know? It was developed by 33 individual contributing members who are directly engaged in purchasing for school districts throughout Illinois. Lastly, we encourage our members to expand both their personal and virtual relationships through our members-only peer2peer Network. This web-enabled and protected community can become a natural place to ask a question, seek an answer, or post a best practice. Doing more with less, means we also help our members find the best ways to maximize what little time they do have to make quality judgments and decisions – whether virtually, on the phone, or in person. I encourage you to use this first publishing of the Illinois ASBO Buyers’ & Resource Guide as it should be used. Tag-it, post-it, pass it along and dog-ear it. We think any tool worth its grade will look pretty worn after a few months. And, we hope you’ll grade this one as we have – just for you. Best Wishes for Your Continued Success,
Michael A. Jacoby, Ed.D., SFO Executive Director, Illinois ASBO
Executive Director
Individuality & Contribution, How Illinois ASBO Is Shaping Futures The most striking aspect of Illinois ASBO is its ability to foster excellence on a very individual and intimate scale. This new Illinois ASBO Buyers’ & Resource Guide is only one example of how our Association members can tap into their own greatness by getting to know our Service Associate members and by calling upon their expertise. Members often tell us that they wouldn’t know how they might have been able to succeed if not for the Association. Our members are Shaping Futures for the hundreds of children that each of us meets every day on school property. And, as an Association, we work hard in Shaping Futures for our members. Here’s how: Foremost, the Association creates networking opportunities where professionals can speak frankly and openly to one another. Nineteen individual committees are focused on professional development for our members. Each one covers a distinctive topic that impacts not only the daily life of school business officials, but also the quality of the educational experience that we deliver in each community. Over 325 committee members and their chairs identify what’s most important and how best to find the knowledge and expertise that is required to keep our industry moving forward. Countless hours go into conceiving and hosting the variety of nearly 100 Seminars and Events that are offered from September through May each year. Can’t attend in person? In some instances, seminars are webcast online. No doubt, you’ll find some of the same support materials and content on in the Illinois ASBO website’s resource library available in our community portal, peer2peer Network. For those wanting to build upon already existing strengths, the Association provides an outstanding cohort experience in our Leadership Institute. A three-prong curriculum forms the foundation for a systematic approach to evaluating your own orientation to problem-solving and communication, as well as self-assessments and giving feedback to others. Registration accommodates a small group so the level of interactivity and relationship-building is extraordinarily high. One recent attendee remarked, “Learning from our frustrations and setbacks with the encouragement of the facilitators and the other students makes the Institute unique and exciting.” The glue of the Association can be seen in our Board of Directors, Service Associate Advisory Committee members, Professional Development Committee Chairs, Regional Organization Chairs, and our Editorial Advisory Board and staff. All in all, nearly 80 positions are engaged in these influential and contributive roles to keep Illinois ASBO at the forefront of the industry, face-to-face with our legislators, and shoulder to shoulder with our members throughout the state of Illinois. With over 860 school districts and over 2.1 million children in our public schools, school business officials face increasingly difficult challenges. Our Service Associates through their businesses, services, and products, offer the first range of solutions. We encourage you to look to them and to us to meet your daily needs and your personal expectations for growth and fulfillment. Sincerely,
Susan P. Bertrand Assistant Executive Director, Illinois ASBO
Assistant Executive Director
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Good Habits Make Good Purchasing 1.
Understand how Illinois Law impacts purchasing process
Know specific sources of authority and their governance over the institution’s purchases
Understand the broad spectrum of risk in order to develop a risk management process
4. 5.
The (12) Habits of Leadership in Good Purchase Decision-Making Among School Business Officials & Administrators
Know the right way (and wrong way) to issue a bid Have a process for fully vetting your district’s vendors, services, and contracts
6. 7.
Evaluate when it makes sense to lease vs. buy
8. 9.
Create a plan for disposal of surplus equipment
Evaluate the hidden costs of warehousing in addition to its on-paper return on investment
Know how to evaluate state contract to determine what is best for your district
10. Recognize that procedural manuals and a formalized purchasing process are essential tools
11. Develop a Bid Calendar 12. Be able to communicate to stakeholders clearly, consistently and with transparency all that is involved in the purchasing process
Illinois ASBO provides professional development seminars addressing these and many other areas of Purchasing, Budgeting, and Finance throughout the year. Be sure to look for your Calendar of Events for the most up-to-date information. The Calendar is mailed once each quarter and is available at iasbo.org
Illinois ASBO Purchasing Manual The following is the full-text excerpted Section XIII from the newly updated 2012 Illinois ASBO Purchasing Manual. The complete Manual will be available to all Illinois ASBO members late-2011 on CD and online. It will also be available on the Association’s peer2peer Network (accessible through www.iasbo.org). Special thanks to the Purchasing Committee members and Illinois ASBO volunteers who contributed countless hours in bringing this comprehensive Manual to life for the benefit of all our members and their districts and for their permission to produce it in full for the Guide. For a complete listing of all contributors, see page 4 in the Illinois ASBO Buyers’ & Resource Guide.
1. Purpose The business office will coordinate purchasing within the framework of the rules and regulations of the Board of Education and state statute. The objective of purchasing policy is to secure requirements for services, materials, supplies and equipment for the institution at the lowest possible cost consistent with satisfactory standards for quality and service.
a) Initiating new services and/or reviewing present services for possible improvement;
The Board of Education purchasing policy covers not only the procurement of equipment and supplies, but also any commitments of funds for rentals and service agreements. These commitments must be covered by purchase orders and, if they are to extend beyond one year, must be renewed by a replacement purchase order. To simplify budgeting and the accounting procedures, commitments of this nature should run concurrent with the fiscal year whenever possible. Before the start of each fiscal year, each responsible party should initiate a new requisition requesting that a purchase order be processed replacing the previous one.
b) Establishing procedures for new services and reviewing existing procedures for possible simplification and/or improvement;
Depending on the conditions, many requisitions can be processed in 24 to 48 hours from the time of receipt in the purchasing department.
c) Administering special projects under the jurisdiction of administrative services.
The purchasing department procures materials and services for the institution and is also responsible for the following:
A. INTRODUCTION 1. Administrative Area The business office is responsible for providing numerous services to the institution within the administrative services area. This operation is organized into three areas, each contributing services to accomplish the operational requirements:
2. Purchasing Department The Purchasing Department is responsible for the acquisition of all equipment, furniture, supplies and outside services for the institution according to Board of Education policy.
Illinois ASBO Purchasing Manual
a) Establishing efficient purchasing procedures and initiating and designing necessary forms to implement statutory requirements and board policy; b) Initiating acceptable requisitioning and receiving procedures;
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
c) Expediting outstanding purchase orders to ensure timely delivery; d) Compiling and maintaining vendor categorical database to assist staff members; e) Supplying cost estimates, specifications and general information to staff members; f) Assisting in the establishment of standards covering equipment used throughout the institution; g) Recommending cost reducing procedures in the general operating areas of the institution.
C. INITIATING AND PROCESSING REQUISITIONS 1. Purpose Requisitions are the means by which the material requirements of the faculty and staff can be made known. Requisitions are used to give the purchasing department detailed and specific information regarding items to be purchased. a) All requests for supplies, equipment, services, rental, subscriptions, or any other transactions that involve an expenditure of institution funds require the initiation of a proper requisition; and b) In addition to the above, any items offered on a trial basis for evaluation purposes with an option to buy, also require a proper requisition. It is the responsibility of the cost center manager to confirm that the correct account numbers are indicated, the expenditures requested are in the budget and that sufficient funds are available in the specified account.
2. Procedure The requisitioner should include the following information on the requisition in the appropriate space or column: a) Suggested Supplier — complete with address, zip code, phone # and contact, if available. b) Requisitioner — include name of the requisitioner and any delivery information that may be needed, (Such as: Delivery to room A-217” or Attn: Tom Smith”) c) Date of the Requisition. d) Shipment to Arrive – Include a realistic date as to when the item is needed. The Purchasing Department will advise the requisitioner when the vendor’s lead time is such that the item cannot be procured when requested. e) If an automated Purchase order system is utilized, all information outlined below shall be included on the requisition. Once requisition is entered into the system the requisition shall be routed to appropriate cost center manager for approval. The requisition shall then be routed to appropriate Business Office administrator for approval, purchase order number assignment, and printing. f) Item Number. g) Quantity —specifying units as each, case, box, etc. h) Catalog Number —if known. i) Description — Include a complete written description so that the purchasing department does not need to contact the requisitioner for any additional information. j) Unit Cost.
Illinois ASBO Purchasing Manual k) Extension — Extend unit cost when ordering in quantities of more than one. l) Division.
g) Books and Pamphlets. Submit completed publisher’s order blank and requisition. Note if prepay is required.
m)Department. n) Account Number — Include a correct account number. An incorrect number results in a delay of the purchase. o) Approval — Requisition is routed to budget administrator and Business Office. p) The requisitioner is often notified of the new purchase order number through a electronic means.
D. SPECIAL PROCEDURES Dues, Fees, and Subscriptions a) Membership Dues (New). Requisition needed.Submit completed membership application form and requisition. Note if prepay is required. b) Membership Dues (Renewal). Requisition required. Submit bill with requisition to be promptly paid. c) Fees (Seminars, Workshops, etc.) Requisition required. Submit completed application form and note if prepay is required. d) Fees (Officials for Athletic Events, Use of Facilities, Greens Fees, etc.) No requisition required. Submit invoice and properly executed check request form to the accounting department. e) Subscription (New) Requisition required. Attach publisher’s subscription form with note to prepay. f) Subscription (Renewal) Requisition required. Submit renewal notice with requisition to be promptly paid.
Illinois ASBO Purchasing Manual
E. TECHNOLOGY 1. Technology includes computer equipment and peripherals, software and upgrades. 2. All purchase requisitions for technology are to be submitted by the cost center manager directly to the Director of Technical Services. 3. The Director of Technical Services will conduct a review of the purchase and certify adherence to standards or make concessions. The director will approve the requisition.
F. QUOTATIONS OR BID REQUESTS 1. Purpose a) Competitive prices are to be obtained whenever possible. The use of quotations and bid requests are appropriate for price solicitation. b) When quotations or bids are required, they will be prepared by the purchasing department upon receipt of complete specifications from the member or members of the staff requiring the items. Awarding of bids will be according to board policy. c) In the event that alternative items, of equal quality and function, are bid at a lower price than the specified items, the purchasing department will require justification from the budget administrator. In the event an item to be purchased is only available from a sole supplier, a signed rationale should accompany the requisition stating why this item should be purchased in preference to another brand. Final responsibility in determining whether an
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
item is a proprietary item and may be purchased from a sole source rests with the purchasing department. d) Specifications shall be supplied on the standard requisition form. The specifications must be accompanied with a properly executed requisition. 2. Procedure a) Purchases of $2,500 to $25,000 shall have the support of THREE VERBAL OR WRITTEN QUOTATIONS from responsible vendors when deemed appropriate. Final approval within this category shall be made by the purchasing official. b) The names, addresses and phone numbers of three suppliers should accompany the requisition. If a staff member does not know of three suppliers, they may contact the purchasing department for additional information. Purchasing has the option of contacting sources in addition to those listed on the requisition. c) Purchases of in excess of $25,000 or more require FORMAL SEALED BIDS with some exceptions (See Section 10-20.21 of the School Code). Formal bids require advertisement in the newspaper, a minimum of 10 days from the date of issue to the opening date and time. Board approval is required. d) When preparing a requisition for sealed bids, it is necessary to include a list of suggested suppliers’ names, addresses and phone numbers with the requisition and specifications. Include as many suppliers as possible. The purchasing department has the option of adding other suppliers to the bid list.
G.PURCHASE ORDERS 1. Purpose a) Materials and services are obtained for the institution through a purchase order. It also makes possible the proper encumbering and charging of materials and services against the correct accounts. b) All expenditures of funds for supplies, equipment and services must be covered by a properly executed purchase order. Materials or services received that are NOT covered by a purchase order are the LIABILITY of the person or persons making the original commitment and are NOT the responsibility of the institution. An employee assumes personal liability for making purchases without following procedure. As a matter of law, an individual without express authority cannot contractually commit on behalf of the institution. The employee personally contracts for the goods or services. 2. Procedure a) Upon the completion of all the requirements set forth in the purchasing policy and the requisitioning procedure, a purchase order will be prepared. b) The requisitioner receives notification of the purchase order number when it is approved. The accounting department submits the vendor’s copy and may also retain a paper copy in their files. c) NOTE: No invoice will be paid unless receiving has been completed and the fees are appropriate.
Illinois ASBO Purchasing Manual H. QUICK ORDERING PROCEDURE 1. Purpose This procedure is for the procurement of small value supply items that: a) Are urgently needed and normal purchasing procedures cannot efficiently handle. b) Cannot be determined without physically examining the stock that is available. All expenditures must be made according to applicable state statutes, board policy, and good business practices. The purchasing department is responsible for the proper expenditures of funds and for this reason requests for supplies, equipment, and services must be channeled through the purchasing department. 2. Procedure a) When an emergency situation arises, the individual in need of the item or items obtains authorization from the division dean to proceed with a cash purchase of the items. b) The individual obtains the amount of money (maximum $25.00) to cover the purchase from the petty cash fund with an approved petty cash slip. c) It is the responsibility of the division dean to see that the necessary sales receipt and itemized list are attached to the petty cash slip. 3. Limitations a) This procedure is not to be used as a means of bypassing the normal requisitioning process. b) This procedure requires the cooperation of the individual having the budget responsibility of the account charged.
Illinois ASBO Purchasing Manual
I.BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS 1. Purpose a) This procedure is used for the procurement of urgently needed items when following normal purchasing procedure is not feasible. b) The authority to purchase through the use of purchase orders and the normal requisitioning channels is delegated to the Director of Physical Plant subject to the limitations listed below. 2. Procedure a) Funds committed b) Approval required c) Budget Balances — Sufficient funds available must be approved d) Confirming Orders (after-the-fact) — The purchase order will be issued no more than three days after the commitment is made.
J. CHANGE ORDERS 1. Purpose a) Revision of purchase orders including partial or complete cancellation. b) Any and all changes to a purchase order must be approved through the purchasing department.
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
2. Procedure a) A requisition stating purchase order number, supplier’s name and complete details as to what changes are requested, and the reason why, should be sent to the purchasing department. The same signatures of authorization are required as on the original requisition.
L. RETURN OF MERCHANDISE 1. Purpose a) The orderly handling of return of merchandise to the vendor. b) The return of any merchandise to an outside source must have the proper paperwork generated so that proper credit or replacement is received by the institution.
b) Purchasing will issue a change order. 2. Procedure
K. RECEIVING REPORTS 1. Purpose a) In order to clear invoices, keep the open order file up-to-date for expediting and detecting shipping errors. Keeping receiving reports promptly and properly processed is a necessity.
a) If an item must be returned for exchange or credit, contact the purchasing department giving all the necessary information.
b) Before services are cleared for payment, evidence of received goods or services rendered must be present. 2. Procedure a) The procedures for receiving merchandise should be closely followed in order that the errors in requisitioning, ordering, shipping and receiving can be more readily detected. b) If one shipment is received, and it completes the entire order, close the receiving and send any invoices to accounts payable. c) If only a partial shipment is received, complete partial receiving copy. d) When shipment completes the order, complete the final receiving and send any invoice to accounts payable.
Professional Development for School Business Officials Illinois ASBO has 19 different Professional Development Committees that provide a community for nearly every specialty within school business management. Members are encouraged to join a committee or attend committee-sponsored seminars that are scheduled throughout the year. Members may also join the conversation online through the Association’s peer2peer Network.
Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting
Complete details for each Professional Development Committee, including each mission, chair, and members are available at www.iasbo.org.
Food Service
Budgeting & Financial Planning Cash Management, Investments & Debt Management Facilities Designation Program Human Resource Management Leadership Development Legal Issues Maintenance & Operations Planning & Construction Principles of School Finance Public Policy & Intergovernmental Relations Purchasing/Supply & Fixed Asset Management Real Estate Management Risk Management Special Education: Administration & Finance Sustainability Technology Transportation
Professional Development for School Business Officials
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
KEY EVENTS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FOCUS The Illinois ASBO Annual Conference provides members the greatest opportunity to interface with one another while being ‘recharged’ with up-to-theminute seminars and presentations. A full complement of exhibits and access to a variety of vendors specializing in fulfilling the needs of school districts across Illinois round out this must-attend venue. Additional Day Conference events are held throughout the year and include the Educational Support Professional Conference – North and South, the Annual Midwest Facility Masters Conference, and TechCon (the Association’s annual event for technology).
LEGISLATIVE RESOURCES AT WORK FOR MEMBERS The impact of legislation on school business is wellrecognized by every school administrator. Illinois ASBO provides a wide range of Legislative Resources to keep members up-to-date with the most pertinent information. The Delegate Advisory Assembly makes recommendations to the Illinois ASBO Board in regards to issues of public policy and/or legislation involving resource management of education. The Illinois Statewide School Management Alliance is a consolidated effort led by the Executive Directors and Boards from four participating organizations: Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), Illinois Association of School Business Officials (IASBO) and Illinois Principals’ Association (IPA). The Alliance speaks with a unified voice for school management and works on behalf of school board members and administrators from school districts of all sizes, geographic regions, types of school organizations, and from all degrees of wealth.
Sponsored Programs Illinois ASBO is an active sponsor or co-sponsor of five different state-wide programs that provide specific services to assist in the daily function of school districts. These programs have been vetted to be sure they serve the mission of the Association, as well as provide services to help our districts lower their operating costs.
Illinois Energy Consortium The Illinois Energy Consortium is a joint energy purchasing consortium sponsored by Illinois ASBO (School Business Officials), IASB (School Boards), and IASA (School Administrators). It is the Midwest’s largest energy purchasing pool. The consortium has generated millions of dollars in savings for Illinois education in both of its electric and gas programs, and is a ready-resource to provide answers and solutions to its members. Before a potential member decides to participate in the IEC Electric Program, the Program Administrator, Ameren Energy Marketing, can perform a full Budget Projection, based on historical usage and current IEC supply costs. This analysis will show the district how much they can save by participating in the Program. Participants in the IEC Gas Program have access to EnerPro©, an online energy management tool designed to bring information regarding your natural gas accounts directly to your desktop. IEC is governed by a board consisting of an equal number of representatives from each sponsoring association (Illinois ASBO, IASB and IASA). Executive directors from each association are also board members. BENEFIT: IEC is designed to lower utility costs for Illinois school districts and community colleges. Website: illec.org
Sponsored Programs
ISDLAF+ Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus is an intergovernmental investment program for school districts and community colleges in Illinois. Co-sponsored by Illinois ASBO, IASA, and IASB, the program offers opportunities to school districts for the investment and management of funds. The Fund is known for its excellent performance, built around the safety, liquidity and yield that school officials want. PMA Financial Network, Inc. serves as Administrator and RBC acts as the Investment Adviser for the Fund. The Fund focuses on five distinct areas. Foremost, the Fund provides security through its investment process that provides a good yield, offers solid value, and simplifies school officials’ lives. The Fund is administered by school officials, for the schools creating a professional level of trust. Flexibility, a third focus, offers officials choices to meet their own school district’s unique needs. Fourth, 24-hour online access to your ISDLAF+ account information underscores its ease of use. And, finally, as an ISDLAF+ participant, members can benefit from the full range of PMA cash management and investment services designed especially for school districts, including Cash Flow Analysis Program, Bond Proceeds Management Program, and Educational Seminars and Classes. BENEFIT: ISDLAF+ provides opportunities to school districts for the investment and management of funds. Website: isdlafplus.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
P-Card p-Card is an Illinois ASBO sponsored program featuring Procurement Cards, or p-Cards. p-Cards have existed in the private and public sectors for many years as a means to streamline the traditional purchasing process. The Illinois ASBO program is in contract with Harris Bank/MasterCard to provide school districts, community colleges and other educational entities in Illinois and other states with a procurement card. While ‘looking’ like a credit or debit card, p-cards are very different. In most school districts, 55-60% of AP checks are for less than $500, yet experts at Deloitte Consulting say that the average cost of processing a purchase order manually is in excess of $75 when considering employee time for data entry and procurement processes. Automating procurement with the help of a p-Card, reduces that cost to between $10 - $40. The benefits of a p-Card Program for school business managers includes the ability to submit one monthly payment vs. multiple payments to multiple vendors; the reduction in paperwork; fraud prevention and protection from the Harris Bank and MasterCard; detailed reporting that’s available 24/7; easy online administration and dedicated customer support and lastly control on spending limits and accepted vendors. BENEFIT: p-Card is designed to streamline the purchasing process, while increasing budget control and reducing the overall cost of payments. Website: Illinois-pcard.com
U.S. Communities The U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance is sponsored by Illinois ASBO, as well as the State Board of Education in Illinois. On a national scale, the Alliance is sponsored by ASBO International, the National Association of Counties (NACO), the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP), the National League of Cities (NLC), and the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM).
If it’s needed in a district, chances are, it’s included in the range of contract goods and services offerings available from U.S. Communities. Product categories include office and classroom solutions, technology solutions, facilities solutions, and specialty solutions. Illinois ASBO members are encouraged to register – registration is free – to participate in the U.S. Communities government purchasing cooperative. BENEFIT: U.S. Communities is a national-scale government purchasing cooperative that’s available to local school Districts throughout Illinois through Illinois ASBO, providing competitively bid contracts and most favorable local agency pricing. Website: uscommunities.org
Call One Call One, the nation’s largest wholesaler/reseller of local and long distance service, has teamed up with Illinois ASBO to lower the cost of phone bills at school districts across Illinois. Call One provides innovative, comprehensive telecommunications solutions to over 9,000-plus clients throughout the nation. Currently, Call One also provides local and long distance service to over 50 school districts throughout Illinois. Members that team up with Call One can switch over existing AT&T local services and apply the new rates with no physical change. No matter what the size of your institution, all Illinois ASBO members receive the same rate. Call One customers enjoy consolidated and customized billing, including online billing and records. And, finally, Call One is ready to consult with members so school districts can keep up with the newest technologies and services. BENEFIT: Call One provides superior service and cost savings to Illinois ASBO members in AT&T areas for local and long distance calling. Website: callone.com
The program provides all local agencies with publicly competitively bid contracts for various products and services. Smaller local agencies may ‘piggyback’ on a contract competitively solicited by another public agency. The ability to tap into the buying power of larger purchasers assures Alliance members receive access to excellent pricing and contract terms.
Accounting and Finance ACCOUNTING & FINANCE REPORTING SERVICES Allison Knapp & Siekmann, Ltd. www.akscpa.com Siekmann, Henry, Partner 2810 Frank Scott Parkway West, Ste. 704, Belleville IL 62223 a 618.233.2641 7 618.233.6334 r hcs@akscpa.com
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP www.bakertilly.com Cavaliere, Nick, Manager 1301 W. 22nd St. Ste. 400 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.645.6244 7 630.645.6294 r n.cavaliere@bakertilly.com
Company Listings
Coyle, Jason, Partner 1301 W. 22nd St., Ste. 400 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.645.6205 7 630.645.6255 r jason.coyle@bakertilly.com Daciuk, Irene, Senior Accountant 1301 W. 22nd St. Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.645.6231 7 630.645.6281 r irene.daciuk@bakertilly.com Murray, Steve, Manager 1301 W. 22nd St., Ste 400 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.645.6227 r steve.murray@bakertilly.com Rossi, John, Partner 1301 W. 22nd St., Ste. 400 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.645.6209 7 630.645.6259 r john.rossi@bakertilly.com
White, James, Senior Manager 1301 W. 22nd St., Ste 400 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.645.6247 7 630.645.6297 r James.white@bakertilly.com
BKD, LLP Swinford, Troy, Partner 225 N. Water St., Ste. 400 Decatur IL 62523 a 217.429.2411 x6844 7 217.429.6109 r tswinford@bkd.com
Clifton Gunderson, LLP Barrick, Helen, Partner 301 S.W. Adams, Ste. 900, PO Box 1835 Peoria IL 61656 a 309.671.1843 7 309.671.4508 r helen.barrick@cliftoncpa.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Crowe Horwath LLP www.crowehorwatch.com Geerdes, Matt, Manager 1 Mid America Plaza, PO Box 3697 Oak Brook IL 60522 a 63 0.706.2074 7 63 0.574.1608 r matt.geerdes@crowehorwath.com Nuehring, Bert, Partner 1 Mid America Plaza, PPO Box 3697 Oak Brook IL 60522 a 630.574.7878 7 63 0.574.1608 r bert.nuehring@crowehorwath.com Torres, Christine, Senior Manager 1 Mid America Plaza, PO Box 3697 Oak Brook IL 60522 a 63 0.706.2074 7 630.574.1608 rchristine.torres@crowehorwath.com
Evans, Marshall & Pease, P.C. Rollefson, Jeffery, Vice President 1875 Hicks Rd. Rolling Meadows IL 60008 a 847.221.5700 7 847.221.5701 r jeff@empcpa.com
Gorenz & Associates, Ltd. www.gorenzcpa.com Custis, Tim, Certified Public Accountant 4200 N. Knoxville Ave. Peoria IL 61614 a 309.685.7621 7 309.685.4758 r tcustis@gorenzcpa.com
Klein Hall & Associates, LLC
Miller, Cooper & Co., Ltd.
Allen, Betsy, Audit Senior Manager 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 400 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.205.5000 7 847.205.1400 r ballen@millercooper.com
Duenser, Scott, Certified Public Accountant 3973 75th St., Ste. 102 Aurora IL 60504 a 630.898.5578 7 630.898.5593 r sduenser@kleinhallcpa.com Klein, Scott, Partner/Accounting Firm 3973 75th St., Ste. 102 Aurora IL 60504 a 630.898.5578 7 630.898.5593 r sklein@kleinhallcpa.com
Legacy Professionals LLP Gawlas, Karl, Partner 311 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 4000 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.368.0500 x4231 7 312.368.0746 r kgawlas@legacycpas.com
Mathieson, Moyski, Celer & Co., LLP
DeKraker, Colleen, CPA/Audit Manager 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 400 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.205.5000 7 847.205.1400 r cdekraker@millercooper.com Mace, Andrew, Principal 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 400 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.205.5000 7 847.205.1400 amace@millercooper.com Payne, Catrina, CPA 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 400 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.205.5000 7 847.205.1400 r cpayne@millercooper.com
Schowalter & Jabouri, P.C.
Gaul, Richard, CPA 211 S. Wheaton Ave., Ste. 300 Wheaton IL 60187 a 630.653.1616 x104 7 630.653.1735 r rgaul@mmccpas.com
Torti, James, President 11878 Gravois Rd. St. Louis MO 63127 a 314.849.4999 7 314.849.3486 r jtorti@sjcpa.com
McGladrey & Pullen, LLP
Siepert & Co. LLP
George, John, Partner 1 S. Wacker Dr., #800 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.634.4402 7 312.634.3410 r john.george@mcgladrey.com
Meier, Gary, Partner 1920 W. Hart Rd. Beloit WI 53511 a 608.365.2266 7 608.364.8727 r gmeier@siepert.com
Accounting and Finance Wermer, Rogers, Doran & Ruzon, LLC
Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. www.hsemuni.com
Marso, Edward, Partner 755 Essington Rd. Joliet IL 60435 a 815.730.6250 7 815.730.6257 r erm@wrdr.com Meyer, David, Manager 755 Essington Rd. Joliet IL 60435 a 815.730.6250 7 815.730.6257 r dmm@wrdr.com
Windsor Management Group www.infinitevisions.com
Bergland, Robert, Sr. Vice President 222 W. Adams St., Ste. 1700 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.443 .1566 7 312.443 .1082 r rbergland@hsemuni.com Bridgeland, Kari, Assistant Vice President 222 W. Adams St., Ste. 1700 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.443 .5221 7 312.443 .1082 r kbridgeland@hsemuni.com
L.J. Hart & Company www.ljhartco.com
Smith, Gary V.P./Sales & Marketing 8950 S. 52nd St., Ste. 309 Tempe AZ 85284 a 909.553.7610 7 480.777.7164 r gsmith@infinitevisions.com
Wipfli LLP
Mesirow Financial, Inc.
Schueler, Matthew, Senior Manager 403 E. Third St. Sterling IL 61081 a 815.626.1277 7 815.626.9118 r mschueler@wipfli.com
Sheahan, Patrick, Senior Vice President 353 N. Clark St., 10th Fl. Chicago IL 60654 a 312.595.7166 7 312.595.7163 r psheahan@mesirowfinancial.com
PMA Financial Network, Inc.
First Midstate, Inc. firstmidstate.com Heid, Kevin, Sr. Vice President 306 N. Main St., Ste. 3 Bloomington IL 61704 a 309.829.3311 7 309.827.2171 r kevin@firstmidstate.com
Hart, Larry, President/CEO 16401 Swingley Ridge Rd., Ste. 210 St. Louis MO 63017 a 800.264.4477 7 636.537.9005 r ljhart@ljhartco.com
Company Listings
www.pmanetwork.com Beckwith Schallmo, Tammie Managing Director 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6446 7 630.718.8701 r tammie@pmanetwork.com
Bode, Paul, Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6432 7 630.718.8701 pbode@pmanetwork.com Crouse, Howard, Vice President 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6415 7 630.718.8701 r hcrouse@pmanetwork.com Czachor, Charles, Associate Vice President 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6423 7 630.718.8701 r cczachor@pmanetwork.com Davis, James, Exec. Vice President/COO 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6491 7 630.718.8701 r jdavis@pmanetwork.com Dragosavljevic, Vladimir, Sr. Vice President 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6410 7 630.718.8701 r vlad@pmanetwork.com English, Michael, President 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6490 7 630.718.8701 r menglish@pmanetwork.com Frances, Michael, Sr. Financial Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6414 7 630.718.8701 r mfrances@pmanetwork.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Gorny, Heather, Senior Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6425 7 630.718.8701 r hgorny@pmanetwork.com Guilfoyle, Kyle, Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6434 7 630.718.8701 r kguilfoyle@pmanetwork.com Hack, Christopher, Quantitative Analyst 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6442 7 630.718.8701 r chack@pmanetwork.com Kubitz, Gregory, Senior Financial Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6416 7 630.718.8701 r gkubitz@pmanetwork.com Lewis, Robert, Senior V.P./Managing Director 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6445 7 630.718.8701 r rlewis@pmanetwork.com Matthew, Timothy, Senior Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6427 7 630.718.8701 r tmatthew@pmanetwork.com Miller, Stephen, Sr. Financial Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6413 7 630.718.8701 r smiller@pmanetwork.com
Nissen, Nathan, Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6426 7 630.718.8701 r nnissen@pmanetwork.com Patel, Fenil, Vice President 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6437 7 630.718.8701 r fpatel@pmanetwork.com Pauli, Laura, Vice President 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6436 7 630.718.8701 r lpauli@pmanetwork.com Scharf, Audra, Vice President 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6422 7 630.718.8701 r ascharf@pmanetwork.com Smith, Scott, Sr. Financial Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6412 7 630.718.8701 r ssmith@pmanetwork.com Sotiros, Greg, Senior Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6424 7 630.718.8701 r gsotiros@pmanetwork.com Weber, Donald, Senior Vice President 2135 CityGate Ln. 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6435 7 630.718.8701 r dweber@pmanetwork.com Wessels, Paul, Senior Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6429 7 630.718.8701 r pwessels@pmanetwork.com
Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Flaherty, Wendy, Director of Public Finance 550 W. Washington St., Ste. 1650 Chicago IL 60661 a 312.612.7813 7 312.612.7821 r wendy.flaherty@raymondjames.com Matkowski, Linda, Managing Director 550 W. Washington St., Ste. 1650 Chicago IL 60661 a 312.612.7814 7 312.612.7821 r linda.matkowski@raymondjames.com
RevTrak www.revtrak.com Erdenberg, Sherrie, Sr. Account Manager 1346 Midway Ave. St. Charles IL 60174 a 888.847.3216 x3 7 63 0.513.9913 r se@revtrak.com
Robert W. Baird & Co. www.rwbaird.com Arndt, Gwendolyn, Director 2435 Dean St., Unit 2-B St. Charles IL 60175 a 630.584.4994 7 630.584.4474 r garndt@rwbaird.com Arndt, Andrew 2435 Dean St., Unit 2-B St. Charles IL 60175 a 630.524.4994 7 630.584.4474 r aarndt@rwbaird.com Hepworth, William, Managing Director 2435 Dean St., Unit 2-B St. Charles IL 60175 a 630.584.4994 7 630.584.4474 r whepworth@rwbaird.com
Accounting and Finance Speer Financial, Inc. speerfinancial.com McCanna, Kevin, President One N. LaSalle St., Ste. 4100 Chicago IL 60602 a 312.346.3700 7 312.346.8833 r kmccanna@speerfinancial.com Phillips, David, Sr. Vice President One N. LaSalle St., Ste. 4100 Chicago IL 60602 a 312.780.2280 7 312.346.8833 r dphillips@speerfinancial.com
TSA Consulting Group, Inc. www.tsacg.com Banks, Stephen, President, CEO 15 Yacht Club Dr. NE Fort Walton Beach FL 32548 a 888.777.5827 7 800.889.9736 r sbanks@tsacg.com
William Blair & Company, LLC Ad: Page 22 www.williamblair.com
Hennessy, Elizabeth, Principal 222 W. Adams St., 29th Fl. Chicago IL 60606 a 312.364.8955 7 312.236.0174 r ehennessy@williamblair.com
Company Listings
Joyce, Nora, Vice President 222 W. Adams Chicago IL 60606 a 312.364.8479 7 312.236.0174 r njoyce@williamblair.com
BANKS & FINANCIAL SERVICE INSTITUTIONS Bank of America Feeney, Kimberly, Senior Vice President 135 S. LaSalle St. Mail Code: Il4-135-07-28 Chicago IL 60603 a 312.992.2252 7 312.453 .44 88 r kimberly.feeney@baml.com
BMO Capital Markets GKST, Inc. www.bmo.com Rachlin, Jamie, Managing Director 115 S. LaSalle St., 36th Floor Chicago IL 60603 a 312.845 .4021 7 312.658.4677 r jamie.rachlin@bmo.com
BMO Harris Bank N.A. www.harrisbank.com Brinkmeier, Bruce, Vice President 111 W. Monroe St. Chicago IL 60603 a 312.461.3974 7 312.293.5811 r bruce.brinkmeier@harrisbank.com Gay, Hank, Vice President 111 W. Monroe St., 12C Chicago IL 60603 a 312.461.2439 r hank.gay@harrisbank.com
BMO Harris Bank N.A. www.harrisbank.com/governments Grammas, Jim, Vice President Government Team 111 West Monroe St. 5 Center Chicago IL 60603 a 312.461.7895 7 312.293.5811 r jim.grammas@harrisbank.com Mattern, John, SVP-Institutional Market 111 W. Monroe, 5 C Chicago IL 60603 a 312.461.3295 7 312.293.5811 r john.mattern@harrisbank.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
BMO Spend & Payment Solutions www.bmospendandpayment.com Wintczak, David, V.P., Sr. Relationship Manager 115 S. LaSalle St., Floor 10 West Chicago IL 60603 a 312.461.6388 7 312.293.4933 r david.wintczak@bmo.com
Centurion Service Corporation www.cosmosvc.com Akouris, Thomas, Client Services Coordinator 1606 Colonial Pkwy. Inverness IL 60067 a 847.776.3500 7 847.776.3508 r jtatjamw@aol.com
Charter One Bank Ad: Page 23 www.charterone.com/ Hagan, Jill, V.P./Government Banking 9795 Lincoln Hwy. Frankfort IL 60423 a 815.464.3760 7 815.469.6020 r Jill.L.WokurkaHagan@charteronebank.com
Sholeen, Todd, Vice President 71 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 2900 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.777.3619 7 312.777.3497 r todd.c.sholeen@charteronebank.com
Meier, Nancy, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer 222 W. Adams St., Ste.1700 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.443 .1560 7 312.443 .7225 r nmeier@hsemuni.com
Cole Taylor Bank
Orr, Ryan, Analyst 222 W. Adams St., Ste. 1700 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.443 .1569 7 312.443 .1082 r rorr@hsemuni.com
www.coletaylor.com Staunton, Mark, Senior Vice President 5501 W. 79th St. Burbank IL 60459 a 708.85 7.4352 7 847.698.5700 r mstaunton@coletaylor.com
J. P. Morgan Chase Bank, NA www.chase.com
Commerce Bank www.commercebank.com Howe, Pamela, Vice President 416 Main St. Peoria IL 61602 a 309.999.3274 7 309.999.3361 r Pam.Howe@CommerceBank.com
Mishlove, Laura, Banker 10 S. Dearborn, Mail Code IL1-1228 Chicago IL 60603 a 312.732.6921 7 312.732.7005 r laura.mishlove@chase.com
MB Financial Bank, N.A. Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. www.hsemuni.com Coyne, Raymond, Sr. Vice President 222 W. Adams St., Ste. 1700 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.443 .1567 7 312.443 .1082 r rcoyne@hsemuni.com
Grele, Kathy, Assistant Vice President 363 W. Ontario 2nd Fl. Chicago IL 60654 a 312.279.6437 7 312.279.6386 r kgrele@mbfinancial.com
Accounting and Finance Mesirow Financial, Inc. www.mesirowfinancial.com Krzyskowski, Todd, Managing Director 353 N. Clark St. Chicago IL 60654 a 312.595.7842 7 312.595.6988 r tkrzyskowski@mesirowfinancial.com
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company Ad: Page 24 www.stifel.com/publicfinance Stifel Nicolaus provides all services relating to borrowing money and minimizing the expense of borrowing. Working cash, health life safety or the County School Facilities Sales tax: no firm brings a more complete approach to finding the lowest cost way to finance.
Company Listings
Noble, Anne, Sr. Vice President 501 N. Broadway St. Louis MO 63102 a 314.342.8488 7 314.342.2179 r noblea@stifel.com
Trout, Steven, V.P./Government Lender 222 S. Riverside Plaza, 28th Floor Chicago IL 60606 a 312.291.2913 7 866.226.4379 r strout@wintrust.com
Wintrust Financial Ad: Page 25 www.wintrust.com Briles, Aimee, V.P./Government Funds 500 Roosevelt Rd., Ste. 320 Glen Ellyn IL 60137 a 630.516.4685 7 866.854.2115 r abriles@wintrust.com
FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTING REPORTING SYSTEMS & SERVICES AssetWorks Appraisal www.assetworks.com Scapillato, Eric, Regional Director 101 Lakeside Dr. Southampton PA 18966 a 800.876.0363 x1331 7 518.541.3672 r eric.scapillato@assetworks.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Standard & Poor's www.standardandpoors.com
Moody's Investors Service www.moodys.com Damutz, Edward, V.P./Senior Analyst 100 N. Riverside Plaza, Ste. 2220 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.706.9953 7 312.706.9999 r edward.damutz@moodys.com
Hountalas, Spiro, Director 130 E. Randolph St., Ste. 2900 Chicago IL 60601 a 312.233.7018 7 312.233.7025 r spiro_hountalas@sandp.com
Lazarus, Mark, Analyst 100 N. Riverside Plaza Ste. 2220 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.706.9976 7 312.706.9999 r mark.lazarus@moodys.com
Construction and Renovation CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Camosy Incorporated www.camosy.com Bosman, John, Business Development Manager 43451 N. Hwy 41 Zion IL 60099 a 847.395.6800 x237 7 847.395.6891 r johnbosman@camosy.com
Frederick Quinn Corporation www.fquinncorp.com Hayes, Jack, President 103 S. Church Rd. Addison IL 60101 a 630.628.8500 7 630.628.8595 r jack@fquinncorp.com
Company Listings
Ward, Derek, Dir./Business Development 103 S. Church St. Addison IL 60101 a 630.628.8500 7 630.628.8595 r derek@fquinncorp.com
Gilbane Building Company www.gilbaneco.com Masters, Jeffrey, Vice President/Operations Manager 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 500 Chicago IL 60631 a 773.695.3500 7 773.695.3501 r jmasters@gilbaneco.com
Henry Bros. Construction Mgmt. Services, Inc. www.henrybros.com Deneau, Marc, V.P./Business Development 9821 S. 78th Ave. Hickory Hills IL 60457 a 708.658.0247 7 708.430.8262 r mdeneau@henrybros.com
IHC Construction Companies, LLC www.ihcconstruction.com McDonough, James, Dir./Business Development 1500 Executive Dr. Elgin IL 60123 a 847.841.7838 7 847.841.7869 r jmcdonough@ihcconstruction.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Polich, Charles, Vice President 1500 Executive Dr. Elgin IL 60123 a 847.841.7928 7 847.742.6610 r cpolich@ihcconstruction.com Rock, David, President 1500 Executive Dr. Elgin IL 60123 a 847.841.7835 7 847.742.6610 r drock@ihcconstruction.com
International Contractors, Inc. www.iciinc.com International Contractors, Inc. is a family owned business in its second generation of leadership providing construction management, general contracting and design/build services. ICI’s ability to build strong partnerships has led to $100 million in education construction projects over the past 5 years. Cassidy, Richard, Sr. Project Manager 977 S. Rte. 83 Elmhurst IL 60126 a 630.878.6469 7 630.834.8046 r rcassidy@iciinc.com Fahey, Joseph, V.P./Business Development 977 S. Route 83 Elmhurst IL 60126 a 630.834.8043 7 630.834.8046 r JFahey@iciinc.com
Poskin, Marc, Dir. of K-12 Education 977 S. Route 83 Elmhurst IL 60126 a 630.941.6833 7 630.834.8046 r mposkin@iciinc.com
Lamp Incorporated Ad: Page 29 www.lampinc.net Lamp, Ian, V.P./Marketing and Sales 460 N. Grove Ave. Elgin IL 60120 a 847.741.7220 x305 7 847.741.9677 r ilamp@lampinc.net
Lend Lease (US) Construction Inc. www.bovislendlease.com Doherty, John, Dir./Education Business Unit One N. Wacker, Ste. 850 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.245.1393 7 312.245.1379 r John.Doherty@bovislendlease.com
Leopardo Companies, Inc. www.leopardo.com Behm, Michael, Senior Vice President 5200 Prairie Stone Pkwy. Hoffman Estates IL 60192 a 847.783.3212 7 847.783.3213 r mwbehm@leopardo.com
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Ad: Page 27 www.mccarthy.com Robben, Stacy, Dir./Business Development 1604 Eastport Plaza Dr. Collinsville IL 62234 a 618.789.4966 7 314.968.4642 r srobben@mccarthy.com
Pepper Construction Company www.pepperconstruction.com Bennett, William, K-12 Group Leader 411 Lake Zurich Rd. Barrington IL 60010 a 847.381.2760 7 847.304.6510 r wbennett@pepperconstruction.com Creath, James, Group Leader 411 Lake Zurich Rd. Barrington IL 60010 a 847.381.2760 7 847.304.6510 r jcreath@pepperconstruction.com Dannegger, Craig, Project Manager 411 Lake Zurich Rd. Barrington IL 60010 a 847.381.2760 7 847.304.6510 r cdannegger@pepperconstruction.com
Construction and Renovation Tritsch, Lance, Project Executive 411 Lake Zurich Rd. Barrington IL 60010 a 847.381.2760 7 847.304.6510 ltritsch@pepperconstruction.com
Progressive Roofing www.progressiveroofing.us Carr, Andy, Business Development 4620 138th St. Crestwood IL 60445 a 773.377.5855 7 602.278.6896 r andy.carr@progressiveus.com
Russell Construction Company www.russellco.com White, Chad, Project Manager 4600 E. 53rd St. Davenport IA 52807 a 563.459.4600 7 563.459.4601 r cwhite@russellco.com
Shales McNutt Construction McNutt, John, President 425 Renner Dr. Elgin IL 60123 a 847.622.1214 7 847.622.1224 r johnmcnutt@shalesmcnutt.com
Sitton Construction Group sittoncg.com Sitton Construction Group is a Professional Construction Management and Owner’s Representative firm that assists districts with saving money and time on their construction projects, regardless of delivery method. Our services more than pay for themselves in the savings we generate! Sitton, Doug, President 10 Prairie View Rd. Belleville IL 62221 a 618.406.0993 7 618.632.5447 r dsitton@sittoncg.com
Ad: Page 31 www.smwilson.com
Skender Construction
In the last five years, S. M. Wilson & Co. has completed more than $475 million in education projects including multiple projects in Illinois. S. M. Wilson provides a complete range of services, including pre-referendum, pre-construction, construction management, general contracting and design/build.
Chapman, Alli, Vice President of Business Development 200 W. Madison Ste. 1300 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.781.0265 7 312.781.0279 r achapman@skender.com
Berg, Amy, V.P./Business Development 2185 Hampton Ave. St. Louis MO 63139 a 314.645.9595 x5708 7 314.645.1700 r amy.berg@smwilson.com
The George Sollitt Construction Co.
Company Listings
Turner Construction ghill@tcco.com
S. M. Wilson & Co.
Hill, Gary, Dir./K-12 Education Group 55 E. Monroe, #3100 Chicago IL 60603 a 312.32 7.2860 7 312.327.2800 r ghill@tcco.com
FLOORING CARPETING & FLOOR COVERINGS Crossville, Inc. www.crossvilleinc.com Vassalotti, Heidi, Architectural Design 3921 N. Hamlin Chicago IL 60618 a 773.988.8118 r hvassalotti@crossvilleinc.com
Floors, Incorporated www.floorsinc.info Fantuzzi, Steven, Vice President 1341 Cobblestone Way Woodstock IL 60098 a 815.338.6566 7 815.338.6679 r stevefantuzzi@sbcglobal.net
InterfaceFLOR www.interfaceflor.com Johnson, Christopher, Account Executive 222 Merchandise Mart Plz #10-136 Chicago IL 60654 a 630.842.7323 7 312.822.7240 r chris.johnson@interfaceflor.com
www.sollitt.com Binkley, David, Dir./Business Development 790 North Central Avenue Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.860.7333 r dbinkley@sollitt.com
Kiefer Specialty Flooring, Inc. Hayes, Steve, Regional Sales Manager 2910 Falling Waters Blvd. Lindenhurst IL 60046 a 847.245.8450 7 847.245.8590 r steve@kieferfloors.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Construction and Renovation Mr. David's Flooring International, Ltd.
The Mohawk Group www.themohawkgroup.com
Mobilease Modular Space, Inc.
mrdavidsflooring.com Zmijewski, Michael, Vice President 865 W. Irving Park Rd. Itasca IL 60143 a 847.250.4575 7 847.250.4575 michaelz@mrdavidsflooring.com
Stalker Flooring, Inc. www.stalkerflooring.com Stalker, Steven, Vice President PO Box 66, 1215 W. Waupaca St. New London WI 54961 a 920.982.2926 7 920.982.4811 r sfifloors@aol.com
Sterling Services, Inc. (Saniglaze) Donati, Daniel, Sales Manager 8404 S. Wilmette Ave., Unit A Darien IL 60561 a 630.724.0813 7 630.724.0814 r ddonati@sterserv.com
Tandus Flooring, Inc. Ad: Page 30 www.tandus.com Rakow, Ben, Account Executive 2224 Colorado Ave. Elgin IL 60123 a 331.223.1749 7 866.708.9376 brakow@tandus.com
Company Listings
Brett, Carter, Account Executive 3-121 Merchandise Mart Chicago IL 60610 a 847.804.3792 7 847.381.8702 r carter_brett@mohawkind.com
Grulke, Lee, Sales Manager 137 Crown Point Rd. West Deptford NJ 8086 a 856.686.9600 r lee@mobileasemodular.com
Vortex Enterprises, Inc.
Tyson Corporation/New Castle Modular
Church, Delmar, President 25 W. Official Rd. Addison IL 60101 a 630.458.8600 7 630.458.8601 r dchurch@vortexchicago.com
Berglund, Alicia, Classroom Sales 2301 S. Holt Rd. Indianapolis IN 46241 a 317.241.83 96 7 317.241.6892 r aberglund@tysoncorporation.com
Smith, Kenneth, Vice President 25 W. Official Rd. Addison IL 60101 a 630.458.8600 7 630.458.8601 r ksmith@vortexchicago.com
PORTABLE & RELOCATABLE SYSTEMS Innovative Modular Solutions, Inc. www.innovativemodular.com McCarthy, Sean, Sales Manager 297 E. South Frontage Rd., Unit B Bolingbrook IL 60440 a 630.972.0500 7 630.972.0555 r smccarthy@innovativemodular.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Consulting and Professional Services EDUCATION SERVICES Assessment Technology, Inc. Ad: Page 33 ati-online.com Galileo K-12 Online from Assessment Technology Incorporated is a fully integrated, standards-based instructional improvement System, providing comprehensive assessment and instructional tools. State standards are built-in and ready for use, as Common Core State Standards will be as they receive state adoption.
Feld, Jason, V.P/Corporate Projects 6700 E. Speedway Blvd. Tucson AZ 85710 a 520.323.9033 7 520.323.9139 r jason@ati-online.com
Company Listings
Infinite Connections
PMA Financial Network, Inc.
Kratochvil, Jane, President 1647 W. Erie, Ste. 100 Chicago IL 60622 a 773.412.9072 7 636.412.9072 r jkratochvil@infiniteconnect.net
Crouse, Steven, Portfolio Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6431 7 630.718.8701 r scrouse@pmanetwork.com
Raymond James & Associates, Inc. www.raymondjames.com
www.ehlers-inc.com Larson, Steve, Sr. Vice President 550 Warrenville Rd., Ste. 220 Lisle IL 60532 a 630.271.3331 7 630.271.3369 r slarson@ehlers-inc.com
Chapman, Thomas, Managing Director, Public Finance 550 W. Washington Blvd., #1650 Chicago IL 60661 a 312.612.7817 7 312.612.7821 r thomas.chapman@raymondjames.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
LEGAL SERVICES Chapman and Cutler LLP chapman.com Bartholomy, Erin, Partner 111 W. Monroe, 13th Fl. Chicago IL 60603 a 312.845.3893 7 312.516.1893 r bartholo@chapman.com Given, Lynda, Partner 111 W. Monroe St. Chicago IL 60603 a 312.845.3814 7 312.516.1814 r given@chapman.com
Johnson, Daniel, Chief Operating Partner 111 W. Monroe St. Chicago IL 60603 a 312.845.3811 7 312.516.1811 r djohnson@chapman.com
Franczek Radelet P.C. Ad: Page 35 www.franczek.com Millichap, Paul, Attorney 300 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 3400 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.986.0300 x6101 7 312.986.9192 r pam@franczek.com
Guin, Martin & Mundorf, LLC www.gmmschoollaw.com
Mundorf, Barney, Attorney 310 Regency Centre Collinsville IL 62234 a 618.301.4060 x3302 7 618.301.4080 r bmundorf@gmmschoollaw.com
Hinshaw & Culbertson www.hinshawlaw.com Ficarelli, Anthony, Partner 4343 Commerce Ct., Ste. 415 Lisle IL 60532 a 630.505.0010 7 630.505.0959 r aficarelli@hinshawlaw.com
Consulting and Professional Services Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd.
Lyman & Nielsen, LLC www.lymannielsen.com
ktjlaw.com Bartley, James, Attorney/Partner 20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1660 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.984.6430 7 312.984.6444 r jpbartley@ktjlaw.com
Nielsen, Jennifer, Attorney 1301 W. 22nd St., Ste. 914 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.575.0020 7 630.575.0099 r jnielsen@lymannielsen.com
Shanahan & Shanahan www.lawbyshanahan.com
Duggan, Michael, Attorney 20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1660 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.984.6400 7 312.606.7077 r mjduggan@ktjlaw.com
Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton & Taylor, Ltd.
Lewis, Julie, Partner 20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1660 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.984.6400 7 312.606.7077 r jelewis@ktjlaw.com
Florey, Kenneth, Partner 55 W. Monroe, Ste. 800 Chicago IL 60603 a 312.332 .7760 7 312.332.7768 r kflorey@rsnlt.com
Company Listings
Slutzky, Lorence, Principal 55 W. Monroe, Ste. 800 Chicago IL 60603 a 312.332 .7760 7 312.332.7768 r lslutzky@rsnlt.com
Ad: Page 34 www.rsnlt.com
Shanahan, James, Partner 230 W. Monroe St., Ste. 2620 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.263.0607 7 312.263.0611 r jashanahan@lawbyshanahan.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Whitt Law LLC
Plante Moran
PODS Moving & Storage
Whitt, Stuart, Managing Partner 70 S. Constitution Dr. Aurora IL 60506 a 630.897.8875 7 630.897.1258 r swhitt@whittlaw.com
Wright, Judy, Partner 27400 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI 48034 a 248.223.3304 7 248.603.5953 r judy.wright@plantemoran.com
Kelly, Timothy. General Manager 1120 N. Ellis St. Bensenville IL 60106 a 630.330.4879 7 727.532.2605 r tkelly@pods.com
Aires Consulting Group, Inc.
Midwest Moving & Storage
Ad: Page 35
Rapacki, Richard, Vice President 1550 Hubbard Ave. Batavia IL 60510 a 630.879.3006 7 630.879.3014 r richrapacki@airesconsulting.com
Owens, William, Executive Vice President 1255 Tonne Rd. Elk Grove Village IL 60007 a 847.593.7201 x5182 7 847.593.7618 r bowens@midwestmoving.com
Employee Benefits and 403(B) Consulting 403(B) AND OTHER TAXSHELTERED ANNUITIES Horace Mann Insurance Company www.horacemann.com Cantwell, Jack, Territory Sales Leader 335 Devon Court Grayslake IL 60030 a 847.533.2989 r jack.cantwell@horacemann.com DeBartolo, Susan, Agent & Financial Planner 7735 N Milwaukee Ave. Niles IL 60714 a 847.800.3132 7 847.698.1203 r susan.debartolo@horacemann.com Rutkowski, David, Senior Account Executive 1800 Nations Dr., Ste. 215 Gurnee IL 60031 a 847.548.8140 7 847.548.8165 r david.rutkowski@horacemann.com
Company Listings
Tepatti, Robert, Dir./Advanced Mrkt. & Tech. Support 1 Horace Mann Plaza, Mail #E207 Springfield IL 62715 a 217.788.5185 7 217.53 5.7197 r bob.tepatti@horacemann.com
ING Financial Advisers, LLC Shackelford, CFS, Fern Regional Director 2525 Cabot Dr., Ste. 100 Lisle IL 60532 a 630.245.4031 7 860.580.0128 r Fern.Shackelford@us.ing.com
ING Financial Partners Staley, Jeff, Financial Consultant 2525 Cabot Dr. Ste 100 Lisle IL 60532 a 630.245.4044 7 860.580.0128 r jeff.staley@ingfp.com
Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc. www.lincolninvestment.com Jackson, Christopher, Branch Manager 500 Waters Edge Ste. 150 Lombard IL 60148 a 630.620.6100 x5705 7 630.620.6125 r cjackson@lincolninvestment.com
The OMNI Group, Inc. www.omni403b.com Rovinski, Nina, VP/COO 1099 Jay St., Bldg. F Rochester NY 14611 a 585.436.6664 x117 7 585.436.3633 r nrovinski@omni403b.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Assurance Agency Ltd. www.assuranceagency.com Dobrolinsky, Keith, V.P./Practice Leader One Century Centre Schaumburg IL 60173 a 847.463.7345 7 847.440.9127 r kdobrolinsky@assuranceagency.com
AXA Advisors/AXA Equitable
Corporate Benefit Consultants, Inc.
May, Curtis, Senior Vice President 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 200 Deerfield IL 60015 a 224.554.8018 7 847.236.4123 r curtis.may@axa-advisors.com
Sanders, Rhonda, Sr. Consultant 2800 S. River Rd., Ste. 130 DesPlaines IL 60018 a 847.390.5663 7 847.745.0453 r rsanders@cbcin.com
Benefit Brokers & Consultants, Inc.
CPI Common Remitter Services
AXA Advisors, LLC www.bradlazar.com Lazar, Brad, Certified Financial Planner 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 200 Deerfield IL 60015 a 224.554.8064 7 847.236.4123 r bradley.lazar@axa-advisors.com
AXA Advisors, LLC www.kylezake.com Zake, Kyle, V.P./American Division 1515 W. 22nd St. #300 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.954.6896 7 630.954.4097 r kyle.zake@axa-advisors.com
Pratt, Robert, President 930 N. York Rd., Ste. 220 Hinsdale IL 60521 a 630.325.6477 x17 7 630.325.6476 r prattrg@bbc-il.com Trapp, Colleen, Dir./Customer Service 930 North York Rd., Ste. 220 Hinsdale IL 60521 a 630.325.6477 7 630.325.6476 r ctrapp@bbc-il.com Vesely, Jr., Edward, Vice President 930 N. York Rd., Ste. 220 Hinsdale IL 60521 a 630.325.6477 7 630.325.6476 r evesely@bbc-il.com
Duprey, Mary, Regional Consultant Eastern U.S. 4903 10th St. Great Bend KS 67530 a 620.793.8473 x764 7 501.325.2531 r mary.duprey@cpiqpc.com
Egyptian Trust www.egtrust.org Dahncke, Thomas, Consultant 637 E. Allen Nashville IL 62263 a 618.791.5541 7 618.327.3220 r tdahncke@charter.net
Employee Benefits and 403(B) Consulting continued
Euclid Insurance Services, Inc.
Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc.
Lorenz, Jim, Sr. Vice President 234 Spring Lake Dr. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.694.2410 7 630.773.4075 r jlorenz@euclidinsurance.com
Forest Financial Group, Inc. www.ffginc.com Maras, Ted, Vice President 580 N. Bank Ln. Lake Forest IL 60045 a 708.705.7883 7 847.482.9758 r tmaras@ffginc.com
Fringe Funding, Inc. O'Hara, David, President 3601 Algonquin Rd., #615 Rolling Meadows IL 60008 a 847.577.8085 7 847.577.8069 r dohara@fringefunding.com
Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. www.gallagherbenefits.com Baldwin, Scott, Area Senior Vice President Two Pierce Pl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.3755 7 630.285.3685 r Scott_Baldwin@ajg.com Butler, Brian, Benefit Consultant Two Pierce Pl., 22nd Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.3871 7 630.345.9615 r brian_butler@ajg.com
Company Listings
Correa, Vicki, Area Vice President Two Pierce Pl., 22nd Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4213 7 630.285.3685 r vicki_correa@ajg.com
HUB International Midwest, Ltd. Kennedy, James, Vice President 55 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago IL 60604 a 312.279.4872 7 866.394.1129 r james.kennedy@hubinternational.com
J.W. Terrill Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. www.gallagherbenefits.com Dowling, Victoria, Benefit Consultant Two Pierce Pl., 22nd Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.3604 7 847.512.0350 r victoria_dowling@ajg.com Lolkus, Stacy, Account Executive Two Pierce Pl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4442 7 630.285.3685 r stacy_lolkus@ajg.com Nardi, Angelo, Executive Vice President Two Pierce Pl., 21st Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.3757 7 630.694.5221 r angelo_nardi@ajg.com
www.jwterrill.com James, Scott, Vice President/Public Entities 825 Maryville Centre Dr. Chesterfield MO 63017 a 314.594.2746 7 314.594.2546 r sjames@jwterrill.com
MetLife Resources Gillen, James, Group Benefits Manager - Financial and Insurance 6160 N. Cicero Ave. Ste 400. Chicago IL 60646 a 847.778.1522 r jgillen@metlife.com
Miller Buettner & Parrott, Inc www.mbbenefits.net
Yefsky, Lisa, Area Senior Vice President Two Pierce Pl., 22nd Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4099 7 630.285.3685 r lisa_yefsky@ajg.com
Parrott, Michael, V.P./Operations & Development 1515 S. Meridian Rd. Rockford IL 61102 a 815.986.0059 7 815.986.0079 r mparrott@mbbenefits.net
Zumbrook, Paul, Senior V.P. 2 Peirce Pl., Ste. 2200 Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.3443 7 866.884.3292 r paul_zumbrook@ajg.com
National Insurance Services www.nisbenefits.com Laudon, Stephanie, V. P./Sales 250 S. Executive Dr. Brookfield WI 53005 a 800.627.3660 7 262.785.9269 r slaudon@nisbenefits.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
ProSource Financial, LLC
Shanahan, Stephanie, Senior Sales Executive 2315 Enterprise Dr., Ste. 105 Westchester IL 60154 a 708.223.3317 7 708.223.3333 r stephanies@pro-source.com
Mellard, Gary, VP RM Central Region 13180 Metcalf Ste. 240 Overland Park KS 66213 a 913.402.5005 7 913.402.5005 r gary.mellard@valic.com
Security Benefit Ad: Page 37 www.securitybenefit.com Zahller, David, Regional Vice President 1202 N 75th St. Downers Grove IL 60516 a 866.573.0448 7 785.228.4597 r dave.zahller@securitybenefit.com
The Horton Group www.thehortongroup.com Wojcik, Michael, Sr. V. P./Employee Benefit Services 10320 Orland Pkwy. Orland Park IL 60467 a 708.845.3126 7 708.845 .4126 r mike.wojcik@thehortongroup.com
The Voyager Group Ltd. Cawley, Kathryn, President 2571 Division St. Joliet IL 60435 a 815.729.1166 7 815.729.1602 r kathy@voyagergroupltd.com
TIAA-CREF www.tiaa-cref.org Lee, Jennifer, Senior Director, Marketing Strategy 1670 Broadway, 26th Fl. Denver CO 80202 a 303.607.2134 7 303.626.4100 r jennlee@tiaa-cref.org
Facility Management ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES AMSCO Engineering, Inc. www.amscoengineering.com Wesley, Daniel, President 5115 Belmont Rd. Downers Grove IL 60515 a 630.515.1555 x112 7 630.515.1583 r dwesley@amscoengineering.com
ARCON Associates, Inc. Ad: Page 41 www.arconassoc.com Chassee, Stephen, Dir./Business Development 2050 S. Finley Rd., Ste. 40 Lombard IL 60148 a 630.495.1900 x224 7 708.328.6325 r smchassee@arconassoc.com
Company Listings
Cozzi, Richard, Principal 2050 S. Finley Rd., Ste. 40 Lombard IL 60148 a 630.495.1900 x706 7 708.328.6325 r rpcozzi@arconassoc.com Santa Maria, Caitlin, Marketing Coordinator 2050 S. Finley Rd., Ste. 40 Lombard IL 60148 a 630.495.1900 x223 7 708.328.6325 r clsantamaria@arconassoc.com
Berg Engineering Consultants, Ltd. www.berg-eng.com Berg, Jr., Brian, Principal 801 W. Wise Rd. Schaumburg IL 60193 a 847.352.4500 x212 7 847.352.4815 r brian.berg.jr@berg-eng.com
BLDD Architects, Inc. www.bldd.com McGrath, Timothy, Dir./Architecture 833 W. Jackson, Ste. 100 Chicago IL 60607 a 312.829.1987 7 312.666.8967 r timothy.mcgrath@bldd.com
Bradley & Bradley Architects & Engineers, PC www.bradleyandbradley.net Fadden, Phil, President 924 N. Main St. Rockford IL 61103 a 815.968.9631 7 815.968.7700 r pfadden@bradleyandbradley.net
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Cannon Design cannondesign.com
Cordogan, Clark & Associates, Inc. www/cordoganclark.com
Brodsky, Stuart, Associate Principal 111 W. Washington, Ste. 2100 Chicago IL 60602 a 312.960.8025 7 312.332.9601 r sbrodsky@cannondesign.com
Mont, Rhonda, Marketing Director 960 Ridgeway Ave. Aurora IL 60506 a 630.896.4678 x366 7 630.896.4987 r rmont@cordoganclark.com
Concept 3 Architects, P.C. DLA Architects, Ltd. McCall, Andrew, Principal 101 E. St. Charles Rd., Ste. 204 Villa Park IL 60181 a 630.833.6090 7 630.833.2190 r amccall@3architects.net Miller, Mark, Principal Architect 101 E. St. Charles Rd., Ste. 204 Villa Park IL 60181 a 630.833.6090 x301 7 630.833.2190 r mmiller@c3architects.net
www.dla-ltd.com Covich, Wendy, Marketing Communications Manager Two Pierce Pl., Ste. 1300 Itasca IL 60143 a 847.742.4063 r w.covich@dla-ltd.com
Dahlquist, Bruce, Partner 2 Pierce Pl., Ste. 1300 Itasca IL 60143 a 847.742.4063 7 847.742.9734 r b.dahlquist@dla-ltd.com Lutzow, AIA, Dwain, CEO Two Pierce Pl., Ste. 1300 Itasca IL 60143 a 630.230.0420 7 847.742.0734 r d.lutzow@dla-ltd.com Matlock, Carrie, Principal Two Pierce Pl., Ste. 1300 Itasca IL 60143 a 847.742.4063 7 847.742.0734 r c.matlock@dla-ltd.com Noto, Louis, Principal Two Pierce Pl., Ste. 1300 Itasca IL 60143 a 847.742.4063 7 847.742.9734 r l.noto@dla-ltd.com
Facility Management Sickbert, Eric, Principal 2 Pierce Pl., Ste. 1300 Itasca IL 60143 a 847.742.4063 7 847.742.9734 r e.sickbert@dla-ltd.com
DLR Group Ad: Page 42 www.dlrgroup.com DLR Group is a full-service architecture, engineering, interiors and planning firm. We have built a national K-12 practice into the largest school design firm in the world. We love the challenge of designing schools that are progressive, functional, flexible and cost effective.
Company Listings
Bane, Dennis, Principal 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Ste. 2220 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.498.3957 7 312.382.9985 r dbane@dlrgroup.com Wieseman, Corey, Principal 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Ste. 2220 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.382.9980 7 312.382.9985 r cwieseman@dlrgroup.com
ECS Midwest, LLC Vormittag, Mark, Vice President 1575 Barclay Blvd. Buffalo Grove IL 60089 a 847.279.0366 7 847.279.0369 r mvorimittag@ecslimited.com
ENVIRON International Corporation www.environcorp.com Rottersman, Robert, Senior Manager 8725 W. Higgins Rd., Ste. 725 Chicago IL 60631 a 312.288.3857 7 312.288.3801 r rrottersman@environcorp.com
Eriksson Engineering Associates, Ltd. www.eea-ltd.com Eriksson, Glen, President 145 Commerce Dr., Ste. A Grayslake IL 60030 a 847.223.4804 7 847.223.4864 r geriksson@eea-ltd.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Fanning Howey Associates, Inc. Ad: Page 42 www.fhai.com Johnsos, Charlene, Executive Director 32 Main St., Ste C Park Ridge IL 60068 a 847.292.1039 7 847.292.1021 r cjohnsos@fhai.com Kacan, George, Executive Director 32 Main St., Ste. C Park Ridge IL 60068 a 847.292.1039 7 847.292.1021 r gkacan@fhai.com
FGM Architects, Inc.
GreenAssociates, Inc.
Hayhurst, Arthur, Vice President 475 Regency Park, Ste. 200 O'Fallon IL 62269 a 618.624.3364 7 618.624.3369 r arth@fgmarchitects.com
Donovan Pugh, AIA, Carole Principal 111 Deerlake Rd., Ste. 135 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.317.0852 7 847.317.0899 r cdpugh@greenassociates.com
Richardson, Ronald, Senior Associate 1211 W. 22nd St., Ste. 705 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.574.8300 7 630.574.9292 r ronr@fgmarchitects.com
Gaul, Lee, Senior Architect 111 Deerlake Rd., Ste. 135 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.317.0852 x145 7 847.317.0899 r lgaul@greenassociates.com Guy, PE, Gerald, Dir./Construction Services 111 Deerlake Rd., Ste. 135 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.317.0852 x155 7 847.317.0899 r jguy@greenassociates.com
Facility Management Reigle, AIA, George, Principal 111 Deerlake Rd., Ste. 135 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.317.0852 7 847.317.0899 r greig@greenassociates.com
Foler, Dave, Business Development Manager 8618 W. Catalapa, Ste. 1109-1110 Chicago IL 60656 a 773.444.0206 7 773.444.0221 r dfoler@inspec.com
Healy, Bender & Associates, Inc.
JMA Architects
Bender, Clifford, Vice President 4040 Helene Ave. Naperville IL 60564 a 630.904.4300 7 630.904.1515 r cbender@healybender.com
Maciejewski, James, Owner 16125 LaSalle St. South Holland IL 60473 a 708.339.3900 7 708.339.0949 r jim@jmaarchitects.com
Patton, David, Principal 4040 Helene Ave. Naperville IL 60564 a 630.904.4300 7 630.904.1515 r dpatton@healybender.com
INSPEC, Inc. Ad: Page 43 www.inspec.com Inspec is a thirty-eight year old independent engineering/architectural consulting firm that is dedicated to the design, construction practices, and maintenance of the building envelope. Our areas of expertise include roofs, exterior walls, windows/doors, waterproofing, pavement/parking, and outdoor athletic facilities.
Company Listings
KJWW Engineering Consultants
Kluber, Inc. kluberskahan.com Kluber, John, V. P. & Dir./Mechanical Engineering 901 N. Batavia Ave., Ste. 301 Batavia IL 60510 a 630.406.1213 7 630.406.9472 r jkluber@kluberinc.com
Larson Engineering, Inc. Ad: Page 44 www.larsonengr.com Myket, Allan, Project Manager 1488 Bond St., Ste. 100 Naperville IL 60563 a 630.357.0540 7 630.357.0164 r amyket@larsonengr.com
www.kjww.com Oke, Jeff, Senior Engineer 1100 Warrenville Rd., Ste. 400W Naperville IL 60563 a 630.753.8519 7 630.527.2321 r okejm@kjww.com
Kluber, Inc.
Mechanical Services Associates Corp. Leverenz, Jeffrey, President 780 McArdle Dr., Ste. A Crystal Lake IL 60014 a 815.788.8901 7 815.788.8908 r jleverenz@mechservco.com
www.kluberinc.com Elliott, Michael, Project Manager 10 S. Shumway Ave. Batavia IL 60510 a 630.406.1213 7 630.406.9472 r melliott@kluberinc.com
Metro Design Associates, Inc. O'Higgins, Keith, President 1707 N. Randall Rd., Ste. 390 Elgin IL 60123 a 224.629.4444 7 847.622.7485 r kbo@metrodgn.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Nagle Hartray Architecture www.naglehartray.com Hirsch, Joseph, Business Development Director 30 W. Monroe, Ste. 700 Chicago IL 60603 a 312.425.1000 7 312.425.1001 r jhirsch@naglehartray.com
OWP/P | Cannon Design owpp.com Dewar, AIA, Richard, Principal 111 W. Washington St., Ste. 2100 Chicago IL 60602 a 312.960.8034 7 312.827.5034 r rdewar@cannondesign.com
Leonard, Kerry, Principal/Sr. Educational Planner 111 W. Washington St., Ste. 2100 Chicago IL 60602 a 312.960.8056 r kleonard@cannondesign.com
Perkins+Will www.perkinswill.com Jolicoeur, Mark, Principal 330 N. Wabash Ave., Ste. 3600 Chicago IL 60611 a 312.755.0770 7 312.755.0775 r mark.jolicoeur@perkinswill.com
PSA-Dewberry, Inc. Kerner, Brian, Associate 25 S. Grove Ave., Ste. 500 Elgin IL 60120 a 847.841.0586 7 847.695.6579 r bkerner@dewberry.com
Richard L. Johnson Associates, Inc. rljarch.com Johnson, Richard, President 4703 Charles St. Rockford IL 61108 a 815.398.1231 7 815.398.1280 r djohnson@rljarch.com
Ruck/Pate Architecture www.ruckpate.com Pate, Steven, President 22102 N. Pepper Rd., 2nd Fl. Barrington IL 60010 a 847.381.2946 7 847.304.1218 r spate@ruckpate.com
Facility Management
Sarti Architectural Group, Inc.
STR Partners LLC
Ernst, Dan, President 40 Adloff Ln., Ste. 6 Springfield IL 62703 a 217.585 .9111 7 217.585 .0111 r sartiarch@sartiarch.com
STR Partners is a full-service architectural firm led by four principals and a staff of talented design professionals. Founded in 1969, our firm specializes in creating and improving educational facilities and designing learning environments that enhance our clients’ educational philosophy.
Shive-Hattery, Inc.
www.shive-hattery.com Harding, Bruce, Education Architect 1701 River Dr., Ste. 200 Moline IL 61265 a 800.798.7650 7 309.764.8616 r bharding@shive-hattery.com
Armbrust, Alan, Executive Manager 350 W. Ontario St., Ste. 200 Chicago IL 60610 a 312.242.4172 7 312.464.0785 r alan@strpartners.com Henderson, Michael, Principal 350 W. Ontario, Ste. 200 Chicago IL 60654 a 312.464.1444 7 312.464.0785 r mike@strpartners.com
Company Listings
Lewis, Colby, Principal 350 W. Ontario, Ste. 200 Chicago IL 60605 a 312.464.1444 7 312.464.0785 r colby@strpartners.com Taniguchi, Jan, C.E.O./Managing Principal 350 W. Ontario St., Ste. 200 Chicago IL 60654 a 312.464.1444 x155 7 312.464.0785 r jan@strpartners.com
Studio-GC Architecture + BIM www.studiogc.com Nelson,Stephen, Principal/Partner/ Education Planner 1600 Golf Rd., Ste. 1000 Rolling Meadows IL 60008 a 847.952.0545 7 847.952.0575 r s.nelson@studiogc.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
The George Sollitt Construction Co. Zielinski, Jim, V.P. 790 N. Central Ave. Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.860.7333 x 3942 r jzielinski@sollitt.com
Themes Architecture www.themesarchitecture.com Mesiacos, Ted, Principal 470 S. Jackson St. Aurora IL 60505 a 630.617.5630 7 630.617.5602 r tedm@themesarchitecture.com
Bickel, Matt, Partner 110 N. Brockway St., Ste. 220 Palatine IL 60067 a 847.241.6100 7 847.241.6105 r mbickel@woldae.com
W-T Engineering, Inc. Ham, Beth, Marketing 2675 Pratum Ave. Hoffman Estates IL 60192 a 224.293.6333 r beth.alexander@wtengineering.com
Petrakos, James, Principal Architect 1333 Burr Ridge Pkwy., Ste. 175 Burr Ridge IL 60527 a 630.455.4500 x800 7 630.455.4040 r jpetrakos@triaarchitecture.com
Turner, Yvette, Dir./Business Development 2300 Warrenville Rd. Downers Grove IL 60515 a 518.376.9487 7 630.271.5742 r turner-yvette@aramark.com
Wight & Company G.W. Berkheimer Co., Inc. www.gwberkheimer.com Paulsen, Bradley, V.P./PK-12 Education Practice Leader 2500 N. Frontage Rd. Darien IL 60561 a 630.739.6705 7 630.969.7979 r bpaulsen@wightco.com
Wold Architects & Engineers www.woldae.com Wold has 40+ years experience working with over 80 school districts; providing a full range of architectural and engineering services for completing long-range facility and referendum planning, renovation and new facility design, energy efficiency upgrades, Health/Life Safety surveys, etc.
TRIA Architecture, Inc.
Krol, James, Acct. Exec./Performance Contracts 405 E. Ridge Rd. Griffith IN 46319 a 708.862.1177 x123 7 219.83 8.6717 r jkrol@pcsog.com
Buch, Penny, Store Manager 2761 Pinnacle Dr. Elgin IL 60124 a 847.783.4822 r pbuch@gwberkheimer.com
Precision Control Systems, Inc. Ad: Page 45 Arnold, Andrew, President 405 E. Ridge Rd. Griffith IN 46319 a 219.83 8.1177 7 219.83 8.6717 r aarnold@pcsog.com
Stanch, Michael,, Energy Solutions Manager 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 1300 Chicago IL 60631 a 312.264.8568 7 312.264.0657 r michael@360eg.com
Alpha Building Maintenance Service ABMS-INC.com Baxtrom, Wayne, General Manager 12713 Hadley Rd. Homer Glen IL 60491 a 815.485.8800 7 815.485.9088 r baxtromwayne@aol.com
Buck Services, Inc. www.buckservices.com Buchholz, Joseph, V.P./Sales & Owner 401 Industrial Dr. West Chicago IL 60185 a 630.876.8184 7 630.876.8320 r joe.buchholz@buckservices.com
Facility Management Environmental Consulting Group
Schleyer, Mark, Vice President 411 S. Wells St., Ste. 700 Chicago IL 60607 a 312.663.3900 7 312.663.3930 r mschleyer@envcg.com
Constellation Energy
InspectionReportsOnline. net - IROL Cotton, Jill, Principal/Director of Marketing 1080 Corporate Blvd., Ste. 200 Aurora IL 60502 a 331.454.7800 7 331.454.7801 r jcotton@irol-llc.net
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Cashman Stahler Group, Inc. www.cashmanstahler.com Cashman, Stephen, Principal Architect 10 E. 22nd St., Ste. 107 Lombard IL 60148 a 630.889.8800 x24 7 630.889.8877 r scashman@cashmanstahler.com
Company Listings
CTS Group www.thectsgroup.com
Ad: Page 46 Weaver, Kim, Senior Business Development Manager 550 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago IL 60661 a 312.965.6546 7 888.829.8750 r kim.weaver@constellation.com
Constellation NewEnergy Gas (IEC) www.constellation.com Grimm, Glen, New Bus. Dev./IEC Natural Gas Program 100 North Lincolnway, Ste. B North Aurora IL 60542 a 630.264.6600 7 630.264.6611 r glen.grimm@constellation.com
CTS - Control Technology & Solutions James, Michele, Sales Associate 3501 N. Southport Ave. #459 Chicago IL 60657 a 773.633.0691 7 636.230.5886 r mjames@thectsgroup.com
We specialize in developing and implementing building renovations that not only reduce energy and natural resource consumption, but also embrace renewable energy infrastructure improvements. By blending energy efficiencies and renewable energy, we drive cost savings to the bottom line.
Graves, Mark, Sales Executive 15933 Clayton Rd., #110 St. Louis MO 63011 a 636.230.0843 7 636.230.5886 r mgraves@ctsgroup.com
Energy Efficient Solutions Schoff, Lorenz, Energy Consultant 2906 Tall Oaks Dr. Blacksburg VA 24060 a 540.961.2184 7 540.961.3117 r lschoff@rev.net
Energy Systems Group (ESG) www.energysystemsgroup.com Colacicco, Frank, Regional Director 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 760 Itasca IL 60143 a 630.773.7203 7 630.773.7202 r fcolacicco@energysystemsgroup.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Giampapa, Sam, Account Executive 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 760 Itasca IL 60143 a 630.773.7203 x2111 7 812.492.8807 r sgiampapa@energysystemsgroup.com Kotecki, Marion, Account Executive 500 Park Blvd. Ste. 760 Itasca IL 60143 a 630.773.7203 x2107 7 812.492.8333 r dkotecki@energysystemsgroup.com Legler, Dan, Account Executive 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 760 Itasca IL 60143 a 219.384.5527 7 812.492.8412 r dlegler@energysystemsgroup.com McIvor, Sylvia, Sales Manager 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 760 Itasca IL 60143 Phone: 630.773.7203 x 2104 7 630.773.7202 r smcivor@energysystemsgroup.com
Honeywell International, Inc.
Latham & Associates Inc.
Latham, Robert, President 150 First Ave. NE, Ste. 300 Cedar Rapids IA 52401 a 319.365.6488 7 319.365.7086 r lathamrj@aol.com
Rivera, Janet, Account Executive 1500 W. Dundee Rd. Arlington Heights IL 60004 a 847.797.4954 7 847.797.3953 r janet.rivera@honeywell.com
Ideal Environmental Engineering, Inc. www.idealenvironmental.com Curry, Ronald, President 2904 Tractor Ln. Bloomington IL 61704 a 309.828.4259 7 309.828.5735 r info@idealenvironmental.com
www.EnergyNet.net Timms, Carol, Director 1204 Gertrude Champaign IL 61821 a 217.359.944 2 7 217.359.944 6 r Carol@EducationalDividends.com
Ad: Page 48 www.newedisonenergy.com Giliberto, Samuel, President 1454 Louis Bork Dr. Batavia IL 60510 a 630.879.5200 7 630.879.5210 r sam@newedisonenergy.com
ProLiance Energy www.ProLiance.com
Illinois Energy Consortium (IEC) www.illec.org
New Edison Energy, LLC
Steigerwald, Ronald, Statewide Marketing Director 3051 Cyprus Ct. Buffalo Grove IL 60089 a 847.567.3051 7 847.634.8254 r rsteigerwald@hotmail.com
Kenneth J. Kogut & Associates
Kolcz, Matt, Account Manager/Government 900 Regency Dr. Glendale Heights IL 60139 a 847.204.3956 7 630.893.3570 r matt.kolcz@graybar.com
Heston Wind
Additional services include building systems design and review, direct electric and gas energy purchase and rate reviews, development of strategic facility energy forecasting plans, facility energy grant program assistance, environmental area impact reviews, Decennial/Safety Survey plan development, and development of facility master plans.
Nieuwsma, Johnathan, Busines Development Director 1408 Dempster St. Evanston IL 60202 a 773.255.0716 r nieuwsma@hotwind.com
Kogut, Kenneth, President 5232 W. 170th Pl. Oak Forest IL 60452 a 708.560.0083 7 708.560.0685 r kenk@kogutassoc.com
Nonn, John, Account Manager 111 Monument Cir., Ste. 2200 Indianapolis IN 46204 a 618.971.6661 7 317.231.6900 r jnonn@proliance.com
The Cornerstone Energy Group, Inc. cornerstoneenergygroup.com Scholtes, Jeffrey, Principal 500 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 300 Chicago IL 60611 a 312.396.4020 7 312.396.4021 r ceg@cornerstoneenergygroup.com
Facility Management Trane www.trane.com Brandolino, Daniel, Strategic Business Development Leader 7100 S. Madison Willowbrook IL 60527 a 630.432.9104 7 630.571.6082 r dan.brandolino@trane.com Hardwick, Scott, Comprehensive Solutions & Energy Services Mgr. 101 Matrix Commons Dr. Fenton MO 63026 a 636.305.3646 7 636.305.3690 r sphardwick@trane.com
Vanguard Energy Services, LLC www.vanguardenergy.net Holmes, Michael, Senior Account Executive 850 E. Diehl Rd., Ste. 142 Naperville IL 60563 a 630.955.1500 x111 7 630.955.0989 r mholmes@vanguardenergy.net
FACILITIES PLANNERS Compass Consultants Corporation McKenzie, Ronald, Consultant 105 Saranac Ct. Bloomingdale IL 60108 a 630.740.4434 r ramckenzie.compass@gmail.com
HVAC SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT Controlled Environmental Systems, Inc. Simadis, Carol, President 16308 S. 107th Ave., Ste. 12 Orland Park IL 60467 a 708.460.6333 7 708.460.6377 r contenvsys@aol.com
EMA Chicago, Inc. www.emachicago.net
Company Listings
Stoklosa, Terry, Senior Account Executive 1900 Spring Rd., Ste. 400 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.203.2619 7 866.227.0530 r terrystoklosa@yahoo.com
Chevron Energy Solutions www.chevronenergy.com
EMA Chicago provides cost effective, energy efficient, simple solutions. •VEEBoX ™ economizers fix room temperatures and reduce odors. •FreshAire™ SYSTEMS provide ‘free’ cooling of classrooms/gymnasiums. Elminates CO2 induced drowsiness. Students become alert/receptive. •Tri-Dim filters keep air free of dust/outdoor allergens. Ringe, Frederick, President 21 Indian Knoll Rd. High Lake IL 60185 a 630.231.3986 7 630.231.0998 r fringe@emachicago.net
PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING Ameresco, Inc. www.ameresco.com Ameresco Inc., is an Energy Services Company, partnering with Illinois K-12 school districts to identify and implement, both long and short term facility renewal strategies. From design through project completion, Ameresco guarantees the performance and is the single point of contact. Maltezos, Lou, Exec Vice President 150 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 2040 Chicago IL 60601 a 312.994.8622 7 312.994.8601 r lmaltezos@ameresco.com
Steffens, Michael. Account Executive 1900 Spring Rd., Ste. 400 Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.203.2618 7 630.954.5977 r msteffens@ameresco.com
Uslan, Sharon, Sr. Manager/Midwest Region 333 W. Hubbard, 713 Chicago IL 60654 a 312.498.7792 7 312.577.1691 r sharon@chevron.com
GRP Mechanical Weber, Laura, Business Development Manager 1 Mechanical Dr. Bethalto IL 62010 a 618.779.0050 7 618.258.9297 r lweber@grpmech.com
Johnson Controls, Inc. www.johnsoncontrols.com Anderson, Michelle, Solutions Account Executive 4777 Stenstrom Rd. Rockford IL 61109 a 815.289.6171 r michelle.r.anderson@jci.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Johnson Controls, Inc. www.jci.com Gower, George, Account Executive K-12 Solutions 1500 Huntington Dr. Calumet City IL 60409 a 708.474.1717 x2281 7 708.474.6551 r george.w.gower@jci.com
Noresco www.noresco.com Korn, Kevin, Sr. Account Executive 2800 River Rd., Ste. 400 Des Plaines IL 60018 a 847.460.8854 r kkorn@noresco.com Kowalski, Steven. Sr. Account Executive 2800 River Rd., Ste. 290 Des Plaines IL 60018 a 847.391.9671 7 847.391.9738 r skowalski@noresco.com
Performance Services, Inc.
Zigmond, Scott, V.P./Sales & Marketing 4670 Haven Point Blvd. #200 Indianapolis IN 46280 a 317.410.7495 r szigmond@performanceservices.com
Siemens Industry, Inc. Cohen, Charles, National Sustainability Education Director 887 Deerfield Pkwy. Buffalo Grove IL 60089 a 630.244.8902 7 866.855.0037 r charley.cohen@siemens.com Detina, Ken, Account Executive 585 Slawin Ct. Mt. Prospect IL 60056 a 847.493.7730 r ken.detina@siemens.com McMahan, Doug, Sr. Energy & Solutions Consultant 585 Slawin Ct. Mount Prospect IL 60056 a 847.493.7823 7 866.485.2944 r doug.mcmahan@siemens.com
StructureTec Corporation www.structuretec.com O'Hare, Nick, Client Relations Manager 770 Pasquinelli Dr., Ste. 424 Westmont IL 60559 a 630.230.9872 7 630.230.9873 r njo@structuretec.com
SIGNAGE Direct Sign Systems www.directsign.net Bardachowski, Jennifer Project Manager 1126 Simons Rd. Oswego IL 60543 a 630.554.4533 7 630.554.4833 r jennifer@directsign.net
www.performanceservices.com Hintz, Kurt J., Business Development Manager 1415 W. 22nd St. Tower Floor Oak Brook, IL 60523 a 847-875-7055 r khintz@performanceservices.com Jackson, Robert, Senior Education Consultant 1415 W. 22nd St. Tower Floor Oak Brook IL 60523 a 847.707.7474 r rjackson@performanceservices.com Ondyak, Brian, Energy Engineer 1415 W. 22nd St., Tower Floor Oak brook IL 60523 a 630.254.9045 r bondyak@performanceservices.com Robinson, John R., III, General Manager 1415 W. 22nd St. Tower Floor Oak Brook, IL 60523 a 630-210-2269 r jrobinson@performanceservices.com
ROOFING SERVICES Carlisle Syntec, Inc. nccrs.com McMillin, Michael, Manufacturer Rep. 1640 Fullerton Ct., Ste. 300 Glendale Heights IL 60139 a 630.675.8305 7 630.790.3434 r mmcmillin@nccrs.com
Hamill-Mullan Group, Inc. Hamill, Dave, Principal 7025 Veterans Blvd. Burr Ridge IL 60527 a 63 0.887.1225 r dave@hamill-mullangroup.com
Food Service FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES & MANAGEMENT Arbor Management, Inc. www.arbormgt.com For over twenty-five years, Arbor Management has provided schools with innovative, cost-effective foodservice management programs. Our services feature sound nutrition, fresh foods, local sourcing, and scratch preparation. Contact us for a no obligation assessment of your program. Bortko, Jack, Senior Vice President 2100 Corporate Dr., Ste. B Addison IL 60101 a 630.620.5005 7 630.620.5134 r jbortko@arbormgt.com
Company Listings
Pinsky, Paul, President 2100 Corporate Dr., Ste. B Addison IL 60101 a 630.620.5005 7 630.620.5134 r pjpinsky@bellsouth.net
Ceres Food Group, Inc. Lombardo, Joanie, V.P./Sales 5150 Northwest Hwy. Chicago IL 60630 a 773.385.5103 7 773.385.6025 r jlombardo@ceresfood.com
Opaa Food Management Condie, Andrew, SVP - Business Development 100 Chesterfield Business Pkwy., Ste. 310 Chesterfield MO 63005 a 888.860.3236 7 636.812.0100 r cmitchell@opaafood.com
Pepsi Americas Kubaszewski, Michael, Account Executive 1500 Touhy Ave. Elk Grove Village IL 60007 a 847.640.5726 7 847.43 7.1631 r michael.kubaszewski@pepsiamericas.com
Preferred Meal Systems, Inc. www.preferredmealsystems.com Draper, Laura, District Manager 5240 St. Charles Berkeley IL 60163 a 708.288.6347 7 708.493.2690 r ldraper@preferredmealsystems.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Drumm, James, Regional V. P. Mid-west 5240 St. Charles Rd. Berkeley IL 60163 a 847.910.0191 7 708.493.2690 r jdrumm@preferredmealsystems.com Keating, Clare, Exec Dir/Account Management 5240 St. Charles Rd. Berkeley IL 60467 a 708.646.4625 7 708.460.2910 r ckeating@preferredmealsystems.com Maes, Pam, Dir./Regional Sales 5240 St. Charles Rd. Berkeley IL 60163 a 708.318.2500 7 708.493.2690 r pmaes@preferredmealsystems.com
Quest Food Management Services, Inc. questfms.com Marano, Steve, Vice President 2500 S. Highland, Ste. 250 Lombard IL 60148 a 630.627.7708 7 63 0.627.7768 r steve@questfms.com McTaggart, Michael, President 2500 S. Highland Ave., Ste. 250 Lombard IL 60148 a 63 0.627.7708 7 63 0.627.7768 r mike@questfms.com
Sodexo www.sodexousa.com Timmen, Doris, Dir./Business Development 1130 W. Farwell Ave., #3N Chicago IL 60626 a 312.802.3731 7 630.810.9488 r doris.timmen@sodexo.com
Frank Cooney Company, Inc. www.frankcooney.com
Educational & Institutional Cooperative Service, Inc. Cooper, Roger, Member Relations Executive 12608 E. 86th St. Indianapolis IN 46236 a 317.823.4252 r rcooper@eandi.org
Folding Partition Services, Inc. Ad: Page 55 www.modernfoldchicago.com Campanella, Pete, Field Service Manager 240 S. Westgate Dr. Carol Stream IL 60188 a 630.665.2100 7 630.665.2105 r fps@modernfoldchicago.com
Company Listings
Ciero, Jon, Account Executive 1226 N. Michael Dr. Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.858.7180 7 630.694.8804 r jciero@frankcooney.com
Murtaugh, John,Sales Associate 1226 N. Michael Dr., Ste. C Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.694.8800 7 630.694.8804 r jmurtaugh@frankcooney.com
Illini Supply, Inc. www.illinisupply.com
Cooney, Kevin, President 1226 N. Michael Dr., Ste. C Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.694.8800 7 630.694.8804 r kevin@frankcooney.com
Mauzey, Donna, President 111 Illini Dr. Forsyth IL 62535 a 217.877.65 51 7 217.877.664 6 r donna.mauzey@illinisupply.com
Galle, Erin, Sales Associate 1226 N. Michael Dr., Ste. C Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.694.8800 7 630.694.8804 r egalle@frankcooney.com
Lowery McDonnell Company www.lowerymcdonnell.com Mills, Scott, Vice President 255 Mittel Dr. Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.227.1000 x223 7 630.227.1010 r smills@lmcinc.net
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Silverman, Richard, President 255 Mittel Dr. Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.227.1000 x222 7 630.227.1010 r rsilverman@lmcinc.net Tatge, David, Vice President 255 Mittel Dr. Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.227.1000 7 630.227.1010 r dtatge@lmcinc.net
Grand Stage Company Hostetler, Michael, Project Manager 630 W. Lake St. Chicago IL 60661 a 312.332.5611 7 312.332.3655 r mhostetler@grandstage.com
GYMNASIUM Haldeman-Homme, Inc.
Virco, Inc. Crisup, Shannon, Sales Representative 3600 N. Lake Shore Dr. #2110 Chicago IL 60613 a 773.367.6564 7 773.549.6467 r shannoncrisup@virco.com
DRAPERY/CURTAINS American Drapery Cleaners & Flameproofers, Inc. Zell, Richard, Owner 2235-39 Roscoe St. Chicago IL 60618 a 773.472.4066 7 773.281.5930 r zelldickzell@aol.com
www.hhillinois.com Saewert, Kyle, Sales Manager 78 Eisenhower Ln. N. Lombard IL 60148 a 630.812.0020 7 630.812.0018 r ksaewert@haldemanhomme.com
LIBRARY FURNITURE SERVICES & EQUIPMENT School Specialty www.schoolspecialty.com Steliga, Todd, Regional Sales Manager W6316 Design Dr. Greenville WI 54942 a 847.508.5025 7 920.882.4526 r todd.steliga@schoolspecialty.com
OFFICE FURNITURE School Specialty www.schoolspecialty.com Castagna, Brenna, Account Manager W6316 Design Dr. Greenville WI 54942 a 630.845.0014 7 630.487.5788 r brenna.castagna@schoolspecialty.com
Rebro, Melissa, Account Manager W6316 Design Dr. Greenville WI 54942 a 920.243.5424 r melissa.rebro@schoolspecialty.com
SEATING/AUDITORIUM & BLEACHERS BR Bleachers O'Hagan, Terence, President 14200 Washington St. Woodstock IL 60098 a 815.334.6364 x112 7 815.334 .1715 r tohagan@brbleachers.com
Furniture and Partitions Carroll Seating Company, Inc.
The Larson Equipment & Furniture Co.
Ad: Page 56 www.larsoncompany.com
Carroll, Patrick, President 2105 Lunt Ave. Elk Grove Village IL 60007 a 847.434.0909 7 847.434.0910 r pcarroll@carrollseating.com
Recreation Concepts, Inc.
We have been serving the education industry in Illinois for 70 years. We specialize in high quality furniture and equipment backed by superior personal service. We can repair, refurbish or replace products that meet your needs. We do it all.
Patterson, Bill, Sales Associate P.O. Box 240981 Charlotte NC 28224 a 630.554.3800 7 630.554.3750 r billp@recreationconcepts.com
Foley, Brian, Sales Representative 403 S. Vermont Palatine IL 60067 a 847.705.0460 7 847.705.0560 r bfoley@larsoncompany.com Lutz, Christopher, President 403 S. Vermont St. Palatine IL 60067 a 847.705.0460 7 847.705.0560 r clutz@larsoncompany.com
Company Listings
Messaglia, John, Sales Representative 403 S. Vermont Palatine IL 60067 a 847.705.0460 x202 7 847.705.0560 r jmessaglia@larsoncompany.com
STORAGE SYSTEMS & SHELVING Jim's Mobile Offices www.jimsmobileoffices.com Helleny, James, Owner/CEO PO Box 547, 12882 Rte. 37 N. Marion IL 62959 a 618.997.6072, 800.747.54 67 7 618.993.8734 r jim@jimsmobileoffices.com
Health Care/ Medicaid Billing and Consultants MEDICAID BILLING SERVICES Timberline Billing Service LLC www.timberlinebilling.com Pullen, Bryan, V.P. of Illinois Operations 2231 N.W. 108th St., Ste. 1 Clive IA 50325 a 515.222.0827 7 515.222.0834 r Bryan.Pullen@timberlinebilling.com
Instructional and Office Supplies OFFICE SUPPLIES
U.S. Communities www.uscommunities.org
All-Ways Medical Carriers Inc. Grach, Michael, President 350 E. Dundee Rd., Ste. 204 Wheeling IL 60090 a 847.279.2740 7 847.279.2743 r mgrach@all-ways.us
Sulentic, Jennifer, Program Manager 1919 N. Bissell St., J Chicago IL 60614 a 773.633.0822 r jsulentic@uscommunities.org
Investment Advisors SCHOOL DISTRICT INVESTMENT ANALYSTS & FINANCIAL ADVISERS AXA Advisors, LLC www.axa-equitable.com Laven, Jonathan, Registered Representative 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 200 Deerfield IL 60015 a 224.554.8066 7 847.236.4123 r jonathan.laven@axa-advisors.com
AXA Advisors/AXA Equitable Schlesinger, Todd 1751 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 200 Deerfield IL 60015 a 224.554.8067 r todd.schlesinger@axa-advisors.com
Company Listings
ISDLAF+ www.isdlafplus.com
J. P. Morgan Chase Bank, NA
Garlinghouse, Michael, ISDLAF+ Consultant 9621 Hwy. 149 Murphysboro IL 62966 a 618.534.1142 7 630.718.8701 r mgarlinghouse@pmanetwork.com
Driscoll, Daniele, Vice President 21 S. Clark St. 32nd Fl. Chicago IL 60603 a 312.580.4390 7 312.356.7011 r daniele.driscoll@jpmorgan.com
Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc.
www.pmanetwork.com Weber, Tom, ISDLAF+ Consultant 6096 Pioneer Terrace DeKalb IL 60115 a 630.657.6400 7 630.718.8701 r tweber@pmanetwork.com Whitlock, Craig, ISDLAF+ Consultant 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 309.236.7918 7 630.718.8701 r cwhitlock@pmanetwork.com
www.lincolninvestment.com Noyes, Ed.D, Edward, Educational Consultant 500 Waters Edge Ste. 150 Lombard IL 60148 a 630.620.6100 x 5713 7 847.884.8692 r enoyes@lincolninvestment.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
M & I Bank
PMA Financial Network, Inc.
Jacobs, Edward, Vice President 111 E. Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee WI 53202 a 414.212.4210 7 414.765.7645 r edward.jacobs@micorp.com
Moody's Investors Service McGowan, John 100 N. Riverside Plaza Chicago IL 60606 a 312.706.9966 r john.mcgowan@moodys.com
Multi-Bank Securities, Inc.
Hejna, Jennifer, Senior Quantitative Analyst 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6443 7 630.718.8701 r JHejna@pmanetwork.com Linderman, Doreen, Senior Financial Advisor 2135 CityGate Ln., 7th Fl. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.657.6400 x6411 7 630.718.8701 r dlinderman@pmanetwork.com
www.mbssecurities.com Reynaert, Timothy, Account Executive 24280 Woodword Ave. Pleasant Ridge MI 48069 a 800.967.9081 7 800.967.9081 r treynaert@mbssecurities.com
Promontory Interfinancial Network LLC www.cdars.com Kling, Sue, Regional Director 2505 Brookstone Ct. Aurora IL 60502 a 703.292.3423 r skling@promnetwork.com
PFM Asset Management LLC www.pfm.com Schroeder, Jeffrey, Sr. Managing Consultant 222 N. LaSalle St., Ste. 910 Chicago IL 60601 a 312.523.2423 7 312.977.1575 r schroederJ@pfm.com
PlanMember Services Rossignol, Jen, Marketing Coordinator 6187 Carpinteria Ave. Carpinteria CA 93013 a 800.874.6910 x2323 7 805.684.1479 r jenr@mkt.planmember.com
IT Equipment Software and Services ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL SOFTWARE Digital Schools http://www.digital-schools.com Beyne, Sarah, CEO 27764 Volo Village Rd. Volo IL 60072 a 847.420.7647 7 847.564.0142 r sarah@digital-schools.com
Enlit, LLC. www.enlit10.com Pereus, Steven, President 1645 Indian Wood Circle, Ste. 101 Maumee OH 43537 a 419.794.3197 7 419.535.5853 r scpereus@enlit10.com
Company Listings
Open RDA www.openrda.com McRae, Bobby,Business Development Representive 441 Main St. Canton GA 30114 a 770.479.7933 x4271 7 770.479.4076 r Rdmcrae@rdasys.com
Software Unlimited, Inc. www.su-inc.com Software Unlimited, Inc.’s School Accounting System is a comprehensive financial software solution designed specifically for school districts and customized to meet Illinois state reporting requirements. Integrated add-on modules provide a complete set of tools to complement your business office.
Atkinson, Corey, Dir./Sales & Marketing 5015 S. Broadband Ln. Sioux Falls SD 57108 a 605.361.2073 7 605.361.5443 r caa@su-inc.com
Specialized Data Systems, Inc. www.schooloffice.com Litz, John, Vice President 3333 Warrenville Rd., Ste. 140 Lisle IL 60532 a 800.323.1605 7 630.955.1599 r john@schooloffice.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Tyler Technologies, Inc. www.tylertech.com Michaud, Alban, Sales Representative 1 Cole Haan Dr. Yarmouth ME 4096 a 800.772.2260 x4147 7 207.781.2459 r alban.michaud@tylertech.com
May, John, Sales 1550 Shore Rd. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.369.2900 7 630.369.1211 r jmay@soundinc.com
Telcom Innovations Group
Anttix, Inc. http://www.homeroom247.com Richmond, Jason, President 1147 Brookforest Ave., 108 Shorewood IL 60404 a 855.879.4247 r info@anttix.com
Office Depot COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT CallOne Mayer, William, Senoir Account Executive 123 N. Wacker Dr. Chicago IL 60606 a 312.496.6695 7 312.496.6684 r wmayer@callone.com
Horizon Software International, LLC www.horizonsoftware.com MyPaymentsPlus Fees & Activities provides a convenient way to manage fee and activity registration and payments. Because the system is web-based, central office and school staff members can access the system 24/7 to manage, maintain, and report. Ephraim, Sherry, Account Executive 2915 Premiere Pkwy., Ste. 300 Duluth GA 30097 a 800.741.7100 7 770.554.6331 r sephraim@horizonsoftware.com
We’ve been a leader & trusted advisor in Enterprise Communications and Networking Solutions for over 14 years. TIG offers exceptional service with highly trained representatives. Our specialties include: Virtualization, VoIP, Unified Communications, Wireless, Collaboration, Network Design and conferencing. Borchardt, Randy, President 125 N. Prospect Ave. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.616.4297 7 630.616.4397 r scarroll@ask-tig.com
Telesolutions Consultants, LLC
Witherspoon, Susan, Vertical Market Manager 515 Kehoe Blvd. Carol Stream IL 60188 a 312.608.2256 7 630.844.0824 r susan.witherspoon@officedepot.com
Proven Business Systems www.simplyproven.com Pacheco, Athena, Senior Sales Consultant 3051 Oak Grove Rd., Ste. 107 Downers Grove IL 60515 a 630.386.4885 r apacheco@simplyproven.com
www.telesolutionsconsultants.com Steinberg, Jerry, Sr. Consultant 108 S. Third St., Ste. 3 Bloomingdale IL 60108 a 630.351.6200 7 630.351.4162 r jstele1@aol.com
Sound, Incorporated
American Capital Financial Services
Court, Tom, Sales Dir./Sound Group 1550 Shore Rd. Naperville IL 60563 a 630.369.2900 x114 7 630.753.8214 r tcourt@soundinc.com
Marquardt, Jason, Dir./Sales 2015 Ogden Ave., Ste. 400 Lisle IL 60532 a 630.512.0066 x118 7 630.512.0070 r jmarquardt@americancapital1.com
Providence Capital Network, LLC www.providencecn.com Selected by more than 100 schools for cost-effective and creative lease/finance programs, our expertise is wide-ranging. Leasing for 1-to-1 initiatives, technology infrastructure, pc’s, software, phones, and more…plus access to our acclaimed Remarketing Program to recapture dollars for your old technology. Vonder, John, President 11508 Providence Rd., Ste. H-243 Charlotte NC 28277 a 800.680.0560 7 800.680.0560 r jvonder@providencecn.com
IT Equipment Software and Services continued
Stan's Office Technologies
The CLM Group
Computer Information Concepts, Inc.
Vroon, Tony, Regional Sales Manager 11000 SW Stratus St., Ste. 360 Beaverton OR 97008 a 503.646.7000 7 503.646.8848 r tvroon@mealtimeclm.com
www.stans.com Hollander, Mike, Sr. Sales Representative 1375 S. Eastwood Dr. Woodstock IL 60098 a 815.338.0549 7 815.338.0567 r mikeh@stans.com
Haeggquist, Christine, Account Specialist 11865 River Hills Pkwy. Rockton IL 61072 a 800.437.7457 r chaeggquist@cicesp.com
Data Control & Research, Ltd. www.datactrl.com
Techcare, LLC
8 to 18 Media, Inc./Athletics 2000
Lainio, Al, K-12 Business Development Specialist 750 Estate Dr., Ste. 104 Deerfield IL 60015 a 847.374.1600 r alainio@techcare.com
Keller, Jeffrey, CEO 850 N. Cass Ave., Ste. 101 Westmont IL 60559 a 630.324.8501 r jeff.keller@8to18.com
FOOD SERVICE SOFTWARE A+ CAFE, Inc. www.apluscafe.com Schwartzman, Steven, Vice President 1151 W. 14th Pl., Ste. 334 Chicago IL 60608 a 888.610.1020 x514 7 312.243.3448 r steve@apluscafe.com
Profit Solutions Group www.intelliscale.com Kinlough, Pat, V.P./Sales 3653 W. Page St. Springfield MO 65802 a 417.619.6465 7 425.641.1062 r pat@intelliscale.com
Aesop - Frontline Technologies, Inc. www.AesopEducation.com Buckley, Jeremy, Sales Manager 397 Eagleview Blvd. Exton PA 19341 a 866.574.9169 7 610.363.3710 r jbuckley@aesopeducation.com
Common Goal Systems www.teacherease.com Helmers, Pat, Vice President/Sales 188 Industrial Dr., Ste. 240 Elmhurst IL 60126 a 630.592.4200 7 630.566.4202 r phelmers@common-goal.com
Corpuz, Oscar, Dir./Marketing 8161 S. Cass Ave. Darien IL 60561 a 630.241.2202 7 630.241.2213 r oscar@datactrl.com Horstman, Erin, President 8161 S. Cass Ave. Darien IL 60561 a 630.241.2202 7 630.241.2213 r erin@datactrl.com
Digital Schools http://digital-schools.com Bedford, Mark, National Product Manager 3 Quail Run Circle, Ste. 102 Salinas CA 93907 a 831.901.4492 7 831.975.4211 r mark@digital-schools.com Beyne, Chris, Product Manager 27764 Volo Village Rd., Ste. A Volo IL 60073 a 312.377.6654 x4223 7 847.977.8072 r chris@dssecure.com
EdAutomate www.edautomate.com Jepsen, Steve 405 N. 27th St. Mt. Vernon IL 62864 a 630.589.0166 r sales@edautomate.com
Company Listings
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Edupoint Educational Systems
Kirtley Technology Corporation
For thirty years, the leadership of Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC, has set the standard for K-12 student information management systems. Their innovative solutions include GENESIS™, an enterprise-level student information system, and GENESEA™, a comprehensive special education management system.
Reedy, Dan, Account Executive 8328 Lemont Rd. Darien IL 60561 a 630.910.0418 x214 7 630.910.1339 r reedyd@kirtleytech.com
Lessard, Richard, V.P./Sales & Marketing 1955 S. Val Vista Dr. Ste. 200 Mesa AZ 85204 a 480.633.7500 7 480.633.7501 r rlessard@edupoint.com
Ad: Back Cover www.newworldsystemsk12.com
Harris School Solutions www.harris-schoolsolutions.com Sanders, Robert, Software Sales Executive 1900 Brentwood Dr. Plover WI 54467 a 715.347.4444 r rsanders@harriscomputer.com
New World Systems
King, Tom, Account Representative 5233 Coye Dr. Stevens Point WI 54481 a 630.901.5599 7 715.341.1370 r tomk@skyward.com
Software Technology, Inc. New World Systems has provided solutions, including application software, hardware, training and support, for Local Government, Public Safety agencies, and school districts since 1981. New World’s longevity, stability, financial strength, experience, and specialization in the public sector uniquely qualify us as a long-term partner for our customers. Prevost, Mark, V.P./Marketing 888 W. Big Beaver Ste. 600 Troy MI 48084 a 248.269.1000 7 248.434.3081 r mark.prevost@newworldsystems.com
Integrity Schools, Inc. www.integrityschools.com
Jenkins, Thomas, Regional Sales Manager 2306 E. Bishop Ave. Peoria IL 61614 a 800.685.7274 7 309.663.7662 r tomj@skyward.com
Our Achievement Gateway data warehouse & reporting solution provides a single point of access to the information and resources your district staff needs to effectively improve student performance. We are also data integration specialists & experts with SIF solutions in Illinois.
Moravec, Dave, President 3006 Gill St., Suite E Bloomington IL 61704 a 888.764.8126 x303 7 309.661.8243 r dmoravec@integrityschools.com
Skyward, Inc.
Murdock, Patrick, Account Manager 9746 N. 90th Pl., Ste. 105 Scottsdale AZ 85258 a 219.680.0682 7 480.951.8705 r pmurdock@schoollogic.com
www.sti-k12.com Vallosio, Michael, Regional Vice President 9305 W Grimm Lane Edwards IL 61528 a 800.844.0884 x2127 7 251.304.0011 r mvallosio@sti-k12.com
SunGard K-12 Education www.sunguardps.com/PLUS360 Carlin, Edward, Sr. Account Executive 3 W. Broad St., Ste. 1 Bethlehem PA 18018 a 866.905.8989 7 610.861.9323 r ed.carlin@sungardps.com
The Active Network, Inc. www.activeeducate.com Walters, Chris, Sr. Sales Manager 10182 Telesis Ct., Ste. 100 San Diego CA 92121 a 888.543.7223 x4800 7 604.432.9708 r chris.walters@activenetwork.com
www.skyward.com Bowman, Connie, Account Representative 2003 Alhambra Ct. Pekin IL 61554 a 309.360.2871 r Connie_bowman@skyward.com
IT Equipment Software and Services continued
TimeClock Plus
www.timeclockplus.com Barton, Carol, V.P./Sales 3322 W. Loop 306 San Angelo TX 76904 a 325.223.9500 x7615 7 325.223.9104 r marketing@timeclockplus.com
Windsor Management Group McTigue, Kevin, Midwest Regional Sales 419 S. Main Mount Prospect IL 60056 a 224.764.2915 7 480.777.7164 r kmctigue@infinitevisions.com
MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE SchoolDude.com www.schooldude.com Quantifiable Savings with SchoolDude.com; With more than 5,000 clients, SchoolDude is helping schools save time and money. SchoolDude’s web-based software simplifies the work education support professionals do everyday – like work order, inventory, and facilities management or IT and energy management, and more. Holland, Brian, Regional Account Manager 11000 Regency Pkwy., Ste. 200 Cary NC 27518 a 877.868.3833 7 919.816.8346 r brian@schooldude.com
Company Listings
Fox Bluff Corporation www.foxbluffcorp.com
Civitella, Antonio, President & CEO 120 Erie Blvd., 2nd Fl. Schenectady NY 12305 a 518.377.3609 7 518.377.3716 r marketing@transfinder.com
Houghton, Del, President - PMP 10003 Fox Bluff Ln. Spring Grove IL 60081 a 815.317.4218 7 815.675.1846 r dhoughton@foxbluffcorp.com Weiner, Harris, Vice President of Sales 10003 Fox Bluff Ln. Spring Grove IL 60081 a 815.675.1845 7 815.675.1846 r hweiner@foxbluffcorp.com
BFC www.bfcprint.com BFC works with school districts to develop online web to print solutions that enable the district to develop a specific branded message, that is then delivered to students, parents and those living in the district, all while controlling costs. Eldridge, Craig, Director of Sales 1051 N. Kirk Rd. Batavia IL 60510 a 630.454.3047 7 630.879.9240 r celdridge@bfcprint.com
Edline www.edline.com Miller, Anna, Account Executive 200 W. Monroe St., Ste. 1250 Chicago IL 60606 a 800.491.0010 x 7461 7 312.236.7251 r amiller@edline.com
Peters & Associates www.peters.com Cloud, Mike, Public Sector Practice Manager 1801 S. Meyers Rd., Ste. 120 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 a 630.592.6214 7 630.832.9636 r mike.cloud@peters.com
Twotrees Technologies LLC www.twotrees.com Twotrees has provided Internet services exclusively to K-12 for 20+ years. Our tools and services deliver a rich, online experience in a safe, secure environment. Using software, hardware and human intervention we offer real-time Internet protection wtihout inhibiting learning. Lake, Jeffrey, Consultant 1961 Cumberland Pkwy. Algonquin IL 60102 a 800.364.5700 7 316.636.2166 r jlake@twotrees.com
Maintenance and Operations LAWN & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE
AstroTurf, LLC www.astroturfusa.com Schwichtenberg, Mike, Relationship Manager 2680 Ahutment Rd. Dalton GA 30721 a 800.723.8873 r mschwichtenberg@astroturf.com
SSC Service Solutions Taylor, Lindsay, Regional Sales Director 1845 Midpark Rd., Ste. 201 Knoxville TN 37921 a 865.673.4374 7 865.523.5560 r Lindsay.Taylor@sscserv.com
AmSan LLC Vonachen/Elton Div. Gaspari, George, Educational Sales Manager 1100 N. Lombard Rd. #A Lombard IL 60148 a 630.63 8.1935 7 630.317.0516 r ggaspari@amsan.com
Chloride Sales www.chloridesales.com Litvay, Sally, President P.O. Box 7395 Romeoville IL 60446 a 630.759.4900 r sal@chloridesales.com
Foresight Corp. Collins, Michael, Sales Consultant 5 Quail Run Dr. Carlinville IL 62626 a 217.710.3061 r mpcol37@frontiernet.net
ARAMARK Education Falasz, Michael, Associate District Manager 24917 70th St. Paddock Lake WI 53168 a 262.843.3882 7 262.843.3882 r falasz-mike@aramark.com
GCA Services Group Pobol, Jimmy, Sr. Sales Director 1438 Brook Dr. Downers Grove IL 60515 a 630.629.4044 x240 r jpobol@gcaservices.com
Maintenance and Operations GCA Services Group www.gcaservices.com
Smithereen Pest Management www.smithereen.com
Sostak, Anthony, Sr. Regional Manager/K-12 1438 Brook Dr. Downers Grove IL 60515 a 630.207.0504 7 630.629.4047 r msostak@gcaservices.com
Perfection Cleaning & Restoration
Warehouse Direct
Hamilton, Sean, National Marketing Manager 1745 IHM Blvd. Freeport IL 61032 a 877.962.9644 7 815.232.6799 r seanhamilton@callperfection.com
Urquiaga, Jose, Account Executive 1601 W. Algonquin Rd. Mt. Prospect IL 60056 a 847.864.8407 7 847.864.8013 r joseurquiaga@warehousedirect.com
PortionPac Chemical Corporation www.portionpaccorp.com PortionPac has been making environmentally responsible cleaning products since 1964 and works with school districts to reduce costs and improve productivity while impacting cleaning performance. Our products and programs have received numerous accolades including three State of Illinois Sustainability awards. Valentin, Louise, Regional Manager 400 N. Ashland Ave. Chicago IL 60622 a 312.447.5295 7 312.447.5995 r lvalentin@portionpaccorp.com
Ramrod Distributors & D&B Products, Inc. www.ramrod-janitorial.com Shulman, Mark, President 310 Beinoris Dr. Wood Dale IL 60191 a 630.238.0100 7 630.238.0107 r mark@ramrod-janitorial.com
Seifert, Steven, Dir./Sales & Marketing 7400 N. Melvina Ave. Niles IL 60714 a 847.647.0010 7 847.647.0606 r sseifert@smithereen.com
Company Listings
Pentegra Systems, LLC www.pentegrasystems.com/ Cronin, Patrick, Marketing Director 650 W. Grand Ave., Ste. 315 Elmhurst IL 60126 a 630.941.6000 x 117 7 630.941.6000 r pcronin@pentegrasystems.com
Canon Business Solutions, Inc. www.solutions.canon.com Griffin, Ron, Account Executive 425 N. Martingale Rd., #100 Schaumburg IL 60173 a 847.706.3124 7 847.706.3399 r rgriffin@solutions.canon.com
Image Systems & Business Solutions www.isbscorp.com
Imagetec L. P. www.imagetec.com Pietrowski, Lee, V.P./Sales 9399 W. Higgins Rd., Ste. 160W Rosemont IL 60018 a 847.692.0445 7 847.692.0472 r lpietrowski@imagetec.com
Martin Whalen Office Solutions, Inc. www.mwos.com Whalen, Daniel, Vice President 18630 81st Ave. Tinley Park IL 60487 a 708.614.1234 7 708.614.2300 r dwhalen@mwos.com
Rolloff, Jason, Senior Solutions Analyst 1776 Commerce Dr. Elk Grove Village IL 60007 a 847.852.2324 7 847.882.7544 r jrolloff@isbscorp.com
Office Equipment
Oce North America, Inc.
RK Dixon
Shust, Joan, Senior Account Manager 5450 N. Cumberland Ave. Chicago IL 60656 a 773.714.4325 r joan.shust@oce.com
Kousoulas, Chris, Branch Manager 1560 S. Alpine Rd. Rockford IL 61108 Phone: 815.397.2700 7 815.399.3996 r ckousoulas@rkdixon.com
TechStar America Corporation www.techstarcorp.net
Todd, Eric, Area Sales Manager 5450 N. Cumberland Ave. Chicago IL 60656 a 773.695.3284 7 773.695.3265 r eric.todd@oce.com
Ricoh Business Systems O'Hara, Andrew, Account Manager 1111 W. 22nd St. Oak Brook IL 60523 a 630.586.5434 7 630.990.0139 r andy.o'hara@ricoh-usa.com
Schumacher, Jody, Senior Business Consultant 1560 S. Alpine Rd. Rockford IL 61108 a 815.397.2700 7 815.399.3996 r jschumacher@rkdixon.com
TechStar IASBO member established 1992, is proud to provide our school districts with award-winning Lanier Digital Multifunctional Imaging Systems. Copy, print, scan, fax with an emphasis on prompt expert service. Very aggressive lease programs provided by PMA Leasing Inc. Baumgartner, James, Vice President 400 S. Curran Rd. Grayslake IL 60030 a 847.223.1200 7 847.223.1415 r jbaumgartner@techstarcorp.net
Stan's Office Technologies www.stans.com Steadman, Mark, President 1375 S. Eastwood Dr. Woodstock IL 60098 a 815.338.0549 x122 7 815.338.0567 r mark@stans.com
Xerox Peske, Thomas, Marketing Manager Il.Operations 123 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1000 Chicago IL 60606 a 312.849.1408 r thomas.peske@xerox.com
Procurement and Asset Management CAPITAL ASSET & FIXED ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Alchemy Financial Group www.alchemyfinancialgroup.com Roberts, Christopher, Chief Executive Officer 1250 S. Grove Ave., Ste. 200 Barrington IL 60010 a 847.852.5000 7 847.852.5001 r croberts@alchemyfinancialgroup.com
Company Listings
Illinois Public Pension Fund Association
ippfa.org Karton, Debby, Benefits Coordinator 540 Frontage R d., Ste. 2140 Northfield IL 60093 a 847.441.5911 7 847.441.0566 r dkarton@ippfabenefits.org
American Heritage Protective Services, Inc. www.ahpservices.com Yeggy, Jason, Dir./Sales 5100 W. 127th St. Alsip IL 60803 a 708.431.8916 7 708.597.6989 r jyeggy@ahpservices.com
Risk Management and Insurance APPRAISAL SERVICES American Appraisal Associates, Inc. www.american-appraisal.com Domin, Michael, Director 801 Warrenville Rd., Ste. 600 Lisle IL 60532 a 630.541.4650 x212 7 630.541.4660 r mdomin@american-appraisal.com
Asset Control Solutions, Inc.
Industrial Appraisal
Arthur J. Gallagher RMS
Karagianis, Jim, Regional Sales Manager 635 Butterfield Rd., Ste. 305 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 a 630.827.0280 7 630.827.0290 r jkaragianis@indappr.com
Burton, Alex, Account Executive 2 Pierce Pl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.3435 7 630.285.4062 r alex_burton@ajg.com
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Rager, Sean, President 935 N. Plum Grove Rd. Ste. E Schaumburg IL 60173 a 224.353.6008 7 630.597.2500 r srager@acsmail.us
Graff, James, Pool Administrator 300 S. Riverside Plaza Chicago IL 60606 a 312.803.7407 7 312.803.7443 r james_graff@ajg.com
www.ajg.com Flodberg, Eddie, Area Assistant Vice President Two Pierce Pl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4189 7 630.285.4062 r Eddie_Flodberg@ajg.com LaMantia, Cynthia, Area President Two Pierce Pl., 22nd Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4375 7 630.285.4062 r cindy_lamantia@ajg.com
Risk Management and Insurance
LaMantia, Tyler, Account Executive Two Pierce Pl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4344 7 630.285.4062 r tyler_lamantia@ajg.com Larkin, Walter, Area Executive Vice President Two Pierce Pl., 22nd Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.3624 7 630.285.4062 r walt_larkin@ajg.com McHugh, Michael, Area Executive Vice President Two Pierce Pl., 22nd Fl. Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4373 7 630.285.4062 r michael_mchugh@ajg.com
GCG Financial, Inc.
R.J. Galla Co., Inc.
GCG is the premier employee benefits firm that brings-forth innovative solutions and powerhouse actuarial services to Illinois School Districts. We implement superior programs and deliver expert consulting that helps you and your employees Be Well and Do Well while providing an exceptional client experience.
Galla, Richard, CEO 42 N. Lake St., PO Box 347 Grayslake IL 60030 a 847.223.6504 7 847.223.8685 r richard@rjgallacompany.com
Pleuss, Jesse, Sr., Benefits Consultant 3000 Lakeside Dr., Ste. 200 South Bannockburn IL 60015 a 847.457.3074 7 847.457.3200 r jesse.pleuss@gcgfinancial.com
Cummings, R., President 4153 Main St. Skokie IL 60076 a 847.679.7350 x1310 7 847.679.7361 r scottc@tacummings.com
Group Alternatives, Inc. groupalt.com
Brian Feltes & Associates, Inc. Feltes, Brian, President 1020 Cedar Ave., Ste. 2G St. Charles IL 60174 a 630.762.9090 7 630.762.1311 r bfeltes@feltesinsurance.com
Bushue Human Resources, Inc. www.bushuehr.com Bushue, Travis, President 104 N. 2nd St., Ste. B Effingham IL 62401 a 217.342.3042 7 217.342.5653 r travis@bushuehr.com
Baker, Michael, Vice President 650 E. Algonquin Rd., Ste. 301 Schaumburg IL 60173 a 847.303.9900 7 847.303.6537 r mjbaker@groupalt.com
Indiana Insurance Company Reminger, Richard, Asst. V.P./Marketing 27201 Bella Vista Pkwy. Ste. 130 Warrenville IL 60555 a 630.393.7703 7 800.535.9723 r richard.reminger@indiana-ins.com
PRSIM www.wcsit-isda.com Woodard, James, President 525 W. Monroe St., Ste. 2400 Chicago IL 60661 a 312.930.6124 7 312.627.8888 r woodardj@hpipm.com
Company Listings
T. A. Cummings Jr. Co.
RISK MANAGEMENT & SAFETY PROGRAMS Arthur J. Gallagher RMS, Alberga, Gina, Account Executive Two Pierce Place Itasca IL 60143 a 630.285.4446 7 630.285.4062 r gina_alberga@ajg.com
PublicSchoolWORKS corp.publicschoolworks.com Vanderlaan, Julie, Account Executive 2010 Madison Cincinnati OH 45208 a 513.631.6111 ext. 700 9 7 513.631.68 88 r jvanderlaan@publicschoolworks.com
Security Systems and Crisis Management ALARM SYSTEMS Alarm Detection Systems, Inc. Quackenbush, Richard Sr. Security Consultant 1111 Church Rd. Aurora IL 60505 a 630.844.5319 7 630.844.5326 r rquackenbush@adsalarm.com
Renaissance Communication Systems www.rc-systems.com Shares, Michael 3509 Martens Franklin Park IL 60131 a 847.671.1340 7 847.671.9340 r mike.shares@rc-systems.com
Security Alarm Corporation securityalarm.com
ITR Systems www.illinoistime.com Neville, Patrick, President 2737 Curtiss St. Downers Grove IL 60515 a 630.512.0044 7 630.512.0056 r pneville@itr-systems.com
Dice, Josh, General Manager 1511 E. Main St. Salem IL 62881 a 618.548.5768 7 618.548.2064 r josh@securityalarm.com
Giertsen Company of Illinois www.giertsenco.com Giertsen, Rick, President 250 Lexington Dr. Buffalo Grove IL 60089 a 847.243.0800 7 847.243.0900 r rickjr@giertsenco.com
RETA Security, Inc. www.retasecurity.com Timm, Paul, President PO Box 189 Lemont IL 60439 a 630.932.9322 r paul@retasecurity.com
Security Systems and Crisis Management
ServiceMaster Restoration by DSI
iTouch Biometrics, LLC
ADT Security Services
Bornhofen, Gerry, President 1320 Tower Rd. Schaumburg IL 60173 a 847.706.6789 7 847.304.0074 r gbornhofen@iTouchBiometrics.com
Craig, Terry, K-12 Account Executive 111 Windsor Dr. Oak Brook IL 60523 a 708.369.9682 7 708.572.6085 r tecraig@adt.com
www.smrestoration.com Carroll, Scott, VP of Marketing 2400 Wisconsin Ave. Downers Grove IL 60515 a 708.514.5183 r scottc@smdsi.com
Universal Restoration Services Ad: Page 72 www.4universal.com LaMotte, Joseph, General Manager of Commercial Reconstruction 390 Holbrook Dr. Wheeling IL 60090 a 847.489.8588 7 847.325.4669 r jlamotte@4universal.com
Company Listings
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Chicago Communications, LLC
United Radio Communications, Inc.
Chicago Communications is your complte source for two-way radios and communication equipment solutions. We provide sales, rental and installation of communication equipment throughout the Chicagoland area. Whether you are looking for two-way radios or video surveillance, Chicago Communications is the answer.
Kuzel, Gary, V.P./Sales 9200 S. Oketo Ave. Bridgeview IL 60455 a 708.430.5800 x5810 7 708.233.5813 r gary@urci.com
Lambrecht, Ryan, Account Executive 200 Spangler Ave. Elmhurst IL 60126 a 630.832.3311 7 630.832.7599 r rlambrecht@chicomm.com
Diamond Security www.diamond-security.com Schuemer, Marc, Director Institutional Services 1651 S. Halsted Chicago Heights IL 60411 a 708.755.9578 r marcschuemer@diamond-security.com
Ingersoll Rand Smith, Brian, Director 2171 Executive Dr. #200 Addison IL 60101 a 630.881.2797 7 866.738.9395 r brian_k_smith@irco.com
SimplexGrinnell www.simplexgrinnell.com Watson, John, Sales 91 N. Mitchell Ct. Addison IL 60101 a 63 0.948.1141 7 63 0.948.1287 r jmwatson@simplexgrinnell.com
Transportation SCHOOL BUS Midwest Bus Sales, Inc. www.midwestbussales.com Frank, Mark, Sales Representative 3135 N. Main St. Princeton IL 61356 a 815.875.4510 7 815.875.4512 r mfrank@ivnet.com
Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc. www.midwesttransit.com Huebner, Barry, President 146 W. Issert Dr., PO Box 582 Kankakee IL 60901 a 815.933.2412 x136 7 815.933.3966 r bhuebner@midwesttransit.com
Company Listings
Vanderlee, Scott, Sales Manager School Bus 146 W. Issert Dr. Kankakee IL 60901 a 800.933.2412 7 219.365.3734 r scott.vanderlee@midwesttransit.com
Cook-Illinois Corporation
Benish, Jr., John, Chief Operating Officer 4845 W. 167th St. Oak Forest IL 60452 a 708.560.9840 x13 7 708.560.0661 r jbenish@cookillinois.com
Central States Bus Sales, Inc.
www.cookillinois.com Barnes, Jeffrey, Regional Manager 20575 S. Torrence Lynwood IL 60411 a 708.758.4740 r jbarnes@grandprairietransit.com
www.centralstatesbus.com Muehlfelder, Ken, Sales Representative 49W102 Rte. 30 Big Rock IL 60511 a 630.556.3130 7 630.556.3133 r kenm@centralstatesbus.com
Cook-Illinois Corporation www.twinlakestrans.com Knoelke, John, Vice President 4845 W. 167th St., Ste. 300 Oak Forest IL 60452 a 708.560.9840 7 708.560.0661 r jknoelke@cookillinois.com
2012 Buyers’ & Resource Guide
Illinois Central School Bus Company, LLC www.illinois-central.com McCarthy, Patrick, Customer Relations 1818 W. Jefferson St., 2nd Fl. Joliet IL 60435 a 815.744.4800 x19 7 815.744.4806 r p.mccarthy@illinois-central.com
Twin Lakes Trans. Consulting/Cook-Illinois Corp. www.cookillinois.com O'Sullivan, Thomas, V.P./Operations 4845 W. 167th St., Ste. 300 Oak Forest IL 60452 a 708.560.9840 7 708.560.0661 r tosullivan@cookillinois.com Smith, Jr., Robert, Director of Business Development 2 Woodbine Road Rolling Meadows IL 60008 a 708.606.7871 7 847.303.0345 r cookillinoiscorp@aol.com