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HAVE CPA| will tr avel
It was going to be the longest stretch of time I had ever been away from home I was feeling naturally anxious, but also brimming with excitement, when I hopped on a plane to spend five months studying in Sydney, Australia Those five months ended u p n ot o n l y b e i n g u n fo rg et t a b l e b u t a l s o p i vot a l i n th e p e r s o n a l a n d p ro fe s s i o n a l choices I’ve made I also caught the travel bug
Af ter landing back in the U S , I continued investing in my personal growth by travelling, but it has become obvious over the years that it has also been crucial to my professional growth Ever y time I step into a plane or car, I push myself outside of my comfor t zone I leave behind what’s familiar to explore the unknown Travelling allows me the oppor tunity to push my boundaries, whether it’s sky diving over a beach in Australia or star ting a conversation with someone eating alone in Italy
These experiences have undoubtedly helped me in the workplace and have made me a better employee: I’m more at ease when encountering new situations; I’m more comfor table pitching an idea to my team or asking for a promotion; I’ve strengthened my ability to learn; I come to work with a smile and a feeling of joy to be surrounded by my coworkers; and, I live life with more confidence
When discussing careers in accounting with experienced professionals, the advice I always receive is to do something specifically for myself Travelling is that, keeping my mind fresh and providing a break from the daily stress we all face in this profession

I listened to live music at Nashville, Tenn ’s Bluebird Café I camped in Asheville, N C , and went boating in Myr tle Beach, S C Travelling allows me to enjoy the little things, such as a smile from a stranger, the taste of new foods, or simply absorbing unfamiliar surroundings I feel at peace when I travel, and I’m always excited to pack my bags Af ter all, the world is waiting for me and for you

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