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51 percent

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90 million

90 million

Decline in Q1 2009 IPOs compared to Q1 2008

Source: Ernst & Young US IPO Pipeline study

Fast Track Back to the Manager ’s Seat

In a recent Robert Half Management Resources survey, executives polled felt that, on average, a senior manager could be out of work for nine months before his or her career prospects were adversely affected If nine months seems too long a stretch, however, these five tips may help to speed the process

1 . B e f l e x i b l e . Explore ways to apply your expertise in new areas and highlight your transferable skills

2 N e t w o r k e f f e c t i v e l y Make sure your network includes people both inside and outside of your industry, and at various experie n c e l e v e l s N e t w o r k i n g w e b s i t e s l i k e L i n k e d I n c a n e x t e n d y o u r reach even further

3 . K n o w t h e c o m p a n y. The more you can find out about a business ’ strengths, weaknesses and corporate culture, the better you can tailor your resume to fit its needs

4 C o n s i d e r r e l o c a t i n g Be open to opportunities in other cities or states, particularly if your skills are highly specialized or few job openings exist locally

5 S t a y p o s i t i v e Finding a management position can take longer than you expect, simply because there are fewer positions currently available Try not to be discouraged, however, since you’ll wear away the very confidence you’ll need to win over recruiters For more information, visit www rhi com

C o r r e c t i o n : Please note that in the May/June 2009 edition’s Cutting Room article, Crowe Chizek should have appeared as Crowe Horwath Also, Mike Hillgameyer was intended to appear as Mike Hillgamyer

Obama’s 2010 Budget & Illinois

Under President Barack Obama’s 2010 budget, which strives to create jobs and boost the economy, Illinois will see a range of changes in healthcare, education, veteran affairs and infrastructure funding Highlights include: n Tax cuts for 4 8 million families n $17 5 billion in small biz loan guarantees to get credit flowing n $4 5 billion in new funding for Pell Grants to help families pay rising college fees n $1 2 billion for schools, students and teachers n A 2 9-percent pay raise for the 47,900 men and women in Illinois serving in our Armed Forces n The establishment of a national Infrastructure Bank to fund Illinois infrastructure projects n A $76 6 million investment in the federal HOME program n $63 3 million for the Housing Choice Voucher program to help Illinois families find affordable, good quality places to live n $643 9 million for state and local student achievement initiatives in low-income areas n $119 1 million for teacher and principal training and recruitment efforts in high-need school districts n $12 4 million for the state’s School Breakfast program and $55 million for its School Lunch program

Source: WhiteHouse gov

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