6 minute read
Shop 'til you drop!
Drop ‘til You


A D Trippin’
Old Highway 50 Shopping by Andy Waterman

While there’s no beating the convenience of online gift shopping for the Holidays, nothing gets you in the Christmas m o o d m o r e t h a n hopping i n t h e car and shopping at a store t o f i n d s o m e t h i n g e s p e c i a l l y unique for your loved ones. If you have a free Saturday, some of the best shopping experiences in ILLINOISouth will come along Route 50, which runs through six counties in our territory. We’ll start our road trip in Lebanon where there’s a plethora of awesome shopping e x p e r i e n c e s . Yo u c a n bounce around from shop to shop on Brickstreet (West St. Louis Street), all within walking distance of one another if the weather is nice. Pick up a unique piece of art at Tiadaghton House, or the perfect accessory for any wardrobe at Minerva Boutique. If you’re on the hunt for vintage pieces – R o c k i n g R Thrift Store is a must visit as well. Other places worth checking out are Calico M o o n , Luckenbooth, and R o b i n’s Nest Antiques.
Ju s t a f e w miles east from Lebanon is Trenton, which is home to Warehouse 300. This vintage marketplace is bound to have something that catches your eye. Warehouse 300 features vintage, rustic, farmhouse and shabby chic home décor. All the merchandise is provided by several local artisans who take pride in repurposing the past! By this point, you might be getting hungry – and one of the best places to stop for a bite to eat in Clinton County is Breese. Coincidentally, two of the most popular places to eat in Breese are literally right Minerva Boutique, Lebanon

across the street from one another. Wally’s and Dairy King both offer up some of the best hamburgers in I L L I N O I S o u t h , of course there are other tasty options to choose from as well. But one thing is for sure, no matter what you’re eating – you should get a Ski Soda to wash it down!

P o s s i b l y t h e m o s t interesting stop on this Saturday road trip comes in Odin, about 35 minutes east of Breese. J & S Wholesale will definitely catch your attention as you pull up – there are several large, painted animals sitting in front of the building, everything from dinosaurs to a giraffe. Inside J & S Wholesale there is a vast array of items which constantly change – everything from home goods, to outdoor supplies. Even if you just want to stop and take a picture next to a multi-colored dinosaur, J & S is definitely worthy of a visit.

The Rusty Nail, Salem

Sugar N’ Spice & Puppy Dog Tails, Olney

No t f a r d o w n the road, you’ll come into Salem which is home to The Rusty Nail; a very popular shop that offers unique antiques, handmade crafts, seasonal décor and primitive items. The folks at the Rusty Nail are also frequently having some type of sale or open house, so you’re sure to find a great deal on a gift that any friend or family member is sure to love.
With all of the shopping you’ve done, now is a good time to take a little break to visit Santa. A thirty-minute drive down Route 50 from Salem lies Flora, which hosts Christmas in the Park every holiday season. If you brought the kiddos along for your shopping trip, make sure to take them to Charley Brown Park, where you’ll find Santa in the house on the park grounds – and you can also take a train ride on Little Toot Railroad. Make sure to check Flora’s Facebook page for times and dates if you plan on making the stop!

If you’re up for another round of shopping after the visit with Santa, pack back up in the car and head east for Ol n ey ! The Home of the White

Squirrels is also home to some great shopping. Stores like Sugar N’ Spice & Puppy Dog Tails and Wildwoods Gallery offer several one-ofa-kind gifts, including White Squirrel memorabilia. If you’re shopping for someone who likes superheroes, comics, video games, board games and more – a stop at Galactic Games and Things is a must. By now, your shopping should be finished – and the day is likely done! For contact info, check ILLINOISouth.org Wildwoods Gallery, Olney