2 minute read
Through the Years
Chris Blair - World Wide Technology Raceway Executive Vice President & GM
What does the partnership with Discover Downstate Illinois mean to WWTR?
“Of all the groups I’ve worked with, the relationship and the program stand out the most because we work together on our advertising, and the initiatives and different programs that Discover Downstate Illinois offers, that opens those doors for us. A lot of racetracks have to focus, and they can’t take a lot of those risks outside of their own market. Working with Discover Downstate Illinois gives us that opportunity to make connections in other places, come up with some creative programming and some creative ways to advertise.”
Name one of your favorite non-racing events that we’ve partnered on together.
“Our WonderLights show is a perfect example. There have been times when I’ve had people who come up and ask me about working at the racetrack and I think they’re wanting to talk to me about the NASCAR race, or INDYCAR race, or NHRA, when they really want to thank me for having the Christmas lights show.”
How has the Visitors Guide changed in the 10 years you have been involved?
“It just keeps getting better, and for me, I always look forward to it because I keep a copy of it in my vehicle just because there are lots of times where I’m out away from the racetrack just cruising through the area and I want to see what kind of other events might be taking place. It’s become a great resource for us! What I hear a lot from people who operate other racetracks, is ‘how did you get on the cover,’ and you know number two they say they wish they had those resources and that kind of relationship with their local tourism groups. That just shows that it is a good partnership piece and it just keeps continuing to get better.”