B I O LO G Y Biology is the science of life in all its forms, from the simplicity of a one-celled organism to the complexity of the human body. Like all living things, the field of biology is dynamic, constantly growing, rapidly changing, and replete with new discoveries and advances. To take part in these discoveries, you must have a basic understanding of the field and its subdisciplines. At Illinois Wesleyan University, your biology program begins with a foundational general biology course. This is followed by required courses in genetics, evolutionary biology/ecology, and plant biology, as well as elective discipline-specific offerings such as animal physiology, cell and molecular biology, developmental biology, and microbiology. The biology program is complemented with foundational classes in math, chemistry, and physics. Further, you have opportunities to take advanced seminar and research-oriented courses such as advanced ecology, experimental zoology, neurophysiology, and molecular genetics.
Biology faculty members are also active in areas of scientific research and have, often with students, published papers, presented work at national meetings, and received government and foundation grants. We encourage and provide opportunities for students to explore science, acquire critical thinking and practical hands-on skills, and marvel at the beauty of life through their participation in research and research-based courses. ➤
Dr. Given Harper (Chair), who conducts research on pesticide contamination of birds and wildlife and has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation.
At Illinois Wesleyan you will benefit from our university-wide emphasis on the liberal arts. Writing and discussion will play an important part in your education; you will come to understand, and not just memorize, the core principles of science and other disciplines. You will also examine your knowledge from many perspectives — ethical, social, political, and psychological — and will discover that no subject exists in a vacuum.
Dr. Elizabeth Balser, whose research interests focus on the biology of invertebrate animals and who has affiliations at the Smithsonian Marine Station and the University of Washington Marine Lab.
Dr. David Bollivar, who studies the molecular biology and biochemistry of chlorophyll biosynthesis and has recently received a National Science Foundation grant to support his work.
Dr. Bruce Criley, who has completed neuroembryological studies at the Department of Neuroscience at Scripps Oceanographic Institution.
Dr. Norma Criley, who is trained in developmental biology and teaches human anatomy and physiology.
Dr. Robert Hippensteele, whose studies microvascular physiology and neurophysiology. He has received grants from the National Institute of Health and American Heart Association.
Dr. Jonathan Dey, who studies the taxonomy and distribution of lichens in eastern North America. —continues
LEARNING FROM A Q U A L I T Y FA C U LT Y Learning is enhanced at Illinois Wesleyan by the quality of courses and individualized instruction. Each class and lab is taught by a faculty member who will take time for your questions, both in and out of class. One of your professors will also serve as your advisor, to help you plan your schedule, examine career options, and deal with academic problems or other concerns. Our department’s commitment to students and dedication to academic excellence has earned three of our faculty members the all-university teaching award.
The Biology faculty are:
“At Illinois Wesleyan, we see biology as an interactive science. Students have the opportunity to work as laboratory teaching or research assistants, with the supervision of a Ph.D. instructor. Because these students work so closely with the faculty, and because teaching and conducting research are excellent ways to learn, they gain an even greater level of understanding of biological science. “We also see biology as a science that is constantly and rapidly changing; therefore, our lectures must be very current even at the introductory course level. Material presented one week may be out of date the next. Our students find it very exciting to be kept abreast of new developments.” Dr. Bruce Criley George C. and Ella Beach Lewis Professor of Biology
Dr. Thomas Griffiths, who studies the biology of bats and is also a Research Associate of the American Museum of Natural History.
Dr. William Jaeckle, whose research projects examine aspects of the reproduction, life history, development, and ecology of invertebrate animals.
Ms. Rachel Knepp, who has conducted research on oak tree growth in relation to increased carbon dioxide levels and directs the general biology laboratory.
Dr. Loni Walker, who studies the effect of gravity on growth and development in mosses and has been awarded grants from NASA and the National Science Foundation.
P U T T I N G YO U R L E A R N I N G I N TO PRACTICE As a Biology major at Illinois Wesleyan, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities in the Center for Natural Science Learning and Research. These facilities include eight biology teaching laboratories and eight faculty/student research labs. All of our laboratory equipment is available for student use, including molecular-techniques instrumentation, a scanning electron microscope, a Nikon interference phase contrast and fluorescence microscope, and a video data collection system. In addition to research opportunities on our campus, many of our students obtain summer fellowships that allow them to do research at major research institutions, such as Harvard, the Smithsonian Institution and University of Chicago, as well as medical research centers, including the Houston Medical Center and Mayo Clinic. Students considering medicine as a career may also participate in our May Term externship, experiencing the medical field firsthand by working with alumni and other professionals in a variety of medical fields.
P R E PA R I N G YO U F O R THE FUTURE Graduates of our Biology program enjoy a variety of exciting careers. Recent alumni include individuals pursuing careers in marine biology, molecular genetics, physiology, ecology, secondary education, and in many specialties of medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Approximately 80 percent of our Biology graduates continue their education in graduate or
SUGGESTED FOUR YEAR C U R R I C U LU M I N B I O LO G Y FIRST YEAR Fall Semester Biology 101 Chemistry 201 Gateway Colloquium (or Math 151 or 161) General Ed. Course
Spring Semester Biology 102 Chemistry 202 Gateway Colloquium (or Math 151 or 161) General Ed. Course
May Term (Optional*)
SECOND YEAR Biology Course Chemistry 311 General Ed. Course General Ed. Course
Biology Course Chemistry 312 General Ed. Course General Ed. Course
THIRD YEAR Biology Course Physics 101 General Ed. Course Elective
Biology Course Physics 102 General Ed. Course Elective
FOURTH YEAR Biology Course Biology Course or Elective Elective Elective
Biology Course Biology Course or Elective Elective Elective
In their last three years, Biology majors are required to take: • One course in plant biology (Biology 306 or 315) • One course in evolutionary biology or ecology (Biology 217, 219,230, or 316) • One course in genetics (Biology 312 or 412)-—-usually taken in the third or fourth year • A minimum of four Biology courses at the 300 and/or 400 level *Students are guaranteed enrollment for one course in one May Term only during their four years.
medical programs in the biological or health sciences, attending institutions such as the University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, and Duke University.
F O R F U R T H E R I N F O R M AT I O N For more information about the academic program and the faculty visit our website at: http://www2.iwu.edu/academics/departments 11/05