360 Travel Seminar A travel course designed to increase students’ awareness and familiarity with the business practices, culture, politics, and values of different countries around the world. Students meet with business executives, educators, government officials, and visit various business organizations and cultural sites. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Offered occasionally. DTE 360 Entrepreneurship Around the Globe (G) This class explores entrepreneurship in other areas of the world. The course will compare the entrepreneurship in locations visited, while focusing on understanding the societies of these cultures. Students will visit local businesses, learn about intercultural communication and management, discuss economic climate, and visit cultural sites. Prerequisites: consent of instructor. Offered occasionally during May Term. 370 Special Topics Courses treating specialized topics in business, international business, or marketing at an advanced level. Two or more may be taken concurrently or repeated for credit if the topic matter is different. Prerequisite may depend on topic. Offered occasionally. 395 Internship in Teaching Intensive experience in assisting with the instruction of a specific course in business. Assignments include researching, organizing, preparing, and delivering a small number of lectures in that class. Prerequisites: major in business, marketing; completion of 22 or more course units; minimum of 3.25 GPA in major; consent of department head. Offered each semester and May Term. 397 Internship in Industry Not more than one course unit may be counted toward graduation requirements. May not be counted as general education credit or for the major or minor. Credit/No credit. Registration must be completed prior to the beginning of the internship. Prerequisites: consent of instructor, minimum of six business or economics courses. Offered each semester and May Term. May also be taken in the summer for an additional tuition charge. See department head for specific requirements. DTE 397 Internship (.5 or 1) Not more than one course unit may be counted toward graduation requirements. May not be counted as general education credit or for the major or minor. Credit/No Credit. Registration must be completed prior to the beginning of the internship. Can be taken for 0.5 or 1 credit. Prerequisites: Sophomore or above standing, consent of instructor. Offered each semester and May Term. 440 Project in Entrepreneurship This course guides students through the process and experience of creating a new, real not-for-profit or for-profit organization. Students will apply the knowledge and skills first developed in Introduction to Entrepreneurship (BUS 240), from idea generation through organizational planning of a scalable and sustainable entity. Students will have substantial interaction with successful entrepreneurs. Prerequisites: BUS 240, 350, ACC 113, and BUS 340. Offered each spring. 451 International Business (G) Organizational alternatives, trade policies and trading areas, influence of economic nationalism, international monetary systems and finance, international competitiveness, and problems of less-developed countries. Open to juniors and seniors only. Offered annually. 455 Independent Study Individual study directed toward a specific topic. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. Offered each semester and May Term. DTE 455 Independent Study Individual study directed toward a specific topic. Prerequisites: consent of department chair. Offered each semester and May Term. 490 Strategy and Policy A capstone course which applies major functional areas and tools to critical current and future issues. Focuses on strategic management and its role in positioning organizations, profit or not-for-profit, to address internal capabilities and external opportunities. Prerequisites: Business, accounting, finance, or marketing major; senior standing; BUS 303, 331, and BUS 341, or consent of department head. Offered each semester.
Business Administration