measurements, analyze them statistically, and interpret their significance. Prerequisite: CHEM 202 and CHEM 301. Offered each spring. 304 Instrumental Analysis Principles of the design and use of modern electronic instrumentation in the chemistry laboratory with emphasis on spectral, electroanalytical and chromatographic instrumentation. Prerequisite: CHEM 302. Offered in alternate fall semesters. 311, 312 Organic Chemistry (1.25) (311 - PSL) Fundamentals of aliphatic and aromatic chemistry including mechanisms, syntheses, stereochemistry, and spectroscopy. Prerequisites: CHEM 202 (grade of C- or better); 311(grade of C- or better) for 312. Both offered each semester. 317 Survey of Biochemistry An introduction to the fundamental principles of biochemistry and the application of chemical principles to biological problems. Topics include the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, as well as the major catabolic and biosynthetic pathways. Prerequisites: BIOL 102 or 108, and CHEM 312 (grade of C- or better), or the consent of instructor. Offered each spring. 321 Physical Chemistry I: Thermodynamics (1.25) Classical thermodynamics and its applications in chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 202, PHYS 101 or 105, MATH 176. Offered each fall. 322 Physical Chemistry II: Kinetics Kinetic molecular theory, mass transport, experimental and theoretical chemical kinetics. Prerequisites: CHEM 202, PHYS 102 or 106, MATH 177. Offered each spring. 323 Quantum Mechanics (Cross-listed with PHYS 407) Wave mechanics, the Schroedinger equation, operator formalism, the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, angular momentum, spin, scattering theory, chemical bonding, electromagnetic interaction. Prerequisite: PHYS 304. Offered in alternate years. 324 Statistical Physics (Cross-listed with PHYS 408) Introduces central principles underlying thermodynamic properties found in large collections of atoms and molecules (i.e. systems with many degrees of freedom). A core pillar of the major, Statistical Physics is recommended for any student considering graduate school in Physics, and for Chemistry Majors, reinforcing key elements of Physical Chemistry. Prerequisite: PHYS 207 or CHEM 332. Offered in alternate years. 332 Inorganic Chemistry An introduction to the fundamentals of inorganic chemistry including atomic structure; metallic, ionic, and covalent substances; acids and bases; coordination compounds; and descriptive chemistry of the elements. Students will use electronic structure, modern bonding theories, and models (tangible, virtual, and theoretical) to systematically understand the physical and chemical properties of inorganic substances. Prerequisite: CHEM 202. Offered each spring. 340 Introduction to Food Biochemistry: Hawaii (LSI, US) This course focuses on the fundamental biology and chemistry of food preparation and metabolism as well as the agricultural production of food processing, and food manufacture. Students will meet with local farmers, molecular biologists, horticulturists, and USDA scientists to examine the science behind modern food production techniques in Hawaii. Prerequisites: BIOL 102 or 108 and CHEM 202. Offered in alternate years, May. 380 Advanced Inorganic Synthesis and Analysis (1) (W) Individualized projects which emphasize techniques of advanced inorganic synthesis and instrumental analysis. Prerequisites: CHEM 301 and 321. Offered each spring. 397 Internship in Chemistry Internships in scientific research centers or industrial laboratories. Prerequisites: sophomore status and consent of department chair. This course does not meet major requirements. Internship offered for 0.5 or 1.0 course units. Offered occasionally.
Chemistry and Biochemistry