within content learning across the disciplines. The nature of reading; assessment of students’ reading, writing and oral communication skills; the design of instructional approaches and best practices for developing academic vocabulary, comprehensive, and content knowledge based on research; and the selection of materials and texts to support content area literacy among diverse groups of Birth-12 students. Prerequisites: EDUC 360, 361, 362, or 363 OR MUS 232, 333A and 333B OR permission of instructor. Offered every May Term. 372 English Language Learners Investigation of the needs and challenges faced by English language learners. Emphasis on understanding students from different cultures, theories of second language acquisition, ways to support English language development, teaching academic content, and effectively engaging families of English Language Learners in the education process. Field placement in a bilingual school setting or in an adult E.S.L. class. Prerequisites: 225 and 255 or consent of instructor. Offered occasionally.. 373 Education and International Development (CSI, G, W) Throughout the world, education has been viewed as an important means of improving people’s lives. This assumption is examined and critiqued by analyzing educational policies and practices in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Specific topics include the educational treatment of girls, indigenous peoples, street children, child refugees, and child laborers. Also examined are the efforts to teach reformed child soldiers and children who are, or whose parents are HIV positive. Offered alternate years. 397(.75)/497 Internship Directed research and individually designed field experience in an educational, community, or social service setting. Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing and course instructor approval. Offered as needed. 490 Student Teaching Seminar Creating socially just, democratic, culturally responsive and inclusive classroom communities. Parent-teacher relationships and professional collaboration. Self-study of teaching. Teacher Performance Assessment. Summer reading required prior to the start of the term. Prerequisites: acceptance to Student Teaching. Concurrent enrollment with student teaching (491, 492, 493, 494, 495). Offered each fall. 491 Student Teaching: Secondary English Language Arts Full time immersion and induction into the range of experiences associated with public school teaching at all levels of high school English, under the guidance and direction of a cooperating teacher and University supervisor. Teacher Performance Assessment portfolio. Chicago placement option. Concurrent enrollment in 490 required. Prerequisites: acceptance to Student Teaching. Offered each fall. 492 Student Teaching: Secondary Social Science Full time immersion and induction into the range of experiences associated with public school teaching of high school core social science and designated history classes, under the guidance and direction of a cooperating teacher and University supervisor. Teacher Performance Assessment portfolio. Chicago placement option. Concurrent enrollment in 490 required. Prerequisites: acceptance to Student Teaching. Offered each fall. 493 Student Teaching: Second Language Full time immersion and induction into the range of experiences associated with public school teaching at all levels of the high school second language classroom, under the guidance and direction of a cooperating teacher and University supervisor. Teacher Performance Assessment portfolio. Chicago placement option. Concurrent enrollment in 490 required. Prerequisites: acceptance to Student Teaching. Offered each fall. 494 Student Teaching: Secondary Mathematics Full time immersion and induction into the range of experiences associated with public school teaching at all levels of the high school mathematics classroom, under the guidance and direction of a cooperating teacher and University supervisor. Teacher Performance Assessment portfolio. Chicago placement option. Concurrent enrollment in 490 required. Prerequisites: acceptance to Student Teaching. Offered each fall.
Educational Studies