representations of matrices for specific applications, finite dimensional vector spaces, and applications in numerical analysis, mathematical modeling and graph theory. Prerequisites: MATH 177, 200, 215 and permission of the Chair. Offered in alternate years, fall semester. 451 Wavelet Analysis Topics to be covered include spline functions, inner product spaces, Fourier series, Fourier transform, multiresolution analysis, Haar wavelet analysis, Daubechies wavelets, Frances and multiwavelets. Prerequisites: MATH 177. Offered in alternate years, spring semester. 495 Independent Study (.5, .75, 1) Individual independent study of a topic of interest to the student, requiring a significant review of the literature and culminating in a committee-reviewed manuscript. This course may serve as preparation for Math 499 (Research Thesis). Prerequisites: Two courses in mathematics at the 300-level or higher and consent of department chair. Offered each semester. 499 Research/Thesis Experimental or theoretical examinations of a significant problem in a topic of interest to the student that is not normally part of the curriculum. It includes as a requirement the preparation of a significant paper. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. Offered each semester.
MILITARY SCIENCE The goal of the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is to commission college graduates into the Active, National Guard, and Reserve components of the Army. Military Science classes are conducted on Illinois State’s campus (with the exception of ROTC 101/102 which are taught on IWU’s campus). Military science classes are recorded on students’ transcripts, but they are not figured in the students’ GPA. No military science credit is granted towards graduation or other university requirements. Military Science students can receive financial incentives through Federal Army ROTC scholarships, which are awarded for a four, three, or two-year period. Each scholarship pays either 100% tuition and fees or room and board, provides a book allowance of $1,200 a year, and a tax free stipend. Sequence: To complete the basic course a student must complete ROTC 101, 102, 111, 112 normally taken in that sequence over a four semester period. Exceptions are determined by law and may be discussed on an individual basis with the Professor of Military Science. Entry into the advanced course requires successful completion of the basic course, basic camp, or advanced placement and acceptance by the Professor of Military Science. The advanced course must be completed over a four semester period, the usual sequence consisting of ROTC 220, 221, 240, 241. In addition to the Military Science classes, there is also a mandatory Military History class. 101 Introduction to Leadership: Individual Effectiveness Introduction to leadership from perspective of the member of an effective organization. Self-enhancement skills such as time management techniques, problem solving and decision-making processes, and health enrichment actions. Offered each fall. 102 Introduction to Leadership: Teamwork Basic leadership fundamentals, principles, and experiences. Relevant for all organizational leaders. Purpose is to examine how the individual organizational member and the team are affected by leaders and leadership decisions. Offered each spring. 111 Applied Leadership I Provides in-depth and critical assessment of the role, functions and traditions of U.S. commissioned officers. Offered each fall.
Military Science