220/320 Studies in the Arts Courses in, for example, Art, Art History, Classical Studies, Creative Writing, Fine Arts, Music, Music Theatre, or Theatre that heighten awareness of an aesthetic dimension in human experience. These courses place the specific art(s) under consideration within the context of the time of original creation or performance and also within other appropriate contexts. Offered as needed. 221 Studies in Literature Courses that focus on the critical reading and interpretation of literary texts, including study of style and structure, plot, imagery, and ideas. Works studied are presented in the larger cultural framework of which they are a part, and students actively interpret and make thoughtful judgments about them. Offered as needed. 222 Studies in Analysis of Values Courses in any discipline that critically examine one or more issues of values arising in ethical, political, professional, religious, artistic, or other contexts. By engaging students in the rational analysis of values and their foundations, and by exposing students to alternative value frameworks, these courses encourage students to think more systematically about their own values. Offered as needed. 223 Studies in Contemporary Social Institutions Courses in, for example, Anthropology, Business Administration, Economics, Educational Studies, Nursing, Political Science, Religion, or Sociology that explore the established practices, relationships, and organizations which influence the daily lives of individuals in society. Social institutions and/or structures examined include governments, religious organizations, education, the family, the media, and the legal, economic, health care, political and social welfare systems. Offered as needed. 224 Studies in Cultural and Historical Change Courses in, for example, Economics, History, Music, Political Science, Religion, or Theatre in the London program that investigate the formation, persistence, and change of human–constructed institutions, emphasizing significant transformations in human social existence, and allowing historical personalities to speak across time and space. Each course acknowledges the complex interactions of social and historical context, recognizing that we cannot understand the present without the past. Offered as needed. 225 Studies in Intellectual Traditions Courses in any discipline that explore major ideas that have made a difference in the shaping of culture and the course of events. Courses may focus on an individual figure, a broader intellectual movement, or a crucial concept or topic. Emphasis is placed on critical interpretation, analysis, and evaluation of ideas articulated in primary printed texts and, where appropriate, in works of art, architecture, and music. Offered as needed 226 Studies in the Natural Sciences Courses that help students develop the capacity for scientific literacy in preparation for responsible citizenship. Through laboratory or other learning experiences, students explore the methods by which scientists discover and formulate laws or principles that describe the behavior of nature in both living and nonliving realms. Students also examine how scientific thinking applies to their own lives and address the issues that science and technological advances bring to society. Offered as needed 250 Business Spanish This course is designed for students planning to work in business and who want to acquire more business-related language and cultural competency skills before entering the work force. The course includes sections on the work force, businesses and entrepreneurs, products, publicity, banks and savings and loans, business trips, and business on the web. This course is taken abroad in the IWU Spain program or another comparable program. Prerequisite: SPAN 201. Offered as needed 321 Studies in Literature Courses in this category focus on the critical reading and interpretation of literary texts. Taught in Spanish. Offered as needed. 322 Studies in Analysis of Values Courses in this category critically examine one or more normative value issues arising in social, political, professional, religious, artistic, or other contexts. Normative value issues concern questions of what ought to be the case, and
Off-Campus Study