Viewbook 2012

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Pursue Your Passions 2012–13

What’s Your Passion? Whatever it is, we’ll encourage you to pursue it. Illinois Wesleyan is a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts university, nationally recognized for a curriculum that combines the liberal arts with well-respected business, pre-professional and professional programs. We pride ourselves on the individual attention our students receive, the academic choices and out of class opportunities we provide, and the success they have after graduation.

2,050 undergraduates Illinois Wesleyan’s 2,050

Our undergraduate focus means classes are taught by professors, not graduate teaching assistants. This combined with small class sizes means that students receive the kind of individual attention that makes a difference in their education and lives. Outside of the classroom we offer a vibrant campus life that

students, all undergraduates,

includes a broad range of organizations, athletics and activities

come from 30 states and 24

that are comparable with those found at larger schools.

countries around the world.

This combination of strong academics, undergraduate focus, personal attention and great campus life sets Wesleyan apart.

Left: Center for Natural Science |1

Academ ics

challenging, inspiring, personal


average class size

With an average class size of 17,

Your education is more than preparing for a career; it’s really about preparing for life. That’s why at Illinois Wesleyan we’ll encourage you to pursue a variety of interests and passions, both inside and outside the classroom. For over 160 years an Illinois Wesleyan education has been focused on serving undergraduate students and delivering on our motto of Scientia et Sapientia — knowledge and wisdom. That means at Wesleyan we want you

and an 11 to 1 student-faculty

to get more from your education than facts and figures. We want you to

ratio, students get the personal

learn how to think critically and creatively, so you can apply that knowledge

attention that only a top liberal

to succeed in all aspects of your life.

arts institution like Illinois Wesleyan can deliver.

With 184 inspiring faculty who are dedicated to teaching, facilities that compete with larger institutions and entering classes of students perennially ranked among the nation’s top 50 for student quality, Illinois Wesleyan is a small school with a big tradition of academic excellence and a real interest in your success.


IWU graduates are strong candidates for prestigious post-graduate programs,   like the Fulbright, for two primary reasons: a liberal arts education that encourages study and research across disciplines as well as the flexibility to demonstrate leadership potential in various aspects of student life. The liberal arts curricula and programs at IWU foster creativity, critical thinking, effective communication, strength of character and a spirit of inquiry. These are essential skills for any

Individual Attention At Illinois Wesleyan the average class size is 17 students and, unlike most

successful, post-graduate endeavor.”

larger universities, professors — not graduate students — will teach you.

Christina Isabelli

As a result, you’ll get to know your faculty and they’ll get to know you.

Chair and Professor of Hispanic Studies

That kind of personal attention is just one of the reasons why Illinois

IWU Fulbright Program Advisor

Wesleyan competes with both large and small schools for top students.

Flexible Curriculum Another important reason to consider Illinois Wesleyan is our flexible liberal arts curriculum, which encourages students to pursue multiple interests and talents. Every year we have a large number of students who decide to double major or pursue very different majors and minors. So if you love music but want to pursue a career in medicine, Wesleyan is the place for you. Our distinctive curriculum starts with a liberal arts core that spreads across all academic disciplines. We offer 42 major areas of study ranging from the traditional liberal arts to well-regarded programs in business, the fine arts and nursing. Our eight exceptional pre-professional programs include medicine, law, dentistry, engineering, veterinary science, forestry and environmental management, physical therapy and occupational therapy for those who want to pursue graduate and professional school in one of these areas. |3

Critical thinking


is key to problem-solving. It comprises a skill set that grows from the student’s mastery of literacy. By teaching closely, face-

Liberal Arts Focus The liberal arts are part of every student’s

to-face, our goal is to help students

education at Illinois Wesleyan. It touches

to become the best and most

all 50 areas of study, from English

proactive thinkers and leaders, and

and biology to business and Hispanic studies to music and nursing. The liberal

that is ultimately in the interest of

arts core enables our students to discover the interconnectedness of

making civilization better.”

knowledge through a challenging curriculum beyond their majors.

Robert Bray

tions skills, strengthen their cultural literacy and help them to become

R. Forrest Colwell Professor of English

more globally aware and ethically grounded.

Lincoln scholar, researcher and author


We strive to develop our students’ critical thinking and communica-

Illinois Wesleyan prides itself on graduating well-rounded, inquisitive individuals who can successfully adapt to new and changing demands. Regardless of their chosen major, all students at Illinois Wesleyan take a liberal arts core that helps them to develop these essential skills.

majors and programs

Graduate and professional schools and employers often stress the

With 50 majors and programs, ranging

benefits and importance of the skill set honed from a liberal arts

from the liberal arts, business, fine arts,

education. In fact, the highest placement rates to medical and law

and nursing to pre-medicine, pre-law,

schools, graduate programs and employment are consistently found at

pre-engineering and more, you will be

liberal arts institutions.

able to explore all of your interests. |5

Above: The Mark Evans Observatory houses a 16-inch Cassegrain telescope The Merwin Gallery at the Joyce Eichhorn Ames School of Art

The College of Liberal Arts Conferring the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees Majors • Accounting


• English

• Philosophy

Pre-Professional Programs • Pre-Dentistry

• American Studies

• Literature

• Physics

• Anthropology

• Writing

• Political Science

• Art

• Environmental Studies

• Psychology

• Biology

• French

• Religion

• Business Administration

• German

• Risk Management

• Chemistry

• Greek and Roman Studies

• Sociology

• Computer Science

• History

• Spanish/Hispanic Studies

• Economics

• International Business

• Theatre Arts

• Educational Studies

• International Studies

• Women’s Studies

• Elementary

• Mathematics

• Secondary

• Music

• Pre-Engineering • Pre-Forestry • Pre-Law • Pre-Medicine • Pre-Occupational Therapy • Pre-Physical Therapy • Pre-Veterinary Medicine

The College of Fine Arts

Additional Minors and Concentrations:

Conferring the Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Music Education degrees

• Art History

• Informatics

• Arts Management

• Japanese

• School of Art

• Asian Studies

• Latin American Studies

• Biochemistry

• Physical Education

• Coaching

• Russian and East

• Cognitive Science

European Studies • Russian Language and Literature • Studio Art • Theatre Dance • Western European Studies

• School of Theatre Arts

• School of Music

• Acting

• Composition

• Design Technology

• Music Education • Orchestral Instruments • Piano Performance

Interdisciplinary Major • Music Theatre

• Voice

The School of Nursing Conferring the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree

• Development Studies • Diplomatic Studies • Exercise Science • Health • Human Services



The Ames Library

Academic Resources Your academic success at Illinois Wesleyan is enhanced by the quality of our facilities and resources. The Center for Natural Science and the Center for the Liberal Arts are two of the University’s technology-rich


outstanding faculty Many of Illinois Wesleyan’s 184


teaching and research buildings. The Ames Library is among the best anywhere. This five-story library and digital center has most every resource for the student and researcher.

Research, Internships, Community Service At Illinois Wesleyan your learning will take place inside and outside the classroom. Wesleyan students actively collaborate with faculty on

teaching faculty are nationally

research projects, present their own original research at the annual John

regarded researchers and scholars,

Wesley Powell Research Conference, pursue internships with major

and all are outstanding educators

corporations and not-for-profit organizations, and engage in community

interested in your success.

service through the Action Research Center, Habitat for Humanity, Greek organizations and with local social service agencies.

The Am e s


Below are just a few reasons why Illinois Wesleyan’s Ames Library is considered one of the best in the nation: • Extensive Resources — Students have access to over 70 specialized academic search engines and more than 58,000 journal titles, as well as an online research guide specific to every academic major at IWU. • Global Access — The library connects students to extensive interlibrary loan services around the world. Any item not available on campus can be borrowed from another university at no charge. • Personalized Research Assistance — Qualified library faculty offer one-on-one research assistance, in-class teaching and an online presence (IM, text and email) to support students any time they are conducting research. • Exceptional Environment — Wireless study and learning spaces include rooms for group study, as well as quiet areas for study, research, writing or simply reading for pleasure! A coffee shop also offers easy access to food and drinks. • Access to Technology — Students can check out laptops for use in the library, as well as Kindles, digital cameras and video equipment.

We’ve had great success preparing our students for medical school. In fact, Illinois Wesleyan biology majors are accepted into medical school at a rate near 90 percent, compared to a national average of about 50 percent. And, our science students pursuing PhDs typically have multiple offers from top graduate and research programs.”

Given Harper Professor of Biology avian ecologist, environmentalist and researcher |9

Pembroke College — Oxford, England

Preparing students for the world beyond campus is a key part of the Illinois Wesleyan experience. We offer a wide range of opportunities to

4-4-1 Academic Calendar

study abroad in countries such as

Another distinctive feature of Illinois Wesleyan is our 4-4-1 academic

England, Spain, Australia and China;

year — two four-month (15-week) semesters and one optional May

to study off-campus in major U.S.

Term session.

May Term

and Washington; and to compete

In May Term, students are immersed in a single subject and courses often

for prestigious national internships

offer curricular experimentation, nontraditional or interdisciplinary approaches, or close student-faculty collaboration. For May Term,

with major corporations, not-for-

students can elect to take a class on campus, participate in an internship,

profits and government agencies.

collaborate with faculty on a research project or take a travel study class.

Illinois Wesleyan graduates are

Study Abroad

extremely well-prepared to live

As part of an increasingly global society, Illinois Wesleyan encourages its

and work in a global society.”

students to engage in study abroad opportunities. The University has its own programs led by Wesleyan faculty in London and Barcelona. Students can also participate in 300 program opportunities in 70 countries across the globe provided by partner organizations and universities. 10 |

cities such as Chicago, New York

Jonathan Green Provost and Dean of Faculty Right: Hansen Student Center

| 11


welcoming, engaging, fun

With classmates from across the nation and around the globe, Illinois Wesleyan is a place to grow as a person as well as a student. And with 165 student organizations that range from student government and intramural sports to social fraternities and sororities to service clubs and campus media, there’s sure to be something for everyone.

8 12 |

in 10 students

One of the big differences between Illinois

Take a one-minute campus tour on your smart phone

Wesleyan and most larger schools is that a

by scanning this QR code.

greater percentage of our students live on

To get a QR code reader/scanner for your smart phone go to

campus — currently 80 percent of IWU

students live on campus.

| 13

Living Options Illinois Wesleyan offers more than 24 options for campus living, from traditional residence halls to converted mansions to fraternity and sorority houses, meaning there’s a wide range of living choices for students. There are four residence halls designated for first-year students —  Dolan, Ferguson, Gulick and Munsell. Each hall is co-ed and accommodates between 125 and 200 students in double occupancy rooms, with a limited number of single occupancy rooms available. There are both formal and informal lounges, computer rooms, recreation rooms, free laundry and other

Harriett Fuller Rust House in

amenities in each residence hall. All rooms are air-conditioned and include

foreground; Dolan Hall on left

cable television hook-up, Internet connection and telephone access.

14 |

Campus Dining No matter where you live you can connect with friends and classmates over a meal at the Bertholf Dining Commons. Other popular gathering places include the Hansen Student Center, where Hattie’s Café and Tommy’s Grill are popular spots. At the Memorial Center there’s the Coffee Shoppe, Freshëns, 155° Grill and the Sub Connection. Dining meal plans come in sizes to fit just about any appetite. While most meals are eaten at the Bertholf Dining Commons, the plans include Munch Money and meal exchanges so students can also eat at or get take-out from other campus dining spots such as Tommy’s and the Sub Connection.

| 15

Recreation Staying active is one thing that brings many students together on campus, whether it’s a game of pick-up basketball, a fitness class or athletic event. The heart of Illinois Wesleyan recreation is the $15 million Shirk Athletic and Recreation Center. This two-level, 135,344-square foot complex is home to Titan athletic teams and a wide range of student recreation facilities and programs. The Shirk Center houses four multi-use courts for tennis, volleyball, basketball and other sports, as well as racquetball courts, a 200-meter track, an extensive training room, Fort Natatorium, a wellness center, classrooms and other facilities.

A Partial Listing of

Campus Organizations Academic Honor Societies


registered student organizations From student government and community service, to campus media and club sports, to fraternities and sororities, campus life is rich and varied.

16 |

• Beta Beta Beta (biology)

• Phi Gamma Nu (business)

• Delta Omicron (music)

• Phi Kappa Phi

• Gamma Upsilon

• Pi Delta Phi (French

(publications) • Kappa Delta Pi (education) • Lambda Alpha (anthropology) • Omicron Delta Epsilon (economics) • Phi Alpha Theta (history) • Phi Beta Kappa • Phi Eta Sigma (first-year co-ed)

language) • Pi Kappa Lambda (music) • Psi Chi (psychology) • Sigma Delta Pi (Hispanic studies) • Sigma Tau Delta (English) • Sigma Theta Tau (nursing) • Upsilon Pi Epsilon (computing sciences)

Activism • Amnesty International

• Model United Nations

• College Democrats

• Rock the Vote

• College Republicans

• Sierra Student Coalition

Intramural and Club Sports Illinois Wesleyan offers 20 intramural sports and clubs: badminton, basketball, cycling club, equestrian club, flag football, floor hockey, golf, karate club, women’s lacrosse, racquetball, rock climbing club, running, soccer, softball, tennis, ultimate frisbee club, volleyball, club volleyball, wallyball and women’s water polo.

Bloomington-Normal The twin cities are home to four colleges and universities with a total enrollment of 28,000. Not only is Bloomington-Normal a great college town, but it was ranked 15th on The Atlantic magazine’s listing of the best American cities and job markets for college graduates. With a population of 125,000, the twincities are located midway between Chicago and St. Louis.

Campus Oriented • Student Senate

(encompasses numerous executive positions and committees)

Media • Residence Hall

Association (each residence hall has its own governing council)

Cultural Awareness • Black Student Union • Foreign language clubs • International Society of

Illinois Wesleyan • IWU Pride Alliance

• South Asian Student

Association • Spanish and Latino

Student Association

• Argus — newspaper • Titan TV • Tributaries — student

poetry and fiction publication • WESN — radio

Service • Action Research Center • Ambassador Club • Alpha Phi Omega

Fraternity and Sorority Life • Interfraternity Council

• Panhellenic Council

National Fraternities • Acacia • Phi Gamma Delta • Sigma Chi • Tau Kappa Epsilon • Theta Chi

National Sororities • Alpha Gamma Delta • Kappa Delta • Kappa Kappa Gamma • Sigma Kappa

• Best Buddies • Circle K International • Habitat for Humanity • Student Alumni Council

Religious • Atheist, Agnostic, and

• Intervarsity Christian

Non-Religious Group • DRL (Death, Resurrection, Life) • Fellowship of Christian Athletes • Hindu Student Association • Hillel

Fellowship • Muslim Student Association • Titan Catholic • Titan Christian Fellowship | 17


competing, excelling, spirited

The Illinois Wesleyan Titans have a long winning tradition, both on and off the athletic field. More than 400 Wesleyan students take part in our intercollegiate athletics, competing on 18 varsity teams — nine men’s and nine women’s.

18 |

In 2011-12, five Titan teams finished in the top nine of the NCAA Division III national championships with women’s basketball claiming the national title, men’s basketball earning a trip to the Final Four, women’s track taking seventh in the indoor championship and ninth in the outdoor nationals, and women’s and men’s golf placing eighth and ninth respectively in their national tournaments. A total of nine teams qualified for NCAA postseason play, five teams won College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin titles and 15 studentathletes were selected to All-American teams. While NCAA conference championships are important, Illinois Wesleyan is most proud that it ranks 12th among all schools in NCAA divisions for Academic All-Americans with 113. This places us in the company of such elite institutions as Notre Dame, Stanford and MIT. The Titan athletic facilities are second to none and include the Byron Tucci football stadium, furnished with new artificial surface in 2011; Shirk Center Arena and indoor track; Jack Horenberger Baseball Field; Titan softball field; Neis Soccer Field; and Beadles-

Men’s Varsity Sports • Baseball

• Soccer

• Basketball

• Swimming & Diving

• Cross Country

• Tennis

• Football

• Track (Indoor/Outdoor)

• Golf

Women’s Varsity Sports • Basketball

• Swimming & Diving

• Cross Country

• Tennis

• Golf

• Track (Indoor/Outdoor)

Ironwood Golf Club and The Den at Fox Creek, an Arnold Palmer

• Soccer

• Volleyball

Signature Course.

• Softball

Morse Tennis Courts. Titan men’s and women’s golf teams practice and play at three top local facilities — Prairie Vista Golf Club,

| 19

“I was looking for a school that provided that rare balance of outstanding academic preparation and a true liberal arts education in an environment that still lets you enjoy the college experience. Illinois Wesleyan provided all of this in a setting that was personal and caring.”

Stephen Ondra ’80, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Northwestern Memorial Hospital; former Senior Advisor for Health, White House

“My favorite class was Portfolio Management, taught by Dr. Elisabeta Pena. We managed a real portfolio, with the proceeds going to fund the general scholarship fund. It was exciting to know it was not a simulation. I was investing real money!”

Marcus Dunlop ’08, Hedge fund analyst, HG Vora Capital Management

“Mary Ann Bushman’s English classes are still, to this day, some of the favorite, most wonderful experiences that I’ve ever had in my educational or professional life. I still look at the papers and journals from those classes, all of which I’ve saved. Fantastic!”

Bill Damaschke ’85, Chief creative officer, DreamWorks Animation SKG

“I loved Robert Donaldson’s music history class at Wesleyan because he really gave us the opportunity to write. I remember putting a lot into a paper I did on Mozart and Don Giovanni.”

Demetria Kalodimos ’81, Peabody Award-winning broadcast journalist and documentary filmmaker

“Professor Vayo was always incredibly generous and supportive. He emphasized that if you’re to succeed in any field you need to have a strong grounding in the fundamentals.”

Sung Jin Hong ’97, Artistic director and conductor, New York City’s One World Symphony

20 |

I think about Illinois Wesleyan all the time. A liberal arts education has such value, even just for the philosophy itself… Your college education is the springboard to your future.”

Ann Stroink ’76, Neurosurgeon, Advocate BroMenn Medical Center

Graduate s

succeeding, contributing, proud


Illinois Wesleyan’s more than 19,000 graduates have gone on to prestigious graduate and professional schools, and distinguished themselves in a wide variety of fields, including medicine, law, business, higher education, the arts, government and more. You’ll find recent graduates attending law school at Yale, doing graduate work in economics at Columbia, in medical school at Johns Hopkins University, beginning

states and 52 countries With alumni living in all 50 states and 52 countries, your Illinois Wesleyan connection can stretch far beyond

careers with the FBI, on Wall Street, as teachers, nurses, in Chicago, Hollywood, Broadway and around the world. Illinois Wesleyan graduates are not just successful in their careers, they are also engaged and contributing to their communities and professions.

campus and last a lifetime. | 21

Adm issions

visiting, applying, opportunity

Visiting Campus


There’s no better way to find out if Illinois Wesleyan is the place for you than to visit campus. The Admissions Office is waiting to hear from you so that we can help answer your questions and plan your visit. Until then, visit us on the Web at The Admissions Office is located in the new Minor Myers, jr. Welcome Center (pictured above) on the corners of Park Street

in 10 students

and University Avenue. Our office hours are Monday – Friday,

Last year 90 percent of Illinois Wesleyan first-

8:00 am – 4:30 pm (we’re closed for lunch from noon – 1:00 pm).

year students came back for their sophomore year, and 92 percent of graduating seniors completed their degree in four years. 22 |

To schedule your visit, call us at 800-332-2498 or complete our online visit form at

Apply There is no application fee for Illinois Wesleyan. We encourage you to apply online by going to, or

Admission Criteria The University is composed of a College of Liberal Arts, College of Fine Arts (Schools of Art, Music and Theatre Arts) and a School of Nursing, and each has its own emphasis. Different strengths and abilities are considered in reviewing candidates’ credentials for admission.

What’s Important? • Strong college preparatory curriculum • High school grade point average • ACT or SAT scores • Teacher/counselor recommendation • Personal statement/essay • Student activities

Watch a two-minute video about the

• Campus visit — strongly recommended

Wesleyan experience on your smart

• Fine arts majors are required to audition or show

phone by scanning this QR code.

a portfolio

To get a QR code reader/scanner for your smart phone go to | 23

Value and Affordability Kiplinger’s continues to list Illinois Wesleyan among the nation’s “Best Values” of liberal arts colleges. With more than $32 million in need-based aid and merit scholarships, plus federal and state aid programs, pursuing an Illinois Wesleyan education is possible for families from a broad range of circumstances.

Academic and Talent Scholarships • Merit-based scholarships are based primarily on the overall academic profile of the student. They range in value from $2,500 to $18,000 and are four-year renewable awards. • Talent-based scholarships are based on audition or portfolio review results in music, theatre or art. They range in value from $2,500 to $18,000 and are four-year renewable awards. • The Jennings Scholarships for non-music majors are awarded based on audition results. They are $1,000 renewable annual awards that also include private weekly lessons. • The Theatre Technology Scholarship for non-theatre majors and minors are awarded through competitive portfolio reviews. They are $1,000 renewable annual awards. • International student scholarships range from $2,500 to $18,000 and are four-year renewable awards.

Need-Based Assistance Need-based grant support from Illinois Wesleyan is awarded on the basis of financial need, after the amount of state and federal grant support is applied. Therefore, in order to qualify for institutional assistance, students need to complete the following application forms each year on or before the March 1 preferential

9 24 |

filing date. • FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) • IWU Financial Aid Application or CSS PROFILE

in 10 students Last year 91 percent of Illinois Wesleyan

For More Information

students received scholarships or need-based

For more information on financial assistance, please call the

assistance made possible by the generosity of

Admissions Office at 800-332-2498 or visit the Financial Aid

alumni and friends of the University.

Office web site at

| 25

Illinois Wesleyan is located in Bloomington-Normal, within two and a half hours of Chicago and St. Louis. The Bloomington airport, ten minutes from campus, provides direct jet access to America’s major hubs.

IWU Calendar Fall Semester, 2012 First day of classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. 27 Faculty Open House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 8 Faculty Open House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 10 Early Action application deadline. . . . . . . . Nov. 15 Last day of classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 7 Winter break begins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 15

Spring Semester, 2013 First day of classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 9 Regular Decision application deadline . . . . . Feb. 15 Faculty Open House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 23 Financial aid application deadline. . . . . . .March 1 Spring break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 9–17 Last day of classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 23 Graduation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 5

May Term, 2013 (Optional) Decision deadline for admitted seniors. . . . . May 1 Class begins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 8 Final exam day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 31

Illinois Wesleyan

by the numbers

2,050 undergraduates from 30 states and 24 countries 184 outstanding faculty and no graduate teaching assistants 17 average class size and 11 to 1 student-faculty ratio 50 majors and pre-professional programs 4-4-1 academic calendar with optional May Term 40 School of Music practice rooms and 90 pianos in the School of Music 3 theatres and 2 art galleries 18 men’s and women’s varsity sports with over 400 varsity athletes 113 Academic All-Americans (12th among all NCAA schools) 6 NCAA national titles (5 since 2008) 2 students have discovered a new species ( Milnesium and Chimaera panthera ) 3 IWU graduates awarded a Fulbright grant in 2011 37 scholars have attended Pembroke College at Oxford University (since 1997) 462 student internships in 2011-12 56th nationally in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance best value rankings

Contact IWU If you have further questions or want to arrange a visit, please contact: Statements of Accreditation and Non-discrimination Illinois Wesleyan University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Illinois Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity and expression, disability, or national origin in its admissions policies, educational programs and activities, or employment policies. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy should be directed to the Office of the President, Illinois Wesleyan University, P.O. Box 2900, Bloomington, IL 61702-2900. Illinois Wesleyan expressly recognizes the requirements of Title IX legislation. Title IX complaints should be reported to the University’s Title IX coordinator, who is the Associate Provost (211 Holmes Hall, (309) 556-3255). Illinois Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. The Vice President for Business and Finance, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, and the Associate Provost are designated by the University to coordinate all efforts to comply with Section 504 and its implementing regulation 34 C.F.R. Part 104 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All questions should be directed to the University compliance coordinators indicated above.

Tony Bankston Dean of Admissions Illinois Wesleyan University 1211 Park Street Bloomington, Illinois 61701 email: 309-556-3031

Paul J. Schley Director of International Admissions Illinois Wesleyan University 1211 Park Street Bloomington, Illinois 61701, USA email:

800-332-2498 (in the USA only)

fax: 309-556-3820

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