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At Illinois Wesleyan, we take this question one step further.

WE ASK IT STARTS and ENDS with a BIG, but simple QUESTION:






HOW WILL YOU BE IT ? At Illinois Wesleyan, passion finds a place for each of us. And pushes us to become more.


TO BE... 1



At Illinois Wesleyan,

you will have Some may be small, others big.

But one thing is certain. You will have them. Here’s the best part. They will add up to something

Challenging and Cheering You On

extremely valuable: your ability to navigate and succeed in an ever-changing world. It’s why our graduates are sought after by employers and so often rise to the top within their organizations.

W H E N YOU B E C OM E a student at Illinois Wesleyan,




a conversation starts. We ask, what are you curious about? Where do you want to go in four years? What do you want your resumé to look like? How can what you’re passionate about be the thing you get to do each day in the real world?

And then we guide you, push you, and encourage you —  to help you 4

get there.

breakthrough moments.

{ WHAT WE KNOW FOR SURE } “I love that spark that our students have and seeing students get as excited as I am about coming to class. IWU students always amaze me in their intellectual curiosity, and many days I leave the classroom thinking, ‘wow, that was like magic!”

Above: Prof. Sheridan’s Italian 102 class explores Italian cuisine.


— Scott Sheridan, Professor of French and Italian

of our full-time faculty hold terminal degrees—


AWA R DED in their fields of study.

Languages and Literatures, Chair of German, Russian and Asian Languages, and Director of International Studies 5



Laurence Henderson ’18 i w u m a j or :

Environmental Studies

(with a concentration in International Environmental Sustainability) ho m e t o w n :

Peoria Heights, Illinois

[ Laurence has changed his major 4 times while remaining on target to graduate in 4 years. ]

MY IWU BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT: “During the first month of my freshman year, I had a health challenge. One of my professors — ​Prof. Sainsbury, in the English Department,  ​noticed I was falling asleep, which was one of the symptoms. She brought it to my attention. She took it upon herself to make sure I was cared for. I knew I wouldn’t have gotten that level of care at a bigger university. That was my breakthrough moment — ​when I knew I made a good choice in coming to Wesleyan.”

2 STUDY ABROAD TRIPS Vienna & the Philippines

FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT ILLINOIS WESLEYAN: THE ACADEMICS, how small it is, and that all the faculty know your name. 6

“When Laurence was a new student on campus, I could see he was having trouble concentrating. I spoke to him about it and discovered he was having a health challenge. I could tell he needed follow-up, and he got that follow-up. And even though he wasn’t an English major, we’ve kept in touch throughout the rest of his schooling. I’ve watched him as he’s developed. It established a kind of relationship between us that would not have happened at a larger place.”

— Alison Sainsbury, Associate Professor of English

unforgettable moment: “DURING MY TRIP to the Philippines through IWU’s Freeman Asia Program, I swam with elephants. So fun! They would fall in on their sides and stick their trunks up. And you could touch them and lay on them. You just have to be sure they don’t roll over onto you. We went on a walk with them, got to feed them… now they’re my favorite animal.”


“The goal right now is to go to Germany

to get my masters, hopefully in Sustainable Business or Environmental Management.” 7









I F YOU R E V E L in the posing of an

insightful question

just as much as an answer,

you’re in great company at Illinois Wesleyan.

For more than 100 years we have, through our varied coursework, pushed students to see a larger picture, to savor context and grapple with nuance. To make connections between seemingly disparate disciplines. In essence, to think bigger. Above: First-Year Fellow in the Humanities, Matthew Humason, met Provost Mark Brodl, who is also starting his first year on campus.

For IWU students, the secret dance of molecular particles, the exquisite beauty of an algebraic equation, or the science of a perfect sentence might resonate and inform their

AN AWESOME START — First-Year Humanities Fellow

understanding of the world.

At Illinois Wesleyan, you can apply to become a First-Year


Humanities Fellow. This special distinction will enable you to engage with prominent scholars, artists, and musicians at special on-campus happenings throughout the year related to the University’s intellectual theme, attend selected events with faculty at the annual Chicago Humanities

WE BELIEVE THAT WHEN STUDENTS THINK BIGGER At IWU, you’ll have the opportunities to marry the questions you’re passionate about to hands-on projects, faculty-guided research, and world travel to satisfy your curiosity —  to both solidify your understanding of the world and differentiate you to prospective employers or graduate schools.

Festival, and take part in several other activities throughout

What can you do with a degree in English besides teach? What can you do with a degree

the academic year. It’s a rare opportunity to begin seeing

in International Studies with a minor in Music? Or History? Or Western European Studies?

the myriad ways your love of humanities can guide your

For Illinois Wesleyan students, the answers are as varied as they are. How will you do it?

future career path.

We can’t wait for you to get here so we can find out together. 9


“It was easy to build relationships. I was able to have some good friendships very quickly, which helped me settle in. I joined a fraternity. I made a lot of friends, and I learned a lot about America.”

What did you like about IWU? 10

WHAT WAS THE VALUE OF IWU FOR YOU? “It helped me grow. It gave me a set of tools to deal with what came next, and what has been coming. It helped me prepare for the future. It sounds cliché, but it’s really true.”

WHAT WERE IWU ACADEMICS LIKE FOR YOU? “ They helped guide me into what I wanted to do. I came in as an

Junaid Ahmed ’96 Senior Broadcast Journalist

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) i w u m a j or s :

economics major, but when I took one politics class, I got very interested. So, I convinced my dad that I could do a double major.”


Economics, Political Science

[ Junaid graduated in 4 years. ] i n t e r n s h i p s : World Federalist Movement (NGO)

at United Nations c o u n t r y of or ig i n :


“ I was broadcasting even before I found my career in broadcasting! When I joined the BBC, there were a lot of people who had print backgrounds and had no idea about radio. But I actually knew about it because I did shows at IWU on WESN radio with my buddies.”




Will you research, or make a discovery that ALTERS FOREVER 12

the way we understand the world?

research, which has both assured me that the laboratory is where I want to be and that Illinois Wesleyan was the


“I have been able to conduct significant independent

right choice. The programs are small, which allows time

Our Med School acceptance rate is

80% over the past five years,

eclipsing the national average.

for one-on-one attention and ample access to IWU’s state-of-the-art equipment.” — Giana Biddle ’18   i w u

m a j or s :

Biology, Chemistry

HERE’S A QUESTION: Why are Illinois Wesleyan graduates being admitted into Bryan Worby ’19 presents his research

medical schools and Ph.D. programs at 30% higher rates

at the annual John Wesley Powell

than the national average?

Research Conference.

We believe the answer lies in our esteemed, world-class faculty and the opportunity for students to collaborate with them in research projects,

Work alongside and learn from distinguished professors — experts in their

our state-of-the-art equipment, and IWU’s academic flexibility.

fields — ​as you study the patterns and connections among the fundamental

At Illinois Wesleyan, you can choose a major in biology, chemistry,

forces of nature. Explore the world of marine invertebrates off the coast of

environmental studies, physics, psychology, computer science or

Florida. Conduct experiments in the Scanning Electronic Microscope Lab.

mathematics, but then, go deeper. Pursue your specific interest in

Observe the universe through our Cassegrain telescope and Charged Coupled

biochemistry, genetics, cognitive science, engineering or numerous

Device camera in the Mark Evans Observatory. Figure out what makes dogs

other areas through research and internship opportunities. Where you

tick in our Dog Cognition Lab. The sciences at Illinois Wesleyan offer solid

want to go at Illinois Wesleyan is largely up to you. And, you’ll have

preparation for anyone interested in becoming a scientist, professor, engineer,

unwavering faculty support along the way.

or even a dog whisperer. The list goes on. 13





What do the best doctors, dentists, environmentalists, engineers, therapists and veterinarians have in common? While each of these disciplines require specific areas of specialized study, at the core of each is the ability to think critically, problem solve, and communicate effectively —  the hallmarks of an Illinois Wesleyan education.

in our lauded departments of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Business, Sociology, Economics, Natural Science, Psychology —  each chaired and taught by invested, esteemed faculty who provide rigorous training and who want, more than anything else, to see you leave here thoroughly well-versed and equipped for success. Access to caring advisors, top notch facilities, state-of-the-art equipment, internships, and research opportunities come as part of the Illinois Wesleyan package.

CONSIDER THIS: Illinois Wesleyan’s pre-med graduates are accepted into prestigious medical schools on their first try at a rate of 80% — a full 30% over the national average.


As you search for a university, factor

A BETTER START! Why settle for less? To make it as a top-notch engineer today you’ll need to develop the intellectual discipline and master the technical skills it takes to stand out. A physics degree from Illinois Wesleyan, because it’s based on fundamental, underlying principals and mathematics, does precisely that — it gives our students the adaptability to lead as new technologies and new opportunities emerge. As an Illinois Wesleyan physics student, you’ll have the opportunities to study independently and complete experimental work (all four years). You’ll also have exposure to a broad range of coursework that will set you apart when making presentations, writing reports, and putting your work into a larger social context. Best of all, as an IWU student, you have choices. If you decide to pursue a career other than engineering, you can change your field without losing credit. This flexibility allows you the chance to chase your curiosity, explore

your career options, and decide exactly how you

want to break through.

Students from our seven other pre-professional programs are similarly well positioned, and consistently stand apart from the crowd.



Wayne Messmer ’72,

M.Ed., Ph.D., CSP

i w u m a j or :

Speaker, singer, broadcaster, author, actor, and businessman Illinois Wesleyan University Distinguished Alumnus for 2017




ho m e t o w n :


Music Education


Wayne Messmer understands that in a heartbeat the world can change. In April of 1994, after singing the national

Chicago, Illinois

BREAKTHROUGH “ It was at Illinois Wesleyan University where I discovered an oasis

anthem at a Chicago Blackhawks game, he was shot in the

of all things that I loved — standing in front of people and using

neck at point-blank range, endangering both his life and his

words and music to connect with others. I also found academic

ability to ever sing again. Through a combination of faith,

challenges, a community of sharing, and a place to call home.”

support, good fortune and good care, he triumphed. Nationally recognized as the “Voice of the Wrigley Field,” Wayne Messmer embodies the Illinois Wesleyan ideals of strength of character, commitment and perseverance.




There’s an energy here at Illinois Wesleyan. A spirit. It’s about wanting to have an impact. Making a difference. Often it starts in a classroom or over a coffee — a spark, ignited by a dedicated professor, caught by a student who then nurtures it, grows it, and brings it to life in the community. Our Action Research Center (ARC) is a unique resource that offers powerful mentorship and a gentle push to grow your idea into a project that makes a lasting difference in the community. From establishing neighborhood gardens or tool libraries, to building bus benches, to establishing food banks with unsold produce from the local farmer’s market — through Illinois Wesleyan’s ARC program, you can literally be the breakthrough you wish to see in the world.

Will you volunteer, or be the CATALYST for meaningful societal change?



Lucy Bullock ’17 i w u m a j or s :

Anthropology, French

[ Lucy graduated in 4 years. ] inter nship: s t u dy a b r oa d : ho m e t o w n :


Rennes, France

Libertyville, Illinois

MY BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT “When I got back from France and began studying anthropology again, I realized how privileged I was in my life — that I wanted to do something to help others. I knew I had to be a part of the change.”


“I recently became a Child and Family Advocate

working at the Children’s Advocacy Center. I support families

and children throughout the investigative and court process. What I’m doing in my job isn’t technically anthropology, but my studies at IWU give me such a different perspective on how to interact with people and make me so much better at my job.” 18

how Lucy got started in social justice “I had met all my general education requirements by the end of my sophomore year, which allowed me to focus on anthropology classes for the next two. Dr. Springwood and Dr. Gearhart Mafazy — both amazing people — opened my eyes about sexism and racism in America — both how it started and how it continues. And I knew I needed to do something. “After graduation, I started an internship at the YWCA for their Stepping Stones project (a sexual assault and rape crisis center). “Awareness of the over-criminalization of African Americans led to my work on expungement. In conjunction with an IWU May Term class, we partnered with several community agencies to form a workshop where people could explore and begin the expungement process. We conceived it, marketed it, and in the end, more than 65 people turned out. Perhaps best of all, the workshop we started is now an ongoing initiative through Prairie State Legal Services.”

Rebecca Gearhart Mafazy, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology “Lucy dove head first into her studies, made strong connections, and learned to use her talents to make a positive difference in the world. When asked to conduct visual ethnographic research, Lucy stretched herself in new ways to share the concerns of friends and neighbors whose voices are not often heard. She collaborated with members of this community to help them represent themselves — the hallmark of good ethnography.” 19


“ Our May 2017 graduates accepted professional nursing positions... at some of the most prestigious medical centers including Mayo, Vanderbilt, and Duke, and had a 98% NCLEX-RN first-time pass rate, which exceeds state and national averages.” — Victoria Folse ’86, PhD, APN, PMHCNS-BC, LCPC Director and Professor, Illinois Wesleyan School of Nursing Caroline F. Rupert Endowed Chair of Nursing i w u m a j or :


FOR 17 YEARS STRAIGHT we’ve had a 100% job placement rate of our nursing What’s this blend of cross-disciplined education and intense hands-on training worth?

graduates. Think about that for a minute. 17 years —  through good economies and bad, 100%. The reason has to do with our dedicated and experienced nursing faculty who offer close, personal attention in state-of-the-art facilities. At IWU, nursing students begin their clinical experience during their sophomore year, have the opportunity to conduct faculty-guided collaborative research, pursue internships, and — unusual for a nursing program — study abroad! The School of Nursing at Illinois Wesleyan prepares exceptional thinkers, compassionate professionals and leaders for nursing and global health care.



to the


“ I studied at la Universidad Internacional in Cuernavaca, Mexico, in a language immersion program. Not only did I gain confidence, fluency, and friends, but I also gained a lifetime of cultural experiences.” — Alissa S. Miller ’08, DNP, APN, AGNP-BC Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, University of Chicago Medicine i w u m a j or / m i n or :

Nursing/Hispanic Studies

MINORS CAN MAKE A MAJOR DIFFERENCE IWU also offers a Spanish language minor specifically for nursing students, giving them the ability to address the health care need of our country’s growing Hispanic/Latino population. The six-course minor includes work in language, literature and culture, along with a medical Spanish course.

A note from IWU’s 2017 Distinguished Nursing Alumna “ IWU’s nursing program curriculum prepared me to step into a professional nursing role very quickly. The required leadership courses allowed me to see processes and systems which served me well as I have moved into nursing leadership roles throughout my career. The nursing faculty are also second to none, always incorporating innovation and evidence in making clinical decisions and solving problems. I feel so fortunate to have chosen IWU for my baccalaureate program in nursing!” — Cheryl Reinking ’87, RN, MS, NEA-BC Chief Nursing Officer, El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, CA i w u m a j or :

Nursing 21


Will you manage, or guide your employees to BREAK NEW GROUND?



Illinois Wesleyan’s business program was ranked the

Illinois Wesleyan offers majors and programs in business

that rival in range and excellence those at much larger schools. Accounting, finance, business administration, international business,

#3 undergraduate business program in the United States in earnings potential for our graduates.*

Our accounting graduates have had the highest first-time CPA Exam pass rate of any Illinois school and one of the highest rates in the

risk management, entrepreneurship. From there IWU students can

U.S. They can graduate in four years, ready to sit for the CPA exam. While

GO DEEPER. Choose from concentrations in management, marketing,

most schools require a fifth year, at Illinois Wesleyan, you can already be

and human services management.


out, flying on your own, earning a great salary. Thanks to our Hart Career Center’s on-campus recruiting program, students can interview with top companies from all over Illinois without ever leaving campus.

You’ll leave here prepared for an exciting range of workplace challenges, with a well-rounded outlook and ability to think independently — ​ skills that employers and graduate schools demand.







in earnings potential for graduates [ college survey report ]

“ During your time at IWU, you learn to differentiate yourself and find what makes you distinctive. This skill set is so important in the ‘real world’ as the workplace is competitive and you have to leverage your strengths to add value. IWU is a perfect environment to learn and perfect this skill.”

— Jill Jackson ’04 (left) c u r r e n t ly :

Director, Transaction Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers i w u m a j or :

Accounting   ho m e t o w n : Chebanse, Illinois


in dozens of industries

including retail, publishing, pharmaceutical, and technology,

Chad is a breakthrough thought leader around the emerging trends in consumer research.

HOW IWU SET CHAD UP FOR SUCCESS: “ At Illinois Wesleyan, I learned a significant number of technical hard skills. How IWU really set me up for success, however, was by teaching me to be a better thinker. In my current role, I rarely hire people just for their hard skills —  I can teach or train those. Teaching someone how to be a great question asker, a deep problem-solver, a passionate strategist, and an insanely curious thinker, however, takes a place like Illinois Wesleyan.”

Chad Maxwell ’02 i w u m a j or s :

c u r r e n t ly :

Anthropology and Spanish

Consumer Intelligence Consultant,

Author, completing Ph.D. in Applied Anthropology

i w u acti v ities:

Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony inter nship: ho m e t o w n :


State Farm

Champaign, Illinois





C A L L I NG A L L V I S ION A R I E S , inventors, dreamers, and problem-solvers.

Bring your daydreams to life through Illinois Wesleyan’s revolutionary Design, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (DTE) program. Faculty from the three distinct disciplines — the School of Art, our science program, and our business

“What I like most about the DTE program is

program — come together to equip you with the skills needed to refashion the

that it is a perfect middle ground for art and

way you’ll think, create, and market from here on out.

design. I not only get a better understanding

Delve into the technical aspects of how things work. Explore the world of 3D

of what I can do with my particular set of art and design skills, but I can also build up my entrepreneurial spirit.” — Lizette Toto ’21 (left and above) i w u m a j or :

Design, Technology, and

Entrepreneurship ho m e t o w n :

New Orleans, Louisiana

design. Understand form, shape, and functionality as you determine what design elements appeal and why. Dive deep into entrepreneurship and how you can realize your own successful business venture. If you’re a person who seeks to invent and build the next big thing or just wants to develop the skillset necessary to do something unique and interesting, this degree was created just for you. Choose between 3 areas of concentration: product design, engineering design, or entrepreneurship, and graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree. 25





Will you play, or be the musician who LAYS BARE YOUR SOUL in pursuit of rhythmic and melodic expression? “At Illinois Wesleyan, I was able to establish meaningful

And it has for more than 150 years. If you’re ready to plunge headlong into your pursuit of music, and/or music education, our prestigious faculty are here for you — fiercely committed to facilitating “breakthrough” musical training, coaching, and mentoring. Offering three degrees (B.M., B.M.E, B.A.) with nine areas to major/minor/or concentrate in, at IWU the vast spectrum of musical possibilities is yours. But wait, regardless of your major, if you’re interested in music, we’ve got a way for you to explore and express that interest. Want to play football AND the oboe? Want to major in theatre AND take voice lessons? Want to study political science AND play in an ensemble? (There’s even the Jennings Scholarship for that!) Here’s the bottom line: if making music is important to you, we’ll help you find a way to celebrate that passion.

relationships with incredible professors who inspired me to be my very best every day. Their immense knowledge, passion and teaching ability are what defined my experience at IWU, and it is why I feel confident to start my career as a music educator.” — Andrew Seidel ’15 Instrumental Music Education, Neuqua Valley High School



“ A s an art student you become very close with the professors in the department; there’s a strong sense of community. Everyone wants to see each other improve and succeed, especially your professors. They are the biggest help in broadening your artistic horizons and helping improve your skill and mindset in your work.” — Rebecca Kordas ’20 iw u major :


Will you recreate, or be the artist who CREATES AESTHETIC EXPRESSIONS that move and inspire? Close your eyes and picture your next four years. Do they include the opportunities to draw, paint, design, create ceramics, sculpt, photograph, blow glass or make prints? In the Ames School of Art, the study and pursuit of art comes alive with the whir of a blowtorch, the aroma of inks and paints and the subtle quiet of the Merwin and Wakeley Galleries. Set your creativity free in our blend of cutting edge studio classrooms, semi-private studios, and modern graphic design computer lab. Our faculty are talented artists in their own right, and with an average class size of 10, their mentorship and guidance is only as far away as your easel.


“ Coming in Undeclared as a freshman, I wasn’t sure what to expect out of the art department when I declared a Graphic Design major, but it exceeded all of my expectations! I love how caring and involved all of my professors are, and how they truly allow me to be myself.” — Emily Chapman ’19 iw u major :

Graphic Design 27






transcending experience At Illinois Wesleyan’s School of Theatre Arts, you’ll hone your innate talents while nurturing the qualities that make

you entirely unique and memorable. Settle into a tightly knit community which fosters creativity, confidence, and collaboration. Our caring faculty will guide and push you — in your pursuit of being the most well-prepared, experienced, theatrical artist you can be. And you’ll shine as you do it! “ I WU provides an essential, diversified theatrical training with so many hands-on opportunities. By the time I graduated, I had the tools and confidence to enter the professional world. I was so well-prepared; my internship offered me a job and my Equity card right after graduation!” — Brian Bogin ’99 i w u m a j or : b r oa dway

n at io n a l t o u r s :

business professionals working in entertainment today. IWU alumni include Academy Award® and Tony® nominees, Broadway performers, producers, as well as countless designers, directors, choreographers, and playwrights making their livings as artists every day. Whether it’s as an actor, singer, dancer, director or designer,

Theatre Design & Technology


Join the ranks of some of the most successful, well-respected show

War Horse, Elf, Wicked,

the opportunities for you to break through at Illinois Wesleyan’s School of Theatre Arts are waiting in the wings.

Spamalot, The Phantom of the Opera, Urinetown, Chicago “ My time in the Illinois Wesleyan Theatre department was just like spending time with my family. They pushed me. I pushed them back. And I’m better for it.” — Richard Jenkins ’69 i w u m a j or :


a s a n a c t or :

Oscar® Nominee for The Visitor, Emmy®

winner for Olive Kitteridge, known for Six Feet Under, Jack Reacher, Step Brothers


the value of Bryonha’s IWU degree: “The level of professionalism expected by my professors was set very high and that standard (and more) has become what I expect to give to any music theatre experience.”

WHAT I LOVED ABOUT IWU: “I loved that the school was small. It was like family. I wanted something closer to home, that felt familiar. Illinois Wesleyan was perfect for me in that way.”

Bryonha Parham ’07 i w u m a j or :

Music Theatre [ Bryonha graduated in 4 years. ]

b r o a dway p e r f or m e r :

Prince of Broadway, After Midnight,

Porgy and Bess, The Book of Mormon, Ragtime ho m e t o w n :

Kansas City, Missouri

HOW THE VARIED CURRICULUM HELPED: “Even though we had this intensive theatre school “incubator experience,” any time you are required to take classes outside your major, that’s only going to help. When I do master classes, I tell students you have to balance out theatre with what you do with your life. You want to be well rounded, and understand what’s happening in the world.”

AN IWU BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT: “At the beginning of my senior year, we had to do an independent study project. I went to my theatre professors and said, I want to do mine on African American plays and musicals. They put together this lesson plan. We met twice a week for eight weeks, and discussed different plays. It was amazing! I learned I had the power, I had the control. And I was so grateful because it put me into this independent thinking mindset. And now, that’s something I practice in real life.” Images above courtesy of Murphy Made Photography and Playbill.


“ My IWU education, where I majored in English, yet took classes in the natural sciences, humanities and fine arts, provided the foundation for the persuasive communicator, critical thinker and creative collaborator I am today. Each of these skills has proven invaluable in my success in the everchanging and competitive fields of technology and information services.” — Dirk Behrends ’87, Vice President, Association Enterprise Solutions Community Brands 32


no . 1



JOB PLACEMENT No. 10 NATIONALLY* *IPEDS, U.S. Dept. of Ed. College Scorecard

“An Illinois Wesleyan education gives you confidence. Because you have this broad background, you’re not pigeonholed in one specific area.” — Bob Page ’79 c u r r e n t ly :

President and Chief Executive Officer of The University of

Kansas Health System i w u m a j or :


There’s something special about an Illinois Wesleyan graduate. We hear it from top employers every single day. And here’s why: Every major and professional program at Illinois Wesleyan is grounded in a variety of academic subjects. What does this actually mean? Our nursing students might quote Shakespeare. Our pre-med majors might talk philosophy. And our music majors probably have a firm grasp on political science. That secondary focus is up to you, but in an ever-changing world,



COMMUNITY that comes alive WE KNOW LEARNING ISN’T RESTRICTED TO the classroom at Illinois Wesleyan. With classmates from across the nation, around the globe, and from every socio­­economic background, it happens everywhere — ​on the quad, in your residence hall, over a cup of coffee. At Illinois Wesleyan, smart, inquisitive and interesting people are everywhere, so wherever you gather, the potential exists to learn, discuss, and share.

This place thrives on that. But let’s face it. There’s a lot more to the college experience than studying. Especially here. In fact, there’s something going on all the time. And you’ll be in great company with the life-long friends you’ll make along the way. You’ll understand why 92% of freshman choose to come back to IWU for their 2nd year. More than 200 diverse student clubs, organizations, teams, and groups make this place buzz with opportunities to connect, learn, grow, serve, and have fun.


BREAKING THROUGH IN ESPORTS Remember when your well-meaning parents begged you to stop playing video games? Turns out, you were just ahead of the curve. Kaitlyn O’Brien ’19


Glenview, Illinois

“ W hat I love about IWU is the community feel. I think it’s really special to be able to go away to school and feel like you’re a part of a second family.”

The fast-emerging world of competitive Esports has come to Illinois Wesleyan. Under our new coach, Callum Fletcher, you can join IWU’s 2018 League of Legends team, compete at the highest levels of collegiate competition, and play on the latest equipment in our soon-to-be Esports arena. IWU is committed to bringing in the most talented gamers and becoming a powerhouse in the world of collegiate Esports. If your love of video games is more casual, don’t despair. Our Esports Club offers a supportive and diverse environment for you to network, grow, and have fun. 35



including 10 social sororities and fraternities, student government, campus media (Argus, WESN radio) AND MORE

22 Varsity SPORTS TEAMS, plus intramural leagues and clubs











food court

The Coffee Shoppe and FRESHENS

Tommy’s Grill Hattie’s Coffee Shop

148 theatre productions, ART EXHIBITS, and School of Music events 36

plus the


Dining Commons

5 CAMPUS dining options



Will you race, or challenge yourself to BREAK THROUGH

to your own personal best?

TO BE A CHAMPIONSHIP-WINNING competitor in the NCAA Division III while also being an academic powerhouse takes stamina, courage, and balance. But that’s how Illinois Wesleyan has defined itself for decades, and it’s a commitment we stand behind. First and foremost, every IWU athlete will receive an outstanding education. Last year at IWU: • 6 teams won or shared the conference championship or tournament title • 11 teams competed in post-season play • 4 more Titans joined the growing roster of Academic All-Americans, bringing our total to 125 — which places us within the top 25 of all NCAA colleges nationally If you’ve got what it takes to compete here, our coaches want to meet you. If you’re a sporting enthusiast who loves recreational sports, we’ve got intramural leagues galore. Enjoy staying fit and strong? Work out in our state-of-the-art fitness center. And if cheering from the sidelines is your thing, you’ll be in great company as the Titans repeatedly demonstrate their winning spirit.

BREAKTHROUGH FACILITIES Few colleges anywhere can boast the recreational facilities available for all IWU students, including the Shirk Center — our 155,355 square-foot multi-purpose sporting facility — Tucci Stadium, and the Fort Natatorium. 38

Sydni McStravick ’20 i w u m a j or :

Nursing [ Sydni is on track to graduate in 4 years. ]

“Illinois Wesleyan gives student athletes everything we need to excel both on the field and in the classroom. We value wins off the field just as much as we do on it.” acti v ities:

School of Nursing Student Affairs Committee, class representative,

volunteer at BroMenn Medical Center t e a m s p or t s :

Women’s Soccer,

Women’s Track and Field ho m e t o w n :

Encinitas, California




It’s pretty simple. The values of respect, inclusivity and equality are important to us — ​ so important that they are a focused part of our mission, academic experience and culture. If you are a champion for strong, welcoming and inclusive community — ​ a supportive environment that promotes understanding and appreciation for social justice, diversity, and intercultural engagement, Illinois Wesleyan is the breakthrough place for you. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing an inclusive classroom and out-of class experience for all students to strengthen knowledge across perspectives, experiences and backgrounds. Understanding individual identity (race/ethnicity, nationality, gender, first-generation college students, sexual orientation/gender identity, spirituality, ability

SOME OF THE DIVERSE ASSOCIATIONS AT IWU African Students Association Black Student Union BSU Chinese Culture and Communication Club Council of Inclusion and Awareness Cross Cultural Connections International Society IWU Interfaith 40

Japanese Language and Culture Club Jewish Student Association Korean Culture Club Muslim Student Association Pride Alliance South Asian Student Association Spanish and Latino Student Association

and the intersectionality of privilege) is critical to a robust mentoring and learning experience. Here, you will engage in educational opportunities and discussions about diversity and social justice, and hone your knowledge and skills related to communication, leadership and global citizenship. We understand that engagement with diversity inside and outside of the classroom will help prepare you for your career in a global society and are proud that diversity in all its forms is at the very core of the Illinois Wesleyan education.

Be BREAKTHROUGH at Illinois Wesleyan.


There are at least two reasons more than half (51%) of all Illinois Wesleyan students study abroad during their four years here, and they’re pretty simple.

We believe so deeply in its value, and we do everything


we can to make it

possible for every student!

We know that when students experience other cultures, doors to self-realization open to an understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. We even embedded it as a principle within our Mission Statement.  [ ] Choose between 300 global programs in more than 70 countries, spanning 6 continents. Take advantage of our prestigious partnership with Pembroke College at Oxford University, London, Madrid, Tokyo, Morocco, Hong Kong, Athens, and places off the map. Here, the world is yours. And with our 4 – 4 – 1 schedule with optional May Term, you can choose the depth and breadth of your study abroad experience.


MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR ALL At Illinois Wesleyan, we created a tuition policy which allows our students to apply their IWU scholarship and need-based assistance toward the cost of studying abroad. This means virtually any student who attends Illinois Wesleyan can afford to study abroad.

SET YOUR SIGHTS ON ASIA Experience Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, South Korea, or beyond. Illinois Wesleyan University is among a handful of elite institutions who, through generous support by the Freeman Foundation, offer life-changing, fully-funded summer internship



opportunities throughout Asia. Funding support includes: • Airfare  • Housing  • Living allowance • All internship placement and visa costs 43


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Nicki Chlebek ’16

Sociology and Environmental Studies with a concentration in Ecology

[ Nicki graduated in 4 years. ]

AN IWU BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT: “ During my junior year, as part of my Political Ecology program, I was carrying out research in Northeast Tanzania. It was incredible. I had proposed this research idea and here I was… tracking an elephant migratory route and interviewing villagers about humanwildlife conflict along that projected path. All my passions had melded together into this independent research project that actually was helping people and the environment. After the trip, I was able to bring it back to IWU’s campus and share my research at the John Wesley Powell Research Conference.”


ho m e t o w n :

Lombard, Illinois

what makes IWU unique: “Illinois Wesleyan is special because it holds a community that thrives on creating spaces for students to actually make change with their passions in this campus and in the Bloomington-Normal community. You can create your own mini masterpiece at IWU, and as long as you have the drive to do it, someone will say ‘yes’.”


“I feel like I can become

both a CEO and a Jane Goodall.

And that’s because of my mentors


Costa Rica, Tanzania & the Philippines

at IWU, who consistently said ‘yes’ to my crazy ideas and always supported my enormous curiosity. I was able to do it all, but not without the help of the incredible faculty and staff.”


Picture yourself exploring something you’re curious about. An idea, sparked by your classwork, so special to you that you can’t get it out of your head. And then, with close faculty guidance, embarking upon a project — traditional research, a group project, a study abroad experience, or an internship — that sheds light on that idea.

Then ask yourself this: What would it be worth to walk into your first post-graduation interview with something real to point to? An actual “I made THIS happen” outcome?


Illinois Wesleyan’s “BREAK THROUGH” curriculum allows you to demonstrate what your experiences here have enabled you to accomplish, for yourself and for the world that awaits you. It is both an end point, marking the culmination of your IWU years, and a launch point from which you will build as you enter the workforce or attend graduate school. This approach to learning is a powerful way Illinois Wesleyan sets itself apart from similar institutions and prepares you to BREAK THROUGH in the world beyond college.


FURTHER YOUR REACH One of the most exciting features Illinois Wesleyan offers, through our Digital Commons, is the chance to preserve and share your work with the world at large. This online repository of more than 14,000 faculty-vetted papers, articles, and research projects is largely comprised of “BREAK THROUGH” IWU student and faculty work and has been accessed more than 3,000,000 times!

Watch in real time as your efforts are discovered, recognized and shared by academics and scholars across the world.


would you put on this kind of accomplishment, recognition, and influence?


ON MENTORSHIP “ I think women scientists are the greatest thing in the world. Dr. Jaeckle said, look, here are all these wonderful women role models in science. And they had children and still work in the profession. Then, there were the women I met during my week at the Smithsonian. That’s something that’s really important to me. Dr. Jaeckle picked up on that right away.”

A BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT “The other day I approached Dr. Jaeckle with

“We would throw out a fine mesh net into the Gulf Stream

a slide and said, ‘Look! There’s a vacuole, it’s

and haul it in to collect samples — ​invertebrate larvae.

fluorescent!’ And he said, ‘Jamie Blumberg,

Back at the lab, I worked on the question: do these little

you are the only one in the world right

organisms ingest viruses?”

now who knows that this multicellular organism ingests viruses.’ That’s something I just learned that I can share with the rest of the world.”




Jamie Blumberg ’19 i w u m a j or :

Biology  Transferred from University of Alabama as 2nd year IWU student [ Jamie is on track to graduate in 4 years. ]

inter nships:

Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Florida s t u dy a b r oa d :

acti v ities:

United Kingdom

Life guard at Fort Natatorium on campus ho m e t o w n :

Bloomington, Illinois

What makes IWU special? “These classes are small and you have such great relationships with professors. I walked in to Dr. Jaeckle’s class and almost immediately he asked me what I wanted to do. When I said, ‘Oh, I’m interested in viruses,’ he instantly said, ‘Oh, I have research for you.’ I had been on campus one day!”

“ W hen I first met Jamie, I was immediately struck by her passion for learning and curiosity about the natural world. As a student in my Experimental Biology course, she revealed both an interest in and aptitude for research, and I encouraged her to consider completing an independent research project. We eventually devised a research topic that combined her interest in microbiology and my interest in invertebrate animals. I am pleased by Jamie’s ownership of this project; this is her research, not mine.” — William Jaeckle, Ph.D. Professor of Biology

Images courtesy of Will Jaeckle, Jamie Blumberg and Karen Osborn.




we aren’t the least expensive school you’ll consider. And, while we also know

the right school

than meets the eye, we are

that the outcomes of an IWU degree


there’s more to choosing

pay dividends


far surpassing the investment.

93% of Illinois Wesleyan’s graduates have earned their degree within 4 years, even when changing majors! When looking at comparable private institutions in Illinois, only 75%* or so have graduated within 6 years of entering. When you factor in a possible 5th (or even 6th) year at a “less expensive” school, we’re a bargain.








Plus, the sooner you graduate, the sooner you begin earning money.

And about that… Illinois Wesleyan graduates not only complete their degrees sooner, they make more money. The national average salary 10 years after graduation is $34,100. Private competitor schools in Illinois are typically in the upper $40,000s to lower $50,000s. Illinois Wesleyan University’s average is $55,600.*

*IPEDS, U.S. Dept. of Ed. College Scorecard *Check it out for yourself at 50

Let’s talk about debt. Even though our

And when you add all this up and

Thinking of Graduate School? We got you

sticker price may be higher than some, when

consider that our freshman to sophomore

covered there too. Our acceptance rates tower over

you look at average debt upon graduation, most

retention rates are some of the highest in

national averages, including our pre-med majors,

of our private competitors are around $27,000

the nation, you know that not only is the

whose acceptance rates into medical school have

with a $279/month repayment. So are we. Which

investment great, people who come here

averaged 80% over the past 5 years.

means there’s a great chance you’ll make more

absolutely love their choice.

income and have the same amount to pay back when you graduate as you would have if you’d chosen a school with a cheaper price tag.



OFF AND RUNNING: Here are some of their employers: Advocate Health System Argonne National Laboratory Camden Shakespeare Festival Caterpillar Deloitte EY Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Goldman Sachs Groupon KPMG Mayo Clinic Northwestern Medical Center Peace Corps PricewaterhouseCoopers The Immigration Project And some of their graduate programs: Columbia University Conservatorio di Musica Milano Cornell Duke George Washington University Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine Loyola Northwestern Penn State Princeton Rutgers University University of Amsterdam University of Illinois College of Medicine Vanderbilt University Law School Yale 52

Zach Nicolay ’10

When it comes to helping our graduates begin careers at some of the nation’s best companies,

i w u m a j or :

firms, and organizations — often before graduation — almost no one does it better than Illinois Wesleyan.

Diplomatic Studies

“ W hether it was setting up the interview or facilitating communications, I could not have secured this position without The Hart Career Center. If only I had been wise enough to come to the career center as a sophomore rather than a senior. Either way, I’ve got a promising summer ahead of me, and I owe it to IWU.”

By now you might have heard, we were ranked No. 10 in the United States, and No. 1 in the state of Illinois when it comes to our graduates getting jobs. And IWU students are accepted into graduate programs at rates that far exceed national averages. Here’s one reason: Illinois Wesleyan’s Hart Career Center (HCC). With its dedicated staff and vast array of resources, the HCC is here to help you create breakthrough resumés, select impactful internships, hone your job search skills and guide you through the graduate school application process.

get a jump

on your career and STICK the landing IMMERSE YOURSELF IN OPPORTUNITY GET YOUR FEET WET with one of HCC’s flagship programs, the annual Career Immersion Excursion. You’ll travel with IWU classmates to a major American city, meet industry executives, network with engaged and connected IWU alumni, and clarify your career goals. It’s a fun, week-long opportunity to experience the professional world you’ll be entering after graduation. Plus, the HCC hosts approximately 40 on-campus interviews each year with top companies who come to recruit IWU seniors!





(Business Insider, 2017)


1 Most educated city in Illinois



3 Top 25 small college towns in America




(American Institute for Economic Research, 2016)

4 Best cities for new graduates 7 Best small cities for educated millennials


28 Best places for STEM grads


Top 50 College towns with best music scenes


among all private, liberal arts colleges in the U.S. ( Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 2017)

2018 No.



( College Raptor, 2017)



— starting salaries of IWU graduates

( The Economist, 2015) 54

(ValuePenguin, 2016) (Business Insider, 2015)

1 of 11 “Amazing cities you’ve never thought to live in, but should”

no.  21 in U.S. (, 2017)


(USA Today, 2016)

3 Best job destinations for college grads (under 250,000 residents)


(Yahoo! Finance, 2016)

Images above and on opposite page courtesy of Bloomington Normal Advantage.

(Huffington Post, 2016) (Nerd Wallet, 2016) (GoodDeedSeats, 2017)

the place to be

Close your laptop, JUMP on a CAMPUS BIKE, and fly down CONSTITUTION TR AIL. Stroll the weekly farmers’ market. DA NCE. Play. Dine. Sing. Worship. MINGLE WITH FOLKS from the big state school up the street. There are a hundred reasons Bloomington-Normal was voted the 3 R D BEST SM A LL COLLEGE TOWN in America by USA Today. And, CHICAGO is a quick train ride away.

We are a vibrant destination all to ourselves!

Illinois Wesleyan is located in Bloomington-Normal, a two and a half hour drive from Chicago and St. Louis.


COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Accounting Advocacy American Studies Anthropology Biochemistry Biology Business —  Majors/Programs • Accounting • Business Administration • Finance • Marketing • Management • Entrepreneurship • General Management Studies • International Business • Risk Management Chemistry Computer Science


Creative Writing Dance Design, Technology, and Entrepreneurship • Product Design • Engineering Design • Entrepreneurship Economics Educational Studies English – Literature English – Writing Environmental Studies Finance French and Francophone Studies German Studies Greek and Roman Studies Health Health Promotion and Fitness Management

History Human Services Management International Studies —  Concentrations/Minors • African Studies • Asian Studies • Latin American Studies • Russian and East European Studies • Western European Studies • Development Studies • Human Rights • Sustainability • Globalization and Culture • Diplomatic Studies • Peace and Security • Globalization and Political Economy Journalism

Mathematics Philosophy Physical Education • Coaching • Exercise Science Physics Political Science Pre-Professional Programs • Pre-Dentistry • Pre-Engineering • Pre-Forestry and Environmental Management • Pre-Law • Pre-Medicine • Pre-Occupational Therapy • Pre-Physical Therapy • Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Psychology Religious Studies Russian Language and Literature Sociology Spanish (Hispanic Studies) • Spanish for Business Majors (minor) • Spanish for Nursing Majors (minor) Women’s and Gender Studies


The opportunity to

COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS Art — Majors/Programs • Studio Art • Design • Ceramics • Graphic Design • Painting • Photography • Printmaking • Sculpture • Art History

Music — Majors/Programs • Music Composition • Contemporary Musicianship • Music Education • Music Performance • Classical Guitar • Instrumental • Jazz Studies • Piano • String Performance and Pedagogy • Vocal Performance

Theatre — Majors/Programs • Arts Management • Dance • Music Theatre • Theatre Arts • Theatre Arts Acting • Theatre Arts Design and Technology

BE BREAKTHROUGH is right here.

Admissions Timeline Early Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 15, 2017 Regular Decision begins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 15, 2017

Visit info dates Admitted Student Day I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 17, 2018 Spring Open House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 3, 2018 Admitted Student Day II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 7, 2018 Summer First Look I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 20, 2018 Summer First Look II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 10, 2018 Fall Open House I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 8, 2018 Fall Open House II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 10, 2018

Contact Illinois Wesleyan Illinois Wesleyan University 1211 N. Park Street  |  Bloomington, Illinois 61701 email: International student email: 309-556-3031  | 800-332-2498 (in the USA only)  |  fax: 309-556-3820 Statements of Accreditation and Non-discrimination


Illinois Wesleyan University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Illinois Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity and expression, disability, or national origin in its admissions policies, educational programs and activities, or employment policies. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy should be directed to the Office of the President, Illinois Wesleyan University, P.O. Box 2900, Bloomington, IL 61702-2900. Illinois Wesleyan expressly recognizes the requirements of Title IX legislation. Title IX complaints should be reported to the

University’s Title IX coordinator, who is the Associate Provost (211 Holmes Hall, (309) 556-3255). Illinois Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. The Vice President for Business and Finance, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, and the Associate Provost are designated by the University to coordinate all efforts to comply with Section 504 and its implementing regulation 34 C.F.R. Part 104 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All questions should be directed to the University compliance coordinators indicated above.


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