For Anything

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In the middle of a large living room sits an olive green couch. A TV set plays in the background, black and white images displayed on the screen. No wall to separate the living room from the kitchen. Olive’s mother, in a sundress and apron, quickly chops vegetables in the kitchen and next to her, one of the cabinets in the kitchen does not match the others in style or color. Olive lays on the green couch, staring up at the ceiling. Her arms are crossed over her chest, in typical funeral fashion. Her eyes are wide, and every minute or so they blink slowly. The television’s volume increases and the newswoman’s words can barely be made out... NEWSWOMAN (V.O.) -- yesterday at 8:00 PM. Very little is known at the time, however -Olive’s nose twitches and she sighs, turning over onto her side to stare out the large window. NEWSWOMAN (V.O.) --will miss the beloved local actor turned Hollywood movie star- The outside of the house is neat, with hedges shaped into various animals. The house itself is pale lime, with yellow trimming. A high fence separates the huge lot from the neighbors. Through the large sliding window, Olive can be seen staring outside with a blank expression. Over the fence, a few hands shoot up, holding cameras and snapping photos. Olive raises her middle finger to the cameras. Three years earlier. The weekend, meaning the park is packed. In the middle of Raleigh, North Caolina, the park has few trees but lots of attractions: a shiny playground for kids, newly painted black benches for adults, and a running trail. Nathan, 33, holds a frisbee in his hands sporting a hoodie and dark sunglasses.The hoodie is pulled over his head, masking his face. He’s talking lowly on a phone. Olive, 12 years old at this time, walks beside Nathan, wearing the exact same outfit as him with her hands in her pocket. Nathan ends his phone call and turns to face Olive. He stuffs his phone into his pocket. His daughter stops and stares at the frisbee in Nathan’s hand. NATHAN There are two ways to play frisbee: for fun, and for real. He stares down at the short girl in waiting. Olive nods her head with complete seriousness, not taking her eyes off the frisbee. She moves her legs shoulder width apart, about to pounce. For a moment Nathan keeps his composure before bursting into laughter. NATHAN I knew you’d take this seriously, but I didn’t think it’d be this bad.

Olive furrows her eyebrows then looks up at Nathan.

OLIVE This isn’t serious? NATHAN Not in the least.

Nathan swings the frisbee on the tip of his finger and shifts his weight to one leg, relaxing.

NATHAN This is a fun day. No competitive sports.

OLIVE Mother says there’s no such thing as non competitive sports. That they’re for losers who can’t win. NATHAN Well, not exactly.

He leans in close, looking around as if to make sure no one is listening. This is top secret information.

NATHAN Some sports are actually fun.

He laughs and tosses the frisbee in the air a couple of times. A woman in her early 20s, dressed in work out clothes, turns at the sound of Nathan’s laugh. She tilts her head to the side, contemplating the sound. It’s familiar to her but she can’t quite place it. NATHAN That’s what today’s going to be about: fun. He stops walking near the woman and she begins to stretch, listening as Nathan talk. Olive opens her mouth to speak, but Nathan interrupts. NATHAN Which means no points, no rules, no thinking- OLIVE This doesn’t seem like fun to me. NATHAN That comes with effort. If you don’t try it, how do you know you won’t like it?

OLIVE It’s a waste of time. We could be doing other things while you’re visiting. You told me you’ve never been to the museum. NATHAN Why would I want to spend my fun time with my daughter going to a lousy museum? Nope. We’re doing something that involves some sort of throwing objects in the air and maybe falling onto the ground a lot.

Olive hesitates. This does not seem like fun.

OLIVE But won’t this take a while? Mother said to be back by... Nathan shakes his head then moves back a few feet to give them space to catch the frisbee. This day will be fun and she will like it, even if it takes him all day to break through her shell. NATHAN I’ll deal with your mom. Olive gives him a skeptical look. The woman sits on a bench, pretending to scroll through her phone as she watches the father and daughter play frisbee. OLIVE She’s very insistent. Three years later. The kitchen is clean and matches the exterior paint job of the house, all vibrant colors. Olive’s mother is still chopping vegetables. Olive walks up behind her mother and peeks over her shoulder, watching her mother’s chopping. The elder woman is completely calm, but her face is turned away from the camera’s taking photos through the living room window over the fence. A huge bowl of tomatoes and carrots sits next to her, filled to the top. OLIVE’S MOTHER Be a dear and give me a kiss for the cameras, dear. Olive kisses her mother’s cheek with no emotion, her lips barely touching her cheek. Her mother frowns and continues to chop vegetables. OLIVE’S MOTHER I hope you’re more convincing later, love. I should cut some onions now. They’ll help the tear flows, won’t they? Remember to practice piano. Play something sad, would you? That’ll hit them hard.

Olive rolls her eyes and opens the freezer, taking out a tub of ice cream.

OLIVE’S MOTHER What are you getting, dear? Is it healthy? You still have to keep in shape for your game. Speaking of which, we can use your father to our advantage. Dedicate the tournament to him or something.

Olive grabs a bowl out of the cupboard and scoops ice cream into it, using her bare hands.

OLIVE’S MOTHER It’s ice cream, Mother.

Olive’s mother freezes for a moment and then opens the mismatched cabinet.

OLIVE’S MOTHER For heaven’s sake. Got to get this replaced once and for all. She removes another bowl from the cabinet and sets it on the counter. After sliding all the fruit onto one side of the cutting board, she dumps them into the new bowl. Much to Olive’s horror, her mother breathes in deeply before huge grossly fraud tears to roll down her face. She turns to face Olive, making sure the camera’s from outside catch her crying. OLIVE’S MOTHER Dear, of course. You’re grieving. Go sit on the couch. Give me a hug first. Olive scoffs and grabs the bowl exiting the kitchen, leaving her mother alone with her arms outstretched. Three years ago. The front door is made of a huge crystal panel with dark wood surrounding it. The main passage ways leads to a hallway, down which we can see an earlier version of the kitchen, with all the cabinets perfectly matching. Nathan and Olive burst through the front door, laughing and quickly shutting the door behind them. NATHAN That was close. Jesus Christ, I thought my disguise was genius. OLIVE It was. Until she asked your name and you hesitated. NATHAN I wanted to give a cool fake name! OLIVE Wellington Mississippi Ramsey is a cool name? NATHAN Mississippi sounds foreign. OLIVE It’s a sinkhole in the middle of the US. Nathan shrugs and kicks off his shoes into the middle of the passageway. Olive stares down at the shoes and then kicks hers off too, enjoying the freedom. NATHAN Never been. Sounds foreign. OLIVE We should go. Next time you’re between movies.

Nathan hesitates.

NATHAN There’s a few coming up back to back --

Olive’s smile falls and Nathan takes notice.

NATHAN But I’ll see what I can do. Now go find your mother.

A grunt emerges from somewhere in the living room area.

OLIVE’S MOTHER It’s almost 8. You were supposed to be back by 5. Olive’s mother enters the hallway, with her hands on her hips. She wobbles slightly, her inebriated self forgetting that she must balance herself carefully. NATHAN We got caught up in all the fun.

Nathan takes an umbrella out of a pot next to the door.

NATHAN Come now, evil dragon. You’ll be slaaaaayed-

Olive’s mother shrieks in anger and Olive laughs.

OLIVE’S MOTHER You think this is a joke? You come to this household after being gone for several months and you - OLIVE --Mother- OLIVE’S MOTHER --think that you can take my daughter out late into the evening and then insult me?

She tenses up, ready to hit Nathan.

OLIVE’S MOTHER Mother, please. It was my fault. I lost track of ti NATHAN It was all fun, darling. She can practice any other day of the damn week- OLIVE’S MOTHER She cannot! She has to be perfect for her next recital. Not that you’ll be there to notice-

Heavy subject. Nathan walks to the kitchen, the umbrella still in hand.

OLIVE’S MOTHER Don’t you dare walk away from me! Olive’s mother exits to the kitchen with Olive in tow. Nathan digs through the fridge, ignoring his wife’s frantic shrieks. The light overhead swings slightly from the commotion.

OLIVE’S MOTHER Nathan! Look at me! Nathan emerges from the fridge, an apple in his hand. He looks directly at his wife, his face blank. OLIVE’S MOTHER You animal. Listen to me! Listen to me or leave this hou- NATHAN When did you get so uptight? Hey, Olive, throw this to me.

He tosses the apple at Olive, who fumbles a bit but catches it.

OLIVE’S MOTHER What on Earth do you think you’re- With a swift movement, Olive throws the apple at Nathan who stands ready with the umbrella cocked back. He hits the apple like a baseball, sending it flying into the hinge of the cabinet, causing it to tilt. Nathan bursts out laughing and Olive nervously giggles. OLIVE’S MOTHER NATHAN! HOW DARE YOU- The cabinet falls onto the counter and bounces onto the floor. It cracks and lays broken on the floor. Olive stops laughing, but Nathan laughs even harder. NATHAN Well, I did expected it to fly out the window. That would’ve been a lot cooler I suppose. I’ll get that fixed.

Seething, Olive’s mother exits the kitchen. The front door slams open and closed. Nathan stops laughing.

NATHAN Oh come on, darling. OLIVE Should we... She gestures at the the direction her mother left but Nathan only crouches down onto the floor to pick up the pieces of the cabinet. NATHAN Nah, I’ll talk to her later.

He picks up all the pieces and holds them in his hands.

NATHAN Come on, kiddo. Let’s go find a replacement for this trash. He walks to the trashcan and throws the pieces away. Olive looks up at Nathan. He exits the kitchen and she shakes her head.

Three years later. Olive exits the house with the bowl of ice cream in her hand. She sets the bowl down on the grass by a patio chair before walking to the faucet for the hose and turning it on. Water streams out, at first a gentle trickle before turning into a powerful spray. Satisfied, Olive goes back to the patio chair with the hose in her hand. Cameras flash before she angles the hose at the disgusting people over the fence. A couple of people scream but Olive merely picks up the ice cream bowl off the grass and begins to eat it.

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