Issue 12: The Body Issue

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The Editor’s Note


Dry Bones




Double Take


Plugged into the Life Source


Coach Col


Crazed Man Says Body Is On Strike





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illumin8 - Edition 12 11- -January 8 July September 2009 20092009

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Spring is in the air and it's around this time of year that we all start to assess the damage winter has done to our figures and fitness levels! I'm fairly certain that if you looked at the gym attendance figures, you'd see an annual spike that begins with the arrival of daffodils, blossoms and summer PJs. This trend had a head start in the Rip household this year as my husband embarked on an ambitious fitness regime that has seen us up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning to go and run 5 kms. Believe me – you start to realize just how many muscles you have when they are objecting strongly the next day!

The Body Issue

With all of this in mind, we bring you , a concept that has been in the pipeline for a few months now. Ironically, the one thing you won't find is fitness tips! In typical illumin8 style, we've taken a fresh and out of the box approach to this theme. To begin with, we've got an exclusive story that broke in Bethlehem in the last month. Senzo was our reporter on scene, and his account of the events is given on page 11. Leanne stumbled across a fascinating condition known as Gerascophobia and shares the details with us in this month's Double Take. Katy, in the meantime, goes back to that foundational Christian practice, communion, and shows us how it keeps us Plugged into the Life Source on page 8. My contribution to this issue is a trip down memory lane to camp fire songs and Old Testament stories. There are also some truly freakish facts featured in Fascin8 on page 13. In addition we've got an exciting new contributor, Coach Col, who will be sharing his views on Christianity through the medium of sport in his column. This is one for you gentlemen, although I know plenty of sports fanatical women who I'm sure will enjoy it to! Enough from me! Have a sprightly, spry, spectacular September!


illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009


Designed by: Leanne Rhodes

Lucy Rip

There’s a camp song that was a huge part of my childhood. It’s called Dry Bones and is based on Ezekiel 37. Its about a vision Ezekiel had of a valley filled with dr y bones. The Lord tells him to speak to the bones and the bones join up into skeletons, are covered in muscle and flesh and emer ge as an ar my. The passage is a metaphor for Israel, who has lost hope and is no longer under God’s protection. To me though, this song was more about our physical bodies, which is ironic because it’s not exactly biologically accurate! Before I dropped Biology in Grade 9 I used to sit in class singing, “Dem bones, dem bones, dem drrrrrrrry bones” under my breath. I got quite sick of it that year! But in the last few months I have become aware of

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the different elements that make us up as people. I am talking about the combination of Body, Soul and Spirit that makes us human beings. I really liked the description I heard at Ellel Ministries a while ago. Our soul is made up of mind, emotion and will. Our body; of blood, tissue and bone. Finally our spirit is our conscience and intuition and it is through the spirit that we communicate with God.

Designed by: Louise van Niekerk

As with all good teachings it had a Venn Diagram, which I’ve reproduced here for your beneft! (Look at illumin8 going all corporate with the diagrams and things! And aren’t you impressed that I knew the name of the diagram? I did study engineering after all – I’ve seen my fair share!)

creation. Our physical bodies are marvelous and miraculous creations but there is more to us than that. I came across an illustration of this the other day while reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It was in the first section of the book – the one about worshiping God, for those who haven’t read it. One of the ways we need to worship God is practically. We have this saying, “I’ll be there in spirit’ which is, as Warren says, utterly useless! You can’t be there in spirit if you aren’t there physically. Our spirit is where our body is – that’s the nature of our existence on earth.

The implications of this connectivity are profound because what it means is that what affects a part of us, affects all of us. Depression, an emotional and mental illness is known to affect us physically, some people lose weight, some people can’t sleep. Likewise, a physical illness like the flu can make us feel demotivated and irritable. Most people are readily accepting of the connection between the soul and the body. It’s when you bring in the spirit that you cause ripples. One of the things that struck me most about the soul circle is that it includes both Mind and Emotion. Being a woman I tend to be driven by my emotions. As much as I know my faith should be an intellectual thing, when I don’t feel God I really struggle to connect with Him and my motivation to do so suffers. As human beings we are unique. We are made up of all three dimensions, soul, body and spirit, and it sets us apart from the rest of

illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009

The bible teaches us that sinful living, that being thoughts and action (so the soul and body) separate us from God. Clearly this affects our spirit, even if we don’t recognise this at the time. On the other hand though, when we accept God’s grace, we can take it to the other extreme and try to deny the beings we are. The best example I can give of this is sex and Rob Bell does a superb job of explaining this in his book Sex God. In this he talks about how some people, when confronted with guilt about sex before marriage, start to view it as “wrong”, even when they are married and in the situation God created sex to be a part of. They can’t accept that sex is part of God’s design for humans and it can have a negative effect on a marriage. The way Bell explained it is that people can take three views towards sex. Firstly, the animal view. This is the opinion that sex is a physical act which has nothing to do with your spirit and soul. People who think like this have no problem


with one night stands or multiple sexual partners because after all – its just sex isn’t it? Secondly there is the angel view. Angels are purely spiritual beings. They don’t have physical bodies like we do and they don’t have sex. This viewpoint says, “I am above sex, I don’t need it or want any part of it. It’s not what I was designed to do.” Essentially they suppress the sexuality that God created in the first place in the name of their faith. Now I’m not knocking people who take a vow of celibacy for whatever reason and decide to abstain from sex. There is a difference between recognizing your sexuality and choosing to deny it and trying to pretend that you have no sexuality. The third view point is that we are humans. This means we have animal aspects, namely sexuality, and angel aspects, namely spirituality. In us, as in no other creature, sex is about both things – the physical and the spiritual. Another interesting observation Rob Bell makes is that angels were created first. Then animals came along. God created humans at the end – after He’d made everything else. From that day of our creation, we were entrusted with the earth and it is our job to protect it and carry it into the future. Bell’s closing statement in the chapter Angels and Animals hit me hard, “We are humans. Which means we aren’t angels. And we aren’t animals.”

We ar e unique creatures, both physical and spiritual and with a unique purpose. So to deny this purpose, it essentially to go backwards from creation. It’s saying to God, “Your order sucks, I’m going to mix it up my own way.” The point I was aiming for with this is that we are complex and interconnected beings. What we do with our bodies affects our soul and our spirit. Our emotional and mental standpoint affects what we’ll do with our bodies and how we view our spirit. Most importantly though, and most often overlooked in this world is that our spiritual state

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affects us physically, emotionally and mentally. All three need to be in balance. So get in touch with your spirit – talk to God and ask Him, “Are you happy with what I am doing with my body? Are my thoughts pleasing to you?” Then listen and get in line. God has created us with all these elements for a purpose and only when we are embracing and treating each part properly and recognizing the impact each has on the other can we be the people He created us to be. And then we can fulfll our purpose for Him. Everything else is just dry bones.



from God

his was a text message I received from my friend this morning. To some people this may only be a nice message to pass along but this morning it was a message from God speaking to my heart through my friend. I work in an industry where beauty and appearance is the most important factor in our daily lives. Being in that mind-set every day from 8am to 5pm can not only make people judgmental but also very cruel in their ways of interacting with others. Judging by human standards not all people can live up to what society and the media demand of us. Even if you live your life close to God everyone wants and needs acceptance, love, belonging and to feel good, not just feeling good in general but feel good about ourselves… That's why this text message made a difference in my heart… Once again I realized that God made

me special and my worldly imperfections were placed there by God for a reason and He loves me unconditionally! So go ahead world, bring it on… my red hair, freckles and crooked toes are here to stay so deal with it! God loves me! illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009


“You belong to God my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4. You are a treasure in Jesus' hands. Never feel inferior.


testify By Danielle Steyn

Designed by: Mari Schoeman

by Leanne Rhodes

double take

MEANING: An attitude displayed by a person with an eternal Godly perspective in which old age is not seen as something to be feared but rather as something to be embraced.

TAKE 1: I have always been fortunate to have had 3 of my grandparents with me my whole life. Over the last few years I have seen time taking its toll on their bodies. Most recently, my grandfather (Pops) passed away in his late 70's after a battle with cancer. He was such a vibrant witty English gentleman, with a zest for life and people. In the last few months I think it was incredibly difficult for us to see him lose his independence and for him to be trapped in a body that was losing all functionality. Are you scared of getting old? Have you, even though you may be in your teens or 20's, examined those little lines appearing on your face? Have you thought, “Perhaps it's never too early to start that anti-wrinkle cream,” or been around people who are depressed because they are turning 25/30/40 and consider themselves past their prime? Have you heard people say they would rather die young than get old? I have, and it has really made me think about how we see old age in society. When I say “old age” what are some of the associations you immediately make? Perhaps you think of wisdom, experience, maturity and it being a blessing. On the other hand you may see old as being synonymous with losing your looks, old age homes, being forgotten, becoming a burden, being beyond your prime, over the hill, irrelevant and out of touch. Perhaps your thoughts go to Zimmer frames, false teeth, canes, Alzheimer's, hip replacements and hair loss. In general, modern society's impression is normally negative and its preoccupation with youthful beauty continually reinforces these associations. As a result, instead of embracing old age we have been instilled a very intense fear of getting old.

Yet, what is interesting to me is our severe resistance to age and death. It's more than just fear that leads people to do insane cosmetic surgeries and try radical treatments to stay young. There is a constant tension between nature's course and our desire to live forever - an endless battle to slow down time and find the elixir of youth.

TAKE 2: In Ecclesiastes 3:11 King Solomon writes that God has planted eternity in the human heart even though now we cannot see the scope of all God's work. This undoubtedly explains the contradiction above – why we want to live forever despite our bodies having an expiry date. Its more than just fear that drives the human spirit – it's a built-in feature! According to Rick Warren, author of the Purpose Driven Life, “We have a hunch that we were made for more than just this life, so we are continually reaching for something we can't define”.

Have you thought perhaps it’s never too early to start that anti-wrinkle cream?

There is a condition called Gerascophobia which can be described as an abnormal and persistent fear of getting old. Although a phobia is far more intense than a common fear, causing panic attacks and unbearable anxiety, I think this fear manifests at various levels of intensity in society. As humans we are undoubtedly focused on the physical, what we can see and feel, and it doesn't strike me as strange that people would fear change, especially where their bodies are concerned. 6

Designed by:Wanja Focaraccio

This leads people down various paths but, if you believe in a God who loves you, who has designed you to live forever, and who through his Son, Jesus, made that available to you then this all starts making sense. If we have an eternal perspective, a view that looks beyond the here and now, then aging is not something to be feared, rather something to be welcomed merely as a new stage in life. The majority of people that I have spoken to, mainly fear losing their independence and having to rely on others for everything. If you think about it, there is a remarkable similarity between entering and leaving this world. This is well illustrated in the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. At both ends of the scale babies and the elderly need to be looked after hand and foot. This is further explained in the book “Tuesdays with Morrie “ by Mitch Albom. The story is based on a university professor, Morrie Shwartz, who is diagnosed with a terminal illness and the time in which he enlightens a past student, Mitch Albom, with his unique perspective of life, aging and death. He is asked how he feels about losing his independence and his response is, “In the beginning of life, when we were infants, we needed others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you are like me, we need others to survive right? But here's the secret: in between, we need others as well.” He says that “If you are always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow.” Morrie continues to say that as far as he is concerned “Aging is not just's growth.” I remember when I was about three my little sister was born and in my own way I was trying to make sense of the world and this new arrival in our home. I was told that in my juvenile search for meaning I seemed to have made a connection between my bald Pops and my newborn sister. I announced to my mom boldly and quite proudly “Mommy, Pop's hair is just like Nicci's. It's just starting to grow!” Needless to say I never lived that down! God knew our hearts and fear so well when he inspired Paul to write the following. “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light momentary troubles are achieving for us eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). It speaks so directly into a heart that is fearing loss and aging and tells to us to fix our eyes on what is eternal rather than what is temporary. An eternal perspective puts life into perspective!

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The challenge is this: do not let your fears hinder you. Fix your eyes on the big picture and use every valuable second on earth to live - to truly live a life worthy of your calling. Squeeze every bit of joy and love out of it. Counteract the outward aging with a renewed focus on growing inwardly closer to your God.

is not just “Aging’s growth “

~ Plugged into the life source ~ By: Katy Breytenbach

“We who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one bread...” Having gone to Anglican school and church most of my life, this is a line I have repeated -in chorusmany a time when sharing Communion! Sometimes as a naughty little school girl waiting for chapel to end, and sometimes as an embarrassed teenager trying to be cool. Sometimes sharing it as a passion-filled student delighting in the implications of what it means to be forever washed white (forgiven), and sometimes as a broken young lady being reminded of what it is to live in the light of eternity. But what I have often forgotten, is that it is not just about me, we share it for a reason...

It’s all about ME?

I was on my way to a meeting with a client recently and could not help but notice out of the corner of my eye some pole ads that caught my attention. They were saying something along the lines of “ YOU are the one that it’s all about, it’s all about what YOU want and when YOU want it”. Memories from university came flooding back into my mind as I fondly recall practicing songs in the band for church singing “It’s all about You, Jesus...All this is for You, for Your glory and Your fame”. At some point someone came up with the ‘student-like’ idea of replacing “You” with “me” for fun. Now wouldn’t that be a song that resonates with the ad I saw: “It’s all about me, Katy (insert your own name)...All this is for me, for my glory and my fame.” As funny as it seemed and all jokes aside, how often do we take on this mind-set? Even when singing the right words to God, our hearts & thoughts sometimes remain fixed on “me”, it’s what the world tells us is important after all. We share communion so that we can symbolically be reminded of our sins having been forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus, and then often end it there. We forget that we share it because “we who are many, are one body”, the Body of Christ here on earth. Whether we like it or not, through Christ, we are inextricably linked, each a uniquely placed dot on a “join the dots” page. And we need each other to form part of a bigger picture.

illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009


Designed by:Wanja Focaraccio

In Romans 12, Paul says “Dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind He will accept.” If I’m not mistaken the word sacrifice implies that it’s not about “me”, it’s about daily laying aside my own desires to follow Him. It goes on further to say that I shouldn’t “copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you by the renewing of your mind.” We are called to be the body of Christ to a hopeless world (Matt 28) and not just to live for ourselves. We are told in Ephesians (Eph 4:1-5) to “Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit and bind yourselves together with peace. We are all one body, we have the SAME Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future.” We need each other and more importantly, we need the Holy Spirit running through our veins as a Body so that it’s possible to live united in love. We are plugged into the life-source who lives through us all. If you’ve lost that connection or you’ve have never had it, I encourage you to get connected, make an effort to go to church or at least find a small group to go to. All parts of the body need to be connected to work well!

In light of all this, thinking about receiving communion takes on a whole new direction of thought and action. Firstly I hear the words “this is my body broken for you” and am reminded of the magnitude of what Jesus actually did for me, that He allowed His own body to be sacrificed and completely broken for me so that I could be freed from all sin. Secondly and just as importantly, it means that he did this not only for me but for the person standing next to me, my neighbour. Whether it’s in the pews of a church, or in the work place, or even in the traffic on the N1, I have to remember that as a Christian, it is in fact not just about me – as the pole ads were trying to tell me! I am a part of Christ’s body, and I need others just as much as they need me so that together, with the same Spirit living in each of us and as a whole, we can share Christ’s love to a world that is in desperate need of hope.

When I was younger I thought it was awesome to see my finger turn blue by wrapping a string tightly around it – until I started struggling to untie it and images of my finger falling off started flashing before my panicking eyes. I realised it maybe was not such a clever and awesome idea after all! The finger needs the blood supply to circulate if it’s going to remain as a functioning finger and the body needs the finger to be able to do the things that it was designed to do. I’m sure I would have learnt how to cope without my finger but the main idea is that to have all 5 is way more beneficial to the body! Further on in Romans 12, Paul goes on to say that “just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of his one body and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others.” So we need each other because we are all uniquely made and have a specific role to play in the body of Christ. For what purpose? Well in Ephesians it says that “these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibilty is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ, until we come to such a unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ...Who is the head of His body, the church. Under His direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does it’s own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love” (Eph 4:11-13).

illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009


Dear Readers

when I try I am Coach Col. I am into sports, so much so that to put it ge mana ys alwa I facts of to relate to any given set body, hy healt a have you if that ve belie I . into sports terms r furthe step a you will have a healthy mind. I want to take this a to lead can mind and discover whether a healthy body and healthy soul? ach various I will be sharing my views on how to appro lives and day themes that Christians face in their day to soul your of s fitnes hopefully inspire you to approach the will I s. bodie their to give tes with the same vigor that athle on s going the of some on ent comm also keep it current and . sport in the world of ved in a My team is my cell group and currently we are invol days 40 is on seas The Life. n season of the Purpose Drive lives. our for se purpo s God' ver disco to long and the goal is in life and As in sports there are many different disciplines g part is engin we all have different talents. The most chall talent to that ing apply firstly identifying your talent and then a discipline.


o By C




have a keen So how do you identify your talent? As a coach I I never see if r eye for talent but I cannot spot a good runne you will try, don't you if them run. It is the old adage that out and go to is t talen ifying ident to never know. So the key your and work with true cially espe is This s. try different thing job that brings home the bacon. lived. He Take Usain Bolt, the fastest man who has ever r than faste is he mean I . wing rugby would be a really good but go a it given bly proba have could He Bryan Habana. ball. the catch would get down on himself when he could not after all but He could have played basketball, he is 6ft 4 . He could dunk not could he would have been frustrated that d have woul and fit is he as r, runne m have been a good 1500 . rance endu the had not have d woul but had a fast finish

So how do we maxim ize our potential? Well first of all relax. Get rid of that tension in your shoulders. You have the best trainer and training program in the world. You are being trained by God and the Bible is your guide. According to the guide you need to first warm up your most important muscle, your heart. It is the muscle that drives your soul. Look out for a discipline that feeds your soul and makes your heart beat. Then look for opportunities to use that discipline. It says in Philippians 2:13, “For it is God who is producing in you both the desire and the ability to do what pleases him.� If he's given you the talent, He'll give you the chance to use it. Just keep practicing while you wait. If that fails you then just take an extra look at your surname. If it's Bolt then change your name to Lightning and become a 100m runner.

it could fit The point is that like a puzzle piece that looks like use our can we will, it gh enou and if you push it in hard our mize maxi ld shou we but s thing of talents for all sorts potential.





Designed by: Leanne Rhodes

By Senzo

illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009


Designed by: Louise van Niekerk


him say he is crazy. One


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illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009


s e i 8 l a n m o i n A s l a c c i m a o t FIncredible Ana

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illumin8 - Edition 12 - September 2009


Reference: Guinness World Records 2009

Designed by: Mari Schoeman


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