Issue 18: The Burn Issue

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Editor’s Note


Burnt Offerings


8 Teachings on Suffering


Senzo’s Desk


Open Hands


Burning Up With Anger


Double Take


Creative Corner: Daniel


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illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010

Cover designed by: Leanne Rhodes

Editor’s Note Much of South Africa is currently in fire season; the time of year when the plants are dried to tinder from a harsh winter and the first rains have not yet fallen. The smallest spark can cause a raging inferno given a strong wind, and it is terrifying to view first hand. It does however seem fitting, that this, the Burn Issue, should be arriving in your inbox at this fraught and tense time of year. Fire is an incredibly destructive force. It consumes everything within its path, and can live for weeks smouldering in the protected roots of bush-veld trees. If you've ever been near a large fire you will know the fearful crackling noise that fills the air and the heat that singes your skin, even from a distance. But for all its untameable power, good comes from fire as well. We've all seen those brilliant green patches of veld that emerge after a fire has raged through. Gold gets it brilliance and purity from being passed through fire again and again until all impurities are removed. And as humans, we've been using it for centuries to cook food, for protection, and more recently to fuel ever advancing industrial progress. The bible is full of fire – from the fire that Daniel was thrown into, which Veronika describes in her poem on page 12; to the offerings, burnt on an altar, that are a repeated feature in the Old Testament (something which I've explored on page 2). Katy has shared a beautiful testimony about bringing beauty out of ashes, while Senzo takes us back to the days of Ezekiel and God setting fire to wet wood. Leanne looks at that old adage – where there is smoke there is fire in Double Take on page 10. And Grant and Scott have partnered up once again to further explore that burning emotion – anger. As we all wait for the first rains of summer to drench our thirsty land, I pray that whatever fire you find yourself in, you will stand firm in the knowledge that God is faithful, and that He is refining you to come out stronger and more beautiful to Him at the end of it. May you be overjoyed this October.

Lucy illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010


Designed by: Leanne Rhodes

In the Old Testament we often read about sacrifices made to the Lord as a form of worship. These sacrifices were often burnt on an altar. The interesting thing for me is that a burnt offering is not much use to anyone after it's been torched. The sacrifice is so complete, and the giver so committed to the sacrifice that he is not intending it for anything other than what is it – a sacrifice. This tradition falls away in the New Testament. Instead of offering up animals as sacrifices to God, we are called to offer up our very lives as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). And as so often seen by Jesus, this requires a lot more than the Jewish law required.

life! In one book I read 'No other life experience frees us from the downward spiral of a selfcentred existence. Nothing more effectively forces us to discover what Jesus meant when he said those who seek their lives must lose it'. I immediately started plotting to put it off as long as possible. I don't really want to lose my life style. I like sleeping through the night. I like having money, time and energy to pursue Nothing more my hobbies and interests. But then the author went onto say, 'Raising effectively forces kids makes us, like Christ, “humble us to discover ourselves” and “take the form of a what Jesus meant servant”' and I thought; isn't that what I should be aiming for as a when he said Christian?

those who seek their lives must lose it

What do I know about sacrifice? In short – not much! I live in a country where we have freedom of religion, so I've never been attacked because of my faith. I give my tithe every month but because my husband and I both earn good salaries, I can't honestly say I 'feel' it that much. I live in a funky house. I buy my groceries at Woolworths. On what grounds can I possibly even begin to write about sacrifice? And yet here I am. Why? Because 'sacrifice' is the very thing that God has been challenging me on in the last month. The first challenge was laid down in love. The sacrifice in question was a sacrifice of myself, my time, my hobbies, my life. In other words, my husband and I started talking about the possibility of starting a family and that got me thinking about the impact a child would have on my well-ordered illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010


The culture that I am a product of is a selfish one. 'Look out for number one' is our motto. 'Me first' is our rallying cry. But what is selfishness if not the counterpoint to sacrifice?

The second challenge came in the form of a warning which turned everything I thought I knew about my faith upside down. I attended a talk by David Pawson, a well-known pastor from the United Kingdom and one of the most knowledgeable Bible teachers I've ever encountered. His message was a prophetic word about suffering. He spoke about Christians who are being persecuted in many parts of the world right now. He mentioned that there has not been a period of 10 years since Jesus was on earth, that Christians have not been dying for their faith. He told a truly horrific story about a woman with a baby who was imprisoned. Designed by:Katy Breytenbach

It was this last story that really got to me and my newly embraced dream of motherhood. The baby was taken away from its mother and put in a nearby cell. The mother could hear her child crying but was not allowed to feed it unless she renounced her faith. Eventually the baby's cries weakened and stopped; it had died from hunger. I cannot imagine the torment of that mother in that moment, or the strength to stand by her faith in such a traumatic period. She was not set free to live with her grief though. The woman was then tortured and killed in a sickening manner, again for refusing to deny her Lord, Jesus Christ. I had to ask myself what I would do in such a situation. The answer was simple: cave. How can we possibly endure such persecution? I don't know for sure, but I do feel that God has started to shed some light on this for me.


Focus on the bigger picture.

Get to grips with the fact that we are working towards a heavenly goal, not an earthly one. Our trials may seem to last a lifetime, but that lifetime is but a fleeting moment in eternity.


Ask for urgency.

I walked out of that David Pawson sermon with an urgency in my spirit that I have never experienced before. For the first time I had a really deep desire to know the Bible and to get to know Jesus on a deeper level. I also found myself with the beginnings of a fear of the Lord. I had realised anew that people are capable of extreme evil and that one day that evil will be directed at us. I suddenly got a glimpse of how essentially good and powerful God is to have overcome such a force. It filled me with awe.

Know the Lord.

And I mean really know him! A real and meaningful relationship with Jesus will go a long way to holding up your faith in times of trial. Ask God for a 'Wow Revelation' that will take Him out of the carefully constructed boxes we put Him in, and help you glimpse Him as He really is.



Be prepared.

Know your scriptures. The Word is our weapon and I for one am woefully unskilled at using it. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, he used Scriptures as his defence. As in all other matters, we should follow his example.

Right now I am not ready to endure suffering for my faith. If I was put in that position now, I have little doubt that I would quickly snatch my life back and renounce the God I claim to serve. But that knowledge has spurred me into action. I want to be ready. I want to be prepared. The other day I asked God how I can do that. And He said the following, 'Keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News and fully carry out the ministry God has given you '(2 Timothy 4:5). I fully trust that if I continue faithfully along this path, I can get to the point where I will be willing to offer up my life as an offering to the Lord, no matter what is asked of me. And like the burnt offerings of the Old Testament, I will be so committed to it; it will not be a sacrifice that can be taken back.

Four teachings from the Bible about suffering


Expect it. Matthew 24:9 'Then you will be arrested, persecuted and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers.’




Endure it. 2 Corinthians 6:4 'We patiently endure troubles and hardships and calamities of every kind.’

Overcome it. 2 Corinthians 6:6 'We prove ourselves by our purity, our understandings, our patience, our kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love.’

Rejoice in it. 1 Peter 4:16 'But it is no shame to suffer for being Christians. Praise God for the privilege of being called by His name!'

Taken from David Pawson's teaching

Two reasons why we aren't suffering: Compromise in our lives. If we aren't living differently we aren't challenging anyone. We are called to expose evil. 2 Timothy 1:9 'For God saved us and called us to live a holy life.' 2 Timothy 2:25 'Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will escape from the devil's trap.' 2 Timothy 3:12 'Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.’

Two teachings that are misleading Christians today: Once saved, always saved. This leads to the idea that we can renounce God after we've given our lives to Him and still be saved. However, the fear of losing your salvation leads to a fear of the Lord. It helps you stand firm. We are called to remain faithful to God.

Cowardice with our lips. Sometimes words challenge more than the way we live our lives (although those words have a much bigger impact if we live them out as well). We are called to speak out about what is right and against what is wrong. 2 Timothy 4:2 'Preach the Word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favourable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke and encourage your people with good teaching. '

The Rapture. This teaching gives us the idea that we won't have to suffer during the tribulation because Jesus will come for us first. But this goes against the countless verses in the Bible that tell us to expect suffering. illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010


Designed by: Leanne Rhodes

‘Tell us a story, tell us another one!’ scream the bright-eyed little angels tugging away at the white bearded old man. He winces as the little ones keep pull on his arms. ‘Oh you deary hearts, you don’t know your own strength now do you?’ he responds, as he picks up each one of them and sits them on his lap, one on either side. ‘Come on, please tell us the one about the crazy dancers… Pleeease!’ ‘Yes,’ agrees the other one through the very strong lisp, ‘we love that one!’ ‘Oh, you love that one do you?’ ‘Yes we do! We love it, so tell it, tell it!’ ‘Well deary hearts, I’m getting a little forgetful in my old age, why don’t you remind me?’ And so the story-telling commences as the two little angels recite the story, interrupting each other all the while. Their arms fly all over the place and their little wings flap with excitement as they go through the events. ‘So there was a bad drought down on earth and then the one man in charge of the … land, he was getting rid of all of our Daddy’s people… um...’

illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010

‘Oh’ butts in the quieter one, ‘but then you confronted him and then you told them to fetch their prophets to…’ ‘Yes yes, and then and then you... you told them to prove their god by praying to him to burn that animal and then and then…’ The little one starts to giggle uncontrollably. Hours go by as the three giggle. When they finally settle themselves the story continues. The quieter of the two continues, ‘You told them to call on their god to burn the bull but then all day long they cried out to their god, danced around, cut themselves but to no avail and….’ ‘So so so then you told them to do it more because maybe their god was sleeping, ah ha ha ha….’ Another couple of hours go by, a few litres of tears fow until they compose themselves. ‘Then what happened,’ enquires the old man. ‘Well you asked Daddy to consume your bull and sthwoothsssh….’ ‘No…’ the quieter angel says softly, ‘First you asked them to pour water on the bull and the wood lots of times, THEN you called on Daddy and when you did, He was so excited, He called all of us to come watch and th…’


Designed by: Rachelle Mostert

‘Yes! And we all cheered and that’s the end of the story! Yay, yay!’ The old man smiles and thinks a little a while.

Again he looks up and the old man nods as if to prod him along to continue while the other one begins to snore rather loudly for such a little fellow. They leave him be.

He then asks them, ‘What do you learn from that event?’ ‘Oh that’s easy, Daddy can sthwoosthsh fire on anything and He is the bestest Daddy ever!!!’ The little one gets so excited he swoshes with arms and wings, leans back and falls off the lap of the old man. The three laugh as they sweep off the gold dust that covers him. The quieter angel, with an inquisitive look on his face stares at the old man and says, ‘Well we’ve always been spectators on the events of earth and we can’t fully understand how you think and feel, but Daddy does. Um, I think for us, up here, it reminded us that Daddy really cares about all the people down there. What I’m not too sure about is what’s in the story for the people who will hear about it and those who saw it.’ His wings brush his face as he clearly continues to think. ‘Having thought about it, the bull on its own on the firewood it was just dead meat and nothing more right?’ He looks up but the old man gives nothing away. ‘Well, my thinking is that it’s a lesson to all followers of Daddy, that all they are is really dead unless Daddy fuels them up.’

‘I’m not too sure how things work down there but I think it also has something to do with their offering to Daddy, if they are not fuelled by Him and not for Him then maybe they too are dead meat and remain dead meat no matter what dancing and self-mutilation of any kind is done. I think also, um...that the water might be people and circumstances which tell those people not to give their all to Daddy, but if they remain faithful, He will find it acceptable and love it.’ ‘I heard that loud man they call Paul talking to his young friend, Timothy about fanning gifts into fame and it makes me think that maybe it could also mean that those abilities Daddy has given to people down there must be fanned into fame. So they must do everything to practise their abilities so that’s when they do offer it to Daddy it’s the best offering they can give… Fan into fame!’ There is a long silence. ‘I mean isn’t that the same as Cane and Able becau…’ ‘Woah! Don’t get too excited deary heart.’ The old man interrupts as he squeezes the two on his chest. What they don’t see is his shock at what the little angel just spoke of, but then he remembers that he is no longer down there and smiles.

Isaiah 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. I can see myself holding something tight in my fist but it seems like it’s nothing; I’m just holding it like it’s something precious to me that I don’t want to let go. I’m dancing with Him (my Father) but not freely. I know that I have to open my hand to truly dance. Opening my hand means letting go - dropping whatever it is that’s inside. I see it dropping, being shocked, surprised, even a little worried. In slow motion I see it shatter. I carry on dancing with my Father but I’m not in the moment and looking back at the shatters on the floor, sad, confused. At first I want to leave Him and go and pick it up and try and put it back together again - it’s all I know to be true. He comes and puts His hand on my shoulder from the back while I’m knelt down and shocked. I turn and look up. He’s smiling gently, holding His hand out to me. He’s got something in His other hand. I take His hand and get up. I feel like a young child, maybe I am. He lifts my chin up and I feel

gives me a look as if to say ‘Go on dear Katy, open it, open it!’ I slowly pull the lid up. A ballerina begins to twirl around and around as tinkly music plays ... ‘You are beautiful beyond description, too marvellous for words, too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard ...’

He’s singing it to me, to my heart. TO ME. My Father, the King, it’s His song but He’s given it to me. From the box, He hands me an exquisite jewel in the shape of a heart, on a necklace and hangs it around my neck. His soft and gentle hands hook it behind my hair and He says ‘Yes, you are my jewel, this is you, this is my Katy, my girl. You are beautiful, lovely, delightful, I admire you. I love who you are on the inside, wear your beautiful heart unashamedly because there’s nothing to hide. You are ALL mine.’

His radiance, He really loves me. He knows my heart is sore looking at the remains of what was a little box on the floor, He can’t take the hurt away but His light warms me, engulfs my heart, like my heart is beating and He sees it. I smile. His eyes twinkle. He slowly lifts His other hand and in it is an intricate little box. I take it, He’s shy but excited to give it to me, and I can almost feel His excitement. He hands it to me. I take it with both hands and as I look up He

illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010

I have almost forgotten about the shattered box I held moments earlier which is now on the floor, it’s only remaining evidence is ashes. What I thought was beautiful was turned into ash! Or perhaps it was ash all along. The Lord has taken my ashes and traded them in for beauty. True beauty that can only be defined by Him. Forgiveness is the crown I now wear around my neck, the transparent heartshaped jewel is beautiful and sparkly. It makes me feel like royalty. I am royalty. I bow down and courtesy to my Father, my King. I hold the box with the ballerina still playing, it’s music close to my heart, and then set it down on a table close by. He bows, gives me His hand. I put mine in His, He spins me around, my dress whirls, it’s more elegant than child-like now, and He pulls me toward Himself. And I begin to dance like I’ve never danced before … with my Dad. >

A VISION GOD GAVE ME .......................................... BY KATY BREYTENBACH


Designed by: Louise van der Westhuizen

nraged with what he saw he fashioned a whip from leather cords and chased them from the building; he drove out all the animals, kicked over the tables and scattered their money across the floor saying to them “Get these things out of here! How dare you turn this place into a market!” (John 2:14-16)

Inspired by Psalm 4, Paul in his letter to the Ephesians says, ‘In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger’ (Eph 4:26). However, in his sermon on the mount Jesus tells us that, “anyone who is angry with his brother (without cause) will be subject to judgement.”

free from sin. There are two important things to take note of here. First, Jesus was not filled with hatred towards the people, but rather towards what they were doing. He was also angry at the injustice that the temple was so full of animals and merchants that it was not possible for the blind and cripple to get in. His anger came from a zeal for his Father and a hatred of things not of his Father.

How then is it possible to be angry without sinning as Paul suggests? John tells us a story of how Jesus, in a fit of rage chases merchants and money-changers out of the temple. And this was not the only time Jesus did this, the other gospels tell of a similar but separate incident (Mat 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-17 & Luke 19:45). Are these angry outbursts a contradiction to Jesus’ own words?

Grant Christie & Scott Ferreira

No, the Bible tells us that Jesus was without sin. That he went through every sort of temptation and emotion we, as humans experience, but yet remained without sin. Jesus’ reaction to the merchants and moneychangers was what we have come to know as righteous anger. A morally justified anger; an anger illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010


Second, after he had driven the merchants and money-changers from the temple he did not stay angry. Instead he settled down to teach those who had remained in the temple. Paul does not say do not be angry, instead he says when you are angry… do not sin. He’s telling us that there are times when we will get angry, but that we must not let it consume and blind us. Jesus showed us how to be angry without being sinful. It is good to be zealous for the things of God and to stand up against injustice; it brings about action. But we must not act out of some sense of self-justifcation, but rather by the authority of God. James tells us man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life of God (James 1:19-20). Anger based on our human justification leads to sin and destruction, but anger based on God’s authority gives us the perspective necessary to remain righteous in our anger.

Somebody once told me if you love like Jesus then you can confront like Jesus did. This means that if we love God and His Word, as well as the people around, us we will only be stirred to righteous discontent by evil and injustice and then we will be empowered to act being justified by God’s authority. In addition to this Paul urges us not to dwell on our anger - we must not let the sun set on our anger. Anger is an emotion that comes with a tendency for reaction or retaliation. If a righteous anger stirs us to action, once that action is done we must let go of the feelings of anger.

This righteous discontent is birthed out of love, not pride. We are angry because things aren’t the way God intended them to be.

illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010


Designed by: Louise van der Westhuizen

Smoke Detector (literal): A device that sounds an alarm when the sensors detect smoke. It acts as a warning against fire threats. Smoke Detector (spiritual): An internal feeling linked to your conscience and the Holy Spirit's promptings warning you of the potential danger of your future action. Take 1 My fascination with fire started at a very early age. My grandfather would often light a fire when day turned to night during one of our longer visits. To most of us, it would add something special to the atmosphere as we gathered under the beautiful clear African sky. I would watch him meticulously stacking the wood and getting the firelighters in just the right place before he lit it. I would sit in wonder as it crackled and the orange, red and yellow flames danced all over the wood, turning it black. Although intended to relax us all, I think my parents experienced this fire slightly differently. You see, the fire would allure me with such gusto that my parents would constantly need to keep their eyes on me or I would linger too close or find some twigs and objects to shove into it, delighting in how they burned. If not for their constant warnings and explanations I fear I might have become a rather severe burn victim by getting too close and setting myself or the house alight! I can still hear their repeated warning: “You're going to get burned if you keep playing with fire”.

Take 2 Much like my parents warnings, we too have an internal warning system. Some refer to it as our “conscience” or our “inner voice” or a “sixth sense”. Whatever the world may call it I believe that at birth God installed in all humans an internal moral compass that guides us towards good interactions and behaviour. Actions such as murder, lying and stealing are acknowledged as universal evils whereas love, kindness and generosity are universal qualities to strive towards. Many people have learned to turn off, drown out or ignore this warning system in order to pursue their desire in that moment, but there is no denying its presence. Now many people think that our consciences and the Holy Spirit are in fact the same thing. In Romans 1:9 however, we see a clear distinction being made when Paul says “With Christ as my witness, I speak with utter truthfulness. My conscience and the Holy Spirit confirm it. “ So if they are separate what is the connection between the two? Well, something interesting happens to our consciences when we accept Jesus into our hearts. We are gifted with the Holy Spirit and our consciences are cleared (Hebrews 9:14).


Designed by: Wanja Focaraccio

Furthermore, Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as our helper who will teach us and remind us of the things Jesus has said (John 14:26). So with a fresh start and a helper, we see our “consciences” renewed and grown into a more God-centred entity through the Holy Spirit; more sensitive to God's standard of righteousness and holiness. It is for this reason that many who have given their lives to God suddenly feel convicted when doing things they didn't think twice about before, for example, sex before marriage. So our consciences and the Holy Spirit work together, to teach us and lead us away from danger. From personal experience I have found that the closer I get to God the louder this alarm becomes. As a soon as I consider a course of action that is blatantly not in line with God's will I feel a rush of adrenaline, I become increasingly nervous and my heart starts to pound. I still get it wrong and sometimes things are rather grey but I am learning, through experience, to recognise that voice and to listen to it. The hardest thing for most people to realise in the moment is that this warning is not intended to ruin our fun but rather protect us from a very severe burn. In getting closer to God I realise that just like my parents warnings when my curiosity led me too close to the fire, He too is looking out for my well-being. He is far wiser and has the big picture before Him. His plans for me are good and for those reasons it is always better to listen to my smoke alarm when I am tempted to satisfy my own desire in that moment. I pray that you will be more aware of the small still voice so that you can live a life “filled with love that from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith”. (1 Timothy 1:5)

illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010


Veronika Gloeck

but the men in the fire, they've given their all, they know that their home isn't here at all.

will you dare to be courageous when the stakes are so high, will you believe in your heart that your King's in the fire?

in wonder the king looked to see four men in the flames, they neither were burned nor their bodies in any way harmed.

will you join me, i ask and be a daniel, today?

the fourth wasn't man, but He'd chosen to walk, with these men of great valour who'd walk out their talk.


If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand. But even if He does not, we want you to know, o king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. Daniel 3:17-18

in these day when this king rules with an image of gold; he appeals to your eyes, and he calls to your flesh. he shows you the world and says it could be yours, with so easy a task as to bow your knee low. he speak of a life that could be nice to lead; no courage required, no heat and no pain.

illumin8 - Edition 18 - October 2010

times haven't changed, and the script's still the same; the curtains have opened and the act belongs to you. will you join me in dreaming what no one's dreamt before, will you stand to bring change when they say there's no hope? will you speak for the voiceless when they've made you believe, that if voices aren't heard there's no cause to plead?

Then Nebuchadnezzar said, 'Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in Him and defied the king's command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. Therefore I declare that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned to piles of rubble, For no other god can save in this way. Daniel 3:28-29

will you raise up your hand and say, 'send me, i'll go'; when you know that the price may cost all you have to show?


Designed by: Wanja Focaraccio


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