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Area of Biz Excellence... August 2008

M A R I T I M E I N N O VAT I O N , R & D A N D E D U C AT I O N Looking for strong research and innovation? Looking for education and training courses? Looking for close cooperation with universities and institutions? Have a look at Denmark! Denmark holds long and strong traditions in shipping, maritime transport and logistics. Danes have put a lot of energy in the development of a Danish maritime cluster through research, innovation, development and education. You will find the full range of maritime know-how in Denmark, delivered by a world class Danish educational system combined with training programmes in maritime companies. Maritime academies, business schools and universities supply a broad range of educations i.e. shipofficers, charteres, engineers, naval architects, maritime lawyers and economists. This counts for basics education and further education up to master level.

Innovative initiatives The close cooperation between the industry and the educational system creates new programmes and initiatives, some of which are central to the development of the maritime cluster: • The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Force Technology, an approved technological service company, have established the Centre for Danish Maritime Technology • The Institute for Maritime Research and Innovation at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), creates a platform for commercial and human resource cooperation • DTU and SDU have established institutes catering for a wide range of maritime related research. Areas include operation, decision models, and new technologies for autonomous systems

Long tradition for innovation and development A combination of a strong focus from the Danish Government and financial support from the European Union, the Danish Maritime Fund, the national research counsils etc., contribute to the high level of the Danish maritime research and innovation.


FORCE Technology provides services and products related to performance optimization of ships, responses of offshore structures, simulation training, human factors management and advanced onboard decision support systems. FORCE Technology initiates R&D projects with strong market focus and customer involvement. Such projects span from product and concept development to operation and maintenance. The use of cutting edge technology and close cooperation with international universities are key elements in the development. Research and Development Danish universities and research institutions are performing world class research and development within technical areas such as: • Maritime engineering • Robot technology • Wave loads • Collision analyses • Simulation and full scale tests • Navigation and communication systems Danish research and development stand out within areas like: • Shipping and logistics • Geographical information systems • Decision models and evaluation models • Modern artificial intelligence in autonomous systems • Vision for real-time object recognition • Object oriented software development Education A close cooperation between shipowners and operators, the maritime industries, the Danish Maritime Authority, and educational institutions, brings Denmark in the forefront in terms of maritime education. This goes for seagoing educations as well as a wider range of land based maritime educations. The Danish Government is continually monitoring the skills needed in the maritime operations, in order to ensure that the educations offered are relevant and up-to date. The government supports the need for bachelor and master educations in commercial as well as technical fields. The master educations encompass three executive masters, in Shipping and Logistics at the Copenhagen Business School, in Management of Technology at the Technical University of Denmark, and in Transport and Maritime Management at the Universty of Southern Denmark. Furthermore, the Danish universities are engaged in creating close relations with private sector companies for development of the education system as well as for specific collaboration and PhD. programmes. Whether your company considers to relocate, consolidate, set up new ­production facilities, is on the lookout for new R&D partners or other strategic business solutions in Europe, Invest in Denmark is a good place to begin. We provide customised information and ­services free of charge and in full ­confidentiality.

Invest in Denmark 2, Asiatisk Plads DK-1448 Copenhagen K Tel. +45 33 92 11 16 Fax +45 33 92 07 17

> www.investindk.com The information stated in this fact sheet may contain errors or omissions. Invest in Denmark and our co-operation partners disclaim any and all liability for any loss or damage caused by such errors or omissions.

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