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Facts... May 2007

MARITIME Quality – A DANISH PRIORITY Denmark has long maritime traditions with focus on quality shipping. The Danish Government has launched an agenda for growth in the maritime cluster and offers stable and competitive framework conditions. The Danish maritime administration is in the lead when it comes to digitalization and offers expedient services of high quality with an international perspective.

Denmark offers… • Focus on growth within the Maritime Cluster • Stable and competitive framework conditions - including a tonnage tax regime • Modern and effective maritime administration - with one point of contact • Excellent access to the European Union • High priority to service shipping companies and seafarers • Active influence on global and regional regulations with focus on quality shipping • Global support to all marine related companies and staff • Continuous priority to ensure market access for Danish operators • Well qualified workforce • Tradition for high education within all sectors

An agenda for growth

One of the objectives of the Danish Government is to retain and improve Denmark’s position as one of the world’s most competitive nations within shipping, maritime services and equipment. The Danish government has launched an action plan “The Danish Maritime Cluster – an Agenda for Growth” in order to achieve these goals. The basic aim of the plan is to ensure the framework conditions, which will enable the maritime industry to meet the present and future global challenges.

maritime quality – A danish PRIORITY

The three central objectives of the Agenda are: • Further development of Denmark’s position as the most attractive place in Europe to operate international quality shipping • Enhancement of the conditions for growth, and the dynamics and competitiveness across the entire Danish maritime cluster • Maintainance and improvement of health, safety and environment measures on ships, thus, securing Denmark as a leading international maritime nation with focus on quality shipping

A benchmark study, which compares Denmark with Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, Greece, Cyprus, Singapore and China, shows that Denmark already enjoys a very strong position - and that the Danish framework conditions are among the world’s most competitive. A national maritime policy with focus on open and unrestricted international market access and stable and up-to-date framework conditions is a prerequisite for growth in the maritime cluster.

Principles for the Danish Maritime Policy

• Stimulating economic activity and employment • Environmentally friendly operations • Maritime transport based on quality shipping • Shipping and maritime industries compete on a level playing field • Open and unrestricted market access • Proportionality in new initiatives and rules

The Danish Maritime Authority

The Danish Maritime Authority, an authority within the Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs, is instrumental for achieving the objectives of the maritime Agenda for Growth. The Danish Maritime Authority works in a partnership with maritime companies, institutions and organisations, covering a variety of framework conditions from education, research, development to market access. The Danish Maritime Authority has a cluster perspective. Modern administration

The Danish Maritime Authority is a modern administration, which offers expedient service of high quality. The Danish Maritime Authority is currently digitalizing all procedures relating to ship registration. In the near future, shipowners located all over the world, and in any time zone will be able to register a ship on the internet without the use of paper documents. Digitalization of documents means 24-hour availability as well as quick, flexible and nonbureaucratic communication between shipowner, shipmaster and the Danish Maritime Authority. In addition, the shipowners and their banks have direct electronic access to registration information in the register.

Maritime quality – A danish PRIORITY

The Danish Maritime Authority cooperates with national and international authorities and the Danish maritime cluster to promote the best possible framework conditions for Danish quality shipping, and for Danish maritime services and equipment. Shipping competencies

The Danish Maritime Authority works to promote open and unrestricted market access, and to ensure the global competitiveness of the Danish fleet. The Danish Maritime Authority is also responsible for promoting safety and security for ships and those on board, and to prevent marine pollution. The Danish Maritime Authority promotes the Danish maritime interests actively in the European Community (EU), the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the International Labour Organisation (ILO) as well as in the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The Danish Maritime Authority has a wide net of contacts and partners in the maritime field all over the world. To supplement and strengthen the promotion of Danish maritime interests, Denmark has an attaché for maritime affairs related to the EU, placed in Brussels, and an attaché for maritime affairs in London at the IMO. Denmark also has a widespread net of embassies with on the spot services throughout the world. Point of contact for foreign shipping companies As a service to foreign shipping companies, considering to operate in Denmark, the Danish Maritime Authority offers One Point of Contact. All inquiries from the shipping company will be directed to a designated person within the Danish Maritime Authority, who can assist in regard to ship registration, survey of ships, manning and other questions within the field of responsibility of the Danish Maritime Authority.

Competitive shipping tax

• Denmark has an attractive overall economic framework, which is in line with the most competitive European systems. The tonnage tax from 2001 and the Danish International Ship Register (DIS), established in 1988, are the cornerstones of the Danish shipping environment • The tonnage tax is a final tax, which is based on the tonnage owned and operated, and it is independent of actual earnings. There is no flag requirement • The tonnage tax can be applied by companies, which are engaged in transport of goods and/or passengers at sea, and are tax liable in Denmark • Seafarers employed on vessels registered in the Danish International Ship Register are exempted from income tax. As a consequence, wages can be set as net wages • The tonnage tax and the Danish International Ship Register are based on the EU State Aid Guidelines

maritime quality – A danish PRIORITY

Ship registration and fees

Cargo and passenger ships may be registered in Danish International Ship Register provided that they have a gross tonnage (GT) of 20 or more. The register is open for: • Danish citizens, Danish partnerships or companies registered under Danish law • EU/EEA citizens, EU/EEA partnerships or EU/EEA companies provided that they have appointed a company or a person, who effectively controls, directs and manages the ship from Denmark There are no running fees for having a ship registered in a Danish ship register. However, there is a fee for registration of change of ownership or mortgage. Inspections

The technical inspections of international standards (SOLAS, LOAD LINE, MARPOL and ILO 147) on board cargo ships, are mainly handled by the recognized classification society. Technical inspections, carried out by the Danish Maritime Authority, are normally limited to the working and living conditions and the accommodation. However, when surveyors from Danish Maritime Authority are on board, they will also monitor the inspection work done by the classification society. The inspection of passenger ships is divided on a case by case basis between the Danish Maritime Authority and the recognized classification society. Manning

All passenger ships and cargo ships of 20 GT or more must have a Minimum Safe Manning Document. In Denmark each Minimum Safe Masnning Document is issued to the individual ship. It is possible to apply for a preliminary decision on minimum safe manning before registering in the Danish International Ship Register. Certificates of Competency

Masters, officers and ratings engaged on ships registered in the Danish International Ship Register do not need to have Danish Certificates of Competency. It is, however, a precondition that the master is a Danish citizen or a citizen of an EEA country or an EU member state. All officers, who do not have Danish certificates, need Danish endorsements.

Whether your company considers to relocate, consolidate, set up new ­production facilities, is on the lookout for new R&D partners or other strategic business solutions in Europe, Invest in Denmark is a good place to begin. We provide customised information and ­services free of charge and in full ­confidentiality.

Invest in Denmark 2, Asiatisk Plads DK-1448 Copenhagen K Tel. +45 33 92 11 16 Fax +45 33 92 07 17

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