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The right equation
As every retailer has discovered since opening up their doors, needs, wants and musts are very different today. That means looking at delivering the right training, says Helena Cotter
As you prepare for your return to work, how can you ensure your team are motivated, enthusiastic and ready for the challenges ahead?
Dynamics will inevitably have changed; there will undoubtedly be an air of nervousness and trepidation for everyone. It’s a bit of an unknown how things will go in the retail industry generally from here.
How you choose to run your business now will probably have to be different. It will take time for your team to get into their new groove.
On the upside, it can be a hugely exciting time too, full of fabulous opportunity. A new, fresh approach is going to be needed to move your business forward along that path to success.
Let’s discover how you can help your hard-working team pick up where they left off, and continue to deliver the very best that independent bridal retail has to offer.

The back-to-work must-haves of employee Training Programmes in the current climate – and for the ongoing future are: ✥ How to run appointments given restrictions which are in place. ✥ Cleanliness of the business. Fortunately, bridal retail is already a very clean environment. However, there will be areas, objects, surfaces, furnishings, electrical equipment, etc which will require extra special cleaning/sterilising after every appointment. Including bridal gowns where possible. ✥ Sales training. Ensure your team are equipped with all the knowledge they need to help you hit the ground running. Every appointment counts – it could mean the difference between success and failure of the business. ✥ Customer service and care. ✥ Learning about any new computer systems and techniques. ✥ Updating your business procedures/practices. ✥ SM and websites. ✥ Product knowledge. ✥ Industry knowledge. ✥ Competitor knowledge. ✥ Admin skills. ✥ Take a fresh look at, and overview of, job expectations and performance skills required. ✥ Ensure each member of staff understands their position within your company and how it fits within the overall structure of your business. ✥ Have everyone in your business communicate with each other. This will help deliver the same message to your customers and suppliers. ✥ Tailor training to individual and group needs. Ask staff members in turn which skills they would like to develop. This will vary from person to person. ✥ Work with your team to discover areas that may need improvement in the overall scheme of things. ✥ Organise training needs assessments. ✥ Hold regular meetings to ensure you are all on the same page and working towards the same, clear business goals. ✥ This will be the ideal time to reorganise; re-structure your business model with any ideas and plans you had prior to closing, and may not have been able to complete.
The pitfalls of not investing in your team
A business that doesn’t invest in its staff will happily coast along. It can, though, become stagnant and stuck in its ways. This will impact a business financially – and affect its reputation.
Whilst businesses who do invest; who recognise the value of continued staff development, will thrive and grow to become the new market leaders.
Training isn’t just important to any company: it is vital
We know bridal retail is a tough, fastmoving industry; it does not stand still, and that in order to get ahead, you need to plan ahead.
Ongoing training gives you the ideal opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all your employees. The ROI you will experience from training and development of your employees makes it 100% essential, and obvious in any healthy business environment.
TEAM SPIRIT Communication with you co-workers is vital in the new chapter of retail

Quality, variety and regularity are the keys to employee training, and satisfaction. Investing in them will pay not only financial dividends, but make for a harmonious, effective and efficient working environment.
Most of the above training I have mentioned in this article can be integrated into a working day.
Learning on the job
Utilise your time well. Focus on the basics first because building from the foundations upwards will help provide structure, vision and clarity for you and your staff.
Improved performance
It’s clear that a person who receives the necessary and required training to carry out their duties and responsibilities is more able to perform successfully in their job.
Once individual responsibilities are confirmed and made concrete, they will feel more confident in their role. Your customers will pick up on this and it will make for a mutually beneficial encounter.
Customers want to buy, and they definitely want to buy from welltrained staff. It will be an absolute pleasure for them to find their dream gown with you.
Employees who are confident and competent will help your business improve and become a force to be reckoned with in the industry. So, if you want to have the edge and keep it – it’s crucial to have your staff firing on all cylinders.
This is particularly important as in recent weeks during which we have not been able to be at work. Old habits will creep back in.
Enhanced perspectives
Any investments in training that you as a business owner make, shows employees they are valued.
Being known for this in the wider industry will create a feeling of belonging and pride. It is also a perfect advertisement if you are looking to take on new staff members. They will appreciate how forward thinking you are.
Your company will be THE place people want to work, be part of, and help to succeed.
✥ Keep learning and development at the top of your agenda. When you have good days or weeks, don’t rest on your laurels. There will always be someone nipping at your heels. ✥ Keep up to speed with what is going on in the industry – and what your customers are looking for. Always think about your next Wow factor. Last week’s or month’s offers etc. won’t be relevant next week. ✥ A well-oiled, seamless shopping experience with an enthusiastic, trained, professional team is going to help propel your business to dizzy new heights. ✥ Success breeds success as the saying goes. The more you practice and learn, the better you will become, and the easier it will be. ✥ From the beginning when I opened my own company, I always maintained that we should all aim to be the market leader, not the follower.
Helena Cotter E: info@helenacotter.co.uk Instagram: hccoaching Twitter: @HCSalesTraining