Gary's IT Band Advertisement Promotion

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Band Promotion IT Grade 9 Daud Alexander Gary 9-2

Friday, November 4, 2011


Friday, November 4, 2011

Band Promotion Client: “Enigmæ” Time Allowed: 1 Quarter 8 Weeks Unit Question: How does Band Advertising manipulate our actions?

Specifications & Limitations: Paper (A4) Ink Printer Laptop (Program: Pages) Newspaper Delivery Boy Information must be relevant Use recycled Paper Friday, November 4, 2011

Documented Evidence: Your documented evidence is like a diary. You start it when you first start making your design and it doesn't end till you have finished making your product. Takes lots of photos, make notes on any modification and add sketches and diagrams.

Introduction My client, “Enimæ”, an ‘electronic’ rock band that has started having tours all around the world since 2001. Their problem is that they wanted to have a concert in Indonesia but don’t know how to advertise it. Therefore, the advertising must be clear and precise but at the same time, catchy. Since my client, the “Enigmæ” is still not famous in Indonesia, they don’t want to give Indonesia the impression that their band is terrible. They want to show Indonesia how good they are from just looking at the advertisement.

Throughout this term, I am going to design and create an advertisement that meets all the expectations of the band “Enigmæ”. To make a good product, I will have to go through a certain steps which comes from the IB’s Design Cycle: Investigation, Design, Plan, Create and Evaluation. I will interview my client, the band “Enigmæ”, and discuss about how the band would like the advertisement to look like and how to make it appealing to Indonesia. I will manage my time carefully before going through the design stage by creating a Gantt chart so that I won’t have to rush and finish it dis-organized. The final product will be created from the client’s expectations base on their opinions on different factors such as style, size, quality etc. Friday, November 4, 2011

AOI (Areas of Interaction) This project is related to the AOI, Human Ingenuity because Human Ingenuity is all about creativity and how it impacts upon society and how to influence and transform the quality of life. Since this project is about how to create an ideal advertisement according to our client, it uses our creativity the advertisement can have an impact on society. I will gather information from interviews and research on a good way to advertise. So therefore, Human Ingenuity best matches this project than the other Areas of Interaction.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Client Interview 1. What kind of advertisement would you think that suit your band the best? We think that a newspaper ad on Indonesia’s most famous newspaper would attract many people to watch us perform. This tactic usually works because in every house, at least 1 person reads the newspaper. We also think to put a picture of us performing in our previous concert held in London because the audience size is immensely huge and it shows them that we are famous in foreign countries also.

2. How would you like the design to look like? We think that we should make the design to have a certain theme, and a unique one, something that hasn’t been used by other bands so that it can show us that we have our own identity, our own personality. We also wanted the design to have some similarities with our band genre, which is electronic. We want it to have color and to show the brightness of our neon effects in our concerts. The font must also be fancy to attract attention.

3. How big do you want it to be? We want it to be designed as an A4 sized advertisement but later resize it to be about half the size of the newspaper page. Just make sure that the it won’t overlap the other important articles.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Client Interview 4. What kind of software would you like us to use to make this advertisement? We would like you to use any good certified software to make this advertisement. Just choose the one that you think will publish the best results.

5. How long would you like this process of creating the advertisement to take? Our concert is for the next 4 months so about 1 or 2 months before that would be great. Be sure to re-check the advertisement a couple of times so that you won’t publish anything wrong.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Client Interview Summary

From the interview with my client, now i know how to create the perfect advertisement for them. They had informed me of specific informations that are sufficient enough for me to make their advertisement. They wanted a newspaper ad with a theme like their genre, which is electronic and make it unique, unlike any other band advertisement. It was also requested to be about A4 sized and to nearly fill up on a page of the newspaper. They also told me to choose the software to create the advertisement myself so I must choose carefully which software suits the job best.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Electronic Theme

Neon colored

Almost A4 sized

“Enigmæ” Advertisement

Unique Designs Publish in famous newspaper

Friday, November 4, 2011

Good & Certified Software

Case Study 1.


2. 1




Newspaper Advertisement

Newspaper Advertisement

Newspaper Advertisement


Paper, Ink, Printer, Computer


To make people want to go to the band’s concert

Target Audience

Everybody except for children under 12 unless supervised


Look Retro

Look Plain

Look Fancy


Put more interesting pictures

Put in more colors and pictures

Put in more information




Carnival Themed

Friday, November 4, 2011

Paper, Ink, Printer, Computer Paper, Ink, Printer, Computer To make people want to go to the band’s concert

To make people want to go to the band’s concert

Everybody except for children Everybody except for children under 12 unless supervised under 12 unless supervised

Case Study Summary




When searching for 3 different kinds of newspaper band advertisements, I mainly focused on the different and unique style they contain. This helped me get new ideas on the theme and how I can use fonts effectively to create manipulative effects. These three posters have the ability to attract many people so it helped me into thinking what are the good and bad aspects of these products.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Wix Wix is a website that people can use to create other websites. It is very efficient and easy to use, making it one of the easiest way to advertise a band. Not only easy to use, the theme and design looks good.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pages Pages is a software that has been installed already on this MacBook. Though not as simple as microsoft word, it just works the same way except pages have more and unique templates to use. It is easy to use and rarely lags.

Word Microsoft word is another software that has been installed on the MacBook. It is more simple and easy to use but it loads very slow. It can offer many varieties of themes and fonts but it still isn’t as efficient as Pages.

Summary of research The research I have done in this project has helped me fully on how to please the client into making the perfect advertisement. During the research, I only focus on the newspaper advertisement because I mainly think that the newspaper advertisement is the most effective among other medias. I have successfully got data and I will do further research on how to create effects in the advertisement to make it exactly how the client wants it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Impacts on environment and society When making an advertisement, I realize that it can affect the environment around it. For example, the laptop we use are made out of plastics which was generated by coal. These plastics when discarded will someday be burned. When it burns, it will release deadly chemicals that destroys our own ozone layer that protect us from the harmful rays of the sun. But not only this affect the environment. The coal that was burned to produce this releases the same dangerous gas plastics expose when they are burned. Aside technology, papers that are used for printing also affects the environment. When paper are made, they needed to deforest vast hectares of wood in the jungle, leaving no homes for the animals. Creating advertisements have a great cost to the environment.

The advertisement also affects the society. It may make people all over the place change decisions and personal remarks on the band.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Design Brief I will design and create an advertisement according to my client, the band EnigmĂŚ. This product will be made according to the design cycle which are: Investigation, Design, Plan, Create and Evaluate. Investigation, Design and Plan will be create before the product is made so that I could plan and know my actions first and so that I could research about how to make an advertisement attractive by comparing with others. The create part will be done during school or free time. When all 4 stages have been completed, I will evaluate on my works and finally release the product to public communities. Friday, November 4, 2011

Specification Specification and Why?



Pages because it has more variety of templates and it doesn’t lag.

I will research about the advantages of why Pages is better than other softwares


8 weeks

I shall use my time wisely


Bright and Colorful with neon designs.

I should research about how to use neon effects on Pages and how to create unique colors

Target Audience

Everybody except for children under 12 unless supervised


To attract people to watch the concert of my client.


To promote the band.

Interview people to ask about their opinions. Interview people to ask about their opinions. Interview people to ask about their opinions.


Depends on how many paper wasted As long as it will decompose

See how many paper would be used in this project and estimate the price.

The designing of the newspaper will be hard.

By designing the newspaper first.

Durability Ease of Creation Friday, November 4, 2011

Search how many years would paper decompose

Summary of Investigation The interview was done with my client to provide me with information on how to create their perspective of what a perfect advertisement is. It gave me specific information about every detail I need to create the advertisement. By researching about different kinds of material, I can know how to find the perfect material for this project. The case study on 3 different toys gave me a better understanding of how materials cost, what kind of advertisement design I should use and how it affects the society. Researching about how the advertisement affect the environment helped me realize about how important protecting the environment is. The specification and testing is my guide when I am making the advertisement. Also, when I draw the design, I will evaluate each and choose the final design I want to create. The testing part is so that I could make a good quality product that my client have requested. Friday, November 4, 2011

Bibliography "1976 - Boston Concert Newspaper Ad | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. Web. 08 Sept. 2011. < tomedler/5385165041/>. Black Eyed Peas - Denver 2006. Web. 8 Sept. 2011. <http://>. "MYP Design Cycle." Design Cycle. Web. 8 Sept. 2011. < bissite/mypinfo/designcycle.htm>.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Friday, November 4, 2011

Peer Evaluation Design 6 is the best for us because it contains a lot of information about the upcoming concert in countries. It also has given contact informations about the band so they can visit. The band logo is huge, and attractive at the center of the poster which makes it stand out. The design layout and arrangements are well made. It is poster layout is suitable for the band.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Design 1 Pros: Good layout, Detailed information, Logo is easy to look at, The links are there.

Cons: Very hard to make, takes a very long time

Friday, November 4, 2011

Design 2 Pros: The lightning symbol is a very symbolic picture for the band, The theme is according to the client’s genre, Cons: Takes a very long time, not really that good looking

Friday, November 4, 2011

Design 3 Pros: It can be seen by everybody, It contains relevant information for interested Enigmæ fans, Shows picture of band in action. Cons: Hard to make, not really that good looking, probably does not attract people who doesn’t know Enigm æ Friday, November 4, 2011

Design 4

Pros: It can be seen by everybody, It contains relevant information for interested Enigmæ, Black Eyed Peas and MTV fans, Have famous people recommend it. Cons: Hard to make, not really that interesting, probably does not attract people who doesn’t know Enigmaæ

Friday, November 4, 2011

Design 5 Pros: It is easily seen by everybody, It contains relevant information for Turtleneck Sweater and EnigmĂŚ fans. Logo is there at the front.

Cons: It is not nice to look at, the template is boring, There is not really interesting and most people will ignore it. Friday, November 4, 2011

Design 6 Pros: It contains every information you need to know of the concert, It is very persuasive for everyone especially EnigmaĂŚ and Lov@ics fans, The logo is very large and can be seen easily. Cons: The logo will need some editing to get it this big. Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation against Specification Specification


















Target Audience






Ease of Creation





Friday, November 4, 2011

Summary of the design Website no. 1 is perfectly following my client’s request. It has a matching theme, it is attractive but, it is not in the media they are looking for. Also, time is scarce. It probably won’t be finished by the time the media is supposed to be published. Website no. 2 is almost exactly the same as 1 and has the same problems too but it is worse looking. It is very hard to make and takes a long time. Movie no. 1 is not really following what my client wants. It is boring, not persuasive and don’t follow almost everything to what my client demand. But, it can be seen throughout the whole nation through TV and unlike newspaper, you cannot ignore it because it is just there when you are watching TV. Movie no. 2 is about the same as 1 but it has dialogue and starring famous people. But even though it has famous people in it, it will still not be really that interesting and fun to watch. Friday, November 4, 2011

Summary of the design

Newspaper Ad. no. 1 is sort of effective and shows information about the concert. Although shows interesting information, the information is not enough and the theme does not match with the client’s demand. Newspaper Ad. no. 2 is very detailed and has many information. It is organized and it’s theme matches with Enigmaæ’s genre. The tour logo and the album logo can be easily seen in the front. Even though it is great, there are a few missing from the client’s demand.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation against Specification (Final Design) Design 6



The software to create this: Pages is one of the most fast application to create advertisements in Mac. It has many templates to choose from and is


I shall use my time wisely


I should research about how to use neon effects on Pages and how to create unique colors

Target Audience

Interview people to ask about their opinions.


Interview people to ask about their opinions.


Interview people to ask about their opinions.


I will research on the cheapest and best software that is available and use it.


Search how many years would paper decompose

Ease of Creation

By designing the newspaper first.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Friday, November 4, 2011

Step by Step

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gantt Chart

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tools Name of Software


What is it used for?


The laptop is the main source of creating this advertisement. It is used to do all the steps that I am supposed to do when creating an advertisement.


Safari is used to do research on pictures and to find fonts and designs. It is also used to download applications necessary for this advertisement.


Pages is very important in this advertisement. It is used to create templates and is the base of creating the advertisement. I will edit and create the advertisement here.


Pixelmator is used to edit pictures and to create the logo for the advertisement. It is easy to use and can be used to edit many pictures.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation of Plan

My plan is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, fits the time frame), it tells you what step to follow and what you must do. This project is achievable and realistic so it won’t take a long time to complete. Also, this project has been planned with spare time so that I can edit when something goes wrong. My step by step plan is focused on the main steps I need to take. The Gantt chart is just a more detailed version in what I must do in these main steps. If anyone would want to do my project they just need to follow the gantt chart and do what I did. I didn’t do any modifications in my design because it is going to be made they way it is designed so that I can see how it looks like and what i must do. If I have changed it, then I must make another one when I have already started on the advertisement. My step by step plan is not as detailed as the Gantt Chart so anyone making this should look at both to have the whole details and the main plans.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Friday, November 4, 2011

Documented EvidenceLogBook Lesson 1. 4/10/11 In today’s lesson, we have started in doing the create stage. I have begun in creating the base template for the advertisement but still haven’t put in any pictures or the band logo. I have created the tour logo first because it is sort of challenging to do and will be a nuisance later if I made other things first. I will think of using neon green as the background. Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 2. 5/10/11 In today’s lesson, I have continued in designing the template of my advertisement. I have put in the neon green background but it doesn’t look as good as I thought it would be. I have also put in the album and band logo. The band logo shows an “E N Æ” which is short for enigmæ. I also have made the arrangements of the silhouette of the whole band to show who is in it and what instruments they play.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 3. 6/10/11 In today’s lesson, I have started in editing the pictures because before the pictures weren’t exactly perfect. I have also put in texts using the fonts that I have downloaded in I have started making the layout of the timeline for the concerts and where they will be held. I have also updated the band logo into something different which is not shown in the picture below.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 4. 11/10/11

In today's lesson, I have updated the concert dates and put in our sponsor, MTV and the details of who is gonna perform in the Pulse Tour also, namely Daft Punk and Radiohead. I changed the formatting of the texts and pictures to make it all fit in one space. I added the band small logo on the side to emphasize again the fact that it is an electronic band. I put in the details on how to contact us or to get details of our tour by showing our website and phone number for the ticketing office. I think I am sort of done with this advertisement but it still don't look that "perfect".

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 5. 12/10/11 I sort of did nothing today. I just try to add more stuff but I can't find anything else to put in so I changed the layout once again. I put the "featuring" section beside the concert dates and leave its previous space empty. I'm still thinking of what to put in there.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 6

In this lesson, I have decided that to add some more stuff in the advertisement because it is too plain. So, I added more “featuring�s and I added the picture of a beam, symbolizing the band’s genre, as always to create special effects. I also changed how the band logo looks like because the band itself have changed it. Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 7

In this lesson, I think that I have done enough although it stays the same from the last lesson. I think that it should be a little bit attractive and can attract some people to watch their concerts. I think that I have achieved all my goals and have successfully made it the way it looks like when I designed it. Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 8 - Students Reaction

Sean: The colors for your poster is very bright and eye-catching. It’s informative and it is unique. It is well organized and easy to read. Overall it is a great product. Jeremy: I like how you arrange all the photos in the poster to not make it look like a mess. The background color is somehow special and ‘cool’ enough to catch people’s attention. Joey: I like the colors that you chose for the poster. I also like the font and how you arrange the pictures in the poster. It’s very catchy and interesting! Liam: I Like your posters because the information, pictures are elegantly arranged to make it eye-catchy. However, the font you chose is very attractive and appropriate at the right context. Overall, it’s a good poster.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bibliography Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://>. Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation Part 1 Investigation: In Investigation, I have written the complete research that I have done when I started in this project. I think I did pretty average and it looks complete. I feel that my research was sufficient enough for me to create a good advertisement from everything I have learned in that stage. Design: In Design, I have used the research that I took in the last stage into creating many designs related to what the client have requested. I mainly focus on one design actually, that fulfills every request the client have requested. I feel that the design stage is an important stage in creating this project because it is the “base” of what I will be doing in the future. Plan: I have done a lot of things in the Planning stage, especially planning my next move. I have slowly planning when to do the steps I need to take when i create my work. I have also evaluated on my planning using the SMART system. Using my Gantt chart that I made, I have successfully followed it through to have an organized time limit for each step to creating my product. Create: In Create, I have documented my evidence in creating the product in the certain time limit and I have also posted it on the school blog. I worked effectively in my design and made some changes to it because the original design was a little too hard to create using the un-professional Pages software. Eventually I finished the product even before the time limit. Evaluation: In Evaluation, I will evaluate my stages and reflect on what I have done in order to create this product. I think the evaluation is a little bit important but not entirely necessary because we already know what we have done, so why do we need to write it down again? Many people just write down the evaluation but didn’t reflect on it. So I don’t really think that it is actually needed. Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation Part 2


Specification and Why?



Pages because it has more variety of templates and it doesn’t lag.

I will research about the advantages of why Pages is better than other softwares

My software has more better themes, templates and many other easy click-away buttons but it lacks complicated options, therefore it couldn’t be used to create an excellent advertisement that use effects


8 weeks

I shall use my time wisely

My time is kept according to my Gantt chart and in fact, I finished the product even before the time limit. I think that I certainly have used my time wisely.


Bright and Colorful with neon designs.

I should research about how to use neon effects on Pages and how to create unique colors

Pages lacks effects and my neon designs don’t work out the way I thought it would be. I used microsoft word to manipulate unique colors instead.

Target Audience

Everybody except for children under 12 unless supervised

Interview people to ask about their opinions.

I found out that children should come without supervision so I didn’t put the 12+ sign in the advertisement. I have also made the advertisement kid-friendly, meaning that there is no inappropriate stuff


To attract people to watch the concert of my client.

Interview people to ask about their opinions.

I asked people about this advertisement and they gave me tips on how to make it more attractive.


To promote the band.

Interview people to ask about their opinions.

The advertisement have served its purpose. Many people say that it would attract some people because of its unique art.


Depends on how many paper wasted

See how many paper would be used in this project and estimate the price.

The cost of the advertisement have not yet been confirmed because not even 1 copy have been printed


As long as it will decompose

Search how many years would paper decompose

The durability isn’t really important because sooner or later, it is going to be burned anyways.

Ease of Creation

The designing of the newspaper will be hard.

By designing the newspaper first.

Designing where to put the advertisement in the newspaper would be easier than to create the advertisement first and then put create the newspaper because the size might be un-equal

Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation Part 3 My most successful part of this project is the create part. I have worked hard on it, making changes every now and then to create the perfect product that the client needs. Not only, I fixed every problem there is, I have also finished it before the time limit. I used about 3-4 different softwares to create everything that made this product. I think that it will attract a decent amount of people, making them to be curious in what kind of band this is. I don’t think I have a least successful part in this project but my least productive part when doing this project is when I investigate. I think that I have not really do a good job when investigating because I am not sure what to do for the specification and that I don’t find enough relevant advertisements to analyze. I think that I need to focus more on researching in different types of advertisements so that I can use them as a “model” for my own advertisement. If I had to make another advertisement, I would like to use a more professional software that has many features because it would be more nicer looking with more effects. I also think that I would change the theme, which is electronic to a more techno-beat so that it would look more futuristic and technologic. Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation Part 4 Q: What do you think of this advertisement? Q: Do you think that it will attract people? Q: What do you think that could be improved? A1: We think that the advertisement is not really that great but it is a good one. You managed to do special effects using Pages’ simple actions. You did a good job for an amateur. A2: We think that it would attract a few people because of its unique style of pictures manipulations. Its classic, nice and tells the reader all the information they need without reading too many words. A3: We think that the background theme can be improved so that it can be more realistic. If the software is not that high-tech, then try to create your own custom picture for the background. Friday, November 4, 2011

Evaluation Part 5

Impacts on environment and society When making an advertisement, I realize that it can affect the environment around it. For example, the laptop we use are made out of plastics which was generated by coal. These plastics when discarded will someday be burned. When it burns, it will release deadly chemicals that destroys our own ozone layer that protect us from the harmful rays of the sun. But not only this affect the environment. The coal that was burned to produce this releases the same dangerous gas plastics expose when they are burned. Aside technology, papers that are used for printing also affects the environment. When paper are made, they needed to deforest vast hectares of wood in the jungle, leaving no homes for the animals. Creating advertisements have a great cost to the environment.

The advertisement also affects the society. It may make people all over the place change decisions and personal remarks on the band. It probably can make people like or dislike it depending on what they think is “attractive�. Friday, November 4, 2011

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