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of Amsterdam. Courses in internal market law, competition law and European law are part of the courses Ms. Plasseraud currently teaches at the University of Applied Sciences in The Hague. Ms. Plasseraud ese has contributed to this issue of the ILSA Law Journal as guest editor and has used her expertise in the editing and publication process.
The ILSA Law Journal would like to acknowledge and thank the participation and work of its Guest Editors: Dr. Sandra Nobréga, Dr. Juan Salmerón, Dr. Éva Mária Földes, and Ms. Lucie Plasseraud for directing and guiding the process of selection and edition of this Issue 1 of the HHS ILSA Law Journal on the topic of Environmental Law: Implementation and Enforcement Challenges.
The Journal would also like to thank the support and collaboration of 2021-2022 ILSA Management Board, including President and Head of Social Events, Mr. Altamash Khalil; Vice-President and Head of Communications, Ms. Sophia Sporn Olivares; Head of Main Events, Ms. Carolina Savonitto; Head of Marketing, Ms. Maria Chiriacopol; and Editor in Chief of the HHS ILSA Law Journal Mr. Gustavo Jimenez.
Finally, the Journal would like to acknowledge the participation of its members including Secretary Mr. Casper Peterse, Managing Editor Ms. Olessya Dadema, and Editors Ms. Nynke Krol, Ms. Ashleigh Mulder, Ms. Finia Marie Hilmes, Mr. Jacky-Long Mouthy, Ms. Juliette Rattier, Ms. Rumet Gul, Mr. Tikhon Filonov, Ms. Romina Ruszin, Ms. Alice Frincu, Ms. Vedika Sajnani, Ms. Noemi Zenk-Agyei, and Ms. Aban Ado.
This year, the selection process was solely conducted by the Guest Editors so as to avoid any bias and to ensure that the selection was based on merit.