1 minute read
Tailor Welded Blanks Valley City, OH
The plan sets forth a vision for the city over the next ten to 15 years. According to Planning and Development Director Kim Lieber, the plan is a tool to prepare for and manage change. “It includes goals and recommendations for each of the topic areas, with a focus on land use, housing and economic development. It was important to create an actionable plan and to be able to measure our progress,” said Lieber.
“Our master plan is a policy document and guide for decision-makers,” said Mayor Kevin Corcoran. The plan will serve as a foundation for budgeting decisions, zoning ordinances, land development regulations and more.
Corcoran emphasized that the ideas and recommendations in the plan were reflective of input from residents, businesses and other stakeholders. “We obtained a lot of feedback throughout the process, from our steering committee, focus group participants and interested residents who attended our public engagement events.”
This is not a plan that will sit on the shelf, as implementation has already begun, according to Lieber. “We are busy working on transportation plans and traffic studies, zoning code updates, infrastructure projects and communication improvements, all recommendations of the plan.”
One transportation study now underway is the North Ridgeville Active Transportation Plan. The city, in partnership with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) and North Ridgeville Heart and Sole, is working on a plan to improve connectivity and safety in the community, specifically focusing on non-motorized means of travel. The goal is to develop an interconnected trail and sidewalk network that links residents and workers to local and regional assets. The planning process also includes an updated Safe Routes to School strategy for the North Ridgeville City Schools.
“We heard through the master plan process that residents want to be able to walk and bike to more places. In areas without sidewalks, safety is a critical consideration,” said

Lieber. “The plan will prioritize future capital improvements for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and help us as we seek funding.”
More information about the Active Transportation Plan is available on the city’s website. Lieber shared that the planning process is expected to wrap up in the fall and that
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Bogner Life Celebration Center is now open adjacent to the Funeral Home for fully catered events including after-funeral luncheons and Celebration of Life services. Call 440-327-2955 for further information.