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Summertime gives us an opportunity to get outside, explore new places, visit our local parks and connect with friends and neighbors at many upcoming community events. Residents and visitors alike are anticipating Freedom Festival and Fireworks at Victory Park on July 3 and the North Ridgeville Corn Festival from August 12-14.
If you’re looking for more summer fun, North Ridgeville Parks and Recreation has a great lineup of free, family-friendly events in store. New for 2022 is Food Truck Wars on July 9. Listen to live music while you enjoy a wide selection of food truck fare available for purchase. Our Summer Concert Series features three performances by popular bands at the South Central Park Gazebo, so don’t forget your lawn chair or blanket. Or discover our new nine-hole disc golf course at South Central Park, which is open daily from dawn to dusk.
We are a community constantly investing in our future, so summertime also means construction. As you drive around town, you’ll notice many projects underway including road resurfacing, our new police station construction, bridge rehabilitation and upgrades to our water and sewer lines. You’ll also see new businesses
opening their doors to serve our growing population. Check out the dining guide in this edition to find a new place to try out or revisit an old favorite. Also consider supporting those businesses whose advertising helped to make this magazine possible. Recognizing our growth and rapid change, the city recently concluded a branding process aimed at creating a visual identity that represents a unified and positive image to our residents, businesses, investors and visitors. Read more in this edition about why we undertook this brand discovery process and how we’re moving forward with implementation. Stay connected with the City of North Ridgeville by visiting our website at nridgeville.org and following our city departments on social media. Keep an eye out for my weekly videos reporting the latest and greatest city news. Also, I invite you to stop by City Hall for one of my monthly Coffee and Conversations where I share updates and answer your questions. As your mayor, I am committed to open communication and welcome your input as we plan for North Ridgeville’s bright future and grow together as a community. I hope to see you around town this summer! It's Summer — Mayor Kevin Corcoran in