Intrachem Bio Italia L’apporto biologico alla Agricoltura Integrata
The biological contribution to Integrated Pest Management
Der biologische Beitrag zur integrierten Landwirtschaft
Intrachem Bio Italia Azienda leader nella difesa e nutrizione delle colture con mezzi tecnici bio-ecocompatibili Intrachem Bio Italia, è una azienda che fa parte del gruppo Intrachem Bio International con sede a Ginevra (CH), attiva nella produzione, commercializzazione e distribuzione di biopesticidi (a base di antagonisti microbiologici, di estratti vegetali e prodotti naturali), di ausiliari per la lotta biologica, altre biotecnologie, feromoni e strumenti di monitoraggio; in pratica tutto quanto di più scientificamente evoluto (e regolarmente autorizzato e registrato) sia emerso dalla ricerca mondiale per l’agricoltura. Attualmente Intrachem Bio Italia dispone di un portafoglio unico in Europa costituito da almeno una trentina di formulati commerciali di origine biologica che possono essere impiegati sia nell’agricoltura convenzionale che in quella biologica. Tutto in conformità alle nuove legislazioni e alle richieste di un controllo sui residui di pesticidi negli alimenti: integrando i mezzi di difesa tradizionale con quelli biologici è possibile arrivare a un prodotto finale veramente sano e sicuro. L’ azienda possiede prodotti e conoscenze per applicare al meglio queste tecniche. È presente in modo capillare su tutto il territorio italiano; i propri tecnici sono disponibili per seguire e consigliare direttamente la migliore applicazione dei prodotti, fin dalla fase di progettazione dei protocolli di produzione. L’obbiettivo è di dare un servizio completo di informazione sul territorio ponendosi a disposizione anche della grande distribuzione e dell’industria di trasformazione per proporre soluzioni e strategie tecniche e dare ogni informazione sulla natura e registrazione dei propri biopesticidi. Con il supporto di Intrachem Bio Italia produrre senza residui è possibile, rispondendo nel contempo anche alle richieste di produzioni quantitativamente elevate, di pari qualità estetica rispetto al convenzionale, con gli stessi livelli di sanità delle colture.
Leading company in Plant Protection and Plant Nutrition via sustainable biotechnical tools
Intrachem Bio Italia is part of the Intrachem Bio International group, headquartered in Geneva (CH). The company produces, markets and distributes biopesticides (based on microbial antagonists, plant extracts, and natural products), beneficial organisms for organic farming, other biotechnologies, pheromones and monitoring tools; in short, all that today exists of the most scientifically advanced (and duly registered) technical means, resulting from the worldwide agricultural research. Currently Intrachem Bio Italia possesses a product portfolio unique in Europe, consisting of more than thirty commercial formulations of biological origin, which can be used in both conventional and organic farming. The integration of organic techniques into conventional plant protection strategies enables compliance with current regulations and with the demand for restricted residue levels of pesticides in foodstuff, allowing to obtain “healthy” and safe final produce. The company has the products and the knowledge to best exploit such techniques. It services the Italian market via a capillary distribution network. Its technicians provide support and advice during the preliminary stage of production protocols planning and also during the advanced stage of product application. The company aims at providing a complete information service covering the entire territory, available also to large-scale retailers and industrial producers, by offering solutions and technical strategies as well as full information on the nature and the registration of its biopesticides. With the support of Intrachem Bio Italia it is possible to attain zero-residue production and at the same time to meet the demand for high yield and high quality equalling the plant health standards achieved with conventional management strategies.
Führend in Pflanzenschutz und Düngung mit ökologischen biotechnischen Mitteln Intrachem Bio Italia ist ein Unternehmen der Gruppe Intrachem Bio International mit Sitz in Genf (CH). Intrachem Bio Italia produziert, vermarktet und vertreibt biologische Pflanzenschutzmittel (auf der Basis von mikrobiologischen Antagonisten, Pflanzenextrakten und natürlichen Produkten), Nützlinge zur Schädlingsbekämpfung, andere biotechnologische Produkte, Lockstoffe (Pheromone) und Instrumente zur Überwachung von Schaderregern, kurz alles wissenschaftlich fortgeschrittene und zugelassene Mittel, die Ergebnis einer weltweiten Forschung im Dienste der Landwirtschaft sind. Im Moment besitzt Intrachem Bio Italia ein für Europa einzigartiges Produkt-Portfolio, bestehend aus über dreißig formulierten Produkten natürlichen Ursprungs, die sowohl im konventionellen als auch im biologischen Anbau eingesetzt werden können.
The Intrachem Group
Multinational organization The group is structured for an efficient and rapid exchange of technical and commercial information among all affiliated companies.
Die Integration biologischer Verfahren in herkömmliche Pflanzenschutzstrategien ermöglicht es, den geltenden Vorschriften zu entsprechen und die Forderungen nach festgelegten Höchstgehalten an Pestizid-Rückständen einzuhalten, und somit ein gesundes und sicheres Endprodukt zu erzeugen. Intrachem Bio Italia besitzt die Mittel und Kenntnisse, um diese Techniken optimal einzusetzen und anzuwenden, und ist im gesamten italienischen Gebiet präsent. Unternehmenseigene Techniker stehen stets zur Unterstützung und Beratung zur Verfügung; sie helfen bei der Planung von Produktionsprotokollen und geben Hinweise zur besten Anwendung aller Produkte. Ziel des Unternehmens ist es, auf dem gesamten Gebiet einen kompletten Informationsservice zu bieten, zugänglich auch für Grosshandel, Hersteller und Industrie, um Lösungen und technische Strategien zu empfehlen und Informationen in Bezug auf Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaft und Registrierung der unternehmenseigenen Biopestizide zu geben. Die Unterstützung von Intrachem Bio Italia macht landwirtschaftliche Produktion ohne Rückstände möglich. Gleichzeitig werden die Kriterien einer quantitativ und qualitativ hochwertigen Produktion erfüllt, ohne dabei den Gesundheitszustand der Kulturpflanzen im Vergleich zum herkömmlichen Pflanzenschutz im mindesten zu beeinträchtigen.
AQ 10® Biofungicide for Powdery Mildew Control based on Ampelomyces quisqualis (isolate M-10) History In 1861, nearly 150 years ago, Tulasne & Tulasne made the first drawing of powdery mildew infected by A. quisqualis. In 1930, Emmonds identified A. quisqualis as an antagonist of powdery mildew. In 1986, an isolate of the fungus (later designated as AQ 10 ) was identified on the wild plant Catha edulis by Prof. Sztejnberg’s laboratory in Israel. Application for registration was filed with EPA, USA. In less than one year, the American registration was granted. AQ 10 , the first biofungicide ever developed for powdery mildew control, was available on the market. In 1999, Intrachem Bio Italia obtained the provisional registration in Italy, the first in Europe. Annex I inclusion was obtained by the Intrachem Group in 2005. The product is actually registered in Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Greece, Egypt and Italy, and registration in other countries (e.g. Spain, Germany, France, Czech Republic) is expected soon. ®
The product and its active ingredient AQ 10 is a biofungicide based on the naturally occurring fungus Ampelomyces quisqualis (Deuteromycetes, Dematiaceae). It can parasitize hyphae, conidiophores and cleistothecia of powdery mildew. A. quisqualis has been reported in every continent, in different environments as host of many Erysiphaceae: more than 64 different species belonging to the genera Brasilomyces, Erysiphe, Leveillula, Microsphaera, Phyllactinia, Podosphaera, Sphaerotheca and Uncinula are recorded as susceptible to A. quisqualis. ®
Recommended rates and timing of applications For effective powdery mildew control, AQ 10 can be applied alone, but it can also be included in IPM strategies, which provide for applications of both conventional agrochemicals and the biological control agent. Application rates range between 35 and 70 g/ha according to the crop (grapevine strawberry, cucurbits, tomato, pepper and roses). ®
Application instructions • Treatments must be started at low powdery mildew infestation levels. • Applications should be repeated at 6 - 8 day time intervals. • In order to ensure maximum spore germination, best time for application is when relative humidity is high. • AQ 10 can be applied with any conventional spray equipment. ®
Advantages • Effective powdery mildew control. AQ 10 is formulated in water dispersible granules (WDG). AQ 10 contains at least 5.0 x 10 9 viable spores/gram of the antagonistic fungus A. quisqualis.
• Unique mode of action.
The target
• Helps to reduce the risk of development of strains resistant to conventional fungicides.
® ®
Powdery mildew is a parasitic fungus that can severely damage grapes, vegetables, strawberry and several other important crops. The disease becomes more difficult to control every year because of the risk of undesiderable residues of agrochemicals (especially when applied close to harvest) on crops and the development of powdery mildew strains resistant to chemical fungicides.
• Can be used in organic farming and fits perfectly into any IPM program.
• Active at lower temperatures than sulphur. • Can parasitize also overwintering cleistothecia and thus reduce the infection level the following year. • No phytotoxicity.• No pre-harvest interval and re-entry time. • Harmless to beneficials, safe to humans and to the environment.
NATURALIS® Bioinsecticide based on Beauveria bassiana (strain ATCC 74040) The product and its active ingredient NATURALIS is a bioinsecticide based on living spores of a naturally occurring proprietary strain (ATCC 74040) of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. The formulated product NATURALIS® is a concentrated suspension of at least 2.3 x 10 7 spores/ml of B. bassiana strain ATCC 74040. It is a suspension of conidiospores in vegetal oil, which improves spore germination and UV protection, enhancing the efficacy of the antagonist in the field. ®
Mode of action B. bassiana acts primarily by contact. Once attached to the insect’s cuticle, its conidia germinate producing hyphae, which penetrate the cuticle and proliferate inside the insect’s body. High ambient humidity (> 50 %) and free water favour conidial germination, however B. bassiana conidia are invasive and infective at all ambient humidity levels. Infection can take between 24 and 48 hours, depending on the temperature (range: 10 - 37 °C; optimum: 20 - 27 °C). If the insect moults at this stage, the infection process is stopped. Otherwise the mycelium continues multiplying by feeding on the host and consuming its nutrients. The proliferation of the fungus inside the insect leads to its death within 3-5 days. After the host’s death, new conidia may be produced and released on the outside of the insect cadaver. However, temperature and humidity affect the sporulation of B. bassiana, and thus the transmission of the fungus to other insects. B. bassiana strain ATCC 74040 does not produce any toxins: the infected host dies due to dehydration and/or depletion of nutrients.
History Beauveria bassiana (Deuteromycetes, Moniliales) was recognized in 1835 by Agostino Bassi as the causal agent of the white muscardine disease of the silk worm. The strain ATCC 74040 has been isolated from Anthonomus grandis, the cotton boll weevil, in the Lower Rio Grande valley, Texas, USA. Several years of experimental applications of this strain showed that many insect pests are susceptible to infection. In 2005 Intrachem Bio International S.A. (Geneva, Switzerland) acquired production and marketing rights for NATURALIS from Troy Biosciences Inc. Manufacturing takes now place under the control of Intrachem Production. ®
Major targets B. bassiana can affect a wide range of arthropod pests, such as white flies, thrips, mites, aphids, tingids and all their developmental stages (eggs, immature stages, and adults) infesting numerous crops (vegetables, cucurbits, solanaceous fruits, strawberry, flowers and ornamentals, grapevine, citrus, pome, stone fruits, etc.). Recent studies have shown that the antagonistic fungus can effectively control also nut-weevils, wireworms (Agriotes spp.), and Tephritid flies, such as the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, the cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi, and the olive fly, Bactrocera oleae. Application rates range between 1 and 3 l/ha according to the crop.
Application • In order to ensure maximum spore germination, best time for application is when relative humidity is high. • NATURALIS can be applied with any conventional spray equipment. ®
Advantages • Highly effective against a wide range of pests (white flies, spider mites, fruit flies, wireworms etc.). • Unique mode of action, no phytotoxic effects. • Can be used in Organic Farming and fits perfectly into any IPM program. • Helps to reduce the risk of the development of strains resistant to conventional insecticides and of undesirable residues on foodstuffs. • Can be applied in tank mixture with most copper and sulphur based fungicides and most commonly used insecticides. • No pre-harvest interval and re-entry time. • Safe to humans and to the environment.
Bt products Insecticides based on Bacillus thuringiensis SV kurstaki (Strain EG 2348) Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a naturally occurring, soil-dwelling, Gram-positive bacterium. During sporulation it produces a translucent crystal protein, the active ingredient of the formulated products.The crystal protein is a protoxin with insecticidal activity, which is activated in the alkaline midgut of certain insects. Bt thus acts as a gut poison. Once the target pest has ingested the crystal protein, it stops feeding immediately, and dies within two days.
History The ability of Bt to control pest insect larvae was discovered more than 90 years ago. However, it was first commercially used only in the 1940’s. Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki (HD-1) was discovered in the late 1960’s. This serovar is considerably more effective against caterpillars and easier to produce than the early Bts, and therefore most marketed Bt-products contain HD-1. The novel Bt strain EG 2348, the active ingredient of Intrachem’s Btformulations, was created using advanced techniques of molecular biology through a process called transconjugation. These Bt strain produces different Cry toxins (Cry 1Aa, 1Ac, and 2A toxin), which are responsible of the insecticidal activity and the enhanced efficacy against specific target insects of the Bt strain.
(Strain EG 2348; a.i. conc. 15%) Wettable powder
(Strain EG 2348; a.i. conc. 7.5%) Suspension concentrate
(Strain EG 2348; a.i. conc. 4.5%) Suspension concentrate
Intrachem recently developed this improved formulation of the Bt strain EG2348, which shows higher efficacy than other currently commercially available Bt products against the most harmful Lepidopteran pests. Its active ingredient concentration amounts to 15 % and its innovative inert ingredients positively affect the application of the product in the field. LEPINOX® PLUS is an important and highly effective tool for growers to control the most noxious carpophagous Lepidoptera, such as Oriental Fruit Moth (Cydia molesta), Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia lineatella), Plum Fruit Moth (Cydia funebrana).
RAPAX® is one of the first biological insecti- This oily formulation has been especially cides based on a Bt serovar kurstaki strain developed for aerial application against that has been created through transconju- defoliators of forest trees, such as the Gypsy gation. The Bt strain EG 2348 contains se- Moth (Limantria dispar), the Pine Procesveral genes producing insecticidal Cry toxins, sionary Moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) which are effective against loopers resistant and moth pests infesting parks and gardens. to chemical insecticides. RAPAX® thus pro- WORMOX ® shows good efficacy also vides more efficient control than many con- against several phytophagous caterpillars ventional chemical treatments and other attacking cultivated crops. Bts. In Europe, its major targets are: European Grape Berry Moth (Lobesia botrana), Recommended application rate: 1,5- 2 l/ha Grape Berry Moth (Eupocilia ambiguella), Orchard Leafrollers (Argyrotaenia pulchellana, Archips spp., Pandemis spp.), Olive Moth (Prays oleae), Citrus Moth (Prays citri), European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis).
Recommended application rate: 1 kg/ha
Recommended application rate: 1-1,5 l/ha
PHYTAGRO® Natural Plant Growth Promoter The product
Instructions for application:
PHYTAGRO is a plant growth promoter, containing the microelements Boron and Zinc, and a solution of natural plant growth promoters and vitamins. This plant extract solution complements the formulation by naturally increasing and stimulating plant metabolism, and its efficacy has been validated in countless field trials on a wide range of crops.
• PHYTAGRO® can be applied as foliar spray with any conventional spray equipment.
In the plant extract solution, only natural raw materials are used: it is obtained from apple and canola seeds and rice chaff through a proprietary extraction process.
• PHYTAGRO® should be applied at a rate of at least 1 g/l (100 g/hl) even when using a high spray volume. • PHYTAGRO® can be applied on the following crops: pome fruits, olive, potato, stone fruits, grapevine, kiwifruit, tomato, sweet pepper, eggplant, beans, French beans, cucurbits, strawberry, leafy vegetables (lettuce, endive, radicchio), artichoke, corn, sorghum. • Ensure thorough wetting of the plants, but avoid dripping.
Its exclusive extraction technology results from many years of study and research conducted by Intrachem in collaboration with renowned Universities. PHYTAGRO® has been especially conceived to improve crop development under environmental stress conditions (low temperatures and poor light conditions), promote plant growth, optimize fruit set and development, stimulate quick resumption of vegetative growth, and synchronize flowering. Boron, also, when applied in pre-flowering, induces uniform and regular development of reproductive organs in flowers, while Zinc is essential for the synthesis of tryptophan, precursor of auxins and thus positively affects plant growth.
Advantages • Promotes and improves plant growth. • Synchronizes flowering. • Stimulates fruit development, which results in uniform size of fruits. • Improves plant development under stress conditions. • Suitable for organic agriculture.
BF 400® Liquid organic fertilizer COMPOSITION • Total nitrogen (N) ................................................ 5% Organic (N) .......5% soluble (Amino acids and peptides) • Organic carbon (C).............................................. 15%
What is BF 400® BF 400® is based on plant extracts containing the growth factors necessary for plant development, combined with peptides. In fruit production, BF 400® can improve fruit size, increase specific fruit weight, enhance resistance to environmental stress factors, pests and diseases, and contribute to increase preservability and organoleptic proterties of fruit. BF 400 ® can be applied on fruit, ornamental and vegetable crops in both greenhouses and the open field.
How does BF 400® work BF 400 ® is readily absorbed through the leaf surface, and translocated inside the cells, where it expresses its specific activity by enhancing regular cell growth, development and multiplication. BF 400 ® is therefore an ideal tool for vegetable and fruit growers who want to achieve a regular and uniform growth of their crop.
How to apply BF 400® Apply BF 400® at a rate of 1 kg / ha per application in enough water to ensure thorough wetting of the plants. Avoid run-off. A water-soluble foliar fertilizer (e.g. Nutri leaf) may be added to the spray solution in order to provide adequate nutritional support to the crop.
PROKTON® Organo-mineral fertilizer NK 6-17 COMPOSITION
The use of PROKTON® is particularly indicated:
Total nitrogen (N) ............... 6% Organic (N) ......... 6%
• to overcome environmental stress (cold, heat, salinity, drought, transplanting, flowering, ripening)
Potassium oxide (K2O) soluble in water ............... 17%
• on crops producing edible fruits (strawberry, melon, peach, apple, pear, table and vine grapes) to increase the sugar content
Carbon (C) organic origin... 25%
• to improve fruit quality in terms of colour, ripeness, and preservability
What is PROKTON® PROKTON® is a water-soluble fertilizer high in potassium (obtained from potassium sulfate crystals), containing also free amino acids and an extract of sea weed ( Ascophyllum nodosum ), rich in microelements, carbohydrates and natural plant hormones.
How does PROKTON® work Amino acids are well-known valuable tools to accelerate the translocation of an element through the membrane. By combining potassium with amino acids as in PROKTON®, its absorption and translocation through both leaves and roots is improved. Potassium plays a key role in the transport of nutrients (mainly sugar), and thus in improving crop quality. It furthermore strengthens the plants by activating key enzymes for the synthesis of proteins, and by regulating stomatal movements and photosynthesis. Exogenous foliar applications of amino acids help the plants to save energy for the synthesis and translocation of amino acids, especially under adverse environmental conditions or during specific phenological stages (flowering, fruit set, fruit ripening, etc.).
PROKTON ® is obtained from a mixture of organic matter in compliance with EC Reg No 834/2007 for Organic Agriculture.
Rate of application Foliar application: 200 - 300 g / hl Via drip irrigation: 4 - 8 kg / ha
Acrolepiopsis assectella Adoxohyes orana Agrotis exclamationis Agrotis ipsilon Agrotis segetum Anarsia lineatella Aonidiella aurantii Archips podana Archips rosana Argyrotaenia pulchellana Autographa gamma Bactrocera oleae Bemisia tabaci Bytirus tomentosus Cacoecimorpha pronubana Cadra spp. Cameraria ohridella Ceratitis capitata Ceuthorrhynchus quadridens Choristoneura lafauryana Chrysodeixis chalcites Comstockaspis perniciosa Cossus cossus Cydia fagiglandana Cydia funebrana Cydia lobarzewskii Cydia (syn. Grapholita) molesta Cydia nigricana Cydia pomonella Cydia splendana Diabrotica virgifera v. Empoasca spp. Enarmonia formosana Ephestia spp. Epichoristodes acerbella Eupoecilia ambiguella Euproctis chrysorrhoea Euzophera bigella Frankliniella occidentalis Helicoverpa armigera Hoplocampa spp. Hyphantria cunea Leucoptera malifoliella Liriomyza spp. Lobesia botrana Lymantria dispar Lymantria monacha Mamestra brassicae Mamestra oleracea Mamestra suasa
DTI DTI DTI DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI DTI Trap Gard White DTI DTI DTI DTI / Maxi Zeuco Bac Trap Maxi Zeuco
Mythimna unipuncta Operophtera brumata Orgya antiqua Ostrinia nubilalis Palpita unionalis Pammene fasciana Pammene rhediella Pandemis cerasana Pandemis heparana Paranthrene tabaniformis Peridroma saucia Phthorimaea operculella Phyllononrycter spp. Phytomyza spp. Planococcus citri Plodia interpunctella Plutella xylostella Prays citri Prays oleae Pseudaulacaspis pentagona Psila rosae Rhagoletis cerasi Rhagoletis completa Rhyacionia buoliana Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Scaphoideus titanus Sciaridae Sesamia cretica Sesamia nonagrioides Sitotroga cerealella Spilonota ocellana Spodoptera exigua Spodoptera littoralis Synanthedon myopaeformis Synanthedon spuleri Synanthedon typhiaeformis Synanthedon tipuliformis Teleiodes decorella Thaumetopoea pityocampa Thrips tabaci Tineola bisselliella Tortrix viridana Trialeurodes vaporariorum Trichoplusia ni Tuta absoluta Xestia c-nigrum Xyleborus dispar Yponomeuta spp. Zeiraphera diniana Zeuzera pyrina
DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI / Glutor yellow DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI Glutor yellow Trap Gard White DTI DTI DTI DTI Trap Gard White Glutor Yellow Glutor Yellow Glutor Yellow DTI Rhyncho Trap Glutor Yellow
DTI DTI / Der Trap DTI DTI / Glutor Yellow Glutor Yellow DTI DTI Trap Gard White Maxi Zeuco DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI / Glutor yellow Glutor yellow DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI DTI Glutor Blue DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI Glutor Yellow DTI DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI / Maxi Zeuco DTI / Maxi Zeuco
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GRAPHIS 10-2009
INTRACHEM BIO ITALIA S.p.A. • Via XXV Aprile, 44 • 24050 Grassobbio (BERGAMO) Tel. 035 335313 • Fax 035 335334 • • e-mail: