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Study on the surface #3

1. Study on the surface #1 Magda Fernandes installa on: video 2’57”, petri dishes with Chlorella vulgaris powder, expanded clay

2. Study on the surface #2 Magda Fernandes hibiscus le hibiscus leaves with chlorophyll prints and embroidery on bamboo paper, 45 x 62,5 cm


3. Study on the surface #3 Magda Fernandes panel: silver gela n paper prints, 180 x 60 cm

4. Capture Sofia Berberan pond, unde pond, underwater installa on

5. Resurrec on (selaginella lepidophylla) Sofia Berberan installa on: photographic prints and roses of jericho

6. Devouring #1 (Drosera binata var. dichotoma) Sofia Berberan installa on: Photographic print, 50 x 75 cm

7. 7. Devouring #2 (Brachychiton acerifolius) Sofia Berberan installa on: photographic print, 30 x 45 cm

8.Fall José Domingos panel: silver gela n paper prints, cyanobacteria anthotype prints on rice fiber paper, 150 x 50 cm

9. 9. Dive José Domingos panel: silver gela n paper prints, 50 x 50 cm

10. Distancing José Domingos panel: silver gela n paper prints, 100 x 25 cm

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