Lesson 2- Scientific Proof of God

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Lesson 2

Scientific Proof for the Existence of God




REETINGS TO OUR GROWING FAMILY OF STUDENTS! This lesson deals with the scientific proof of the existence of God! For those who insist that God cannot be known (among them even some very ignorant theologians), we offer scientific PROOF of the existence of God.

Why is this necessary? Today there are those who ask, "How can we know the truth? How can we be sure? How do we know there truly is a Creator God to whom we must answer?" It is time you saw the proof. Even the Bible teaches, "PROVE all things"! (I Thessalonians 5:21). We must begin at the beginning. The very beginning of course is to ask, can we prove that God Himself exists? The answer is an overwhelming YES! Many Christians feel it is unnecessary to attempt to prove God exists. They argue, "We should just take it by faith that God is real." Or they say, "We know it in our hearts." But that doesn't "witness" to the agnostic. He has no idea what you "feel" in your heart! No, today we must mature beyond these simplistic ways of determining truth. We must "prove all things" not only to ourselves ‐ but to all who are open‐minded and willing to learn. To the readers with open minds and hearts, this lesson is dedicated. While the scientific information on the surface may appear quite formidable, please read every word of it as the meaning will become clear even if you are not educated in astronomy or any of the sciences. It is not hard to understand! But read it carefully and many of you, for the very first time in your lives, will see the clear, irrefutable PROOF that God does exist! This lesson is intended to be the first in a new "basic truth" series of this "Prove All Things" Bible Course. Over the next many weeks, you will receive issues dealing with basic provable truths. It is time to put away our assumptions and presuppositions! It is time to find real Truth! But to do so, we must prepare our minds to be unbiased. We must prepare to accept new truth when it is proven, no matter how different or how radical it may first appear! Each honest person must be willing to lay aside his own preconceived religious and/or philosophical notions about God, religion, and doctrine to embrace ONLY those facts that can be PROVED! If the reader is not willing to lay aside fallacious assumptions for provable truth, then he will not ever arrive at the ultimate truth and purpose for mankind revealed to us by our Creator. Get ready to really "prove all things" beginning with the very existence of the Creator God ‐ the logical place to start when searching for Truth. May God grant you an open mind and heart for the basic truths you are about to read in this Bible Study Course.

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SCIENTIFIC PROOF FOR THE EXISTANCE OF GOD! Can the Existence of God be SCIENTIFICALLY proven? In this modern 21st Century, is it rational or sensible to still believe in God? Read here the absolute scientific PROOF for the existence of God! By Keith Slough


AN YOU PROVE THAT God exists? Is it possible to prove scientifically that the Creator God really does live? Or is He only the figment of a superstitious human imagination from a distant, unenlightened and uneducated time in the primitive past? Is it rational to believe in God today? And most importantly, does He actually exist? In the 1960s I was presented with this question of proving whether or not the very existence of God could be proved. Up till then, like most religious people, I merely assumed His existence. Many religious people tell us that we don't need to prove the existence of God, but that we should simply take it on "faith.” Yet the very Bible they profess to believe says "Prove ALL things"! (I Thess. 5:21). Would that not include the very existence of the God who supposedly inspired the Bible? If we prove "all things" then we must begin at the very beginning. Before we attempt to prove various doctrines or religious tenants of Faith, we must know if there is a God behind the Bible, a God who really does know of our existence, and a God before whom we will someday answer for our lives here on Earth. The Bible tells us we will give an account to God for how we live. This makes it most important for every thinking person to ask, "Can I really prove God's existence?" If it is possible then we should do it! After all, how can we claim to be "good Christians" when we disobey the very Bible which we believe to be God's revelation to mankind which commands us to prove all things? If we cannot prove there is a God, then why believe in Him? There has never been a more important question for us to answer once and for all - the supreme question - Is there really a God and can we prove it?

You CAN Prove the Existence of God! To those of little minds and little intelligence, and especially those who do not desire to see the Truth, it is hard to prove anything. But if you are open-minded, then in this article you will

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see positive PROOF for the existence of God! Primarily this article will deal with the scientific evidence of God from the viewpoint of astrophysics and cosmology though these by no means are the only proofs for the existence the Creator God! But first let's look at biology. In the 1800s two scientists, Lamark and Pasteur absolutely proved beyond a doubt that "spontaneous generation" of life is impossible! The latest scientific evidence shows, that the Law of Biogenesis stands proved. It is simply impossible to generate life from "dead matter." Life cannot simply come into existence by itself! There is no alternative! By disproving the evolutionists' only straw they have to grasp, we necessarily prove the existence of a Great Lifegiver -the very Creator of Life. And that Creator is God! He would have to be God as no man -no scientist -can create life. Yet Life does exist! It had to have been created. And the One who created it would have to be a Supreme Being! Thus the scientific and immutable Law of Biogenesis absolutely proves the existence of God! An entire series of articles could be written on the myriad disproofs of the once respected theory of evolution. The fact is, this outdated theory has been disproved again and again in a multitude of ways. Scientists now know it is impossible, for example, for bird wings to have "evolved" from scales on the body of a reptile, though this was the original hypothesis held by atheistic evolutionists. We know that the honey bee could not have evolved. Which came first? Could it have been the Queen bee to lay the eggs without which there would be no worker bees? But then who fed the queen before she laid the eggs? Perhaps the worker bees came first so they could feed the queen bee, but where did they come from if there was no queen bee to produce them? Maybe the drones came first. But again how did they come into existence without a queen bee to lay the eggs from which all bees come? Apparently then evolutionists would have you to believe the queen bee evolved first. But in the millions and millions of years it took for this queen bee to have gradually evolved, since there were no worker bees in existence, and no drones to fertilize the queen so she could produce the eggs from which the worker bees hatched who alone feed the queen, then each queen bee died from starvation (as she can't feed herself) before she could lay the first eggs (which by the way would be impossible to produce without preexisting drones!) This is just one out of a multitude of questions which pose migraine headaches for evolutionists which cannot be answered! Evolution stands disproved on many, many counts. It is simply impossible for life to have gradually evolved over the many millions of years it is said to have taken to bring about the many forms of life we see today on planet Earth! And why do we not see any animals in the process of further evolution? It seems they are all perfect just as they were intended to be. It couldn't have happened. And it didn't happen. They are now anxiously attempting to find some new theory of evolution to explain away the world without a Creator. But there is yet another serious problem with the theory of Evolution. We now know it is impossible.

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Evolution Has Not Had Enough Time! When we look at the beautiful design found in nature, naturally we ask, how could all this happen by pure accident? Scientists answer that, "given enough time, anything can happen!" But has evolution really had enough time to produce the tens of thousands of complex life forms all around us? Famed scientist Arthur Eddington wrote: "We allow evolution an infinite time to get started" (Arthur S. Eddington, "The End of the World: from the Standpoint of Mathematical Physics," in Nature, 127 (written in 1931), page 672. Why would this be necessary? Simply because evolution is impossible in the short history of the universe! The Earth is said to be approximately 4.5 billion years old and the entire universe is approximately 15 billion years old. However this does not give enough time for life to have evolved on Earth according to scientists. For this reason some physicists at one time proposed the theory of the "steady state" of the universe. That is, the universe never had a beginning but has always existed, thus eliminating the need for a Creator God. Is this "Steady State Theory" possible? This leads us to the next series of proofs for the existence of the Creator: the science of astrophysics and cosmology. Scientist Herman Bondi alleges in his book Cosmology, "...the problem of the origin of the universe, that is, the problem of CREATION, is brought within the scope of physical inquiry and is examined in detail instead of, as in other theories, being handed over to metaphysics" -that is, the Supernatural - the belief that a Supernatural God created what he himself refers to as the "creation." (Herman Bondi, Cosmology, Second Edition page 140 emphasis added). Bondi is saying we no longer need to believe in a Creator if there essentially was no creation - if the universe has always existed and therefore was not actually created. Famed scientist Fred Hoyle also wants to reject any idea of a Creator God. In his article, "The Universe: Past and Present Reflections," in Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 20 page 1, he publicly rejects the concept of an Almighty God as Creator. Yet at the same time, he acknowledges that evolution is impossible if the universe is no older than most scientists believe about 10 to 15 billion years. He writes: "I estimated (on a very conservative basis) the chance of a random shuffling of amino acids producing a workable set of enzymes to be less than 10 40,000"1 that is, 10 to the 40,000th power!!! Hoyle adds that "the minuteness of this probability wipes out any thought of life having originated on the Earth"! (ibid, emphasis added, pages 4-5). It wipes out any thought of life coming into existence in such short a time. Yet, here we are! If the universe is too young to have had enough time to allow life to evolve to its present state, then there is only one alternative. Life was created!! For this reason, Hoyle accepted the "Steady State Theory" rather than the popular theory now held among nearly all physicists, that the entire

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universe was CREATED in an instant of time in what they have in non technical language dubbed, "The Big Bang"! In his book, The Fingerprint of God, astrophysicist Hugh Ross, Ph.D. writes about this problem with life evolving gradually on Earth. He writes: "Since the evolution of life is fundamental to Hoyle's 'faith,' he concludes that the only way to deal with probabilities as small as 10-40,000 is to banish the beginning of the universe and make it everlasting, with no beginning. In the same spirit, Brazilian physicists M. Novello and H. Heintzmann as recently as 1984 justified a revival of the Newtonian analogues to relativistic models ... on no other basis than that 10-40,000 years -or more -would be the minimum time required for the evolutionary development of life" (Hugh Ross, Ph.D., The Fingerprint of God, emphasis added, page 78). This number 10 with the exponent of 40,000 equates to the number of years which is too big to write on this page, for it is the number "1" followed by 40,000 zeros! That is how many years that it would take for life to have evolved on planet Earth! (however you would pronounce such a number!) But the Earth and even the entire universe is nowhere near that age!! Therefore unless the universe is basically infinite in age, it is now shown to be scientifically impossible for life to have EVOLVED on Earth! Instead all life would have had to have been created! This brings us then to the next logical question: Has the universe always existed or was it created, instantly, as the Bible suggests?

Disproving the "Steady State Theory" Let's examine the so-called "Steady State Theory" already mentioned. However this theory came into general disrepute when Edwin Hubble (from which we have the name for the famed Hubble Telescope) discovered in 1929 that the entire universe was expanding. Albert Einstein in his 1915 paper on the General Theory of Relativity presented his mathematical equation which actually predicted that the universe would be expanding. However, if this were really true, Einstein realized to his great chagrin, it would necessitate a Beginning -a Creation. And therefore would prove the Existence of a Creator. This he refused to accept and so therefore he postulated without evidence, the assumed existence of a “cosmological constant" which constituted a repulsive force to make the universe static that is, stationary and not moving. For due to gravitation of all matter the universe would have to be expanding as it would logically follow that the universe would collapse on itself otherwise. Logically then his equation and General theory would suggest that the universe is expanding. But that would indicate that the universe had a Beginning! Since this introduces a Metaphysical component -the natural conclusion that at a precise point in time the universe had to have been created, Einstein therefore proposed his hypothetical cosmological constant suggesting a "static universe" to avoid the obvious conclusion that the universe is finite in age and logically therefore requires that a Creator made the universe. But in 1929 Edwin Hubble proved that the universe was expanding in all directions due to the "Law of Red Shifts." Einstein reluctantly acquiesced his resistance to an

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origin for the universe and recalled his unfounded and dubious "cosmological constant." But remember, evolutionists needed this now debunked theory to allow the universe the necessary time it required for life to have evolved on the Earth. The most liberal estimates of the age of the entire universe, is 19 billion years but most scientists put its age at 10 to 15 billion. The Earth itself is no more than 4 and one-half billion years old. Therefore if God did not create life on earth, the simple fact of science is that life has not had enough time to evolve as Darwin and other evolutionists had believed. Evolution then is now a totally disproved theory. The evolution of life on this planet scientifically could not have occurred in less than 10-40,000 years (remember that is a one followed by 40,000 zeros which is a number we cannot even pronounce!).

The Oscillating Universe But even physicists can be biased in their views and obstinate in their determination to deny the origin of the universe, thus having to admit the existence of a Creator God. Some attempted to find a way around the newly proven discovery of Hubble. So another theory was put forth to deny the existence of God by some physicists, which came to be known as the "Oscillating Universe Model." This theory takes into account the proven expansion of the universe and therefore that the Big Bang did indeed occur, but postulates that once the expansion has reached a certain point that gravity will overcome the expansion causing the expansion to simply stop, just like a baseball thrown into the sky will eventually slow down and be overcome by gravity. When this happens the baseball falls back down. The reason a baseball will fall back down is due to the "Escape Velocity" of the Earth which is 25,000 miles per hour. In another words, an object traveling at a slower speed than the Earth's escape velocity will be overcome by gravitation and will inevitably be pulled back. But an object that exceeds this escape velocity will have enough speed to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth and continue on into space without ever falling back.

An OPEN Universe Recently scientists learned that the universe is accelerating in its expansion. According to this new information, the universe can never collapse. In consideration of the Oscillating Universe Model, astrophysicists have suggested that if there were enough mass in the universe to have the necessary gravity to halt the expansion, then its escape velocity would be overcome causing the entire universe to reverse and begin to implode on itself. A "closed" universe therefore would be necessary for this cosmological model to be the accurate one. Further, astrophysicists tell us the original explosion came from an infinitesimal "singularity" or tiny pinpoint of matter which contained all the energy and matter in the entire universe that exists today, but it was tightly compacted with ostensible infinite mass and infinite density. When this explosion from the singularity occurred (the Big Bang), energy expanded in all directions, and gradually cooled due to

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adiabatic expansion, forming stars, planets and other astral bodies. There are two considerations that have been shown to prevent the Oscillating Universe Model from being accepted widely in the scientific community. One is the lack of sufficient mass in the universe to cause the contraction to ever occur and the other is the principle of entropy. Stephen Hawking, perhaps the most celebrated and respected astrophysicist alive today states that there is less than one-tenth the amount of mass needed in the universe to insure that gravity could slow the expansion of the universe down and cause it to eventually collapse. Therefore when it was learned of the scarcity of matter in the universe (relative to what would be needed to constitute a "closed" universe), this model had to be discarded. Hawking indicates that the universe will go on expanding forever. It will not collapse (Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, pages 45-46).

Entropy Also Disproves an Oscillating Universe Astrophysicist Hugh Ross states that "the universe has suffered an enormous degradation of energy typical of a large explosion.. Energy degradation is measured by a quantity called entropy...."A burning candle is a good example of a highly entropic system, one that efficiently radiates energy away. It has specific entropy of about two. Only very hot explosions have much higher specific entropies. The specific entropy of the universe -about one billion -is enormous beyond all comparison. Even supernova explosions, the most entropic (and radiant) of events now occurring in the universe, have specific entropies a hundred times less. "Only a hot big bang could account for such huge specific entropy for the universe" (Hugh Ross, Ph.D., The Creator and the Cosmos, page 24, emphasis added). As noted earlier, the universe, with specific entropy of about a billion, ranks as the most entropic phenomenon known. Even if it could collapse therefore it would be like a lump of wet clay falling on a carpet, and would simply go splat. (See Hugh Ross, The Fingerprint of God, pages 104-105, emphasis added). We now have proof that the universe has FINITE AGE, that its present expansion is the only time it has ever expanded, meaning that by extrapolating backwards we can determine the approximate age of the universe. We know that it came into existence in a moment of time - in a moment of CREATION - and that moment of creation occurred approximately 14.5 billion years ago and not much earlier if any! It has not always existed! We also now know that subatomic particles such as the proton found in the nucleus of an atom, decays with time and cannot exist indefinitely! Therefore we have concrete proof that the universe cannot have infinite age! Since we know the universe has not always existed, science and logic dictate the universe had to have been created! And knowing that it was created, we now have scientific PROOF of the existence of a Creator God!

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Proof of the BIG BANG Hugh Ross writes about this discovery: "Finally Arthur Eddington and other theoreticians pointed out that the second law of thermodynamics had all along demanded the disintegration of the universe. For the universe as a whole, disorder must continually increase and energy must irreversibly flow from hot to cold bodies." Here he is decanting the principle of entropy. He continues: "In other words, the universe is running down like a wound up clock. And, if running down, then there must have been a time when it was fully wound up" (Ibid, page 57, emphasis added). Then how was it "wound up"? This occurred at "The Beginning" which scientists call a "Singularity." By looking at the present observable universe and determining its rate of expansion, it is possible mathematically to arrive at the time when the initial "Big Bang" occurred. In other words we can determine the age of the universe and arrive at the date of CREATION! The Big Bang was definitely indicated to be the way the universe was created since Hubble's discovery in 1929 of its expansion. But in the 1960’s additional information became available that led to the proof of the "Big Bang" - or the creation of the universe. In 1965 two American physicists at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, found "noise" in their detector which indicated a microwave background radiation of approximately 3 degrees coming from the universe. (Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, page 41). Light travels at 186,282 miles per second and the observable universe with all the known galaxies (numbering just under one trillion galaxies, each galaxy containing a mean average of approximately 100 billion stars) is estimated to be 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles across!! -or, one million million million million miles across (Ibid, page 11). Hawking states that this massive heat producing light from the original state of the universe would have "greatly red-shifted'" due to the expansion of the universe. It would; he states, “appear to us now as microwave radiation." He then adds, ''Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Peozias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it. For this, Peozias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel prize in 1978 (which seems a bit hard on Dicke and Peebles, not to mention Gamow!) ..." (Ibid, page 42). Ultimate cold is referred to as "absolute zero." On the Fahrenheit scale absolute zero would be minus 459.67 degrees! On the Kelvin scale this is simply referred to as "zero." The additional microwave radiation which is a form of light is also a form of heat and amounted to 2.7 degrees above absolute zero! In the 1940’s Gamow had predicted, based on the belief in the Big Bang, that there should indeed be a residue of heat or light from the original big bang, the original explosion which brought forth the whole universe into existence! Dr. Ross says that later a satellite (known as the Cosmic: Background Explorer, or COBE) was launched into space that was capable of greater accuracy. Initially scientists estimated the cosmic background radiation to be about 3.5 degrees Kelvin but later refined it to between 2.7280 and 2.7281 degrees (Data from the website www.map.gsfc.nasa).

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"Peozias and Wilson's discovery of the cosmic background radiation was a fatal blow to the steady state theory. In 1967, after valiant resistance, steady state theorist Dennis Sciama threw up his arms and admitted the big bang theorists had won. 'For me,' he lamented, 'the loss of the steady-state theory has been a cause of great sadness" (George Smoot, Wrinkles in Time, page 86). How interesting! Why should anyone be sad? Because now they must acknowledge the existence of a BEGINNING! And that means the universe had a "Beginner"!

Who CREATED the Universe? With the scientific PROOF of the Big Bang model now firmly rooted in cosmology as the correct model for the origin of the universe, the "Steady State theory" was found totally disproved. If therefore the universe has not always existed, but rather "came into existence" at a specific point in time, (as the Big Bang cosmology shows) then the universe had a very definite beginning and was indeed CREATED! Since it would be impossible for a material universe with very definite entropy to have always existed (thereby also excluding the Oscillating Universe Model) or to have created itself, how did it suddenly come into existence? The Bible starts out in the very first verse with the answer: "In the Beginning, GOD CREATED the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The most up-to-date scientific evidence now corroborates the Biblical account! Put another way, cosmologists and astrophysicists who study the structure and origin of the universe -must face the fact that the universe was indeed created just as surely as any theologian or minister must acknowledge it because they are teaching the Bible! You have now seen the PROOF! God does exist! Only a FOOL can deny the existence of God! What will you do with it? Will you remain and atheist or agnostic? Or will you accept provable science? In this Prove All Things Bible Study Course you are not being asked to accept anything by blind faith. Rather you are being asked to honestly and truthfully PROVE the things you believe. You have now seen the proof. Scientists now know that the Creator God exists. This means that you and I now have responsibility to learn about this God. For in so doing we can learn His purpose for our lives. Some scientists themselves who may have begun their study of the cosmos as agnostics, later came face to face with the Creator of the universe and their own Maker, and decided they needed to learn just who this God is and what their relationship to Him should be. Even among the most reputable and brightest scientists this has been the case. In fact one of the most famous astrophysicists today is a Christian after having studied the Law of Red Shifts, realizing that this proves the universe had a Beginning, and if a beginning, then it had a Beginner. And that Beginner is God! Do you know this God? Have you communicated with Him? Have you learned if He has a Purpose for creating Mankind? For surely if there is a Purpose to Human Life, it is known by the Creator and can only be learned from special revelation from Him!

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Next we must ask and answer the question, has this Creator God who made the universe and mankind on planet Earth, ever attempted to communicate with His creation and reveal Himself? This leads us to a study of the world's religions and their so-called "holy books." For if God has ever communicated with man through some written revelation, it will necessarily be found among the world's many religious writings. The question is, which of the so-called "holy books" extant in the world can be proved to be a direct communication from the Creator God to man? Or can any of them? Among the world's religions we have "holy books" such as the Vedas, the Sutras, the Koran, and of course the Bible. Only by studying each of these writings can we determine which one or which ones, if any, are inspired revelations from the Creator of the universe! If such a Book does indeed exist, it is up to you and me to find it -to prove its veracity and authenticity. And then we must be willing to accept what our Creator God has revealed and get into agreement with His Master Plan for our lives! Happiness and Purpose can only come through an understanding of the Creator's Plan and cooperating with it. In the next lesson, we will ask, and answer the question, Did God leave a revelation of Himself to mankind? The answer is astounding!

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