Lesson 6- Who is the Jesus of the New Testament

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Lesson 6

Who is the Jesus of the New Testament?


Can We Prove

The DEITY of Christ? Is Jesus "God"? Is He a part of the "Deity"? Is He the same person as God the Father? Was Jesus merely a good man? Or is Jesus Christ the only God and the Father does not exist? Is Jesus a member of the Godhead and therefore entitled to the Name "God" as is the Father, yet is a distinct Person from the Father? These are questions that thousands have asked. Read here the ANSWER from the Bible concerning these most important questions!


S JESUS GOD? Is HE THE same person as the One we call God the Father? Is Jesus the Second member of the "Godhead" or was He only a good man as some think? The Jehovah's Witnesses teach He was indeed a "Son of God" but then so are we all! They therefore believe as some other groups do, even some of the so called Commandmentkeeping churches that Jesus was a son of God, but not "God the Son." Yet the Bible is VERY plain about this subject. Open your King James Bible and read each of the scriptures I give you in your OWN Bible if you are not already familiar with them. And the truth will be made plain for all to see! Genesis 1: 1 says, "In the Beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." The Hebrew word for God is Elohim which means "more than one.” Yet the Bible teaches us that God is one (Deuteronomy 6:4). But like the uni-plural words that are singular in English, such as "family," "church," "group," etc., yet require more than one person to be a "family" or a "church" or a "group" etc., so the Hebrew word Elohim means ONE unified FAMILY of persons, therefore ONE "Godhead," ONE God, but more than one person who make up the one family of "God"! Notice Ephesians 3:15 which says "Of whom the whole Family [of God] in heaven and earth in named.” Notice! God is a FAMILY of persons and not just one person. So says your Bible! Do you believe the Bible? Now we need to ask the question, Is Jesus the same person as God the Father? Many are confused about this. Notice again Genesis 1:26: "And God said, Let us make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness: and let them have dominion " Notice God (Hebrew: Elohim) is more than one person. The Bible tells us there is one God, or more accurately in the English language, one Godhead, yet we see plainly from the Scripture that there is more than one person who makes up the Family of Elohim (God). So we are made in their likeness. Most fathers and sons share a resemblance. This is why Jesus said, “If you have seen Me,


you have seen the Father.� But notice that even in the Old Testament, God is described as more than one person! (Understand that the Father is only one person, and Christ is only one person but "God" is more than one person). Proverbs 30:4 states: "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what is His SON'S name, if thou canst tell?� Notice that the Old Testament plainly teaches that the Godhead was Father and Son! They are not the same person! When Jesus said that if we have seen Him we have also seen the Father, He was not saying they are the same person, but rather that to know Jesus and His doctrine is to know God the Father, for they are one in Family and in doctrine. Notice when Jesus prayed for the church He prayed to God the Father "that they [the Church] may be ONE as we are [one]"! (John 17:11). You and I and all true Christians are "one" in spirit, but you and I, are not the "same person"! Yet Jesus prayed that Christians would be "one" EVEN AS God the Father and Jesus are "one." Therefore God the Father and Jesus Christ are indeed one, but like you and me, they are one in spirit, but not one in body or in person. Another proof that God the Father and Christ are not the same person is that Jesus on one occasion had a different will than that of the Father. For He actually prayed on one occasion, ''Nevertheless, not my will be done, but thine [the Father's] be done" (Luke 22:42). At that moment, Jesus had a different will than that of the Father. How could that be if they were the same person? Impossible! And when Jesus prayed, to whom did He pray? To Himself?! Unthinkable! And finally we know that God the Father and God the Son - Jesus Christ - cannot be the same person or the same God Being in that Jesus said God the Father knew things He Himself did not know. Jesus said even He did not know the exact "day and hour" that He would return to this earth to set up His Kingdom. Jesus said only God the Father knew that. If God the Father and Jesus are the same person, how could Jesus then not know what the Father knew? Impossible! Therefore the Godhead is composed of more than one person! So far we have seen the Scripture reveals at least two distinct and separate Beings who both call themselves by the Family Name of "God." Remember, Ephesians 3:15 state plainly that God is a FAMILY of persons, and not just one person.

Is Jesus God? Finally, let's ask the question, is Jesus truly "Deity"? -that is, can we really prove that while Jesus and God the Father are very obviously two separate Beings, is Jesus as much entitled to the Name "God" as the Father is? The Jehovah's Witnesses and some other groups deny the Deity of Christ, saying Christ was


only a man and not God come in the flesh. But what does the Bible-the Holy Word of God say on this? Let us not believe men, but only the Word of God! We should all know that the Hebrew Name used 6800 times in the Old Testament for God is transliterated as YHWH (usually pronounced Jehovah). We all know that this Hebrew Name, Jehovah, cannot be the name of a mere man, but is the name of the Creator God! Whenever you see the word "Lord" in all capital letters (appearing as LORD) in your King James Bible and many other English versions, realize that this is the translator’s way of alerting the reader that this is that four-lettered "divine" Name of God, or YHWH. While most people choose to pronounce YHWH as Jehovah, others have other personal preferences such as Yahveh, Yahuweh, Yehovah, etc. etc. There are a multitude of fabricated and invented pronunciations since NO ONE knows for certain the exact pronunciation of this ancient Hebrew Name as it was pronounced 4000 years ago, and it was not pronounced in Jesus' day by the Jews due to their belief that it is too sacred to be pronounced. They had actually stopped pronouncing the divine Name of God over a century before the birth of Jesus and by His day the true pronunciation had become lost! However all scholars without exception know and agree to its meaning. And it is the meaning of the Name that is important. The Hebrew Name YHWH means "The ETERNAL" as the Moffatt Bible correctly translates it. This is very definitely the Name for the Creator God. Notice that "The LORD (YHWH or Jehovah) God made the earth and the heavens" (Genesis 2:4). In Ephesians 3:9 we are told that God made all things by Jesus Christ! (Found in the King James Version taken from the Original Greek text but removed from some modern liberal versions!). Isaiah 44:6+8 states that there is only one God, but we now know there is only one Godhead, and not just one God person. Isaiah 43:10-11 states, "Beside Me there is no Saviour." yet this is YHWH (or Jehovah) talking. Jehovah is God. Yet we know that Christ is our Saviour! Notice also Zechariah 14:1+4 which says that the Day of YHWH (the LORD or Jehovah) is corning and in that Day (the Day of the LORD) His feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives! This is referring to the Second Corning of Jesus Christ! Verse 9 says" And the LORD (YHWH- Jehovah, or The ETERNAL) shall be king over all the earth in that day " It is not God the Father who is returning in power and in glory to rule the earth for 1000 years but God the son - Jesus Christ, the King of kings! (See Revelation 20:4). Yet we are told that the "LORD" or Jehovah is the one corning to rule. Thus Jesus Christ also is entitled to the Name Jehovah, which is the divine Name of Almighty God! Verse 16 says that all nations will worship the King, the LORD (Jehovah or Yahveh). Without exception all scholars agree that this passage is referring to JESUS CHRIST and not God the Father. Therefore Jesus is also Jehovah (YHWH, or The Eternal) and is therefore GOD. Notice and compare Isaiah 40:3 with Matthew 3:3. John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Jehovah. He was the "voice crying in the wilderness" to prepare the way for Jehovah'. Yet who did John prepare the way for? It was Jesus! First Corinthians 10:4 tells us that Christ was the Rock of Israel -the One whom they knew as


the God of 'Israel! (See Psalms 31:3, 71:3 and v 6:1:2). In Genesis 1:1 we read that God created all things. Yet John 1:1 +3 says that JESUS created all things! Jesus is therefore GOD! We know Jesus is our only Saviour. Yet in Titus 2: 13 we read that God is our Saviour! We know that God is the Creator of all things, yet Colossians 1:16 says, Jesus is the Creator of all things. It was Christ who built the entire universe (John 1:1-3). Yet Hebrews 3:4 says, "He that built all things is GOD." Jesus must therefore be "God." In Hebrews 1:8 the Father is talking to the Son, and refers to Him as "God"! So both Father and Son have the same Name or title of "God." Acts 20:28 speaks of 'the Church of GOD which HE [God] hath purchased with His own Blood"! This refers to Jesus, yet calls Him, "God." John 5:37 tells us that no one has ever heard the voice of God, nor seen His shape! Yet compare this with Genesis 18: 1, 13, 20, 33, and other Old Testament texts where "the LORD" (Jehovah or the ETERNAL) both spoke to men and they saw His shape! Also Adam and Eve both saw YHWH (the LORD or Jehovah) and heard His voice in the Garden of Eden. Is this a contradiction? No. They never saw or heard the voice of God the Father! Yet the One referred to in this scripture is called GOD. It therefore had to be a different member of the Godhead. And that "Lord" was the Rock of Israel, the One who later became Jesus Christ! This proves that Jesus is the GOD of the Old Testament, the same One who called Himself "Jehovah" (or, the ETERNAL). John 5:37 is referring to God the Father. No one has ever seen Him on the earth, yet Genesis 3:8 says that Adam and Eve even heard God's voice and carried on a conversation with Him (the "LORD" or the ETERNAL). God even appeared to Abraham! (See Genesis 18:1+13). Yet John tells us that no one has seen GOD! This could not have been God the Father. It had to be the second member of the Godhead, the one who became Jesus Christ! Also Revelation 1:6 speaks of GOD and His [God's] Father! Finally, the Apostle Paul tells us that "GOD was manifest in the flesh" and was preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world and was received up into glory (I Timothy 3: 16 KJV). Here Paul is referring to none other than Jesus Christ, yet he plainly calls Him "God"! Can anything be plainer? Some modern versions have removed or altered this statement though the ORIGINAL Greek text, commonly called the Byzantine, reads exactly as does the King James Version! The Inspired Greek text says "GOD was manifest in the flesh." We all know God the Father did not come in the flesh. The Bible plainly tells us it was JESUS who was manifested in the flesh (I John 4:2). Thus the God who came in the flesh was the second member of the God Family (or Godhead). Therefore the One we know as Jesus Christ is as much GOD as is God the Father. Contrary to some cults, Jesus was not merely a "good man" but He was God the Son and therefore the Son of God and was "very God." What did Thomas call Jesus after His resurrection? Thomas said: "My Lord and my GOD." Read it yourself See John 20:28. Jesus did not deny this title. For He knew Himself to be the second member of the Godhead! The "Doctrine of Christ" is that GOD was manifested in the flesh (I Timothy 3:16 and II John


1:9-10). Though some modern versions have removed this from their Bibles, it is definitely in 95 to 99 percent of ALL Greek manuscripts and is therefore a part of the very Inspired Word of God! Yes, Jesus Christ IS God!

Is the Father a Person? Now briefly what about some who say that the Father is not a real person at all but that the only member of the Godhead is Jesus? I have already shown that Jesus prayed to the Father, that on occasion Jesus had to make His personal will comply with the will of the Father which was different (which would be impossible if they were one and the same person!), and that the Father knows things that Jesus does not know!! (See Mark 13:32). They cannot be the same person therefore but MUST be TWO DISTINCT SEPARATE PERSONS! Therefore it is equally true that Jesus cannot be the only member of the Godhead! Think! If Jesus were the only member of the Godhead how could He not know the day and hour of His second coming to this earth, when the Father does know? There must be a separate distinct Personality therefore known as God the Father. There is no other way to explain these statements of Jesus. Also if there is no distinct Person known as the Father, then when Jesus died, the entire Godhead died with Him and the most powerful being in the universe then became Satan the devil!! No! Had that been true during the 3 days Jesus was dead, Satan would have killed all mankind and taken over the universe!! No, there is a Higher Being than Jesus as we are commanded to address this God Being as "our Father" (Matthew 6:9). Finally notice another proof that the Father is also a distinct Person just as Christ is. Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is "the express image of His [the Father's] PERSON"! There is the proof. God the Father is very definitely a "Person" just as Jesus is! For Jesus is the express image of HIS (the Father's) PERSON! Yes we can prove the Deity of Christ and multiple members of the Godhead.


Facts you don’t know about The REAL Jesus of the New Testament! Are the pictures accurate? Did the historical Jesus look like what you and I have been told was "Jesus"? Do the movies portray the historical Christ as He really was? Was He a whispering "guru" who never smiled and acted weird? Or was He rather the most masculine man who ever lived? The truth is He did not wear a halo and LONG HAIR! It is time you met the REAL Jesus! He is a man you absolutely DON'T need to be ashamed of! Rather you should be ashamed of those who wrongly portray the Messiah in such a false, deceitful and blasphemous manner! Read the TRUTH in this article!


OU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED! You have been lied to! The whole world has accepted a totally false image of what they assume to be the Messiah of the Bible! The REAL Jesus was the creator of masculinity and therefore was its very epitome! The rugged fishermen in that day such as Peter, James, and John admired Jesus -not because He acted weak, soft-spoken and effeminate, but because He exuded true manhood. And since Jesus Christ created manhood and masculinity, therefore it is unthinkable that any man has ever lived that surpassed the perfect Example of manhood that was found in Jesus Christ! Jesus was a man's Man! He exuded leadership and authority. He was physically the very picture of masculinity, sporting short hair and looking perhaps a bit rugged Himself. He was not "soft" as the pictures falsely portray Him. Jesus was exemplary of masculinity! However the devil has deceived the world -yes, even our churches of Protestantism which still uphold "Mother Rome's" false and sickly "sweet" picture of an effeminate messiah-figure. The real Jesus of the New Testament was not like the longhaired, scraggly, unkempt, softspoken, limp-wristed, effeminate and dirty vagabond of Hollywood movies! The Italian producers of most of these movies are Roman Catholic and have disseminated their own false denominational view of a "messiah" to most of the world. However, the REAL Messiah of your New Testament was nothing like the effeminate eastern guru who never spoke above a whisper, who appears in nearly all the religious movies you and I have been made to believe is the true Messiah of the New Testament. The Real Jesus was actually GOD manifest in the flesh! (I Timothy 3:16). Since He was the Creator of masculinity He therefore was the prime EXAMPLE of it! No man has ever lived that exuded more masculinity that did the real Jesus Christ of your Bible! Think! If you were the devil, would you deceive the whole world concerning things like lipstick, jewelry, dancing, drinking, movie going (especially those "religious" movies!), card playing, drinking, and a host of lesser concerns and TOTALLY NEGLECT deceiving people about Jesus Christ Himself? The very idea that the devil neglected deception concerning the Son of God is preposterous!


No, this has been the devil's chief interest in deceiving the whole world, to deceive them about the Person of Jesus of Nazareth. Few truly masculine men find it easy to "worship" the longhaired, pusillanimous sissified and effeminate weirdo they see portrayed in Hollywood movies. They think, "Well, if that is the Messiah, I just don't see how I could become a follower of something like that!!" And that is exactly what Satan the Devil has hoped for through these utterly false portrayals. Most of you have never seen the real Jesus portrayed! But the Bible gives a completely DIFFERENT portrait of Christ than any of the world's churches have portrayed Him. The Bible portrays Him as masculine, as a Leader among men; as decisive and manly; a man who could take a whip into the temple and drive out men and animals. He was anything but a weakling. He was a man of steel, yet He was gentle as every true man should be. If the men in our culture could see the real Jesus portrayed truthfully (which is the job of our churches but they have failed miserably) then many more thousands would desire to follow this Jesus. But Satan the devil has foisted a totally deceptive and FALSE image onto the whole church world of what Jesus looked and acted like. And therefore most of us find it easier to reject Him rather than to follow Him.

Jesus Was No Wimp J.B. Phillips, well known translator of the Phillips translation of the Bible wrote an article years ago entitled, "Jesus Was No Wimp" which appeared in Ring of Truth in 1967. In this article, Phillips states that he was transformed by what he found in merely reading the four Gospels. He stated: "What happened to me as my translation of the Gospels progressed was that the figure of Jesus emerged more and more clearly, and in a way unexpectedly." He then said he had great reverence for the conventional, worldly idea of the "Jesus" so many have seen portrayed in Italian (Catholic) movies. Yet the real Jesus from the New Testament was a surprise to him! Referring to the real Jesus as "unconventional" Phillips states, "No one could possibly have invented such a person. This man could be moved with compassion and could be very gentle, but I could find no trace of the "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild." He was quite terrifyingly TOUGH, not in a bulldog Drummond -James Bond sort of way, but by the sheer strength of a unified and utterly dedicated personality" (emphasis added throughout). He then added that this Jesus walked through a murderous crowd of men and came out unscathed. In his admiration for Jesus, he adds, "I have known a few -a very, very few men who could do that Jesus was a man of such complete authority that He could remain in command of a situation even when the odds were heavily against Him. "Here in the four Gospels emerges a real man, whose perfect integrity is compelling. He 'spoke with authority,' and 'the common people heard Him gladly,' and even at the end of His public career, those who were sent to arrest Him returned empty-handed. 'Never man spake like this man,' was their comment." It was obvious that J. B. Phillips began to see the real Jesus when


studying the New Testament and began to realize the hoax that had been foisted upon unsuspecting humanity by Romanism (the Roman Catholic Church) and perpetuated by Protestantism. And that is the false image that Christ was a long-haired effeminate, dirty hippie appearing, whispering wimp (for the movies portray such a character). But this Jesus is NOT the Jesus of your New Testament. For he literally radiated masculinity. Nor was Christ penniless but a very prosperous carpenter. Phillips continued, "His cloak, 'woven without seam' was hardly the covering of a beggar. Here can be no doubt that He was socially popular, and although we can discount the jibe that He was 'a gluttonous can fairly infer that He enjoyed God's good gifts of food and drink. " All this is absolutely true. Jesus was no teetotaler. He said Himself that He not only banqueted but drank wine (which is the very cause for their criticism!) - See Matthew 11:19. "Jesus was no sentimental' do-gooder,' and He spoke quite unequivocally about rewards and punishments in the world to come. "What I am concerned with here is not to write a new life of Jesus," continues Phillips, "but to set down my witness to the continued shocks which His words and deeds gave me as I approached the Gospels un-insulated by the familiar cover of beautiful language. The figure that emerged is quite unlike the Jesus of conventional piety, and even more unlike the imagined hero whom members of various causes claim as their champion." Phillips then concludes his enlightened contrast of the real son of God of the New Testament with the false, invented image of churchianity by adding: "What we are so often confronted with today is a 'processed' Jesus. Every element that we feel is not consonant with our 'image' of Him, is removed, and the result is more insipid and unsatisfying than the worst of processed food."

The Masculine Jesus The real Jesus of the Bible is the God who created all things (John 1:13). And it is this Jesus who came to the Earth as a man's Man. In the earliest pictures attempting to portray Jesus Christ, we find a totally different concept than what is commonly portrayed today. The earliest pictures are found in the catacombs of Rome dating only about 100 years after the apostles! At this time, those who drew such pictures were more familiar with what Jesus looked like than people today nearly 2000 years later! In his book Beyond the Gospels, Roderick Dunkerly states: "In particular, there is a painting of the Resurrection of Lazarus in which Christ is shown -youthful and beardless, with short hair and large eyes." He then added that this early picture "is of great interest since it is the oldest representation of Jesus that is preserved anywhere!" (page 57). Most of the busts of famous men of that time shown in encyclopedias show them with no beard! And all of them are portrayed with SHORT HAIR! I have in my possession actual photos from various publications. They are pictures of the


busts of famous men around the time of Christ. The Emperor Trajan, General Pompey, King Herod Agrippa the First (who was a Jew by religion) and Caesar Augustus. All these men without exception are shown to have short hair, and no beard! Thus it is not surprising that Jesus looked like a common man of His day in appearance, and is portrayed as such in the earliest pictures! Dr. Farrar in his respected work, The Life of Christ as Represented in Art, page 43, also how that the earliest pictures did indeed portray a totally different as well as masculine image of Christ. Speaking of these portrayals of Christ, Farrar states: "He is almost invariably boyish ... His hair is short"!! Dunkerly also states that pictures portraying Christ have also been found dating back to the third century A.D. "Here too He is young and without a beard and wearing the ordinary costume of the time" says Dunkerly. On page 58 Dunkerly adds, "It is not until the fourth century [after Christ] that the familiar bearded face appears." A recent video marketed by LLT Productions shows a statue with a halo standing in the Vatican. The Roman Catholic Church acknowledges that it is a statue of the pagan Greek god Apollo with long hair to his shoulders and a forked beard. The Roman Catholic Church procured this statue due to its great artistic value, brought it into the Vatican and used it to portray Jesus. To this day, the whole world has been deceived! (Revelation 12:9). Today's churches believe this is the likeness of Christ. But rather it was engraved by PAGANS to portray a PAGAN GOD! I have seen with my own eyes in Roman Catholic Cathedrals, the sincere yet deceived members of this denomination fall down before such statues in worship and PRAY TO THEM! This is a violation of the second commandment of Almighty God! (Interestingly enough, a commandment left out of Roman Catholic liturgies!) How ironic that the pagan heathen who built graven images (See the second commandment, Exodus 20:4 - where this is strictly forbidden!) and fell down and prayed before this very statue, never realized that someday professing Christians (Catholics) would bow down and also worship at the feet of this same PAGAN GOD! Of course now today's Churchianity simply takes a graven image of the PAGAN god APOLLO and tells people they can simply change its name to "Jesus" and bow down before it and PRAY to it!!! God THUNDERS: "Thou shalt NOT bow down thyself to them"!! (Exodus 20:5).

What Did Jesus Look Like? Have you broken the second commandment in your private prayer time and worship by "picturing" in your mind this false concept of Jesus when you pray? When I say the Name "Jesus" to you, what image immediately comes to your mind? Is it the way the Bible portrays Him or the way heathen (pagan) tradition pictures Him? The world's churches have flagrantly violated, disobeyed, transgressed and laid aside the SECOND COMMANDMENT of God in order that they may keep their own traditions. In doing so, their worship is called "vain" in the eyes of Christ

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Himself! (Mark 7:7-9, 13). This does not mean they are not sincere or not "good" people. Most of us including myself, have been guilty of this sin (The Bible defines "sin" as the transgression of the Law - the Commandments of God; See I John 3:4). But we did it in ignorance. God says that when men are ignorant He has "winked at" it (or overlooked it), but once the truth is revealed to you, He then commands you to repent (Acts 17:30) and put away these false representations of the Son of God! If we picture Jesus Christ at all we should picture Him as He looks today! And that is revealed in the book of revealing - the Book of Revelation in chapter 1. Read it. And remember if you saw Him you would see only a brilliant blinding LIGHT for His countenance is as the sun at full strength - or the brightest part of the day! (Revelation 1:16). This is the POWER that radiates from His very Person!

Your Next Step

Since God never changes He still wants you to destroy all the false PITURES you have of Him (Numbers 33:52). The Roman Catholics at the Vatican in Rome disobeyed God and brought a heathen statue of the pagan god Apollo and told people they would simply submit this as a (false) picture of Christ to worship. It is still there today in the Vatican! Can you see now why Almighty God forbids us to have any supposed likeness or picture of Him? It invariably leads to a false representation of God! And God does not want us to be deceived! The demons from Satan in the last days are pictured as, or appear as, men with the long hair of women! (See Revelation 9:7-8). Now do you see why Satan wants you to keep such pictures? "At the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to REPENT!" (Acts 17:30). Will you repent? Will you pray about your obedience to God? May God grant you the heart to repent and begin worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. .

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Did Jesus Wear Long Hair? The answer is, No He did not! He looked very manly and the Bible indicates JESUS actually wore SHORT HAIR! It's time to put away the fairy tales and myths inherited from Roman Catholicism. It's time you met the REAL JESUS!


HE PICTURES ARE wrong! Jesus Christ did not wear long hair. The facts of history and the Bible itself prove this. Yet the whole world has been deceived on this point (Revelation 12:9) as well as many other beliefs commonly held by the professing Christian religions of our day. The Bible shows that Christ looked like ordinary men of His day and history shows men of that time period wore short hair! There are several good books about the customs of the people in the first century. Without exception we learn from these historical accounts that men in Jesus' day wore their hair short. Remember that even back to the Old Testament era that battles were fought in hand to hand combat. Long hair would have not only gotten in the way, it would J.ve provided the enemy solider something to grab hold of in mortal combat in order to kill the other. However, anciently men did wear beards (II Samuel 10:5). Many men however kept them short otherwise the same thing would happen, and did on occasion. In Second Samuel 10:9-12 we read that Joab grabbed a man by his beard and "smote him therewith in the fifth rib, and shed out his bowels to the ground ... and he died." Around the 3rd century B.C. in order to have the greatest army in the world, Alexander the Great ordered his soldiers to shave off their beards to prevent this very thing from happening! Thus by the time of Christ men not only wore short hair, but many did not wear beards. They would be described as "clean cut" today. This is the culture Jesus Christ grew up in.

What Sort of Hair Style? If you research books about the time period Jesus lived, you will see that they contain illustrations of pictures and busts of statues of the men who lived in that day. All such representations show men wearing short hair! On pages 126 to 127 of the book A History of the Holy Land by Michael Avi-Yonah, are found pictures of busts of Augustus, Pompey, and even one thought to be Herod. These men wore their hair short. All the pictures of Roman legionnaires show them with very short hair. The Roman emperors were the style setters of the day. Just as people today tend to copy their idols, mimicking their clothing and hairstyles, so the people of that day idolized the Roman

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Emperor and even did sacrifice to him! They naturally copied and imitated those they admired. History shows that every one of the emperors around the time of Christ, before His birth, during His lifetime, and even afterwards wore short hair!

Short Hair: A Greek Custom Before the Romans conquered the civilized European and Middle Eastern world, the world had been dominated by the Greeks due to Alexander's conquests. Thus the Greek culture and language dominated the Eastern Mediterranean and the entire Middle East. Even the Jews spoke the Greek language (Acts 6: 1 and John 12:20 indicate that there was influence of the Greeks in Jewish culture). It is well known among historians that the Greek CUSTOM which dominated the world at that time was for men to wear their hair short. On page 146 of the book Daniel to Paul, by Gaalyahu Cornfeld, an historian and archeologist, we see a picture of a statue that Cornfeld says is unidentified but could be either "Jewish or Gentile." The statue depicts a man wearing short hair. Yet the man's race cannot be identified, according to Cornfeld as it was the CUSTOM for both Gentile and Jewish men in the first century to wear their hair the same: short! Even the Jewish Talmud instructs men to wear their hair short! (See Ta'anith 17a and Sanhedrin 22b of the Talmud). The Bible teaches in Ezekiel 44:20, "Neither shall they shave their heads, nor suffer their locks to grow long." While this Biblical injunction was for the priests, they were supposed to teach the law of God and set the example for others (Malachi 2:7); just as God's true ministers should do today. Cornfeld adds that all representations of Jewish men from the period Christ lived are portrayed as having short hair! (page 287). Another source you can check is the well known and much respected Standard Jewish Encyclopedia under the article "Art" which shows Jewish men with short hair (1966 edition, page 167). Another work is The Book of Jewish Knowledge, by Nathan Ausubel which portrays the Jewish conceptions of Biblical men such as David. He is portrayed also as having worn masculine short hair. There are also other encyclopedias which show various representations of the men of that day, all portrayed with masculine short hair. It is inescapable. The men during Christ's day ALL wore short hair.

Did Jesus Wear Long Hair? But some will still argue, "Wasn't Christ a Nazarite? And didn't they wear long hair?" There were certain men such as Samson in the Old Testament and others who lived by a Nazarite vow who did not cut their hair. Most men under such a vow were only under it for a short time and as

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soon as the vow's duration was completed they were then commanded by God to cut their hair! (See Numbers 6:18). These men were commanded not to cut their hair while under the Nazarite vow as a sign of shamefacedness and humility. The men were not allowed to have long hair however except during such a vow, which was usually temporary. Was Jesus under such a vow? No, the Bible clearly shows He was not! Nowhere does the Bible say Jesus was a Nazarite. Careless reading of the Bible has caused some to think the Bible teaches this. Jesus grew up in the little town of NAZARETH and was called by the title "Jesus of Nazareth." But this had no connection to the Nazarite vow. Not only was a man or woman who took the Nazarite vow of humility not allowed to shave their head or cut their hair, but they were also forbidden to touch a dead body! They were further forbidden to drink wine or grape juice or even to eat raisons! (See Numbers 6:1-12). The vow usually was a temporary vow lasting only a short time (verse 13) after which they resumed a normal lifestyle, including the cutting of the hair (verse 18) and drinking wine (verse 20). Yet Jesus could not have been under such a vow as He did in fact touch a dead body (Luke 8:49+54). He Himself also said that He drank wine (Matthew 11:19 and Matthew 26:27+29). Obviously then as all scholars agree, Jesus was not a Nazarite. Therefore He did not have long hair! Jesus Christ is God (the second member of the Godhead) who was manifested in human flesh (I Timothy 3:16). He is the Creator of the universe and all life on the Earth. He is literally the maker of all that is! (John 1:1-3). He therefore was the God Being who created and fashioned MAN in the Garden of Eden. We are told that God the Father, “created all things BY JESUS CHRIST” (Ephesians 3:9 KJV). Therefore Christ invented and designed MASCULINITY. Since He is the originator, no man who has ever been born was more masculine than Jesus Christ! He is the very epitome of masculinity! All men therefore can look to Jesus as their perfect EXAMPLE of what true masculinity is. (I Peter 2:21). He did not look “womanly” or act soft and effeminate. This is Satan’s deception of the whole world. For Jesus spoke with authority (Matthew 7:29)! Even the officers sent to arrest Him recognized the AUTHORITY with which He spoke. They reported, “Never a man spake like this Man”! (John 7:46). Jesus was a man whom other men naturally admired and looked up to for His masculine authority and leadership. Short masculine appearing hair for men was customary in that day and time. The Jewish authorities had to pay Judas Iscariot money to point out which one Christ was in a group of men for He looked like the average man of His day (Matthew 26:47-48). The Apostle Paul wrote, “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a MAN have long hair it is a SHAME unto him?” he then added, “But if any man seem to be contentious, WE [the people of that day] have no such custom, neither the Churches of God (I Corinthians 11: 14 + 16).

JESUS: the Perfect Man! Jesus Christ never sinned. Had He shamed His Heavenly Father, He would have sinned by dishonoring His Father. We therefore see that Jesus Christ had short hair, spoke authoritatively,

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was a natural Leader among men and epitomized masculinity. It is long overdue that we put away the deception from Satan that Christ was a weakling and was effeminate. The next time you say the Name of Jesus, think of the most masculine man you can imagine. For that is the very Christ, the Son of God and the real Jesus of your New Testament.

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Jesus- The Most Important Thing You Need to Know There are many important truths found in the Bible - the Holy Word of God. But the most important truth of all is given in this short article. If you know the whole Bible but don't know this most important truth, all the rest of your understanding of the Bible is in vain.


ESUS SAID THAT HE IS THE Way to God and that He is the truth and the life that we are searching for (John 14:6). No man can come to God any other way than through His Son. This is the Plan God set up for mankind and there is no other. Of course if you have never done anything wrong in your entire life, you have never "sinned" that is, you have never transgressed the Law of God - then you do not need a Saviour! Read the Bible's own definition of "Sin" in First John 3:4. God then owes you eternal life because you are sinless! Such a person is to be congratulated. But I know no mortal living today who has never sinned (transgressed the Law of God). "For all have sinned [transgressed God's Law] and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). What then is the reward of the sinner -the one who breaks God's Law? God answers, "For the wages of sin is DEATH"! (Romans 6:23). "Wages" are what we earn -what we merit for our works. The reward or wages for sinning is to receive DEATH. Is this talking about dying from old age only? No. For the same verse says, "For the gift of God is ETERNAL life"! If we do not receive eternal life, we receive its opposite -ETERNAL death! What is the solution then? For we have all sinned. It is too late to inherit eternal life through our own works once we have committed just one sin! For if we break only ONE "point" of the Law that is, just one "commandment" -God says we are guilty of all! -as if we had actually transgressed each and every one! (See James 2:10). Read Exodus 20 carefully. It is one of the two chapters in the Bible where all the Ten Commandments are listed in order! After you read each of the Ten Commandments, ask yourself, how many of the commandments have you ever broken? Which one or two are you still not keeping? Remember if you break even one of the commandments you are guilty of all! - you are a sinner and are under the penalty of ETERNAL DEATH. But thank God He has provided a means where we can still receive eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever should believe on

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His son would never perish -suffering eternal DEATH -but have everlasting LIFE (See John 3:16). Knowing all the personal facts about Jesus Christ -what He looked like, His masculine demeanor, and even the doctrines He taught - are of no use to anyone if they miss the reason Jesus came 19 centuries ago. God prepared Him a mortal body for the express purpose of dying in your place- for the express purpose of offering the PAYMENT for your sin -DEATH! (Hebrews 10:5, 9-10). This is "good news" -or "the Gospel." For it means that Jesus voluntarily PAID our own penalty for us so that we can now be forgiven! (Romans 5:8-11). This means God "imputed" (or attributed) our sin to Jesus and He had to die for it. And then God "imputed" Jesus' righteousness to us and we can now live -forever! That is "Good News"! That is the Gospel! This is the most important thing you should know about Jesus Christ. He died that you might live. What should we therefore do? There are two basic things we all must do to insure our Salvation. Romans 10:9-10 tells us that if we truly believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead after His crucifixion (which guarantees that He is indeed the Messiah! -Matthew 12:40) and secondly, if we will from the heart "confess Jesus as Lord" of our lives, then God will give us the gift of Salvation and we will receive eternal life! If you would like to counsel with a minister about baptism and to have total assurance of your salvation, please contact us right away. Do not put this off. For this is the most important thing each of us needs to know about Jesus. He died for you. Will you live for Him?

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