Lesson 16
Things You Should Know about the Coming Great Tribulation When is the Rapture of the Church? What is the Mark of the Beast? Could YOU DIE as a Martyr?
ILL YOU BE DECEIVED BY THE MIRACLES that the Antichrist and the false prophet will do when they come? Perhaps you have heard it preached from the pulpit that you ''will not be here" when the Antichrist arrives to do these miracles spoken of in Matthew 24:24 and Revelation 13:13‐14. The "Antichrist" (called in Scripture, the "false Christ," the "Beast," the "son of perdition," the "little horn" of Daniel, etc.) will do these miracles to deceive the Elect ‐the saints of God (Matthew 24:24). So if the Elect have been raptured to Heaven how can there be any here to be deceived? What did Paul mean when he wrote about the Rapture and said, "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him [the Rapture!], that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the Day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [the day of our gathering together unto Him in the clouds ‐ the Rapture] SHALL NOT COME EXCEPT there come a falling away first [Greek: "the Apostasy"] and that man of sin be REVEALED, the son of perdition"! (2 Thessalonians 2:1‐3). Has this man of sin, the Antichrist (or "Beast" of Revelation) been revealed to the church yet? Do you know his identity? No and neither do all the preachers in thousands of pulpits across our land know. At this writing, just yesterday while driving in the car, I heard a minister on radio say, "The rapture may occur any minute, even occur immediately, while you are listen‐ ing to this program!" But I remembered this Scripture that says the Antichrist must be revealed before we can be gathered together to meet Christ in the clouds! No, the rapture cannot occur until we all KNOW who this Antichrist is! Much has to occur first! But know also that you and I must be living a holy life to be spared the Great Tribulation if indeed we are living in the Last Days. We could be approaching the End Time. No one knows when that will be. Many lukewarm Christians are not "praying always" or studying the Word of God, nor are they trying to "live by every Word of God' (Luke 4:4). Rather they have been deceived by the false teaching that if a person only gets saved, he "will not be here" when these things occur. What a sad teaching! And it is utterly FALSE!!! Don't you be deceived! Your LIFE may depend on your understanding the Bible Truth revealed in this Bible Study lesson. Study it carefully with the Word of God. And if you are a lukewarm Christian, or even worse, a "spiritually dead" Christian like those of the Sardis Church (Revelation 3: 1‐6) then REPENT NOW before it is too late to be found "worthy" to escape all these things. Remember, your life and the lives of your loved ones may depend on your obedience.
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The Real Truth about the Coming
Great Tribulation YOU CAN ESCAPE the coming Great Tribulation if you know how! The Bible indicates many MILLIONS all over the world will die in the worst war in all history! yet YOU can escape! Many Christians have erroneously assumed that no Christian need be concerned with it. However JESUS had something different to say. Unless you are properly prepared YOU could be forced to take the Mark of the Beast or be tortured and KILLED during the coming Great Tribulation! This is an extremely important Truth you MUST know if you are survive and to escape! Are we living in the Last Days? Will we be alive when the prophesied Great Tribulation comes upon the entire world? If so, then you must study this lesson thoroughly. You cannot afford to be without this information so that you can prepare for the worst war that has ever occurred at any time! It will be the most terrible time in all human history! The Bible indicates that at least one‐fourth to one‐third of the world’s population could be KILLED during this short 42 month period! The apostle Paul spoke of this time in 2 Thessalonians 2 that a “son of perdition” will show up in the world in the last days who will oppose God and even exalt himself above God. This man will even sit in the temple of God and take divine titles to himself! (see verses 3‐4). The apostle Paul adds that this evil leader will even perform miracles “with all power and signs and lying wonders” (verse 9). Notice that he refers to a temple in the last days. Today at this writing no temple exists in Jerusalem and there has not bee one since Tits and his armies destroyed it in the year A.D. 70. This surely indicates there will be a rebuilt temple before Jesus returns to rule this Earth. Jesus said that there will be an “abomination of desolation” which will stand in the Holy Place, again indicating that a Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem before the second coming (Matthew 24:15). But the “son of perdition” (called the “beast” in the book of Revelation) will sit in the very temple of God, exalting himself and will desecrate this rebuilt House of God! Here Jesus refers to the book of Daniel which also calls this “son of perdition” a “little horn” (meaning a political leader when compared to the other scriptures in that book) as well as a "prince." Modern evangelicals have dubbed this political leader ''the Antichrist"! This evil political leader will appear in the last days after the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem and will "confirm a firm covenant" (Hebrew translation) "with many for ONE WEEK: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation..." ‐
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meaning the End Time (Daniel 9:27). This is the passage Jesus was referring to in Matthew 24:15! Notice that this "son of perdition" or Antichrist will confirm a covenant ‐ in modern terms, a treaty or perhaps a peace pact ‐ with many. Many commentators believe the word "many" refers to the Jews in Palestine. But "many" could refer to many nations ‐ perhaps the United Nations in the last days. Remember this man will be a world leader! Some Christians have completely misunderstood this verse assuming it refers to Christ. Ironically when this Antichrist reveals himself in the last days even some of the "Elect" could be deceived by these lying wonders if possible! (The King James Version adds the italicized words "it were" into the text which changes the actual meaning of the verse by putting it into the sub‐ junctive voice, indicating it is not possible. However Jesus did not say "if it were possible" to suggest it is not as some have misunderstood. What He actually said was "if possible" they shall deceive the very Elect! That means that it might be possible for some of the Elect to be deceived!). The Bible says that it is those who have been "justified" (Greek: "made righteous") before God that are considered the "Elect" (See Romans 8:33‐34 and I Peter I: 1‐2). So even true Chris‐ tians, who have been justified by believing in Jesus could be deceived due to the powerful "lying wonders" that will be performed by this Antichrist called the "beast" in Revelation. Are you a true Christian? Could you be deceived by this coming Antichrist into following him instead of Jesus, taking his mark in your hand or subscribing to his number which is the number 666? The 70 Weeks of Daniel Read carefully Daniel 9:24‐27. This is the well‐known "Seventy Weeks Prophecy" which points to the time of the coming (and death) of the Messiah! The seventy weeks are divided as seven weeks and threescore and two (62) weeks and then in verse 27 an additional one week making a total of 70 weeks. The seven and sixty two weeks totaling 69 weeks leads us up to the year the Messiah was to be "cut off" ‐the year of His crucifixion as we learned from lesson 4. But there remains one more week ‐the seventieth. Remember in this prophecy a "week" is not referring to seven days. These are prophetic weeks each week representing seven years in prophetic fulfillment. We have also seen from Lesson 4 that these are prophetic years with 360 days each (rather than solar years of 365 and one‐fourth days). This seventieth week is therefore seven years of 360 days each. In the midst of this seventieth week ''the prince that shall come" (verse 26) ‐the Antichrist will cause the sacrifices and oblations being offered at the newly rebuilt temple to cease! He will interrupt the worship of God when he desecrates the temple by sitting in the temple proclaiming that he is God, as the apostle Paul tells us. The Book of Revelation reveals that an IMAGE will be made of the Beast (or Antichrist) and that everyone will be forced to worship his image, much like Nebuchnezzar had an image built when he forced everyone to bow before it also, in the days of the Babylonian Empire (Daniel 3:1‐7).
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The Book of Revelation actually reveals that the Antichrist will have an associate who will be a well‐known religious leader. He also works "lying wonders" to deceive even the Elect true Christians who will live to see these things ‐and will even bring down fire out of the sky! (Revelation 13:11‐13). Obviously this will impress multitudes to obey this false religious leader and worship the first beast, or Antichrist! Remember Jesus said that during the Great Tribulation in the very End Time of this age, that "false Christ's [Antichrists] and false prophets" will arise. Apparently at the very End Time there will be a number of "antichrists" as well as false prophets doing "signs and lying wonders." But there will be TWO specific individuals who will be the Antichrist and the great False Prophet at the End Time and these two men are spoken of in Revelation 13. Martyrdom of the Saints One miracle this false prophet will do is to ostensibly give life to this image! Revelation 13:15 indicates some will refuse to worship this graven image. These are true Christians who, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed‐nego, reserve their worship for the true God! The penalty for not worshipping this graven image will be death (verse 15). Secondly he causes all people to receive a MARK in their right hand or in their forehead. Without this identifying mark (or the number; apparently they will be given a choice) people will not be allowed to buy or sell –to engage in any form of commerce. All trade will be tied into this beast system. Notice that the number is the number of his name. It identifies people's allegiance with the beast system! Verse 18 says that it takes understanding to "count the number of the beast." When this number is counted up, it adds up to 666! The Book of Daniel says that there were four "beasts" which is shown to be four world‐ ruling empires. The Book of Daniel details the identities the first three. They were 1) Babylon, 2) Medo‐Persia, and 3) the Greco Macedonian Empire under Alexander the Great. All historians and Bible scholars agree that the fourth empire was Rome! When compared with the prophecies in the Book of Revelation we see that this fourth beast ‐ Rome ‐ was to have several revivals. It was technically destroyed in A.D. 476. But then it was revived under Justinian in 554, and then again by Otto the Great, Charlemagne, Charles the Fifth, Napoleon and finally by the Mussolini‐Hitler axis powers in the 1940s. One more revival is prophesied to come in which 10 sovereign states or even groupings of nations will be united together under the Antichrist, according to both the books of Daniel and Revelation. Remember he that has understanding must count the number "of the beast" ‐the fourth empire of Daniel which we know to be Rome. Ever examine the ROMAN NUMERALS used during the days of the Roman Empire? See if you have understanding! Let's count the number of the beast. "
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The Roman numeral for the number 1 is the letter "I." The letter "V" is 5. "X" is 10. "L" is 50. "C" is 100. "D" is 500. Now add the Roman numerals together! Add the value of the Roman numerals: I, V, X, L, C, and D. (or, 1+5+10+50+100+500) and write down your answer! The number of this fourth beast of Daniel and the beast of the book of Revelation is 666!!! Is this mere coincidence? Thus there will be one more revival of the so‐called "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE with a well‐known religious leader working in collusion with the civil leader referred to as the Antichrist. There will be ten states or sovereignties headed up by 10 kings who will then give their military power to the beast. In the days of these 10 kings Jesus Christ will return! (Daniel 2:44). Real Christians will refuse to be identified with this pagan beast system. As a result many, many Christians will be martyred for their faith in Christ. It is hard to imagine what type of world awaits us. But this future is certain. It is really going to occur! And if we are living in the last days and close to the End Time, then many of our readers and many alive today will live to see this prophecy fulfilled! How can this happen? Will this system even be imposed on those living in the United States where we have religious freedom? Notice Jesus spoke of this Great Tribulation in Revelation 3 also. He referred to it as "the hour of temptation [trial or tribulation] which shall come upon all the world [Greek: "inhabited Earth"] to try them that dwell upon the Earth"! (Revelation 3:10). Yes this Great Tribulation will include even the United States! It will try them ''that dwell upon the Earth"! It will be the most nightmarish Hell anyone has ever imagined ‐ worse than any other time of religious persecution in history. It will be SATAN'S WRATH against the true Church as well as Israel! Jesus said in Matthew 24:21, "For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be"! It will be worse than the 100 years' war in Europe. It will be worse than the bloody Civil War in the United States. It will be worse than World War One or World War Two. And that is hard to imagine since six million Jews were exterminated in a horrible racial and religious persecution resulting from the genocidal policies of Adolph Hitler. But Hitler was only a type of Antichrist. When the real Antichrist comes untold millions of Jews and especially Christians will suffer! The Tribulation Revealed In Revelation 6 we have Christ's own revelation about this coming Great Tribulation. He tells us there are seven seals on this Book of Revelation. But beginning in chapter 6 Christ begins opening the seals to tell us our future. In the First Seal we see there will be false prophets who will conquer people through religious persecution (Revelation 6:1‐2). Then the Second Seal shows there will be world war for it mentions a "great sword" to come upon the Earth (Rev. 6:3‐4). This apparently is nuclear bomb war which will unleash an unimaginable devastating
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holocaust on the Earth! As a result of worldwide war and crops being devastating by nuclear radiation, the Third Seal reveals there will be a great famine that will engulf the Earth. Millions all over the world will be starving! A "measure" (approximately one quart) of wheat will cost a day's wages! (Revelation 6:5‐6). (In today's dollar value for the United States, a measure is approximately $100.00!). The Fourth Seal reveals the result, pictured by the fourth horseman: death. "And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the Earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the Earth" (verse 8). Wild animals driven mad with hunger and possibly affected by radiation will attack human beings. This could even include household pets. The Fifth Seal shows that Christians will be martyred during this time, just as the Jews were killed during the Second World War! Poetically we read that their "souls" cried out (much as Abel's blood cried out from the ground, Genesis 4: 10) asking for vengeance on the beast power (Rev. 6:1‐10). But then we read that more are yet to be martyred during this Great Tribulation. This indicates that it will be a horrific martyrdom unlike anything else in history. In Europe during the Middle Ages there were hundreds of thousands put to death at different times in the Middle Ages. Altogether during the time of the Roman Catholic Inquisition there were tens of millions of saints of God who were martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ, murdered for their Faith by the Roman Catholic Church! This time will be even worse! (Matthew 24:21). Now we come to the Sixth Seal which occurs when the Great Tribulation has run its course (after 42 months). Immediately after the Great Tribulation we see HEA VENL Y SIGNS occurring where the sun becomes black (or dark) and the moon became as blood, not shining as it normally does. Even the stars of heaven will fall ‐apparently portraying a notable meteor shower that will frighten people around the world. This meteor shower will be so great that Christ thought of mentioning it in the Bible. Obviously then it will be so massive as to scare those around the world left after the Tribulation. Jesus also revealed these things to His apostles in Matthew 24. Notice: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And THEN shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven ... and they shall see the Son of man COMING IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY"! (Matthew 24:29‐30). Now notice when Christ returns in the clouds to "gather together" His Elect ‐His Church! The very next verse speaks of resurrecting the dead in Christ and rapturing those still alive from the four winds (north, south, east, and west) around the world (verse 31). Read it yourself. The Sixth Seal therefore introduces the Day of the Lord (not synonymous with the Great Tribulation). It is also called "the Great Day of His Wrath" (verse 17). Notice that the Great Tribulation cannot be the same as the Day of the Lord for the Tribulation is followed by the heavenly signs and then comes the Day of the Lord!
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The Day of the Lord Many prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments talk about this time of God's wrath upon the Earth. It is the time of God's judgment on rebellious mankind and the wicked. The Day of the Wrath of God will not affect the Christians. Notice 1 Thessalonians 5:9, "For God hath not appointed us to wrath [the time of God's wrath on the world], but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." As we see from the Sixth Seal in the Book of Revelation, the Day of the Wrath of God ‐ the great and terrible Day of the Lord ‐comes immediately after the Heavenly Signs, which occur after the Tribulation! These two events therefore are not the same, though many people today confuse the two. Remember Jesus said that "immediately AFTER the Tribulation" the sun and the moon would be darkened and the stars would fall from heaven (Matthew 24:29‐30). Now read Acts 20‐21. "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE that Great and notable Day of the Lord come"! Do you see? First we see 1) the Great Tribulation, then 2) the heavenly signs, and then 3) the Day of the Lord! That is the order Jesus tells us they will come. The first five seals of Revelation deal with the Great Tribulation. The sixth seal deals with the heavenly signs. The seventh seal deals with the Day of the Lord (the time of God's wrath on the world). So the Great Tribulation is Satan's wrath against the true Church ‐God's saints ‐the Elect (as well as the nations of Israel). But the Day of the Lord is the time of God's wrath upon the wicked! The two periods are not the same. When is the Rapture? Notice that by comparing the well known passage concerning the "Rapture of the Church" found in 1 Thessalonians 4:13‐17 with Matthew 24:29‐31, we get the correct time element of the Rapture in relation to the Great Tribulation. Not one word before verse 21 mentions any "secret rapture" which is a myth created by men with an escapist mentality. Jesus promised no rapture to Heaven to escape the coming Great Tribulation. Rather He promised MARTYRDOM of the saints ‐unless! ... ... Unless you become a zealous worker for Christ who truly keeps God's Word (keeping His commandments) and will not deny His Name in your life. This type of Christian is pictured in the Book of Revelation by the Church at Philadelphia! (Revelation 3:7‐13). Notice Jesus' promise to the Philadelphian type of Christian alive in the Last Days: "I know thy works ... for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my Word, and hast not denied My
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name. Because thou hast kept the Word of my Patience [Greek: consistency or endurance], I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation [margin: the Great Tribulation] which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the Earth"! This is an absolute promise to this one group of Christians. Yet to the other six groups Jesus promised no such protection. Rather He tells the Christians in Laodicea who are likened to LUKEWARM water, that He is ready to spew them out of His mouth. And He threatens Sardis (verses 1‐6) with having their names BLOTTED OUT of the very Book of Life! No, these Christians will not be "worthy" to escape the coming Great Tribulation and will suffer through it. They will either capitulate before the beast or take his mark to save their lives, or be martyred for their Faith. Obviously that would necessitate repentance ‐ but repentance too late to escape the horrors of the Tribulation. Notice Jesus said it is possible to escape the coming Great Tribulation. In Luke 21 Jesus describes the conditions that will be extant during this Great Tribulation in verses 20‐24. He then mentions the heavenly signs in verse 2 which occur after the tribulation (see Matthew 24:29). He then tells us of His second coming in verse 27. In verses 34‐36 He then summarizes and adds that escape is possible. He does not indicate it is through any rapture before the tribulation, for Christ is returning after the tribulation (verse 27). But nevertheless He does speak of escape. Notice verse 36: "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape ALL THESE THINGS that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." There is a way of escape. But it is not through a secret rapture for the church, (one that is apparently so secret that we cannot find it even once mentioned in the Bible!). The rapture, or catching away of the saints, occurs at the second coming of Jesus Christ which is clearly after the heavenly signs which are clearly after the tribulation period! This much is plain from scripture! How then will truly dedicated and zealous Christians escape the coming horrors of the coming Greatest Tribulation known to humankind? Psalm 91 Read the entire 91st Psalm. It speaks of hiding under the shadow of the Almighty (verse 1). God Himself is your refuge and our fortress (verse 2). Read carefully verses 3‐8. Notice that the "arrow" will fly by day and terror will come by night. But it also mentions pestilence and destruction all around us. "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come night thee" (verse 7). This obviously is not happening in Heaven! It is here on this Earth. We see then that God promises protection for certain ones here on this Earth! So many church goers just believe what they are told in church, primarily from the pulpits of America, rather than really research the Bible for themselves. Few American Christians have ever even read the Old Testament. Fewer still have ever really studied the Old Testament!
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Most of you are simply unfamiliar with the promise in Isaiah 27:20‐21, a prophecy for the Last Days. Notice: Come, MY people [says God], enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the INDIGNATION be over passed. For, behold, the LORD [the ETERNAL] cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." Notice God commands HIS people to hide! ‐until the terrible Indignation be over passed. God's people at that time are NOT in Heaven but are here on this Earth! If you are one of God's true saints, alive at that End Time, YOU will be here on this Earth and must obey God and hide, or die! No secret rapture to Heaven is even indicated! What We Have to Do It is through a dedicated personal relationship with the Almighty that we can have protection ‐ not through church membership! Jesus commands His disciples to "watch" [Greek: "stay awake or to be spiritually alert"] and to be praying always ‐ staying in contact and fellowship with God. He then tells the Believers that if they do these things they "may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass"! (Luke 21:36). This will take more faith to trust God during this time, than if He took us all to Heaven to escape. No, the escape is under the protection of God during this time here on this Earth. This means you must be living for Christ. There is no other means of escape! God knows who are truly living for Him and who are not. Remember it is God's people, the saints, who will be martyred during this time! True Believers who are genuinely saved and converted, yet not really living for Christ, not really keeping God's Law, not really studying their Bibles, will be left UNPROTECTED during the coming Great Tribulation! Now is the time to learn to live by faith. Now is the time to learn God's Law. Now is the time to really begin STUDYING the Holy Word of God. You must not put this off any longer! Will YOU be Protected? God can protect His people in various ways here on this Earth. Revelation 12 speaks of being protected in the wilderness (not up in Heaven). Only by genuine repentance from sin which is the transgression of God's Law (1 John 3:4) can we escape. Remember, the Philadelphian type of Christians in the last days, are those who have kept His Word (Revelation 3:8). Are you sure you are keeping His Word today, or are you only a loyal church member? Do you only give lip service to the Bible and the truth of God?
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Notice also Jesus tells those whom He has promised protection during the Great Tribulation that He knows their works. Are you engaged in the Work of God? Do you support it with your tithes and offerings? Are you concerned about "making disciples" for Christ? ‐or just settle for church attendance? It is imperative that we become active in winning souls for Christ! For that is the great commission to the Church! If we know God's Word but fail to DO it, then we are deceiving ourselves. Many have said, "I know the truth." And they think because they are in "the right church" that they have a ticket to the wilderness for God's protection. Some think be‐ cause they have been converted that automatically makes them "worthy." No! It does not!! Read carefully the things Jesus said we must do in Luke 21:36 and Revelation 3:8‐10. If you want to be spared the horrors of the coming tribulation as the Philadelphian‐type Christians will be, and are living in the End Time, then you must do what they do to be worthy! Or you will not be spared! Begin now to start tithing to the Gospel Ministry where God's Truth is being preached! Start giving to the poor (over and above God's tithes and offerings to His Work) on a consistent basis. And begin studying God’s Word to make sure you are truly keeping His Ten Commandments and other Laws. May God help you to understand before the End comes!
How to Get Ready for the Coming GREAT TRIBULATION YOU HAVE LEARNED THAT the Great Tribulation is going to be the worst time in all of recorded history! But what is the "Mark of the Beast"? The Bible tells us it will be a ''mark'' (an identifying sign) that people around the world will be required to take in their hand, or their forehead. Without this mark (which comes from swearing allegiance and loyalty to the Beast power, the Antichrist) you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything. Or you can take his number which is "666." That number is already being used by governments around the world in preparation for the coming Antichrist! It has even been identified in the present UPC symbol! The world is now being geared up to accept this Beast system, to take his "mark" and his number. If you refuse it you will be killed or unable to buy or sell. That means you cannot even buy food. The solution is to obey Jesus Christ today (Luke 21:36 and Revelation 3:8‐10), doing what He tells us to do to escape all these things. The good news is there is a way of escape, and that comes from not only being saved, but LIVING the Christian life as Christ intends for His true followers to live. This means not accepting the false teaching that the Law has been done away, "destroyed," or "made void" by the age of Grace (Matthew 5: 17‐19 and Romans 3:31). It means "living by every Word of God" (Luke 4:4) ‐which would necessarily include even the Old Testament which makes up the bulk of God's Holy Word! It means turning aside from our religious tra‐ ditions (Mark 7:7‐9, and 13) inherited from Mother Rome (Revelation 17) and keeping God's commandments ‐His Law! (Matthew 19:17, 1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:3, John 6, Revelation 12:17 and 14:12, Revelation 22:14, etc.). Are you doing that? Are you obedient to God? Does your doctrine come only from the Bible, or did you merely inherit it from the traditions of men? It is high time now AWAKE out of the deception of religious traditions and obey only the Word of God.
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