Lesson 17
The Discovery of the Lost Ten Tribes Perhaps the Most Startling Information Ever Uncovered!
HERE IS NO OTHER WAY to put it. It is simply astonishing! The Lost Ten Tribes have now been found! The Ten Tribes of the House of Israel was taken into captivity in 721‐718 B.C. because of their sin and rebellion against God and His Law. They wanted to be like the nations around them. They gave up the Law of God and adopted the pagan customs of the heathen nations around them, adopting their holidays and practices to use in the worship of the true God! Yet God condemns such worship. He will not receive it! (See Deuteronomy 12:29‐31, and Jeremiah 10:2‐3). Adopting the vain traditions of the heathen and using those traditions to worship the true God while laying aside God's commandments is vain worship. Jesus said we can worship Him and yet because of this practice, do it all in vain! (See Mark 7:7‐9, 13). Israel broke the two test commandments (Commandments two and four of the TEN Commandments ‐ Exodus 20:4 + 8 and especially Leviticus 26:1‐2) that God had given them that would have insured their inheriting the magnificent BIRTHRIGHT Blessings of great national wealth and prosperity which came from the Promise made to Abraham and his descendents through Isaac and Jacob and later through Joseph. When Israel rebelled they were taken into captivity by Assyria, never to return to the Promised Land, though later the Jews did return from their captivity by Babylon. But Israel never returned!! And thus, they never inherited the Birthright Promise while living in the land of Palestine! Where are they today? Remember, God promised them national greatness! God had to have kept His promise eventually or He lied to Abraham. Why did the Jews never at any time see the fulfillment of these promises of vast national wealth promised to Israel? Why did God withhold the BIRTHRIGHT BLESSINGS from the ten tribes? And when were they to eventually receive their inheritance? God has prophesied national punishment for the last days for the House of Israel as well as the Jewish people! Yet today our churches are not delivering this message to the lost ten tribes because they do not know their identities! But finally GOD HAS REVEALED THE IDENTITY of these Lost Ten Tribes! And the identity of this lost race is startling!!! At the End Time God has promised that Knowledge will be increased! (Daniel 12:4). Today NEW TRUTH is being uncovered as never before and thousands are learning Bible truths never before revealed to our churches in centuries past! Today we must reach the Ten Lost Tribes with the warning message of repentance before the time of "Jacob's Trouble" ‐called the Great Tribulation in the New Testament. This is one of the most astonishing revelations given in the last 100 years! YOU are now being privileged to understand it!
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MYSTERY of the Lost Ten Tribes! What you are about to read is one of the greatest mysteries of all time. However today the mysterious Lost Ten Tribes have been found! Researchers over 100 years ago discovered their whereabouts to the shock and amazement of modern historians! Read here of an incredible discovery about which your history books failed to tell you! This is one of the GREATEST DISCOVERIES of all history!
HAT YOU ARE ABOUT to read is startling new information to the public that only a few researchers have uncovered. This information is not generally known. It has been concealed by embarrassed historians who have researched the documents. Anti‐Semites (those who hate or hold even the slightest racism for the Jews) have argued strongly against this incredible and embarrassing finding! You will see why they have rejected this startling discovery once you understand the implications of this previously hidden knowledge. But a few researchers have braved the critics and come for forward with the facts, beginning about 100 years ago. The truth concerning the modern day location of the Lost Ten Tribes is different from what most people have assumed or ever imagined! Yet the documented facts cannot be ignored. This historical information regarding the finding of the lost ten tribes is a story stranger than any tale of fiction! Hollywood has never come up with a more fascinating tale of intrigue, romance, mystery ‐and wonder! ‐than what you are about to read! But what makes this story so exciting is that it is not fiction but real! It is TRUE! The actual FACTS behind the ancient legends from the middle ages in Europe are more spell‐bounding than any mere medieval tale! From the dim mists of the remote past come forgotten histories of kings and princes, as legendary as King Arthur, yet based in fact, who led their people to colonize new lands in Europe after being forced from their homeland in the middle east. From ancient legends and recorded events of the little known histories of primitive peoples that settled in Europe comes a truth so compelling that historians have had trouble grasping its significance! Many due to racism for the Jews have deliberately ignored it, unwilling to accept its racial implications. They have tried to deny the A WESOME FACTS regarding the migrations of the Lost Ten Tribes. Both Bible Scholars as well as mid‐eastern historians are in agreement that the Lost Ten
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Tribes never returned to Palestine. While the tribe of Judah (the Jewish tribe) did return 70 years after they first were conquered and removed from their land by Babylon in 586 BC, the northern kingdom of Israel (comprising 10 tribes, none of which were "Jewish") who had been conquered by Assyria and taken out of Palestine in 721‐718 BC, NEVER RETURNED as did the Jews later. Rather these 10 tribes of Israel migrated northward and westward. It is also known that Israel was a colonizing people. Initially they migrated with their captors, the Assyrians, but then as time went on they were free to go where God led them. Just where God did lead His chosen people of Israel is shocking to modern day historians! ‐ to the very few, who have studied the very ancient origins of certain modern European nations. Remember these 10 tribes were non‐Jewish people, yet were very much "Israel." Israel is not Jewish! It is imperative that the reader understand the difference between the Kingdom of Israel (also referred to as the "House" of Israel) and the Jewish people. They are not the same! Even evangelists and pastors who have graduated from seminary make the mistake of preaching that "the Jews did this," or "the Jews did that," when referring to the House of Israel forgetting about the people of ISRAEL! They therefore mislead their congregations into thinking that the word "Jew" is synonymous with Israel! It isn't! Yet this is one of the simplest truths from the Bible to understand. It has always amazed me that so many Bible teachers either don't understand the history of the Old Testament or else are simply being careless with the very Word of God. This is a serious offense. There are four whole books in the Old Testament dedicated to the separate national histories of the House of Israel and the Jews! Remember the name "Israel" was the name God gave to the man Jacob who was the grandson of Abraham. Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons who became the fathers of the 12 national families or "tribes of Israel." Actually there were 13 tribes from the very beginning. Remember that due to his obedience to God, Joseph was given a "double portion" and God made two great tribes from Joseph alone, as Jacob adopted his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. These two sons then became the fathers of their own respective tribes which became the leading tribes of the Kingdom of Israel. For any reader who is not familiar with the true history of Israel, I would advise you to read the entire book of Genesis, especially chapter 49 where Jacob (whose name has now been changed to "Israel") is predicting under inspiration the future blessings of the individual tribes or nations.
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The Birthright Blessings It is important to understand that God promised Abraham both a spiritual blessing (among his descendents would be the Kingly line of the coming Messiah who would be the Saviour of the world) as well as a physical blessing (of national wealth and prosperity). However these two birthright blessings were eventually divided between two of the sons of Israel. Read Genesis 17:4‐8 where God promised Abraham's descendents national greatness. Later after he obediently offered his son Isaac up in sacrifice to God, these blessings were re‐ confirmed in Genesis 22: 16‐18. This wonderful national birthright went to his descendents only through Isaac not Ishmael, the father of certain of the Arab nations. Notice God reconfirmed the Birthright blessings to Isaac in Genesis 26:2‐5. Isaac then begot two sons, Esau and Jacob. By all rights Esau should have received the tremendous Birthright blessings being the oldest. But he sold his birthright to his younger brother for a bowl of soup! (See Genesis 25:27‐34). The great national wealth promised to Abraham and his descendents now passed from Abraham to his son Isaac, and now down to his son Jacob! Later when Isaac prepared to bless the descendents of his two sons, Jacob, the younger son, craftily managed to get his father to give him all the birthright blessings, stealing them from his older brother, Esau. Read carefully of the fabulous wealth promised Jacob's descendents! (Genesis 27:26‐33). Many readers unfamiliar with the Birthright blessing of Abraham may be wondering why the JEWS never received it! It is simple. God never gave the birthright to the Jewish people! ‐the Jewish Tribe (called the Tribe of Judah), but rather to Joseph. Now go back to Genesis 49 to see how the Birthright blessing was separated between the spiritual blessing and the national blessing of physical wealth and prosperity. The Names of the 12 Tribes of Israel Israel (Jacob) had 12 sons whose names were: 1) Reuben (the oldest), 2) Simeon, 3) Levi, 4) Judah (the father of the Jewish people), 5) Zebulon, 6) Issachar, 7) Dan, 8) Gad, 9) Asher,
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10) Naphtali, 11) Joseph, 12) Benjamin. Though Reuben was the firstborn and should have, by all rights, received the Abrahamic Birthright blessings, due to sin in his life, Israel (Jacob) passed him up and gave the Birthright blessings to one of his other sons, Joseph. Read carefully the entire 49th chapter of Genesis where each of the blessings that each son was to receive (primarily through their descendents in the last days) is given. Notice, Jacob called his 12 sons together and said, "Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the LAST DAYS" (Genesis 49:1). Now as you read each blessing God was giving to each son (through the prophecy of their father Israel) notice how much greater is Joseph's national blessings in verses 22‐26. There is a stark contrast between Joseph's national blessings and all the other sons of lsraeI! Why? Because Joseph received the physical blessings of the BIRTHRIGHT of Abraham. Who then received the spiritual part of the birthright? Notice verse 10: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet (his descendents), until Shiloh [the Messiah] come; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be." The Messiah was to be a king and was to be descended from this one tribe of Judah. And Jesus was therefore a Jew. Notice what the Apostle Paul said concerning Jesus: "For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of JUDA [the Greek spelling for "Judah."] (Hebrews 7:14). Jesus was descended from Judah who was one of the 12 sons of Israel (or Jacob). Everyone who is descended from Judah is therefore Jewish. Yet none of the other sons of Israel are "Jewish"!! only those who descend from Judah! Israel Warred Against the Jews It may seem strange to those who do not know the history of the Old Testament, but the very first place where the word "Jew" appears we read that Israel was AT WAR with the Jews! (2 Kings 16:6). Not only did other nations (including the Arab nations of that day) hate the Jews, but even Israel could not get along with them and fought against the Jews repeatedly! The ignorance of most church goers is so great that this very fact is astonishing. Initially they ask; "How can Israel be fighting against the Jewish people? After all, aren't they the same people?" The answer is an emphatic NO! They are not the same people. Let me explain.
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All Texans are Americans But... I have used this analogy on radio for many years. I lived in Texas for about 10 years and consider it a "second home. While all naturalized Texans can be called Americans, by no means are all Americans Texans! The state of Texas is one of 50 American states. Texans make up therefore 1/50th of the states. Likewise the Jews only made up 1/12th of "Israel" but it was by no means "all" of Israel. In fact population‐wise the Jews made up less than 1/12th of all Israelites!! Again it may sound strange to the average churchgoer but the Jews were a minority among the Israelites! And there was always contention, at least as far back as to the time of David, between the Israelites and the Jewish people! They seemed to never get along well for very long. Samaria and Jerusalem After David's death his son Solomon inherited the throne, and like his father David, ruled over all 12 tribes. During his long reign as king of Israel he built the Temple in Jerusalem, the capital of the United Kingdom. To build such a project and to provide for other luxuries Solomon raised taxes greatly. The temple took seven years to build (I Kings 6:37‐38). But Solomon's personal palace took a full 13 years to build (apparently at tax‐payer's expense! ‐I Kings 7:1). When Solomon died his son Rehoboam inherited the throne of David. The people came to petition the new king to lower taxes and take some of the burden off, but he refused to take the advice of the older counselors and heeded the unwise advice of the younger men who advised him (See I Kings 12:13‐14). When Israel saw that the king was obstinate and unyielding they rebelled against him and set up a rival national capitol in the city of Samaria. Since Jerusalem was located in the territory of the tribe of Judah (closely situated also to the territory of the tribe of Benjamin) all the tribes of Israel forsook King Rehoboam except for the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The ten tribes became known as the House (or Kingdom) of ISRAEL and Rehoboam merely ruled over the House, or Kingdom of JUDAH. (The tiny tribe of Benjamin was so small that it simply accepted the political name for the new "Kingdom of Judah"). Thus from that day forward two kingdoms of God's chosen people existed, that of the strictly non Jewish ten tribed Kingdom of Israel and the Jewish Kingdom of Judah consisting of the one Jewish tribe (Judah) plus Benjamin. The reader should especially read Second Kings and Second Chronicles which are two accounts of the separate national histories of the Jewish people (Judah) and the people of Israel! These inspired accounts also give detailed information about the two separate kings that ruled concurrently, one an Israelite king in the capitol of Samaria, and the other a Jewish king ruling from Jerusalem in the tribe of Judah. After Israel rejected their Jewish king they set up their own king to rule over them. The new
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king of Israel was Jeroboam; himself descended from Joseph and not a Jew, though an Israelite! At no time did the House of Israel ever reconcile with the Jewish people! Why Israel Lost the Promised Land In Deuteronomy 28 we read of the blessings and cursing God said would come on Israel if they would obey God or if they disobeyed His Laws. Most of the time Israel failed to live up to the holy standard God had set for them and they fell into sin. Read Deuteronomy 28: 15‐68 about the specific curses they would encounter if they disobeyed the Law of God, especially verse 45. The ultimate curse God said would come on them for continued disobedience to His Laws is that they would lose the very land God had promised to give to Abraham's descendents. God would allow their enemies to conquer them and take them out of their land, as captives ‐as slaves to their enemies (verse 63). God prophesied that they would be scattered "among all people" from one end of the Earth to the other! (verse 64). If you will read the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah, as well as the book of Second Kings, you will see that there were two major sins they committed that caused this ultimate curse to fall. The first major sin was idolatry (that is, having IMAGES of God: "graven" images as well as "likenesses" or pictures of God ‐which breaks the Second of the Ten Commandments ‐ Exodus 20:4, Deuteronomy 4: 15‐16,23" Exodus 32:4 and Numbers 33:52). The second major sin that caused them to lose the Promised Land and be scattered among the heathen was Sabbath‐breaking (Ezekiel 20: 12‐13). Be sure to read these Scriptures for yourself and "prove all things." Notice that in this reference God said the Sabbaths (plural as God gave both weekly as well as annual Sabbaths or Holydays) were a SIGN between Him and His chosen people (See also Exodus 31: 12‐17). But when they lost this identifying Sign, they lost their identity! To this day, the "lost ten tribes" are lost to the world because they did not retain that identifying sign! Had they retained it, the whole world would know who they are to this day! But the lost ten tribes today themselves do not know they are Israel, but rather they think they are Gentile nations! Of course! ‐for they keep the same weekly and national religious holidays which came from ancient paganism that they inherited from the Gentile nations! Notice again the twin sins of Sabbath‐breaking and idolatry that God tells Ezekiel are the cause of their losing the Promised Land and being taken into captivity! (Read verses 16‐21). As a result of these two major sins, Sabbath‐breaking and idolatry, God promises in verse 23‐24 to "scatter them among the heathen"! Other sins are enumerated in Ezekiel 22, (as well as the profaning of God's Sabbaths, verse 8) and the immorality of the priests (ministers) in the country (verse 26). You should read the entire 22nd chapter of Ezekiel and then compare it to what is happening in our country today! God called a number of prophets to forewarn Israel about the coming punishment and
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judgment on their nation if they refused to repent! But they did not listen to God's chosen ministers! References to the coming captivity in the book of Hosea alone can be found in the following chapters and verses: 1:4,6; 4:14; 5:6‐7,14; 7:12‐13; 8:8, 9:3,6,12,15, and especially notice verse 17; 10: 14‐15, 11 :5‐6, and finally Hosea 13:16. As a result of Israel's sins God allowed the nation of Assyria to come down and attack and defeat Israel, rooting them up from their promised land to take them to Assyria! This invasion occurred from 721 to 718 B.C. at which time ALL of the ten tribes of the Kingdom of Israel were carried away into the Assyrian captivity! You should read the entire 17th chapter of Second Kings. In verse 18 we read, "Therefore the ETERNAL was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of His sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only"! All Israel was removed out of the land! Only the Jews remained (along with the very tiny nearly insignificant tribe of Benjamin). But later even the Jews sinned grievously against God, even after seeing what had happened to the Kingdom of Israel! Over 130 years later, God sent Babylon to Judah to conquer them as well in the year 586 B.C. They were taken out of the Promised Land as captives to Babylon, east of Palestine, whereas Israel was taken north to Assyria. Since God is no respecter of persons and never changes (Romans 2: 11 and Malachi 3:6) when the Jews broke God's Sabbaths and committed idolatry, they also lost their land. Read Jeremiah 17:21‐23. As a result of their disobedience in these areas God promised that He would destroy their capitol city, Jerusalem, with UNQUENCHABLE FIRE! Notice: "But if ye will not hearken unto Me to hallow the Sabbath day and not to bear a burden [commercial work] ... then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof [of Jerusalem], and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and IT SHALL NOT BE QUENCHED"! (verse 27). God pronounced a curse of unquenchable fire (utter destruction) on the city of Jerusalem for their disobedience. And it happened just as God said it would in 586 B.C.! (See Matthew 3: 12, Mark 9:43 and II Peter 3:10 where God uses this same type of unquenchable fire for the ultimate punishment of the wicked!). Just as the ten tribed Kingdom of Israel was taken out of the land, so it was prophesied that the Jews also would be taken from their homeland! There was one difference however. Jeremiah prophesied that the Jews (not Israel) would be allowed to return to Palestine in 70 years (Jeremiah 25:11‐13, Jeremiah 29:10, and Daniel 9:2). Yet no promise was given to the ten tribes of Israel who remained north of Palestine as captives of the Assyrians! The ten tribes of Israel never returned to the Promised Land! Rather, the ten tribed kingdom of Israel became completely lost to history! But God knows their whereabouts! In Daniel 12:4 we read that in the last day’s knowledge will be increased. Revelation 1:1 says that God will reveal truths to His true servants. Today the knowledge concerning the location of the lost ten tribes has been discovered! God has revealed this to His true servants and to those with open minds!
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There is another very important key to their modern day identity. God promised King David a perpetual throne for his descendents. The location of this throne today is one of the most astonishing facts that has ever been unearthed! The Everlasting Throne of David! For those of you who are not familiar with Israel and Judah's history, you can read the books of First and Second Samuel to learn how David (from the tribe of Judah) became king after the death of King Saul. Because of his obedience to God, David was promised an everlasting dynasty! God said, "My covenant will I not break. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure e forever and HIS THRONE as the sun before me. It shall be established as the moon and as a faithful witness in heaven" (See Psalm 89:2‐4, 19‐37). Notice the descendents of David were to continue ruling as monarchs on a throne FOREVER! Since the Bible is the Word of God, this astonishing fact means that somewhere today on this Earth, the throne of David still exists and a modern day monarch (king or queen) must be ruling from that throne!! Today, believe it or not, that throne has been found! I have a copy of the genealogy of the kings and queens of the world's oldest throne. It shows the lineage of King David all the way up to the last king to sit on David's throne in Jerusalem when Babylon invaded Jerusalem in the Kingdom of Judah. That king was Zedekiah. Many theologians assume that the Davidic kingdom ended there! But it didn't! Rather the prophet Jeremiah absconded with the king's daughters to IRELAND where God had established another line of Jewish kings descended from the tribe of Judah, believe it or not! This information is documented from ancient records preserved in Ireland. Who was this other branch? How did the tribe of Judah end up with two branches of royal descendents? The Two Sons of Judah Remember that God said the royal Sceptre would not depart from Judah. The "Sceptre" represents the royal family. In Genesis 38:27‐30 we read a puzzling bit of history. Read this passage in your own Bible. We learn that Judah's children through Tamar (from which came the royal line of King David) was divided between two twin boys yet it was impossible to determine which one was really "the first born." God intended that both of these boys produce royal lines. Their names were Pharez and Zarah. King David descended from Pharez. Yet Zarah also produced a royal line. It was Zarah's branch that had migrated north to the British Isles (possibly God's intervention to save this part of the royal line before the coming invasion of Jerusalem). God has allowed these truths to surface to only a few historians. Yet their historical documentation is voluminous. Space does not permit an exhaustive presentation of this subject in this work, but a book was
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written in 1902, one hundred years ago entitled Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright by J .H. Allen, which revealed the incredible finding of a lost race providing answers to millennial old questions regarding the mystery of Israel's "Lost Ten Tribes." In Allen's book one chapter deals with the descendents of Zarah. In the genealogy of Zarah, son of Judah, we have William the Conqueror whose son, King Herremon married Princess Tea Tephi, the daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah!! This remarkable genealogy is produced on pages 300 to 301 in chapter seven which is entitled, "A Study in Scarlet." Thus when Zedekiah's daughter (from the royal branch of Pharez) married King Herremon (from the royal branch of Zarah ‐ thus uniting both families of Judah) the "breach" (represented by the name Pharez) was healed and their descendents became the full descendents of Judah, and descendents of King David. The chart I have actually comes from London, England showing that modern day Queen Elizabeth is directly descended (through Princess Tea Tephi) from KING DAVID of Judah! Astonishing? Incredible? Ask yourself: Why do the swords of past kings of England (preserved in the British museum) have on them the Jewish STAR OF DAVID? Yet they do! Ancient Irish legends tell of an aged patriarch who came to Ireland from the Middle East. While his actual identity has been lost we do know that Princess Tea Tephi was accompanied by "an aged guardian, who was called Ollam Folia, more Hebrew words which mean revealer or prophet" (Allen, page 250). So this Hebrew princess was accompanied by a man who was called "a prophet." Also we know who else was with him. Accompanying him was a scribe whose name was Baruch! The Bible shows that Jeremiah's scribe was named Baruch! Jeremiah was given a most unusual and little understood commission. God commissioned him "to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy and to throw down, to build, and to plant"! (Jeremiah 1:10). It was the prophet Jeremiah who carried the daughters of King Zedekiah, descended from King David, from Jerusalem to Ireland to plant the royal line of David in Britain!! The Irish annals and legends are plentiful! Jeremiah first took the daughters of Zedekiah to Egypt but history shows they accompanied him even when he left Egypt to go into Europe. It was Princess Tea Tephi who married the king of Ireland. Later the throne was moved to Scotland, and finally to London, England. The modern day monarchs of England are fully descended from KING DAVID of Judah! Thus God did keep His promise to give David an everlasting throne! It still exists! Where are the Lost Ten Tribes Today? J .H. Allen brings out an interesting fact from the book of Isaiah. When Christ returns He will regather – not just the Jews ‐ but ALL the tribes of Israel including the lost ten tribes of the
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"House of Israel." Today those of the tribe of Judah (the Jews) are still very much scattered though a goodly number now reside in Palestine once again. But where are the lost ten tribes? Notice the location from which Christ will regather the lost tribes of Israel. In my Scofield Reference Bible at Isaiah 49:8 can be read this italicized note: "Israel to be preserved and restored" This is a prophecy about the future REGATHERING of all 12 tribes of Israel. Now read verses 8‐11 in your own King James Bible. This is talking about Christ restoring all twelve tribes to the Promised Land! Verse 12: "Behold, these shall come from far and, la, these from the north and from the west”! J.H. Allen comments on page 227 of his history, "In the Hebrew there is no compound word for north‐west as we use it; hence the expression north and west. There is a group of isles out in these' great waters ' [referring to the Atlantic ocean and not the Mediterranean Sea], which are just as directly north‐west from Palestine as the lines of latitude and longitude can lay them, namely, THE BRITISH ISLES"!! ! If you take a map of Europe and the Middle East and draw a straight line from Palestine northwest you will come directly to Great Britain! Israel to Carry Isaac's Name The Israelites had the habit of dropping off the first letter of a name if the letter began with a vowel or the letter "H." Again from J.R. Allen's history we read, "Bible examples [for dropping the first letter from a name] of this custom are: Oshea, otherwise Hoshea; Hagar, otherwise Agar; Jachan, otherwise Achan; Heber, otherwise Eber, etc. When Jacob transferred the birthright to the sons of Joseph, he, with one hand resting on the head of each, prayed: 'Let my name (Israel) be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac'" (Allen, page 292293). In Amos 7:16 Israel is also referred to in the Bible as the "House of Isaac.” For God promised Abraham, "For in ISAAC shall thy seed be called" (Genesis 21:12). But in Biblical times they were named Israel, and were called Israelites. When were they ever called after the name of Isaac? Who Are the AngloSaxons? Continuing the remarkable history of J.H. Allen, we read, "It seems that the Jews had a preference for the name of Jacob, but Israel clung to the name of Isaac, especially after they were taken into captivity; they dropped the name of Israel and called themselves 'Saac' Sacae, or Saxae, as per Latin derivation ‐ which is nothing more than the Hebrew name of Isaac, from which the initial letter I has been dropped. "It is now a well‐authenticated fact that the word Saxon is derived from the Hebrew name
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ofl‐saac, together with an affix which means sons of. Prof. Totten says: 'In most of the Eastern languages 'sons of,' is written 'sunnia' ... So, in the distant home of our ancestors, Saac‐Sunnia means sons of Isaac. Dr. W. Holt Yates accepts this derivation of the Saxon name as positive"! (Allen, pages 293‐294). Isaac's sons (the Israelites descended from Isaac) became Isaacsons or Saacsons, Anglicizing the spelling to "Saxons." Ptolemy, the famed historian of ancient times, states that Saxons were at one time called the "Sakai" and that they came from the land of the Medes. Remember that this scattering occurred during the Medo‐Persian Empire. On page 985 of the original Scofield Reference Bible, we read that "The mass of the nation were dispersed throughout the Persian Empire." This was known in history as the empire of the Medes and the Persians (or, "Medo‐Persian" Empire). In the book Our Scythian Ancestors by Gawler, we read, "The word 'Saacae' is fairly and without straining our imagination translatable as Isaacites" (page 6). This is what the word "Saxon" actually means! ‐the people of lsaac, or Isaac's sons! The Anglo‐Saxons are the descendents of Abraham, being the children of Israel as well as the sons of Isaac. God promised Abraham that his descendents would be called after the name of Isaac. Yet, that never happened in Biblical times. When did it ever happen? When was this prophecy fulfilled? Not until they had migrated from the Middle East into Europe. And today this prophecy (as well as a promise made to Abraham) is now being fulfilled in the descendents of Isaac (Israel) in the people who call themselves the Anglo‐Saxons!!! We have now found the identity of the Lost Ten Tribes! Why Britain and America Became Wealthy Remember God promised Abraham that his seed would become great in the Earth (Read all the Birthright blessings that God gave to Abraham, repeated to Isaac, Jacob and finally to Joseph: Genesis 12:2‐3; 13:14‐17; 15:1‐7,18; 17:28, 15‐16; 22:17‐18; 24:60; 26:3‐4; 27:28‐29; 28:13‐15; 35:11‐12; 48:20; and Genesis 49:22‐26). The reason the Jews (the tribe of Judah) never received such national blessings is because they received the spiritual part of the birthright – the kingly line or "Sceptre." The Messiah was born of the tribe of Judah (Hebrews 7:14). But the national physical blessings went to Joseph and his two sons. One was to be a single great nation and the other was to become "a company of nations" or, a commonwealth of nations. Britain became "Great" Britain. But some of these Anglo‐Saxons crossed the Atlantic to form the single greatest and wealthiest nation of all times, the United States of America! These two great nations have inherited the birthright blessings of Abraham! No other nation or commonwealth of nations ever has!
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Joseph's Double Portion Remember Joseph received the phyical part of the Birthright given to Abraham, that of national greatness. The Jews never received this part of the birthright! No, they received the spiritual part ‐ the Sceptre, the royal line through which the very Son of God would come, the Messiah! But Joseph was given the birthright and his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh were blessed by becoming a tribe in their own right! So there is no one tribe of "Joseph" –rather, there are two tribes that make up Joseph, the individual tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. In the book of Joshua, chapter 16, we see the Promised Land divided among the tribes. Joseph is shown to have two tribes which were each given an inheritance in the land, whereas every other tribe only got one portion (Simeon and Levi being the exceptions, they being scattered among the other tribes). So Joseph (the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh) were to receive all the BIRTHRIGHT BLESSINGS of national greatness! Think! Who are the two greatest and wealthiest nations that ever existed since Biblical times? How did a little group whose only inheritance was a group of small islands off the coast of Europe, become an imperial colonizing power whose influence, wealth, and political dominance spread around the world? How did Britain become "Great Britain"? What does the name "British" mean? It is actually a Hebrew name. The Hebrew word for "man" or people is "Ish.” The Hebrew word for "Covenant" is Berith. But remember the Hebrews did not pronounce their "h"s and the word was pronounced as "Brit." Thus we have "Brit" and "ish" ‐meaning "Covenant man," or "Covenant people." BRIT‐ISH! Is this just a coincidence? Think! Why has Judah's kings ruled over Britain for all these many centuries, since before the time of Christ? Jacob's Pillar Stone Why are British kings (and queens) coroneted over a ROCK ‐an actual "tone ‐under the coronation chair which has been known for many, many centuries as "Jacob's Pillar Stone" (referring to Jacob in the Bible who anointed a rock representing the promises and the "House of God")? (Genesis 28: 16‐18). Ancient Legends allege that Jeremiah brought this same rock to Ireland with him and all future descendents of David were coroneted and crowned with this "coronation stone." "Again, when the good king Josiah made a covenant before the Lord, in the presence of all the people, that he would destroy idolatry out of the land, it is written, 'And the king stood by a (or the) pillar and made a covenant before the Lord.' (2 Kings 23:3). There is, in the Second Chronicles, a recapitulation of this circumstance concerning Josiah, which gives the following, 'And the king stood in his place.' His place, we are told, was by the pillar, which might properly
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be translated pillar‐stone, upon which all the kings [of Judah] were crowned, made covenants, took oaths, or made vows, as did Jacob when he first set it up for a pillar and made it God's house" (Allen, page 242 emphasis his). According to Allen, Princess Tea Tephi was also coroneted or crowned sitting over this same "pillar‐stone" (page 250). "Dr. Poole says: 'This stone is a dull, reddish or purplish sandstone, with a few small embedded pebbles…' There is no rock of this kind in England, Ireland, or Scotland. But the [minister] Canon Tristram says that there is a stratum of sandstone near the Dead Sea just like this stone, which by the English people is called Jacob's Pillar Stone. "This stone is called by the Irish and by the Scotch 'Lia Pail' and "The Stone of Destiny…' "Morton W. Spencer says that Lia (sometimes called Leag) is an Irish word and means 'a stone,' but that phail is Hebrew"! (Allen, pages 254‐255). How did this stone happen to have a Hebrew name? It is obvious that the kings crowned over this stone are themselves descended from the Hebrews, specifically the tribe of Judah! Today the kings and queens of Judah are still being crowned over a rock, which has been publicly known as "Jacob's Pillar Stone"! This is astonishing! We have Israel's Birthright! Are all these things mere coincidence? How can we explain these things if the English speaking peoples of the Anglo‐Saxon nations are Gentiles? Why did God bless the English people so that little tiny Britain, living on a few small islands became "The British EMPIRE"? When Christ returns He will gather Ephraim from the north and west ‐ or the northwest (from Palestine!). Britain is exactly northwest from Palestine! J.H. Allen adds, "And we may just as well jump into the midst of our proofs at once, since that is the place where Ephraim‐Israel shall chiefly be found. If not there, it is because they have 'spread out,' from these very isles, for it is a well‐authenticated fact that I Jeremiah went to Ireland, where he died, and that his grave is one of the well known and proudly‐named spots of that country, whose history is one of the mysteries of the world" (page 227). Fascinating! Yes, they have spread out as a colonizing people around the world: Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, and even the American colonies which became the United States of America! Israel was also a colonizing people. Scofield says, "The close of the Old Testament canon left Israel in two great divisions. The mass of the nation were dispersed throughout the Persian Empire, more as COLONISTS than captives..." (Scofield Reference Bible, Original edition, page 985). The y were no longer simply captives or slaves, but were now free to migrate and colonize
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other areas of the world. Birthright Withheld 2520 Years! Why did Britain and America come into national wealth and greatness after the year l800? Yet both did! God promised great wealth and prosperity to Joseph's descendents (Ephraim and Manasseh) yet these two tribes of Israel never truly received this unconditional promise made to Abraham and his descendents ‐ the "Birthright blessings" in Biblical times! Why? What caused God to withhold the Birthright blessings? Notice Leviticus 26:1‐2 which gives the two test commandments for receiving the Birthright blessings ‐ those regarding idolatry and observance of His Sabbaths. God did make an uncon‐ ditional promise to Abraham and his descendents but never promised to confer it on anyone generation. Rather God told them that "IF ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them, THEN I will give you rain in due season..." etc. Read Leviticus 26, verses 4‐13 carefully. These, deal with the Birthright blessings God had promised Abraham's descendents. Notice God made the receiving of the Birthright promise conditional upon their obedience. But what occurred? Israel rebelled against God. And so rather than bring them into the Promised Land, God withheld the Birthright promise back for 40 years and allowed that entire generation to die in the wilderness! Each "year” for a day, the spies were spying the land. In prophecy a "day" represents a year in fulfillment (See Numbers 14:2734 and also Ezekiel 4:6). In Numbers 14:34 God refers to His "breach of promise"! He withheld the Birthright promise for 40 long years! God warned them that if they did not repent He would punish them SEVEN TIMES more for their sins! (Leviticus 26: 18). Remember this is a prophecy. This word "times" carries a double meaning. The Hebrew word for "times" is Shibah which means seven times and also sevenfold! It can represent duration or continuation of punishment. In prophecy a "time" represents 360 days (compare Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 12:14 with Revelation 12:6 and 13:5). These Scriptures show a "time" in prophecy is 360 days. God prophe‐ sied that if Israel refused to obey Him He would withhold the Promise ‐withhold the Birthright blessing ‐for "seven times"! Using the "day for a year" principle, God promised Israel's Birthright blessing would be withheld "seven times" ‐ seven of these "times" (of 360 days) would equal 2520 days. Using the "day for a year" principle we find in the Bible, this means a withholding of the Birthright Promise (the "breach of Promise" God spoke of in Numbers 14:34) for an incredible 2520 years!! When Israel continued to disobey God, He allowed them to be uprooted from their land between the years 721 B.C. and 718 B.C. counting from the final year of this uprooting when they were taken into captivity for rejecting God, if we add 2520 years we come to the year A.D.
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1803! (Remember to add "1" when going from B.C. to A.D. since there are two years called "1" ‐ 1 B.C. as well as 1 A.D.). Now, what happened in 1803? That was the year that the United States inherited the Louisiana Purchase from the French which DOUBLED the territory that the original colonies pos‐ sessed allowing for westward expansion. From that year onward both the nations of Britain and the United States grew wealthy and prosperous! Both Britain and the USA were tiny, in‐ significant nations in the 1600s and 1700s. But after 1800 these two nations became the greatest, wealthiest, and most powerful nations in the world!!! God kept His unconditional promise to Abraham after a "breach of Promise" of 2520 years! Yet God did eventually fulfill His promise to the sons of Isaac ‐the Anglo‐Saxon peoples of Britain and America!!! Need further proof? When Israel was taken into captivity between 721 and 718 B.C., where did go? Remember they were initially taken as captives by the nation of Assyria who them‐ selves migrated into northwestern Europe. One thing that would be helpful in identifying the lost ten tribes of Israel would be to ask, what became of the Assyrians? And who are they today? Assyria is Germany Space does not permit an exhaustive documentation of the ancestral identity of the modern day Germans, but a number of histories show that the Assyrians, who were a warrior people, migrated into northwestern Europe. The ancient Assyrians were a warlike people who continually tried to dominate the world. They claimed to be the master race. I can remember reading in a high school World History textbook which said that the Assyrians started wars always in an attempt to take over and dominate other nations. The capitol of Ancient Assyria was Nineveh which was founded by Nimrod. Notice Genesis 10:6‐8 which tells us that Nimrod built a number of cities "in the land of Shinar." This area was occupied by the ancient Assyrians according to history! In verse 11, the translation in the King James Version is somewhat unclear. Other translations (as well as the margins of some KJVs) read: "Out of that land he [Nimrod] went forth into Assyria and builded Nineveh.”. The city of Trier in Germany is ostensibly the oldest city in Europe allegedly having been built 2000 years before the birth of Christ! In a German textbook the author writes: "The inhab‐ itants of Trier maintain that their city is the oldest in all Europe" and that "Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian King Ninus"! He continued, ''Ninus stood for Nimrod, the founder of Nineveh, capital of ancient ASSYRIA. In fact, one finds ... in Trier the inscription reading, 'Trier existed for thirteen hundred years before Rome was rebuilt."'! (Indeutschen Landen by Josef K.L. Bihl). In the Trier Color photo Guide to the Town, we read in the opening paragraph: "On the Rotes
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Haus (Red House) beside the Steipe, there is a text in Latin boasting that Trier, or Treves, is older than Rome, thirteen hundred years older in fact. That is when Trebeta, son of Semiramis, is said to have founded the town"! Nimrod was married to Semiramis, according to Egyptian history. It was their son who founded this German town in what is today the nation of Germany! We must never assume that ancient peoples "stayed put" in one place. But like the settlers in the New World of America who migrated and expanded westward all the way to the Pacific Ocean, so the people of the Middle East expanded throughout Europe! Archaeologists tell us that all footsteps of all civilizations of the modern world lead from the Middle East! That is where the Garden of Eden was. That is where Noah landed his Ark. And from his three sons (and their families) "was the whole earth overspread" (Genesis 9:19). Therefore all footsteps of all nations lead from the Middle East! All of Europe was populated from Middle Eastern peoples who at one time lived in Mesopotamia! This is a simple fact of history. Assyria a "Fierce" Nation In the Dictionary of the Bible by James Hastings, in the article "Assyria and Babylonia," we read: "The Assyrians of historic times were more robust, warlike, 'fierce,' than the mild indus‐ trial Babylonians. The whole organization of the State was essentially MILITARY." In the Anvil of Civilization, Leonard Catrell wrote: "In all the annals of human conquest, it is difficult to find any people more dedicated to bloodshed and slaughter than the Assyrians. Their ferocity and cruelty have few parallels save in modern times"! Who has been their equal in modern times? In modern times the bloodiest people who were totally inhumane, killing millions of innocent people in extermination camps, were the Germans! The eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica states that "The Assyrian forces became a standing army, which, by successive improvements and careful discipline, was molded to an IRRESISTIBLE FIGHTING MACHINE, and Assyrian policy was directed towards the definite object of reducing the whole civilized world into a single empire... "! (Article, "Babylonia and Assyria", Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, Volume 3, page 104). The Assyrians wanted to take over the world! The leading tribe of the Assyrians was called the Halmanni. That name is still used by the French and the Spanish in referring to the German people of today! The "H" of course is silent and so the French refer to Germany as "Allemagne." The Spanish name for Germany today is "Alemania." Is this just coincidence? The Lost Ten Tribes were captured by the Assyrians and taken with them in their migrations into Europe. Wherever the lost ten tribes are today, they would have been heavily influenced
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by certain Assyrian culture, language, etc. Are we surprised then that linguists tell us that the English language was "primarily Germanic" until the Norman Conquest in the 10th century? Why? There can be only one reason. The Anglo‐Saxon peoples (primarily the British and Americans of English descent) lived with the Germans before they colonized other areas such as the British Isles! It is important to know who the captors of the lost ten tribes were and what happened to them. God calls the Assyrians (the modern day Germans) the rod of His anger (Isaiah 10:5). When Israel became an immoral and sinful nation, He used Assyria to punish them! In the 20th century the Americans and British have had war declared on them twice by the Germans! At that time we were basically a clean, moral people with Christian character. But contrast that to today. Entering the 21st century our two cultures (comprising the Anglo‐Saxon peoples ‐ descendents among the lost ten tribes of Israel) have fallen into moral debauchery! In the 1960’s Britain made homosexuality legal. And today in America Hollywood is constantly throwing this horrible perversion at all of us, putting it into our homes via the television set. Continually we hear about "homosexual rights" and the push for antidiscrimination laws to protect the perverts who practice this abominable sin! The New Age Movement has now spawned an increase in the Occult (such as the Harry Potter books and movies), in spiritualism or necromancy (communication with the dead) and with witchcraft! Fortune telling now abounds (in the form of "psychic hotlines" now on TV). This is a form of idolatry which is condemned in the Bible. Will we repent of these national sins? Will our churches lead our respective nations to repentance from these horrible sins? Doubtful Today the largest church denomination in the world (the Roman Catholic Church) has been recently revealed to contain somewhere between 30 to 50 percent or more homosexuals in its clergy! They have known that their own clergy has over many years molested children and have looked the other way ‐not repenting, but allowing it to continue! For more than 25 years Protestant denominations such as Presbyterians and the so‐called "United Church of Christ" have openly ORDAINED homosexuals into their Ministry! Such abominable perversity in so‐called "Christian" churches is almost UNBELIEVABLE!! No! Our churches are not leading our nations back to God. Rather far too many of them are leading our people into national sin and perversion! And God will punish our nations for the sins of our churches if we do not repent and "come out from among them" and be separate!! (Second Corinthians 6:17). At the end of World War Two, the British and American peoples were the most powerful nations on Earth! Yet the United States began as 13 small colonies. Who could have predicted that we would become the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world? The churches could have, had they understood these prophecies and known our national identity. God promises that a "Great Tribulation" is coming on the modern nations of Judah and Israel! This includes the modern day Jews as well as the British and the Anglo‐Saxon American people! It is called the "time of Jacob's trouble" in the Old Testament. Minority races who live
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among the Anglo‐Saxons will also receive this national punishment because they are indulging in the same national sins! Will YOU suffer through this time of "Jacob's Trouble" or will you repent now, turn to Almighty God in repentance and begin living by every Word of God'? (Luke 4:4). God will reveal hidden truths to His true servants in the Last Days (Daniel 12:4). Will you turn from false doctrines and false religious and began OBEYING THE LAW of Almighty God? Will you seek out His Truth? ‐ His true Religion found in the Holy Bible? What will you do?
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For Further Reading and Research BELOW IS A LIST OF BOOKS that the reader can research for further information about the history of the Lost Ten Tribes. It is by no means a complete list. Anglo-Saxon England, Story of the Royal Family, Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s By Lloyd Laing By Don Coolican Birthright, By J.H. Allen The Origins of Britain, Ancient Britain Revisited, By Lloyd Laing By Alex Del Mar The Discovery of King Arthur, By G. Ashe St. Joseph of Arimathea at The World’s Greatest Glostonbury, Throne, The Arthurian Legends, By Lewis By J. Fox By Richard Barber St. Paul in Britain, Our Scythian Ancestors, Mysterious Britain, By R. W. Morgan By Gawler By Colin Boyd The Anglo-Saxon Tracing Our White The Anglo‐Saxons, Chronicles, By Campbell Ancestors, By Anne Savage By F. Haberman Jacob’s Pillar, Britain’s Royal Throne, By Raymond Capt The Story of Lost Israel in By Brian Williams Folklore, By Haggart Missing Links Discovered in The Vikings & Their Origins, Assyrian Tablets, By David Wilson By Raymond Capt Israel in History, Be Leo Harris Lost Discoveries, Mysteries of the Past, By C. Ronan By Lionel Casson Through the Ages, From 2000 B.C. to Present, By Alf Heridson Drama of the Lost Disciples, Prehistoric England, Early Israelites to the British By Richard Cavendish Isles, Who and Where are the By George F. Jowett Lost Ten Tribes, By Heslip
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