Lesson 18- Mainstream Religion

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Lesson 18

Mainstream Religion Is It Really the Religion of the Bible?




AINSTREAM RELIGIOUS teaching actually does not come from the Bible. At least not all of it. Much of it is based on myths fabricated by religious zealots of bygone eras to perpetuate their control over a medieval religious empire. They invented doctrines such as purgatory to control the masses. Yet one cannot find the doctrine of purgatory in any chapter of the Bible. Does the Bible teach the immaculate conception of Mary? Or, what about the infallibility of the chief religious leader of the church (such as the pope)? No. In fact the doctrine of the infallibility of the pope" was not invented until the 19th century ‐in relatively recent history! Does the Bible teach celibacy for God's ministers? Does it teach the "assumption of Mary" or her ostensible perpetual virginity? No. These are myths invented by imaginative religious leaders ‐but not in some small, never before heard of cult, but rather in the world's largest religious denomination! If the world's largest church can invent doctrines not found in the Holy Bible, then of necessity we must ask the logical question, could lesser churches also invent doctrines not supported by Scripture? The answer is a resounding yes! Especially when you consider, that all churches labeling them‐ selves "Protestant” are therefore identifying themselves as churches that were born from Rome ‐ the Mother Church of all worldly Churchianity. Therefore it is not surprising that many of their doctrines were simply inherited from the Mother church! ‐doctrines that came from human sources ‐not the Bible! Immediately we think of doctrines such as Christ's birth on December 25th, the Easter date for the resurrection, the blasphemous doctrine that Christ was effeminate with long hair, etc. etc. None of these doctrines are Bible doctrines yet they are among the most cherished beliefs of Protestant Christianity ‐reputable churches that claim to "protest" against what they openly and admittedly refer to as an Apostate Church, yet retaining her false doctrines to this day. Mainstream Religion is a collage of myth, (such as Santa Claus, tooth fairies and the Easter bunny), humanly devised dogmas and traditions of church councils, and outright false doctrines that are not supported by the Bible. Become familiar with Isaiah 8:20. "To the Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to THIS WORD, it is because there is no light in them"! As we examine the doctrines of mainstream religion, I want you to look up every scripture you are given in this Bible lesson and then COMPARE it with what you have always been taught in the traditional churches, with the things you have always assumed, and with the things most people believe. It is shocking when we learn that some of these doctrines that we have always assumed to be true and have held dear are actually the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the Bible teaches! This Bible lesson is designed to make you THINK. Ask for proof for what you believe. Never take any man's word for anything. We have proved the Bible to be inspired. Now let's begin studying each doctrine we have ever embraced to see if they really line up with the Bible. If they don't it is time to cast away the false belief and accept only the Truth of God!

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Mainstream Religion vs.

THE BIBLE Surprising as it seems, much of what Mainstream Religion teaches does not come for the Bible but from the traditions of men, manmade doctrines and outright myths. Read here what the Bible really does say about some of our most dear and familiar religious beliefs.


HAT YOU ARE ABOUT to read may shock you! It will certainly surprise you! What the Bible actually teaches and what the world says it teaches are two different things! Years ago I discovered just how different the actual teachings of the Bible are with what nominal Christianity teaches. If all you do is read just the first few chapters of the New Testament you will see surprising differences! To the average Christian who has never read the Bible, this sounds impossible. How could all of organized Religion be wrong? "Surely all these churches cannot be wrong!" they reason. But remember we have proved the Bible is the supernaturally inspired Word of God. The Word of God is truth (John 17:17). So any manmade traditions and religious doctrines that contradict the plain teachings of the Bible are therefore wrong! It is just that simple. While the world is correct in some teachings, nevertheless, it will surprise you to see how different the Bible's teaching is from what the average professing Christian believes! For example, the largest church on Earth believes that the Virgin Mary remained a virgin until the day of her death. They teach that she and her husband Joseph never "came together" as husband and wife. But the Bible says they did! In fact the Bible teaches she even had more children after Jesus was born! The Bible shows Jesus had at the very least SIX YOUNGER broth‐ ers and sisters! How can the largest professing Christian church in the world be wrong on something like this when the Bible is so plain? Yet they are! Another myth concerns the supposed "three wise men." Believe it or not, no where does the Bible teach there were only three wise men! Did you know the famous "Sermon" on the mount was actually not a sermon, but a sit‐down Bible Study? Of course these are minor doctrinal differences with the Word of God. But there are other things that are much more important.

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F or example, did you know that the Bible teaches that the meek, those who truly trust Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, are never promised Heaven as their reward, but rather are promised THE EARTH as their eternal inheritance? Yet the whole Christian professing world teaches that the meek Christians, those who are truly dedicated to Christ, are going to Heaven. The largest church in the world teaches that bishops should not be married. But did you know that the New Testament says that a bishop can have a wife? ‐and that Peter (whom they assume was the first pope!) actually was MARRIED! Did you know that nowhere does the Bible teach that Christ was born anywhere near the traditional Christmas date in the dead of winter? Or that He did not die on so‐called "Good Friday" and was not resurrected from the dead on a day called "Easter"? Were you aware that the Bible teaches that He would be buried in a tomb for at least 72 hours ‐ a full three days and three nights? What you are about to learn in this lesson will be surprising. It is amazing how careless our reputable, organized denominations have been with the sacred, inspired Word of Almighty God! Now get your own King James Bible and look up each Scripture and learn the Bible. It is long overdue that Christians were taught the truth! Christmas Myths The traditional teaching of the world's largest professing Christian denomination is that Mary remained a virgin in perpetuity. But read Matthew 1:18. Notice, it reads "before they came together." So they did eventually "come together" after the birth of their firstborn. Verse 25 says he "knew her not TILL she had brought forth her firstborn son"! Obviously then he did "know her" (in the Biblical sense) later. Mary did not remain a perpetual virgin. How plain! Hundreds of millions of professing Christians have not read their Bibles and do not know this in the Bible. Yet it is in the very first chapter! In fact Matthew 13:55‐56 indicates Jesus may have had more than two sisters showing that He may have been one of at least EIGHT children! Notice in this passage we are given the actual names of Jesus' younger brothers, the sons of Mary. Notice Mark 6:3 especially where Jesus is called the brother of these same four men! Neither can this be referring to spiritual brethren (disciples) either for John 2:12 speaks of His brethren and His disciples. Therefore "brethren" simply means "brothers and sisters" in his physical family! How plain! You now understand a Biblical Truth that the world's largest church on Earth does not understand! Jesus said we must become as little children ‐ just believing what God says. And, nor were there only three wise men. Read Matthew 2:1. Very likely there were a good number as large journeys necessitated a caravan of travelers.

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The wise men met Jesus ‐not in a manger ‐but in a house! (verse 11). It was two full years from the time the wise men had seen the star (verses 7 and 16). Yet the traditional Christmas myths show the wise men standing there with the shepherds in the stable. Also scholars tell us (and the Bible backs this up) that Christ was born the last week of September or perhaps as late as the first few days of October. But NOT in the dead of winter in December! How many myths we have been taught in organized "Churchianity"! We must be careful to "prove all things" and take no one's word for anything when it comes to religion. They have not been telling us the truth! Santa Claus wasn't the only lie we were taught about Christmas. Jesus' Teachings Misunderstood In Matthew 3: 16 Jesus said the wicked will be like chaff, and like chaff, will be "burned up." That is not what you and I have been taught from the Mother Church of Rome and her daughter churches! But that is what Jesus taught plainly in Matthew 3:12 (Compare to Malachi 4:1‐3 and 2 Peter 3:10). Some of the largest churches of "Christendom" teach that "baptism" is by sprinkling. Yet Matthew 3: 16 shows that Jesus (who set us an example ‐ I Peter 2:21) was baptized in such a way that He came up straightway "out of the water" (Matthew 3: 16). He was "baptized" ‐ which is a Greek word that means to be immersed! So much for the accuracy of some of the largest churches in Christendom who teach "sprinkling"! Another teaching that has been ignored by nearly all the world's churches is Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4. Here Jesus states that mankind is to live "by every Word of God"! Why then do most churches teach that the Old Testament is done away? Or that the Law of Moses was "done away at the cross"? If their teachings are true then Jesus' teaching was wrong! For He taught that we are to live by EVERY Word of God! All of it! True, we are saved by grace and not the Law. But after we are saved by the grace and forgiveness of God then He expects us to begin keeping His ten commandments (Matthew 19: 17) and live by every Word of God. Are you obeying Jesus Christ? The Real Ministry of Christ Do most churches really have a Ministry of Christ? What type of Ministry did He have? The Bible shows He had a threefold Ministry. Read it in Matthew 4:23. 1) First, He had a Teaching Ministry, to teach the Truth of God. 2) Second He had a preaching Ministry, to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and how we can enter that kingdom through trusting Him as Lord. 3) And Third, He had a healing Ministry. Nearly all churches have a Preaching Ministry, but few really teach the Scriptures! They are

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not really learning the truth of God in the seminaries! And therefore most church goers get very little teaching from their pulpits! " How sad! Yet look at the third part of Jesus' Ministry. Very, very few churches of the modern day have a healing ministry! Wherever Jesus Christ is working today through His true servants, this same threefold Ministry will be manifested! For Christ never changes! (Hebrews 13:8). In fact we are com‐ manded to turn away from all those in the Last Days that do not walk in the power of Christ in their Ministries. If the power is missing, you are not where God wants you to be. You need to seek a church where the Holy Spirit ‐the power of God ‐is in operation! Does that describe your church? Does it truly have a teaching Ministry to really teach you the deeper truths of God? If not, then you are commanded by the Bible, “From such, turn away"! (2 Timothy 3:5). It is time to come out of the formal and dead churches and find a church where JESUS is truly exalted and lifted up, praised, and worshipped! Will you obey God? Now look at Matthew 5:1. The 6ible does not actually call this a “sermon” that Christ gave. Rather it says He was sitting down and the multitudes did not come to Him. Only His disciples came to Him and it was a sit down Bible Study. A small technicality? Yes it is, but when we see all the many small technical errors and how many they are, after a while they begin to add up to some major differences. And not all of these are by any means small errors but in some cases constitute MAJOR DEPARTURES from Bible truth! For example Jesus promises that the meek will inherit the Earth (Matthew 5:5). Believe it or not there is not a single scripture that promises you Heaven as your eternal reward! When Christ returns He will take the saints to Jerusalem to assist Him in ruling this Earth (Revelation 5:10) for one thousand years! (Revelation 20:4). After this, God the Father Himself will come to this Earth to live with His children! (Revelation 21:1‐3). Jesus even promised that where He would be that we would be with HIM! Read it yourself in John 14:3. Why don't people believe what He said? But people do not understand this scripture! Where will Jesus be for 1000 years? He will be ruling this Earth and will give us positions of ruler ship also on this Earth! (Revelation 2:26, 3:21 and 5:10). See also Psalm 37: 9, 11, and 29, and Ezekiel 43:7 and 9. There are many other scriptures in your Bible that teaches that the meek will inherit the Earth. Yet nearly all churches teach Christ is taking us to Heaven and we will spend eternity in heaven. Why? Should We Keep the Law? Most churches say the Law was "fulfilled" (by that they mean it was "destroyed," "made void," or "done away") at the Cross of Calvary! This is a false doctrine that contradicts the Bible!!

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Read Jesus' own words in Matthew 5:17‐19. Remember Jesus is our Example (I Peter 2:21). Are you fulfilling the Law of God in your daily life? If not, you are sinning for "sin is the transgression of the Law" (I John 3:4). If you have been deceived into believing that we are not required to keep the Law of God then you are not obeying it. And any commandment you are not obeying you are transgressing and are therefore sinning! Could anything be plainer? Jesus said in verse 18 that not a single jot or title (comparable to the dot over the letter "i") will pass from the Law till all be fulfilled. The Greek word here is a different Greek word than in verse 17. Here the word means "come to pass." Until Heaven and Earth pass away ‐until that last prophecy given in the Bible comes to pass, the Law of Moses will still be in force and effect for every Christian! Have you heard that taught in your church? Do you know of any Protestant church that teaches this? All Protestant churches teach what they received from the Mother Church of Rome ‐ that the Law is done away, yet Jesus said it wasn't! Who will you believe? He said He did not come to "destroy" the Law. The Apostle Paul also said that the coming of Faith for salvation did not "made void" God's Law (Romans 3:31). Will you believe the Bible? Or will you believe the traditions of men that cause us to lay aside the commandments of God (Mark 7:7‐9, 13). Another doctrine Christ taught that is not understood is the doctrine of Hell. The Greek word in Matthew 5:30 is Gehenna. This word means "the valley of Hinnom" and was a real place in that area where fire burned garbage and refuse. Many people today believe that "Hell" is only something in the figment of the imagination. Or if it is a real place that it is an infernal region inside the Earth itself. Yet Gehenna was an actual place in the area and was used as a symbol of the end time Judgment of the LAKE OF FIRE that occurs after the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20: 1115). There is no fire burning in Gehenna today. Nor is there fire burning in Sodom and Gomorrah today. (A detailed explanation of the Biblical teaching concerning Hell will be given in a soon‐coming Bible lesson). Should Christians take oaths? Read Matthew 5:34. Jesus commands that we are not to swear at all. James 5:12 adds we are not to take any oath by swearing. Yet professing Christians cheerfully break this commandment of Jesus Christ when in court. Even the U.S. Constitution allows Christians to "affirm" rather than to swear since the Bible strictly forbids Christians to swear. This is one of the simplest commandments Jesus ever gave yet those who claim to follow Christ refuse to really obey Christ when asked to swear. One wonders if they cannot obey Christ in such a little matter, would they ever lay down their life for Him. Doubtful. Another example of how Christians simply refuse to obey the commandments of Christ can be found in their praying. Read Matthew 6:5 where Jesus forbids vain repetitions in prayer. Yet again the world's largest church orders their members to recite memorized prayers or to read out of a prayer book, to recite the "Lord's Prayer" over and over and over again or the scriptures referred to as "the Hail Mary" many times in order to do "penance" and pay for their sins. This not only contradicts the teachings of Jesus regarding prayer but denies the total

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efficacy of the Sacrifice He made on the cross to pay for our sins! Jesus commands us, “be not yet therefore like unto them" ‐ the heathen (Matthew 6:8). The religious people of that day made "long prayers" for a pretense (Matthew 23:14). Christ called them hypocrites. I can remember as a boy in the Methodist Church listening to the 10 to 15 minute prayers of the pastor. I actually timed his prayers because they were so long! Jesus referred to those who make long prayers for a show! (See Luke 20:47). It should not be done. Why then do church leaders violate these plain commandments of Christ? But they do. Do you follow the religious traditions of Churchianity or the plain commandments of Christ? Jesus said it is not enough merely to "call" Him Lord (which means ruler, boss, and leader). Just calling Him Lord does not mean you will be in the Kingdom of Heaven ‐God's Heavenly Kingdom that will come from Heaven, a "heavenly kingdom" that is not "of' this world, which Christ will set up on this Earth at His return). He said we must also "do the will" of God. By comparing Mark 3:35 and Luke 8:21 the careful Bible student can see that the will of God is equivalent and therefore synonymous with the WORD of God. So to do the will of God is to obey the Word of God! Do you do that in your personal life? God's Word is Truth (John 17:17). God's Word is filled with commandments and all His commandments are called "Truth" (Psalm 119:151). God's Word‐His commandments or Law ‐is truth. Anytime we transgress God's Word, we are transgressing His Law, which is sin (1 John 3:4). Yet few churches teach it plainly so that their members understand they must obey the Ten Commandments and all other commandments found in the Word of God ‐else they are sinning! Have you learned this in your church? Other Little Known Truths Matthew 8:14 says Peter was married. Yet the Roman Catholic Church teaches that ministers cannot marry. They also teach that Peter was their first pope! (This is not true as no scripture ever says Peter went to Rome. Paul did, not Peter). Why does this church teach Peter was their first pope? How could he be since he was a married man with a wife? According to Scripture it is alright for ministers to be married. The Bible does not teach celibacy as the rule or the norm for the clergy. This is a false teaching of Churchianity. It is not a teaching of the Bible! The Bible also teaches that Jesus was an Exorcist. That is, He cast out demons. But He did not use elaborate rituals as do Roman priests to cast out demons. Rather He spoke with au‐ thority by simply speaking "a word" (Matthew 8:16, see margin for correct translation). In verse 32 we see this demonstrated. He simply said to the demons, "Go"! And then departed! Mark 16:17‐18 says that Believers in Christ can do the same works Jesus did, including casting out demons and even laying hands on the sick to get them healed by the power of God! Yet some churches teach that "healing" passed away with the apostles. And with that they

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would include the casting out of demons. How could this be since the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever? (Hebrews 13:8). How could their teaching be true since Jesus said those who believe on Him can do the same works He did (John 14:12). The teaching that healing and miracles passed away in the first century is a FALSE DOCTRINE! Do not support any church that teaches such a doctrine, for it contradicts the teachings of Christ! In Matthew 9:15 we read that Jesus taught that His true disciples would fast, after He ascended to Heaven. He is still in heaven waiting for the Father to send Him back to Earth to set up the Kingdom of God. Therefore Christ's true disciples should still be fasting on occasion Yet some of you cannot remember the last time you ever heard this commanded in your church from your pastor, nor can you remember the last time you spent a day in fasting and prayer. But your Lord obvious expects you to do it (if you are one of His disciples!) and even commands us to do it (Matthew 6:16‐18). Can the soul die? Can a human soul be destroyed? If you believe the teachings of a nominal Christian church, your answer is a resounding NO! Of course not. After all, the soul is immortal. It cannot be destroyed. But did Jesus teach this doctrine held in common by all ancient Pre‐ Christian cultures? Matthew 10:28 tells us not to fear those who persecute us or who even are capable to taking our lives in martyrdom. Rather we are only to fear God ‐nowhere in the Bible are we told to be afraid of the devil. Jesus certainly wasn't and He is our Example! But read Matthew 10:28 carefully. We are only to fear Him who is able to destroy both SOUL as well as the body in Hell fire! The soul can be destroyed. It is not "immortal." The word "mortal" means "subject to death" whereas the word "immortal" means not subject to death. The human soul is subject to death and ultimately, if the sinner does not repent, of being destroyed in hell fire! So said Jesus! Yet the whole church world says God will give you eternal life in Hell for not serving Him. In the next several Bible lessons you will see what the Bible says about 'the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, the Great White Throne of Judgment, and the truth about the doctrine of Hell. The Bible is very plain! At Christmas time we hear continually that Christ came to bring the world peace. Now read His OWN WORDS in Matthew 10:34!! Who is right? You might just as well ask the question, has the world had peace since Jesus was born? Did Jesus Drink Wine? Attention to All Baptists: You will need to put on your boxing gloves for this one! The Bible does indeed teach "temperance" (Galatians 5:23) But this word does not mean "abstinence" no matter how the Women's Temperance Union interprets it. The word means "moderation" or "self‐control." Jesus did practice temperance when it comes to alcoholic beverages. But the Bible shows He most certainly did not practice abstinence, believe it or not!

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Remember we are commanded to PROVE ALL THINGS (I Thessalonians 5:21). We prove all things by the Word of God not by the traditions of our parents, grandparents or church, or even by our own conscience. What does the Bible actually teach? Ask yourself: Why did the religious leaders of Christ's day condemn Him ‐the Son of man, as He called Himself ‐for being a glutton and a winebibber? We read Christ's own answer in Matthew 11:19. It is because He not only ate (apparently plentifully at banquets compared to John the Baptist) but also He came "drinking"!! Had this only been water they would not have criticized Him as being one who imbibed of wine! Yet they did! Does this Greek word oinos, translated "wine" actually mean real wine or mere grape juice which can never make a person intoxicated? The one word translated "wine" is used by the apostle Paul under inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 5:18 where he admonished, "And be not DRUNK with wine, wherein is excess"! Yes, there can be no doubt. All scholars agree. This was real wine for it could make the drinker intoxicated if he drank to excess. This, Jesus never did. Yet He did imbibe of wine and His enemies exaggerated His drinking alleging He was a winebibber, a drunkard!! It was also wine and not grape juice at the Passover as there are no ripe grapes from which to drink wine in late April when Passover came that year. As all farmers know, grapes become ripe in August and are gone by about the first week of October. Without pasteurization (which was not invented until the 19th century!) grape juice put away in a container will either spoil, or, if put in an airtight container, will become fermented wine in just a matter of weeks. By the following spring there is no grape juice available. However there will be fermented wine available. This is what Jesus introduced at the Last Supper. The Corinthians indulged too much at the Communion Table and some had actually become drunk! (See First Corinthians 11:21). This proves they used REAL WINE at Communion and not grape juice! Yet I was accused by a certain Baptist minister in Kannapolis, NC of being a "Hellish preacher" for teaching this Biblical truth on radio! Such is the astounding ignorance of our pulpit pastors!!! How sad! Did Jesus DIE on "Good Friday"? Here is another amazing myth of professing "Christianity." They teach that Christ died on the cross on so called Good Friday. And that He rose from the dead at sunrise on Easter Sunday morning. Space does not permit a detailed rebuttal of this absolutely false doctrine, but the Bible student is invited to write for our brief article entitled "Did Jesus Die on Good Friday?" for the proof. But in Matthew 12:40 Jesus promised He would be three days and three nights in the tomb. How can anyone get three nights from Friday sunset to Sunday morning at sunrise? Yet untold HUNDREDS of churches teach this false doctrine! It is time to PROVE ALL THINGS! Many teach that Christ taught in parables to make it easy for the multitudes to understand. However Christ taught that He spoke in parables to obscure the meaning to the multitudes because it was not "given" to them to understand (Matthew 13:10‐15 and Mark 4:11‐12, 33‐ 34). And when He was alone, He explained these truths without parables to His disciples. But parables are "riddles" (Ezekiel 17:2) to obscure the meaning to those to whom it has not been given to understand. This is exactly opposite of the teaching most churches teach about

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parables. Jesus also taught that we can worship Him and yet do it all in vain if we put the traditions of men ahead of the commandments of God! (Matthew 15: 8‐9 and Mark 7:7‐9, 13). This is shock‐ ing to sincere religious people who assume that if they sincerely worship Christ that is all that is necessary. Jesus said more is required. We must worship Him ‐not using the vain traditions (and traditional doctrines and customs of MEN) but in spirit and IN TRUTH (John 4:24). We must worship Him according to the Bible as God's Word is TRUTH (John 17:17). Space only permits one more doctrine to be mentioned here, yet there are many, many more doctrines that could be touched on. Future Bible lessons will deal with these subjects as well as future radio programs. Some churches insist on calling their clergy by the religious title of "father." Jesus strictly FORBIDS His true disciples to do this! And true Christians ‐ those who really desire to worship Jesus Christ in spirit and in TRUTH will never do this!!! Yet millions of professing Christians around the world disobey Christ by calling their clergy by this religious title!! Notice Matthew 23:9. Read it yourself in your own King James Bible. Now Jesus is not forbidding you to call your own biological dad (or foster parent) by the term "father" as He does Himself when quoting the fifth commandment (Matthew 19:19). He was speaking in Matthew 23 of religious leaders! We are to refer only to Almighty God as "Father"! Any church that violates this commandment of Jesus Christ does not truly LOVE Him for Christ told us, "If ye love me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS"! Yet many who call Him Lord will not do His will! They refuse to obey Him but put men ahead of Christ, obeying the dictates and traditions of men. Why? Apparently it is because they love the praise of men more than the praise of God! (John 12:43). In John 17:11 in His prayer to God, Jesus called God "Holy Father." The Roman Catholic Church calls a man in Rome by the title, ''the Most Holy Father"! If the pope is the "most" Holy Father, then where does that leave Almighty God?! Some of you will decide after this lesson to stop studying these Bible lessons because they contradict what your church has taught you. You have already decided that this will be your last lesson. That is entirely your decision. Yet I have only shown you the SCRIPTURES from the Holy Bible! Have you found me to contradict the Word of God in any of these pages? Still, there are some that feel more comfortable using their church as a social club and even though they may be in a church that teaches false doctrines and teaches that the power of God passed away with the apostles, or that it is okay call their clergy by forbidden religious titles, still they will not obey God and "come out from among them" and be separate! (2 Corinthians 6: 17). They will fear they will miss their social activities and their friends and religious status in their communities. They fear ridicule from family and friends if they come out and separate themselves from false doctrines and churches that promote false teachings! And I have not even mentioned the almost universal SIN among our churches of making images ‐pictures and even graven images statues of a long‐haired man and putting these pictures in their very

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church buildings claiming this longhaired, effeminate and very weird, personage is the Son of God! This is blasphemy!! ! Does your church allow such pictures? Do they condemn these pictures as violating the second commandment? Or are they silent about it because they do not wish to "offend" people? God thunders "COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM AND BE YE SEPARATE SAITH THE LORD, AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; and I will receive you"! Do you tithe and otherwise support a church that you know is teaching false doctrines? God will hold you accountable in the Day of Judgment. May each of you repent and accept the truth of the Word of God!

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